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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 104 KB, 1200x800, commiefornia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17061595 No.17061595 [Reply] [Original]

What can we do to gatekeep Commiefornians better?

>> No.17061655
File: 22 KB, 251x361, 1640100192228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you keep ban evading?

>> No.17061718

what did california do to you to make it live so rent free in your head

>> No.17061765

Moved into his state and threatened to vote in people who will make it NuCalifornia.

>> No.17061902

Hololive would've been nothing without drama, and since the old dramas have died down after Coco's graduation, they have become nothing. They are so boring. Why would anyone want to watch an unfunny 30+ year old woman pretending to be a cartoon characters while playing video games for hours? This is not entertaining in the slightest. We only put up with it because we were waiting for the climax of the drama. We got that climax when Coco graduated. The only reason that the stream got so popular is because it was the climax. We were all wating for the previous drama to end, but after that, there was nothing to look forward to. The drama was over, and essentially Hololive was over.

Now because of Calli, the exiting drama has a sequel. The difference is that this time it will be about incels of /vt/ vs normies of youtube/twitter. I expect this will drive up Calliope's popularity as normies come to her resque. The more /vt/ reacts negatively to it, the stronger the drama will get, the more normies will try to save her, and the more popular she'll become. This drama will continue until it ends in either a climatic way (Calliope graduates) or an anticlimatic way (incels give up and normies gradually stop caring). Either way, this drama is good business for Hololive, and you can expect Cover to milk it.

>> No.17061910

that would be an improvement for most red state shitholes

>> No.17062230


>> No.17062296

what's wrong with socialism
i really fucking hate paying for health care

>> No.17062355

>Not even remotely disguised /pol/shit on /vt/
Gay. Which gun would your oshi use? I'd like to think Gura would use percussion revolvers, probably an 1860 Army or a Remington 1858. I can imagine her wanting to do the cylinder reloading gimmick of the latter like in Pale Rider.

>> No.17062368

enjoy the eternity wait times and totalitarianism that comes with allowing the government to chose whether you should be allowed to live or not

>> No.17062435

idk man if i don't have to pay thousands of dollars for an eye doctor appointment i can handle a little waiting

>> No.17062465

texans have been warned for a long time that this was gonna happen but they laughed it off

>> No.17062500

Why are you making a California thread and not a socialism thread? Also why is this in /vt/ and not /pol/?

>> No.17062533

They are all anti-gun SJWs.

>> No.17062584

the government will choose someone with a stubbed toe over you if you are even more slightly right wing than the other guy
im not OP dumb nigger

>> No.17062604

get insurance faggot, I only pay $50 for an appointment, $150 if I get new lenses

>> No.17062629

Alright, then make a socialism thread, on this board of course, to correct the course to good discussion.

>> No.17062631


>> No.17062644

with her talk about corn and farms i imagine her with a shotgun or some sort of hunting rifle

>> No.17062671

you know, i actually had "socialized" health care while i was in the military, and they never once asked me about my political views when i was getting treatment

fuck that shit i'm not paying $1200 a year to some fuck up corporation when there's nothing wrong with me
just take it out of my taxes, idgaf

>> No.17062680
File: 74 KB, 822x667, RDT_20210925_0246122282138486145779752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like the nice weather desu
>Captcha ARSJK

>> No.17062689
File: 231 KB, 374x550, centurionMumei (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The profligates shall kneel in front of mighty Caesar

>> No.17062755

>you know, i actually had "socialized" health care while i was in the military, and they never once asked me about my political views when i was getting treatment
because it doesnt matter, youre gonna die for israel either way

>> No.17062953


neck yourself fallout tranny

>> No.17062987

I mean she'd use those too, I can see her using a Winchester 1887 shotgun and 1894 rifle for sure.

>> No.17063002

wait but i didn't die, i got out okay

>> No.17063195

They’re women so any political opinion is they hold is worthless.

>> No.17063276

It's possible op accidentally posted this on the wrong board. I got a 3 day ban thinking I was posting on /x/ but accidentally posted here

>> No.17063332

a mori thread died for this
