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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17046859 No.17046859 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people even like this cunt? He's not funny, his commentary sucks, he sucks the life out of collabs, he's an attentiowhore, he's an autistic cunt, he fujo panders hard, he's got no personality, he's a miserable sack of shit who just mouths random bullcrap that flows into his esophagus and what's more is that he's literally the worst thing that has ever happened to NijiEN whose bullshit has been enabled by Nina.

>> No.17046894

t. assblasted cuckbeat

>> No.17047003

would you like some cheese to go with that huge jug of whine

>> No.17047094

Did people already grow tired of baiting with mori?

>> No.17047194

For some reason Vox has become a target for antis, despite doing nothing wrong

>> No.17047295

This is definitely a cuckbeat attempt to deflect attention from their lean gulping princess. But I kinda agree with him.

>> No.17047351

Because he's Connor

>> No.17047380

Sometimes making everything right is the reason why you get antis

>> No.17047563

>Why is the proffesional voice actor doing well?
This is almost as dumb as asking why the fujobait femboy is doing well

>> No.17047702 [DELETED] 

Do your reps, he is not a professional voice actor. His roommate contains nothing but Voiceovers on some Undertale fan comics, and that's about it. Nothing too deep. I bet he is younger than (you) because he is 20.

>> No.17047706

He's everything you won't be - liked.

>> No.17047829

OPs a fan that's larping as an Anti

>> No.17047983

I respect that you at least changed the format of the pasta this time

>> No.17048095

It probably didn't help that Mori and him interacted on Twitter recently.

>> No.17048302 [DELETED] 

No, he did some professional training manuals and shit under his irl name rather than his stage one, it's how he made money before TT.

>> No.17048378
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>> No.17048717

Because Nijishitty fans have no standards and will gladly consume any bucket of shit that AnyColor shovels down their gullets.

>> No.17048872

I like him because he pisses people like you off and that is hilarious.

>> No.17048886 [DELETED] 

didn't his roommate also groom teenage girls on discord?

>> No.17049207 [DELETED] 

Yep, he is quite a creep and somehow it was swept under the rug. He is an evil dude.

>> No.17049254 [DELETED] 

i actually enjoyed watching him until i found out about this and now it sickens me every time i see other niji en members interacting with him as if all is fine

>> No.17049503 [DELETED] 

Yeah, they need to get rid of him to show me they have any integrity at all.

>> No.17049815 [DELETED] 

you haven’t heard what they let pomu get away with? anycolor is way too much of a black company to do anything

>> No.17049968 [DELETED] 

Do you have a source on this? I don't normally go digging on vtubers but this is fucked up.

>> No.17050174 [DELETED] 

It's nothing. He was dating an underage girl back when he was underage, there was like a 2-3 years gap between them or so.

>> No.17050940 [DELETED] 

It's brought up here and on Twitter at least 5 times a day, and the embellishments/omissions of the accusations are pointed out each time. Not exactly a bombshell expose

>> No.17051184 [DELETED] 


>> No.17051192


>> No.17051254

calm down son its just a british boyah pretending to be a japanese cartoon ya see

>> No.17051486

>be anon
>work out
>get people telling you that if you're not 6 foot 5 you'll die alone
4chan is the best place to find people trying to pull everyone else down. It didn't really used to be like this though, I don't know where the wave of loser unironic incels is coming from. Beta uprising was supposed to be just a meme.

>> No.17051586 [DELETED] 

>The age of consent in the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland) is 16 years old. Moreover, the UK's territories all have their own local age of consent laws.
>Vox was probably a teen when he 'groomed' legal women on his discord

You won't find many friends on 4chan to support your Los Angeles-mentality twittarded crusade.

>> No.17051672 [DELETED] 

i'm from the UK and if the things he's been accused of are true then it's still fucked up

if you even read >>17051184 you'd see that he allegedly flirted with 12 year olds, which is a little bit under 16

>> No.17051720

>femcels malding that vox slid into their DMs but then slid out again and is now popular (nyooo he was supposed to be mineeee!!111)
colour me surprised. I gotta say it's funny when colombian ghost fingers type vox hate though, we stan a queen

>> No.17051956 [DELETED] 

>no screenshots
>no corroborating claims
>post literally has to respond to a debunk written by one of the alleged ""victims""
>claims of grooming amounted to flirty jokes
>post omits that he was a minor during these events
Damn, that's it?

>> No.17052140

>fujopanders hard
You answered your own question.

I for one eagerly await his old school rune scape stream where the fujos will all of the sudden pretend they are interested in runescape.
To them, the sex appeal will be lost, but my dick will only get harder.

>> No.17052761

i like how janny deleted every post except the retard who started it >>17047563

>> No.17055348
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His autistic ramblings are part of the charm

>> No.17055382

Damn. more Shota Vox plz

>> No.17055848
File: 83 KB, 692x672, 1643023847352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why you're upset that 1 chuuba out of thousands doesn't pander to you specifically, you have 30 VODs on backlog for your oshi and you're worried that you're unable to watch Vox because his content isn't for you? What goes on in your mind, you will never watch him or give him money yet think your opinion is worth anything.
>but I like his FNAF/Civ/Runescape autism
You can find a 2view on Twitch who plays those things and isn't fujobaiting.

>> No.17056142


>> No.17056288

I do not care for the homopandering in the slightest but, from what little I've watched of the boys, they're alright dudes. Except Mysta. Mysta is a threat to society and himself.

>> No.17057568

Mysta is a biohazard

>> No.17057685

What’s wrong with Mysta?

>> No.17057697

It’s cause he’s popular, that’s all there is to it. Failure schizos will always try to ride on others successes

>> No.17057750

See: >>17057568. The man's sheer inability to cook, clean, or maintain a semblance of hygiene is almost frightening.

>> No.17057798

>despite doing nothing wrong
He doesn't know. There is a well documented post about his actions. He is a fucking creep.

>> No.17057818

>I don't know where the wave of loser unironic incels is coming from
Reddit, Twitter, Discord, take your pick
They get banned off every other website and they wind up here.

>> No.17057947


>> No.17057951

>being an unironic pedophile

>> No.17057970


>> No.17058055

>can't cook/leaves food rotting in his house for several months
>black mold in his bedroom
>eats like shit, says he bruises easily so anemia isn't out of the question
>depressed and ADHD so unable to get tasks done unless nagged
>lived a poorfag life to the point of living off foodstamps until semi recently, even when he has spare money he used to waste it on streamers due to falling for parasocial shit
>always hates on himself and wonders why anyone is watching
>talked to Nina until 4am because he was depressed (Nina has become his surrogate mother that he apparently even DMs if he gets a stomach ache due to eating lactose, when he's lactose intolerant, another feature of his inability to take care of himself)

>> No.17058140

I forgot to add that he got bullied severely (physically) as a child to the point where he lost his Cockney brit accent because they bullied him for being poor so he trained himsekf to sound more posh, and that's a poorfag's accent that's dying out in the UK

>> No.17058161

Ohno...he’s cute

>> No.17058183

i guess he's just another example of get lucky and you too can have digusting fujoshi eating out of your hands
he's pretty much a normie with "le suave voice" he rarely keeps up but he's british so he gets a pass and that appeals to the white fetishism/anglophile of SEA women

Not saying you dont really have to be talented to be a vtuber, but i dont exactly find him entertaining either to make up for that

>> No.17058220

I don't even know who the fuck he is

>> No.17058256

Is he the one that was in a relationship with an underage girl at a time he was at most 2 years older than her? Or the one who didn't kiss the feet of a previous fan on discord so now she sees this as an opportunity to garner pity from a larger audience?

>> No.17058493

>His first stream after debuting was smash autism
>His next stream was the most concentrated dose of FNAF autism I have ever seen
>Nina just introduced him to SCP and him and her did a streaming reading some out, and now he's digging into that to fill his autism resevoirs.

>> No.17058583

>discord roasties trying to METOO vox because he won’t fuck them

>> No.17058611

It’s not even confirmed that he even dated that girl. It’s literally some random making shut up on Twitter

>> No.17058684

Keep making excuses for him. Where there is smoke there is fire and the next batch of allegations is inevitable. Nijisanji needs to cut him now or else they are going to have a PR disaster on their hands.

>> No.17058741

Sister, Nijisanji is already aware and they don't care. Try harder with your cancellation.

>> No.17058789

Don't know why people hate him, don't know why they like him either

>> No.17058912

he tweeted support for mori and the nigger taste podcast, which is more than enough to earn my dislike

>> No.17058913

He and his boyfriends are literal whos at the end of the day but I guess if they can make some brap like Reimu cringe. They are ok.

They are still kinda boring design wise.

>> No.17059090

>He and his boyfriends are literal whos at the end of the day
Now THIS is some cope in the dark.

>> No.17059209

he sounds like a stuck up snob, but you can just chalk that up to him being British

>> No.17059591 [SPOILER] 
File: 328 KB, 1024x414, there is no god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do people even like this cunt?
He makes you faggots seethe, that's good enough.

>> No.17059768

>They are still kinda boring design wise
Congrats on being terminally retarded

>> No.17060662

I want to mother him.

>> No.17060664
File: 202 KB, 608x488, dghmkyt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deadbeats are truly pathetic, first they latched on Connor, then after Kson tt episode dropped, they made threads about her, now Vox replied to Mori once and they shit on him, swallow the truth and deal with it, stop deflecting cuckbeats.

>> No.17060856

Thats because Vox is funny, great in collabs, has an awesome personality and is quite sexy

>> No.17060934

>great in collabs
yeah if you consider forcing himself to be the only heard in the entire room and not giving the other person a chance, he's "great"

>> No.17061025

Hololive would've been nothing without drama, and since the old dramas have died down after Coco's graduation, they have become nothing. They are so boring. Why would anyone want to watch an unfunny 30+ year old woman pretending to be a cartoon characters while playing video games for hours? This is not entertaining in the slightest. We only put up with it because we were waiting for the climax of the drama. We got that climax when Coco graduated. The only reason that the stream got so popular is because it was the climax. We were all wating for the previous drama to end, but after that, there was nothing to look forward to. The drama was over, and essentially Hololive was over.

Now because of Calli, the exiting drama has a sequel. The difference is that this time it will be about incels of /vt/ vs normies of youtube/twitter. I expect this will drive up Calliope's popularity as normies come to her resque. The more /vt/ reacts negatively to it, the stronger the drama will get, the more normies will try to save her, and the more popular she'll become. This drama will continue until it ends in either a climatic way (Calliope graduates) or an anticlimatic way (incels give up and normies gradually stop caring). Either way, this drama is good business for Hololive, and you can expect Cover to milk it.

>> No.17061098
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>terminally retarded
If I wanted to see overly done J-Pop fucks. I would just look at a J-Pop. These fucks aren't even original, ya fucking sperg

>> No.17061174


>> No.17061308

>well documented
full of [citation needed] isn't well documented, anon. in fact, it is all unsubstantiated rumors and hearsay.

>> No.17061388

this "drama" about Vox remind me of the "drama" about Vinny, bitches do be crazy when they can't get what they want uh.

>> No.17061615

Every fujo just wants an autistic cunt in the veneer of a hot man with a sexy voice.

Deadbeats being literally retarded does not surprise me, but I wish the retards would leave my juicy fujobait alone. He is too retarded to know better, he literally only knows how to flirt with men.

>> No.17061710

That pretty much debuffs them because their very creation makes them lack any character than 'hot guy that fujos want to groom into'

>> No.17061884

I will save him.

>> No.17063794
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>> No.17064083

>well documented
Reminds me of that thread yesterday where some oldfags mogged some ESL using that phrase until he silently left the thread after it hit bump limit.

>> No.17064761

Didn’t you all tout this same shit about Nina?

>> No.17065039
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>> No.17065111

Kek I saw that, it's probably the same ESL whos only knowledge of Nijisanji is matome blogs

>> No.17065275

Nina is a bit different because while she is a vile human being she hasn't actively hurt anybody. We have evidence of Vox being a violent predator.

>> No.17065488


>> No.17065630

While a lot of the outrage here died down Wave 3 did end up being a lot less popular than waves 1 and 2. I'm sure Nina's yab is a big reason why that is the case.

>> No.17065777

nina was always the most popular in ethyria though

>> No.17065834

Drama attracts viewers. The wave as a whole is a massive failure and couldn't even come close to the already low standards of waves 1 and 2.

>> No.17065881

>drama attracts viewers
>the reason why ethyria has lower views is nina
please kill yourself

>> No.17065897

honestly sounds like a ticking timebomb

>> No.17066081

Nina outperforms Finana, Petra, and Rosemi

>> No.17066305

Is this what mindbreak does to motherfucker?

your pink girl dead because of yourself bronies! Fucking lol

>> No.17066478

it's holofag tradition to blame the shit in their own diapers on the ever illusive and devilish nijinigger

>> No.17066541

Millie was the sub leader at first but then Nina overtook her and it's been that way since.

>> No.17068387
File: 196 KB, 1080x791, 20220119_175208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you OP?

>> No.17068396

I can fix him

>> No.17068949

This but Holoniggers unironically.

>> No.17069148

Graduation by the end of the year, mark my words

>> No.17069599

>I'm sure Nina's yab is a big reason why that is the case.
You mean the "yab" that you drama obsessed faggots sperged out about? Literally nobody but you retards gave a fuck about that.
God, some retards spam some shit and other retards never stop parroting it.

>> No.17070096

>Literally nobody but you retards gave a fuck about that
I mean, their numbers are easily the worst in all of NijiEN. Also, lets be honest with ourselves, the standards were already really low.

>> No.17070265

You say that as you guys spent one year propelling a wannabe-rapper dramaqueen into the 3rd most subscribed vtuber in the world, and now only denouncing her
>I never liked her rapping anyway
>She would be a 2 view without Hololive

>> No.17073654 [DELETED] 

Another Mori thread?

>> No.17073690

>he's a miserable sack of shit who just mouths random bullcrap that flows into his esophagus
So a vtuber?

>> No.17073819


>> No.17074076
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>> No.17075176

>I for one eagerly await his old school rune scape stream where the fujos will all of the sudden pretend they are interested in runescape.

>> No.17075687

Vox is alright but he can be quite domineering during group collabs, but so can Selen...it is what it is

>> No.17076466

You know I was gonna say If he was a girl the whole board would be waifu and savior fogging relentlessly for him, the the other Anon seem to prove that people will do that regardless I suppose

>> No.17076528

Unironically I hope management or his genmates intervention him for the sake of his health

>> No.17076586

The only thing management can do is ask people to go on break, they can't provide healthcare

>> No.17076679

Girls gonna latch to something, I won't hate them for it, if the dude makes the girls wet then more power to them. I fap to girl chuubas, let them schlick to some dude. No hate.

>> No.17076774

hot model
hot voice
There you fucking go. Plenty of women vtubers get away with being shit but having a good voice & model so people watch them. Model and voice are the 2 biggest determinants of how popular a vtuber will be

>> No.17076791

Honey, Mommy will sort him out, one way or another

>> No.17076827

H-hey, there's a hundred anons here on the same level or worse than him who you can save first!

>> No.17076988

Don't watch him but it's pretty based how he's so intensely autistic and still has women splooshing for him

>> No.17077168

Mad he called you a whore, sister?

>> No.17077202

I like Mr. Cum, give me more reasons why you don’t.

>> No.17077276


>> No.17077302

Source: Dude trust me.

>> No.17077528

He’s my spirit animal.

>> No.17079163 [DELETED] 

Vox bros...

>> No.17079540

Funny how much hate this guy gets when all he does is exist.

>> No.17081139

Mr Coom

>> No.17081190
File: 418 KB, 1010x1010, NijiPill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just take the nijipill bros, its not too late to start enjoying vtubers again.

>> No.17081239

A lot of people don't actually give a shit about a potential partner's personality at all. Being hot is all that matters.

>> No.17081241

I have this book. The Divine and the Human by Nikolai Bedyaev, very based author.

>> No.17081560
File: 501 KB, 1392x908, 1643090369880.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically like Vox. He might be a good bro irl
im so ronery bros I just want a male friend

>> No.17081628

he's literally me bros...

>> No.17083246 [DELETED] 

another vox thread?

>> No.17084423

This thread has been up for twelve hours now

>> No.17084558

Daily deflection, baby

>> No.17084719

i too, believe every tumblrina's callout post that exists on the internet

>> No.17085128

You shouldn't believe every single one but this particular one is very legit.

>> No.17085158

Totally, sister! Slay those gross 4chan turds.

>> No.17085543

Played Dark Souls II, instant subscribe.

>> No.17086004

not just that, but spent 1 hour punching that troll at the beginning section to death. Guy's an autist, and it's glorious.
Too bad his game choice went straight garage after the first week though.

>> No.17086121

Sorry, I only care about BOYS who play osrs.
The autism and the hot model and voice are peak gap moe

>> No.17087830 [SPOILER] 

Would she like this Vox?

>> No.17088379

>why do people like this cunt

idk why I'm replying to this but I don't.
I only sub to 2 Luxiem Members = Ike and Mysta.

after watching Ike play Celeste I think I turned gay. and Mysta is just funny even though he's cringe sometimes. What can I say, I'm a Finana fan and Mysta is basically the closest NijiEN you can get to her.

>> No.17088620

You could make the argument he's a narcisstic asshole, but he's pretty damn witty and charismatic, as I think the vast bulk of his viewers and peers would attest to. More than almost any other chuuba I've come across, frankly. Makes him fun to watch even though I rather dislike him outside of streaming.

>> No.17088738

His game choices are fairly fine, it's his stream choices that went down the gutter though.
Half of his streams are fucking fujo pandering like "asmr", "say the line" zatsudan and thirst reaction streams.

>> No.17089217

Post it then. I could use the fap material

>> No.17091549

Based. I will now sub to Vox

>> No.17091719

Even as a fujo I pray for more of his autist streams. I love Vox but I still can't sit through the genshin and asmr shit

>> No.17092003

I fucking hate how much of that also describes me.

>> No.17092171

This also didn't point out that nijisanji just has you as a number since there is another wave just to overshadow you thus eliminating the majority of your individuality.
