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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17009778 No.17009778 [Reply] [Original]

why does this streamer bait game cause /vt/ to get conniptions?

>> No.17009924

Because it hits a bit too close to home for the unicorns infesting this place

>> No.17009978
File: 128 KB, 774x210, absolutestate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beacuse it's mori incarnate in body and soul

>> No.17010087
File: 34 KB, 554x554, Civia-did-nothing-wong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unicorns? I MISS CIVIA!

>> No.17010154

Honestly it annoys me to see Windows 98SE / Windows 2000 aesthetic used for this.

>> No.17010170

Because your keep shilling it instead of letting it attract attention naturaly. Go back to rredit

>> No.17010227


>> No.17010370
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Because above all else, it postulates that putting mentally ill women with bad self-care in front of thousands of people can only produce disasterous final yab-tier results, and every female live streamer 3D or 2D will see a bit of themselves in Ame no matter what.

And autistic SEAniggers can't handle the idea that their oshi is not a flawless person whether it comes to drugs, sex, ego searching, being lazy and useless off stream, et cetera.

>> No.17010439

Wait, I'm supposed to be getting paid for talking about it?

>> No.17010505

Because /hlgg/ can’t help but see the reflection and it makes them mad.

Sounds luke cope. Go cry about your zombie, cuck.

Yeah this

>> No.17010532

no you do it for free(and thats sad), still a shill

>> No.17010595

>Because /hlgg/ can’t help but see the reflection
That would imply that /hlgg/ is mostly women. The game is more a criticism of female streamers themselves than fans. The fans suffer because of girls who cause drama and abuses substances and don't take care of themselves.

And? It's a fun little game, SEAmonkey. I pirated it though.

>> No.17010645

>everything I don’t like is shilling
This is some /v/-tier behavior. Shits topical. Let it run its course and let it be forgotten in a month.

>> No.17010661

are you callin me a SEA? seaniggers dont watch ID

>> No.17010689

you're a bit rusty on your /vt/ history but it's fine, details. stay based anon.

>> No.17010726

Right, SEAniggers only watch EN and JP because they dream of having a woman without mud colored skin like themselves.

>> No.17010894

Streamers can develop parasocial relationships with their audience. LARPing as the virtual girlfriend for a faceless crowd is going to mess with anyone's head.

>> No.17011080

It gets me hard as fuck, just needs to show the BF be a fat ugly bastard and I'd coom so fucking hard urghghghghghgh

>> No.17011084

>Niji plays a game before holo
>Suddenly hundreds of posts attacking the game for "shilling"
Huh wonder why that never happened with pokemon...

>> No.17011151

It’s being called a cuck game too because the easiest endings to get are the ones where she cucks you or you turn her into a nympho.

>> No.17011156

everyone likes pokemon

>> No.17011206

Seems realistic to me, whats the issue?

>> No.17011220
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yeah everyone's obsessed over that because they're schizo over muh condom money instead of paying attention to being able to start a cult or self-sabotage your stream career by hitting hard drugs on stream

>> No.17011492
File: 269 KB, 1179x1652, 1609394554640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since none of you niggers will say the FUCKING title, the game is called NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD.

>> No.17011652

>talks about sex like a horny virgin
>real face streamer
>producer isn't even a real person but an imaginary friend
Let's see how nijiniggers make this abstract hololive somehow

>> No.17011660


>> No.17011710

You mean Needy Girl Overload

>> No.17011763

God those text messages are so fucking hot

>> No.17011813

No they are not.

>> No.17011828

she has a boyfriend so that makes it hololive

>> No.17011894

>producer isn't even a real person but an imaginary friend
Is this true? So she's so crazy that she has imaginary sex and tweets about it? She responds to herself while pretending to be her own imaginy boyfriend? She imagines cucking her imaginary boyfriend with a bacharu?

>> No.17011903

Only Nakirigumi could be upset about this game.

>> No.17011931

>/vt/ discovers vtubers are akin to /cgl/ thots

>> No.17011953

10 cents have been deposited to your account shill-kun

>> No.17011970


>> No.17011972

Imagine reading this as an ESL and not understanding a word of this ebonics

>> No.17011984

She does not have a boyfriend
Why do you think she goes on fucking tinder dates

>> No.17011987

>Shits topical
lmao sure

>> No.17011991

Anon she runs 3 twitter accounts, of course shes a schizo that also has a imaginary boyfriend

>> No.17011995

The streamer gets more views than most Nijis so it’s Holo

>> No.17012049

Because they're terrified of the possibility of it being accurate to what their oshi is really like, regardless of how realistic or likely that would be

>> No.17012064

Love this game. I've spent the whole weekend marathoning it and only still missing one ending. Love schizo posting and goslingfags and menhera needy girl vtubers, simple as.

>> No.17012067

You mean you wouldn't want a girl so utterly in love with you that she's on the brink of psychological collapse? What are you, gay?

>> No.17012066

I’ll do “What is Mori for 300”, Bob.

>> No.17012105
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that's the end twist, she abandons her boyfriend tulpa, all the sex was toys, any "cuck" ending is just her abandoning her delusions for 3D

I suffered it already.

>> No.17012116

You mean Needy Streamer Overdose

>> No.17012117
File: 29 KB, 544x679, morichan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game has been in development for 2 years before /vt/ ever existed

>> No.17012198

>I suffered it already.
Why must God give his greatest gifts to the ungrateful and those unaware of his true grace?

>> No.17012202

Ame isn't even a vtuber, this is so off topic

>> No.17012212

You mean Needy Girl Overdose

>> No.17012305

/vt/ and 5ch are basically the same

>> No.17012323

Game has been played by vtu ers, so it’s on topic. Nyaggers was playing it about an hour ago and /hlgg/ was having a meltdown about it too.

>> No.17012338

Can you be a Savoir fag in this game

>> No.17012344

If the boyfriend doesn't exist, does that mean that you're controlling the girl, and whatever first end you gets means what would happen if you became a vtuber?

>> No.17012376

Retard, wheres the gta thread?

>> No.17012412

It’s a menhera game so take a guess

>> No.17012417

You can try

>> No.17012434

You can (not) fix her

>> No.17012497

>whatever first end you gets means what would happen if you became a vtuber
>tfw i will find happiness in love
Bros...maybe it's time...

>> No.17012506

You can do your best but shes a shit person

>> No.17012566

nta but it's only fun once, and for a short while

>> No.17012590

Dunno if she’s shit but she’s certainly not right in the head

>> No.17012667

Yes, she stops streaming and goes to school in one ending
She smokes weed on stream and gets banned in another
In the true ending she creates another boyfriend to marry and drops you
If you keep sending her on tinder dates she live streams with a horse man and says he's her boyfriend

>> No.17012724

The best ending for saving her is fucking her brains out so that she is addicted to your cock and quits streaming
yes this is a real ending

>> No.17012749

It would be extremely painful

>> No.17012820

Only fun once? Just a short while? Why? Do you not want that love to last as long as possible? And why only once?

>> No.17012868

Astel just did a Needy Girl stream

>> No.17012915

This. Rationally I know its improbable given my oshi's actions, history, and dox, but just the thought of her being two faced like that makes me feel sick.

>> No.17012937

Also nta but I wasted my early 20s with one of those. It was a waste of time

>> No.17012954

mori is a vtuber dumbass. post her youtube channel then i'll concede

>> No.17012988
File: 51 KB, 245x251, 1633996583042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasted 5 years and a lot of money...what the fuck did I get out of it besides some shitty action in the bedroom and a lot of lost opportunity?

>> No.17013198

Has anyone made a bait video title yet? Like "What if I was [holomem name] manager?"
Seems like an easy way to get views.

>> No.17013339

Yes you can but it takes complicated action to do it

>> No.17013605

A story to tell people who don't ask

>> No.17013858

At least now you know not to commit the same mistake again.
I genuinely hope you find happiness in the future

>> No.17014087

Shame it's not an h-game. Her tweeting on her main about how she loves her senpaitachi; but tweeting on her roommate's about how much she likes fucking (you) is pretty good.

>> No.17016993

An offsite r18 patch would've made it 10/10

>> No.17017187
File: 1.55 MB, 3922x1293, desuwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17018207

That's not the true ending thats the cuck ending
It's possible to achieve her ambition and stay together with her

>> No.17018818
File: 40 KB, 596x628, 1642986118600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17018828

Lol newfag, get every ending

>> No.17020451

/hlgg/ had a meltdown over this game?

>> No.17023612

I got this ending accidentally after only doing it twice...

>> No.17024313

I played a lot of this game and it didn't bother me in the least because it would be so incredibly unlikely for my oshi to actually be like this that I think I would have a better shot of winning the lottery than it being true

>> No.17025542

/vt/ loves this game

>> No.17026405

I hate it. I'm glad that an anon explained it in another thread.

>> No.17026583

Because you're paid to post it here. If I went back in time and told your whore mother her son would make money shilling softcore porn on the asshole of the internet she would have coat hangered you.

>> No.17026796

>Because you're paid to post it here.
You need your pills
