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1697959 No.1697959 [Reply] [Original]

>been streaming for half a year
>literally ZERO antis
How does she do it?

>> No.1697969

give me the wiggles

>> No.1698013

By being Asian.

>> No.1698043
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She's an artist and very chill, like Ui-mama and Wanwangomigomi when they stream. It's difficult to hate someone who creates great content while also being funny and doesn't try too hard to get attention

>> No.1698066

She is not insecure, yet humble. Doesn't lash out and instead helps inspire others. This alone puts here in the top 99 percentile already. She is the literal definition of a chad.

>> No.1698074

She's smart enough to just stay out of controversy. No idea why not everybody takes this route.

>> No.1698079

Some of the takodachis acting like an asshole under her name on /jp/ and here have done some damage so far at least.

>> No.1698090

The main complain is that she is "boring" but there is not much to latch from it.

>> No.1698110

its because her audience on this board is the entirety of the others antis besides kiara she just has entire hate sites due to being orange

>> No.1698122 [DELETED] 

It's funny because Ina is great, but her fanbase is the worst by far.

>> No.1698126

Ina is that kid on the school bus that just listens to their ipod and looks out the window until it's their stop. She ignores everybody and they don't bother her.

>> No.1698134

Controversy results in views. Not everyone can just be talented like Ina.

>> No.1698148

Not enough people care

>> No.1698170

>The one EN that appeals to JP hololive fans by being soft-spoken, funny, and probably part asian herself
>Best fans and no antis
Makes you think

>> No.1698174
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>> No.1698191

Boring is infinitely better than menhera drama. People inherently fail to understand this.

>> No.1698197

there's your answer

>> No.1698219

Really? In my experiences poking in on the Ina threads they're always really chill, and a lot of folks in there motivated by her art skills trying to improve alongside her. They seem to keep to themselves for the most part.
Of HoloEN, Kiara's fans have been the worst by far, followed by the deadbeats, then Ame's lovestruck Goslingfags, then sharkfags.

>> No.1698237

Those are falsflaggers 99% of the time

>> No.1698243

Someone on the pre-/vt/ age hlg called her a "honorary JP" one time. That damaged her for me.

Not because it'd make Ina herself any worse, but because how disgusting that made a large portion of her fanbase instantly seem like in this place.

>> No.1698259

>The fans of the girls I don't like are the worst
>The fans of the girls I like are better

>> No.1698271
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>one of the dumbest girls in hololive that I’ve had the “pleasure” to watch
>a sullen, dull and quiet girl
>added nothing to holoEN except, “Gee, let's blow up KFP.”
>also, illegally released many classified Chickens
>a real dope!
How does she get away with it?

>> No.1698293
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Kiara's extroverted nature/menhra can rub people off the wrong way and attract a good number of antis, Amegoslings can be a bit overly defensive and attract antis, Gura is cursed to have the more annoying antis by the sheer fact that she's the most subscribed holo and "stole" that valor from vets, and Mori's missteps attracted a lot of antis due to being new (she's gotten a lot better in the past few months to the point where trolls rely on timeloops)

By comparison, Ina hasn't had much drama with herself, just the entire JP branch is racist thing, which isn't even related to her.

>> No.1698295

The problem is she suffers from something worse. She doesn't have antis because most people who "hate" her are apathetic towards her, which are much harder to convert into fans.

>> No.1698297

>Implying i'm a HoloEN fan
You might have been able to call me an Amefag at one point but the gosling fags worshipping the church of Ame turned me off from that scene.
Nene is where it's at now.

>> No.1698311

Get away from my Nenechi, scum.

>> No.1698323

>calls other fanbases bad
>likes Nenechi

>> No.1698339

it's like hating plain toast or the color beige, being painfully unremarkable is some kind of an accomplishment though

>> No.1698351

I don't know if you're falseflagging yourself but pretending to be a tako and making orange bird bad threads is standard practice because they're neck and neck in subs, which are important to Kiara and much less so to Ina. This makes Ina the easiest vtuber to falseflag Kiara under.

>> No.1698375

He's right. Takos are a bunch of arrogant retards.

>> No.1698383

Nenechi is everyone's Nenechi.

You will suffer from Super Nene Punch if you keep it up.

>> No.1698419

>Be me, hardcore jp vtuber fan, 0 hope in EN
> The first 2 ones pass by, Kiara's design filtered me hard, Mori's cringe too
>Have to skip Ina, personal issues
>Gura is... uninteresting, watch 5 first mins of Ame and quit
>"Oh, I almost forgot the other girl"
>Watch archive, Jugemu joke at the start
>"This one isn't that bad"
>Keep watching her during dead hours, get hooked on her
>6 months after
>Keep watching her, have her membership, watch almost all of her streams except 5EN collabs
She's like the 5th member of the 5th gen for me

>> No.1698430 [DELETED] 

You just proved me right. It's exactly as >>1698375 said. Takos are fucking insufferable here.

>> No.1698519

>No lie detected
KFP fags are the worst fanbase in here. Deadbeats are kind of normal until they go full doxxbeats. Ame's fanbase is either chill or full schizo gosling posting. Chumbuds for the most part are children, or EOP's that don't wath anyone else. Takos are the most chill, but sometimes they go full tribalist against Kiara or get ultra defensive when someone shits on Ina.

>> No.1698552

Better for the streamer, worse for the schizos

>> No.1698555

So I assume you're part of the group trying to sow division

>> No.1698643

why do all EN threads turn into Kiara threads I don't hate the bird most of the time but I'm tired of all threads being filled with the bird

>> No.1698721

I'm just stating facts

>> No.1698767

I'd say that's pretty common for the least superchatted member of a unit. Ina is so bland and forgettable that she's just kinda there.

>> No.1698803

Not the one you answered to, but you're angling things in a way that's definitely pushing for infighting instead of trying to get along with other fans.

>> No.1698810

>Entire JP branch is racist thing
Whats this about? Missed that entirely

>> No.1698916

Because people like >>1698519 hate Kiara/want to troll her fanbase. They realize the easiest way to make you hate her is to spam her everywhere and falseflag as KFP fans then pick fights.
The handful of actual KFP I've seen on here try to keep their heads down. Everyone else is either a troll or an anti falseflagging.

>> No.1698919

no EN or zhang antis, at least. She's got a small but solid hatedom in Japan when they learned her roommate's Korean.

>> No.1698946
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>literally ZERO antis
Kinda easy, when everyone follows like ants

>> No.1698949

I like Ina but she's canadian and therefore by definition scum

>> No.1698959

it's just a dumb rrat.

>> No.1698976
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>"the entire JP branch is racist thing"
>provides no proof what-so-ever
This is why people hate takos, anon.

>> No.1698978

Shouldn't those nationalistic antis hate all of the EN branch considering Burgerland literally nuked Japan? Imagine one of those loving Gura when she could easily be the grandaughter of a WWII soldier

>> No.1698986

Controversy is a gamble with your options being
-Cancelled/kicked out of your agency
or if you're very lucky like Coco
-Suspended but with +5% cult following status

>> No.1699024

Japs hate Koreans even more for some reason.
Yakuza outright treats them as some sort of Invasion of the Body Snatchers-like existential threat.

>> No.1699025

>Of HoloEN, Kiara's fans have been the worst by far, followed by the deadbeats, then Ame's lovestruck Goslingfags, then sharkfags.
Chumbuds are the worst fanbase among the holoEN fanbases. They pretty much have no respect for other VTubers and worship Gura as god of the VTuber world.

>> No.1699147

>Shouldn't those nationalistic antis hate all of the EN branch considering Burgerland literally nuked Japan?
It cancels out because we basically helped them restructure their society and help them rebuild rather than just leaving them as a war-torn wasteland with minor to no raping and pillaging
Nips and Koreans have basically been at each other's throats since like 1592 when Hideyoshi invaded, WW2 era vendettas are particular vicious because of the comfort woman and the imperial army's tenacity to use conquered peoples as guinea pigs for biological warfare

>> No.1699263

>She's like the 5th member of the 5th gen for me

>> No.1699319

Being smart isn't a choice. I'm sure Towa didn't mean for her fuckbuddy to be caught on mic, but sometimes these things happen.

>> No.1699335


>> No.1699345

what fans? if Ina was gone people would forget she ever joined a week later

>> No.1699349

Who exactly "takes" this route?

For example, what controversial things have Ame and Gura done?

>> No.1699376

Nice try, but she has the 2nd most viewership in EN after Gura despite being the least subbed, which means her fanbase is smaller but more solid, and as a Tako I would certainly go on a schizophrenic rampage here for a while to try to explain why would she leave us so soon.

>> No.1699378

Forgot to say I meant Yakuza as in the videogame franchise (which fyi, is actually politically charged as shit), but that article actually strenghtens my point.
>While ethnic Koreans make up only 0.5% of the Japanese population, they are a prominent part of Yakuza because they suffer severe discrimination in Japanese society alongside the burakumin.[50][51]

>> No.1699380

I'll try to poke in their threads more so I can rank them better. I usually don't pay much attention to Gura posts so they haven't really noticed past the typically uooooohh post.

>> No.1699415
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>2nd most viewership
>facts actually show she's Lamy tier
Lamy of HoloEN, what an accomplishment

>> No.1699448
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She's so inoffensively plain and milquetoast that worst opinion you could possible have about her is thinking she's boring which more of a neutral opinion than hate, she also manages to sidestep east GOOD west BAD yellowfeverfags and /hlg/ dogfuckers by being asian
Also it's just sorta understood as a general conception that nobody hates Ina, like most antis are just schizos that need to grasp at straws and make up their own perceived slights in order to justify their hatred anyways, but it takes a special type of mental deficiency to be an unironic Ina anti, and because most people either like or feel neutral about her they'll all hate you unison

>> No.1699464

Lamy minus the money, they do have the comfy background filler market cornered though

>> No.1699470

You don't remember when valvedrones were pissed because she didn't like their mediocre game or when retards complained about AO-chan moderating chat or when numberfags tried to bait out a war between her and Kiara
Granted they blew over fast because she's just a sweet girl who keeps a steady streaming schedule in EU hours while juggling her art career
takos are the Switzerland of HoloEN

>> No.1699487

Lamy is an SC machine though.

>> No.1699496

>Last full EN collab
>Ina was in the 2nd right after Gura
Woah, really makes you wonder how scuffed those stats are considering meme/song videos exist!

>> No.1699497

That means that she streams at a time when literally no other Holo girl is streaming. If Mori streamed in Ina's spot she'd get way more viewers than Ina.

>> No.1699539

and? recognition, sponsorships and company importance fall onto the ones that bring in numbers in the end
FBK thrived on meme vids and she's the face of company now, Ina will be playing in the corner with Iofi and Anya

>> No.1699572

Right, we'll be waiting on that one for a long time I believe. The only EN qualifying to be in the corner in terms of views would be Kiara.

>> No.1699648

you might try denying reality all you want but Kiara's projects, songs and silly stunts like the redebuts make her much more recognizable and vital than whatever Ina accomplished within the 6 months

>> No.1699658

The comfy corner vs. an anti-ridden gateway streamer thread

>> No.1699683

if you want to go through life without having any haters you're not cut out for entertainment
guess that already shows by the moderation decisions Ina is making in her chat

>> No.1699700

No need to shit on Kiara, she's probably hitting 1M the same week as Ina. None of the EN branch are doing badly at all, and Kiara does really well in SCs.

Ina was smart and chose a good time slot and streams consistently in it getting like 10k viewers on average. You could argue other girls would do better in it, but since that isn't the case, it's all baseless speculation.

>> No.1699707

>Ina does nothing worthy of criticism
>only option left to anti schizos is to say that makes her boring
takos don't need to lift a tentacle, the wins come to us

>> No.1699720

Kiara is like Kanata in that she doesn't have the most views or subs in her gen but she gets that superchat money like crazy.

>> No.1699724

if not for euros having literally 0 other options she'd have vanished off the map

>> No.1699733


>> No.1699756
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>t. chickenshit trying to cope
Stop bothering and go white knight in one of the Kiara anti threads, our priestess will still have nothing to criticize when you come back, don't worry.

>> No.1699768

Stop falseflagging. Both of you.

>> No.1699775

dude, it's not me who's gotta make threads baiting praise for your oshi since people will talk literally anything else but her if they have the chance

>> No.1699779

She has antis, but maybe not as many or as vocal. Actually, wasn't there some streamer causing a ruckus in her chat?

>> No.1699788

Is this the tribalfag shitflinging thread?

>> No.1699809
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>affirming my statement
thank you for your service

>> No.1699838

there's nothing to hate, but if I want to watch a Canadian making lame jokes while doing dull things I just turn on Northernlion, at least his bits sometimes land

>> No.1699849

Some HL2 "celebrity" did try to make a fuss when she was playing it and got butthurt when he got banned.

>> No.1699893

kek this is why takos are the worst fanbase, you are actually even bigger numberfags than kfp, you just try to pretend you're not. As far as I care, Ina and Kiara are both dogshit sublets and seeing their fanbases continue fighting each other is hilarious. Keep it up

>> No.1699940
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>> No.1699968

She's literally too boring to dislike. Any takofaggots itt thinking there's any reason than this are just delusional.

>> No.1699986

KFP falseflag

>> No.1700016

Actually kind of true but nobody ever wants to talk about it
People circlejerk about Ina's viewership but nobody wants to talk about how she has the god-time slot (Afternoon for burgers, Night for euros, Early morning for nips) That literally nobody else streams in, she only gets overlapped by JPs who stayed up all night playing minecraft or Subaru/Lamy doing morning talks

>> No.1700062

Then, how do you explain Kiara having lower viewership when she streams in that timeslot?
Or Ina having the 2nd most viewership during full gen collabs?
There is more to it than just the timeslot, and that's what nobody wants to talk about. Blaming it muh eurohours or muh dead burgerhours just doesn't work at all.

>> No.1700096

I love ina. That is all.

>> No.1700107

Some posts on this thread pretty much show what's wrong with takos here. They think that they're hot shit and need to flaunt it at others.

The rest of the holoENs seem to stick to the generals. With the exception of kfp of course. They'd probably stick to their too, but they get falseflagged the hardest and seem to have to fight for every post because Kiara gets attacked so relentlessly here. And Gura's fanbase is so entry level that I doubt that many of them even find their way here.

>> No.1700109

I can't even qualify that guy as an anti, he was basically the just run-of-the-mill backseating sperg but the only difference is he had a verified checkmark
Like he butthurt about getting banned on twitter pretty much dropped the issues afterwards

>> No.1700166
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to put things into perspective

>> No.1700179

ITT: falseflaggers trying to bait genuine fans but all they're catching are assholes like themselves falseflagging as the other side.

>> No.1700183
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Ina is upside down!

>> No.1700188

for*, obviously had to fuck up a word there

>> No.1700251

dont look takobros

>> No.1700273

just draw

>> No.1700280

Ina's calm nature keeps immature shitposters away. Basically from the getgo only those who want a chill stream actually tuned into hers. Antis don't even have any idea what she's doing aside from being the quiet one. And thank god for that.

>> No.1700299

>Kiara's extroverted nature/menhra can rub people off the wrong way and attract a good number of antis
Kirara had many antis before joining Hololive. Subaru and Ollie who are both extraverted dont have any antis.

>> No.1700338
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>Ollie doesn't have antis

>> No.1700343
File: 485 KB, 1909x1027, Soul Sistina[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fejdhax.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ina!

>> No.1700347

Don't derail the thread to be about her now. At least try to take the rest of the post to account in some way if you really have to push that in somewhere.

>> No.1700389

>Ollie doesn't have antis
Have you seen the reactions to the stuff she's done recently?

>> No.1700399

Personally I go to Ina's feed by default because she tends to be harder to hear on the others streams. But then again that does mean I WANT to hear her as she bounces off the others in fun ways.

>> No.1700404
File: 357 KB, 816x739, lamy angry 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you insulting Lamy? This will not be tolerated.

>> No.1700444

t. Gura sperg that made daily anti threads until you got tired of getting btfo

>> No.1700458

>Then, how do you explain Kiara having lower viewership when she streams in that timeslot?
Because she never streams at that timeslots?
Kiara usually streams at around 8pm PST or 5am PST, which is both EN primetime and JP primetime meaning she gets overlapped by quite literally everyone, she's also self-destructive by streaming nothing debuff like JRPGs like FE or Ryza while Ina plays interesting shit like HK or splatoon, she also just flexes her talent of drawing which is a natural draw for audiences
>Or Ina having the 2nd most viewership during full gen collabs
She rotates the 2nd place with Ame and Mori all the time, what are you talking about? also at least within /hlgg/ it's just sorta understood that Ina's audio mixing usually sounds the best of out the 5 during full collabs which influences which POV people watch
>There is more to it than just the timeslot, and that's what nobody wants to talk about.
Timeslots matter so fucking much don't try to downplay it, as >>1700166 shows trying to stream during JP prime is hell because you're fighting with at least 5 other holos for viewership
EN is kind of lucky for now because only Gura and Ame really stream during NA primetime Ina almost never streams past 5pm PST, Mori Kiara only rarely stream in those hours when they're trying to pander to NA viewers, it'll get worse as EN adds more members no doubt though

>> No.1700474
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always gets me

>> No.1700501

if you wanna read it as an insult, but be honest with me gokiseibro - when people think of the gen, they usually think of Polka, Botan, Sex or Nene first and then, eventually they go 'oh right, there was that other girl'

and that's basically how it works with Ina in EN too

>> No.1700528

I'll tell you how: WAH!

>> No.1700535

/hlgg/ sperging about because she talked to a vshojo member on twitter doesn't count
They lost their shit over an out of context quote from Polka when she said she though Nyanners rigging looked good

>> No.1700575

>They lost their shit over an out of context quote
That's exactly what antis do, though. Textbook anti behavior.

>> No.1700692
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Moona's become the top ID vtuber, you love to see it.

>> No.1700751
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I haven't watched much of Anya yet but I like Erofi so I wouldn't mind that.

>> No.1700773

it nothing bad to just be the comfy artchuuba, takos just need to remember their place
just cause their oshi ain't widely hated doesn't mean she's widely liked

>> No.1701069

Who are you quoting?

>> No.1701129

Gura doesn't deserve a single anti.

>> No.1701169

None of the girls deserve them, to be honest.

>> No.1701232

Lamy makes fucking bank. That's a shit comparison. If you're gonna numberfag, at least remember the other statistics too.

>> No.1701286


>> No.1701406

No, menhera makes you big

>> No.1701441

stfu and die

>> No.1701481

Haha yeah Lamy is more like the 5th gen Kiara - low subs high SC. Much better lol

>> No.1701647


>> No.1701729

>if not for euros having literally 0 other options she'd have vanished off the map
>He doesn't know about the secret argie-chilean Ina cult that will execute the Ninaist AndiINA plan

>> No.1702193

Only reason the Japanese hates Koreans is the same reason whites hate blacks. Koreans have no economic opportunity in Japan so they run pachinko parlors, join the Yakuza and turn to crime. Whenever an earthquake hits there's rumors of Koreans looting stores, causing riots, poisoning wells. People begin attributing the "Korean character" to stealing, whining, taking taxpayer money, and general incapability to govern themselves, even though the counterexample exists across the sea.

>> No.1702363

Ame is just has "uncontroversial" as her but she still has obsessed antis. It's literally just because Ina is asian so all the yellow fever cucks (which is what 99% of antis are) don't bother with her.

>> No.1703515

>zero antis

>> No.1703557

This is only true because most of them somehow haven't realised that she's K*rean

>> No.1703862

Kiara and to a lesser degree Mori could reasonably expect antis. The rest is autism.

>> No.1703893

>reasonably expect
nah, they're all mentally ill

>> No.1704507

Because she's boring as fuck.
Kiara's and Mori's unbridled retardation is what makes them entertaining and endearing.

>> No.1704695

Honorary JP
I kneel

>> No.1705137

>Actually, wasn't there some streamer causing a ruckus in her chat?
That was major overblown. A HL streamer joined her chat in a stream, then ignored the rules and started several side conversations, causing people in chat to get annoyed and tell him to stopped, which he took offense to. He later actually apologized (on twitter) once he realized he was in the wrong and was breaking her rules.

>> No.1705817

not related, but why does mori have "drinking" in almost every other fucking stream title?

>> No.1705818
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Countdown to kfp meltdown in 3...2...1...

>> No.1706101

Ina is just too cute and sweet. Have you watched holoEN’s uno collab? The other girls (Mori and Kiara, in particular) were fooling around whilst Ina nearly peed herself laughing and they were like “Ina are you ok?”. And then she answered right away when Kiara asked the colour her panties. She has no malice, nothing to hate about her. Just an introverted girl that was well brought up.

>> No.1706136


Ina's personality is extremely uncharacteristic for a Korean. Most Koreans are extreme type-A while Ina is the total opposite.
I wouldn't be surprised if she was a self-hating minority type, disavowing her Korean-ness in favour of Japanese.

t. in a similar situation

>> No.1706367

AO-chan will devour the mind and soul of anyone who insults or offends their priestess. Ina Hmhad antis, but they no longer reside in this dimension...or any other, really...

>> No.1706459

wow an actual racist anon. cool. kys. people have different personalities in Korea surprisingly

>> No.1706535

>in Korea
But she wasn't raised in korea...

>> No.1706539

>an actual racist anon
How new?

>> No.1706570

Are you new? I've lived here and the entire society is like this.
As >>1706535 said not growing up in Korea probably had to do a lot with it.

>> No.1706636

not all Koreans are extroverts. To claim so is delusional

>> No.1706684

you think Japanese people aren't type a?
have you fucking met a Japanese person?

>> No.1706774

Thanks anon

I now have a new calling in life


>> No.1707189

oh no!

>> No.1707229


>> No.1707287
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ika tentacles typed this post

>> No.1713823

By being so mind-numbingly bland and boring that no one can even be bothered to hate her.

>> No.1716066

humble, insecure, self deprecating, autistic, dork.

Hard to have anti's when she's literally us.

>> No.1716321

Then why Matuli and chicken has terrible views nowadays?

>> No.1716471

Sorry anon, but KFP being obnoxious goes way back even in /jp/. I even saw one of them in Reddit being proud of making hlg change their name to katakana. There are one or two of them who are sane

>> No.1716652

If you lurk /jp/ enough to get lucky to see survey postings to bait out the resident EN fags there you will know that the resident Amefags in there are as much as Inafags. The only reason people hate Ame is because of 'le Twitch thot', the Gosling shit falls entirely on her fanbases, that's like saying people who hate Cumbuds are Gura antis

>> No.1716713

Yukimins are miles way better than KFP though.

>> No.1716915

western asians are nothing like their native counterparts
t. asian in burgerland

>> No.1716996

one of people's biggest criticisms about her is she ignores superchats
Legit one of her biggest perks, fuck spacha whores

>> No.1717046

She likes wine

>> No.1717082

by not being too popular

>> No.1717097

Ina is one thing and if you don't like that thing then too bad. She carved out her niche and she's stuck with it

The other girls have to fulfill a lot of different type of expectations and have to balance it all out, disappointing people in the process.

>> No.1717098

Boring is the worst thing you can be as an entertainer.

>> No.1718407

>people who hate Cumbuds are Gura antis
They use Chumbuds as an excuse to shit on Gura, jp does it all the time.

>> No.1719171
File: 283 KB, 780x438, ame holo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1719262

I've seen her antis, they call her boring similar to Sora.

>> No.1719301

Every fanbase has a few obnoxious fans. Kiara's actual fanbase is no worse than any of the other girls'.

>> No.1719552

I'll put out some flowers at your funeral. Lamy's Yakuza connections...

>> No.1719614

There literally is no reason to shit on Gura apart from her being boring. But her fanbase? Theres a ton of shit about them.

>> No.1719648

Probably because her fans are the antis

>> No.1720487

i have no idea
she just does it

>> No.1721306

It's hard to hate the only one in EN with any actual talent
