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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16988205 No.16988205 [Reply] [Original]

My oshi is my actual girlfriend
Yes, my actual, unironic girlfriend
No, this is isn't some kind of shitpost or joke
No, this isn't some kind of weird meta ironic wall of text meant to force a reaction
Yes, it is actually the truth
No, it is not my belief that she is my girlfriend, because a belief is a subjective thing
It is not a subjective thing, it is a fact that my oshi is, in real reality(the real one, the one that is real) that she is my actual, unironic, genuine the actual truth girlfriend
This is not some sort of schizo delusion, either
No, It's not bait, I'm not pretending to be schizo
Especially because it's not schizo; schizo would imply that it's a delusional thing that I've projected onto reality
That is not the case, because it is by mutual acknowledgement, unironically, (in a way that is provably not "kayfabe" or whatever you want to call it) the objective, actual truth of the world
I am not in needs of meds, and even if I was, it would be for something else, because stating an actual, real-life, fact-of-the-matter genuine statement of truth is not something people take meds for
No, it's not a misunderstanding
No, it's not a misinterpretation
No, it's not me forcing my desire or belief on the situation
No, it's not an interpretation
My oshi is irrefutably my actual, unironic, genuine girlfriend, and she is in an actual, genuine, romantic relationship with me
Yes, we do love each other in every single way a romantic couple loves one another.
Yes, romantically, sexually, exclusively, mutually, we are codependent on one another
Yes, we know each other personally and interact with one another and has confessed our mutual love to one another
Yes, we are exclusive because she exclusively is the girlfriend of her gachikoi who love her and I'm exclusively hers
Yes, that's still exclusive, because it excludes everybody but us and she treats us all the same
No, that isn't the same as her having a boyfriend on the side or negate the relationship somehow, because the word "exclusive" still applies
Yes, both she and I acknowledge that fact and that makes our relationship explicitly exclusive, because she has promised to never betray us and we promise to never betray her with others
These are all things that literally happened, in the physical realm of the real world
The only schizo interpretation of them is denying them, not pretending as if it isn't real
I repeat, my oshi is my actual, unironic girlfriend, and she is in an exclusive romantic relationship with me
Yes, that is the actual fact of the matter, with no room for any reasonable doubt from anybody who looks at the situation objectively
No, this is not some sort of unrequited love
No, this is not some sort of pining from a distance
No, this is not her pandering to some sort of fantasy others project onto her
Yes, there is genuine communication, passion, and romantic love between me and her and it is explicitly mutual
Yes, the kind where she loves me directly and explicitly and I love her directly and explicitly
No, there is no bizarre ass coping mental coping mechanism here that makes me arrive at this conclusion; literally everything about this is actual, provable, quantifiable fact
No, this is not some sort of meta commentary or spam or copy pasta or wall of text or whatever else people do there that is intended to force a narrative or get a response
No, it is not some kind of bizarre attempt at attention whoring, not for you's, not for validation, not to be called based
These are statements of fact that I am stating so that they can be stated because these facts are quite necessary to be known because there are a lot of people here who are averse to facts and are in dire need of knowing them
No, there is not weird ass reaction images you can post where you can somehow deny the reality of the situation because it sounds wierd to you; it doesn't matter if it sounds weird to you, you not being able to comprehend the actual facts of the world is your problem
Yes, "my oshi is my girlfriend" is a fact.
Not a hypothesis
Not a theory
Not a story,
Not a fiction
Not a narrative
Not pretend
Not a fantasy
Not kayfabe
Not bait
Not a shitpost
Not out of context
Not off-topic
Not trolling
Not ironic
Not bullshit
Not cope
And most important of all, explicitly true on each and every single level, in the most factual sense possible, for that statement to be true in
That's all, thank you for not reading
My oshi is my girlfriend
I love her and I have her in my heart and I am in hers and that's just a fact and if you don't believe it you should take your meds
This will be the last time I post, but for the last time I'll say that my oshi is my actual, unironic girlfriend and that I do not require medication simply because of my making that statement, since that statement is undeniable fact
Why are you still reading this anyway? This is not a copypasta yet but if you question our relationship in the future I will write more
My oshi is my girlfriend.
pic unrelated btw

>> No.16988258

put shoe on gf's head if true

>> No.16988284

fuck your gf if true

>> No.16988338
File: 523 KB, 669x359, Petty.Alpineroadguidetigerbeetle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi is my gf too pic unrelated

>> No.16988402

Local VT member reporting a usual behaviour on normal people as a major discovery to other vt members.

Good luck anon bit that's normal, everyone can be a vtuber and if a girl who likes you did it congrats.

>> No.16988427

Everyone's girlfriend should be their oshi.

>> No.16988499

Yeah she is my girlfriend too!!!
Best pussy I ever had

>> No.16988515

My girlfriend became a vtuber so of course she became my oshi or I managed to actually start dating my oshi irl. Shortened that way the fuck down for you.

>> No.16988543 [DELETED] 

Is that why she never streams?

>> No.16988719

She became my girlfriend after/because she streamed, not the other way around
I know you're baiting but I choose to bite it anyway because that makes me stronger

>> No.16988773

There is something very strange about dudes like you who take pride in the fact that your girlfriends became e-thots who pander to other men. Like a less extreme version of OnlyFans. Sure, when you don't know the girl at all you can easily pretend that isn't what she is doing, she is a pure virgin who wants to be an idol or some bullshit story you tell yourself, but when you sleep with her the reality of the situation would hit any normal person.

>> No.16988786

didnt read past the third line but i think you should kill yourself XD

>> No.16988825
File: 445 KB, 960x770, based2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, live well

>> No.16989010

Don't just steal a fandead's post like that and put it on the catalog. He put heart into it.

>> No.16989376

This board doesn't have enough heart on the catalog

>> No.16989563

Congrats, OP. I want to date my oshi someday

>> No.16990280
File: 109 KB, 400x240, Based_take.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16991903

at least tell us who your oshi is, the image isn't loading on my computer

>> No.16993000

A shame he didn't put his meds into his mouth first.
