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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16881761 No.16881761 [Reply] [Original]

>Ina: Throat problems
>IRyS: Severe throat problems, Can't even talk
>Ame: A severe health issue, has been dealing with it for the majority of January
>Gura: Is sick with some rare disease
>Kiara: Body is completely fucked and broken, in chronic pain
>Mori: Alcoholic unstable menhera, overweight
Its really sad to see the current state of Myth (&IRyS)......... At least council still streams sometimes....

>> No.16881783

>tummy hort: the company
Can't these whores just be truthful and say they don't feel like streaming?

>> No.16881806

>Ame: A severe health issue, has been dealing with it for the majority of January
Should have been dealing with it all her life, unless she decided to become a slob after she could live on SC money.

>> No.16881807

send them to vshojo, they already have a makeawish vtuber there

>> No.16881813

Council is next faggot. Actually they're already doing the tummy hort bullshit you're just ignoring it. Kronii is the worst example.

>> No.16882011

It sounds 100% like "adult onset celiac disease", to a tee. It was activated about a year ago due a big shock to her immune system from moving to a new office with an extremely heavy environmental allergen load of termites and mold. The wild allergic reactions to foods that had her swelling up like a lobster were her body's last-ditch immune system reactions trying to fight the gluten but hurting itself in the process, and the tummy hort was the gluten allergen response shredding her intestines, bit by bit, day by day. This is about the right timeframe for the intestinal damage to have accumulated to the point where vitamin intake from food is compromised, leading to her current issue of malaise and extreme lethargy.
"But didn't she test negative?" The screening test that came back negative was performed improperly (no gluten challenge) and isn't a very sensitive test to begin with, a definitive yes or no requires a biopsy of the intestine, which was not done.
"So what now?" Ame gets a blood test to assess what vitamins are necessary and starts taking those, alleviating the lethargy within a few days (if they get the vitamins right). Ame gets a biopsy to confirm celiac disease and commits to a strict gluten-free diet, alleviating tummy hort almost immediately, and allowing her intestines to heal. In about 6 months' time it will be as healed as it's going to get and she should be able to get all her vitamin needs from food at that point (although there's no harm in continuing to take vitamins imo).

>> No.16882042

100% accurate as someone who's watched since the beginning. I really wish she'd do this. I miss pre office move Ame.

>> No.16882076 [DELETED] 

after watching gura for a long time now to me she is clearly diabetic, don't know what type though

>> No.16882088

I can't give them much shit for it, after reaching mid 20s I noticed everyone I know and talk to has some kind of health problem going on including myself, like the world's health is getting worse. It's honestly kind of sad.

>> No.16882115

I didn't you know it could have an onset in adulthood. Neat, at least that means her intestines aren't COMPLETELY fucked yet.

>> No.16882348

they lasted longer than i expected. at least burn out bright?

>> No.16882376

I told you Cover is a black company that overworks vtubers.

>> No.16882419

This begs the question, which holoen members have the best overall health?

>> No.16882685

honorary en member, coco, streams taking care of herself (grooming pubes, massages, 9k beds, etc)

>> No.16882728

Probably Bae

>> No.16882786

It's almost like copious amounts of s o y, carbs, sugar, and sitting on your ass is bad for you or something.

>> No.16882950
File: 194 KB, 1540x800, Microplastic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, people can't escape it. There are many things that will bring down everyone's health. One factor is micro plastics. You're not hiding from this shit.

>> No.16883015

Funny thing is that Kiara usually streams more than the other EN girls, even with chronic pain

>> No.16883081

>chronic pain
from what?

>> No.16883184

Too much sex over the years.

>> No.16883235

She uses shaming as a cope.
She deals with pain all the time so its not like streaming or not will make it better.
For the other girls, taking a break and sorting their shit out actually helps

>> No.16883331

as >>16882728 said
Bae is a dancer and has talked about her healthy diet before on stream

>> No.16883361

Gura isn't sick. She's malnourished.

>> No.16883389


>> No.16883390

>The only healthy one is a zhang
Clearly did not fall to the decadent West

>> No.16883441

In the case of Irys, was it because of her contact singing and vocal use COMBINED with her absurd obsession for Diet Coke?

>> No.16883682

Bae literally said she has abs in her members stream earlier so her probably.

>> No.16883723

any of them who didn't completely die from 30 minutes of ring fit?

>> No.16883741

Guess Bae continues proving that she's the most normalfag holo.

>> No.16883773


>> No.16883795
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>Kiara: Body is completely fucked and broken, in chronic pain

>> No.16883837

iirc she has some kind of medical issue with her bones that's painful. She just continues on with her day regardless.

>> No.16883842

that's the definition of being sick retardchama

>> No.16883844

Oh no, the boneits strikes again.

>> No.16883870

>she has some kind of medical issue with her bones that's painful
racemixing not even once

>> No.16883963

>IRyS: Severe throat problems, Can't even talk
>can't even talk

Wait that's a bad thing in IRyS's case?

>> No.16884001

>OP: retarded faggot

>> No.16884120

BAE has abs
I have abs
WE are

>> No.16885719

I'm scared bros, I love eating seafood but microplastics in fish might've fucked my genes and I'd probably have a autistic child (at best) because of this. Makes me almost want to commit vasectomy but the wife won't agree to it.

>> No.16885772


>> No.16885840

>council doesn't have health problems
>they are the most mediocre ENs

>> No.16885940

Fauna talks about actually going to the gym and drinks tea instead of smashing monsters like half the rest. Bae also is probably healthy based on her dancing

>> No.16885942

Love this post as someone with celiac I can say that disease is a lot like a light switch in the body it will turn on one day and never turn off this happens sooner or latter some people get in there 30s or 20s I was lucky enough to get a diagnosis at 13 so it just became normal for me and It can ruing you for months until you get a diagnosis but usually after that you just switch up your diet and that's it

>> No.16885962

>Anon: lives in SEA, criticizes Vtubers anonymously instead of working on his own miserable life
Its really sad to see the current state of SEAscizos.

>> No.16886229

Adding to my post above and as further response yeah one of the fucked up thing about celiac is the testing for it it is super inconsistent and can come up with many more false tests than positive ones when I was getting testing my doctor said "do you feel better on a gluten free diet" I said "yeah vomiting fits have stopped so that's a plus" he said "then just stop eating gluten"

>> No.16886675

Fuck you shitpostinf anon. IRyS’ issue was that she liked streaming too much. Doctors told her to let her throat rest for a while all the way back in December and yet she kept pulling all those chatty 5-6 hours streams on top of voice lessons and recordings. Funny that if she actually took a proper break back then (instead of just a few days break + lighten on soda intake), this wouldn’t have turned into such a big issue

>> No.16887523

Nah, she had been doing too much deepthroating and you know it.

>> No.16887562

they all took the vax

>> No.16889537

Well, yeah, but that's my fault and not hers. I will refrain from asking her for that for a while

>> No.16889592

Fauna is also a vegan, so that can't be good for her in the long term.

>> No.16889660 [DELETED] 

Nah that's not the problem. I'm not big enough to reach her vocal cords.

>> No.16889709

How deep are the vocal chords in the throat? Can my 6' benis give her a healing massage or not?

>> No.16889809

Ame is going to die from shredded intestines and no vitamins because she won’t fucking stop eating pizza.

>> No.16889876

Isn’t it fibromyalgia?

>> No.16889992

>Mori overweight

He doesn't know...

>> No.16890061

Mumei seems alright. She exercises a lot and her Twitter space showed that she has a pretty good diet. Of course, she's actually literally autistic, so do what you will with that

>> No.16890066


>> No.16890102

fibromyalgia is either fake shit you pretend to have on tumblr or what doctors tell you you have when they dont know whats going on, in kiaras case its definitely the latter

>> No.16890155

Judging from this comment, you never had big one neither a head.

>> No.16890408

Anon she's not eating gluten for months now.

>> No.16890614

That's what her mouth says, but her other mouth is loudly disagreeing.

>> No.16890698

This is the same girl saying she was stopping after she ate some bread, then a few days late ate bread again to "test"
And this cycle repeated for months.

>> No.16890832

>Mori: overweight
How the fuck is that rrat still around with do many public apparences from her roommate ?

>> No.16890982

They are with their boyfriends

>> No.16890998 [DELETED] 


>> No.16891027

So you read that big post and didn't take anything from it huh?
When you're at the vitamin deficiency stage, even if you have a perfectly balanced diet without gluten you're still getting fucked, because your body is not absorbing vitamins.

>> No.16891081

What. You can't bait me I'm a doxxbeat I know what I'm saying

>> No.16891142
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My oshi was sick earlier too dayo
And poor Temmie has boomer remover pretty bad

>> No.16891150 [DELETED] 

You should have seen the recent ones then.

>> No.16891280

Again you won't bait me into a free vacation. But we went over this. She wears large clothes like she said on stream and is slim beneath it. Her recent collab with the vtuber Hime Hajime shows her full body and she's the exact same than before debut

>> No.16891301

Not that anon, but 3 weeks old material isn't recent enough?

>> No.16891549

Are there any confirmed antivaxxer holos? Or at least any who have refused to comment on their vaccination status?

>> No.16891616

That's what happens when you spend all your time in doors. Vitamin d deficiency will fuck your shit up, man.

>> No.16891818

Ame is antivaxx for the coof. She's vaxxed for other stuff but refuses to get that one because she thinks it's untested and it's a way for big pharm to inject you micro chips.

>> No.16891859

Most don't talk about it because it's youtube and the word vaccine or covid will get your ass booted. The only real way we can gleem the info is via roommate accounts and the occasional skirting the line when a Holo discusses why they have off. Which is fine by me. That shit can get people really fucking riled up.

>> No.16891875

it's kind of fucked that things finally started going right for her and she was able to move into what was presumably a nice place and it actually turned out to be the worst thing to have happened to her and now she's just fucked for the rest of her life, not to mention how much it's destroyed like a year of streaming for her, and all of the people bailing on recline ame kind of don't really aren't really going to give a fuck that there's some greater issue at work, whatever it may be

>> No.16891993

Mumei also slurps cum which is high in protein.

>> No.16892052

I'd slurp Mumei's cum if I could

>> No.16892127

I don't like streaming anon
There I said it is that what you wanted

>> No.16892192

>after watching gura for a long time now to me she is clearly diabetic, don't know what type though
>drinks energy drinks all day

yeah, not unless she wants to die she isn't diabetic. She's lactose intolerant for sure.

>> No.16892293

No, basically all of EN mentioned getting it.
Last year a few JPs where scared to get it because it made a few holos too sick to stream for up to a week, but they all eventually did get it

>> No.16892451

>drinks energy drinks all day
She might not be so now, but she sure is working hard to get there.

>> No.16892533

Kiara did 3 streams with a broken neck.

>> No.16892618
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>> No.16892630

Fuck off. She has the sweetest voice going. You'd want to hear it even in your retarded fantasies.

>> No.16892773 [DELETED] 

Doesn’t Mori have a great body that she hides with baggy clothing?

>> No.16892879

Judging from this comment, you did a head and it was a big one.

>> No.16893183 [DELETED] 

Not anymore

>> No.16893244

And the 6 breads tangent came out of it which was fucking great. Kino content.

>> No.16893270

Ofcourse the Asians are the only ones with their shit even semi-together

>> No.16893346

Bae, Fauna, and I would dare say Kronii but depression is a thing unfortunately.

>> No.16893423

There's an asian in the list though....

>> No.16893458 [DELETED] 

1 Korean, 1/2 Japanese and 1 Flip.

>> No.16893491

Who gives a shit

>> No.16893544 [DELETED] 

When she was a literal starving artist.
Ubereats fixed that reaaaal quick

>> No.16893644

Injury from her wrestling career

>> No.16893729

Yes, she made & ate gluten-free cake on stream & still gets an allergic reaction from it.
Also, you can't expect someone to stop eating bread so suddenly, it takes months of conditioning & she actually adapts fast.

>> No.16893967

>it takes months of conditioning
It's literally been a year

>> No.16894012

The last time she ate bread is during her 1st vacation.

>> No.16894182

Not only do you have no proof of that other than what she has said, it also doesn't change the fact she's known about the problem for a year and still hasn't gotten it addressed.

>> No.16894255

Not only do you have no proof of that other than what you said, but it also doesn't change the fact the problem hasn't been known for a year. Her test is NEGATIVE & she had severe reactions on stream eating non-gluten stuff.

>> No.16894260

and the sexiest

>> No.16894428

>Ina: Throat problems
>IRyS: Severe throat problems
>Kiara: Body is completely fucked and broken, in chronic pain

All me baby.

>> No.16894469
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I hope that all of EN's health will improve over the next year!

>> No.16894590 [DELETED] 

Yes don't listen to the retards saying otherwise. There is literally visual proofs from less than 1 month ago.

>> No.16894626 [DELETED] 

She looks overweight in that video.

>> No.16895203

*all of EN's health will degrade

>> No.16895447 [DELETED] 

i also dont know how clothes work

>> No.16895467

Bae seems like a normalfag

>> No.16895517

thousands of people spend 8 hours a day 5 days a week or more consistently talking and don't have throat problems.
"throat problems" should only ever be affecting the big singers and people who have a character voice. anyone else saying they have throat problems just doesn't feel like streaming or has covid.

>> No.16895688 [DELETED] 

She always had a puffy face + the baggy clothes give that illusion. People already were saying she was fat when they saw a video of her performing during a concert. Which was untrue.

>> No.16895713 [DELETED] 

Bae. The only thing that counts as "unhealthy lifestyle" for her is irregular sleep schedule and coffee addiction. She is often eating fruits in her stream and she mostly eats home cooked meals from her mom. The closest thing to being a danger to Bae at this point is her cat with all the scratches she's gotten from it.

>> No.16895767

Kiara's cat apprently dying too.

>> No.16895817

Some shit where your immune system attacks your bones, I don't know the name.

>> No.16895872

Ame is fucked then because she has shown she has 0 self control.

>> No.16895939
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>> No.16895943

Gura hurt her back shoveling poop

>> No.16895963

who is the HEALTHIEST v-tuber and why

>> No.16895972
File: 74 KB, 358x387, 1641330311483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She literally got back from her vacation with the BROKEN FREAKING NECK and sat down for 2 hours for the final meme review, not ONCE did she bitch.
I kneel to her might.

>> No.16896010

2 hour meme review, a 7 hour sponsored shadowverse sponsorship and an usadaken event.

>> No.16896029

Mumei. Her autism forces her to live a healthy lifestyle.

>> No.16896106
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1635468770064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina: Hikki neet that never takes care of herself and is a disgusting slob(got watch her room cleaning stream)
>IRyS: Told she needs to relax her voice, did not, now she's fucked up
>Ame: Severe health issue that she ignored till it was to late
>Gura: Has said on stream she stretches mcdonals food across 4 days

These girls need a fucking babysitter.

>> No.16896173

>These girls need a fucking babysitter.

>> No.16896194 [DELETED] 

Puffy face is the sign of alcoholism

>> No.16896200

>Gura: Has said on stream she stretches mcdonals food across 4 days
How does she eat McDonalds over four days? If it's not eaten hot, it tastes disgusting later even if you reheat it.

>> No.16896277

>>Mori: Alcoholic unstable menhera, overweight

Stay mad, Unicorn :')

>> No.16896347 [DELETED] 


the council all seem collectively stable and pretty established even prior to their debut

>> No.16896417 [DELETED] 


>> No.16896466

Why doesn't NijiEN have these problems? Superior Canadian healthcare?

>> No.16896479

Is this the power of painkillers?

>> No.16896488

It's the winter, people get sick over the winter

>> No.16896529
File: 427 KB, 544x795, 1631071845803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of anyone in EN, Mumei is the one that's the most well-adjusted.

>> No.16896530

I'm finally talking to a specialist about this, and will hopefully get an endoscopy with a biopsy scheduled in a few days. I thought it was my thyroid for a good while, but bloodwork didn't find anything. I hope Ame takes this more seriously, even though it's not extremely serious right now. Take it from me, whose dealt with malabsorption of vitamins and minerals for decades. If she doesn't take care of it, she could start getting low body temperature and even depression (which can be offset with Iron and Vitamin D supplements). She should cook more for herself.

>> No.16896554

council all seem stable enough

fauna can cook and knows how to actually use a dishwasher which pretty much leaves like 95% of streamers in the dust already

>> No.16896662

The disease in her head.

>> No.16896691

It's boneitis we already solved it.

>> No.16896694

kill yourself weeb

>> No.16896718

The only one with major health issues was Pomu, the only american. You might be onto something.

>> No.16896743

She lives in nipponland that would literally never be an issue.

>> No.16896758 [DELETED] 

Ancient Navajo curses don't count.

>> No.16896766 [DELETED] 

Puffy face is usually from alcohol

>> No.16896778

You misread the OP, he was saying Myth+Hope actually stream, but council mostly doesn't stream just cuz.

>> No.16896859

Fauna does seem to me as the only member of Hololive who is living a relatively healthy lifestyle and knows how to function like in society.

>> No.16896862 [DELETED] 

Or smoking

>> No.16896951

>she did a single test with no followup, even though the doctor told her to do so, especially since such problems are hard to identify
>since she said she hasn't eaten bread it must be true
I'm not saying she eats it every day, she's probably reduced it a whole lot, but I'm having a hard time believing she's stopped completely.

>> No.16897244

>Its really sad to see the current state of Myth (&IRyS)......... At least council still streams sometimes....
Kiara, Mori & Irys streams more than anyone in council, though ? What kind of retarded post is that

>> No.16897383
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>adopts older cats from shelters to give them good lives
>knows how to cook
>knows basic niche home repairs
>has a healthy relationship with her family
>mentioned exercising semi-regularly in the past
>loves Hololive and watches streams
Yea, I'm thinking Fauna is pretty adjusted

>> No.16897495

People gotta mofucken learn. Hopefully IRyS takes it easy for a while instead of being stubborn with that sort of shit. I hope they all use all that supa money to get themselves sorted out.

>> No.16897572

>>adopts older cats from shelters to give them good lives
This alone puts her above all of them.

>> No.16897758

Fauna is alright for a vegan too. In general, the Council girls minus perhaps Kronii are well-adjusted.

>> No.16897880

It's good to be a sapling,

>> No.16897919

I think its a bit of an exaggeration or joke
Gura's problem is she literally doesn't eat (whether its depression or habits is another story altogether) and i think she still has some sort of that old vegan mindset left in her i know she eats chicken and fish but i think she has some sort of aloofness to red meat
The girl needs a fucking protein bar and some carbs

>> No.16898048

Its not, she's said that verbatim on stream before.
She'll buy something at Mcdonalds and eat a tiny bit off it then eat the rest during the week.

>> No.16898109

For the McDonald's thing she mentioned that she repurposes various parts of the meal in to spice up the other meals she cooks for the next couple days.

>> No.16898129
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>Ina: Throat problems
Stop deepthroating Omega
>IRyS: Severe throat problems, Can't even talk
Stop deepthroating random cocks and stop drinking soda
>Ame: A severe health issue, has been dealing with it for the majority of January
being a retarded menhera is hardly a health issue
>Gura: Is sick with some rare disease
autism isn't a rare disease
>Kiara: Body is completely fucked and broken, in chronic pain
such are results of wrestling career
>Mori: Alcoholic unstable menhera, overweight

>> No.16898261

>kiara: broken
where can i learn more

>> No.16898359

nayrt the only reason why can she be broken is by traveling around in eu and all of the shopping places on her roommate.

>> No.16898365

Chinks are unironically 10 times more fragile than Luna, Yoghurt's 3D confirmed it.

>> No.16898440

My cum has magical healing powers that can cure any ailment.

>> No.16898508

Hilariously she has some sort of complex against painkillers, she generally completely refuses to take them and needs a doctor to tell her to every time she's injured. I don't remember if neck sprained was enough to get her prescribed painkillers from the emergency room doc but she did at least one stream without.

>> No.16898670

Streaming is the dream job of the weak and lazy. Most of them don't have the discipline to take care of themselves. That's why there's so many health issues. Most of the top streamers are blobs or manlets, and so many women opt to chuubing to hide their faces.

>> No.16898675

death via opioids is only a preferable alternative if you're american

>> No.16898681

>Mori’s getting fat
We can go thicker.

>> No.16898845

They must have goten the vax

>> No.16899025

>get vaxxed
>develop VAIDS
uh oh, why am I super ill?!

>> No.16899179

Architectbros.... we won.

>> No.16899272

Yea my cum

>> No.16899275
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>> No.16899347

Then they should stop volunteering to experimental genetic therapies. But well, they had the interviews and everything that requiered that.

>> No.16899419


>> No.16899729

Being a manlet has very little to do with lifestyle choices.

>> No.16899938

that's what (you) say untill someone takes time off. then (you) rant about how they're "lazy" and "hate their job" and how nobody deserves breaks.
not "race"mixing is how you faggots end up inbred to hell and having babies with literally blue skin. get back in your containment board.
>I don't have this condition so it isn't real!
thanks for proving you're a blithering idiot, faglord. take your leads.
it's a /vt/ schizo. it didn't read the post, it just spouted more bullshit because it's insane and thinks annoying people is funny.
>skepticism is my life, I believe that everyone else is always lying
and this is why you will die alone in your cave. a complete inability to put faith in others is unhealthy, faggot.
if only she didn't have the demerit of being stupid enough to attempt to avoid eating all animal-derived matter while being part of a species adapted to eating animals in addition to non-animal things. she'd be the best after watame.
>don't get vaxxed
>get the plague
uh oh, why am I super ill?!

>> No.16900843

It's pretty sad isn't it?
She's not my oahi so watching for afar you'd think she's just lazy but the issues go much deeper than that.

>> No.16903149


didnt her chat convince her to start going to the gym or did she have the habit already?

>> No.16904147

>Ina: Throat problems
Sorry guys

>> No.16904495

And watch how faggots deflect this by saying stuff like "mucho texto" others like it

>> No.16904584

Can you say that to the JP side as well since they don't do it until they're forced to for overwork for a month or more. It's clear they are being overworked behind the scenes that they can't stream their A game for it.

>> No.16907591

Kronii does her fit reps at least considering how Fauna and some others have said they wanted to touch her abs.

>> No.16907835
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>Vtuber with the biggest HORT is actually the most powerful and streams more
Maybe Hololive is trying to mimic her powers by intentionally weakening themselves more

>> No.16908122

how much of a fucking cheapskate is she to move into a fucking infested place.

>> No.16908742 [DELETED] 

Exactly. Mori is an alcoholic but she's not fat.

>> No.16908928

Kiara looks healthy but she may just be skinny

>> No.16909028

Kiara has a shitton of health issues

>> No.16909063

I like how people think Mumei is healthy despite having to pee every 20 minutes. There's either something wrong with her, or she's drinking too much caffeine, neither of which are good. Fauna definitely seems like the most healthy one, or the best at hiding it. I don't think she's taken any streams off due to illness.

>> No.16909147
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Someone should tell her to try the TRE method, I'm using it to heal my knee, an issue I had for years

>> No.16909179

Perc Kiara?

>> No.16909232

Can one of you teamates SC her this, or contact Cover? Malabsorption of vitamins can lead to heart damage or frail bones.

>> No.16909273

don't care. stream.

>> No.16909510

Yes, but she also smells bad

>> No.16909520

Contacting cover is the best bet, if you SC her about this it will 100% guarantee she will never, ever, EVER speak about her health EVER again on stream.

>> No.16909580

That's because I need to drink Mumei's pee every 20 minutes.

>> No.16909604

The problem with replying to so many in one post is they will just reply back without specifying which thread.

>> No.16909887

She has fibromyalgia or something like that. Try googling Kiara Flight attendant story

>> No.16910458

Fauna makes it a point to say she's not like the other vegans

>> No.16910554

she also hasnt delivered on her promises for months now. STILL waiting for that charity voice pack

>> No.16910691

You ever think about how every condition has the same symptoms so it's basically impossible to diagnose what people have.

>> No.16911194

Some Holo members just don't care about streaming and just want to reap the benefits of the company. Both EN/JP branches have people like this who take breaks excessively, meanwhile you got other members who stream almost every day and fucking carry this company like Kiara or Pekora

>> No.16911652

>Guras hands bleed and hurt from playing on glass shard covered desk.

>> No.16912133

A guy just did on her members stream. Of course not the whole thing.

>> No.16912428


>> No.16912489

They have to blood test you, silly :)

>> No.16912552

>I'm not like the other vegans

>> No.16912694

Wants to basically become Doraemon for Japanese zoomers.

This is her shot at the big times she'd be retarded to fuck it up.

I noticed when some of them were afraid of losing their audience to Holox they started streaming more. Gura also was streaming a lot when Council was new and Krongus was a potential rival, but Krono doesn't want to succeed because it would clash with her identity of being a depressed loser.

>> No.16912731


that was them memeing around

has kronii ever once brought up the gym

>> No.16913369

We consume the vast majority of microplastics through air and water so worry not. However, eating seafood is still shit for the environment and makes this world even more dread than it already is because the entire ecosystem in the oceans is about collapse and fishing is the biggest offender overall.

>> No.16913900

If done correctly being vegan can be fairly healthy.

>> No.16913955

Is there even any pics of her roomate not in baggy as fucking clown clothes? Her face looks fat and all the drinking must have some sort of effect.

>> No.16913972

Fibro is 'real' the way depression is real, in that we have to trust that people need the help they are describing. It is not 'real' in the sense that it has no known reliable biomarkers, cannot be tested, cannot be measured, cannot even be tracked well enough to indicate positive/negative improvement on individuals, can't be treated as neuropathy pain meds and SSRIs perform the same as placebo for fibro patients, etc.

The nicest thing you can say is "people who have fibro obviously have SOMETHING wrong and that should be respected" but no, categorically, we have very little proof that fibromyalgia is "real' in the way MS is real, lupus is real, or other long-term health conditions are. And don't even get me started on chronic lyme.

>> No.16914166
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>micro plastics
not to be dramatic but this actually kinda freaks me out.

>> No.16914261


>> No.16914623

"Peak oil" levels of delusional.

>> No.16914639

The vast majority of microplastic that get inside your body are from indoor air, not food. Dust is almost entirely microplastic fibers from clothing. If you spend a lot of your time in a single room, you can buy a pretty cheap HEPA air filter for $100-$200 off amazon and worry about it a lot less.

>> No.16914695
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It's so small it actually rushes through your brain like a gigantic waterslide ride as you process this message. Really freaky stuff. Who's idea was it anyway to make throwaway packaging out of something that doesn't want decompose? What were they expecting to happen?

>> No.16914778

>>Ina: Throat problems
>>IRyS: Severe throat problems
throat sore from getting facefucked

>> No.16914860

I'd throatfuck both mercilessly, but Ina especially hard. I want to hear her adorable squeals.

>> No.16914875

muh short term cost savings, basically.

>> No.16915085


>> No.16915541

Wtf, you make me want to buy an air filter for my room right away since I work from home.

>> No.16915750

That's only her ass, anon

>> No.16915775

I recommend the Honeywell ones. I keep mine on the highest setting all the time. If the sun breaks through your window and there are no dust particles illuminated by the ray, then you know it's working.

>> No.16916053

Wouldn't humidifier do the same job cheaper? You've got to vacuum a bit though.

>> No.16916483


>> No.16916631

Isn't Ame on a ventilator right now?

>> No.16916720

its an SDT from streaming/planing to stream with m*les i hope they die of it fucking whores

>> No.16916958

>drug addict kronii
>diagnosed autism mumei
>show up to your job once a week because a pet died months ago sana
Fauna and rrat seem fine though

>> No.16917055

Change that to high-functioning autist Mumei and we're all set. You really can't be healthy in the head and be a successful streamer, eh.

>> No.16917396

Yeah, fucked bones suck ass. Got a buddy whose whole Skeleton got fucked up in a car accident. He can walk, but barely. He's got a shitposter spirit, so he takes it in stride.

>> No.16917527

Bae keeps giving me new reasons to love her existance...
Bet she dates chad bros...

>> No.16917545

>deadbeat ruins a man's life
A common tale

>> No.16917701

Humidifiers don't take away the dust baka.

>> No.16917958

New respect for birb if true.

>> No.16918042

why would a healthy, well-adjusted member of society with no physical or mental issues even want to become a vtuber.

>> No.16918063

According to my intel Fauna's roommate doesn't look like she goes to the gym or gets enough nutrients to live.

>> No.16918115

the minecraft of microbiology

>> No.16918178

>A definitive yes or no requires a biopsy of the intestine
Which you, not being an actual medical professional doesn't realize the reason why this is not done if there is low clinical suspicion to do so is because the risk of doing the operation to get the biopsy simply isn't worth it. The only reason why a diagnosis is usually ever done is if it's severe enough that they need to see if something else is the problem, not just celiac dz. The screening test is usually just looking for the antibodies, and current guidelines don't recommend going further if it's negative. If the patient isn't satisfied, they should just change their diet. Any further testing will not be covered by insurance, because as stated before, it isn't clinically recommended d/t the extremely low suspicion to go further. Unicorn cases aren't justifiable enough because the risks aren't even bad enough to warrant a biopsy. So stfu if you're just relying on webmd to get your information. I highly doubt you even have access or even know what uptodate is. Uptodate isn't free exactly because of dumbasses like you who will try to play doctor without even having gone through the proper training and clinical experience to know why certain tests are done and why we stop if screening tests are negative.

>> No.16918190

can a kronii fan tell me if the drug/alcohol problem with kronii is a joke or real? Her incredibly drunk/high slurring call-in for a birthday was actually pretty worrisome to me but I don't watch her

>> No.16918273

You need to post one proof of her lying because she is honest about her wrongdoings all this time.

>> No.16918400

Insurance may cover for a biopsy if she's shitting blood (even if it's just minor blood only detectable on a stool test). And as I said before, this isn't to specifically look for celiac dz, but rather for other more common and concerning causes of GI bleed.

>> No.16918426

She may just have been sleepy. More samples are needed to make a proper conclusion.

>> No.16918513

I'm not that anon and you are correct, but I wanted to add one additional bit of info from someone who works in epidemiology, and is specifically responsible for tracking and analyzing diagnosis trends. A biopsy can easily be covered by insurance. the big deal is right now not a lot in the US is greenlighting biopsies. Basically all testing and screening procedures (Gastroscopies, prostate cancer screenings, and lung screening rates are the ones I know off the top of my head but everything else measurable has drastically declined) were reduced by over 65% in 2020 and they never recovered and are still currently getting worse. Even rich people can't get tested for huge, life-changing issues right now.

>> No.16918785

Yeah, there's a blood shortage worldwide and it's pretty bad. Biopsies, being invasive in nature, can result in pretty bad bleeding. So, it's not really worth the risk of putting someone in that condition if they can't reliably replace the blood. Lots of surgeries (not just biopsies) are being canceled too because of the low blood supply. Only critical surgeries aren't canceled because if they don't perform it within the week, the person could die.

>> No.16918876

>there's a blood shortage worldwide and it's pretty bad
Just stop treating gangsters who are bleeding out after doing gangster shit.

>> No.16919087

This doesn't even account for the strontium-90 in the bones of literally every single person alive on the planet after the 1950s (thanks to nuke testing) that is probably increasing everyone's odds of getting cancer by a shit ton since it's a radioactive material that your body uses like calcium.

>> No.16919250

>Just stop treating gangsters who are bleeding out after doing gangster shit.
Well, that's illegal in America after a pregnant black mother was refused treatment and ended up dying.

>> No.16919408

I don't care, my advice stands.

>> No.16919481

It will still happen at some point as long as the doctor is not black and has no gun pointed at him. Just triage...

>> No.16920130

Stop being a faggot ass pussy. Problem solved.

>> No.16920507
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about throat problems, they should be very careful with the misuse of humidifiers. They caused me problems because I used them with tap water and that's why I have a chronic cough for more than a year, I can't speak for more than a few minutes without feeling discomfort in my throat and I have to use an inhaler daily.

>> No.16922416
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>wrestling career
i almost forgot about that shit

>> No.16926113 [DELETED] 


>> No.16928530 [DELETED] 


>> No.16929164

Listening to Kronii's member stream right now, she just confirmed she works out.

>> No.16929787

Wrestling career?

>> No.16929950

If you’re somebody who likes Kiara then it’s better that you don’t know.

>> No.16932880

On the other hand, if he liked Kiara he would already know.

>> No.16936109

Vegan or vegetarian? One is retarded, one is actually sustainable if difficult

>> No.16936352

That's a side effect of the pregnancy

>> No.16938384 [DELETED] 
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If you're not pushing your oshi to start DDP Yoga then you're a non-fan.

>> No.16941080

Gura will carry myth through these troubling times

>> No.16947805


>> No.16952965

Hardly anybody is an actual anti-vaxxer you fucking tool. Questioning an experimental vaccine doesn't mean you're anti-vaccine.

>> No.16953018

Girls can't cum

>> No.16953375 [DELETED] 

Yes, she used to dress up like Asuka from Evangelion and wrestle guys in the ring. Videos are on youtube.

>> No.16954693

Stop lying. I have fibromyalgia too. SSRI helps shit, you need expensive meds like Lyrica (Pregabalin).

>> No.16955278

I feel awkward asking any Holo general so help me bros. Is Ame really on an IV/in the hospital? Is it serious?

>> No.16957784
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>>Mori: Alcoholic unstable menhera, overweight
Was this anon a prophet?

>> No.16957822

Based prophet

>> No.16960014


>> No.16964221

>adopts older cats from shelters to give them good lives
Picked up.

>> No.16968800

Those are some strange excuses.

>> No.16968885

Never heard of mutation load, outbreeding depression? Miscegenation isn't any better.

>> No.16970154

ironically, the vegan

>> No.16970315

I will save them

>> No.16971070


Fuck off /ag/

>> No.16971138

Gura puts ketchup on broccoli, her disease is mental

>> No.16971141

I kneel tungsten mouse ...

>> No.16972517

It's not even just HoloEN, I saw Reimu, Pomu, Elira, Enna and Millie talks about throat hort in the past week.

>> No.16972736


>> No.16972953
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Council the savior of HoloEN

>> No.16974019

Oh yes. I have mild cough. That means that I am by definition malnourished. I'm of to eat the contents of an entire feasting table

>> No.16974200

She’d make a pretty good gf

>> No.16974376

Me too burgerbro

>> No.16974553

Kronii unironically if she didn't have depression.

>> No.16974725

I mean, JP has an actual reason to fear the vaccines. Japan has had a bad history of vaccines fucking them up everytime.

>> No.16975118

but if every holo was healthy and stable how can i form unhealthy relationships in my head about fixing them and start a loving family?

>> No.16976006

Lulu by far if her fitness levels from ring fit are any indication if she still counts

>> No.16976201

Fucking Walt Disney

>> No.16976789

>adopts older cats from shelters to give them good lives
based tree

>> No.16977223

its never lupus tho

>> No.16977309

>get the plague
>is a nothingburger
uh oh NPC retards?

>> No.16977337

Kronii is definitely no stranger to degeneracy, as for how dependent she is I have no idea

>> No.16977440

I've been saying this for a year, my roommate back in undergrad had exactly this happen to him with the exact same symptoms (for fuck's sake, he even started having random hiccuping problems even though his almost sounded more like a screech than Ame's hic's). No idea how it's managed to go on this long without her actually addressing it.
