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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 198 KB, 1366x768, 1642692558639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16893123 No.16893123 [Reply] [Original]

i'm a heimin now

>> No.16893179

Reminder that the japanese take this shit much more casually and jokingly than the west.
Both the comment and kanatas response are more akin to banter than "cut your pp off and believe"

>> No.16893242

>it's okay because JP
lmao cope

>> No.16893258
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trannies disgust me
it's that simple

>> No.16893299

Yeah it used to be a joke here too

>> No.16893348

the west also joked about this and now its serious

>> No.16893366

No they dont, this is a massive cope from 4chan users and anti-japan redditors who want to erase all transgenders from Japan when they're at least as numerous as in any euro country

>> No.16893391
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Congratulations, you just proved his point.

>> No.16893422

>as numerous as in any euro country
as someone living in Germany, this would mean that they don't exist in Japan. I never saw a troon in real life, this is something that exclusively exists online.

>> No.16893445

surprised she can do quick jabs like that. remind me of shigure ui

>> No.16893451 [DELETED] 
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Times are changing.

>> No.16893522

I live in the country hailed to be a progressive utopia by woke retards on the net and I've never seen a troon irl either. People really base their idea of reality on what social media looks like. Fucking INSANE.

>> No.16893554

They look like actual human wtf

>> No.16893573


>> No.16893590
File: 204 KB, 1116x1550, 1606180597289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look in a mirror. You're a girl sister

>> No.16893749 [DELETED] 
File: 946 KB, 1280x720, d39l8dpbt4y61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe that Hololive panders to the mentally ill and that I never noticed it until now.... All those superchats and memberships gone to fund these sickos....

>> No.16894166

That's like 20 people. Got an aerial shot?

>> No.16895224
File: 416 KB, 719x707, 1641401191131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to your shithole, chudcel pissbaby

>> No.16895303

it's because that's where they live; online in twitter, discord, and other platforms

>> No.16895397

if you go to any major college campus in the united states, you will see several of them every time a liberal arts class finishes for the day.

>> No.16895461

I want to become Lamy

>> No.16895529

>every time a liberal arts class finishes for the day.
t. doesn't know what liberal arts means and just gets triggered by the words "liberal" and "art" lol

>> No.16895573
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Who cares, I hate all trannies. Japs, russians, americans, norwegian. A tranny is a tranny and he or she is disgusting

>> No.16895753


>> No.16895765

The good guys won
Love > Hate
Deal with it chuds

>> No.16895788
File: 1.01 MB, 643x643, 1642623654031.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my political opinions are important!!!11

>> No.16895950

I don't respect any 4chan user who doesn't wish to be the little girl.

>> No.16896146

There's a difference between merely wanting to be a girl and actually thinking you're one or fucking with your body to come close to being one.

>> No.16896437

this is pretty racist against nips

>> No.16897305

One is cringe and the other is based

>> No.16897396

One day its a joke and the next your friend is telling you that its okay to get his dick sucked by a dude because "she's a girl on the inside"
JP is behind the times, lets hope it stays that way

>> No.16897440

Reminder that posts like this are ironic, for any trannies that are too low IQ to understand no one actually wants them here.

>> No.16897496

ahahahahahahahaha fucking gaijin

>> No.16897498
File: 162 KB, 314x246, 5f1f37beb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're a girl if you believe it
>there's nothing wrong with being a boy!

>> No.16897557

MY oshi loves me and that's all that counts. you faggots can eat shit and die

>> No.16897559

Seethe polcel, you will always be ugly and unwanted on anime boards
Kanata is a repressor who got over it, it's been adressed before

>> No.16898689

What about that post made Kanata seem like the repressor? If anything, it sounds like Coco is the repressor there, by trying to reassure someone of their actual gender instead of their perceived gender.

>> No.16898781


>> No.16898847

You will never be a woman thankfully.

>> No.16899256
File: 296 KB, 1500x730, kanata-boyfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16899300

Oh nonono, holobronies are trannies all along???

>> No.16899398

She wanted to be a boy when younger and other stuff
inb4 this doesnt prove anything i dont care

>> No.16899431

Truly the lgbt queen

>> No.16900624

>in the united states
how is this related to
>as numerous as in any euro country
Europe is not the USA. Most Euros hate the US with a passion, how we apparently need to import their pointless debates and issues that have nothing to do with the realities of living in Europe. This includes gender debates and talks about troons. You get confronted with talks about them in Europe, but you never ever see them.

>> No.16900791
File: 786 KB, 2894x4093, ppOgEzlusljqfpWmuuV6xynhDJ_9XUdFfH2Xq51AN2k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is "all /a/ posters are little girls"-like joke.
You will never be a woman.

>> No.16900850

the Japanese Expert has logged on

>> No.16900941

I-I-It's just a joke

>> No.16903916
File: 26 KB, 470x480, 1638307293762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

americentric EOPs are really funny

>> No.16904196

You will never be Japanese

>> No.16907394
File: 272 KB, 480x401, 1642177820043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amane kanata?
more like
i-am-a-man Kanatroon

>> No.16907462
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>> No.16907616

I WILL become japanese!

>> No.16907885

most universities literally have colleges/departments literally called "liberal arts".
the guy you responded too is only partially right though, since many troons are compsci majors. the programmer sock meme exists for a reason

>> No.16908461

>most universities literally have colleges/departments literally called "liberal arts".
I know, my point was that things like science and math ARE liberal arts. In fact, compsci is a liberal art too.
Liberal arts is basically anything people would think of as "academic", not art in the sense of "fine arts" (i.e., the things most people would call "art", like painting, sculpting, or theater). The other option would be things like engineering, since those are more practical.
If someone went to a liberal arts college, that means they went to a normal, non-specialized school. If someone got a liberal arts degree that just means they got a very generalized education. It has nothing to do with the modern political usage of liberal.

>> No.16908732

Liberal arts includes finance, marketing, business, history, journalism, philosophy, psychology and literature.
Sometimes it also includes the fine arts like drawing, painting, sculpting, etc.
However, when people talk about liberal arts they actually think liberal in the american sense and art as in art.
Most dont even know it includes business stuff.
They truly think it is a degree in the art of the liberals. Not the intended meaning of the liberal art

>> No.16908860
File: 279 KB, 850x1202, sample_127a0cedfe416bf8b9aebe8be26911ae97efcea5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repressor? What does that fucking mean? Is it a type of gun?

>> No.16908957

i'm not sure if i would include compsci or math in liberal arts, i know liberal arts is used very broadly but traditionally those are still science classes imo. i get anon should have probably specified humanities but he's not wrong, and if anything you're agreeing with him over everything except some semantic political shit

>> No.16908989

You're american retard

>> No.16909027

Unoriginal, unfunny, she should kill herself.

>> No.16909046
File: 524 KB, 3530x2500, 1605806685372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone who's transgender yet never transition for various reasons and thus repress their dysphoria.

>> No.16909088

Sciences also fall under liberal arts. That's why using "liberal arts class" as an insult is retarded, because all it means is that you don't know what the word means.
It's similar to saying "Oh, you have a doctorate of PHILISOPHY, nothing impressive then", when no, that's what PhD stands for.

>> No.16909145

Political Provocateur Tenshi

>> No.16909469

I want to go back...

>> No.16909720

Ah, my mistake! Please disregard my comment.

>> No.16910218

How can you tell they're a transgender who's repressing/suppressing their dysphoria? What if they simply had a phase and don't want to transition anymore?

>> No.16910420

Ah so that's why all those things have gotten worse.

>> No.16910522

They were always that way retard-chama. Do they not have colleges in SEA?

>> No.16910608

UK. And nope, I know for a fact they haven't always been "liberal arts" you massive faggot.

>> No.16910624
File: 1.61 MB, 208x498, cute-vtuber.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only little girls post on /vt/ too.

>> No.16910676
File: 686 KB, 636x611, Kano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16910707

Is this the ultimate rrat, did Kanata use to be a dude. Were all those doujins about futa Kanata fucking Coco actually onto something

>> No.16910714

You don't know if they've never attempted to transition, and it's considered bad form to insist they're repressed, but if they've actually attempted a medical transition it's very unlikely they stopped just for lols.

>> No.16910760

You'll hear about it if you ever get into whatever passes for university in your backwater. I believe in you :)

>> No.16910787

I'm 52

>> No.16910887

based. I unironically support trans people and believe /pol/retards should be sent to reeducation camps.

>> No.16910896

It's never too late for a full education!

>> No.16910928

I'm well beyond what men and women who were junked up on heroin when I was a kid could teach

>> No.16911010


>> No.16911018

>I know for a fact they haven't always been "liberal arts" you massive faggot.
>Before they became known by their Latin variations (artes liberales, septem artes liberales, studia liberalia),[3] the liberal arts were the continuation of Ancient Greek methods of enquiry that began with a "desire for a universal understanding."[4] Pythagoras argued that there was a mathematical and geometrical harmony to the cosmos or the universe; his followers linked the four arts of astronomy, mathematics, geometry, and music into one area of study to form the "disciplines of the mediaeval quadrivium".[5] In 4th-century Athens, the government of the polis, or city-state, respected the ability of rhetoric or public speaking above almost everything else.[6] Eventually rhetoric, grammar, and dialectic (logic) became the educational programme of the trivium. Together they came to be known as the seven liberal arts.[7] Originally these subjects or skills were held by classical antiquity to be essential for a free person (liberalis, "worthy of a free person")[8] to acquire in order to take an active part in civic life

>> No.16911028

Right, forgot you were UK. Well, keep working at the chippy or whatever, your oshi loves you no matter what :)

>> No.16911077


>> No.16911156

I think you're too impressed with big words, that doesn't mean a thing.
Cope, you draw horse cock for cash

>> No.16911173

So, any good trans chuubas?

>> No.16911256

Let me simplify for you then:
Liberal arts has meant general academic studies since the time of the Ancient Greeks. You own ignorance doesn't make it untrue.

>> No.16911305

Yeah and it's written in such a way because that's not true. Sorry wee man.

>> No.16911461

Kanata is officially a fallen angel now.

>> No.16911479

>but if they've actually attempted a medical transition it's very unlikely they stopped just for lols
Its possible that they still want to transition, but its also possible that after the failed transition that they changed their mind.

Either way, getting back to Kanata, how do we know she's a repressed transsexual? Is this a rrat or some forbidden knowledge?

>> No.16911487

just stop trying to argue with morons like him, you can't reason with literal children

>> No.16911521

>calls math and science an art.
Sounds like a take from a troon

>> No.16911558

>I took liberal arts
>I'm so confident in it I cry out in public and then when it doesn't work I act passive aggressive
>I'm confident that I'm correct though

>> No.16911670

not that anon, I just read through this whole thread to confirm you're retarded and congrats, you are, you just don't know what that term means.

>> No.16911709

>now denial the event happened

>> No.16911805

hey are you english-speaking retarded or ESL because it's going to change how I ask you what the fuck that entire comment is supposed to mean

>> No.16911888

could you point out all the other posts you samefagged in please?

>> No.16911928

ESLs are often confused at true English.
You need about 2 decades of living in the UK before you ken shit

>> No.16912061
File: 5 KB, 495x113, afannybawedman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>called out

>> No.16912151

>esl shit
you're not a very good troll, you'll have to try harder to keep my attention span

>> No.16912187

>all the trannytrannytranny posters are third world ESL roaches

>> No.16912254

I know eh, when we say asian dudes are passable we generally mean the lighter skinned ones

>> No.16912773

It's just a theory based on what she said about her in the past
It's not impossible but it's definitely not certain

>> No.16912787
File: 272 KB, 1451x2048, F46BB32F-B0D9-42A3-AC3D-187F828F6881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember being in /a/ when the Galko-chan author got arrested for possessing CP, anons were glowing fucking hard. Why are there so many pedofaggots in /a/?

Also, given that I never get to ask this: why does /a/ of all places hate vtubers?
I only have speculations based on things /a/nons said, like vtubers replacing imageposting of smug anime girls or considering chuubas to be 3DPD (nevermind that anime girls have seiyuus behind them)

>> No.16912929
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>> No.16915174

Someone bring it up, if you expect no one will argue just go back to you own echo chamber

>> No.16916959

Yes, I'm indeed from the american continent

>> No.16919803 [DELETED] 


>> No.16920970


>> No.16922049

she loved idols so much when she was younger it made her wish she could be a cool boy to attract all the cute girls

>> No.16922931

That's actually really cute. I'm glad she can find happiness fucking Coco's brains out as a girl, while still accepting trans people.

>> No.16923121

Sweden here, I saw one. At university. No one understood why this person (clearly a man) wanted to be referred to with female pronouns.

>> No.16923508

That kind of enabling is honestly not good.
People with those kinds of thoughts needs lots of therapy and analysis in order for their gender dysphoria to be confirmed.

>> No.16924203

You discount Norwegians made ABBA, you can't bitch about that shit

>> No.16924660

Honestly really cool of her. A lot of people in Hololive obviously suck up to Gura, but I've not seen anyone support her for being trans. Whatever her experiences, it's nice to see Kanata show that support.

>> No.16925299
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, industrialsociety.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg based, kanata is anarcho-primitivist just like me

>> No.16925490

Good and trans are mutually exclusive.

>> No.16925703

You just don't want to reveal your 2view you're grooming. that's fine, I respect it.

>> No.16927764


>> No.16927965
File: 1.39 MB, 1337x1400, cultivating autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least watch the clip you retards
kanata was giving out bad advice as a joke

>> No.16928021

They usually dont tell they're trans

>> No.16928085

No transphobic person makes such jokes

>> No.16935895

Most hide on Twitch, waiting for unsuspecting or virtue signaling girls to raid them. Voice betrays them 99% of the time.
