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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 30 KB, 452x452, EVVRgt9VAAEBi3U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16767355 No.16767355 [Reply] [Original]

Also, there is literally nowhere else on the site where I can make this thread since you dicksucking mods decided to delete /qa/. You are almost always asleep when the board is being bombarded by trolls and shitposters, but somehow you find the posters who ask for a way to improve the board to be banworthy.
It is YOUR fucking job to improve this shithole.

>> No.16767388
File: 2.72 MB, 220x220, Koronemath.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only good post i've seen all day desu

>> No.16767420

I honestly don't think they know how to do things like that anymore. They don't know how to unfilter trashtasteboy.

>> No.16767449

>but somehow you find the posters who ask for a way to improve the board to be banworthy
Considering certain rules, I'm surprised your post didn't get blocked
>It is YOUR fucking job to improve this shithole

>> No.16767472
File: 14 KB, 363x328, 1641958451550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>way to improve

>> No.16767484

retard, ids only make it easier for the competent shit stirrers to try and manipulate consensus

>> No.16767491

>post IDs
Shit no, every thread is going to get flamed by the word seanigger, spic, etc.

>> No.16767514

That was the point of /qa/ before it was raided by søyjak and sneed.

>> No.16767525

Which one is it

>> No.16767533
File: 334 KB, 402x450, 1612028562863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this Korone poster has a very good point.

>> No.16767545

My advice to you, OP, is to just use your brain a little bit more. It is easy to pick people apart in a thread from their posting styles alone

>> No.16767595

Not me. I switch the way I type and word things with each conversation I join. I can have as many as 10 different personas all posting in the same thread but you'll ever know it's me

>> No.16767605

They're all KFP by now. This board can only get worse.

>> No.16767661

See the thing is he's got a typo. They're actually "asleep" when the board is being bombarded by troll(s) and shitposter(s). Instead of adding IDs or flags, meidos COULD always just delete threads and ban faggots who shitstir, simple as

>> No.16767683

holy shit the cuckbeat copium is reaching new levels. How much longer before complete overdose?

>> No.16767686

Having poster IDs makes it easier to manually filter the subhumans entitled to just derail a thread for fun.

>> No.16767712

I promise you that you're not as slick as you might think. It works on retards though, I'll give you that

>> No.16767726

Yes, please add flags, we know where most of the shit is coming from but it would be nice to have visual confirmation

>> No.16767734

Let's start with humbly requesting 10 measly minutes for the quick implementation of something.

>> No.16767750

those subhumans are dedicated enough to samefag from diferent ips you dunce

>> No.16767776

We're on /vt/, everyones a retard

>> No.16767786

Mods removed the last thread that like this because people started criticising them and hurt their precious little feelings

>> No.16767824

>add flags
This. 100 times this.
>add IDs
Fine too. The former is more important though. I have a sneaking suspicion that if I filter Brazil, Indonesia, and the Philippines my board browsing experience would be 100 times better.

>> No.16767826

'cept me

>> No.16767908

VPN is cheap :^)

>> No.16767920

No. This will just cause people to shit hard on every SEA poster for no reason other than racism

>> No.16767940

That's one extra step in the process that they currently don't have to engage in.

>> No.16768025

Its also blocked. At least Mullvad is.

>> No.16768026

Not an issue if you visit boards with flags like /int/ and even /pol/. Just don't act like a retard and people won't point out your flag.

>> No.16768030

They have this. Use it

>> No.16768035

90% of you monkeys wouldn't be able to do that or even try to.

>> No.16768042
File: 83 KB, 900x900, 1642652040301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes this.
It would be great if i can filter jew/trannies/communist infested western countries.

>> No.16768059

this post is glowing

>> No.16768094

This isn't reddit
Go back to where you belong

>> No.16768124
File: 47 KB, 221x246, 1642697037147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind you, most of the shit stirrers tend to be ESLs, if for some reason they change IPs after making a bait post you'll be able to tell that he did so due to his lack of phrasing skills on whatever other post he makes in the same thread.

You report the two posts, and boom, SEAnigger is banned for intentionally avoiding ban filters.

>> No.16768149

I just did. I don't expect anything. I tried to make it as least racist as possible.

>> No.16768162

Spotted the discord raider.

>> No.16768175

IDs are ok, fuck off with flags

>> No.16768205

Maybe SEAnigs and Spics shouldn't post here

>> No.16768223

Pretty sure you have to make an account to use discord, retardchama

>> No.16768283


>> No.16768298

Neither Amerimutts

>> No.16768302

You're just afraid the posts you make in good faith and genuine discussion will get ignored since some people with your flag tend to be /vt/sisters.

>> No.16768330 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 662x1200, 1603757071536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a terrible idea. How tf am i supposed to to falseflag, doxx and self reply on cd anymore?

>> No.16768347

but op, sometimes I like shitposts and schizoposts. I like making them too sometimes.
Op is a fag I think.

Also: They Do It for Free.

>> No.16768366

I support flags too. I have a theory that you SEA fags are massive cucks based off how many of you homos are TT fans.

>> No.16768380

oooh cute

>> No.16768393

you don't even fucking know what an id is lmao

>> No.16768448


>> No.16768494

Idk who this is but damn are they cute

>> No.16768549

wan wan

>> No.16768562

Do you think that /pol/ is some secret club or something?
Return to reddit if you hate anonymity.

>> No.16768600
File: 167 KB, 570x590, FFDtYlIVUAoUERD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, please. My oshi's general is literally unreadable because of schizos now

>> No.16768620

Who's your oshi?

>> No.16768650


>> No.16768671

Flags will only incentivize shitposting, they are trash and add nothing good, I don't want to see where anons in the thread I use are from. Plus this board is like 80% spics and SEA, fuck that I prefer bliss ignorance.
Shitposters are usually the same schizo, an ID will do the work and I won't have to risk filtering good posters from shitholes.

>> No.16768676


>> No.16768694
File: 429 KB, 828x951, 1637990447227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dork

>> No.16768717

I'll have to read your thread and see it for myself but I believe you

>> No.16768879

I recognize the glasses now kek

>> No.16768891

There were vtuber threads on /int/ (and strangely /pol/ too) and most of the flags were western.
Flags are only meant to add an additional layer of certainty that someone isn't samefagging or spamming in case they reset their router. VPNs exist, but adding flags is better than nothing.
