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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16758063 No.16758063 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most genuinely angry you've ever seen a VTuber get on stream? I asked before with an example but then the whole thread became a discussion about that example specifically and nobody posted any other examples so I'm gonna try this without posting one and see if anyone has anything to share because I wanna see.

>> No.16758224

pegor ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6m2ECND7VrY
Noeru ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRCk908lp4s

>> No.16758302
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sweet, time to discuss these 4 examples and no other ones

>> No.16758336

At least it's more than one example.

Thank you, sir.

>> No.16758338

the Ollie rant on her not speaking indo

>> No.16758498

This and she need rape correction

>> No.16758521
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pomu's wagie ragie is like
an all-time classic

>> No.16758606

She verbally rape corrected the backseater.

>> No.16758623

Ollie Rant

>> No.16758653

Calli when deadbeat called out connor for labeling the holomem with "lil miss company hire"

>> No.16758835

The most physical i saw her was when she slammed her keyboard against her desk and you could hear a rain of keys falling

>> No.16758893


>> No.16758913

Ame getting genuinely angry at the gwentposters

>> No.16758967


>> No.16759017


>> No.16759026


This one for me lmao

>> No.16760168

And just who is this "her" you refer to? Ame?

>> No.16760189

that time when someone jokingly called gura a drunk and she snapped at him

>> No.16760210

No, you idiot. Fauna. That bitch has anger management problems.

>> No.16760279
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Ame playing the Witcher. She was clearly buzzing with excitement to play it at the start of the stream, gushing about how she had been reading a few chapters here and there before bed too to know the lore properly. By the end of the stream she vowed to never play it again on the channel. The promise has been kept.

>> No.16760334

what went wrong? don't people really like the witcher games?

>> No.16760428

What pissed her off? I've never played it so I didn't watch that stream. I kinda wanna go Witcher 1, 2, read all the books, then play 3. But that seems really long so I've never gotten around to starting. Honestly I need to get in a habit with these long games of just playing a bit each day so that I always make progress but don't burn out.

>> No.16760553


>> No.16760599

backseating and fans of the game getting uppity in chat if she didn't do exactly as they told

>> No.16760615

this reminds me of when a certain roommate called herself da chou and proceeded to smash her keyboard to hell

>> No.16760651

see >>16758498
replace Anya with Ame and Outer Worlds with Witcher

>> No.16760732

Kek, I usually just laugh, even irl I just laugh at their fail attempts until they finally get it and we laugh it off together. Just let people play.

>> No.16760752

She hadn't left Velen yet and all you could see in chat was either, "PLAY GWENT PLAY GWENT PLEASE PLAY GWENT OMG GWENT PLEASE"
"Guys stop backseating she doesnt have to play Gwent if she wants to let her enjoy the game gwent is shit anyways"

The Gwentfags got way to out of hand and they were obnoxious as fuck. She was talking to an NPC that is a great source for a Gwent card and she didn't even bother, the Gwentfags went fuckin nuclear telling her to go back and play him. I think that was when she sort of told them to shut the fuck up.

>> No.16760835


>> No.16760853

People loving the games was one of the biggest issues. Ame wanted to explore and go at her own pace but her chat was constantly spamming the most otpmized ideas she should do and whining when ignored. You can imagine how triggered Ame gets when people try to guide her every second in a game. She also played it quite early in her holotime so her chat hadn't been finetuned with some tardwaggling yet.

>> No.16760923

That's not Outer Worlds. It's Outer Wilds.

>> No.16760944

And don't forget the time she was playijg mario kart with ID and she slammed her controller down and then awkwardly tried to play it off when she kept getting asked what that sound was

>> No.16761032

I feel like at this point it would be hard to be backseated as a Myth member because the chat goes so fast you can hardly read it anyway. She could just 100% focus the game and ignore everything but the superchats. She could ignore the superchats too really, but she's nice.

>> No.16761090

ugh she's just so genuinely unpleasant in both behaviour and appearance

>> No.16761125

Yeah, I love her so much.

>> No.16761161

why is she smashing her keyboard?

>> No.16761255


>> No.16761374

Mad at herself for a kayfabe slip-up and/or trying to hide said slip-up

>> No.16761450

Smashing your keyboard and screaming is like the opposite of trying to hide a slip-up.

>> No.16761459

I dont watch Calli but for some reason every time I click she is on rage mode and I click away.

>> No.16761528

Yes, more likely she was just angry at herself over the careless mistake

>> No.16761594

That was just funny though because of Lunas concerned reaction.
>*Ame smashes kontroller so hard others hear it over their headphones*
>Luna "Whoa! W-What was that!?"

>> No.16761640

I dont consider video game rage real anger.

>> No.16761647

Pekora's Super Mario Lost levels stream
Subaru disgusted/jealous at Pan Piano for leeching out of her character during the shuba duck arc
Kanata at Marine and Noel during the last part of the bath stream
Ollie screaming at her chat after being told to speak her native language

>> No.16761660

>EN-ID Tourney
Are you okay, anon?

>> No.16761666

Since Luna speaks Japanese and Ame doesn't, is is possible she didn't know Luna was asking what the sound was?

>> No.16761821

>don't give any indication who you're talking about
>somehow, other people are the idiots for not knowing who you're talking about
OK retard.

>> No.16761962


>> No.16762060

How could you not know I'm talking about Fauna? She's famous for her fits of rage. You absolute buffoon.

>> No.16762428

She's far from the only one known to occasionally sperg out and rage, dumbass.

>> No.16762605

She's not even known for raging you fucking idiot.

>> No.16762656

What can I say? Luna really likes Mario Kart tournaments.

>> No.16762773


Fauna? Are you being sarcastic? I've never seen her rage at anything and she certainly isn't known for it.

>> No.16762960

I think the only time I've ever seen her get close to raging is when she accidentally rode the snake in Getting Over It, and she still managed to keep her cool. Definitely one of the calmest VTubers I've seen.

>> No.16763314

Never seen the Shuba and Kanata one. Any clips for them? I've looked but can't find them.

>> No.16763470

>Ollie screaming at her chat after being told to speak her native language
It's actually an Indonesian meme, the equivalent in American would be like if the entire chat kept spamming "Is that a JoJo reference?" You can see why someone might snap at that.

>> No.16765023

I don't get it but okay

>> No.16765276

resident evil 7 dlc w/ bae when she's fighting the last boss. she raged pretty hard during that.

>> No.16765461

Lulu sliding off a snake. Also Lulu when a marshmallow called her stupid.

>> No.16765620

I've never seen Lulu get angry.

>> No.16765966

In both cases it took her a few seconds to regain composure. That was frightening.

>> No.16766947

hiarious peko, wish I was japanese

>> No.16767069

my cat makes those same noises when the neighborhood bully cat shows up at the window

>> No.16767526

>Subaru disgusted/jealous at Pan Piano for leeching out of her character during the shuba duck arc
What stream did that happen in?

>> No.16767707
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The sanke incident had no effect on her and she calmly, but slowly climbed back up
Her "raging" is basically closing her eyes with a pained smile on her face for a few seconds, or saying "How frustrating" in a calm voice. Similar incidents have happened in her roommate account, with the same result. It wasn't kayfabe, the woman is indominable whether its anger or fear

>> No.16767948

Noel seems like a normal and well adjusted woman that definitely won't attack me in public for answering a text from a female work mate

>> No.16768116

Noel be like

>> No.16768133

this is no good, It just makes me feel bad for her

>> No.16768277

Nothing to feel bad about, its not like she's keeping it in, that's just her personality

>> No.16768471
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>> No.16769296

clip/timestamp for this?

>> No.16769727

>That stare at the camera

>> No.16769924
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Noel raging turns me on so much and I have no idea why.

>> No.16771064

EN 0 was so good...

>> No.16771142

Pretty funny how the others showed concern only to realize what it was and deflect the topic

>> No.16771266

God damn, that's a homerun

>> No.16771565

>and then awkwardly tried to play it off when she kept getting asked what that sound was
was a lie then, because she just didn't respond at all when people asked what it was and they just quietly moved on.

>> No.16771637


>> No.16771673

Did she end up winning this match? Would getting that have made a difference?

>> No.16771742

And what happened in reality, she was lost as shit from second she started no idea how anything works, ignoring tutorials, fucking with game settings for no reason for like 20 minutes, chat was alright at first, until they started collectively losing shit half way in. She clearly incapable playing any game that is not modern aka here is weirdly shaped tunnel with massive glowing arrow pointing where you should go hervstrugle with minecraft mobfarm should give you idea, and yes that makes sense considering before hololive all she did was meme and daily doze of Internet reactions like gigs zoom zoom she is

>> No.16771762

Incredibly based, fuck unwanted backseating

>> No.16771827

But she's been playing Oblivion for months and that game is way older than Witcher 3.

>> No.16772156

I haven't seen much outside of fake anger like marine fubuki amongus and danchou,
if it counts check out the fall guys playthrough were everyone gets angry for getting grabbed, funny interactions.

i think sora got genuinely angry once when she was doing an amongus stream with her indie-tier friends in the introductions. but all in all hololive is pretty professional in anger management.

i backseated the shit out of her in the DLC streams and she was incredibly chill. she took ideas from the chat and everything. also the vid isnt really anger.

>> No.16772159

Does that mean her active chat is full of zoomies?

>> No.16772241

>cute girls doing cute things

>> No.16772492

Honestly after how painful witcher was I just checked out, never checked out anything else but yeah I would consider oblivion a modern game while not as bad as some generic walking simulators, oblivion trades complexity for scale with majority of quest going by formula go there > KILL EVERYONE repeat, shivering Isles was alright tho

>> No.16773234

I f gamer rage is allowed then Miko's Fall Guys has to be included. Literally triggered the suppressor on the mic.

>> No.16773380

It makes healing a bit easier but it's a gold rank match and she is way better than that. She is just a really shit team player and very autistic.

>> No.16773899

This was the one with the rain of keys.
To be fair, the thing she was doing is hands down the worst designed idea I have ever seen in a video game. I'd really like to know what the fuck they were thinking.

>> No.16774286


I think shes keysmashing

>> No.16774340

The guy lost because he didn't finish the race right? Seem Miko had sigh of relief otherwise I think she would had flipped harder.

>> No.16774492

to be fair, the first one was bullshit, she was trying multiple times to make a difficult jump and the second that she actually made it youtube cut out and her viewers missed it.

>> No.16774629

Kill yourself gwentfag everyone knows what actually happened.

>> No.16774660

Noel that time she realized she was shadowbanned.

>> No.16774821

Ame getting salty and ragequitting.

>> No.16774984


>> No.16775594

that's not the sound of buttons flying, she's either breaking something or just rolling fists over her keyboard, but the keys flying sounds different.

>> No.16775848

Saruei has straight up one of the hottest voices I have ever heard in my life, she could be an objectively terrible person and I would still like her because of her voice. Although from what I've seen of her nothing she's done has bothered me personally, she just seems like one of those streamers this board hates for the usual dumb reasons but everyone else loves like the VShojos.

>> No.16775948


>> No.16775993


Saruei's rage is hilarious and magnificent .



>> No.16776028

>Saruei has straight up one of the hottest voices I have ever heard in my life
Her roommate is sex even with the retarded tattoo

>> No.16777345

>Bans French people for speaking French even though she is.

Unswervingly based. Instant follow.

>> No.16777708

Basically they're both spamming something whenever anything vaguely related is said/done, IE spamming "speak indonesian" whenever the streamer speaks any other language.

>> No.16779217


>> No.16780125

fucking based

>> No.16780275

Come on, she's done like the shittiest job of hiding herself
Same name on the same platform

>> No.16780387
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>> No.16780532

>t.manchild who wanted their waifu to play the game in their dead inside system with no altentives

>> No.16780753



>> No.16781001

You're a faggot

>> No.16781298

Shirt button ganbare

>> No.16782685

>Hey someone! Fuck that guy!
Did she just demand that someone in chat rape the gray name?

>> No.16783003

I miss her voice from early streams. She used to sound real but still cute. Nowadays she's always putting on a fake voice and it doesn't sound right. That can't be good for your throat to be doing a fake voice all the time, surely she's going to go back to a normal voice eventually like Suisei did.

>> No.16783330

I miss Lulu.

>> No.16783402

>The promise has been kept
And thanks god for that, it was mildly infuriating to watch her stumbling through the tutorials without any clue of how things work in such games, do your dry run reps, ame ffs. Chat was hypercancer but thats a given with teamates.

>> No.16783435

Just watch her roommate, its literally the same content and more

>> No.16783474

She's an Aris fan, he's constantly telling his mods to fuck people in his chat as code for banning them

>> No.16783580

>Hey bro you like this person? Just watch some other person who lives in the same house with them!
I never understood why people keep giving me this advice. How does that make any sense?

>> No.16783634

It's not the same.

>> No.16783747

Well I don't know who that is but why would you need to say that in code? It's not like they can run away and escape the ban.

>> No.16783837
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That's the sloppiest bait I've seen /here/. No (You) for you

Its literally the same, absolutely nothing is different. Stop being a faggot

>> No.16783996


>> No.16784037

Because going "hey somebody shoot that guy" or "take him out back and break his legs" is funnier than just saying "ban him"

>> No.16784312

So... Rosemi's a fan of some dude who looks like Rasputin?

>> No.16784438
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Funniest thing I've read on this board all week

>> No.16784520

I hadn’t been caught on Ame for quite some time and recently watched a collab she did with Gura (already forget what they played)
But you’re right, yet it’s a specific type of voice, one that says (to their self) “I’m gonna stay positive, I’m gonna be clean, I’m gonna get through this and it’s gonna be alright”.
But here I am now jumping to other recent videos, it’s the same voice!
I’m already certain the rrats have done their time if some YAB happened or something in her IRL went down she’s tried to professionally keep low key about.
But that’s the type of voice someone has (compared to how she use to talk) when “something happened”.
So having been out of the loop, did something actually “happen”?
I remember her almost typing the n-word apex that was webm’d nonstop, but that was forever ago. Did management get down her throat on something?

>> No.16784584

It's Ame, her entire life is "something happened."

>> No.16784690

Basically carrying the recent collabs on her back in addition to being a full time streamer. Seems like everytime she is trieng to do something different she's cucked by management, like with her recent song cover. Grinded all day to have it finished for her stream and then got told "no".

>> No.16784707

Anons like these keep the board going.
Don’t stop Anon, even if someone unconsciously “spoonfeeds” you.

>> No.16784848

A month or so ago I stumbled across a random indie and started with some lame joke. Somehow she got hooked and started a rant about twitch, chat, people in chat and how unfair it all is. She was getting more and more angry and near the end she was literally screaming at top of her lungs. Then she started hitting the deck until she either hit keyboard with fist or hit the desk with keyboard, but the sound of breaking keyboard was there. After that she instantly ended the stream.

>> No.16784902

I miss the “this one tiiiime” stories, that were always about how she brutally injured herself as a kid.
She ever say what song?

>> No.16784915

kino, real emotions are rare in vtubing.

>> No.16785020

Who was it?
And if you don’t spill the beans, at least say how many people were in the chat.

>> No.16785114

I will say, this video makes me want to take Aldis' name and use it to superchat a Holo. I wonder if people would get mad.

>> No.16785181

Are you for real? You personally ruined a random indie's stream?

>> No.16785267

Nah, you'll fuckers will try to piss her off.
IDK, six-seven active chatters. Viewer count was between 18 and 23

>> No.16785450

It's not that hard if you actually try. Low-view indies avoid banning people at all costs
Tho considering I never intended it to go this way, it can be seen as an achievement? I was literally silent after the initial joke.

>> No.16785459

Eh, people here aren’t THAT malicious. Schizo’s, sure, but that’s usually just talk.
She sounds like someone who’s instantly nuke the VOD though, is that what happened?

>> No.16785573

Poor Ame. I get the backseating, but you should know whether or not your Oshi wants to have backseaters. I guess that's what you get when you play a really popular RPG, a bunch of greyname no ones who never really watch you coming in and extolling information you didn't ask for while criticizing the way you play.
The amount of anger Kiara's Nier ending gave shiteaters gave me so much joy.

>> No.16785657

>She ever say what song?
Ookami Blues from Seton Academy

She said she had been grinding to finish the edit for the MV but management told her she couldn't release it.

>> No.16785923

I will say this, at the time she streamed W3, Ame didn't have rules in the description against backseating yet. So maybe people genuinely didn't know she didn't want that. But these days it's in the rules pretty clearly, along with a thing about caps lock because apparently she really hated that. So anyone who comes in now has no excuse, if you're not gonna read rules that take 5 seconds to read then you don't deserve to be chatting in the chat.

>> No.16786063

I suppose? I never actually checked VOD after and twitch being twitch there's no trace of the original stream anyway. Nothing in highlights/clips, so I assume you are right
> Schizo’s, sure, but that’s usually just talk.
Eh, anonymity brings the worst out of people. I'd rather not take chances

>> No.16786071

>Ookami Blues
Man, that's lame as fuck. I remember hearing/reading about this at one point, looking up the ED, and laughing thinking about Ame singing it. I don't tune in often, but she's a real joy and her karaokes are always a blast. I prefer not great singing because it just feels like what karaoke should be.

>> No.16786095

Spoonfeeding specifically to ruin it for the 2 anons who replied before me:
Roommate refers to a past persona for a talent that is not allowed/doesn't want to refer to that past persona. It's used mainly because using the actual name for that past persona could get your posts deleted.

>> No.16786146

Yeah, she has good taste

>> No.16786285

Which is bullshit for anyone outside of Hololive and a handful of others, but the state of /jp/ and /vt/ went nuclear.

>> No.16786503

To summarize: It's retardspeak, so jannies and mods don't shit the bed when we drop the paper thin act of pretending like anime girls are real.

God I hate the rules on /vt/. This shit just artificially encourages le sekret klub mentallity.

As if anyone really cares that much that Gura just wanted to be a cowboy.

>> No.16786602

It's likely because it's a slippery slope, 99% of the people who bring up past identities are not doing so with good intentions and tend to follow it up with actual personal information. Even if you're one of the people who won't do that, the people with bad intentions have ruined it for you.

>> No.16786780

It depends on the thread, it wasn't that bad in /ggg/ because 90% of the HERfaggotry is people trying to shit up the thread, and helped keep the thread reigned in until November when it became shit 24/7.

>> No.16787229

I never understood why public names are off limit. Faces? Sure, even I avoid looking up their faces, but banning basic information like their PL and roommate's name is retarded. If you're really interested you're gonna look it up anyway, you just need to jump through more hoops, which is retarded

>> No.16787235
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Sasaki putting a hole in her table.

>> No.16787277

I see problems when chuubas first debut, especially in hololive. People will want to discuss the past careers of the people behind the avatars. Thing is people do that anyway. People figured out who was behind council instantly and we were't spared any talk about their bfs. Shit just got filtered through a bunch a secret club language but the topics were the same.

If people can manage not talking about roommate specifics now, they could also manage not talking about actual doxxes.

>> No.16787371

somewhere near the end of her last Witcher stream

>> No.16787822

>about actual doxxes
The thing is, dumbasses don't even know what a "doxx" is anymore.
Seeing their "pre career" self picture and real name they posted on a SOCIAL PLATFORM on their OWN ACCORD isn't a fucking doxx.
Figuring out where they live/work/relatives, however, is a doxx.

>> No.16787882

It might just be my different framing because Gura is my oshi and I used to main /ggg/, but the various gradients of HER posting has been a constant problem, hell people were shitposting about Gura being an alcoholic yesterday because she sounded tired.

>> No.16788310

It is indeed a slippery slope, but the "good intentions" are 9 times of of 10 curiosity. At first, anyway.
But responding to someone's curiosity with the typical "secret club" shit then turns a lot of "curious people" to "oh well fuck this bitch then".
It's separate form "lurk more", yet people can't wrap their head around that.

>> No.16790736

You're really trying to make the claim that their real name and photo isn't a dox, when the whole reason they became a VTuber is so their identity could be private and not have their name and face known. If they wanted people to know their names, they would be a regular livestreamer.
In short, fuck off.

>> No.16791710

No you fuck off, that's not what a fucking "doxx" is.
I'm not implying it's "good and fair thing" to do to the new vtuber's "persona" character they want to push.
But if they're too stupid to wipe everything clean prior (which in a lot of cases, they don't simply because they don't fucking care) shit's going to happen.
If they at any time made their identity known, it's not a doxx.
But the second some schizos start calling up her house number, THAT'S when shit hits the fan.

>> No.16792006

i believe a lot of corpo hires would not scrub clean their past identities just to have an additional exit strategy.

>> No.16792389

>Ame "n-n-nothing"

>> No.16792538





>> No.16792555


>> No.16792770

She really is a genuine menhera

>> No.16792823

Her accent only makes this better

>> No.16792915

Pomu Crab Game make me drop her

>> No.16792990
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Every single one of these is making me feel so many emotions, mostly sexual.

>> No.16793187

Witcher 3 is a dogshit game for soys. No wonder she dropped that faggot game like a box of rocks.

>> No.16793877

Yes technically it is everyone who gets "doxxed" fault for posting their information online like a retard but thats just how the modern age is and females especially get exploited by the dopamine farm of social media. It is just common courtesy to let the information lie and not link it to a persona separate from that persons name/face. Follow the courtesy and jump through the hoop if you want to know some boring detail about a middle class girl/streamer.

>> No.16794267


>> No.16796063

It's the tongue clicks, man.

>> No.16798009

Rosemi was based for that

>> No.16798353

yeah especially on 4chan, I dont know why the jannies of fourchan are trying to protect these girl's lore

>> No.16798417

>watching a retard do a baby voice and pretend to throw a fit
why doe people watch her?

>> No.16798851

I'm glad, it's a good way to get retards and seamonkeys a nice vacation
