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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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167213 No.167213 [Reply] [Original]

How much have you donated to your oshi?
Hard mode; post proof

>> No.167247

Not a single fucking penny and I’m proud

>> No.167354

Just being a member to the war criminal rabbit, which is cheap in my country.

She provides top tier entertainment and deserves it

>> No.167389

zero lol

>> No.167450

If you donate money to a vtuber you will never have sex>>167247

>> No.167453

i dontated 100 borgorbucks each to miko and watame

>> No.167491
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Also 3+ month membership but that's paused for her demonetization arc (will be renewing ofc).

>> No.167493
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Relatively very little, but likely enough for normalfags and poorkeks to consider it "simping".

>> No.167595
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why are the channels except haachama's not shown?

>> No.167814

>You don't waste your money on anime girls who don't actually care about you?
That's just fucking sad anon.

>> No.167847

$20 in the last 2 weeks but she stopped reading my SCs only my name...

>> No.167871


>> No.167933

None, never will.
Who the fuck donates? It's entertainment, their company can pay them.

>> No.167990
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$40 to Reine through stream labs.

>> No.167995

0 because I'm not an impulsive, socially retarded fool

>> No.168333

>all these poorfags itt

>> No.168533
File: 1.24 MB, 1641x2202, ぺこらのハーレム.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, I'm a pseudo CHAD. I even had a prostitute like the way I fucked her to much that she offered me a fucking HALF PRICE discount on the next visit. I even had sex with NON-PROSTITUTES before, I shit you not. I even had a girlfriend for almost an year (yes, a WHOLE YEAR). She was a shitty girlfriend, and I'm glad I broke up with her long ago, but she was still a FULL woman. That I FUCKED. In the ASS even. I shit you not. I shit you not.
So as you can see, I'm basically a semi-CHAD weeb material. Which makes me quite unique, I would say. I mean, most of you are VIRGINS I bet. But me? I even fucked a fat ugly whore from tinder once. In my car, in the shopping center parking lot. I fucking shit you not.
It's actually amazing now that I think about it. You would NEVER guess that a fucking vtuber loser WEEB like me, would have such a CHAD history. I even look somewhat handsome and, dare I say, BADASS. Like, I have a real bad boy style. GOATEE and all. I can tell people feel intimidated when they see me. Maybe that's why females get wet in all their holes when they're beside me? Man, what a LIFE.
However, even such a INTREPID individual like me, has been feeling VERY STRONG URGES to just donate some money away to ぺこらちゃん. Oh by the way, did I mention that I speak ACTUAL fucking JAPANESE? Not weebtalk shit, actual, formally taught, Japanese. Pretty bad ass, no? Imagine all the yellow pussy I could get if I went to Japan. Oh yeah, that's also in my plans. I mean, a have more money than most men my age due to being such a financial GENIUS, so it's not even expensive for me, but I'm getting sidetracked again.
As I was saying. Donating money to ぺこらちゃん could not possibly be considered a VIRGIN act, considering that someone like ME is feeling so TEMPTED to do so. What to do, what to do...

>> No.168551

I have much more expensive hobbies to fuel actually

>> No.168672


>> No.168992
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>> No.169027


>> No.169028

I have never donated because I don't trust YT with my info.

>> No.169036

Shit, posted before I could type that I don't have an oshi

>> No.169053

Love the girls but if you think I’m gonna simp for them, you’ve got another thing coming

>> No.169066


>> No.169103
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Sex is overrated. Sex with a condom is simply not all that great. There are some extra thin ones who are better than the usual ones, but ultimately it's still disappointing.

Sex without a condom though feels pretty amazing, the pussy is really wet and warm, and the sensation can be extremely pleasurable. Specially if she is riding you and jumps just close enough to almost leave the tip, but not quite, and then immediately comes down again.
However, most of the time you can't do that for the risk of impregnating her and, depending on who you are fucking, catch a DST. You will also be so worried about making her pregnant that you won't be able to enjoy as much, and still spend the next few weeks scared. So in the end, you normally stick to using condoms, and sex just isn't nearly the same.

Also, fucking a woman in the ass is nice more in the psychological sense of the conquest, but the vagina feels much better, since the ass is pretty dry and not warm in comparison. Receiving oral can be nice and long as she knows how to do it, but nothing to write home about. Handjobs are boring and you can feel better masturbating by yourself. Playing with her pussy with your fingers is cool and fun to do for a while (and probably what I know to do best), but since she is mostly the one getting the pleasure, if you do it for long you will get bored and just want to stick your dick already. Never managed to get into licking and eating pussy. I always did more out of feeling that I had to, but never enjoyed it myself and eventually just stopped doing it altogether. Also, if she is sweaty, it's completely awful and you feel like vomiting. I had to stop from time to time once to get some air while doing that otherwise I was going to vomit for real. I think it was the last time I even dared to try it.

Note that after you experience it all enough times, you realize that it isn't worth the trouble after all. Stay single and don't spend too much to fuck roasties.

>> No.169126


>> No.169669

Everything seems to follow a pattern and then you have Izuru superchat.

>> No.169854

$0 and proud

>> No.170040


>> No.170107

I've had sex AND I've donated $5 to my oshi Artia.

>> No.170126

She would do terrible things with a disposable income

>> No.170137


>> No.170400

Around $600 since September, which is one month of wages in my monopoly money.

>> No.170734
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if you havent been a member to your oshi for at least 6 months she isnt your oshi

>> No.174641

BasedBasedBased and same.
Besides, my oshi is a whotuber who reads my chats for free

>> No.174714

My oshi doesn't have membership

>> No.174812

1 year of membership and around 100 dollars of SC.

>> No.174844

Oh and I also bought three voice packs, 500 yen each.

>> No.175184


>> No.175301


>> No.175741
File: 151 KB, 893x979, Princessmonthlyallowance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not too much, just some allowance from time to time when I have expendable extra money at hand in a fun moment of the stream.

>> No.175886

Based luna lover

>> No.176100

$70 not counting membership

>> No.176843

I went on a huge simp spree because doge and Holo btfo of Chinks!

>> No.177382

However keep in mind I like Chinks just not the CCP.

>> No.177602

Based Mukiroze

>> No.177729
File: 154 KB, 1080x1808, IMG_20210129_123309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont have any hobbies, and I live in company provided hostel, so its not like I have anything else to spend on

>> No.178744


>> No.178946

Aki gets menbaship
I know my worth she ain't getting a supa from me

In fact she should be the one giving me akasupas. You guys are the prize bros never forget that

you're gonna make it

>> No.179739
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save for a house you dumb rentcuck
>loyal to his oshi
>only to get her to read the funny
this is the only right answer IMO
Unless she's an indie you're basically financing some ho who's way richer than you'll ever be. Looking at you HoloEN simps

>> No.182215
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Your oshi doesn't need YOUR money. A hundred more paypigs are more than willing to dump their college fund at her. The only support she needs is to watch her videos.
Memberships are not necessary to support them and should only be bought if you want the vanity of a loyalty icon, and are interested in her membership streams.
It doesn't matter how great your love her is, because she will never directly improve yourself. You can however use her as an inspiration and channel your passions to achievable goals.
It is not morally wrong to use VPN, and piracy is not a lost sale. Feel free to use VPN, pirate her content, or whatever else you want. You need the money more than she does. That is a fact.
There is no ethics in media consumption. All is fair in love and war. Restraining yourself with ethics or fairness sabotages your own self-interest. Exorcise your mind of spooks.

>> No.183103
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If we're also counting stuff like goods, tack on another $160.

>> No.183239

Remember how sites ask for you to donate just 1-5 dollars to keep the site running?
Thats exactly how chuubas work.
If you want to donate go ahead, but focus on yourself.

>> No.183301

>paying for something that's free
ill bet you people buy video games too

>> No.183771

They'll get my money when they make her Nendo, which they will announce eventually at this rate

>> No.185471

I've had sex, threw about $70 worth of dumb joke SCs at hanamaki, then had sex again.

>> No.185575


>> No.185675
File: 25 KB, 831x358, image_2021-02-02_180029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEAnig currency, please understand.

>> No.185746

Why are seaniggers cheap as hell

>> No.185822


>> No.187439

Wait. I don't remember posting this.
BASED I guess.

>> No.187473
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Different anon here, I'm doing the best I can without financially ruining myself.

>> No.187583

>implying I didnt save money while still sperging for my oshi
I literally have enough in my savings now to pay for a used car by cash, but I dont plan to stay for this job very long. Also the hostel is free of charge

>> No.188291


>> No.188325

because only Haachama matters

>> No.189813
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