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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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152903 No.152903 [Reply] [Original]

Mori Calliope’s music is unironically the worst piece of media I’ve ever heard. Holy shit, how the fuck can you guys listen to this shit? Who let asian women rap?

>> No.152989


>> No.153009
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hoes mad

>> No.153021

Reps. Go do em

>> No.153036

Permanent residence with no monetary compensation

>> No.153052

Why does everyone have to specify when they're being "unironic" now? Have you been ironic by default since 2014 or something?

>> No.153072

They use it to mean "with no exaggeration"

>> No.153101

Go back to >>>/tv/

>> No.153133

>asian women

>> No.153166


>> No.153223

>Mori Calliope’s music is unironically the worst piece of media I’ve ever heard
You obviously have never been in Latin America.

>> No.153348

Stop spreading false rumors Kiara.

>> No.153381
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>Asian woman

>> No.153405


>> No.153450

>mad at mori song
Spotted the vtweeter Denut TBA "totally happening by 2124" 0 achievements tranny

>> No.153473

Rent free

>> No.153920

>Pekora Story still undefeated

>> No.154031

I don’t listen. Simple.

>> No.154696

I honestly think Mori and DD have like 2-3 good songs. The rest is so fucking average. But each to their own.

>> No.154737
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What the fuck did you say about me sunshine? You got a dream? I'll have you know that a realness bringin' shinigami bent to no laws, meant to kill this mental illness fashion trend with both claws. I'm gonna make that shit poetic, if you're smart then you'll get it, remember Mori is the one who said it. You are nothing but a pretty boy nothin', you ain't got shit to spit, or say. I will slip your soul into my pocket and fleet the scene, there is no stopping manifest destiny. But do I really gotta say it over the internet out loud? Think again, suckerz. As we speak I am contacting three females causing a bit of neighborhood hysteria and your IP is being traced so you better prepare an "old-fashioned,", the soul-snatchin', much prefer the scythe slashin' to dome blastin', Master of murder! You're a fucking "ace", kid. I can't knock the hustle, but I can knock your teeth in, and I'll do as I please still sipping "casual-teas" while flipping bird to the bees to get ya weak at the knees! Not only I am the Queen of the Sad Boys, but I'm a vocals gangsta as can be, and I'm still "moe" as FUCK, and I will use my full power to hit'cha on the blind-side, death gotcha shanghai'd, not inclined to cry about the everyday shōganai. Lesson: when lashin' out, best be choice how you deliver, because a bullet to the brain is bad for your mental health! But you couldn't, you didn't, and now a blood price is to be paid, but I promise, it's worth this on this on-demand-homicidal-circus, you goddamn candy-coated bitch they can adore on. I will cock my uzi, grab my knaifu and stab you like a yandere"¡Ándale!" Bitch I'll end yo' laifu! You reap what you fuckin' SEISO"!

>> No.154756

t. deadbeat

>> No.154802
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>> No.159407

it's just a newer version of "seriously", and "really"

>> No.160071

>Who let asian women rap?
Better question is why are uga booga bix nod jungle beats even considered music?

>> No.161039

Retarded Asian comment aside, it is genuinely painful to listen to.

>> No.161058


>> No.161259

asian? what?

>> No.161297



>> No.162576

hai, out-to

>> No.162644

Underages can't browse this site, learn to google or get the fuck off

>> No.162792

Asian women can rap. See DAOKO, Bonjour Suzuki, and Ci from Boogey Voxx. Calli's not Asian, and barely a "woman."

>> No.162818


>> No.162820

doxxbeat your meds. MEDS!

>> No.162821

Impossible to believe she is not white due to her tryhard Eminem knock-off style. But yeah, it's pretty bad, RIP is the only one I can listen to with minimal cringing.

>> No.162918

Good taste op, funnily enough I don't see anyone disagreeing with you

>> No.162945

Sore wa dou kana?

>> No.162984

RIP is kinda decent, because the hook is recognizable. The new single, on the other hand, is just every line of text and every sound effect she came up with put together in a way that makes it bland. In one of her last streams she said people told her to do less while rapping (I guess as DD). Same should apply to her music making. The girl has neat ideas, but no intuition for how to put them together.

>> No.163001

It's not even old, universally lauded Eminem, it's Recovery and after Eminem.
Come on, man.

>> No.163025

Drink some clear liquids. It matters little which ones.

>> No.163101

Are you retarded faggot

>> No.163343


>> No.163433

Fair, I'm not exactly an expert on him, I only know enough to recognize a cheap knock-off of his general style.

>> No.163449

Mori tries so hard to sound black she becomes even whiter than she already is it's fucking hilarious.

>> No.163563

Oh I wasn't disagreeing or criticizing you, I was just reinforcing the argument, because there was some ambiguity in it. Eminem had an incredibly strong three album run, perhaps one of the best ever, before he crashed and burned, completely changed his general style and never really recovered fully. Some like Relapse, some like MTBMB, but most agree that they're still nowhere near as good as those three early albums.
She's at awfully hot coffee pot levels of Eminem.

>> No.163570
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>He dosent know

>> No.163621

or British.

>> No.163666


>> No.163694

There's a ton of bri'ish rappers that are much better than Calli could ever hope to be, even if the majority isn't very good or the... "classic" UK styles are trash.

>> No.163751

Half of Strange Fiction is straight fire, other half is so boring I occasionally forget it exists. Very volatile artist.

>> No.163780

When Mori Calliope starts rapping.

>> No.164289


>> No.164560

How many of you holofags actually care about the hololive original music?

I don't really like idol j-pop and rap, so i just don't care about their music and just enjoy the streams.

>> No.164580

Isn't she hwhite

>> No.164617

I like the music side of things but their original songs aren't that good. It's nice to have them anyway.

>> No.164622

I know that fifth-world primitive sound all too well

>> No.164631

Does anyone even like her music? I've only seen people responding to the

>> No.164654

Her music is cringe, but she's not bad at rapping as far as I'm concerned, her voice is cringe.

>> No.164779

More like "Who let rap"
It's shitty nigger music fit only for Americans whose culture is based around niggers entirely.
Despite all her points, more and the holoENs are STILL 'little miss company hire' from the positive exposure alone so she's just got a huge ego and a legion of simps blinding her to her hypocrisy.

Anyone saying she's "just trying to motivate TBAs!" is a bootlicker fellating her futa cock over a diss track that's trying to encourages shitting on people.
Which is fine, fuck TBAs, but don't pretend it's inspiration. Just be honest, it's something made to encourage bullying.

>> No.164805

It's not just the voice, even her best song has that "workaholic business lady" line I can't hear without physically cringing. She's okay at rapping I guess, but she really needs to run this shit by some people who actually listen to rap generally and start getting a feel for what comes off as sounding cool.

>> No.164808

>It's shitty nigger music fit only for Americans whose culture is based around niggers entirely.
Where the fuck do you even live? Russia? Rap is the predominant music genre in pop culture in the entire western hemisphere.

>> No.164910

If you are hearing it not as a twitter tranny, but as someone who actually wants to get somewhere in life it is quite motivating. But yeah it encourages bullying twitter trannies. Which is another bonus.

Also rap sounds ok when White people do it, see Mori.

>> No.164919
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>> No.164951

Apparently Russian Rap exists and is decently popular. Hell, this one track is more popular than all of Mori's tracks combined, at over 5m views over 5 years on a 16k sub account. So he's not Russian.

Her entire brand as Mori is "I'm a fucking lame-o why do people listen to me", so the cringe is probably intentional.

>> No.164973

Nice bait.
Take a (you) from me

>> No.164976

That's her brand in streams/videos, in her music she's clearly trying to be cool.

>> No.165000

>Rap is the predominant music genre in pop culture
Millions of flies eating shit doesn't make it good. The only rap that is even half-tolerable is SOME JP stuff. Call me a weeb if you want, I don't give a fuck. 99% of rap is shit and tries to disguise how lacking it is in the musical department with flowing vocals trying to distract you from the barebones 'backing track'.

>> No.165031

Actually, rap is really fucking big in Russia. You amerifats think any place outside your seventh-world shithole is a wasteland. And no, I'm not a ruskie.
And rap is cool at its core, it's the boring and retarded "gangsta" shit dragging it down. Ebonics are fucking cringe.

>> No.165057

I’ve hear worse but is it pretty bad. Some of the Japanese use and lyrics suck hard. Shit like “murder is so fucking kawaii.

>> No.165059

>Ebonics is fucking cringe.

>> No.165068

No, I'm gonna not call you a "weeb", I'm gonna call you a delusional weeaboo who doesn't even see or understand the world around him and wholesale tries to discredit a music genre he doesn't even know anything about.

I'm not American, that's why your stupid "rap is only big in the US because nigger obsession" nonsense was so hilarious to me. Not to mention you literally contradicted yourself from your last post to this one.

>> No.165089

I'm not that guy, you fucking tard, holy shit.

>> No.165116

>Answers to a post that in and of itself answers to another post
>"Why do you presume me to be your conversational partner?"

>> No.165171

You're even more pathetic than /mu/, impressive.

>> No.165190

It's because most of her fanbase doesn't know anything about En or Jp rap music.

She's not bad but she's at the level of like a mid-tier youtube rapper. Which is basically what she was prior to joining Hololive.

>> No.165208

>Autist has irrational dislike of an entire genre of music
>"B-b-b-but you're the pathetic one!!!!!"

>> No.165222

>t. assblasted vtweeter

>> No.165228

>tries to disguise how lacking it is in the musical department with flowing vocals
Because that's the entire appeal, retard. Rap is basically rythmic poetry; a good beat sounds alright, but the core point is to use it as a backbone for lyrics that flow in creative and cool-sounding ways.

>> No.165304

>Rap is basically rythmic poetry;
So stop calling it music and fuck off with the feminist slam poets where you belong, in the fucking garbage.
I'm not going to write you a 10k word essay on my reasons when you're just going to ignore them anyway, raptard.

>> No.165324

What's wrong anon? Couldn't find your twitter client on your phone anymore?

>> No.165331

Sounds mightily irrational to me, anon.

>> No.165411

Doesn't take much to know, you only need 2-3 albums to get it. Her rapping is ok, but the content and delivery is face-melting cringe. Japan is somehow both 5 years ahead and 5 years behind culture-wise, this is the type of shit some amateur youtuber would make in 2014.
I wouldn't call it irrational, rap lingo, aesthetics and values are trashy cringe. Talented people still manage to make good stuff, but the building blocks are literal shit.

>> No.165439

>trashy cringe
Oh the irony

>> No.165455

>rap sounds ok when White people
Justify your schizophrenic worldview harder /pol/

>> No.165525

White femoids into nigger culture are the epitome of cringe.

>> No.165548

>the epitome of cringe
Oh god it doesn't stop.

>> No.165609

What irony? That's very true. Most of world culture from any era is flawed. It absolutely is cringe. The criminal influence is still affecting rap, and not in a good way. It's ridiculous.

>> No.165619


>> No.165633

Yes, and?

>> No.165640

Someone post it to /r/hiphopheads lol

>> No.165642

go back to your board and discuss biden's child kidnapping ring or whatever the fuck

>> No.165658

>The criminal influence
Don't forget the Zionist influence

>> No.165673

What about Eminem

>> No.165689

Are you assuming I'm a rightoid or something? I couldn't care less about your polarized amerishit "politics"

>> No.165691

Yup I'm phone posting looks like you win again Reddit

>> No.165726

Cultural appropriatior just like the Beasty Boys, vanilla Ice and Mori

>> No.165729

british music is some of if not the best in the world. or was at least maybe not anymore

>> No.165750
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>beastie boys
>cultural appropriation

>> No.165758

eminem is a nigger

>> No.165772

Yes Scam Hyde

>> No.165788

god, he looks barely human

>> No.166001

All modern rap is shit, but some of it used to be good long ago, so you're probably just a zoomer who's only been alive during the bad era. Mumble rap can suck a fat cock and die.

>> No.166040

ok marshal

>> No.166087

Mr Gawne please, have mercy on us!

>> No.166109

What do you mean by assuming? You're going on and on about criminal influence and so on. Very /pol/ taste in music, if that can be called taste in music.

>> No.166111

>Sam Hyde

>> No.166114


>> No.166189

Asian Mori?
What it's next, African Kiara?

>> No.166207

>itt: retards who only listen to anime music and sabaton thinking their opinions are worth anything

>> No.166216

White niggers with maybe 2 good songs.
>Muh old crusty shit was good once!
No it wasn't retard.

>> No.166309

>in this post:

>> No.166359

Based peko

>> No.166373


>> No.166395

this is some /tv/ shit isn't it

>> No.166439

t. American

>> No.166487

What are you talking about? I'm not that guy, and I said nothing about my taste in music. Also, I listen to rap, you fucking retard, that's why I can objectively criticize it.

>> No.166507

THHK is unironically the only good modern rapper

>> No.166740

"criminal influence" is an exact quote from your post. all music has criminal influence and always had. music that has zero is generally worse.

>> No.166792

>music that has zero is generally worse.
Spoken like a true no brain nigger monkey

>> No.166957
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Because he pandered too hard to nigger criminals just like Mori

>> No.167016

Yes, and? What, are you stupid? You can't see the obvious faults in something you enjoy?
>all music has criminal influence
Ah, yes, jazz, blues, rock, hundreds of genres - music fit for a criminal.
>music that has zero is generally worse
Any sources on that?

>> No.167034

>anime music
Do you mean Jpop or just anime OSTs?

>> No.167072

>all music has criminal influence
Jokes on you I only listen to Wagner

>> No.167073

Euromutt seethe.

>> No.167114

t. Mori

I agree

>> No.167136

Way better music there than this wannabe jap shit

>> No.167152

Not even close, kek.

>> No.167165

>. Ebonics are fucking cringe.
T. foreigner

>> No.167187


>> No.167193

Wait Mori is a man?

>> No.167260

Asian man.

>> No.167265

Yes. Every anthropogenic language, including the one I'm using right now, is ridiculous, infuriating and annoying, but that dialect is just laughter-inducingly retarded.

>> No.167300

Reminder that Cali is a whore and isn’t funny.
You simps are the problem

>> No.167309
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Mori does say "your boy" a lot

>> No.167316
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>> No.167326

Jazz has interracial sex as well as weed smoking from eras and places that was illegal to do lol. Autobiography of Malcolm X mentions it

And uh yea rock and roll was called outlaw music lmao

>> No.167329

>Mori Calliope’s music is unironically the worst piece of media I’ve ever heard. Holy shit, how the fuck can you guys listen to this shit?
yes, i agr
>Who let asian women rap?

>> No.167333


>> No.167346

>Meidos delete the thread with actual discussion about how to become a vtuber or set yourself up to succeed as an aspiring vtuber.
>Don't delete the thread that calls Mori an Asian and is just a couple of dumb anons shitflinging about whether rap/ebonics are retarded or not.
Unless it's to tell me your debut date, Meidos, you can fuck right off.

>> No.167393

None of these are crimes, and they weren't performed by criminals, most of their music didn't glorify crime.

>> No.167443

most of the best modern music genres are british though

>> No.167445


>> No.167605

well yes, that's rap

>> No.167612


Her accent alone is indicative

>> No.167644

there's another thread just about discussion of the song

>> No.167700

Pretty sure the Mori Twitter-tranny salt mine thread got deleted too. The meidos are fucking Twitter-trannies themselves, I bet.

>> No.167717

There have been almost 10 so far today

>> No.167738

well the song is new so it's to be expected

>> No.167739

I dunno what she is but I can assure you it isn't asian

>> No.167762

they dont even use the real meaning of ironic
theyre mixing it up with sarcasm

>> No.167782

Are you asking that unironically?

>> No.167852

You're a retard who deserves to be bullied but I agree her music is dogshit.

>> No.167912

this is the best worst thing I've read in long time and I love you for it

>> No.167930

Her cover art is always good but yeah her music is shit, she could improve by rapping in her natural voice instead of imitating Eminem or whatever accent she is trying to do

>> No.167937

wouldnt surprise me if she trooned out at some point desu

>> No.167948


>> No.167992

I personally like chelmico after creating the OP 'Easy Breezy'.

>> No.167996

I know I'm just pointing it out to the idiot that thinks the jannys are engaged in some conspiracy to stifle discussion of it.

>> No.168349

Yeah. She used to be a man.

>> No.169464

all vtubers are men
expect the men
they're all girls

>> No.169987

based and pekopilled

>> No.170225

Can anyone link me to that music video of the girl rapping that totally doesn’t sound just like Calli?

>> No.170690

British rap is pretty fucking based


>> No.170732

yeah nah

>> No.170750

This but unironically

When my brother tried to show her rapping "Godzilla", I kept thinking to myself "wait, these idols are hired for their musical talent?"

I get Godzilla is really hard to do, but even on some of the slower parts, it was less like she was "performing" and more like she was reading the lyrics off of her phone. Every time she raps, it's like she always on the fucking ropes, just barely struggling to keep rhythm.

>> No.170775

Sounded better than Calliope

>> No.170778

>le no one maymay
Opinion discarded

>> No.174611

in which fucking world there are males who find women who rap appealing, oh yeah americans suck nigger dick daily so its expected from a american vtuber to listen to that liquid shit genre, they probaly get off to her getting fucked by BBC

>> No.175912


>> No.179090


I don't understand these meme words so you can't insult me with them.

>> No.181977

Who cant stop this rabbit?

>> No.182031

>Who let asian women rap?
anon the main 3 holo ENs are american white girls

>> No.182060

Gura is Philipino-american though

>> No.182095

Nah, she's columbian.

>> No.182714

Yeah and what.
I can't listen to anything that on youtube/trending/music in my country without throwing up either

>> No.185963

I live in a commieblock. Right now, right outside my window, there's a group of young girls around my age shouting and listening to the most out-of-touch 3rd-world boomer shit. If you have non-white, non-asian parents, you know what I'm talking about. The kind of shit you hear at w*ddings. I don't get it, why can't they listen to normal, mainstream brainrot like the other zoomers?

>> No.186016

Correct, Rap is one of the lowest common denominator music genres that exist and relies entirely on sounding tough, gangster appeal and black culture/wiggerism.
Euro anons will never know the living hell of having shitty reggaeton music constantly blaring in the background.

>> No.186080

They're dressed like chavs, too, but even chavs have some semblance of taste. Really trashy shit. They're like Am*rican trailer park meth trash, but less classy.

>> No.186087

Fix your ears with this

>> No.186132

>Ah, yes, jazz, blues, rock, hundreds of genres - music fit for a criminal.
Are you genuinely baiting? Jazz and blues are extremely mired in low-class life and all that goes with it. Rock is practically synonymous with copious amounts of illegal drugs.

>> No.186168

>ITT:VTweeters Larping as /mu/

>> No.186485
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>> No.186889
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>> No.187604

She's a nigger
