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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1639453 No.1639453[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So Jay, what did you think of Legendary Uno Battle?

>> No.1639477

Still not gonna top https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHe3JMd_XCg&t=87s

>> No.1639490
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*just a 30 second shot of this face*

>> No.1639596
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Didn't watch, but Ina winning made me smile

>> No.1640100
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Honestly Mike I almost fell asleep. What is it going to take for Cover corp to do something original? They have everyone's attention, now what? You can't just skate by on existing tropes into the sunset and expect to retain viewership. The only thing that held my attention was the semi-lynchian relationship between Gura and Kiara.

>> No.1641199

So get this. HololiveEN vs HololiveJP in a 5 v 5 basketball game in their 3d avatars. easy money.

>> No.1641266

Mori will just shoot over them. Literally going to be like Kobe vs a 5 year old kid.

>> No.1641369
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Fuck you Kiara

>> No.1641413

possibly, but the rest of EN will be dead weight. Coco, Matsuri, and Flare would be more than enough to stifle Mori's offensive game plan. I would take JP in this matchup

>> No.1641650

Ah, but while Mori is definitely the lynch pin, Gura is definitely an athlete who will be a vital asset in controlling the court and pushing the ball towards Calli.

>> No.1641654

Gura is an NBA fan, while Kiara can take a bump and become Ron Artest.

>> No.1641801

No. im sorry, anon. She can barely clean her house/herself let alone keep up with Matsuri's endurance or prevent the brutal mogging by Flare's aggressive playstyle.

>implying Kiara wouldn't just be screeching while shes knocked over by Coco's soft screen's

>> No.1641887

>Matsuri's endurance
Nonfactor, she's gonna have some weird freakout and dq herself somehow.

>> No.1641896

It reminded me of that one episode of Star Trek the Next Generation where Captain Picard finally decides to join the rest of the crew for their weekly poker game, that was such a good episode

>> No.1641908
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Hololive in a nutshell since silencing Haachama.

>> No.1641927

Ah yes, the point where TNG should have ended, the series finale "All Good Things". What a great episode.

>> No.1642030

I miss Nerd Crew.

>> No.1642108
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Gorilla goes in for the kill

>> No.1642168

It's too bad they had to shut it down due to the PTSD Mike suffered from William Shatner making fun of him.

>> No.1642265

You can just tell Jay is a Koronefag, Mike likes Gura but always denys it when asked.

>> No.1642273

I still find it hilarious that he thought that shit was serious. Fucking boomers.

>> No.1642295

damnit you're completely right. I still stand that JP edges it out. forgot to acknowledge >>1642108
this as well. Kanata may be small, but I can imagine her getting really aggressive if pushed too hard. Like checking girls in the blind spot aggressive

>> No.1642312

This doesn't read like something Jay would say at all

>> No.1642313

What would be the chubba equivalent of "my friends just posted a video". Im thinking "my girlfiend just posted a video"

>> No.1642317

When did Ina not win a collab battle also what happened to Golden Yagoos

>> No.1642360

Is that what happened? I just thought the joke was getting old

>> No.1642396

Pretty sure they were tired of it, they will bring it back one day.

>> No.1642421

Leave it to Rich to falseflag as Jay on a Mongolian canoe carving board.

>> No.1642445

so is a virtual youtuber different from a regular youtuber? i don't get it

>> No.1642482
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They just couldn't out-do the real thing anymore.


>> No.1642495

Chubbas are simulacra gfs, mike and jay are simulacra friend group.

>> No.1642538
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>> No.1642583

Gotta clap for Nerd Crew

>> No.1642620

Jazz hands*

>> No.1642928
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Nah, the joke ran its course and it became one of those instances where the reality of what they were parodying because a parody of its self, therefore completely making their mockery of it nigh impossible.

>> No.1643240
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>> No.1643327
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Based Moby

>> No.1643390

I used to see Jay all the time at a place called Grant Park beach with his boyfriend. They've featured the place in a couple of videos, where they dump DVDs into the lake.

>> No.1643411
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>Mori and Kiara had teetee and I clapped!
>I clapped when I saw it too!
>I clapped because I know "forbidden knowledge"!

>> No.1643424

>Mentions pizza rolls during her Let's watch The Room stream.

Is Mori Calliope a Red Letter Media Fan?

>> No.1643520

Oh fuck you

>> No.1643521

Who would Rich Evans pick as his oshi?

>> No.1643558


>> No.1643575

Shion because she's also very good at speaking Chinese.

>> No.1643596

it would probably be korone since they probably have similar gaming sensibilities

>> No.1643669
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>"Hey Jay, guess what time it is?"
>"What time is it?"
>"We've got "Uma Musume Pick Up 15"
>"Apex 100 kills challenge 4"
>"Shitty japanese horror game made in unity 7"
>"Daily Duolingo 25"
>"Minecraft building 426"
>"Minecraft building? Isn't that just a zatsudan?"
>"All streams really are just zatsudans!"

>> No.1643725
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>> No.1643783


>> No.1643833
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On today's Best of the Worst!

>> No.1643895

Totally upvoted, this 100%

>> No.1643970

Who would the JP team be? Going by height alone you get:
>Sora/Suisei/Nene (tied)
but I'm sure there are other factors that would make for a different team in practice.

>> No.1643972
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Before we bring in our special guest WooHooLad we have to thank today's sponsor for The Tube Crew - Pill Pack. Pill Pack makes it easy to read and manage all your antipsychotic medication and know when you have to take them

>> No.1644041

Assuming Ina doesn't get to use her tentacles nor Calli any skeletal minions, EN gets mogged real fucking hard.

>> No.1644149
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Mike would pretend to not be interested in public but would watch Luna in private.

>> No.1644545

Starting lineup for JP would be

Botan-Power Forward
Suisei-Small Forward
Towa-Point Guard
Matsuri-Scoring Guard


Ame-Power Forward
Kiara-Small Forward
Ina-Point Guard
Gura-Scoring Guard

Just looking at this, EN is beaten no matter how you look at it. Because I don't trust Kiara to be physical enough, it forces Calli to be center. Coco might have some trouble with her, but everywhere else across the board, JP is just better(in theory)

>> No.1644725

fuck, that's not even including Subaru as a SG or Flare as a potential center, and Coco can swing to PF, moving Botan to SF.

Yeah, its over before it even began.
