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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16398832 No.16398832 [Reply] [Original]

do you forgive her


>> No.16398856

cor(rape)rection still needed

>> No.16398941


>> No.16398952

I literally could not care less if I tried.

>> No.16398953
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>> No.16398993

of course i forgive her, shes my wife

>> No.16399018

I'm a schizophrenic Malaysian what do you think?

>> No.16399067


>> No.16399112

I didn't care to begin with

>> No.16399150

do you hate botan or something

>> No.16399204

No, my excitement for Botan outfit is gone, so is my likeness for la shit

>> No.16399205

Every day from now on, every time she tries to sleep at night, I'm going to teleport to her room and whisper in her ear about her failures.

>> No.16399220

Botan's not anime girly enough
She just acts like a normal person
If I wanted that I'd go watch a normal streamer

>> No.16399242

She didn't care either don't start acting like a dramafag retard

>> No.16399248

I give as few shits about Botan as I do about this "drama".

>> No.16403489


>> No.16403573

No, she’ll just do it again

>> No.16403633

She did you a favor if you were going to get excited for a retarded meme outfit

>> No.16403697

nobody cares and only /VT/ was upset about it

>> No.16403701

An apology means nothing without a suspension

>> No.16403714

I do not until she shaves her head in shame and does 30 minutes self-flagellation ASMR stream. This incompetent and arrogant whore needs to be brought down a peg.

>> No.16403726

it's up
your welcome eop bros

>> No.16403744

I demand a 45 minute apology stream where she is tied to a chair and Botan electrocutes her nipples and clit with a car battery till it runs dry or Laplus stops twitching

>> No.16403755

You are asking nijishits if they want to forgive the new nijikiller?

>> No.16403807

She apologized for having shit internet.
She didn't even mention leaking Botan's new outfit.
Fuck her I hope she fucking graduates and then kills herself

>> No.16404011


>> No.16404155

> One of my responsibilities in my Japanese real estate company was finding bedding for new tenants. One day, I ordered a new bedding set. Just before the client’s arrival, I discovered to my horror that I had ordered the wrong size. It didn’t fit. I still had time to buy a new one, but I had to inform my boss of my mistake.

> “Didn’t you check the size before you bought the set?” she asked me. “How can you not know the difference between semi-double and double size after a year?”
It went on like that until she finally agreed to buy a new one. Yet comments about the wrong bedding size continued for months.

> In a western workplace, if you make a mistake, you’ll be so embarrassed that you’ll be extra careful never to make it again. In Japan, not paying attention to the details will plant a seed of doubt about you.

> You will spend a considerable amount of time trying to regain the trust of your co-workers and supervisors. You may even be micromanaged or sidelined from a task for a while until they feel that you have proven that you can handle it again.

>> No.16404210


>> No.16404254

No, the Botan outfit reveal was literally the only thing left for me to fucking live for, and this cunt snatched it away from me.

>> No.16404283

don't let this this incident distract you from the fact that Aloe was fired for this but all laplace has to do is apologize

>> No.16404461

only if she shows feet

>> No.16404480

So, is La+ nepotism hire involving someone important so they have to keep her?

>> No.16404531

Aloe was suspended for two weeks.
Laplus too should be suspended for two weeks.

>> No.16404604

Based Laplus making (you) seethe

>> No.16404610

Initially I just wanted to reply with
and leave the thread, but realistically speaking, is he still shit? Can someone who speak Japanese check his latest videos and verify the quality of his translation now?

>> No.16404771

I have no idea who this is.

>> No.16405118

Different situations; Lapulas should have noticed, but the software should never have been set up so this could have even happened. Thats on Cover

>> No.16405138

I won't forgive her giving me a sub-30 min membership stream

>> No.16405250

Take a STEM course faggot.

>> No.16405421

Bitch should graduate

>> No.16405448
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Yes! I love my dorky chuuni oshi and everything she does!

>> No.16405493
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>> No.16405524

I thought it was because aloe accidentally doxxed herself, this was just a silly unintentional outfit reveal for another member from bad internet connections. I don’t know why people are worked up,over but hey /VT/ are drama queens anyway

>> No.16405600

Nobody actually gives a shit that Laplus is a disrespectful inept retard, but her fans are terrified she will get in trouble and those who are angry about consequences their oshi faced when Cover had standards are annoyed that she won't

>> No.16405612

Who and what

>> No.16405666

based lacunny+

>> No.16405770

Well, at least she did this little stunt to someone who may actually forgive her. There are vindictive individuals who might've taken that personally.

>> No.16405817

T. Drama queen

>> No.16405821

Aloe was suspended to allow time for the trolls to get bored (it made it worse). The model "leak" was just the easiest excuse to give because it's not like they could say suspended because of a boyfriend, liking koreans more than japanese, sashimi dildo or for shittalking nijisanji.

>> No.16406077

I don't care about Cover's drama though they do handle it all so poorly. I hate their individual talents who are of poor character and avoid them but there's still always good ones to fall back on.

>> No.16406201

It’s not really comparable to this anyway, she finished a nice singing stream, has more plans, everything is just fine now. I don’t know why people are still stuck with being worried, just move on. Also though aloe left on her own accord and even then she can always come back from what her peers said but most likely not (it would be nice). Now we can let this go

>> No.16406450

Name some. In Hololive. I dare you.

>> No.16406508

No, but Botan would hate you for making a big deal out of this.

>> No.16406518

This bitch will get herself and hololive into a messy drama

>> No.16406525

Just don't watch streams its that easy

>> No.16406549

And another one bites the bait.

>> No.16406608

No. She must receive rape correction to ensure she won't do stupid shit like this again

>> No.16406625

I love it when my cunny oshi makes all the faggots in this site seethe.

>> No.16406649


>> No.16406652

It takes awhile for clip watching EOPs to process things and there is one schizo troll in this thread right now stirring it up.

>> No.16406955

>Let's do a replay of one the one of the most controversial events in Hololive history just for consistency's sake.
Mouth-drooling retard.

>> No.16406999

Botan is too appreciative of getting a chance at success this late in life to get upset over some bratty kid dragging her down but if Japan were the respectful society it claims to be, Laplus would be groveling at Botan's feet

>> No.16407047

Japan is very serious about apologizing so its no surprise that Laplus would be doing that off screen.

>> No.16407061

Most of the "reliable" talents right now did questionable stuff in their early days too, the difference is that newfags are only got to know their polished version now and try to judge newcomer vtubers on the same standard of seasoned vtubers, which is unfair.

>> No.16407266

Japanese zoomers as young as Laplus don't really do that, new gen is pretty disrespectful

>> No.16407286

nothing to be angry to begin with, La+sy is fine, just a little R corrective and sure, all good

>> No.16407345

I doubt she apologized, if she apologized to anyone it was to the collabs that got cancelled over her error and even then she probably found a way to blame management instead. To Botan specifically she probably believes she doesn't owe her an apology. Hololive girls aren't known for being any good at apologizing and Laplus definitely doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.16407380

Not bad at all. Finally those autistic nips know how to fucking think for themselves and not grovel for every minor mistake they do such as ruin some shitty outfit reveal or something.

>> No.16407402

missionary sex with leg lock with La+

>> No.16407499

How can you look at this girl and not think of hot, steamy, intense sex?

>> No.16407543

You're really making up a fanfiction version of Laplus in your head.
In Valorant when she was shooting dead players in the ground and learned this was a bad habit (at least for Japanese player's standards, not sure for western players) she immediately went on and on about apologizing without any ounce of irony or playfulness, she's very serious about apologizing.

>> No.16407927

I hope this whore get into big trouble then graduate so you pedoscums will seethe

>> No.16408075

I never thought she did anything wrong. People make mistakes. That's just how life is.

I mean, you'd have to be a genuinely evil person to have someone living rent free in your head every moment of every day while you hated them with every fiber of your being. I hope nobody in Hololive is like that.

>> No.16408092


>> No.16408467

>I hope nobody in Hololive is like that.
ur oshi

>> No.16408562

No matter what. La+ is branded as an idiot

>> No.16408626

My welcome what, anon?

>> No.16408806

You call us pedophiles, implying she's a child, but you call her a whore?
Seems to me you're just projecting and being hateful.

I'm not pedophile, La+ is probably 17-19, perfect partner age for my age. And yes I want to sex that portable kusogaki SEXSEXSEXSEXSEXSEXSEXSEXSEXSEXSEXSEXSEXSEXSEXSEXSEXSEXSEXSEX

>Hololive girls aren't known for being any good at apologizing
>and Laplus definitely doesn't give a fuck.
dude you don't know what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.16408878

coming to this place is like going down to mementos in persona 5, some kind of collective unconscious of retardedness where everyone discussed is a phony strawman version of the real self

>> No.16408894

>She didn't even mention leaking Botan's new outfit
Because, anon, there may be viewers that haven't heard about the drama yet, and mentioning it specifically would perpetuate the mistake, as more people would learn what was shown. Instead, people can now choose to ignore it and let this drama pass, until Botan does her reveal

>> No.16409162
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I'm actually impressed

>> No.16409328

Reiwa generation globally seems like the Nietzschean End Men, the generation so degenerated that they consider being a fuckup retard to be a good thing.

>> No.16409367

>for my age

This is 4chan you could be a 60 year old retiree and still insisting that 19 is prime for you.

>> No.16409399

what's with all these fake ass retarded bodan?
HoloLive production said it was a software bug on their end, why the fuck would she even hover on a new skin that is not even hers?
She apologized even though it wasn't her fault just because, what she's actually apologizing is about her internet, and she can't have faster internet because of the landlord or whatever where she lives.

>> No.16409424

She's not that old.

Botan is cute you whore.

>> No.16409473


>> No.16409526

Did a chuba say this?

>> No.16409539

I'm 38 and 19 is still the ideal age for a partner
All of my partners have been 18-22

>> No.16409593

Man I can't believe they actually fucking fired her for that shit. You'd have to get caught doing drugs on stream to get fired from hololive today (looking at you Coco)

>> No.16409679

Reiwa babies are only 20 months old at most, retard-chama.

>> No.16409739

Japanese eras are not measured the same way as American generations, fake weeaboo chama.

>> No.16409868

If that’s true your problems extend far beyond this

>> No.16409951

Reiwa started May 1, 2019. Anyone born before that until January 8, 1989 is in the Heisei generation, and anyone born before that is in the Showa generation. The eras are clearly defined. There's no abstract X, Y, Z bullshit.


>> No.16409965

Well we now know theirs two shitters probably samefagging in the thread.

>> No.16410229

I'm 27.
8-9 year age gap is literally ideal and every non-sick society knows it

>> No.16410306

Why is it Reiwa if the emperor is called naruto

>> No.16410637
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because reiwa deez nuts BELIEVE IT

>> No.16410812

Pathetic. Hags are where true happiness lies.

>> No.16410962

Cover doesn't like firing people, and that's obvious now. If that were true Ayame would not be here and the Holostars would have been shut down by the start of 2020. This isn't Niji where they pump and dump whole branches of chuubas because fuck it why not.

>> No.16410961

eh maybe, in my experience women my age have kids and are fat and/or ugly
true quality hags are happily married

>> No.16411026

The Aloe leak was greenlit by her manager and they neglected to double check and ensure that it was deleted. That's on Cover, too, but in that case they had the new talent take the fall for their superior as is customary.

>> No.16411155

La+ is yagoo niece

>> No.16411241

>sashimi dildo
I'm gonna need an explanation for this one

>> No.16411345

Prime goods are prime goods, regardless of the consumer. And it's more like 16.

>> No.16411598

I'm sure you mean 14

>> No.16411610

I feel bad for the poor kid. She is like 18 or 19 and fucked up on the second month of what I am sure is her dream job

>> No.16411729

I think La+ is fairly popular for being new and idk if Aloe was back when EN started being a thing, but firing a 19 year old because you didn't train her properly/make your shit retard proof isn't a good look in the west

>> No.16411823

I didn't even know about this whole yab before I saw threads about it on /vt/, I watched the L4D2 collab on Botan's channel and was only annoyed by the unpreparedness of La+ and using fucking wi-fi to download and play the game.

>> No.16411932

Urgh, Damn female kid, rape correction is needed

>> No.16411933

Laplus is a child

>> No.16413002

She talked about having bought a dildo shaped like sashimi.

>> No.16413098

No, the whore should be raped by the Holostars.

>> No.16413666

H-How does that even work

>> No.16414561

Assuming this shit ain’t faked it’s just some sashimi that hasn’t been cut up yet that happens to look like a dick. If it’s real she deleted the original tweet, which isn’t all that surprising.

>> No.16414720

Botan probably laughed the hardest about this

>> No.16415621

Shaming for making a retarded mistake. Cant argue against perfect system.

>> No.16416265

Literally the first thing she does.
>It was a software bug but I apologize for not noticing it beforehand
Gee what could this be refering to.

>> No.16417094

You aren’t botan

>> No.16417564

Is Japanese Public Relations really that shit??
I mean while they ultimately didn't make a big deal out of it, it sure feels like they were on the brink of doing just that with all the waiting and shit. It almost sounds to me like they fucking started an internal investigation or some shit.

>> No.16418432
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> rape correction is needed

>> No.16418758
File: 450 KB, 1080x2059, Hahsksisisiwisiosiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet this is one of you

>> No.16419092

kinda, she's 19

>> No.16419164

Everybody's angry about the wrong thing. She didn't install L4D2! I had to wait 40 minutes for the collab stream to start because of that.
Who doesn't even install the game before they collab it?!?

>> No.16419671

She started downloading many hours before but it still wasn't enough because her internet is shit, reason being her aparment doesn't allow a good provider because of a lack of structure or something.

>> No.16425387
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>rape correction is needed

>> No.16425479

More like only a few drama-hungry faggots

>> No.16425542

I know the pain of perpetually 2.0 MBps download speed, but it seems this would warrant moving if you're a professional streamer...
inb4 "moving takes 2 years in Japan"

>> No.16425567

having any of holox as your oshi makes you a filthy newfag and you should kill yourself
thank you

>> No.16425599

lmao are you the one who send her hate sc for entering tournament?

>> No.16425666

You can have more than one, anon

>> No.16425764

you are even worse than a newfag

>> No.16425866

thanks, satan

>> No.16426241
File: 1.29 MB, 1494x848, firefox_YIfP3o1NiS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can look at her speed test in the screenshot and notice that her ISP is Asahi Net which means it's probably from one of those shitty portable WiFi devices. These are pretty much just a dedicated tethering hot spots. It's pretty common at least from a lot of the places I've stayed in Japan. The connection is generally pretty bad to no surprise since it's like running your desktop internet off of your cell phone connection.
A lot of cheap apartments in Japan use it when the landlords don't want to deal with wiring their rooms with a real connection
She even said as such in her stream after and declared that she'll be moving

>> No.16426390

I'm membered to 10+ vtubers with the oldest membership being ~2 years, but I've never considered any vtuber my oshi until La+

>> No.16426440

I know that feel, before I got fiber I used to get 2 mbs download speed and basically every day the internet would go down for a bit. Still should have downloaded the game the day before in case something like this happened or there were other technical difficulties.

>> No.16426489

Agree there though
She should've started the download as soon as the collab was confirmed

>> No.16427260

Aloe wasn't fired you giga nigger drama tranny.

>> No.16427699

Of course. Knowing Botan, she wouldn't even give a fuck and Hololive already claimed responsibility for the error. Fans will blow this out of proportion cause it makes for good gossip.

>> No.16427795

Don't be dumb anon. If she had said it outright, she would have brought attention to it, again.

>> No.16428008
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Once her internet is 1000 up/down her final form will be realized. The Gura killer.

>> No.16428138

Japanese APEX players are so autistic about corpse shooting I'm surprised laplus doesn't know about the taboo. I think it's retarded to care about it that much (I've seen streamers wish players get banned for corpse shooting) but any fps player in japan should know.

>> No.16431315

My oshi will surpass botan in 2 months
better start coping right now

>> No.16431786
File: 46 KB, 680x392, FF6YR5SUUAIN61D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot that susan is still a thing to nerf her down

>> No.16433642

Anon, Japanese company don't want to admit they're firing their employee, just like coco, they want some other excuse

>> No.16436550

Why would cover fire aloe, that just wasting money

>> No.16436753

Is it you who is causing my depressions?

>> No.16441114

Imagine this much of a bootlicker

>> No.16441445

I will forgive her once I get to full_nelson fuck that laplussy

>> No.16443108

>do (you) forgive her for a mistake that doesn't actually impact (you) in any way
>implying gopnik lion cared

>> No.16444919

She was late for her L4D2 collab, which is the subject of her apology video, if you paid any attention at all.

>> No.16446157

why are there so many rapists on this board?

>> No.16446685

I don't know why people just coming in the thread and replying with "rape correction needed" is so funny, but it is. I remember looking at what the Japs were saying over on 5ch and no ones really cared and all of the japs were also just saying "Damn brat, rape correction needed". I guess we are the same after all.

>> No.16447009

Haha it says gay in the URL.

>> No.16447562

she's just a baby.

>> No.16447895

I didn’t even know there was a yab but it doesn’t matter she needs rape correction.

>> No.16448054


>> No.16448608
File: 379 KB, 1468x2048, IMG_20220112_185745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will forgive and rape her

>> No.16448983

He has never been shit. The translation in his clips is like 90% of time accurate.
He does speedsubs though so he does have a few mistranslations and typos but his mistake rate isn't any higher than Sushi who does the same for exemple.
The problem is: he speedsubs, he clips serious subjects but most and foremost he's a stubborn asshole that will not backdown. Once he got blacklisted by Cover, his reputation died. Now even if he does a good job nobody that is N3 or more will ever defend him publicly.

>> No.16449268

Oshi doesn't mean what you think it means.
