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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 866 KB, 1279x718, Pomu of faith II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16377639 No.16377639 [Reply] [Original]

Post them.

>> No.16377680


>> No.16377709

Pomu has become Catholic

>> No.16377751

>Ayame (Mel's artist mama)

idk who else

>> No.16377780
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Sister Claire

>> No.16377808


>> No.16377866
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How about Blasphemy vtubers?

>> No.16377983

Sora, Marine and Suisei all went to Catholic school. In addition, there’s a clip of Marine trying to proselytize to Subaru and another of Sora singing Ave Maria. For EN, Gura gets squeamish when people make jokes about Jesus, Kiara has talked about tithes on stream, and Mumei has mentioned being in a choir and sang along to Amazing Grace when it appeared in her BGM setlist.

>> No.16378192

Didn't know praying for cock was a religion.

>> No.16378200

Suisei is Russian Orthodox newfag.

>> No.16378385

The god-loving company.

>> No.16378533

Suisei's mother is Catholic, but she doesn't believe in any religion.

>> No.16378593

>he doesn't know about Suisei and Anemachi's secret ancestry

>> No.16378766
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>Gura gets squeamish when people make jokes about Jesus,
You forgot this;

>> No.16378997

I figured Gura telling whoever wrote that line about Jesus acting sus during the Jackbox collab illustrated the point best.

>> No.16379177

Gura is an atheist.

Marine had Catholic education but is obviously not religious.

>> No.16379223


>> No.16379234

I want to get drunk with Marine and talk about animism and occultism.

>> No.16379336
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>> No.16379349

She probably just said that, because religious jokes can be seen as taboo.
Plus Gura is a little gay. That's one of the big things your not meant to do right?

>> No.16379359

Statistically Ina is likely to be Christian. Korean Immigrants in the U.S. and Canada tend to be majority Christian for some reason.

>> No.16379475

no, it's sodomy you're not supposed to do
lesbians are ok in the Lord's word

>> No.16379479

I think you meant to link The Last Stand, but it's not a song about the crusades or religion at all.

> The story of the 189 brave soldiers in the
> Swiss guard during the sacking of Rome in
>1527. Since Charles V, ruler of the holy roman
> empire couldn’t pay his troops they mutinied
> and forced their commander to lead them
> towards Rome where plunder was plentiful.
>When the invading force entered the vatican
> pope Clement VII escaped to Castel
> Sant’Angelo via passetto di Borgo. The few
> remaining guardsmen gave their lives on the
> steps to St. Peters Basilica.

>> No.16379504

The Violet MV was full of bible quotes too

>> No.16379511

what about pedophilia?

>> No.16379586

Jackbox collab on Gura’s channel with Ame, Ina, Fauna, and Sana.
I’d concur with that, but there’s no on stream evidence for Ina herself. Christian missionaries have been more successful in Korea than other Asian countries, so presumably the converts and their descendants are the ones well-off enough to emigrate.

>> No.16379589

>because religious jokes can be seen as taboo.
That's not the case anymore in this day and age. Just look at Fubuki and Marine mocking priests and nuns on streams.

>> No.16379615

idk read a fucking Bible bro don't expect me to spoonfeed everything to you

>> No.16379622

japan is not the same as murica
sorry nigger but your religion is dumb

>> No.16379641

Do you remember the time exactly?

>> No.16379681

Retardchama, Hololive (And Marine in particular) is an EOP magnet.

>> No.16379734

>Southern Accent
Doubt my dude. Maybe agnostic, but I doubt she's a neck beard

>> No.16379840

I am pretty sure atheism is a foreign idea to Koreans. Agnosticism is the most I've seen a Korean can be. But this is a country that believes electric fans can kill you.

>> No.16380003 [DELETED] 

Atheism is the natural state of the human mind.

>> No.16380133

qrd on ayame?

>> No.16380171

>there are people that unironically believe this
VMAT2 has been discovered for how long now? God may or may not be real, but humans are naturally built for religion. Natural Atheism is literally a mutation/brain damage. Cultural conditioned atheism is the only true form of it

>> No.16380253

>culturally conditioned atheism
You mean developing a sense of logic?

>> No.16380323

what is this pose trying to convey?

>> No.16380339

>VMAT2 has been discovered for how long now?
>Furthermore, Hamer's claim that the VMAT2 gene contributes to spirituality is controversial.[13] Hamer's study has not been published in a peer reviewed journal and a reanalysis of the correlation demonstrates that it is not statistically significant.
>humans are naturally built for religion.
Humans aren't built for anything. We're just the product of billions of years of evolution that started with star dust. There is no greater purpose in life, no grand creator. Nothing but nature and science.

>> No.16380371

Yes, if your ego is so insecure that it needs to put positive connotations like that to assure itself.

>> No.16380380
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>there is some retard out there who thinks gura is a good christian

>> No.16380454
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>> No.16380538

Oh shit, she played Faith? I'll have to check that out

>> No.16380545

She is.

>> No.16380576

Are you being intentionally annoying or are you actually retarded?

>> No.16380651
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>He posts something that is contrary to what you typed

>> No.16380666

Don't want to derail the thread, but you shouldn't quote things out of context. VMAT2's relation to religion and spirituality is not significant. VMAT2's relation to belief of things outside of one's senses is well known. It's practically the only thing it does. We'd all be logical without it.

Riddle me this: name me 1 human society that doesn't have any religion or superstition.
Actually don't riddle me that. This discussion doesn't belong here.

>> No.16380855

Modern Japan and Modern Western Europe.

>> No.16380871

FYI I wrote it and replied >>16380666
despite the disingenuous quote
However this doesn't relate to Vtubers and I prefer this stop for more Marine posting.

>> No.16380926

>Modern Japan is mostly Shintoism
>Modern Western Europe is Islam

>> No.16380931

>Since Charles V, ruler of the holy roman
>empire couldn’t pay his troops they mutinied
>and forced their commander to lead them
>towards Rome where plunder was plentiful.
I know it's just a song but I never bought this story. Charles V probably ordered them to attack Rome but acted like it was something beyond his control. Clement VII was the biggest obstacle to him expanding his influence in Italy and he wasted no time taking advantage of the sack. Clement never got in his way again. The message was clear: the emperor, for the first time since Charlemagne, was now more powerful than the Pope.

>> No.16380993


>> No.16381032

Gura is Catholic.

>> No.16381046

>"I am Catholic."
>"my grandfather and grandma, Catholic."
>"my father and my mother Catholic
>"and I'm Catholic too."
>"there is a priest in my family. Catholic priest in my family."
>"yes, I am Catholic!"


>> No.16381051

>modern western Europe is Islam

>> No.16381072


>> No.16381095

sorry, her name is AYAMY. Not Ayame (the hololive member). AYAMY is Mel's artist mama and she is confirmed Catholic as shown here >>16381046

yeah oops

>> No.16381105

Shitoism is more of a folklore than a religion.

>> No.16381111

God isn't found only in the church. :^)

>> No.16381116

Thanks for the spoonfeed.

>> No.16381148
File: 1.41 MB, 400x400, 1620416678130.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no grand creator
who designed all of this and why is it alive
where does all of this come from

>> No.16381195

The requirement was "or superstition"

>> No.16381203

he is regularly found inside little boys and girls so maybe there's a chance for gura after all

>> No.16381199

Gura is clearly Southern Baptist. She never streams on Sunday

>> No.16381206

From something called the Big Bang.

>> No.16381221

Southern accent? Who in Hololive has a southern accent that you are referring to?

>> No.16381241
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>> No.16381243

You'll figure it out someday, anon. I used to be like you.
It is foolish to assume that the human mind can perceive the entirety of reality, even with the help of science. There is no logical reason to assume that there aren't forces outside of our control or comprehension at play in reality.

>> No.16381245

Fuck, you're really gonna make me check...

>> No.16381250

who created the big bang?

>> No.16381264

Read Plotinus you dumb fedora tipper. Nothing more cringe than a scientific materialist who speaks about metaphysical issues.

>> No.16381291

That isn't god, you dork. The church is satanic and yes, I really believe that.

>> No.16381334

Gura doesn't stream

>> No.16381345

You guys always told me Pomu was a jew, why did you lie? She's clearly Catholic

>> No.16381349

Begone, Prot

>> No.16381375

The clergy has been mocked (in good and bad faith) for as long as there has been a clergy, and priests and nuns are stock characters in comedies in catholic countries. Hell, even skirting the line is Kosher, look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cyEIZdyXR4&ab_channel=ChostomoArmat, the phrase at end meaning roughly "God be with you, and go fuck yourself" has entered every day language in Mexico, though it's typically "Merry Christmas, and go fuck yourself" because I guess people get (rightly) squeamish about saying the word "God" in the same sentence as "go fuck yourself". The priest in Don Quixote is mocked almost as often as the rest of the cast. Priests and nuns are still people, anon.
t. Catholic

>> No.16381423

Yeah they have timers on all their electric fans

>> No.16381448

>the Big Bang.
God did that ;-)

>> No.16381458

Those better not be men in nuns habits I am seeing.

>> No.16381460

That question doesn't make sense because the concept of space-time didn't exist prior to the Big Bang. Space-time is a deformation of gravity that began after the Big Bang.

>> No.16381493

Atheists denied the big bang at first because they said it would prove creationism true

>> No.16381527

Even worse, I'm an animist.

>> No.16381534

That's rich, you are really telling me to read a guy from 2200 years ago instead of modern science LMAO.

>> No.16381553

You’re overestimating the reliability of Renaissance era troops.

>> No.16381587

I'm embarrassed for you, anon. How old are you?

>> No.16381626

I'm 25 and I can give you some physics lessons if you want. Never too late to learn.

>> No.16381627

Yes chad.jpg

>> No.16381645

It was denied because it was discovered and proposed by a Catholic Priest
Atheists back then are similar to Christians today. Denying science and evidence because
it went against their belief.
>inb4 the sides switched

>> No.16381680

Where is the proof that Gura is Christian? Singing some Sabaton song is not proof of anything.

>> No.16381688

>defend religion
>satanic trips
what did God mean by this?

>> No.16381705

>Muh scientism
Empricism is a self refuting epistemology. Your issue isn't physics it's your fundamental philosophical worldview.

>> No.16381709

I can guarantee Gura is a Catholic and went to Sunday school, doesn't mean she's religious but these are facts. I can tell because she's given off enough hints on stream as to where in the US she's from (not the South btw), and I'm from the same state as her. Everyone from the suburbs here is Irish Catholic.

>> No.16381721

I'm 26 and not the guy you were arguing with. I understand physics and don't see how they necessitate atheism. If anything, they just galvanize my faith in the existence of things outside of my perception or comprehension.

>> No.16381740


>> No.16381797

I'll make Mori become Christian again when we get married.

>> No.16381867

Protip: No scientist actually gives a fuck about philosophy. Go ask in any physics or math department of a major university. Only "philosophers" like you care about that crap.
Physics is so advanced in this day and age that you have to do some really crazy mental gymnastics to justify your religion.

>> No.16381910
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The only thing she worships is idols but her original song about agape, the unconditional love between men and God was so beautiful it made me want to go to church

>> No.16381977

japanese "christians" are not christian
to them religion is like a fashion accessory lol
the only one who is probably guenuinly religious is Gura because of her upbringing in the country

>> No.16381981

Most of the prominent 20th Century scientists had a deep and abiding respect for philosophy. Neil de Grasse Tyson doesn't and he's the bannerman for the modern overspecialized bugman "scientist"

>> No.16381998

>your religion
I don't follow a religion. I just believe that since the human brain and man made instruments can only perceive so much of physical reality that I can't entirely discount the existence of things I can not see or understand, or deny the existence of the soul.

>> No.16382007

>No scientist actually gives a fuck about philosophy
And that's the problem. They're like carpenters who can only use a single tool.

>> No.16382010

>Science without epistemology is—insofar as it is thinkable at all—primitive and muddled
I'll let you google who said that. It's not my job to educate you

>> No.16382022

still i don't get it, what was there before the big bang, why did it come to exist out of nowhere?

>> No.16382028


>> No.16382031

In her part of the world (she said eastern timezone a few times) it's more likely that she is a protestant Christian, not a Catholic Christian. Which is too bad because the correct one is Catholicism.

I think her singing that song is the only evidence people have, and yeah it's not really evidence but it is fun to meme about it. At the same time, I don't think any non-religious streamer would want to sing a song like that on stream.

>> No.16382045

This guy is 25 years old and thinks that philosophy isn't a legitimate science. Does he count as a human being?

>> No.16382082

anon that just means he's an adult

>> No.16382107

No, he posted some stupid >AKSHUALLY in response to "humans are naturally built for religion" as if that statement was making a teleological argument instead of using casual language to describe natural dispositions.

>> No.16382127

Eek, not you too.

>> No.16382141

Bro, there was no time, there was no before or after, those concepts only started existing after the big bang. It's hard for us to understand because it goes against our intuition.

>> No.16382182

That song just proves she's not an r/atheism user.

>> No.16382245
File: 56 KB, 474x498, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something didn't have to create the universe you know, it coud have always existed, in an infinite loop or something

perhaps when the black holes consume the universe reality changes into something else before that reality then collapses back into a new universe and so on repeating forever and forever and it never began nor will it end

>> No.16382259
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>lesbians are ok in the Lord's word
this is true

>> No.16382269
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hol up, I don't go to plebbit, do they really hate Sabaton because it disagrees with their beliefs?

>> No.16382280

Have you thought about the nature of timelessness and non duality before? What is it that set the birth of our world into motion? If a non dual, timeless realm existed outside of time, what caused spacetime to spring into existence? How would that even come about?

>> No.16382296

>Most of the prominent 20th Century scientists had a deep and abiding respect for philosophy.
You can't even name them dude. I can guarantee to you almost no modern scientist gives a fuck about Popper, Feyerabend, Kuhn and all those other "philosophers of science".
You know Einstein was an atheist, right? So was Darwin.

>> No.16382368

we simply don't know we cannot know, we are primitive savages

>> No.16382373

The reactionary atheists are *gasp* reacting!

>> No.16382376

I don't know, but probably. r/Atheism is probably one of the dumbest places in the entire internet.

>> No.16382384

If you're not religious you're a tranny, or will eventually become one

>> No.16382418

utilitarian morality says trannies are bad I don't need a god to tell me that

>> No.16382424

If that is the case, how can we know for sure that materialism is the correct worldview? How can we know for certain that atheism is correct?

>> No.16382492

>b-but he was on my side!!!
kek. We are talking about Science and Philosophy, what does atheism have to do with it?

>> No.16382499
File: 541 KB, 744x900, ayamy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are wasting your time debating the atheist tards. I mean really, they come in here just to derail the thread away from discussion about vtubers and you take their shitty bait? They're not even good at arguing despite being all about "facts and science" and shit. If they don't believe in Jesus then they're wrong and you won't change their mind.

Ignore the shitposters and post about Christian vtubers.

>> No.16382518

Atheistic skepticism eventually reverts to "you can't know nuffin"

>> No.16382519


>> No.16382548

That doesn't change the fact that Einstein was only one in a sea of others who literally couldn't care less about philosophy.

>> No.16382564

Well we can't rule out there is no God...but it would be silly to believe in something based on practically nothing

>> No.16382613

Read real philosophers like Greeks and Scholastics you nigger, not modern meme philosophers. Anyone post-Kierkegaard is shit.

>> No.16382622

yes, the 1% that are great and legendary vs the many that get paid to do lab work. I'll go with the wisdom of the great people over the plebs

>> No.16382673

religiously boring

>> No.16382699
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Top left is. Top right is "non binary". The rightmost 4 are all fags and shouldn't have been included.

>> No.16382731

Athena Bambina

>> No.16382736

Every fucking time there is a Christian vtubers thread created the atheism bros come in here like "ACTUALLY RELIGION IS ALL FAKE" and make the thread into religious debates for no good reason.

You can debate whether or not certain vtubers are Christians, but to come into the thread to debate religion itself is so fucking autistic.

>> No.16382756

I like replying to them just so other people reading can see how inane and genuinely stupid that line of thinking can be. There could be impressionable minds and little ears reading this stuff.

>> No.16382796
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my pomu thread really went off the rails

>> No.16382798

Which is exactly why I think it is foolish to be an atheist. I'm not a religious person and I believe this very strongly. I think it's worth considering, really.

>> No.16382826

>Anyone post-Kierkegaard is shit.
Calm down there, pal. Wittgenstein is one of the greatest philosophers of all time.

>> No.16382859

Everyone cares about philosophy whether they realize it or not. Everyone follows some sort of philosophical system. It's impossible to form coherent thoughts without doing so. Science itself is a branch of philosophy. Just one of many.

>> No.16382884

Am I in the minority by enjoying off-topic threads? I already posted all that I can about my oshi's stream today and I enjoy seeing what my fellow /vt/ sisters think about this kind of stuff.

>> No.16383061

I like them too especially when they turn into trainwrecks like this one

>> No.16383134

I really shouldn't be surprised by the fedora tipping at this point but I am

>> No.16383138

Out of the boys, I 100% believe Shu is a Christian.

>> No.16383275


>> No.16383304

>So was darwin
Do your history reps. He was Theist. He thought God created the intricate process of evolution

>> No.16383410

>While Darwin came to heavily dispute the dogmatic prescriptions of the Anglican Church and Christianity in general, later in life he clarified his position as an agnostic in response to a letter from John Fordyce

Evolution redpilled him, sorry.

>> No.16383484

The purest one. Doesn't swear, doesn't drink, no lewd behavior. Seems just like the type of christian kid that went to bible camp. Plus it would be a hilarious twist for the sorcerer character that specializes in curses to end up being christian

>> No.16383559

>agnostic theist isn't atheism

>> No.16383591

Are there any Hermetic vtubers? Any Taoist vtubers?

>> No.16383608

>"During these two years I was led to think much about religion. Whilst on board the Beagle I was quite orthodox, & I remember being heartily laughed at by several of the officers (though themselves orthodox) for quoting the Bible as an unanswerable authority on some point of morality. I suppose it was the novelty of the argument that amused them. But I had gradually come, by this time, to see that the Old Testament from its manifestly false history of the world, with the Tower of Babel, rainbow as a sign, etc., etc., and from its attributing to God the feelings of a revengeful tyrant, was no more to be trusted than the sacred books of the Hindoos, or the beliefs of any barbarian."
Stop coping, man... Just accept reality...

>> No.16383758

that really doesn't disprove agnostic theism...you really aren't good at this huh?

>> No.16383782

He really isn't.

>> No.16383999

Agnostics are closer to atheists than theists. You are coping.

>> No.16384020
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Don't let him get to you. It's like arguing with a brick wall. He will eventually come to learn in due time. Just can the discussion for now and return to chuubas

>> No.16384060

You don't really believe that, do you? If anything, an agnostic is equidistant from atheism and theism.

>> No.16384078
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>I've been trying to converse with someone that might actually be mentally handi-capable
Have a good day

>> No.16384142

Marine is probably an animist and I think that's really cool.

>> No.16384193

I heard that Moona is from the Catholic part of Indonesia and that Risu is a Christian but I have nothing to back that up. The guy who told me that just said LOL and left the thread when I asked him for evidence.
