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File: 362 KB, 1007x2048, E2rCN3sUUAENbWo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16344884 No.16344884 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16344925

thats more moona for me

>> No.16344937

We know it's going to all the right places.

>> No.16345046

She weighs more than me....

>> No.16345064

Imagine her riding you on the bed.

>> No.16345118

ArchitectBros just keep on winning

>> No.16345127

62kg is the newest one, but this also months old

>> No.16345472 [DELETED] 

SEAnigs are starting to realise that them effectively being walking malnourished nigger skeletons isn’t actually normal. Finding out a cute thick woman is heavier than them is doing all sorts of things to their underdeveloped brains.

>> No.16345488

t. Burger

>> No.16345632

Finally my reps are going to pay off as I fuck her on every surface, while you weaklings can only do it with girls that have a weight of maximum 40 kg...

>> No.16345649

I'm 45kg and 26 years old.
I heard females are getting a lot of weight and getting bigger boobs after first sex. My cousin got bigger boobs after she's married.

>> No.16345667
File: 43 KB, 690x668, 1639313915274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deliciously thicc

>> No.16345685


>> No.16345695

Fucking midgets, all of you.

>> No.16345965


>> No.16345999

I wish I saved that pic of a hand grabbing a tummy.

>> No.16346088


>> No.16346098

Your archive reps, anon. It's literally just a few clicks away.

>> No.16346112

Stop fucking ten years olds.

>> No.16346123

idk how tall she is but I'm 179 and like 58kg, kinda fucked up

>> No.16346133

holy shit 45kg, i could throw you out like a bug with just one hand

>> No.16346167

eat more, stick man

>> No.16346199


>> No.16346254

prime weight

>> No.16346408

Any Moona's fans who knows when picrel happened? Was it before or during COVID?

>> No.16346460

60kg onahole

>> No.16346461
File: 58 KB, 719x810, Skinny or no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I forgot to add the screenshot.

>> No.16346598

That's a normal weight
Most Indonesian women are around 145 to 165 cm

>> No.16346716

I'm going to keep you locked at my home, dress you up in pretty clothes and you wouldn't be able to leave
you wouldnt be allowed to take showers neither, and at the end of every month I would lick off all the sweat off of you

>> No.16346966 [DELETED] 
File: 765 KB, 1440x2464, Screenshot_20210326-144115_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep in mind that Indogs are the shortest people on the entire planet. A 60kg indog is not the same as a 60kg Amerimutt

>> No.16346980

>145 cm
>48 kg
SEAbros... how do I find an indo gf to manhandle

>> No.16347002

dayum, she thicc.

>> No.16347050
File: 2.62 MB, 413x233, 1641822251140.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16347081

KEK fucking skelly

>> No.16347141

leave our women alone, burgerman.

>> No.16347222
File: 66 KB, 516x687, burgerchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make me, manlet

>> No.16347258

What does this mean?
Kinda gay
I’m 56 kg and 169 cm so I don’t look that skinny but I am small

>> No.16347264
File: 96 KB, 756x771, 264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16347531

Puncak, Bogor. 35$, and you can manhandle them all you want for a night. For a higher price, you can even go bareback and anal.
Got myself two 20 yrs old and went balls to the walls for two nights straight for only 100$ last summer

>> No.16347612

how u contact them, i dont know how to communicate with the local

>> No.16347756

Whew a real deadbeat

>> No.16347836

My sis is like that exactly.

>> No.16347868

moona bro...

>> No.16347869

Very interesting

>> No.16347883

They know English, especially in a place like Puncak.
In my case, I literally just asked my cab driver while giving him an extra 15$ as grease money, and he just drove me to one of the places, no questions asked.
Hell, there's even a 'Halal' option, if you're so inclined.

>> No.16347938

Moona used Belly Drum

>> No.16347948 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 400x400, 1610735413560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be white and they throw themselves at you, and even give you ugly disgusting subhuman mutt children.

>> No.16348005

It's super effective!

>> No.16348039

the fuck rumao. there's no such thing as "halal" in zina my dude.

>> No.16348066

Delicious flappy belly

>> No.16348081

Please note that discussion should pertain to a VTuber's streams and content, and should not pertain to their real lives, relationships, or appearances ("IRL").

>> No.16348101

That man has very poor posture

>> No.16348224

Not even kidding, it's what they call it. Basically what they do is they make you marry the girl first, complete with legal documents. And once you're finished the course (there's a 3-day course, and a 7-day course), they'll simply annul the marriage.
Now, I don't know if this is truly Halal or not, but that's what they do.

>> No.16348319

ah i think you're refering to "kawin kontrak". it's a gimmick.

>> No.16348646

Maybe? I didn't choose it so I only know what they told me. Supposedly the rate I got was cheaper than usual because COVID made travel difficult so they've been having difficulty finding customers.

>> No.16348777

>thread is slowly becoming a sexpat guide
Why are you guys like this?

>> No.16348953

You do realized she debuted back in 2020, right ?but iirc it was before she returned to her parents' house (when she still lived together with ID1)

>> No.16350031


>> No.16350134

Shia is not Islam and that practice is what westard actually believed all muslim do

>> No.16350433


>> No.16350509

WTF either everyone here is larping or you're all fucking skeletons or something. There's no way a 16-25 yo man weighs 60 kg

>> No.16350575

Absolutely halal

>> No.16351609
File: 39 KB, 474x790, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to know how the prostitutes in Puncak Bogor, Indonesia speak?
They speak broken English with a Sundanese accent like Iofi

>> No.16351693

On one hand I want a tall gf for good genetics, on the other

>> No.16352026
File: 102 KB, 1334x750, 1639012676086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>60kg grip

>> No.16352090

I can give you 10 kios for free.

>> No.16352159 [DELETED] 

Seaniggers. They're tiny.

>> No.16352445

That should be fucking normal, all the burgers replying as if you were automatically skinny disgust me.


>> No.16352508

Only a midget or a woman is allowed to weight less than 60kg.

>> No.16353286

Burgerman, leave our pure and feminine SEA girls, please go away

You can fuck as much as you want your corrupted Western girls with their feminist and LGBT shit

>> No.16353446

No thanks
I'm 152 cm, that would make me literally fat

>> No.16353568

Oh, so you're midget.

>> No.16353620

WTf did you mean? I'm average

>> No.16354058

Average if you are a girl from Brunei

>> No.16354392

Anon, that's way too underweight for your height. Eat properly.

>> No.16354492

Not our fault your own countrymen sell the girls for cheap. Literally, one hour wage for an entire night with a girl? That's a fucking steal. And it's not like we go out of our way to fuck them, just on the occasion we're in the vicinity.
It's just like tasting the local cuisine when you travel to other country, you know?
If you don't like it, maybe do a better job cleaning your country's prostitution ring?

>> No.16354661

Reps anon. Or Google.

>> No.16354718

60kg as a man is pretty light unless you're really fucking short seanigchama

>> No.16354873

It's literally 5ft 3 indonesian """""men"""""

>> No.16354991

They won't do anything, foreign prostitution is unironically several % of their GDP

>> No.16355382

As the country that boasts the highest number of Moslem in the world, apparently they don't follow their religion's teaching very well, do they? Their own girls are literally getting sold as prostitutes to foreign tourists, yet the one time I recently saw the news about Indog's Moslem doing anything was during... a governor's election, I think? Fucking kek.

>> No.16355449

They're about as Muslim as Americans are Christian
Might make a lot of noise but if you actually follow any of the teachings everyone looks at you like some kind of weirdo

>> No.16356678

They treat eating pigs as more vile than prostitution.

>> No.16356839

Average? I was 10 when I was your height.

>> No.16357553

How ironic for a mutt to typed this post

>> No.16357721

he's average for a SEAnigger

>> No.16358168

Vietnig here, that not average. Most female here are taller that that midget.

>> No.16358574

you now remember when Linus autistically talked about the benefits of interracial dating

>> No.16358833

>Not even 3 digits
Nigger, are you even trying

>> No.16359011

Imagine waking up every day to look at "your" kids that resemble you in no way at all
For all you know your wife is a whore and there's no way to confirm or deny it beyond a paternity test

>> No.16359079

How tf do I do it if I'm poor? I eat a lot of cooked potstoes because otherwise I get hungry.

>> No.16359097
File: 149 KB, 1024x1021, 1620917037725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my girl

>> No.16359155

Mind if i pin you down and feed you your favorite food everyday

>> No.16359934

half of it is my cum though

>> No.16361595

What a fatty

>> No.16361964


>> No.16363612

>20 cm variation

>> No.16363735

Isn't that fat for a female?

>> No.16363804

How will the Japanese holos react when they meet up and see how chubby she is?

>> No.16363950
File: 145 KB, 785x760, weight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

60kg = 132lb
Moona is 165cm tall (5.4)

>> No.16364038

So she's almost obese

>> No.16364077

Not even remotely close

>> No.16364097

Almost overweight ESLchama, your reading comprehension reps

>> No.16364184

I am 6ft and weigh 60kg though

>> No.16364286

Ummm, on the moon she'd weigh 10kg so it's fine.

>> No.16364359

All the prostitutes in Indonesia are Chinese anyway, who cares about foreign invaders

>> No.16365635

Economic disparity. People outside of java are shorter. My uni class was full of them. I was the fourth tallest, only one guy was shorter than me tho.
Weird cope

>> No.16366426

Don't worry anon once you turn 18 you'll get taller and bigger.

>> No.16368800

Don't be disingenuous. The Chinese population in Indonesia is among the wealthier portion of the country, they don't need to stoop to prostitution. Hell, they literally managed to send thousands of their own working class to work in your country just because the regular Indogs are so uneducated their own government don't want them anywhere close to their projects.
Just because we hate chinks here doesn't absolve your people from the sin of duping and then selling your own girls as prostitutes.

>> No.16369144

That is not normal unless you're a midget. I mean that literally; the upper end of appropriate body weight for a female dwarf is approximately 45 kilos.

>> No.16369180

They do it cause they're kuffar whores

>> No.16369306

oh, holy fuck. they're literally a couple inches away from medically being considered dwarves. how the fuck are so many of them on here when they can't even afford food?

>> No.16369717

>an unironic CCP shill

>> No.16370520

>Shortest people on the planet
>List keeps going

>> No.16370788

He doesn't mind. We're in boys.

>> No.16371330

Hello mister skeletal.

>> No.16371749

I mean, that's what Indonesia is, you know? I just did a quick Google search, but apparently they snubbed Japan in favor of China for their high-speed rail project. Said project is also the one where they take in thousand of chinks to work on it, instead of utilizing their own workforce.

>> No.16371965

Goddamn.. you must be a manlet or a stick figure

>> No.16375132
File: 8 KB, 225x225, Shia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not a Moslem?

>> No.16376178

So are you forced to fuck the ho for three days?

>> No.16379370

Lmao what the fuck?

>> No.16379540

underage b&

>> No.16380979

Moona's bro is so lucky

>> No.16383986

too fat for a small woman
