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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16272452 No.16272452 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this allowed?

>> No.16272540

HoloID shits on you unicorns all the time. It's great.

>> No.16272570

boys don't pee stupid zombie

>> No.16272735

Is this some common indog joke or something? Why does she ask it to everyone?

>> No.16272776
File: 241 KB, 1670x904, 1641947943296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he move on to zombie after getting bored of anti Sana threads?

>> No.16272789

Well this is just what happens when you don't graduate someone for being fingered on stream.

>> No.16272915

People worried about streaming with rpr when they should be worried abut streaming with Ollie.

>> No.16272935


>> No.16272939

holy shit PEE LMAO

>> No.16273143


>> No.16273157

SEA needs to be eradicated

>> No.16273439

Based Ollie.

>> No.16273484

RPR's collab with Bobon was kino.

>> No.16273550

yeah, in my mouth

>> No.16273739

You guys should've took the Reine pill when you had the chance.

>> No.16274695

Why shouldn't it be?

>> No.16274955

did Ollie make that joke a second time or is this just an edit of thumbnails from the Roberu collab

>> No.16275335

she did it again on the rpr collab

>> No.16275466

It's her new comedy routine.

>> No.16275493

but this time, in nipponese, so the joke is new again

>> No.16275514

>inappropriate comments?
>Comments that I don't personnaly find FUNNY?!

>> No.16275566

Fuckin' what?

>> No.16275696

Towapee Tokoyapee

>> No.16275865
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>he doesn't know about Ollie and yubigate

>> No.16275953

anon... the yubi gate reps...

>> No.16276522

Forcibly graduate these whores already

>> No.16276772

Every time I go on this board I learn something new. Goddamn hololive sucks at controlling their talent. For any other anon that might not know:


>> No.16276788
File: 14 KB, 333x272, 1613627785708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will drink the warm and fresh Twapee straight from the tap!

>> No.16276804

I don't mind the guy but he should have only collabed with Towa, now that he mingles with the ID girls he seems like a leech and judging by picrel Ollie is gonna get his ass blacklisted soon.

>> No.16276811

>Every time I go on this board I learn something new
you must BE new then.

>> No.16276848

selly... not now!

>> No.16276906

I have been intentionally avoiding vtuber related discourse because I actually wanted to enjoy something for once but cover pissed me off and ruined it for me so I figured, what the hell.

>> No.16276946

Id branch was a mistake hope they all graduate soon

>> No.16277011

They will get their 3rd gen soon.

>> No.16277596

wtf someone tell me this is fake please

>> No.16277710

Get a girlfriend and finger her and then figure out if girls getting fingered sound like that

>> No.16278645
File: 86 KB, 300x300, 1637379415302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fingered rrat again
There really is nothing but gossipy women here.

>> No.16279547

Uh... She leaned over and kissed the air at the end because uh... she just loves nitrogen and oxygen so fucking much.

>> No.16279622

You seriously didn't know about this? Why do you think so many people hate her here? She literally cucked her fans live on stream.

>> No.16279653
File: 268 KB, 450x600, 1620340073477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fingered rrat again
I can only get so much erect!

>> No.16279664

ID was the worst thing to happen to Hololive without a doubt, just a bunch of degenerate SEA niggers who only care about making sex jokes and shit with Ollie being the worst. No wonder people prefer her seiso alter ego so much lol.

>> No.16279757

Parasocial are for losers, I only watch them as a content creators. And that true cuz it >>16279622

>> No.16279823
File: 69 KB, 500x500, 1641774432276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes Ollie the most hated and least subscribed and viewed member of Holoro
also please keep making these kind of threads boys you're going to get her to 1mil before the end of Feb at this rate.

>> No.16279938

Huh? What rhymes?

>> No.16279973

Who cares? No, seriously.

>> No.16279976

I said many people hate her HERE, retarded indog.

>> No.16280055

Ollie is a straight up whore

>> No.16280093

I like ollie but ffs ollie stop making these peepeepoopoo vshitter tire jokes AND stop interacting with that fucking leech feifei or whatwver

>> No.16280104

Why'd she lean over and kiss the "air", then?
Why did she lie when she was heard talking to a guy on Reine's discord?

>> No.16280138

Ah yes 4chan the most important place on the web, surely if you're hated here you will never be successful.

>> No.16280228

I never said anything about her success. I never said anything other than there's a ton of people here who hate her. You're the only one autistically screeching and talking about her success or lack there of, LMAO.

>> No.16280259

Why is Ollie in Hololive instead of VShoujo?

>> No.16280288

Keep in mind all these Indos keep saying "Ollie can't be a whore! She lives with her parents!"
Then what's this, zomcucks?

>> No.16280291

lurk more

>> No.16280523

I can't hate. This sounds so fucking hot.

>> No.16280753

>Why did she lie when she was heard talking to a guy on Reine's discord?

>> No.16280792

yagoo feels bad for her and Gita is just retarded as usual

>> No.16280852

Vshojo only hires successful streamers, Ollie was nobody when she was Indie.

>> No.16280919

The stream is from 2020. This tweet is from 2021. One year apart. Time reps, retard.

>> No.16281015

When Reine visited her house, she met her lil sister, so does that mean she lives in different house but in the same neighborhood?

>> No.16281430
File: 549 KB, 1080x3237, IMG_20220112_111313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like Ollie because she openly wants to change Hololive because she's not comfortable with idol culture but yubigate rrats is too much, it's been more than a year there's no evidence just guessing, a lot of idiots are out of containment, VOD is still there no problems from management, people say contracts Ollie didn't get renewed because of this, but it's her anniversary and there's no sign of graduation

>> No.16282159

Newfags can't form their own opinion so they parroted Yubigate rrats, even if it's obviously untrue.

>> No.16282298

but Yubigate was a national tragedy.

>> No.16282306


>> No.16282325

It made Towa laugh and it was cute.

>> No.16282350

Are you okay? you seem manic better get that checked out, lol

>> No.16282410

Honestly would rather have one brap splash a month than another disingenuous:
"But your health is still good..."

>> No.16282411

I've never seen any explanation more plausible. Attempts at brushing it off always ignore multiple facts about what occurres.

>> No.16282483


>> No.16282518

has she announced that she was moving at any point? Usually the holos do so.

>> No.16282586

Why do you think she moved? Use your brain. She's never once said she lives alone.

>> No.16283694

im a tourist, but that seems pretty set in stone

>> No.16284236

This one is not a rrat. It is extremely obvious what happened there. This is 100% something she would do, based on her personality. Not a single denier has ever give a reasonable answer to what happened there. Hell, I don't even hate Ollie.

>> No.16285142

I didn't even know she was sick

>> No.16285530

I mean, what did you honestly expect from a rotting fucking corpse?

>> No.16286169

Again. She moved out of her parents to live somewhere else. But she's never said she lives alone. Do you get it yet?

>> No.16287155

Wait if she lives alone then who the fuck was this?



>> No.16287527

Not a yubigate denier but wasn't that some other dude she was collabing with that day? I think Ollie was genuinely confused because the only there who could've made a noise would have to have been Ellie because she would've lied and said it was Ollo if it was more likely a male voice to be heard.

I think this one was disproven somewhere in the archives iirc

>> No.16288765

She would get off on the risk of it, for sure.
If she wasn't in such a deeply muslim country she'd probably also engage in mild exhibitionism.

>> No.16289215

I understand the yubi part but why gate

>> No.16289278

Y'know, the animu cool guy avatar doesn't really work when you know what the guy looks like in real life.

>> No.16289312

>oh no i'm illiterate! better move the goalpost to make myself look stupid too!

>> No.16290142

who is Sana?

>> No.16290189


>> No.16290198

the indog talking about mental health. kill yourself

>> No.16290766

I don't get how management didn't insta graduate her after this. Is ID management really that cucked? You just know Omega wouldn't have stood for this shit.

>> No.16291124

There was a meme scandal in the USA in the 1970's.
Well, in mainstream culture it was considered a legit scandal, but cynical people see the controversy as a bad joke.

Basically a president got framed for some guys of the president's party breaking into a rival's offices. Those offices were set up temporarily in a hotel called Watergate. It was "The Watergate Scandal."
Ever since, every big revelation of a scandal has been called "_GATE!"

>> No.16291141


>> No.16291169

Someone post the Freddie got Fingered edit.

>> No.16291557

Love how Ollie got almost no time during Coco graduation. They obviously cut most of her out.

>> No.16291589

Framed? He ordered it, dude. That's why it was such a big deal.

>> No.16293840

Found the normalfag

>> No.16294049

>she openly wants to change Hololive
You kno Hololive existed before 2020 too, right? And they were still idols. She just wants to return to tradition :)

>> No.16294188

I'm a normalfag because I know one of the most well-known events in American history? Are you retarded? Did you know the whistleblower called himself deepthroat and every news caster had to call him that?

>> No.16294242

I'm pretty sure this is the same type of retard who thinks Jan 6th wasn't a coup attempt if the thinks Nixon was innocent.

>> No.16294408

nigger simply all I have 2 say

>> No.16294730

But Nixon even admitted he did it...

>> No.16295480

He got a point

>> No.16295498

Jan 6 wasn't a coup attempt. Saying it was a coup attempt implies they had anu sort of plan in the first place.
>stays inside the red velvet ropes while crossing the lobby
>disperse once a psychopath capo shoots a female magatard in the neck at point-blank range
Yeah definitely a coup

>> No.16295576

>how do you do fellow anons, I also dislike Ollie

>> No.16295592
File: 77 KB, 790x159, yubi yubi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ollie yubigate rrat probably going to be more iconic than ayame whore rrat
seanigger really love it here

>> No.16295596

Glowing like Ollie after a monsoon climax?

>> No.16295827

Time passes, as time will, time is known to do that of course, on occasion, for it is usually the property of time to pass, and so it has.

captcha: 4MVVJ

>> No.16295832

>Jan 6th wasn't a coup
Yeah, a successful coup by the Feds. That whole thing was a big honeypot event and the poor boomers still locked up for a year on trespassing charges had no clue. They can't be let out because they will talk. There's a reason the govt won't release all the footage they have during that day because it would show how many federal agents and informants were LARPing with actual protesters and inciting violence.

>> No.16296193

>can't tell the difference between otakmori and sushi

>> No.16296392

Trump is a pussy and you're a faggot. Go back.

>> No.16296824

>she lives alone
>she was just confused and said her sister

>> No.16297480

Four capos "committed suicide" in the weeks after Jan6. Loose ends snipped.
Can't have whistleblowers unless they're lantern jawed trannies demanding boomerbook and twatter censor even more.

>> No.16297548

>Why is this allowed?
Do you expect their manager to have a killswitch that stops the stream the moment Ollie has a yab?

>> No.16297647

He means how is this allowed without severing the contract with Zomslut.

>> No.16297719

I don’t even mind it the joke just isn’t funny enough to be used everytime you play apex with someone.

>> No.16300178

I think it goes like this.
>Reine or Jaret (that some other dude) accidentally join their discord server earlier for inpromptu collab. (you know most, if not all, big IDvtubers knows each others well, even before the vtuber term exist)
>Ollie, who just joined the server after that and didn't hear Jaret, thought Reine was asking to her about the sound leaks
>Ollie tought that Ellie makes some audible sound so she's a bit panic at the start of her call in.

Why it's Ellie?
>They have shared room or their room is close to each other (Ellie once put Shien's picture all over Ollie's room)
>When Ollie stream for a long time, Ellie sometimes give her meal
>Ellie often tease Ollie to reveal her voice before Ollie reach 1M subs

>> No.16302726

Because people have to urinate after drinking.

>> No.16305804

Zoomkeks the only way to defend your oshi from us is to always say "numbers numbers subs subs" i don't give a fuck about her being successful ! I'm glad people hate her because she doesn't belong to hololive and will never be, she's not an idol she's a whore female streamer like the others
You are not special.
You are not an idol.
There's no place for you in hololive.
You are just a whore.
You want to "change hololive" ?
I'm gonna change your retarded zombie indog brain cells

>> No.16305812

Wow anime girl talking about peeing, literal Coco level of humor

>> No.16305920

How old are zoomkeks btw ? Are they normal otakus or just normies who found anime on netflix and get clips of hololive recommended ?

>> No.16307832

it's just some schizos writing their imaginary ollie fanfics. she was playing a horror game and made some lewd noises, that's probably just it.

>> No.16307931

zomcuck cope

>> No.16308198

I'm feeling a raging boner rather than rage

>> No.16308228
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>> No.16308304

when she sperg'd at the ID fans it was based

>> No.16308369
File: 16 KB, 330x327, 1638722467077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got Yubi'd by her sister
I don't know the truth of the rrats but this is what's truly dislikable.

>> No.16308399

It's funny when the non-vtuber gaijin is better at sticking to the hololive stream etiquette than Ollie is.
