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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16274839 No.16274839 [Reply] [Original]

and to any of the rest in the back who need to sit down and shut the fuck because they're in desperate need of hearing some common fucking sense, I don't give a fuck about how long it is and if you read it or not. It's time you use that peanut sized fucknoodle inside your head for something useful.

1) Stylistically a Loli
There are people who would claim that the proportions of her avatar do not fit the loli aesthetic, but these people are, naturally, incorrect and need to fucking apologize. The issue with using such a broad brush approach to smear a character depiction as "not loli" is that just like every other fucking thing in anime ever, what is considered as being drawn as a loli is very much interdependent upon the artists own style.
My claim: If an artist has a sizeable portfolio to draw from, and that portfolio contains characters that are indisputably Lolis(such as fanart of other characters that (You) would consider Loli), comparing that art to other artwork of his will give us a clear indication of which of his original work is a Loli draw in his or her style.
Luckily, we have exactly that, as Yasupapa has of course drawn a lot of art of Rushia, but has also made artwork of Gura, who most here wouldn't question the Loli status of
Here is a picture of Rushia by her papa:
Here is a picture of Gura by Rushia's papa:
Make note of the proportions. Yes, they're the same.
I don't even need to say much more here. Any qualms you may have about Yasu's stylization are between you and his art, but qualms with quality do not supersede intent, and the intent, very clearly, very EXPLICITLY, is that his vision of Rushia artistically is that of a loli.

2) Self-admission
Rushia has, for any who watch her with any frequency, both specifically stated, joked about, or otherwise alluded to herself as being a "Lolibaba"(ロリババア, or less commonly ロリ婆).

While listing all of the instances of such self-description would be tedious, I'll provide two sources with a significant distance between the two to prove that her referencing herself is a persistent, on-going thing
Firstly, on March 3, 2021, during her fight with Sans(10 months ago!)
The term can be clearly seen written in kana however and can be heard well when it comes up(note her referencing her age as being 1,600 years old)

The more recent occurrence is her Granny Simulator collaboration with Laplus on Dec 29, 2021(About 2 weeks ago from the time of this post):
Make note of the title of the video
>【Granny Simulator】初コラボ!!ロリ婆vsガキッズ!殴り合い!!【潤羽るしあ/ホロライブ】
Yes, that's
>Lolibaba vs Brat
Here she explicitly uses the concept of herself as a joke. In fact, this is a continuous trend, where she has so readily defined herself as such that she's mixed the joke with references to her lore of being 1600 years old, as you can see in the clip. In fact, she uses that age joke often. Even just today, she tweeted this
Making light of her age again, which as we've clearly seen is inherently correlated to her being a Lolibaba.

The loose encapsulation of the term Lolibaba, (provided by https://w.atwiki.jp/aniwotawiki/pages/2249.html, a self-professed wikipedia for アニヲタ or anime wota[basically anime otaku])
Or, to translate
>The kind of hag who only looks like a loli on the outside, but her actual age is quite high.
Specifically, pay attention to
This is not a vague statement, and while this is just one example I'm sure any secondary sources from half-way accurate sources would confirm that by the strictest definition, a Lolibaba EXPLICITLY and without ANY DOUBT is considered a Loli in appearance.
If you are a Lolibaba, you must necessary physically be a Loli. It's half the fucking term, for fucks sake! Lolibaba is not some outlying category, it is, in fact, a type of Loli!
To support my claim, here is an English site that serves as a lexical resource to reference for such anime otaku terms, and it includes Lolibaba in this article about various Loli archetypes: https://www.japanesewithanime.com/2018/01/loli.html..

(Part 1)

>> No.16274862
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>> No.16274874

3) Matching Physical Proportions
Here is a list of the 5 shortest characters in Hololive
>Laplus Darkness: 139cm / 4'6" (w/o horns)
>Himemori Luna: 140cm / 4'7" (w/o crown)
>Gawr Gura: 141 cm / 4'7"
>Uruha Rushia: 143 cm / 4'8"
>Murasaki Shion: 145 cm / 4'9"
Now, this itself should serve as potent evidence for proof that Rushia is, in fact, a LOLI. She is shorter than known mesugaki Murasaki Shion, who was the resident UOOOH of Hololive before Gura. More than that, she's a mere 2 CM taller than Gura herself.
BUT WAIT. It doesn't end there. Here is a close-up screenshot of Rushia's home 3D from her most recent updated home 3D model debut
This is a clear side profile of her shoes. Or specifically, her heels. Referencing pictures of heels, the proportions of the heel her looks like a near perfect match for heels of around ~3cm. That means that Rushia WITHOUT her heels is actually more likely around 140cm, tying with Luna for 2nd shortest Hololive member, and a mere 1cm taller than Laplus. And, specifically, SHORTER THAN GURA HERSELF.
And such proportional similarities are common in other characteristic as well
Her chest is even flatter than Gura's, or even Ina's:
Her hip width, a claim I've seen touted as proof of her not being a loli, is actually deceptively child-like; her outfits often include flowy skirts, and imply a curviness to her that simply isn't there. Here is a rare view of the interior of her skirt showing how little her arms clip into her vagina bones when held to her side
Clear evidence points to her having a pre-pubescent body.

4) Child-Like Behaviour
Besides simply alluding to herself a Loli(because a loliarchetype, as discussed, is merely one of many types of Loli), Rushia commonly displays childish behaviour and will even host entire streams of herself behaving as a child, in a babylike way.
See these streams/clips of streams for proof:

>MONSTER HUNTER RISE】アプデ!?赤ちゃんがモンハンする
>Baby plays Monster Hunter

A clip of one of her old Cat Mario streams(VOD deleted)
>Loli stream

>Baby Rushia


Watching any of the above actual streams will, of course, provide plenty of evidence towards her acting this way.
And you may say, "she's just putting this little role on and it's different from her usual self" well lsiten the FUCK up you little troglodyte, not it's fucking not. Look up at the above evidence, specifically point one. The idea of her referencing her being a loli as fuel for her interactions was already well-estabilished. I provided streams and clips here from a broad span of time, and in fact could dig up far more in the forms of tweets if pressed. But it's truly unecessary, because Rushia plays this role not as a deviation from the norm, but to EXPLICITLY, I say again, to
play TO her type, not against it or to deviate from it. You'll note as a viewer that she will often dip into acting like this unprompted, such as when playing horror games, where will will come out with "babu babu" baby noises and "onii-chan"s' a-fucking-plenty. The loli/baby stream concept was in fact done because she thought to expound upon her pre-existing behaviour that had been noted by Fandead and been made a point of discussion NUMEROUS times.

In summary, Rushia is a Loli. Everything about her is Loli. She is drawn as a Loli. She has the proportions of a Loli. She is specifically an archetype of Loli. She acts like a Loli. She is mentally a child in real life. She wants to be pampered by her onii-chan. Rushia is a Loli.
I'm done here, and the next time you want to blab your big fat fucking mouth about shit you don't fucking know about, how about you shove a fucking gun in there instead and save me the trouble of hearing your ignoramous ass spout more uninformed drivel you fucking gangregous shit-soaked wet spot on the body of mankind.

(Part 2, FIN)

>> No.16274892

Mucho tekisuto

>> No.16274895

Whatever makes you happy

>> No.16274909
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>> No.16274992

jesus fucking christ dude go the fuck outside loser

>> No.16275019

based schizo

>> No.16275064

no, she is a baba

>> No.16275066

how much Adderal do you take

>> No.16275084

You're retarded
She's drawn like a JK, her canon age of 1600 is supposed to reference being 16
She doesn't act like she acts when she acts in her Loli livestreams and JP chat says they'll become lolicons for it, which means they aren't already
lolibaba is just the joke because there isn't a JK babaa.
She doesn't act like a child in real life. People refer to her as an onee-san type. You should know this. You're just retarded.

Rushia's not a loli and your way too obsessed about something that you're just wrong about

>> No.16275117

Dangerously based

>> No.16275129

I'm happy for you tho, or sorry that happened

>> No.16275159

I am glad someone has put this down in text. I share a lot of the observations.

>> No.16275190
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Did you really expect us to read all that verbal diarrhea, or are you typing just for the hell of it? Either take the meds that you're supposed to take, or stop taking whatever it is that you shouldn't be taking.

>> No.16275238

thanks for the feedback lol

>> No.16275265

haha imagine if this high effort post went straight to page 10 haha

>> No.16275274

Seems like your confusing Rushia's brain problems with the character setting. I mean what's next a list of Marine acting like a baby to prove she's a loli too?

>> No.16275408

>or are you typing just for the hell of it?
OP here, this one
>take the meds that you're supposed to take
>stop taking whatever it is that you shouldn't be taking.
If the police couldn't stop me, then you sure as hell can't

>> No.16275472

Was it fucking autism?

>> No.16275670

The only people who don't consider Rushia a loli are normalfags or people who tie it to age and not physique.
Either way, you should have just ignored them instead of letting it get to you, OP. It's not worth the effort cause anyone claiming she isn't a loli won't change their mind even with hard evidence that she has referred to herself as such. Some (many?) likely consider lolicons pedos that are attracted to 3DPD children and don't want to think of themselves as such when they like Rushia.

>> No.16275677

Based retard. Take the rope pill already.

>> No.16276102

Will my cock fit in Rushia?

>> No.16276216

I posted earlier some basic things wrong with you because I didn't want to effort post. For reference, I am both a lolicon and a fandead and do not believe Rushia is a loli at all. She represents none of the culture or underlying philosophy behind lolis and being a lolicon, her physique resembles way more a moe JK than she is a loli, she just isn't a loli in design nor spirit. I'm not defending on any "moral" grounds because 16 would still be illegal or whatever and I'm a fucking lolicon. She doesn't represent what it means to be a loli at all though. However, since your logic was wrong on just about every account, I felt the need to address your points a tad more in detail.

Art - Here is another art from Yasupapa of Emilia from re;zero. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/57057718
Is Emilia also a Loli? What's the difference between the proportions with this Rushai art https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/80001079 besides that Emilia has more breasts? By your soundproof logic, Emilia is a loli.
Is Emilia a loli?

2) "Self-Admission"
They have to be titled Loli Livestreams because she pretends to act like a loli in them... which means she's not normally a loli. Like how retarded do you have to be to not see that it blatantly is against the point you're making. Do you think an イケメン ikemen livestream would also prove that she is an ikemen? Does a lucifer livestream prove that she is lucifer? Wouldn't it do the opposite and highlight that she does not normally do that behavior?
Once again, calling herself a "lolibaba" is just making fun of herself being a hag while having a young model. Not actually meaning she herself is a legitimate loli. When she discusses being a lolicon she doesn't mention herself. Other lolicons in Hololive don't mention being lolicons about Rushia. People become lolicons for her in her loli livestreams, which blatantly means that her fandeads weren't lolicons in respects to her beforehand.
Making fun of her age is because she's making fun of that she's a hag.If you had a non joke livestream where she clearly ac ts differently where she referred to herself as a loli, you would've posted it. Yet you could only find lolibaba, because she is only using it for the joke of her being a hag in real life, and not for the loli part. She's called herself a straight up ババァ, just baba, not even lolibaba, just hag, more than she's called herself a loli. She also calls herself an onee-san a lot. Furthermore the 1600 is supposed to be "16". 16 is not the age of lolis, but JK. Her JK outfit also fits perfectly well with her. She's in magic academy in lore as well. Everything points to her being a petite teenage highschooler as opposed to a loli.

3) Physical properties is just bullshit because petite girl does not equal loli.

4) You're insane. I don't even need to address this point, if you think Rushia exhibits "child like behavior" you are deranged and need to take your meds. You would define her 3D person roommate as a loli before you'd classify her as an onee-san for some god forsaken reason. You fucking need to take some medication.

Rushia's not a loli and you need to take your meds.

>> No.16276242

>She's drawn like a JK
Then apparently Gura is too.
>her canon age of 1600 is supposed to reference being 16
Pulled out of your ass
>She doesn't act like she acts when she acts in her Loli livestreams
I mean duh, but she will often do little cries and ask for people to help her or save her with horror stream pre-stream tweets and such
>JP chat says they'll become lolicons for it, which means they aren't already
The last Q&A session showed me that tons of JP viewers know fucking nothing
>lolibaba is just the joke because there isn't a JK babaa
The forever 17 meme is close enough, hell even Marine uses it.
>She doesn't act like a child in real life.
She's very cute all the time and needs to be protected
>People refer to her as an onee-san type.
She is literally a little sister and she even used to have hints of a brother complex
She's a loving girl but that alone doesn't make an oneesan type
>You should know this
This is 4chan
>You're just retarded.
>Rushia's not a loli and your way too obsessed about something that you're just wrong about
I wrote this in 20 minutes and yes she is

>> No.16276392

I had addressed some of the things in the slight effort post I just made so I'll wait for your response to that before arguing further
