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File: 325 KB, 2388x1668, 1640220776823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15935820 No.15935820 [Reply] [Original]

>Iris (Original song)

>Goodbye Sengen (Cover)

>Hana ni Bourei (Yorushika Cover)

>2nd Anniversary merch!

>Hololive Fantasy 1st LIVE FAN FUN ISLAND


>> No.15935872

Mengen post if someone didn't already notice and a friendly reminder that she isn't dumb.

>> No.15935908

>if someone didn't already notice
Thank you, I didn't because YouTube never sends any notifications anymore.

>> No.15935920

What happened to the last thread...?

>> No.15935946

Bump limit and then fell off page 10. I didn't have it on monitor either and I normally try to time my new thread to be the one that knocks the thread off page 10.

>> No.15935966

I think that one of the following is true
a)Rushia is a little dumb, and sure is cute for it
b)Rushia is not dumb, but she sure is cute

>> No.15936307

c)Rushia can be a little dumb, but she's generally pretty cute regardless.

>> No.15936757

I don't like this one because it could be read as implying that dumb is detrimental to cute and I disagree strongly

>> No.15936774

i am a fool

>> No.15936843

we are all fools sometimes
But why this time?

>> No.15937162

No, no. It's meant in that she's still cute when she's not having a 500 IQ moment.
You too, huh?

>> No.15937608
File: 531 KB, 1916x2253, 1620767197601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night, Rushi. Sweet dreams.

>> No.15939442

The whole smart/dumb discussion is dumb. Rushia can be extremely dumb in certain ways and of average intelligence in a lot of ways and have high IQ moments and fantastic memory skills and brilliant set ups as well. Just she has some moments every month or so that make you wonder how stupid she must be to have managed that... like not having a password for your phone lock screen.

>> No.15939594

Rushia is cute
Cuteness is always right
Therefore Rushia is always right

>> No.15940839

that's...that's what I think it is right

>> No.15940868

Rushia must answer for her sins
and share some of those sweets with us

>> No.15941096

Where did i fuck up my life that i didn't end up eating sweets with her in the middle of the night..

>> No.15942797
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>> No.15942811
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>> No.15945151
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>> No.15948936
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>> No.15952302
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>> No.15961043
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>> No.15962059
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>> No.15966232
File: 2.01 MB, 1200x1885, 1620334174718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, she's not that slow. Everyone has a moment of brain slack every once in a while. All I'm saying is that it's usually pretty cute when she slips up, but she actually seems quite capable.

>> No.15969950
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>> No.15974454
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>> No.15978746

rusher rabu

>> No.15979271

this is sooooo adorable... love this artist's style

>> No.15988681

We are blessed with some wonderful fanartists in general

>> No.15990550

Why Rushia not in Holocup??? Rush is in her name she could RUSH the competition!

>> No.15991874

:( she has her reasons but it is a shame

>> No.15992793

Very important, very kind reasons. And I love her more for it.

>> No.15994414

Of course. I don't question her choices, it's more like I wish that she didn't have the obstacles she did/does. It is what it is. I hope we see her soon. I wonder if she's been watching the race?

>> No.15996012

Migraine.. i guess a stream is unlikely today. I hope she rests well today.

>> No.15996683

You never know with her I think, it could happen but it'd be later at night if it happens. I needed some shut eye anyway. I hope it passes soon, I'll max my speakers and hope Windows notifications wake me up

>> No.16004083
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>> No.16006106

I miss her...hope she's feeling better

>> No.16008596
File: 2.36 MB, 2810x2760, 1632585141513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16009133

What are they saying about her?

>> No.16009395

No it's twitter likes of some people/person among the people that tweet about her, which are putting her off.
Yes it's extremely vague and I also don't know how to search literally everyone's twitter likes to figure out what she dislikes

>> No.16009411

Sounds more like she didn't change the setting in the twitter app, by default you get a shitload of stuff that twitter thinks might be interesting to you. Which is often stuff that people you follow or who follow you liked.. well i don't have a clue what she saw though.

>> No.16009488

I guess we just got out answer.

>> No.16009702

Looks she put the wrong setting in the replies thing, so go crazy with the quote tweets.

>> No.16009814
File: 245 KB, 1512x1948, 1636872154814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it weird that I think this is sweet and endearing? I love my menhera wife!

>> No.16010029

I don't think that it's weird. Now i'm just worried about my likes since the account i talk about rushia on is also my normal hobby account..

>> No.16010272

It's cuter since we know she's just lonely and not something serious. Hope she finds some tweets that cheer her up.

Personally I won't worry about it, I don't want to hide that I watch other holomen, since lying and hiding stuff is the start of a toxic relationship. In the end Rushia is the only one who I put any effort into cheering on no matter how many likes I give out, hopefully that feeling reaches her somehow.

>> No.16011468

What was the deleted twit ? :(

>> No.16011724

Membership post

>> No.16012747

Yea, not wanting to hide anything is exactly the reason why i use the account i basically use for anything. It's not like there is really anything that you wouldn't see on an average otaku account anyway. I don't know if she would visit i would at least put the thinbooks and eroge away - like that kinda feeling? Not that i think that she would be bothered by this stuff.

>> No.16013093

メンヘラだから私なんて必要ないかなって思っちゃうの( ˊ• ·̭ •̥ )うっうっ

>> No.16013370 [DELETED] 

メンヘラだから私なんて必要ないかなって思っちゃうの( ˊ• ·̭ •̥ )うっうっ

Not sure what the other one was.

>> No.16013429

>Not sure what the other one was.
>やだやだやだ( ; _ ; )リプできないようになってる!!なにこれ( ; _ ; )やだやだやだみんなのリプみたいのに!!!!えーーーん

>> No.16014680

>go to work
>come back to a bunch of borderline menhera tweets and a member post
I love the Fandead experience.

>> No.16015060
File: 15 KB, 499x214, mengele.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure want to inject some blue ink into Ru-chan's iris

>> No.16015209

>a mengele
uh, translationchama?

>> No.16016885

Seriously though why DOES DeepL read menhera as mengele so often? Surely that'd be メンヘレ, not even メンヘラ, let alone that hopefully mengele isn't exactly a common term...

>> No.16016934

surely it'd be メンゲレ*, rather

>> No.16017784

That's the beauty of "ai" we simply don't know why it does that. My best guess would be just that the data they fed into it was flawed.

>> No.16018355

I prefer the beauty of 愛. Namely 愛 for Rushia.

>> No.16020490
File: 204 KB, 850x1202, D9CBB570-A449-45F6-8DFC-6342A531516D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16020646

Rushia! Where's me fooking dinner ya dumb cunt?

>> No.16023292
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>> No.16023300
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>> No.16025256
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>> No.16026407

rushia, your reply settings...
nice to see youtube keeps breaking more shit trying to fix an issue that doesn't really exist

>> No.16026638

It's probably the same thing that's causing low views isn't it?

>> No.16026814

most likely, youtube trying to fix this "spam viewers" issue is just fucking everything up

>> No.16026865

Maybe, maybe not they fuck up stuff all the time. I mean the likes can't be this low..

>> No.16028129

Look at the /#/ thread >>16024277

>> No.16030737

I love her so much

>> No.16034508

Rushia... please call me a disgusting pervert while looking down on me... I need this... pink hair Rushia calling me gomi...

>> No.16034765
File: 854 KB, 987x1339, 1635782618289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia is very cute and slightly dumb and I love her

>> No.16039118
File: 1.67 MB, 1447x2046, FBMNxDrVUAE2B12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16039813

I want Rushia to let slip her masturbation habits
Dear god, please

>> No.16041458

I too am praying
I just want to know if she thinks about us
Please please please

>> No.16041505

She thinks about me. Sorry bros

>> No.16041818

I made this post

>> No.16043533

Imagine sending lewd Marshmallows to Rushia! How dare you! If one of you in here did you should be ashamed of yourself!

>> No.16045367

All me

>> No.16046493

There's still more than that.

>> No.16050303
File: 421 KB, 2200x1148, CC538F12-830D-4E4E-98AC-0C1B7E9C4E44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16051199

anonchama doth protest too much...

>> No.16051398

It is admittedly funny coming from the person who tells us unprompted that she went nopan to a konbini

>> No.16051640

...twice...in a winding conversation about the state of her disappearing pantsu...
I wonder how far she'll go this time

>> No.16052853 [DELETED] 

I unironically want to DM her a pic of my dick freshly squeezed after tributing her. Hope she doesn't tell me to "tell it down"

>> No.16052942


>> No.16053072

go back

>> No.16053337

That's only for $1,000+ a month members

>> No.16053787

post cute rushias please

>> No.16053961
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>> No.16054394
File: 1.79 MB, 1378x2039, AD480D3F-A4B0-415F-99F5-B8390C1DC274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16054485
File: 3.63 MB, 1631x1294, ruchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all rushias are cute

>> No.16055195
File: 117 KB, 857x1200, 7A593658-CB2E-4506-9FCD-C9BD2E271D52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16055603

Anti spam back again on the twitcast

>> No.16056278

>Able to catch Rushia live because I woke up in the middle of the night vomiting
You win some, you lose some

>> No.16056875

fuck fuck fuck

>> No.16056949

Rushi, you wanna elaborate?

>> No.16057008

oh fuck what

>> No.16057045

Way to startle everyone. I guess she'll have to move.

>> No.16057170

So which one of you guys was it?

>> No.16057289


>> No.16057537

Wtf was that tweet about ? I just woke up and she was talking about cops coming to her house ?

>> No.16057583

>20k marshmallows sent
Come on guys

>> No.16057610

Manaita poster btfo

>> No.16058828

I'm starting to believe the 5ch jokes that the NG無し was specifically a trap to lure antis to post so she could get their IP addresses from the marshmallow site

>> No.16058920

I wish she had my IP address

>> No.16058922

You don't just get people's IPs by using someone else's website.

>> No.16059011

Well that's why you go to the police to work out getting the offending post's IP from the marshmallow website

>> No.16059262

Wait. Why are there antis spamming her twitter? What happened? I've been gone for a couple days.

>> No.16060803

Rushia is dumb.

>> No.16060839

but really cute!

>> No.16060848

>open rushia's stream
>think that this bgm is different from her old bgm
>"BGM kikoeru?"


>> No.16060898

so what is the point for NGnashi marshmallow ?
I am surprised that no question surprises me.

>> No.16060983

Yea it was surprisingly tame. Maybe marshmallow does filters a lot even with AI filter OFF

>> No.16062387

What did this say? The tweet is now deleted….

>> No.16062688


>> No.16062818

cops came, stream will be delayed

>> No.16062855

I need to sleep and if I see their comments first hand it might fuck me up, can you summarize what they're saying?

>> No.16062908

Cute today too, despite the worrisome start. Surprised she thought that highly of Polka.

>> No.16062932

just the link to that korean schizo's message board

>> No.16062937

Twitcast is just the Korean anti link spam. I don't see anything on Twitter.

>> No.16063687

still love ru

>> No.16064325

I expected more lewd questions, the only ones were the one about lewd art and one about her panties, but she was still very cute today.

It also looks like we're going into a new season of Ark.

>> No.16064593

There were a lot, she just wrapped them all into one response of このド変態が!. Looking forward to more Ark, the first time around was when I left her stream in the background instead of watching properly. Hope she won't get into death loops anymore.

>> No.16064880

Actually at the very very start when she opens up the most recent marshmallows there are quite a few ones of that nature but she didn't pick any of those and the ones later she refreshed for later on were less lewd

>> No.16065456

I would like to play games with her..

>> No.16065514

She could ask other Holomen to play together offstream

>> No.16066476

It's also pretty interesting how many asked about her type when she already said the same stuff plenty of times and it's not like this changed for quite a while.

>> No.16066517

Shows you how much of an influx of new people there's been

>> No.16068479
File: 129 KB, 1200x858, FH4ElWFVQAUhC1s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is she trying to do in picrel? is she trying to read my mind

>> No.16070178

Just like the question of what time she went to sleep at night, someone new doesn't know that she sleeps in the morning

There were also many questions about whether she was a real menhera or was it an act

>> No.16070208
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>> No.16072046
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>> No.16074554
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>> No.16076596
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>> No.16078231
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>> No.16080985
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>> No.16085849
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>> No.16098900
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>> No.16099013
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>> No.16105286
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>> No.16111919
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>> No.16117831
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>> No.16123076
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>> No.16126997
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>> No.16127025
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>> No.16127080

Well? Is she a real menhera or is it an act?

>> No.16129547
File: 354 KB, 1988x1532, 1635883199511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's just say that I really want to marry this necromancer

>> No.16129550


>> No.16130514

shes batshit insane... but shes a pro...

>> No.16132506
File: 320 KB, 1439x1690, FH28l9wagAIUo0s.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16132577

Today she had scheduled an Ark stream, although the frame was only half an hour.
I hope that if she finishes work soon, we can watch her in the night.
If I'm not mistaken tomorrow is the collab with Suisei.

>> No.16132804

eop? idiot? tourist?
actually what do eops even think the word means?

>> No.16133394

Neurotic, psychotic; something like that.

>> No.16134316

Looks like a lot of holomen will be playing tonight, it'd be nice if she could jump in with them.

>> No.16136916
File: 160 KB, 1574x1735, 1631466768795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16137068

EOPs think it means neurotic, although they wouldn't say that they do because they aggrandize everything and think anybody that acts nuerotic is actually clinically mentally ill

>> No.16138097
File: 2.42 MB, 2360x4196, 94735066_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16139532

I love her so much and her talking about being cheated on breaks my heart
I just want to take all the would-be-traitors away
I want her to know she'll always be loved and I'll always be hers

>> No.16139758

No matter how many we are, it'll never be enough

>> No.16140273

Just wanted to confirm, are the messages gone at the moment or is twitcast just hiding it from me because I reported it?

>> No.16140485

That's quite off, but she definitely is neurotic even if that doesn't mean much when everyone displays neurotic behaviour at times. I've never seen her act psychotic at all though.

People have some really weird misconceptions about mental health problems... Most people probably won't even notice it when someone is diagnosed with something.

Still there, Twitcast hides them after reporting, but i can still see them when using a secret window (i'm sure that's called different in english tho).

>> No.16140517

Second. Unfortunately...

>> No.16140728

Motherfucker. Not much that can be done I guess.

As a side though, new tweet.

>> No.16141153

Good to hear that she is looking forward to her birthday in a more positive way this year. No matter how old she is she will always be a wonderful person. I totally get her feelings about becoming older tho..

>> No.16143796
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>> No.16144486
File: 39 KB, 479x615, 14957203668590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

men, why did the police come to Rushia?

>> No.16144862
File: 237 KB, 1952x1928, EpSl7iOVQAIBCaB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She abducted me and forced me to live with her. My family reported me missing, it's fine now

>> No.16146020

I stowed away on a cargo plane because Abe wouldn't let me in and she let me lay low, close call but now I've achieved my dream of being an illegal immigrant

>> No.16146132

I also forgot about the Twitcast comments but now that I remember I hope she doesn't do one today
Also i hope she's warm now

>> No.16147777

seems legit

>> No.16150473

Was there a specific thing that prompted you saying this or was it just residual feelings from her menhera tweet with her drawing of her crying on the main rushia twitter account two days ago

>> No.16153584
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>> No.16156141
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>> No.16157044

please dont use seiga for posting. all it does is remind me how hard I want her to sing necromantic some day...

>> No.16159731
File: 860 KB, 2000x2500, 1636841466513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16160189

Fuck off back to your cancer thread

>> No.16160527

Looks like she stayed up to watch anime.

>> No.16161136

She would have stayed awake even if she wasn't watching anime.

>> No.16162628

She handled telling us about the dangerous case well enough during last stream but I feel like it must be affecting her more than she can tell us. I guess it's a good thing she can at least talk about it with other holomembers. I do really hope it's over as soon as possible

>> No.16165129

She said that she got "possesed by dark spirit" and that it can escalate to dangerous situation.
My money is on some jap that stalked her. He probably did something retarded like leaving letter and flowers near her house and by saying this on stream she gave him signal to fuck off

>> No.16166096

That's what I figured as well. My point was about her mental health after this. Again I hope it's over now or sooner rather than later.

>> No.16166313

>She said that she got "possesed by dark spirit"

Honestly when she said that for a moment i thought that she was referring to the Korean asshole.

>> No.16166659

She specifically said it wasn't a viewer or fandead. Also, I don't see any abnormal behavior (unless you count that she has said if she's sad she tries to watch anime but that's a stretch). Anyway, considering how she cared more about livestreaming than taking care of it, and only called then because she thought it would take 30 minutes and not overlap with the stream, implies heavily it's something not pressing. Which means it's most likely a minor criminal thing completely unrelated to streaming and also that doesn't involve them being able to harm her at home. Also any of her long-term schizos probably don't require the police right before a stream and would probably be handled with a lawyer present, even though I also had my first thought jump to it being one of the persistent schizos like the Korean anti, however the evidence doesn't really lead to that conclusion. So the most logical conclusion is she discovered some sort of unrelated to livestreaming, minor crime, that probably isn't weighing on her that much besides the weird surreal feeling of being involved in a police case and like huh did that really just happen to me of all people.
That's my take, anyway, based off the evidence.

>> No.16171055
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>> No.16171810

A detail we might have missed is it looks like the police might have required one of her PCs as evidence as well, which was why they needed to contact her again later at night. Maybe it's related to the identity theft from last time. I agree with you that it's likely something not too pressing though, unless she's hiding it really well which I doubt.

>> No.16176719
File: 143 KB, 850x1488, 1628973213735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im becoming a fandead

any tips?

>> No.16176974
File: 102 KB, 646x1200, 20220110_113340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sleep every day

>> No.16178417


>> No.16178822

Duct tape your wallet shut

>> No.16179805

Is this all in the NG stream? I haven't watched the archive yet so I have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.16183175

Yes in the first few minutes of the stream she talks about it

>> No.16183567
File: 157 KB, 480x480, 1641048587269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit...

>> No.16186928

Sleep in 1 1/2 hour shifts
Also, record yourself screaming really loudly and set it as your new sound effect for windows alarm. Set your speakers to maximum volume, and then remove the volume level knob physically from the apparatus and hide it
This will make sure that you will never get up in a dazed mostly asleep state and simply walk over to the speaker and turn the sound of your 5 minute looped audio recording of you screaming off when Rushia or Michael Neko tweets.
Ideally, you also want a complicated password for the log in screen so that it's harder for a dazed version of you to sit down and change the volume settings on the computer itself
If the password isn't enough, I recommend physically disconnecting your mouse and taping it to your ceiling and leaving the only step ladder in a room distant from yours, the process of having to walk to another room, bring something back, and untape the mouse from the ceiling will probably rouse you enough to attend to whatever was posted

>> No.16187061

Yeah she said she'd never turn us in and given what she's said about not disliking non-malicious stalkers before I'd bet it's the Korean anti or some shit or maybe that dude from way back that found her LINE

>> No.16187090

why are actual antis such insane people?

>> No.16187173
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I would stalk her too if given the chance and I'm not an anti. Would you not stalk Rushi if you were given a chance?

>> No.16187244

because that's wrong?

>> No.16187621

Also you only need to do all this only once, since the process will take more than 10 minutes and the trauma of missing the first 10 minutes of a guerilla stream will help kick you awake the next time you hear the notification sound.

I'm already at the part where I start looking for old pictures and videos from more than 5 years ago and get disappointed when I can't find anything new.

>> No.16187926

I think it's best not to look too far into her past.

>> No.16189649
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>> No.16190086

but i'm trying to build productive skills right now

>> No.16190466
File: 325 KB, 1495x2145, 20220110_164446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can stop now

>> No.16190499

but i just got started and i barely even got that far

>> No.16190541


>> No.16190584

Did the law change recently in japan? If not stalking her and leaving stuff near her house isn't something where the police would do anything.

Not that anon, but you can't find that much old stuff anyway. It's not like you can find anything 'bad' either.

>> No.16190641

anyone have the image of rushia looking like robert downey jr?

>> No.16190980
File: 205 KB, 1500x1060, 20220101_005456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you're not allowed to go any further.

>> No.16191170

>I think it's best not to look too far into her past.
Why? It's obvious that she's changed as a person in some ways but is the same person in a lot of others. Turning a blind eye is not a good way to approach a relationship. Despite all of the things she's said the fact is that with her almost everything that might hurt ended up being words and words alone instead of actions.

>> No.16191390 [DELETED] 

It is difficult to find anything from her since all her streams were deleted.
The "worst" you can find of her might be the clip of her playing strip poker or a photo of her participating in the K.... bikini contest.

Anyway it's many years ago and she has changed

>> No.16191642
File: 1.03 MB, 2779x4096, 20210919_165822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's time to drop the topic since it's easy for people to start bullshitting without a downloadable source and that will do nothing to help anyone's mental health. Pretty much why I didn't respond to >>16187926 in the first place. Let's just post some cool Rushias.

>> No.16193822
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>> No.16194622

...ah just let me marry her..

>> No.16197626
File: 3.02 MB, 2480x3507, illust_91196020_20220110_075632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will marry her don't worry

>> No.16199032

I made this post

>> No.16201380
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>> No.16202074

Rushias' avatarfagging will never not make me smile

>> No.16204163
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>> No.16205685
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>> No.16207424

luv ru

>> No.16209313

Only if they find out..

>> No.16209431

Some of you fucks are pretty crazy motherfuckers

>> No.16209467

>She doesn't dislike non-malicious stalkers
What? When did she say this?
How does she view them? As hardcore fans? That's way too innocent and sheltered

>> No.16210185

two days without a stream feels like an eternity.. i hope there's a stream today.

>> No.16211348

>How does she view them? As hardcore fans?
Are you new?

>> No.16211421

What kind of relationship do you think Rushia sees herself in with her gachikoi? Genuine question.

>> No.16211465

Same here...I really want a stream. She's not tweeted in a while so maybe she's asleep(lol), with any luck we'll have signs of life and have a frame soon.

>> No.16212491

It wouldn't be the first time she falls asleep right after coming home from work.

>> No.16214130

I want to know the thought process behind it. The psychology

>> No.16216455

love ru

>> No.16218225
File: 719 KB, 3508x2481, morerushia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love uruha rushia!

>> No.16218628

ARK time

>> No.16218792

The psychology is that she loves us, and we love her, and she knows that. And she wants to be with us and we want to be with her. Nothing more complicated than that.

>> No.16219599


>> No.16220678

oshi reflects their fan

just saying

>> No.16223150

From my point of view, the rest of the world is crazy.

>> No.16223860


>> No.16224792

I love Rushia tippytaps so much

>> No.16224947

I've been translating JP clips to help myself learn Japanese, I'm wondering if I should start uploading them. Especially since Rushia doesn't really have many good clippers.

>> No.16225868

Do a small clip and if it goes well, release them but be consistent of your quality of subbing.

>> No.16226477

Ark Arc without Coco...

>> No.16227283

There's probably some hidden etiquette in the clipper community about permissions and shit so maybe give that a bit of research, but sure why not.

>> No.16228448

i remember one of my first rushia streams was her actually playing ARK back in august 2020

>> No.16230979
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>> No.16232746

love rushi

>> No.16234480
File: 866 KB, 556x1282, 1621203172167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kuma parka doko?

>> No.16237479

If you're certain that you're right on the money with the translation and you're not going to be one of those out-of-context clickbaiters, I don't see why not.

>> No.16241029
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>> No.16242658
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>> No.16242812

There are absolutely no rules in that pile of shit.

>> No.16244608

I meant more from the original JP clippers, not existing EN subbers.

>> No.16244901

>server problems on the other member's Ark streams
Oh God hope it doesn't happen when it's Rushia's turn.

>> No.16246678

Please eat on stream, it's adorable

>> No.16247122


>> No.16247558

apparently youtube sjw niggers fixed the cull issue to some extent. 13k arent so low.

>> No.16249555

I have to admit that I fucking hate ark and wish rushia would just start superchat reading instead of playing this garbage game

>> No.16249625

Put up with your girlfriend for a bit, will you?

>> No.16249784

Well, since you put it like that

>> No.16251277

That convesation was way too eroi

>> No.16251884

Rushia was cute today! I really hope ARK doesn't happen too often...

>> No.16252060

I really need to find a better method of paying for superchat so I can join in on silly superchat waves like today. My current one needs a call to the bank to allow it which is starting to feel really restrictive. Also choosing between buying her birthday goods and sending in a red superchat is starting to hurt my head. I guess I could take some money out from the figma fund...

If you don't particularly participate in the chat, do like I did in the past and have her in the background and enjoy just her reactions. Her reacting every time she pooped was adorable.

>> No.16252182

Yeah, that's pretty much what I did today.
Hearing the sound of ARK kicking her out to the menu followed by her frustration was my favorite.

>> No.16253575

Considering how much work and thoughts she put into that stuff i would say merch. Though i'm also a neet again and superchatting her like before simply isn't in the budget for me at the moment. I had fun watching the Ark stream tho..

>> No.16254008

Yeah leaning towards that too. Since merch is usually 10k yen I probably have to settle for either a purple or orange superchat instead. Looking forward to what it'll be, sounds like she was really satisfied with it. Hoping to buy in early enough to get a signed + message postcard is probably too much I guess.

>> No.16254894

I failed to get one last time even with taking all 3 chances i had to get one. Now there's just 1 try left for me, since the official hololive shop doesn't accept my credit card. I guess the only way i'm getting one this time is if there was no limit.

>> No.16254968

>My current one needs a call to the bank to allow it
Someone is judging you there for your decisions.

>> No.16254980

What happened during the super chat reading? I have not been able to see it, but I have seen on Twitter people worried

>> No.16255082

She was talking about taking some broken glass out and left it in the doorway, but apparently it went missing somehow. Right at that moment her internet mysteriously cut off for a few minutes, which made everyone panic a bit. Really hope she just misplaced the broken glass and not something more serious.

>> No.16255119

She just didn't see it at first, it was there.

>> No.16255223

Ah, all good then.

>> No.16255262

That sure was a weird situation if just her stream cut off i probably wouldn't have worried a bit considering that nyanko-sensei pretty much pulled the wires out before that.

>> No.16255737

She was talking with her voice low like she was telling a ghost story as well, which really set the mood. Come to think of it didn't she plan on making a ghost storytelling stream last year?

>> No.16256338
File: 292 KB, 1111x800, 5E4AB0BC-A784-4F29-ABC8-57A72F435B09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think rushia wishes she had flares design?

>> No.16257148

No, why?

>> No.16258756
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>> No.16258850


>> No.16260515
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>> No.16262816
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>> No.16264697
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collab with your kouhais some more rushia...

>> No.16267424
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>> No.16269537
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>> No.16272366
File: 205 KB, 850x1030, C263B60E-3CA2-4FFD-A36C-EC501719BC19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is pink Rushia dead

>> No.16272661

No she's the strongest Holo.

>> No.16274689

I wish Rushia would use her multiple models and switch between the accessories instead of just getting a new outfit, forget about the accessories/alt versions of it, and just wear it out until she gets the next new thing.
She hasn't taken the hat off her short haircut except for like once, during a superchat reading for a few minutes, if I recall properly. Her neck is also still not the fixed version that she has, but she hasn't noticed that either. We haven't seen pink hair in forever, it feels like half a year since the last cat ears rushia we've seen, and she hasn't even used her new years outfit regularly for any of the recent streams despite it being the new years and literally the only time she can use her new years outfit.
lucia pls I just want more variety because I love all the Rushia outfits...

>> No.16275093

She can use her black dress+ default hair in pink, but I’ve only seen her do that once and that was like, beginning of last year. She can use the coat and long pink hair, but that’s only happened during sc reading. There’s also the glasses. And nekomancer. And of course the New Years outfit. Rushia please use your options more…

>> No.16275349
File: 789 KB, 2154x800, 92133549_p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed, i really love all the rushis

>> No.16276803

Would've been a good question to throw into the marshmallows stream.

>> No.16279562
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>> No.16279560
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>> No.16279650

variety is always better. i just wish she(and other holos) stuck to being varied with what they wear and such. but that's being nitpicky

>> No.16280822
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>> No.16281625
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>> No.16283153

What about the ending where Rushia loses it and brings them all back as zombies to take part in an eternal tea party

>> No.16284908
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>> No.16288118
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>> No.16289937


>> No.16290245

Try putting this in a tweet, there's a good chance she'll see it

>> No.16292705

She's probably on Pekora's birthday stream, right?

>> No.16293178

No way of knowing just yet, probably gonna make time to watch it anyway.

>> No.16295132
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>> No.16296501

You are all pedophiles

>> No.16297577

ぺっとぼとる is up!

>> No.16297860
File: 367 KB, 461x431, 1615999346186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia is a fully-developed adult woman, I'd still want to marry and fuck her if she was a little girl though so I guess you're right, I'd describe it as Rushiasexual though

>> No.16298551

She really did get better at dancing. Considering that pekora's sign is unlimited is i wonder if rushia will do the same? I don't give a shit if it takes longer to send out the goods so she can take all the time she wants for all i care, too.

I want to marry her roommate so.. uh not really?

>> No.16298909

Same, any length of wait is fine if it meant being able to get a signed message from her. Her dance was really really cute too, not as intensive as the two before them, but it's still a cut above most of her previous choreography. Really looking forward to her birthday now. Also as a mainly /tg/ poster I'm jealous of those rubber mat and sleeves

>> No.16298936
File: 332 KB, 2560x1440, 345687690009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was fun!
Rushia's dance was really cute

>> No.16303744
File: 131 KB, 800x1130, 20220112_165246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16306648

Yeah no there's no way she's doing unlimited anything. Even her limited batches were extremely small.

>> No.16309025
File: 242 KB, 480x480, 1631746984567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16310553

Shame these stamps are usually so small you can't make out the details on them.

>> No.16310677

Exactly the reason why the two made by Marine are the most used. She almost made them too small at first too but realized the potential mistake.

>> No.16311197

That's probably just due to situational usage honestly. A good number of the stamps are either redundant (both of Marine's stamps, two colors of るし) or has no appropriate timing for use (ふぁんでっど, skull, and butterfly stamps). Not that I'm looking to fix what isn't broken though, she probably doesn't have the time for it and might have some memories with the older stamps anyway.

>> No.16311229

Butterflies are useful when you say it in red.

>> No.16311311
File: 200 KB, 480x480, 3AS3XcifD6-S_APR6bWACw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bunch of the Rushia character stamps would have use if anyone could see what they're actually displaying, but they end up just looking identical when they're so small.

>> No.16311669

this just came out

>> No.16311876

I don't get it.

This is adorable. I think the most annoying example though is people accidentally using the angry fandead one.

>> No.16313480

I wasn't even aware that there was an angry fandead one, but yea if i like really close...

>> No.16313789

Piyoko doko?
