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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16254897 No.16254897 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think Non-Japanese chuubas should know Japanese? I've seen some posters who were mad/annoyed at chuubas like Amelia for not doing their Japanese reps.

>> No.16254911


>> No.16255081

No, that's retarded.
If you're going to learn a language it should be an actually useful one. Not many chuubas juggle languages in streams because people would rather just watch someone who streams in their language.

>> No.16255165

No, Japanese is useless.

>> No.16255209

Only if they work in JP agencies or planning to collab with JP chuuba

>> No.16255240

What language is not useless if you know English?
They are all useless except for maybe chinese or japanese if you are a weeb.

>> No.16255314

Watch this nig tell you Spanish

>> No.16255362

If they work for a Japanese company then it's certainly a useful skill that helps with being able to collab with popular Japanese senpai and being included in company-wide events.
If they don't work for a Japanese company then it's less critical, but it never hurts to know more languages. Any skill that can be shown off on stream without requiring a camera is an asset for a vtuber.

>> No.16255385

No, it's up to the individual. Pragmatically speaking, it could be useful to learn Mandarin however it's a lot of work for dumb westerners like me and the Niji boys. Learning any major European language would definitely be a more enjoyable experience.

>> No.16255396

If it makes the person's life feel more fulfilling that is literally the only thing that matters.

>> No.16255419

those posters are SEA and shouldn't be allowed to have opinions, it's a bigger net benefit for japs to learn english

>> No.16255431

Why would learning japanese makes someone's life more fulfilling that any other language?

>> No.16255489

You better start learning Jap if youre not funny, sexy or very talented in drawing or singing

>> No.16255529

If they work for a japanese corp then yes, they should be actively studying it at the very least. It unlocks there potential for channel growth and collabs in ways that no other skill can.

>> No.16255536

English is the only useful language

>> No.16255555

Why isn't chinese useful?

>> No.16255560

There is a shitton of content only available in Japanese, while there is almost none in any other language.

>> No.16255577

Because a chink has never had a useful thought.

>> No.16255606


>> No.16255625

Because they might want to learn it more than any other language.

>> No.16255653
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it's tanoshii

>> No.16255727

No? Their audience is English speakers. Learning a little bit might be useful for collabs but not necessary.

>> No.16255728

So people should learn japanese so they can watch anime without the need of subs?

>> No.16255786

Not unless they want to do collabs and/or have interests in it otherwise it's just annoying and out of place.

The other thing I find annoying is when the streamer start speaking in another language in the stream to another viewer/s repeatedly and don't bother translating when they are streaming in english primarly. I also find random phrases in japanese for the sake it's japanese without context get's annoying quickly.

>> No.16255791

No one speaks Chinese except Chinese, and there's no reason to talk to them.

>> No.16255811

There are also games, manga, visual novels, light novels for which you need to wait years (or forever) to translate in english

>> No.16255865

Anyhting good will get translated.

>> No.16256009

Good luck waiting for "Kuro no kiseki" or "Rance 03" or "Kara no shoujo 3" for example.

>> No.16256148

>no reason to talk to them
90% of the parts in your computer used to type that post were probably manufactured by chinks. It's the manufacturing capital of the world and has the second biggest economy.
Do you think they just live in a little bubble waiting for black ships to arrive?

>> No.16256179

Yes, Japanese is the lingua franca of the vtuber world.

>> No.16256216

People should learn japanese so they can enjoy anime, visual novels, manga and light novels without the need of translations?

>> No.16256300

>channel growth
The best thing for channel growth is streaming.
If you were to allocate two hours of your day everyday to either learning japanese or streaming, which will you think will be more beneficial?

>> No.16256313

Do I need to talk to the guy who builds my computer or makes my shoes or harvests shrimp and pineapple for me? They got a guy that speaks English and takes orders and the rest can work amongst themselves in whatever language.

>> No.16256331

Yes, source material is always the best

>> No.16256385

Maybe not useful for you but if everybody had that mindset you wouldnt be able to post.

>> No.16256397

Pepe is so fucking hideous. It amazes me that people bother making VTuber models that aren't a fucking eyesore to look at if they're just going to attach fucking repulsive meme templates like that to their post anyway.
You could replace every instance of discordfrog with a pile of shit in a toilet bowl or a putrefying corpse and it wouldn't be any worse to look at.

>> No.16256428
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Not everybody is a weeb though. For vtubers it will probably be the most gratifying language to learn, but not for the average person.

>> No.16256482

If you learn Chinese and disclose that to your employer, congrats! You just got promoted to constantly dealing with the lowest scum of the earth.
The Chinese aren't worth your time, they're a nation of soulless scum that will literally drown their own children to save on medical expenses, will lie to your face and sell you garbage and hide behind a now-dead front company and will openly undermine anything you say beause it doesn't 100% align with the CCP mindset
Learning Chinese is just surrendering yourself to the CCP, if you want to learn an actually useful language, learn Spanish so you can hear what the spics are saying about you, or Arabic for the same if you're in Europe

>> No.16256484

Pretty sure other people are capable of making computers, and have, it's just very cheap to get Chinese to do it because of their incredibly low standard of living.

>> No.16256526

The Chinese are increasingly outsourcing their manufacturing to SEA and Africa these days, electronics tend to still be made in Shenzen but most of the rest of the garbage throwaway trash is now made in Vietnam, Bangladesh etc

>> No.16256582

Chinese is useful, not fulfilling. Communicating with chinks is a necessary evil in this world.

>> No.16256663

Yes, it’s pretty depressing. I wonder how low we can get until the entire manufacturing process can be fully automated. Maybe including distribution.

>> No.16256676

>Communicating with chinks is a necessary evil in this world.
Only if you subscribe to the ideology of scraping every fraction of a penny you can to make as much money as you can with no regard to your people, nation or even worldwide health.
Peaches at my local supermarket are grown in Argentina, packaged in Thailand and then sold in Scotland.
Presumably it costs a few pence less in labour to send peaches on a literal around the world trip than it is to grow and package them in the UK, so the international banking cabal moves those jobs abroad and burns a few thousand tonnes of heavy oil and dumps thousands of tonnes of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, so that my pears can cost £0.75/kg instead of £1/kg
Fuck that, fuck the Chinese, and fuck your international penny pinching. The only international exchange I accept is Suisei singing

>> No.16256778

Okay then be the change you want to see and stop buying things manufactured in china.

>> No.16256781

If you're going to work for a Japanese agency, you should know Japanese. It expands the range of collabs you can do, helps you communicate with management and get more opportunities.

>> No.16256813

As long as you accept that this system can't be changed from the outside and what you're doing is just virtue signaling for reactionaries then sure

>> No.16256828

Yes they should. Speaking more than one language is fucking great and anyone who disagrees is stupid

Content would be so much better if EN could interact with JP more easily

>> No.16256855

I do, I don't buy shit unless it was made in the UK where I can help it.
I've spent the last year trying to find a British made toolbox and I'm still looking. My current box was bought used so no money went to China there.
Keep drinking the cool aid retard, if you stop feeding the beast it'll starve. Buy local, refuse to patronise the international banking cabal and triple check where your shit is made.

>> No.16256872

Must be a smooth brained idiot to think that everyone has to learn a particular language. If they're catering to their audience, who cares if they know a 2nd or 3rd language or not?

>> No.16257217

There are multiple ways new language might be useful for someone.

1 - For work
You might be working for a company that have non USA roots, so it might be useful for a promotion or talking to superiors/coworkers or talking to people whose help you need in order to make your work done easier/faster.

2 - To relocate to a different country
Self explanatory, you need to know the language of a country you want to live in.

3 - To enjoy content only available in that language.
Here, Japanese is king if you know English, it's probably the only country that have a huge amount of content that is not translated in English for which you might need to wait a long while to get translated (or never be translated at all)

For vtubers, especially Holo/Niji ones, the first point is probably the most important since they'll be able to interact with their JP members/superiors and understand what's going on in the main branch.
Also many of them are weebs, so the third point is quite useful for them too.
They don't exactly "need" to learn it and being upset that they don't is retarded, but it is quite useful for their job.

>> No.16257256

>frog posting
I hate Nijisanji so much. They use too many memes. I like HoloEn since they don't, it's wholesome and family friendly entertainment without bizarre memes spoiling it.

>> No.16257255

they should if they want to be relevant and international. obviously, the ones fluent in japanese have had much more vtuber opportunities than eop vtubers. if you are an eop all you can do is something fucking boring following amerimutt/globohomo garbage trends

>> No.16257262

It's probably always going to be cheaper to move manufacturing to the lowest of the world than it is to build and maintain machines
After SEA starts to reach middle class, they'll move the factories to east Africa, from there, probably to west Africa. Then after that, probably to the slums of europe

>> No.16257501

They should learn japanese when 1, only 1 of the many jp holomem learns to speak english and Is able to maintain a conversation and that Is never going to happen
Also Haachama Is australian so she doesn't count

>> No.16257704

For Mysta fucking yes, it's insane the amount of JP girls in his chat

>> No.16259534

If I was in charge I'd probably gate acceptance behind JP and singing proficiency but that'd filter out some pretty prime candidates. But even for ENs JP is a HUGE market.

>> No.16259968

kys normie

>> No.16260306

chuubas belonging to corporations where the main branch is japanese should be required to learn japanese to a rudimentary level.
being able to read simple hiragana comments and say basic phrases like "i like x" or "i want y" takes like a couple weeks of very casual studying for like 10 minutes a day; there's not really an excuse for not being able to spare that amount of time.
from a hololive perspective, it would probably be helpful if the jp members could really dumb down their speech when talking to non-jp members who aren't fluent.
they seem to do that a little bit, but full-speed native speech is still difficult to understand a lot of the time even for intermediate and advanced learners.
mori has the right idea with her esl streams; slow, clear speech with (relatively)beginner-level vocabulary.
obviously she has prior experience as a teacher, but it's not that hard; you just have to speak like you're talking to a literal 3 year old.
it would go a long way toward easing the awkwardness during jp-en collabs. it seems like fauna and mumei are doing their reps a little bit, which is good. it's not like to you need to study full-time to learn some basic words and how to express simple thoughts.

>> No.16260918

>learn invader languages
Fuck off. They should be deported and learning invasive languages should be treated with hostility in the US as it once was. You used to be bullied and shunned in America if you didn’t speak English well.

>> No.16262091
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>> No.16262707
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Two way street. I don't see enough seethe about JP holos not learning eigo to collab with EN. They loooove saying that, but then 9 times out of 10 their studies don't go any further than duolingo

>> No.16262904

>I've seen some posters who were mad/annoyed at chuubas like Amelia for not doing their Japanese reps.
here's what I'm mad at.
COVER didn't hire a JP chuubas that can speak EN for gen6.

>> No.16263061

I learned japanese purely for my hobbies
If my oshi doesn't bother to do the same it means she doesn't share the same hobbies and/or passion toward those hobbies as I do.
How can I idolize below me?

>> No.16263383

No, it just means more garbage EN-JP collabs.

>> No.16263999
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The Japs are famous for not being able to learn English, so it's worth learning it if you want anything to do with Japan.
But learning Jap is fucking hard compared to a language that's closer to your native language.
I've been doing my reps hard for two years and I can tell I'm still not correct by the pauses my indie oshi takes when reading my comments.

>> No.16264250

Only someone who does not know Japanese would say something like this. Seethe harder because you are missing out alot.

>> No.16267077

once or twice

>> No.16267170
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Doing just like an hour a day for a few months is enough to move you from "know nothing" to intermediate conversational level in any language. The fact people like Amelia knew she'd be interacting with Japs but didn't bother to learn anything in 16 months is just typical fat burgermutt incompetence. Pomu is worse since she lived in nipland.

>> No.16267218

The actual reason is that Japanese is a skill which can get you work. If you pair it with other skills it makes you rare and valuable. How many guys can use Kubernetes while also speaking Jap/Spic and being Cloud certified?

>> No.16267224

>Content would be so much better if EN could interact with JP more easily
You can blame the laughable japanese education system for that.

>> No.16267337

Anyone who uses Kubernetes and Cloud technology knows English, regardless of where they're from. You'll be more useful knowing how to ride a horse or dig a trench than knowing any non-english language.

>> No.16268444

I think it's only necessary if you want to have good collabs with native Japanese speakers or if you plan to work in Japan in the future like I do.

>> No.16268476

Thank you.

>> No.16268959

Japan is the epicenter of vtubing in the global marketplace. If you plan to be a serious vtuber and potentially work for Japanese companies now and in the future, then learning Japanese is a good move.

With that said, if you hate men/patriarchy/incels/male supremacy and come on /vt/ to insult fans, you probably shouldn't bother. Not only will you have a harder time getting by in a society that hasn't lost its mind (as Japan still has some semblance of common sense), but subverting the thing people like will only kill the golden goose and land you out of a job anyway.

It will also land everyone else out of a job, too. And if they're smart, they'll be gatekeeping you out of an industry entirely based on the good will of male consumers simply put of a desire to preserve their own employment. Japanese isn't just a language, it's a culture. Only learn it if you plan to respectfully adopt and conform to that culture. The same goes for any other language.

>> No.16272081

Did they really post the reddit frog?
