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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16203723 No.16203723 [Reply] [Original]

I have a question /vt, when you say you love your oshi ir means that you actually love the person behind the avatar right? (I say this because most of them are not playing a character, they are just themselves) so, if your oshi decides to go 3pdp Lulu style, will you still watch her and support her?

>> No.16203804

I just watch the show.

>> No.16203820

I think it's the entire concept. When I've tried to watch vtubers who have gone 3d it just doesn't have the same appeal to me anymore even if it is the same person. As weird as it might sound it's almost as if the vtuber in my mind is some unique existence and then when they drop the avatar they're just another girl with nerdy interests.

>> No.16203884

I am bound to her for life whatever form she takes

>> No.16203952

Just talking as a Holo main, don't know if this can be applied to the other companies.

They are already restricted by management about what they can say or do, plus the obligation of maintaining an "idol" image, so when they inevitably graduate, go indie, and stream as their IRL persona without these obstacles I expect their personality to be different from how they were when they were a vtuber. I'll give them a chance and hopefully any other remnant fans won't be dicks and harass her to be more like their vtuber persona.

>> No.16203976

Im in love with Gura personality, any 2d model she use, but the momento she start show herself on the streams like Kson, i out. Real womans até ugly and traitorous.

>> No.16204059

If you really take the time to figure out what the person is like behind the character you know if you'll follow them to whatever is next or not. If anyone was ever surprised at how different someone was between lives they didn't know that person well enough.

>> No.16204080

Interesting, so incels accept women behind characters even though they are just being themselves?

>> No.16204162
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I only love 2d girls so vtubers are a big no.

>> No.16204272

I will probably do a cut out of their 2d model and then paste it over their real self so I can pretend my anime princess is still with me.

>> No.16204420

if she continues to produce enjoyable content then i'll watch regardless of the dimensions she occupies

>> No.16204614

>I say this because most of them are not playing a character, they are just themselves

>> No.16204960

Yes, I "love" my oshi as a person behind the character. She also makes it easy. And by "love" I don't mean I want to be with her or fuck her, I want her to be as happy as possible.

>> No.16205036

i would die for Suisei but I'm not in love yet. It's just a fervent devotion.
If she became a face streamer, I would follow her but it would be weird tbqh

>> No.16205097

I revere them as guides for what I would like myself and others to be (more) like. There is no romantic love though I started out crushing. But that's restricted to the chuubas. I don't have any false pretenses about knowing the seiyuus the way you know an acquaintance or friend. I would follow them but I can tell from my experience with Coco that the loss of the chuuba will hurt a lot.
I don't watch any 3dpd content they appear in and avoid doxx so I don't even know what most of their roommates are like outside of vague and inaccurate posts and rrats on this board.

>> No.16205205

>if your oshi decides to go 3pdp Lulu style
Is that who the Japanese broad that youtube keeps forcing into my recommendations is? She's was playing Demon Souls yesterday.

>> No.16205230

i like the person behind avatar, i don't give a shit about 2d veil

>> No.16205707

My indie oshi went back to being just an art streamer. The content was extremely different, she herself was very different since she was playing a character on her vtubing account (even if her voiced remained the exact same). I was naturally a lot less engaged and amused by the content she puts out now. But there is a core that stayed the same and keeps me checking her streams even if I am more casual about it now.

>> No.16205715

What if your oshi goes 3d but only in cosplay of their vtuber appearance? 2.5d I guess?

>> No.16206094


>> No.16206321

It's true though, mostly all of them already dropped lore shit and are just themselves

>> No.16206458

I can't help but feel that would only highlight the 2d=/=3d gap even more.

>> No.16206470

Yes, it's my only escape and even though i know there's probably someone i'll really dislike IRL i just don't care, i don't think about that, she is only 2d in my mind

>> No.16206482


>> No.16206685

yes i would

>> No.16206932

I'm uncomfortable with this question please get off my safe space

>> No.16207137
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I think real women are disgusting and they scare me

>> No.16207305

The only people I love more than my oshi are my parents
I love everything about her from A-Z and would go to the ends of the world for her

>> No.16207404

I love Gura so much that I don't care how she looks like, I'd still love her even if she became a normal streamer

>> No.16209235

I'm in love with who she is rather than how she looks, yes, if she ever goes 3pdp I would still love her but it would make me feel weird for a while. I will admit that her model lets me cope and think I'm different than twitch simps

>> No.16209776

I still watch lulu, so sure if I watch them now I'd watch them in 3d. Lulus differences are she just hasn't done her staple crazy endurance game streams, and that her voice is slightly less soft.

>> No.16209826

If course not, of they graduated i Will move on to the next oshi

>> No.16209929

The algorithm still treats her as a vtuber.

>> No.16210049
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Absolutely not. I'm a complete degenerate. The anime avatar allows me to suspend both my disbelief and my subtle resentment for women borne of growing up in a dystopic Marxist-Feminist imperial police state slash shopping mall slash amusement park. If 3DPD wasn't an issue, I'd already have been watching Alinity shove her ass towards the screen and yeet her cat into a wall. I don't even watch or have any interest in professional asian 3DPD idols.

If I were to make a guess, I'd say these feelings are a consequence of fully westernized societies hyper-gatekeeping women by having law enforcement, courts and politicians heavily weigh in favor of #BelieveAllWomen while illegalizing prostitution to such a degree (not applicable in all countries, mind you, but definitely America) that the incels and wizards of today literally have no good, easily accessible (sexual) experiences with real women that would otherwise form the basis of a positive opinion.

As a point of fact, the mythical Chad doesn't like women because women are necessarily personable towards all people in general. He likes women because women are attracted to and thus and behave preferebtially towards him, while providing him with easy access to sex. Being able to exploit wealth, status, looks and freedom to get laid is what makes a man like 3DPD women, and putting obstacles in place to "protect the wimminz and chillunz" only serves to sow the seeds of societal discontent (and a demographic collapse).

Like it or not, chubas have to deal with the fact that euphoric high minded fedora tippers from before any of us anons were born long ago decided that women are for academics and careers rather than sex and families, and the perceptions born of that social programme among the losers in that equation aren't something that can easily be changed.

ON THE OTHER HAND, I'm not the lowest common denominator, so going the kson route could actually be more lucrative than streaming with an AVATAR. Especially with no rent seekers involved. But whether I'd watch it and whether it would be profitable are two entirely different questions, one of which kson already answered and is thus a relatively moot point.

I'm actually a complete hypocrite and watch Matuli's roommate, but that's because I have yellow fever, she uses tons of makeup and filters to look better than she does in real life, and her content is sweet GFE for the weary soul that I can put on in the background while shitposting. Variety streamers like Lulu are a harder sell because they're competing as entertainment and don't masterfully exploit a psychological weakness.

>> No.16210097

I'm not as devoted as you, but for me, if she went this route, it wouldn't be weird at all. It's like im@s situation, they're performing for real on a real stage, maybe with hairstyles that a bit similar to their respective character. And I don't feel a disconnect, that's just them - Haruka, Miki, Makoto etc. Right there on the stage. Suityan can switch to performing live for real and I won't notice a difference.

>> No.16212849

Really? 2 of her last 4 videos surpass the 10+ hrs mark, one of them being a gaming stream, and her current stream has been going on for hours.

>> No.16213138


>> No.16216417

That's a lot of words to say that you are an incel

>> No.16216831

Anybody who loves the """character""" is autistic imo
vtubing is a nerdy hobby and it's interesting, but there's a reason I casually watched A.I. and Siro as a fad and lost interest quick vs. how obsessed I am with Hololive in general but my oshi more specifically and that reason is many of the women themselves

Holos often say "Hololive is warm", but it's not just warm for the talents. To me, it's warmth comes from the genuine love so many talents have for their viewers. Not the usual platonic "fan appreciation" love, either

>> No.16220547

Why do you have this question? Because you're not vtuber fan. What are you doing here? To spam the board with useless threads

>> No.16222321

Half of the appeal is the honesty of the fantasy, the acceptance that the streamer is playing a character, even if it's a persona, and that there's an acceptable suspension of disbelief at play.

>> No.16223076

yes, it's about their personality and yes i'm in love with the personality and not (just) the character. though the character helps, like the character helps you from becoming TOO obsessed with them and keeps it fun.
when streamers go or start off as 3dpd it becomes about the streamer's body
there's nothing wrong with that but vtubing bypasses the problem of it ALWAYS degenerating to the most successful streamers featuring their body.
also, notice that vtubing works best for streamers that are already really physically attractive IRL (or know how to make themselves look attractive with makeup/good angles/good clothes) but also have really good personalities.

>> No.16223145

>means that you actually love the person behind the avatar right?

>> No.16224271

>accept women behind characters even though they are just being themselves
At least when you are talking hololive it is 100% certain they aren't themselves. I would argue same applies to everyone else. If anything incels delude themselves that woman behind the character is not an actress.

>> No.16228647


>> No.16228651

If the roommate is cute, I'll support her.

>> No.16228799

>Love vtuber
>Love person behind Avatar

I love Gura
But person behind her Avatar is ugly af , so I only Gura as vtuber

>> No.16230065

katou jun is based

>> No.16230491

>person behind the avatar
The mask they wear is what I love not the person wearing it; even if the mask is molded only for them.

>> No.16230942

What’s you’re reasoning for the holo girls not being themselves?

>> No.16232926

Bottom líne Is most people are hypocrites who watch a woman because they can't see her even though they hate women
