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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16176490 No.16176490 [Reply] [Original]

Rest in pieces


>> No.16176551

what did she do

>> No.16176589


>> No.16176593

>Mel clone

>> No.16176640

It appears that her contract has been annulled due to breach of contract, suspicions of law breaking, and violation of confidentiality agreement.

>> No.16176664

I'm sorry OP but this is an EOP board, no one knows about noriopro and no one can read the announcement

>> No.16176679

The reason is that the following acts were recognized.
・ Acts that are suspected of violating the law
・ Serious breach of contract
・ False declarations
・ Acts that violate nondisclosure agreements

>> No.16176718

I suppose this is an artist?

>> No.16176725

Just had her new outfit reveal too. Damn...

>> No.16176744
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>acts suspected of violating the law
>serious breach of contract
>false declarations
>acts that violate non-disclosure agreements
Pouring one out tonight for this literal semon demon and self-proclaimed buttslut

>> No.16176794

She was too free and authentic for this industry full of fake shit

>> No.16176799

i went into her twitter and there seems to be something that happened on stream?like she had some health stuff in the middle of a stream and management ended it back in december
then she's been completely gone since this

>> No.16176815

That actually sounds pretty serious. What the fuck did she do?

>> No.16176816

Norio herself is a fucking narc who whores herself for zhang bucks so I'm really wondering what LIlith did to get this sudden suspension.

>> No.16176822

>・ Acts that are suspected of violating the law
>・ Serious breach of contract
>・ False declarations
>・ Acts that violate nondisclosure agreements
Like what? Ofc I don't watch her because she's gundou 2.0

>> No.16176840

it's Magnet all over again...

>> No.16176870

She overdosed.

>> No.16176881

I'm sure whatever magnet did is nothing compared to Lilith.

>> No.16176901
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>> No.16176910

White powder too strong

>> No.16176918

>Acts that are suspected of violating the law
Oh no no no she actually raped someone didn't she...

>> No.16176935

Yeah me

>> No.16176937

Roberu...poor son attracts all sorts of crazy ladies.

>> No.16176969
File: 105 KB, 626x885, 1631691920157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes the girl addicted to anal right? or was it she has a golden butthole and got her bf addicted?

>> No.16176976

If she had health issues and got terminated for contract violations, it seems likely she's on drugs.

>> No.16177002

This is all code for she fucked Norio’s husband.

>> No.16177008

Can't believe Robechan is a harbinger of end-of-contract curses.

>> No.16177043

I hope Aqua isn't upset.

>> No.16177060

Hope Life-sensei is holding up okay...

>> No.16177069

roberu finallly went to court on these hoes?

>> No.16177078

i think that's the easy answer, yeah
seems like she went live with some fucked up health issue and management ended it and now ended her contract

>> No.16177086

>2021 年 1 月 10 日

>> No.16177094

The latter I believe

>> No.16177149

the sexual harassment he got went too far this time

>> No.16177203


>> No.16177226

They literally just deleted the tweet to change the date on it. They’re /here/

>> No.16177257

She fucked up I guess, she already deleted the tweet

>> No.16177272

Norio, you senseless bitch! YURUSENAI!!!!

>> No.16177286

Did >we ever find out what happened to her? Last I heard the most potent rrat got something to do with drugs as well

>> No.16177296


>> No.16177325

Wasn't it underage drinking?

>> No.16177330

deleting the tweet because you put 2021 instead of 2022 isn't a very good reason management.

>> No.16177331

Her first time resulted in getting sodomized, because sje and the bf were too retarded and had no sex ed. The story ended without shitting herself so I'm calling sus on it.

>> No.16177353


>> No.16177374

I remember that stream
she was 90% lying

>> No.16177380

Ito-sensei raped her

>> No.16177391

she raped Ito-sensei

>> No.16177433

Maybe she had sex with norio's husband

>> No.16177453

>substance abuser
>so irresponsible it cost her a job
Many such cases. The thing is, alcohol, vaping and smoking are no different, and society allowing them actually makes the problem worse by fostering addictive behaviors. Don't even get me started on gambling and gacha. If there's one thing that needs to be said, it's that a lot of people are too stupid and irresponsible for their addictions to not cause problems for themselves and others.

I know a guy who can't save pocket money for shit just because he spends it on smokes, and he still does it after his father (also a heavy smoker) died of lung cancer. The truth is, a lot of people never learn or improve because they have an "I'm not the problem" mentality even when they clearly are. Hopefully crack cocaine-chan is different, and cleans herself up in order to start living a better life.

>> No.16177521

Tell Marine that not us

>> No.16177554

she sad

>> No.16177558


>> No.16177577

She's streaming under a different account so it's not anything too illegal, the most accepted theory is that she's underage and lied about her age to become voms, and also she drank on stream

>> No.16177578

narcissist? narcomaniac? narcoleptic?

>> No.16177604

getting cocaine in japan is extremely hard

>> No.16177624


>> No.16177671

>・ Acts that are suspected of violating the law
what could this even realistically be? drugs? theft?

>> No.16177672

last rrat I heard was her being a government employee and that they were not allowed to have 2 places of employment

>> No.16177719

it's burger slang for a police officer who hunts for drugs
it's now become slang for someone who is a tattle tale and tells on someone to the police if they are doing drugs/illegal shit

>> No.16177744

maybe sharing noripro members personal info to someone

>> No.16177747

1. n. Short for a Narcotics officer. A member of Law Enforcement that enforces drug laws.

2. n. A person who is not a member of Law Enforcement but turns you into the police for doing or dealing drugs.

3. n. A person that turns you in for something you did wrong; specifically to any type of authority figure like parents, cops, teachers, boss, etc.

4. v. The act of turning someone into law enforcement or authority figures.

>> No.16177797

To be fair, women have the ability to social climb. That also allows them to weasel into the good graces of men who may be able to procure certain things far easier than an average everyday beef bowl eater could.

I assume he means she's incredibly strict and will rat out anyone up to no good. Noripro wasn't a good agency to join with a drug addiction. Bitch may be going to jail if they have solid proof of illegal drug use.

>> No.16177952

you watch too many movies

>> No.16177969

The tweet is deleted

>> No.16177970

most drugs in japan (from my experience) seem to come in from military bases since you can basically bring along whatever you want thru the military mail system without it getting checked. my grandfather and my mother both exploited this when they were living in japan to get specialty goods and sold them for profit in japan.

>> No.16178048

Unironically more sad than Bob Saget dying

>> No.16178099

Implying she was a gaijin hunter with an American soldier boyfriend. I bet he was black.

I think she's pretty much done at this point. That's pretty damning implied implications.

>> No.16178156

the lowest form of human being on this earth.

>> No.16178193

that's landlords, anon. but narcs are a close second.

>> No.16178235

They just fucked up the date. It's already been reuploaded with the proper date.

>> No.16178236


>> No.16178249

Did she had steamy hot ntr sex with Tamaki husband?

>> No.16178258

they deleted the ones on OP because the date is wrong.

>> No.16178260

thanks, I didn't know this word has this meaning in the US, I recall some Brits using narc as an abbreviation for narcissistic, that's why I asked

>> No.16178333

・whoaaa you can do this?

>> No.16178358

Why are you fucks so obsessed with women getting blacked?

>> No.16178379

mutt's law

>> No.16178389

What the fuck Bob's dead???

>> No.16178414

she fucked Tamakis husband, and the sex was so good he stopped taking a shit at their own house because he was shitting at this girls house.
Tamaki became suspicious of her husband never shitting at home.

>> No.16178454

Americans have really weird fetishes, please pay them no mind.

>> No.16178455

Naruhodo. I guess that's a common issue in holy Nippon, just read a book with the exact same topic and I guess it's even more prevalent in this industry. Good to hear she's doing fine now

>> No.16178482

Aizono getting an alt design from another mama then this, itou life on suicide watch.

>> No.16178532

What about Aizono??

>> No.16178548

Chances on a reincarnation?

>> No.16178592

this is a fucking yab with lawyers and shit

>> No.16178601

absolute mad lass

>> No.16178612

this is what happens when you hir a Hitomi Chris

>> No.16178622

Ask /pol/

>> No.16178623

It's trannies

>> No.16178649

Nijisanji JP has like two confirmed heavy chain smokers, a loli getting high on stream using mad honey, and a JC who smokes shisha as a hobby.

>> No.16178706

mutts law

>> No.16178708

she's super cute wtf

>> No.16178732

That doesn't hold up because her new channel is monetized, and also if that were true she'd just quit her government job

>> No.16178748

Yeah. Didn't think my life could get worse after Norm died but here we are.

>> No.16178771

Pretty low. Hard drug substance abuse is a career killer in japan no matter your good will.

>> No.16178794
File: 170 KB, 967x2048, 1637848157730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got a new avatar designed by Guchico. Though she still alternates between them, that other anon was just shitposting

>> No.16178829

I can save her from her drug addiction

>> No.16178849

Damn Aloe really let herself go

>> No.16178865

Absolutely none.

>> No.16178886

is that... a-aloe?!?!

>> No.16178899

qrd is that Aizono wanted a new model because she intends to focus more on the music side of her career, and she approached Life for it, but Life recommended another artist to her, so now she has two mamas (don’t watch her so not sure how often she uses her new model vs her old one)

>> No.16178904


>> No.16178913

I hate norio so much, probably competing for biggest leech in the industry alongside shibuhal.

>> No.16178944

>blonde with black accents is a clone
this is your brain on hololive

>> No.16178960

Shut up Kuzuha

>> No.16178975

Let her go anon, it's not your fault

>> No.16178976

That's not saying much. It is Nijisanji, after all.

>> No.16178989

I stopped watching noripro as a whole after the marrying incident

>> No.16179006

Well, that was fast

>> No.16179005

Why does Japan go so hard against drugs, but is fine having one of the most degenerate gambling cultures in the world

>> No.16179047

Oh come on, what fucking leeching you rrat owner

>> No.16179061

I will save her and her gaping asshole

>> No.16179070

I'm assuming this is her alt.
East Asian mentality pls anderstand.

>> No.16179093

Pirated video games

>> No.16179098

The same reason America hates pedos but is fine with child beauty pageants. People find all sorts of reasons to be inconsistent in their belief systems. Being consistent is hard work and requires sacrifice. Most people find it easier to just defend the status quo and make excuses.

>> No.16179116

who says it's drugs? there are 1000 thousands of illegal things in japan

>> No.16179122

most cocaine in asia are sourced from the Honkong Triads, and considering their hatred for chinks, i can see why drug abuse is treated as one of the worst crimes there.

>> No.16179129

the american occupation was the origin of their super strict drug policy

>> No.16179131

China did have a whole opium war thing, not sure about the rest

>> No.16179144

Seriiously tho, Norio only got popular for doing so many collabs with Niji/Holo members. Isn't even that great of an artist like Pochi or Ui.

>> No.16179197

* Bullet Points
* How do you do them?

>> No.16179227

You Tamaki's actor's marriage? It had drama? I saw nothing

>> No.16179244

You're aware your favorite Nijis and indies also collabed with Norio too?

>> No.16179314

• Easy to do on android, on pc you prob need alt codes

>> No.16179327

Narcotics you retard

>> No.16179361

Do you really think it was shoplifting?

Because after that hentai episode just came out about the underground idol getting caught, that'd be fucking hilarious if IRL ugly bastard was based enough to actually report it.

>> No.16179416
File: 337 KB, 2160x2160, Ef9Ze-XVAAAsUe7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

►Alt +

>> No.16179525

popular mangaka who already "made it" turned vtuber
have like 9:1 collab to solo stream ratio
leveraged her position as collab hub to make her own agency
who gets into this agency runs on pure nepotism
shameless roommate streams in her vtuber channel
milked her own marriage for all its worth
then split her agency into two sections, each mimicking nijisanji and hololive respectively (one variety branch and one idol branch, the latter complete with an explicit no-male collab disclaimer)
then she micromanages her agency's talents much to their chagrin

>> No.16179628

the wasted investment

>> No.16179641


i can triforce?

>> No.16179689

Ultra based go getter taking an active role in managing her company. Can't have any drug addicts dying on company time.

>> No.16179742

thanks for spelling it out. i started disliking norio for her policy on not hiring vtubers with previous lives, because it's a "betrayal to their fans." it's not really surprising that her and polka don't really talk anymore.

>> No.16179751

Seethe NRKMfag

>> No.16179783

>her new channel is monetized
Do you mind sharing a link?

>> No.16179821

It was posted at least 3 times in this thread

>> No.16179828

the irony of that is her crying on twitter when Polka debuted and breaking unwritten vtuber kayfabe rules by basically insinuating who her past life is
She's a massive freaking hypocrite

>> No.16179835

oh I love that tamaki vtuber she's very entertaining

eops wouldn't get it

>> No.16179863

He's definitely asking about magnet, not Lilith.

>> No.16179914

Yeah, but consider the following:

>> No.16179955
File: 188 KB, 450x450, yu78t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is he when we need him the most

>> No.16179972

What's that music choice

>> No.16180015

are you kidding? theres no lawfully abiding company on earth that would would officially allow drug use from its employees

>> No.16180031

Is this the girl that was telling Choco how much she likes to get fucked in the ass?

>> No.16180041

From Gundam Unicorn

>> No.16180062

Oh, and also what pissed me off the most was her nijimale host club collabs when she acknowledges herself as a idol unicorn AND after she went public about her marriage. Fuck that shit.

>> No.16180068

getting his twink ass pounded

>> No.16180094


>> No.16180167

+ has a terminal case of sameface

>> No.16180201
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>> No.16180215


>> No.16180219

Ebisu is a jellyfish he might be interested in.
Buried in Yagoo's backyard, maybe.

>> No.16180231

jfc these faces have the diversity of an a-1 pictures character design

>> No.16180290

Mito mama don't look.

>> No.16180307

huh, didn't know Norio had antis

Is it SEA hours already?

>> No.16180315
File: 333 KB, 420x420, 1608640771566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that really why she hasn't done anything with Polka? I always wondered why they've never collabed. And I doubt any fans would have blamed her for not wanting to stay under fucking upd8 lol.

>> No.16180368

we don't know. polka has never talked about norio/tamaki as polka but considering her bitterness with upd8 and her reputation of compassion and hatred of black company tactics, i doubt that she and ceo norio saw eye to eye on a lot of things.

>> No.16180373

it's a column a and b scenario
Polka herself is an old school kayfabe fag and wants literally nothing to do with anything that could reference Nobu and that's even as far as not acknowledging Tamaki on twitter

>> No.16180421


>> No.16180464

Konbini Shoujo Z

Underground idol gets caught shoplifting. Based store manager under pressure from higher ups threatens to get her fired from her idol career. Rape ensues. But that just feeds into her addiction and eventually she just gets herself into trouble for the thrill of getting railed by big ugly dick.

Not sure how much of that is relevant to what's going on now, but who knows. If it's in hentai then maybe Japan actually has mass shoplifting problems. Could've even been what caused magnet to graduate for all anyone knows.

>> No.16180470

>telling a bitch she does dumb shit makes you a anti
No it makes you a reasonable human being.
Also absolutely dont record yourself 9 years ago getting drunk as fuck while talking to Marine.
dont click unless you want to vomit

>> No.16180476

Norio has always had antis, mainly Nijiniggers and NRKMniggers

>> No.16180510

Another win for company vtubing. This just keeps happening again and again, and I'm again just supposed to take the company's word for it.

Based and buttpilled.

>> No.16180554

huh? The idols are specifically labelled, her, Warabe and Lilith are clearly labelled as 'general entertainers' and don't have any of the idol rules.

>> No.16180562

momobako was there?

>> No.16180589

Figures it was nijiniggers, we can't get rid of them soon enough

>> No.16180629

She had antis since her manga days.
Upd8 was not like holo and niji. They didn't controlled her content as nobuhime, she was part of another company.

>> No.16180697

Meds, now

>> No.16180744


>> No.16180801

unique exception that probably took a lot of convincing considering kotone released a song with nene around the same time too

>> No.16180898

Fuck, I watched her debut. I won't pretend I regularly watched her but I liked the few times I did, especially with Aizono and Itou Life.

>> No.16180951

What am I listening to? Because I've been conditioned by hentai to become interested at the sounds of a woman moaning alongside strange liquidy noises. Did someone just take a shit all over the floor? Because as an N45, I could make out the word unko.

Say what you will, but if I don't have to see, smell or clean it, then drunk women in vulnerable positions making pathetic messes of themselves is arousing. It's just like the plot of of my chinese cartoons.

>> No.16180996

I too want to know what they are saying, for a second there it sounded like some sucking ASMR but then I hear talk about shit.

>> No.16181024

Lilith is actually not drawn by Norio but by Itou Life.

>> No.16181068

Getting sued by Roa's lawyer

>> No.16181150

oh you insecure faggot

>> No.16181175

Explain her collabs with HonHima, then

>> No.16181176

Well saying it like that is almost enough to make me feel bad for Norio instead, assuming its the truth. Though I guess that still doesn't mean anything when they could be talking privately everyday anyways.

>> No.16181198

Japan never fails to make me laugh with their hentai scenarios.

>> No.16181199

That's why she's the only one that stands out, yeah.

>> No.16181210

That other Anon is in denial. The reality is Tamaki is a bitch and Polka hates her.

>> No.16181234

Everyone from gen2 is drawn by a different artist, he's just being retarded and/or disingenuous, and most likely samefagging

>> No.16181236

Hima isn't connected to Nobu as an identity like Tamaki was

>> No.16181244

Sounds like the Ultimate leech.

>> No.16181307
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can cherrypick all you want, but it took Polka over a year to reconnect with anyone and the Aloe scenario likely didn't help her mental faculties either early on
She will never get involved with Tamaki as long as she lives ever again

>> No.16181606

Is she the one that talked with choco about how her first boyfriend and her got addicted to anal?

>> No.16181624

wasn't polka at fault, not tamaki?

>> No.16181652

why would nobu be at fault for control freak chinks sabotaging her career and ability to talk to her friends?

>> No.16181685

I wonder if thats already been asked and answered half a dozen times in this thread

>> No.16181757

no, that's your oshi

>> No.16181774
File: 704 KB, 849x1200, fubuki friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I can assume is that anon is implying it's a recording of Norio talking to marine and getting piss drunk, then moaning pathetically (read as: erotically) while shitting and puking. I'm diamonds right now, so I'm in the mood to forgive all of Tamaki's transgressions. Don't care if she's an aging married whore whose continued vtubing activities make her husband the laughingstock of the entire world. I still would, because diamonds are unbreakable.

>> No.16181798

you sound like a raging holobrony, not a relliable source of information

>> No.16181839

You know nothing tourist

>> No.16181863

What the fuck? I liked her...

>> No.16181911

Ah, shit it's a nijinigger

>> No.16181926

i hate tamaki but can't argue with that reasoning anon, carry on

>> No.16181934

this is a tourist board so that's not an insult

>> No.16182000

Then go away newfag, let the people who actually watched vtubers before March 2020 covid talk like adults

>> No.16182003

still gossiping about that Homostar that got fired lol

>> No.16182190

Nahh powders are rare in JP. They mostly sold acid type shit. Tried one during my visit on osaka and shit was trippy af

>> No.16182227

Yeah, I too felt the same way, the sound was fucking nice that it made wonder if perhaps she was getting molested by Marine.

>> No.16182234

Where is magnet now?

>> No.16182306

Read the thread

>> No.16182334

that's really her? lillith's voice is a bit lower pitched i feel like

>> No.16182353

I like everyone in Gen 2

>> No.16182438


>> No.16182682

She sure didn't waste any time.

>> No.16182772

Maybe she doesn't give a fuck, I mean the shit she used to do was quiet interesting

>> No.16182793
File: 165 KB, 600x600, 1634158159484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think Norio is a leech? The entirety of Gen 1 Hololive, especially Fubuki, are by definition leeches. But they're also the only reason this board is here and why (you) are posting here.

At least Norio still talks to the people she's collabed with after a year and hitting it relatively big instead of dropping them like a rock.

>> No.16182902

blame the chinkoids for that one
they're doing them a service by ignoring them unless you actually want them to have the chinese hive breathe down their necks everywhere they go

>> No.16182971

early hololivers were the biggest leeches they only have the privelage of acting like idols now that they've blown up

>> No.16183028

What is it with succubus vtubers and graduating bruh

>> No.16183031

Do you want them to get spammed to hell and back by chinkbots? Those fuckers don't care really if it's someone unrelated to her, they will spam anyone mentioning Fubuki or Coco.

>> No.16183234
File: 72 KB, 762x706, 1633190377887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>matuli finds the first genuine friendship with the opposite sex she has in ages in CHADshikizu
>has to drop it because they got along "too well" and talked about dirty things too much because of the idol push
>can only barely talk to him after a year plus during one of his totsumachis
>he gives her the "i'll support your idol activities" line

>> No.16183245

>Gen 1
>Literally brings Hoshikawa to her 3d live.
Yeah anon, Gen 1 totally dropped all their old buddies.

>> No.16183302

On YT, twitch and twitter.

>> No.16183315

27+JK… Oozora family…

>> No.16183321

This thread isn't about holo btw

>> No.16183346

That's unfortunate, I was just getting into her in the last couple of months.

>> No.16183363
File: 194 KB, 400x400, 2Foby1v8_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gen 1 totally dropped all their old buddies.
glad you agree

>> No.16183371


>> No.16183373

Yeah you are right, I'll ignore tribalfagging bait

>> No.16183427

Damn I never expected to see this nigga on /vt/ in 2022

>> No.16183448

You're right, it's about someone literally 95% of the board don't care about and only clicked on the thread because they saw knock-off Mel and a link declaring they're dead.

God, you're fucking retarded. This thread don't matter. None of it mattahs.

>> No.16183600

I'm only still here in hopes that audio anon will drop more candid recordings of roommates moaning lewdly. They're going in my coom collection.

>> No.16183621

Based holos pumping and dumping bullysanji and leaving the corspe to rot in the wayside after they got all the use from the inferior company

>> No.16183635

>Gen 1 Hololive, especially Fubuki, are by definition leeches.
This applies to Mel, Aki, and Haachama, how?
Fubuki purposefully debuffed herself to support Holostars and was ignored by the industry for china bucks. To call her of all people a leech is disingenuous.

Norio is an actual leech, and there doesn't need any rrats or mental gymnastics to prove how much of a leech norio is.

>> No.16183639

>he thinks it was just nijisanji

>> No.16183721

That us anon, but landlord a close second

>> No.16183840

>fapping to a girl puking her soul out
You are sick

>> No.16183874

Does anyone actually know what she did to get booted

>> No.16183896

Impeccable timing for this post considering that Chama is collabing with Sara in like 3 hours.


>> No.16183929

Nijisanji had it coming. Apparently they think ruining Chris' dreams and leaving her a used up, empty whore was an achievement to be proud of. Nijiniggers are fucked in the head, man. It's like they think these brands are religions and shit.
Post your avatars so we can make a note of how much you hate men and proceed to not watch you. Obviously you wouldn't want sick people in your fanbase(s). Consider this a courtesy among anons.

>> No.16183940

she was caught doing lines of coke off of norio’s husbands asscheeks

>> No.16183993

I dont think I've ever seen the line "breaking the law" in a chuubas termination note before.
Could be fucking anything

>> No.16184234

The fag mentioned Fubuki and my reply was related to her, if you are a butthurt chink then I hope you die from kung flu.

>> No.16184296


>> No.16184363

It's not cheating if it's anal

>> No.16184482

>talks on stream about drinking and vaping
>actually does a drunkstream
>tax season comes up, which is when your employer will be given info to file theirs, including your age
>Magnet is fired
>Magnet's reincarnation talks about highschool summer homework
This paints a pretty clear story.

>> No.16184682
File: 173 KB, 1922x1066, FIt8CDWagAA236p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does it say bros

>> No.16184718

lmao how did gyari fuck up so badly

>> No.16184789

And this is why statutory laws are bullshit. Even japanese employers whose recruiting processes are ironed out over a thousand times still fall for jailbait.

With that said, magnet deserved to get shitcanned for causing trouble like that. Adult spaces aren't for underage b&s, and any reasonable person won't give a fuck that she's unerage (when it comes to placing blame) because if she's competent enough to get a job then she's competent enough to be held responsible like an adult.

>> No.16184806

other talents are continuing activity normally, we express deep condolences over this accident, no responsibility on the other talents so don't bother them over this, we told them to not address this incident on stream.

pretty standard I guess.

>> No.16184884

>we will continue as usual so shut the fuck up
>our staff really hurts, so so sooo much over this
>please dont fucking ask our members about this you retards
>I told them not to answer shit about this >A kind day and fuck off
This is the TL just in more flowery Japanese buisness language

>> No.16184899

Poor Matuli... I will continue to save her

>> No.16185037

My tldr of this:
Please keep supporting our talents as is.
Don't pester them about this issue, Yada Yada...

>> No.16185075

Who's Yoroshiku?

>> No.16185289

Aqua didnt care about any of those other ho's besides Mea

>> No.16185409

>At least Norio still talks to the people she's collabed with after a year and hitting it relatively big instead of dropping them like a rock.
Coco, Polka....

>> No.16185646

Yoroshiku onegai deez nuts

>> No.16185684

Oh, please. His death doesn't affect you at all. You aren't his family or personal friend.

>> No.16185806

She used to regularly collab with holos but completely abandoned them after the taiwan ban like a coward chasing that chink money

>> No.16185820

>Saya Magnet
Like pottery.

>> No.16185830

Imagine thinking that the death of someone you respect doesn't affect a person. You sound like someone who never experienced the death of someone close to you. Imagine dropping such a massively shit take. That s a bigger dump than Tamaki took 9 years ago live on stream while beef bowl eaters rubbed one out.

>> No.16185897

Why the fuck are you calling Macoto Norio? It's disappointung to see that people here actually believe you too despite them sounding nothing alike.

>> No.16185916
File: 43 KB, 622x709, 1622907866569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She used to regularly collab with holos but completely abandoned them after the taiwan ban like a coward chasing that chink money
She had a collab with fucking Kiara of all people. Out of literally no where. And still regularly collabs with Rushia.

>> No.16185919

The vast majority of people involved in child beauty pageants aren't thinking of the events in a sexual manner. As weird as that sounds, most of these moms have not considered that people are looking at their daughters in a lewd manner because they do not view children in such a way as a degenerate pedo.

>> No.16186085

Clip was dropped without context or explanation on an EOP board. It's the poster's fault for not elaborating.
If you're just gonna spout a nonstop string of lies and cope to justify mothers sexualizing their daughters to vicariously relive their youth through them, I'm just gonna stop giving a fuck what you have to say because you're obviously no different than the "muh 9000 year old shork is totally not modeled after a child's body" crowd. Jesas, people aren't even trying to be convincing liars anymore.

>> No.16186116

She still collabs with Holos are you actually retarded?

>> No.16186248

Why are you posting in a thread about noripro when you don't even know what Norio sounds like?

>> No.16186322

She probably just hooked up with a fan or something

>> No.16186324

You know, given the time of year it could be tax related. Checks all the boxes, except maybe the NDA one.

>> No.16186435

I do, but Japanese women also have a thing about doing cutesy uwu voices different from their normal ones. I thought she was piss drink and larping as a child like the kind of unsightly trainwreck that makes you avert your eyes.

>> No.16186496

You clearly don't if you think Norio is capable of sounding like that.

>> No.16186538

Knowing what she sounds like doesn't mean I watch her religiously. I don't, and that's not what you asked. Imagine having to move the goalposts because you know you're just complaining for the sake of trying to stir shit up.

>> No.16186548

Was it aids?

>> No.16186655

You're the one backing up a faggot posting lies.

>> No.16186672
File: 200 KB, 1000x1391, __pachira_renkin_san_kyuu_magical_pokaan_drawn_by_asanagi__a83f5e657974215a557a1e5998ece4b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This further confirms my theory that Holodrones are just as bad as Persona 5 fans. They think everything is a rip-off of their obsession, even though "blonde gothic lolita vampire" is an anime trope that's been around for decades.

>> No.16186829

Akatsuki Uni will always be the OG blonde vampire chuuba for me.

>> No.16186873

rip bozo

>> No.16186877

For me it's the vampire loli from bakamonogatari.

>> No.16186922

For all EOPs, the 5ch noripro thread has no theories or rrats about it. It's the exact same as Jitomi Monoe's case in terms of nobody knows.
That's why this thread constantly derails and has random nonsensical drug rrats and stuff, because there is nothing to actually talk about.

>> No.16186950

Monoe was underage

>> No.16186970

>clip is posted in noripro thread
>hurr durr why would people assume it's of norio
Jesas, even meds won't help this level of retarded
>rent free
Seek help

>> No.16186988

In terms of nobody knew at the time it was announced.
Sorry, should've made that more clear.

>> No.16187026

Why do you assume someone that doesn't sound like Norio is Norio? Stupid fucking retard.

>> No.16187073

They look like an NFT collection

>> No.16187091

Already explained it. Can you not read eigo, hombre?

>> No.16187098

Can't wait for yabs of this scale hit hololive
It's only a matter of time

>> No.16187140

If you don't include Tamaki in the first generation, now both 1st, 2nd and gamers have 4 members. So her graduation was a ploy to make noripro site design work.
Jokes aside, some days ago in Tamaki's channel, the channel page was empty for some days. I thought it was to remove Lilith and checked it now, but she's there. But it definitely seems suspicious to remove all employees channels for some time.

>> No.16187149

If Hololive can survive the Mel stuff, Hitomi Chris, and the Great Chink Spergout of 2020 then they can survive anything.

>> No.16187171

I already explained why your explanation is insufficient. You accepted a complete lie as fact even though it's very obviously not Norio in the audio. You're only trying to save face now despite being anonymous.

>> No.16187207

That's probably on youtube, one of the small EN agencies(CYBERLIVE I think?) complained about the same thing happening to two of their girls.

>> No.16187230

It wasn't obvious. You're just looking to bicker.

>> No.16187289

It was obvious. You accepted a complete lie as fact wothout any doubts and now you're embarrassed after getting called out.

>> No.16187321

They can't survive a top talent getting fired for being a criminal.

>> No.16187400

Envy is self destructive.

>> No.16187519

Gura raped Shion

>> No.16187640

On the cold, winter night of October 9th, 2021...

>> No.16187812

Because there was non. Even her gacchis accepted and welcomed it, since she made a good job separating her roommate from Tamaki and prepared them to it. Anon is just a schizo

>> No.16187836

>ywn have a JP gf this cute who loves it in the ass
Why even live?

>> No.16187878

Another semen demon down...

>> No.16187930

One day Okayu's crimes WILL be answered by the correct law enforcement.

>> No.16187936

>Because there was non
>Even her gacchis accepted and welcomed it
>she made a good job separating her roommate from Tamaki and prepared them to it
False. The two are considered one and the same, and anyone who says otherwise is lying as easily as they breath.
>Anon is just a schizo
MUH Schizo is the telltale sign that a poster actually knows they're full of it.

>> No.16188009

Literally happened a week ago

>> No.16188014

I hope someone archives all her streams before it's deleted. Not that I will watch.

>> No.16188122

literally who

>> No.16188224

Heh, so much for 'one big happy family' atmosphere. Nothing personal to the people in her company but I fucking hate Norio.

>> No.16188234

I'm only sad for the stupidly hot model. Her personality was kinda insufferable anyway. I hope Itou gets to design more vtubers before long.

>> No.16188267

it makes so much sense now, this is why pikamee was so devastated too

>> No.16188273

If you commit crime irl, you're gonna destroy your family atmosphere too so this fits.

>> No.16188306

>anyone who says otherwise is lying as easily as they breath.
No, she actually separates it well enough. At least keep to the facts and say that she did the 5 conditions to marry her, while using her real face and already being in a relationship with her future husband, to make it seems like she wasn't in a relationship to get GFE money.

>> No.16188406

You're not even making any points here. Post the 5ch screenshots if you have them. But you won't because they don't exist.
Meanwhile you can easily go to the announcement stream see how it almost didn't have any dislikes. You will also see her actual gacchis showering her in congratulations and supas.
Also Tamaki is a trap with a giant dick. If you confuse him with a mangaka woman, it's your fault. It's not because the roommate is out in the open that it's any différent.

>> No.16188480

Life is just unfair most of the time ;_;

>> No.16188588

Are there no details about what happened in that stream that was interrupted and privated?

>> No.16188604
File: 30 KB, 528x197, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did she delete it...

>> No.16188776


>> No.16188818

Noripro told all of them to not talk about the incident and that tweet can be linked to the said incident no matter how vague it is. She probably heard a notification from discord, got scared and deleted it.

>> No.16188839

I thought we were all JSLs here

>> No.16188871


>> No.16188945

She probably said what her salary was and got canned on the spot for that. I don't know why Anons always assume it's some juicy drama when it never is.

>> No.16188980


>> No.16189108

That'd be such a cunt thing to do

>> No.16189313
File: 99 KB, 740x743, FIudDLgUUAEW4hJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lawyers were involved
What the fuck has she done? It really is drugs isnt it

>> No.16189354

What's his endgame?

>> No.16189441

which one?

>> No.16189450

you'd be sad if your Oshi died
same thing

>> No.16189487

>I think everyone has different feelings, and I don't think there's any need to try and force those feelings.
>I think the great thing about streaming is that you can share the moments and emotions.
>However, I would be happy if I could share a lot of fun with people who come to see me and spend time together with lots of smiles!
>spoon feeding

dunno what it all means, i don't follow noripro

>> No.16189560

>not calling a lawyer after firing anyone
>not using the "lawyer told me to keep quiet" excuse to not expose the real problem
It's the appropriate corporate response, drugs don't have to be involved to call a lawyer.

>> No.16189598

gambling is usually done by adults, upto you the individual to control it
drugs are usually from peer/social pressure at a young age, not really something controllable for the individual
also drugs can be mixed in food and fed to others, gacha spins cannot

>> No.16189675

I didn't even realize Tamaki started her own group and it's actually pretty successful right now.

>> No.16189829

Look, i know it's easily forgotten but Tamaki is Male.

>> No.16189876

gacha can't be mixed into food but it decides how much food I have any given event

>> No.16189957

What? I was talking about what Norio did while using her 3D real face and Norio name.

>> No.16190004

it's almost as if pretending to be anime sex demons for a living isnt sponsorship friendly

>> No.16190047

She also talks about nostalgia for old-ass niconico stuff and whatnot though, and she doesn't go to school.

>> No.16190066

She’s not an idol, she’s a unicorn for idols, not tolerating any kind of non-virgins or relationships. At least, that’s what Tamaki says about himself.

>> No.16190134

point is, kids in school don't really do much gambling, they will need to get their parents' credit cards in order to even start
drugs on the other hand, if one kid has it and distributes it to his "friends" trying to get them into it, it avoids parental supervision and is dangerous to the child's growth.
Gacha starts and ends with personal responsibility. If you're not able to take control of your own life (as an adult), you're left to the streets.
Not so for children.

>> No.16190147

I think i misqoute, move along then.

>> No.16190436

All videos got deleted or hidden.

>> No.16190524

>it's real
They didn't even give enough time to archive...

>> No.16190763


>> No.16190769

anyone have her last stream where she supposedly "collapsed?"

>> No.16190794

privated, if anyone wants to download the public ones `yt-dlp --load-info-json <video.info.json>` with these files https://litter.catbox.moe/kzcw53.zip

>> No.16190815

Not only that. GYARI fucked her (as he fucks all his talent (yes including the homo)) while underage. Very BIG yab, puts him on thin ice.

>> No.16190834

>fire talent
>leave her content after paywall before people archive it

>> No.16190889

Speaking of this, what about the memberships for January? Can they just be refunded?

>> No.16191065

Jesus Christ how bad did she fuck up?

>> No.16191199

>act like you don't have a partner
>gets married
>acts like nothing happened
>announce marriage 1 month later
>Lilith collapse on stream (during her new outfit reveal?)
>gets fired
>acts like nothing happened
>announce firing 1 month later
I wonder if you can put a clause to fuck your employees if they collapse midstream.

>> No.16191296


>> No.16191392
File: 88 KB, 486x206, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga norioblack.

>> No.16191456

>separating her roommate from Tamaki
She did a facecam stream and showed off her wedding ring on Tamaki channel...

>> No.16191595

What I'm getting with this is:
>Do shit secretly.
>Wait a little bit.
>Confess and get away with it.

>> No.16191944

I know a lot of families that goes into long legal feuds for inheritance and whatnot so this seems about right.

>> No.16192339

Aw, let me know when her VA debuts again.

>> No.16192403

Read the thread

>> No.16192405

today, read the thread

>> No.16192449

I mean, the channel was originally Norios nontuber channel. I feel like people who are talking about her properly separating tamaki/norio are more talking about kayfabe
