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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 959 KB, 1729x811, YouTube fuckery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16119897 No.16119897 [Reply] [Original]

Almost 30k votes in the poll, yet less than 10k live viewers?

>> No.16119991


>> No.16120115

I hate youtube so fucking much

>> No.16120177

People could be coming and going in the stream, its not like everyone who votes in the poll is going to stay in the stream.

>> No.16120179

Viewer churn, poll is up for a while now.
Still it got like 130% participation rate in the first minute, shit's broken get used to it.

>> No.16120270

You're meant to include how long the poll has been running in the screenshot, it's not hard.

>> No.16120372

it was at 17k votes 8 minutes in, with 8k viewers
there's no way 9k people just passed by, voted, and then left in 8 minutes
it's at +400% participation rate right now

>> No.16120512

An those are the ones with accounts

>> No.16120610

nice awful chat history OP

>> No.16120789

gotta hand it to brave or stupid anons who wont censor their names when they post here, lol

>> No.16120800


please just watch the stream, i fucking hate you faggots so much

>> No.16120844


>> No.16120897


Jesus fucking Christ. The worst part is theres no other place you could go to other than Youtube because it just crowds everything else out and the closest competitor Twitch is an even more retarded shitshow

>> No.16121020

>Someone who's on a discord or some shit sees the poll
>Reposts it
>Suddenly more votes than viewers

Wow so hard to fathom.

>> No.16121100

People come in and out. I think Mysta has like 14k in one poll but only had like 3.5k people show up. Granted he had his poll up for a long time but it's not like people are staying all the time for one stream. As long as they stay for at least over 30 secs and with ad block off, they'll still be counted in the views.

>> No.16121111

Someone spoonfeed me the site to check user chat histories, I swear I'll bookmark that shit this time

>> No.16121240

what fucking discord server is gonna be big enough for 9 fucking thousand people to engage in 8 minutes?

>> No.16121257

>28699 votes
>11k likes (I know people can drop one and not show up but still)
>8757 CCV


>> No.16121354

The new normal.

>> No.16121365

>There's 10k people who watch without dropping a like
Maybe it is true that you actually have to remind people to like and subscribe.

>> No.16121475

This also assumes that all the 8k marked viewers vote, which seems highly unlikely to get 100% poll participation.

>> No.16121496 [DELETED] 

How is this news?

>> No.16121511
File: 104 KB, 909x271, 1612119619054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah bro that explains why she got 125% engagement within one minute

>> No.16121584

Real question.
Why the fuck are you people trying to make up excuses to defend youtube when it's fucking obvious what's happening?
Are you people seriously so fucking miserable about your small corpo numbers and 2views that you'd honestly rather support youtube's bullshit than to acknowledge the issue just so you can pretend like Hololive's falling and celebrate an imaginary thing?

>> No.16121590

That's literally my point though
>shit's broken get used to it

>> No.16121659

Over 100% poll engagement is not normal, stop trying to justify it as something that should be expected, especially when less than 30% engagement is the norm for internet polls.

>> No.16122008

Nice Kurumi pic OP

>> No.16123309

It's like YouTube hates Pekora

>> No.16123527

Well, they can always switch to Twitch if it's such a problem. Amazon would probably give them all five-six figure signing bonuses to boot

>> No.16123714
File: 16 KB, 299x445, 1626015515722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

133%, retard.

>> No.16123726

I am not a computer

>> No.16123768

Bro, she left it up for like an hour or something. That's way too long to get any accurate proof.

>> No.16123813

Over 100% poll engagement for a poll that she left on for most of the stream IS normal. Or do you not understand what CCV actually means?

>> No.16123821

I flat out don't like videos unless they're something I'm bound to return to frequently (songs, clips, etc.)

>> No.16123918

You sound like you'd make for a great african dictator

>> No.16123932

holofags are botting the polls to try and force youtube to open up their vulnerabilities again

>> No.16123945
File: 96 KB, 612x661, 25% of her subs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is still sticking to the script
You actually cant make this shit up LMAO

>> No.16123947

If we can get every chuuba to do a poll during their streams, maybe we can make the numberfags happy by replacing CCV with viewer engagement

>> No.16124012

So now the poll is fucked because no way in hell are 30k people are watching anyone in council

>> No.16124028
File: 795 KB, 1944x5064, Twitchfags, not even once.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16124034


>> No.16124058

Eop's are mostly like bots, so in fact CCV number is correct.

>> No.16124106

Don't you fucking lose it this time spoonfeed-chama
vtdata dot info/youmitoru

>> No.16124110


>> No.16124129

What's wrong en bro I thought only jp branch is reclining now even en are reclining too? hololive is over...

>> No.16124157

Kys twitch cuck

>> No.16124190

you appear to be trying to samefag, would you like some help?

>> No.16124250


>> No.16124289

many discord servers

>> No.16124308

protip it takes more than reseting your phone IP to pull off a convincing astroturf attempt

>> No.16124348
File: 46 KB, 720x259, IMG_20220109_060805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, but the one in dire need of meds is you.

>> No.16124394
File: 4 KB, 499x121, 1641496578590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you got me

>> No.16124714
File: 54 KB, 720x259, It was me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got you bro, i will be more careful now on.

>> No.16124905

It passed her viewer count in 20 seconds retardchama. She had 7k viewers when she put up the poll and 20 seconds later it surpassed it. That doesn't include people who don't vote because they don't have chat open. WHY DO RETARDS STILL DEFEND YT'S BROKEN CCV? WHY????

>> No.16124961

Because they aren't reading the numbers general that has piled up the evidence from multiple independent sources and test methods.

>> No.16124985

Because they make you mad, see >>16124028

>> No.16125018
File: 145 KB, 500x500, 1610654753744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the combined force of Discord & /#/ linking to streams the second they see a poll

>> No.16125116

If your oshi streams without care for CCV, then she enjoys your company, and doesn't fully treat you like a number on screen, i am glad CCV is fucked, it really shows who is in vtubing simply because he/she enjoys it, and who is just for clout and $$$

>> No.16125225

Considering her paycheck is tied to CCV, she does care.

>> No.16125235
File: 150 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2022-01-09-00-25-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys try hard

>> No.16125288

Not a bad idea, maybe SC guys can ask for polls instead of "say shitty fotm meme" it's constructive and they still get their 15 minutes of fame from clippers and now even the chat

get on it Parker !

>> No.16125404
File: 2.05 MB, 363x363, seething.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16125427

Her paycheck is tied to enjoyment of her fans and willingness to throw money at her or buying merch, CCV does fuck all.
The only ones at loss here, are numberfags who can't stroke their dicks to NuMbErS, are you one?

>> No.16125490

This state of affairs will continue until the susanpocalypse ends

>> No.16125564

The only thing Holofags have is numbers, so when their precious idols get less than 10k viewers because people simply aren't interested anymore, they just start going ballistic ballistic because their oshis aren't the top dogs anymore

>> No.16125654

are you actually the same person as in? >>16124028
>same post structure
>same getting mad at the exact same shit
>same insults
it really is you isnt it?

>> No.16125769

This is literally what happens when you stream on a platform where algorithmic fuckery is the norm. This isn't actually a vtuber problem. It's a "YouTube is the propaganda arm of Google and will be heavily fucked with from now until the end of time" problem.

The only solution is...eh fuck it. Hololive doesn't pay me to solve their problems, or at all. Good luck.

>> No.16131368

Cope more, Mumei's just not as popular as you want her to be

>> No.16131484

Shut up susan

>> No.16131493

>Muh Discord server excuse
>When the poll has over 20k votes compared to live viewers
Why are you licking Google's boot?

>> No.16131572

to watch a stream you need
>to open a tab
To vote in a chat poll you need
>to open a tab
>to have a google account and be logged in
>to have the chat open
>to actually want to vote

Not saying this is hard, but just the need for a google account means the voter pool is already much smaller.

>> No.16131581

>Licking the asshole of Google

>> No.16133369

I'm not reading this shit

>> No.16134089

ngl I'm retarded and forget sometimes unless they remind me

>> No.16134275
File: 38 KB, 480x480, 1484205471362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're meant to include how long the poll has been running in the screenshot, it's not hard.
dick i was watching her stream, she hit 8k votes in about 15 seconds (7k ccv), she hit 12k votes in a minute, 20k votes in 10 minutes, with 8k ccv numbers. she was at 30k votes in 20minutes with 8.5k ccv numbers and 13k likes, and she hit 40k votes in an hour.

no pole gets 100% participation on youtube, youtubes own analytics indicate 20% engagement is outstanding and 50% nearly unheard of

>> No.16134355

>Maybe it is true that you actually have to remind people to like and subscribe.
per youtube only 2-5% of people who watch videos like them. obviously live viewers are different from watching the pov, and are likely more engaged, but i remember 2 years ago tim poole had 80k people watching live (pre youtube fuckery) and he was actively pimping for thumbs up and got to maybe 20k thumbs ups; i remember thinking at the time that 1/4 is probably the most thumbs up a live stream will get.

>> No.16134395

>So now the poll is fucked because no way in hell are 30k people are watching anyone in council
no, council debuted after youtube started fucking with ccv numbers. the nerf is just really blatant now.

>> No.16134465

Noo, the nerf doesn't really exist, it never did! Not the one in Nov 2020, nor this one or anything inbetween! Please believe me or I'll lose my job
t. Pajeet

>> No.16138068

This has a been a thing for well over a year at this point, how are people only just realising?

>> No.16138221
File: 615 KB, 3048x4096, 1641430383884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While it sucks, I honestly don't care. As long as my girls have fun doing what they do, i'm happy

>> No.16138304

it was nowhere near as bad as it is now, it was only 20-40% off for the past year. Now after the dec 2021 CCV culling changes its 200-400% off.
Botan outright stated in a member stream her 3.5k displayed CCV stream of Metal Wolf Chaos from a few days ago shows 14k actual CCV in her analytics.
2/3rds or more of streams aren't even reaching their waiting room numbers in peak CCV.

>> No.16138363

I only started liking videos because of Hololive and wanting to cheer them on. I don't even like content I watch outside of it.

>> No.16138420

>over a year
wat? I only noticed it around 1-1.5 months ago and the start of this month is just ridiculous.

>> No.16138541

youtube SJW Amerimutt niggers are still trying so hard to keep that going. they want to keep it by all means and is trying to find out a solution despite not having any.

>> No.16138856

Logging in to youtube is 5 extra seconds that doesn't benefit me, so I never like or sub.
Hell, logging in might be actively detrimental considering how people talk about "polluting" their recommended feeds.

>> No.16138918

what's the possibility that youtube inflates the poll numbers? I've never seen that suggested, the assumption is always that the poll is accurate.
I can't think of a reason /why/ they would do that, but youtube's methods are like unto god, unfathomable.

>> No.16138941

>she hit 8k votes in about 15 seconds (7k ccv)
But you also know if you made a thread with this nobody would care, so you waited until the number got big enough to try and pretend she has 28K people watching live. Shut up you stupid numberfag and die already. The cull is the best thing to happen to this place.

>> No.16139001

>what's the possibility that youtube inflates the poll numbers?
Low to zero chances? Why would they even inflate poll numbers? Streamers don't even put up a poll every time they stream.

>> No.16139088

I don't know, I'm JAQ
Or it could be a bug, like every vote click getting doubled between client -> server (calc) -> server (database) -> client (display) because of youtube's shit software in their backend.

>> No.16139097

I like seeing numberfags get mad. Youtube was always a shitty site thanks to the algo, but now that the poison has spread to even the big dogs NOW you guys wanna act like YT's so bad and we need the Holos to get off of the site.

>> No.16139293

>Paying employees based on CCV
The fuck? That's stupid as shit.

>> No.16140456

Its not hard to understand.
CCV and VOD views is directly proportional to have valuable you are to sponsors and advertisers.
Higher CCV means a sponsor/advertiser will pay you more because the sponsorship will reach a larger audience. A 20k CCV streamer would get offered a hell of a lot more money than a 2k CCV streamer for a sponsorship.
