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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 151 KB, 498x498, Stinky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1595493 No.1595493[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we just ban Kiara threads? They shit up the board even more than it already is and nothing gets done plus it will piss of the KFP's.

>> No.1595825

The only thing that you will accomplish by doing this is having Kiara spam on unrelated thread.

Censorship never works, Anon, what the fuck are you even doing on this site

>> No.1595837

Last night there was a bait thread that kept all the Kiara shitposting contained in one place. Let's keep it that way.

>> No.1595851

This. Besides, there's already a rule against spam, and that didn't stop the threadpocalypse this week where Kiara morphed into "am /vt/".

>> No.1595871

A cointainment general for the schizos would be better.

>> No.1595900

4chan isn't your muh free speech site. We don't let ponies out of their containment board because they degrade the quality of the entire site, we shouldn't let Kiara threads because they similarly degrade the quality of /vt/

Redditdragon, Annoying Orange and Takanashi Kiara. The 3 Orange scourges. All of them should be banned.

>> No.1595920

>t. zhang

>> No.1595941
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*clap clap*

>> No.1595947

The thread spammers have moved on to Mori now, /jp/ tourists won't stop until every EN and english pandering JP gets autodeleted

>> No.1596124

One chuuba specific thread each would be a good idea.
Though we're already having the spammers trying to circumvent it by putting some random "topic" on the title despite the very obvious picture. Inside the thread it's always the same shit anyway.

>> No.1596171

Can we just ban Ina threads? They shit up the board even more than it already is and nothing gets done plus it will piss off the Takos.

>> No.1596183

>free speech not allowed
>Ban Coco

Ogey Zhang

>> No.1596195

>One chuuba specific thread each would be a good idea.
can't wait to have 1 thread for each nijisanji/vshojo member!

>> No.1596232

I don't mind 2 or 3, but hourly threads for whatever is easy to troll with is kind of annoying considering how slow some threads are.

>> No.1596260
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Why is Kiara living rent free in your heads?

>> No.1596308

I don't care about Kiara but the spam nearly killed the Mio thread when it got really bad

>> No.1596322

Those chicken thighs man

>> No.1596325

>kiara shizo was the eternal chang all along

>> No.1596566

It's not even easy to troll, most of the threads are made and replied to by antis samefagging and larping

>> No.1596610

Every board has one subject that gets spammed because the jannies choose to do nothing about it, this is ours. Make your peace with it.

>> No.1596626

>Can we just ban Kiara threads
But that's what the SEA schizos want

>> No.1596671

Orange shit should be banned, but "Redditdragon" and Kiara are actually on-topic, why should they be banned, because falseflaggers want to undermine them through spamming threads no fan of them would do?

>> No.1596692

First it will be Kiara then it will be Gura.

>> No.1596809

Does old/pol/ really hate Coco though?

>> No.1597007

> Putting Coco in the same bag

>> No.1599726

It would piss of a lot of kfps

>> No.1599808
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am /vt/

>> No.1600782

>Can we just ban Kiara threads?
Slippery slope.

>> No.1600894

if you keep suppressing these schizo expect them to go elsewhere like your oshi live stream chat or youtube comments

>> No.1601221
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Tourists really are entitled faggots.
You bully whoever you don't like until they leave, relying on censorship means you were too weak to fix anything and should kill yourself from 4channel.

>> No.1601244

that's right fellow zhang, keep up the good work against Coco

>> No.1601355

all holoEN fans are shit minus Ina.

>> No.1601382

t. kfp

>> No.1601418

that includes the shit chicken

>> No.1601641

>Redditdragon, Annoying Orange and Takanashi Kiara
kfp, dont dare put AO and coco anywhere near that vapid attention whore.

>> No.1601678


>> No.1601767

No, I love drama.

>> No.1601808

Annoying Orange stays in his general and doesn't bother anymore. Coco is a hero.

>> No.1601833


>> No.1601890

lmao all the reddit seethe at this post

>> No.1601900


m'kay chong

>> No.1601942
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>> No.1601943

>samefag spams boars with Kiara threads
>starts a new thread talking about Kiara thread spam
>"ban her, mkay?"
Good 4D chess

>> No.1602258

No it doesn't you fucking duplicitous faggot, it's hideous off-topic garbage spammed by underage election tourists who use it as a foundation for meta whining about how much they hate VTubers and vandalism of other websites, it constantly gets other trash threads spammed in the catalog which are necrobumped with shitposts unless they're deleted by moderation, and falseflagging dumbasses like you try to normalise it by subversively implying it's somehow not infinitely worse than actual VTubers who are posted here genuinely, not off-topic shit posted here because you're so mad that VTubers exist.

>> No.1602263

those kfp faggots spam the threads

>> No.1604479

Just delete the extra fucking threads

>> No.1604676
File: 1.12 MB, 1072x4274, OP being a faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say this while spamming another thread are you retarded? if anything it should be easier to just rangeban the spammers since they are samefagging phoneposters.
check the filenames in pic related and tell me most of those are not done by the same faggot

>> No.1605195

It's an orange. Calm down.

>> No.1605219

It's a live action webseries, not a character, and not a vtuber. Narrative reductionism won't save your non-argument.

>> No.1605554

Your reply has nothing to do with my post. You're speaking to the fantasy characters in your head again.

>> No.1605601

Blind and delusional, a winning combination. Add being a tourist onto that and you have an unholy trinity of cancer.

>> No.1605716

Imagine seething so much because of a stupid talking orange

The AO posters truly won if they live rent free in your head at the moment. Cheers to them, they are a quirky part of /vt/ I don't really dislike.

>> No.1605756

I'll take AO over Kiara any day

>> No.1605783

Nice tourist lingo, shows where you came from, cancerous /qa/ newfag. You are the "AO poster", and anyone calling you out for your off-topic trolling driven by your literal hatred of the subject of the board lives rent free in your head. Nothing more pathetic than trying to pretend you aren't one of them after already outing yourself a thousand times.

>> No.1605800

see you in the general, brother

>> No.1605928

I'll say two at most, one for the fans and one for the antis.
>"Nooo, you shouldnt pander to the antis!"
Its a whole lot better than having them leak into the individual thread or even one of the generals the chuubas is associated with, the reason ホロライブ had been so clean is because how much drama, shitpost and tribalism thread created to contain them, although I do like the Watamelon thread.

>> No.1606139
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It's a word used by the general population of this site, even if you personally dislike it. Same as reps, gonna make it, based, and other words used by this board. But at this point I won't convince you. Just saying, don't think about them so much if they make you so angry.

>> No.1606277

It's a word used by the general population of newfag cancer on this site who are directly responsible for its decline. You will never convince anyone of anything because you have no arguments, you have a shallow attempt to divert attention away from your obvious and poorly hidden goal.

>> No.1606332
File: 337 KB, 1000x1000, 1604841301646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething has been used here years before /qa/ existed you utter fucktard.

>> No.1606382


As far as these fucking archives go back people are using it in 2008 the exact same way it's used 14 years later.
You're the fucking newfag and it's laughable to pretend otherwise. You are the cancer.

>> No.1606463

Samefagging by posting two different replies to the same post won't mask the fact you're the same poster. Your reading comprehension is shit too, I said you're a /qa/ crossboarding retard, them picking up existing newfag speak like "seething" doesn't preclude that.
False, it was used infrequently as a personal expression and complement to exemplify a posters anger at something. So they were "seething with rage", for example. It was not a one-word buzzword descriptor for your opposition, nor was it anywhere near as common. And no, a word existing before it was propagated as newfag slang doesn't mean it isn't newfag slang.

>> No.1606480

>It's a word used by the general population of newfag cancer on this site who are directly responsible for its decline
4chan was never good, you grew up

>> No.1606573

Another newfag calling card is the "X was never good" buzzphrase template they shit out whenever their active destruction of a community/website/medium is exposed, as if to excuse them of all offenses. If that was true (it isn't) then it would remain that you actively made it worse, thus that would be a direct decline. But at one point 4chan actually was a segregated, niche and distinguishable imageboard with a vastly superior userbase and culture than it has today, which has been homogenised through social media and normalfags such as yourselves subversively implanting yourselves here through your veil of irony and cynicism.

>> No.1606703

Try again.
"newfag calling card"
Oh look, more "newfag" stuff that's at least as old as 2008 if not older. Quit trying to hide behind superficial erudition.

>> No.1606734

Why are you still here then? Leave.

>> No.1606745
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Forgot pic, not that it really matters I guess.

>> No.1606840

It takes a special brand of retardation to be so illiterate that you can't read the post you're responding to multiple times. Here's a hint, dumbass, I never said a phrase or term was never used in history before it became a newfag calling card, but the manner in which it was used, the frequency in which it was used, and by who it was used does change that. You can't defend your cancer with your fallacious lack of reading comprehension.
How about you leave you fucking parasite? You'll inevitably find the next website anyone would retreat to in order to get away from you retarded children once this host is drained. Solve any future problem like that by permanently disconnecting yourself from the internet instead.

>> No.1606943

You're clearly not enjoying yourself so stop complaining, pack up and leave you stupid faggot. You cannot force your own ideal userbase on a site and the only one making the site worse at this instant is you with your off-topic garbage.

>> No.1607048

No. I know you legitimately evil fags want to run rampant unopposed and the best way to do that is encourage defeatism here (which you will also extrapolate to the next website you try to ruin with the exact same post), but you specifically are the tumour here. I could force my ideal userbase if I was an admin or the owner, but since I'm not I can instead call out a cancerous, infectious userbase who came from shitty normalfag websites for the express purpose of turning imageboards like this into an indistinguishable clone of said normalfag websites. In regards to off-topic garbage, I'm directly calling it out, you're in a reply chain regarding it because you posted it in the first place, I'm exposing you making the site worse for it.

>> No.1607077


>> No.1607142

>I could force my ideal userbase if I was an admin or the owner, but since I'm not I can instead call out a cancerous, infectious userbase who came from shitty normalfag websites for the express purpose of turning imageboards like this into an indistinguishable clone of said normalfag websites.
And if you had spent more than a week here you would know crying and complaining like a faggot in a thread with a topic completely unrelated to your discussion doesn't work. You said it best, go make your own imageboard.

>> No.1607180

Youre fighting a lost war. 4chin died in its entirity in 2016

>> No.1607181

Thank goodness Nene not orange enough.

>> No.1607280

It doesn't work because I'm one of the few people who has the online experience and observation to expose you faggots. I'm content to make you children aware that you should've been aborted, I don't need to make you leave, even if I would get rid of all of you overnight if I had the power to. How about you fuck off instead, you have the entire rest of the internet specifically tailored for you to post your shit on. You won't do that though, you get your thrills from destruction, and there's no satisfaction in you destroying a city that was already nuked.
And yet it still keeps getting worse. I'll continue to be here until I can no longer stomach the cancer.

>> No.1607355

So your only purpose on this board is complaining and "exposing newfags"? You probably don't even like vtubers.

>> No.1607413

You're spamming a non-VTuber on a board about VTubers precisely because you're a spiteful underage newfag who actively hates them, let alone just being indifferent to them. You can enjoy a medium while being explicitly aware of the cancer threatening/killing it.

>> No.1607478
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>Hurr durr I have experience
Holy shit that's pathetic. I haven't laughed so hard at something like this for a while. Good work.

>> No.1607514

"legitimately evil fags"
"I'm content to make you children aware that you should've been aborted, I don't need to make you leave, even if I would get rid of all of you overnight if I had the power to."

Yet you insist others are "evil" for what is ultimately disagreeing with you in a board dedicated to animu girl streamers. Get over yourself, Jesus Christ.
For the record I fucking hate AO and want that gone as well, you're just no less insufferable. You are yourself a cancer.

>> No.1607586

You don't get it, dude. He knows what's up. He's been posting since he was in his mother's womb. Totally wouldn't have been ridiculed the same way if he pulled this crap in 2006.

>> No.1607615

Mentally deranged chinkoid confirmed

>> No.1607630

>Yet you insist others are "evil" for what is ultimately disagreeing with you in a board dedicated to animu girl streamers. Get over yourself, Jesus Christ.
Those are responsive measures to get you retards to stop shitting up every imageboard you go to, so they absolutely aren't evil. It was never about disagreements either, if it was I'd be making the same post about everyone who has a videogame opinion I don't like, for example.
How fucking blind are you that you haven't seen that the explosion of normalfags spamming the same derivative, infantile litany of garbage slang like "-oomer", "seethe", "cope" and "cringe" to every post is a net detriment to the imageboard? "-oomer" was fucking forced by a single retarded wojak posting faggot on /v/ and guess how many retards have picked that up since?

>> No.1607762

Doesn't mean you have to reply to every single post with "newfag speak detected". There were some anons at the start who were spamming shitty sneed/George Floyd orange edits and complaining about "holocels", they were promptly banned and got bored after a few weeks. I don't see why you have the energy to care if one orange general exists or someone uses the word "coomer". Ignore it and post in good threads instead.

>> No.1607800

This nigga lookin sus

>> No.1607860

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.1607868

If we could filter out every Kiara, Artemis and Nyanners thread no questions asked, that would be amazing. The only reason they won't is because all it would do is increase the number of Haachama, Peko, etc. Holoshit threads. There's always another next in line.

>> No.1607872

Mate I just came back to the thread since making >>1595493
This is my second Thread on /vt/ the first one was the fucking "filthy EOP" thread about Gura learning Japanese. I'm just sick of the Kiara stuff since it floods up the catalog on a slow board and everything that can be said has been said.

If it makes you feel any better I have changed my mind and instead just want a quarantine thread. I also want one for Hachhama until she comes back also.

>> No.1607881

That one general is still an off-topic troll general populated by the exact same posters as the aforementioned sneed/George Floyd spam was, and acts as a hive for spam, raids and off-site vandalism. I don't call out every instance of -oomer either because that would be physically impossible and an immense waste of time with the cosmic usage it has now exploded to. That doesn't mean I can't respond to single instances bullshit rhetoric if I feel like doing so either.
Collectively ignoring the problem doesn't work and only gives the problem an unopposed path to proceed. Ignoring the problem on /a/ means mods no longer ban posts like "cope", "seethe" and "-oomer" on /a/. They've also become more lenient to wojak and pepe posting, only deleting the image file or moving threads instead of deleting and banning. That sends a shit precedent.

>> No.1607882


>> No.1608000

Again, it's impossible for you to force your own views on all of 4chan (which is one of the most popular websites on the internet and has been that since at least 2008-2009). Your internet experience does not uniquely qualify you to call out cancer, the difference is that the rest of us ignore it rather than crying about it in every single fucking thread. Go make your own imageboard, there are open source alternatives available and hosting is cheap.

>> No.1608124

I'm not trying to do so, I'm relaying my views in this thread. Shit that isn't explicitly breaking the rules (that aren't subjective) is called out often on many boards, that's what gatekeeping is. I'm not going through the hassle, maintenance and upkeep of my own imageboard which will almost certainly have no posters anyway due to the change in mentality of the the global online userbase. I post on various imageboards that have threads that are years old with long intervals between posts, but having to sacrifice quantity for quality shouldn't be the default. The only reason I still post here is activity.

>> No.1608193

>which will almost certainly have no posters anyway due to the change in mentality of the the global online userbase
So you have already admitted defeat. You cannot go back to the 4chan you see with rose-tinted glasses because the userbase simply does not exist.

>> No.1608202

>Ignore it and post in good threads instead.
No wonder this board has gone to complete and utter shit from day 1.
Ignorance breeds complacency, outsiders deserve to be called out for what they are.

>> No.1608209

Kiara doesnt deserves a shitty fanbase like KFP

>> No.1608224

They are. It doesn't work. Nothing changed.

>> No.1608304

If I admitted defeat I would be advocating for doing nothing and just retreating to the next imageboard I commonly use, but I'd still be aware it'd just be the next target for the same litany of cancer that ruined here. I and ten other people can try and gatekeep but if the rest of the site and the mods don't then that's their fault, not mine. It's the "you can't change anything" mentality that breeds the lack of people trying to filter out cancer in the first place. Defeatism snowballs into more defeatism, even if you could've done something with a different mentality initially.
If one wojak posting newfag spamming on a few boards on 2018 could normalise -oomer to the extent it's recognised on a Wikipedia page and used in the mainstream media then I think more people could also realise that same suffix is fucking cancer.

>> No.1608321

>discussing a vtuber on /vt/
Fucking outsiders

>> No.1608394

>If one wojak posting newfag spamming on a few boards on 2018 could normalise -oomer to the extent it's recognised on a Wikipedia page and used in the mainstream media then I think more people could also realise that same suffix is fucking cancer
That's the userbase this site has now. It's one of the most popular websites on the internet. You will never go back to old 4chan (which also had people spamming shitty forced memes, but let's not mention that).

>> No.1608445

And yet im still here. Looks like you'll have to face reality and stop hiding from the boogeymen. I think Kiara sucks!

>> No.1608456
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Every ogey, until you like it

>> No.1608497

Why couldn't I? Traffic is clearly the main issue here and even large sites can rise and die in that regard in a short period of time, so maybe I could learn to suck it up and deal with the same traffic on other essentially dead imageboards if in the future it meant better post quality here.
There is no realm where any forced meme prior to around 2012 has been anywhere near as much of a malignant tumour as the likes of wojak, pepe or any of the lingo I mentioned has become.

>> No.1608523

>If one wojak posting newfag spamming on a few boards on 2018 could normalise -oomer to the extent it's recognised on a Wikipedia page and used in the mainstream media then I think more people could also realise that same suffix is fucking cancer
If you really want to go back to old 4chan, grab a Warner Brothers V for Vendetta merchandise mask, go infront of a mirror, and say: "We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us". Then, if that was as cool as it was when you were 13, report back to me

>> No.1608545

Just delete all anti-Kiara threads and things will be much better.

>> No.1608584

I never stated that exaggerated Chanology bullshit was the highlight of 4chan history either by the way, even the traffic surge wasn't as bad as GG/2016 Elections.
But yes, even all the 13 year olds here suddenly posting the likes of that would be an improvement to the current trend.

>> No.1608607

We'll be waiting. Maybe in 2030 it will finally be "good" again. As for now please stop ruining threads with 100+ off-topic reply chains. No one cares.

>> No.1608615

Then Ina's next stream would just be her breaking character and complaining that all the threads she makes keep getting deleted

>> No.1608674

Reply chains require mutual engagement to survive, unless I was insane enough to respond to myself while pretending to be my own opposition. So if you continue to respond then I could only see you doing so to convince me to just ignore every instance of cancer I see, which I have never seen doing anything beneficial for any site.

>> No.1608770

>unless I was insane enough to respond to myself while pretending to be my own opposition
>not having schitzophrenia in year of our board v.t.
M8 who's the outsider here?

>> No.1608790

My priestess is based as always

>> No.1608807

I'm not saying you are the spammer so is irrelevant to me how many threads you have made, what I'm saying is that
by starting this thread you are actively contributing to exacerbate the problem you are whining about, just take a look
at its current state, it just devolved into metaposting about the current state of 4chan, and retards calling each other
newfags for the buzzwords one should or should not be allowed to use.
So yeah if you weren't retarded instead of making a thread, leaving unattended for hours and the coming back to see
if you owned those filthy kfps you should be reporting, hiding and ignoring the spam and participating only in the threads you are interested in. All you achieved was to play yourself and give these faggots yet another venue to keep
shitting up the board congratulations!.

>> No.1609168
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>> No.1609211

Found the ching chong

>> No.1609220
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KFP has no place in the great plan. Dump eet.

>> No.1609231

Based and schway

>> No.1609238

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.1609242

Living rent free in your head

>> No.1609244

Kiara and ao can fuck off. Coco is anti-china so shes a VIP here, chinkoid

>> No.1609256

Based, Kiara sucks black cocks!

>> No.1609274

I wish Kiara would knee me in the groin and go kikiriki!

>> No.1609287

based mutt poster

>> No.1609307

First I'm a zhang and now she's living rent free? I entered this thread, posted and then forgot about her. I'll do it again when I leave.

>> No.1609310

this while >>1609256 is happening!

>> No.1609349

>Holo X is bad and should leave
>Annoying Orange is bro culture and more of a VTuber than Holo X
I hate this website sometimes

>> No.1609378

>ITP zhang Is lost and is trying to find reddit

>> No.1609449

And that's the other thing. You need to lay off the Zhang/Jamal boogeyman every time someone wants to talk about certain Holos but have no problem spamming your shitty wojaks and oranges for the sake of "bro culture" that hasn't existed since 2014.

>> No.1609593

And that's the other thing. You need to lay off the taking yourself seriously every time you see a picture of an big titty anime girl. I'm being serious here - you can't ban things you don't like to bring back the past that never existed in the first place. Enjoy yourself, make the threads and act in a way you want to influence board culture, but don't call for censorship when "report for spam/flooding" already exists

>> No.1609667

You can't differentiate the fine line between banter and schizospam. Here's a hint for you, people try to excuse the latter as the former and it's getting painfully obvious by this point. Tired of being called a KFP in every thread I tell these people to shut the fuck up about Kiara when I don't even like her. Yet, making threads where the intent is to barneyfag her off this board? Repeated times in a day? This isn't banter, this is legitimate schizo shit that needs to be called out accordingly.
>j-just laugh bro, it's all fun and games
I don't laugh at mentally ill people, I get scared they're being normalized as voices of reason because your generation has embraced ironic detachment as a religion.

>> No.1609721
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Learn the board culture and tell them "ogey" instead of falling for bait. It's a newfangled meme but it's highly effective

>> No.1609818

>repeated attempts daily to force Kiara off a board that discusses her VTubing career
>i-it's board culture to treat Kiara like MLP was on /co/ 10 years ago!
This is you, this is what you sound like.

>> No.1609828


>> No.1609834

And a friendly reminder this schizophrenia is what birthed Lee Goldson. You really want the /vt/ version of that?

>> No.1609879


>> No.1610003

Pretty sure that board disallows all Chuuba discussion nowadays thanks to cuckolded meidos.

>> No.1610035

>Thread was mostly civil discussion on how to improve the board upon going to bed in Euroland
>Wake up to see this

It baffles me how quickly /vt/ became one of the worst boards on 4ch. Why? Is the population too big to moderate, or are vtuber fans just insane by default?

>> No.1610055

Too many crossboarders. I'm serious.

>> No.1610076

Shhhh that's why I'm recommending it, so op gets b&

>> No.1610120

I'm gonna hit this man with the social credit reset 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.1610122

>ban thing I don't like, that'll improve the board!
Did you reply to the wrong thread anon?

>> No.1610125

Daily /qa/ raids and /vpol9k/ crossovers. As usual, people who can't appreciate people having interests acting like edgy children and bragging about it to their Discord or Facebook imaginary friends about it.

>> No.1610143
File: 407 KB, 598x648, 1614733805002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For (You)r future use

>> No.1610181

This thread was never meant to be good, it's just the "Why don't you just ban her?" followup to all the false flagging

>> No.1610207

It's clearly made to attract people who don't even watch Chuubas anyways because anti-Kiara threads are the best way to get (You)s and more than often do you get admissions that they only watch Hololive outside clips or through "rrats" they see on this board.

>> No.1610374

For the record I don't agree with OP even if they have the right idea about the root of the current problem. My actual opinion on the matter is >>1596124
I've been hitting the report button and engaging the people trying to shit up the board long enough to be fed up with it. I have nothing against Kiara or KFP in particular.

>> No.1610412

I feel like this board needs way more mods than it currently has. Good lord is it bad.

>> No.1610435

What I mean is obvious doxx threads/offtopic stuff stays up for hours and gets to 300+ posts and even goes to the archives at times

>> No.1610455

I don't get why people who don't watch vtubers actively goes out of their way just to shit things up

>> No.1610491

They handled the early rush of new board shitposting well enough, the real problem is they're biased to certain chuubas and they're all on the same page, otherwise Nyanners and Artemis threads would be delete on sight. The past few days have been horrendous though, SEAmonkeys must have realized they needed backup and made some threads on election tourist boards to stir the drama

>> No.1610610

Go back to >>>/reddit/

>> No.1610612

You know, you people accuse zhangs of being bugs but you keep on using this copypasta without any knowledge of what its meant to do. Like mindless drones.

For the record it's meant to cut Chinese internet connections, it has nothing to do with social credit. Also I think the fact that I'm still here despite that is definitive proof that I'm not a Chinese national. Sorry, just don't like Kiara.

>> No.1610627

I think it's the same people that did the AO spam in the beginning they just either assimilated and just decided to do the same kind of spam with Kiara because they hate her on politics which is kind of a bad reason if there is a reason to dislike her (i.e. being very annoying, needing too much approval from others etc.)

>> No.1610663

Most of the AOtards were just /qa/ that got bored and moved on to /pw/ or whatever, 99% of the problem is from /jp/ purists that have been seething since cover realized the english market was a golden goose

>> No.1610696


