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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 107 KB, 357x420, 1641470136153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16045637 No.16045637 [Reply] [Original]

>GFE is... LE BAD!
do bicorn cucks really?

>> No.16045706

I agree with the sentiment, but try to convey that without resorting to /v/-speak

>> No.16045835

>"They're not your girlfriends"
>"You're my boyfriend after all, right? stay with me forever"
>"They don't actually love you"
>"I don't say it much because it's embarrassing but...aishiteru. I love you so much"
>"The holos are just a character and its kayfabe, no bearing on them irl"
>"lmao my character completely died so quickly haha, oh well guess I'll never be a cute bunny princess like Luna after all. also let me explicitly tell you that I won't cry on stream because I want to be happy for you"
>"Once they step off-stream they barely think about you"
kanata about marine
>"all she can talk about irl is how much she loves you guys"
>"They don't actually like it they're doing it for money"
>"I'll never have a partner or betray you", literally asks suisei to remove male from radio show she would appear on
>"They think you're disgusting and they'll never fuck you or think of you that way"
>"they'd never meet you irl and hate it when you try to get closer to them"
>pretty much everything behind her seven proxies of casual viewer gatekeeping
>"they hate your incel mindset and none of them agree with you about how idols 'should' behave"
>"an idol must not have a man, an idol having a partner is literally the worst kind of person"
>"It's just a job for them, even if they enjoy it. They're just entertainers providing a service."
multiple holos:
>break down multiple times a year from overwork and panic about no longer being loved, obsessively stalk their fans and ditch entire collab circles and partners despite doing very well before

Bicorns are on the wrong side of history. Hololive culture is Unicorn culture.

>> No.16045910

I'm not a bicorn faggot. I'm just a horse with a huge dick, and yes I WILL fuck your oshi

>> No.16046000

is there any holo with horse fetish?

>> No.16046041

What is a bicorn?

>> No.16046107

It's not bad but unicorns are definitely bad

>> No.16046282

explain the laplus thing

>> No.16046401


>> No.16046459

Based unicornchad

>> No.16046481
File: 112 KB, 600x600, 1640123384952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually believes this

>> No.16046495

Sana did horse birthing stream and is a confirmed furry

>> No.16046584

I want to get off horsepussygacha's wild ride
t. everyone this past summer

>> No.16046616

my oshi doesn't really do GFE so i dont really give a shit either way but holy fuck how dense can you be? what is there to believe? those are literal quotes all of them have said, verbatim

>> No.16046737

If they truly love you where is your sex tape? Love is mutually perverted deeds.

>> No.16046742

>T-They're all lying!
Typical globalfag who took all the "they're comedians lmao" ironic shitposting seriously and forgot that Japanese women actually want to be regarded as objects of desire and not dirty sluts like western women.

>> No.16046779

I'm the father btw

>> No.16046791

only nijjers are against GFE due to recent events

>> No.16046839

Ok but, when people say GFE chubas are putting on an act, how exactly is their statements made to chat a counter? One can easily claim that those statements were made as part of the lie to sell the illusion.

>> No.16046983
File: 228 KB, 377x402, 1614643757448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this bait?

>> No.16047029

true, this is why I never let myself believe my wife when she says she loves me, the lying bitch. She just fucks me to make me think she does so I pay for her stuff

>> No.16047090

>anything not cynical is bait
you need better glasses cocoposter, ones that don't make the world look so shit all the time

>> No.16047104

I don't even care if you were serious or not this was funny as fuck.

>> No.16047639

She says this and then compares compatibility charts with a guy on twitter.

>> No.16047860

Yeah, and Matsuri talked about not having had a boyfriend literal seconds before an ‘intruder’ walked in on her stream.

>> No.16047918

Most definitely a joke, but a lot of anti-gachikoi posts sound like that to me sometimes after going through what I've gone through with some Holos

>> No.16047984

she asked for a link to a quiz that's been popular and going around Twitter, retard.

>> No.16048221

Unironically spouting the, "Muh pure asian waifus that are in no way whores" When asian countries are full of literal career whores you can pay ten bucks to give you a blowie joey at a bar is either bait, or pure fucking delusion. But this is the board dedicated to retards worsening their mental illness by trying to convince themselves the anime girl trying to rape their wallet actually loves them and that the "relationship" is anything more than a one sided shakedown. You faggots try to act all high and mighty but don't kid yourselves, despite this being the infamous basket weaving website you still come off as pathetic faggots.
Holobronies try to force vtubers into being a purely GFE simulator bullshit, but before holos, vtubers where just funny anime variety video making people.

>> No.16048356


>> No.16048369

didn't read

>> No.16048380

Nice response.
Ill accept your concession.

>> No.16048458

Don't care, didn't read plus you're a normalfag

>> No.16048468


>> No.16048551

How do you know its a normalfag response if you didnt read the post?

>> No.16048625

Takodashi is you fault for follow the chineses pet

>> No.16048640

She compared with him.

>> No.16048652

Holy ESL

>> No.16048753

what are you nigger even trying to say?

>> No.16048871

He asked her after she reached out with the question clearly trying to get a link, but ogey. They compared birthdays more than anything else lol

>> No.16048944

Goat milk Trash Bin Xi Ling Firework Draw No Sex

>> No.16049011

Yo Chairman XI, I think your bot broke down.

>> No.16049028
File: 278 KB, 426x599, 1623336342575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16049056

She's literally replied with her rank on his chart first.

>> No.16049115

There were only a limited number of ways to start that conversation, anon. She probably knew he would ask if she started and that'd have been even MORE awkward.

>> No.16049416

You just claimed he asked first. Why lie like that? There were tons of other people doing it and most post the result through the site so the link is shown.
Why reply to this guy she replies to quite often?

>> No.16049538

4chan isn't for normalfaggots

>> No.16049588

>Why reply to this guy she replies to quite often?
Aaaaand you just proved yourself a retarded shitztirrer

>> No.16049680

Searching his replies to her on twitter reveals there's quite many. If you hate "shitztirrers" so much you should probably stop shilling Rushia so hard outside of your shitty split when people outside of it are aware of her past, and no I'm not talk about dumb shit like the mask guy camera accident.

>> No.16049691

>>pretty much everything behind her seven proxies of casual viewer gatekeeping
wait, what? spoonfood me on this?

>> No.16049736

Massive exaggeration. She just has a second non-holo membership.

>> No.16049742

corn that has sex with both genders

>> No.16049782

Yes, Rushia has had a circle of friends, congratz
>aware of her past
The past where she didn't keep her relationship status hidden at all?

>> No.16049831

Yes exactly that past, where she would quite easily flirt with guys she's not dating.

>> No.16049857

The post that KILLED /vt/. Holy based.

>> No.16049996

flirting on a public twitter post with a longtime contact, how bold of her

>> No.16050052

god forbid a hololive has previous job experience!

>> No.16050068

What if one of the new Holostar is a fandead? He'll just tell Rushia he is a fandead and she'll fuck his brains out if you say she loves fandead.

>> No.16050160

>Yes, Rushia has had a circle of friends

All me baybeeeee

>> No.16050354


>> No.16050392


>> No.16052182

A bisexual corn

>> No.16052280
File: 187 KB, 1600x571, 16372837189384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let fujos and male feminists in this board shame you for having standards, unicorn bros.
how many whores will pander to unicornchads for our money, but the moment we expect some commitment , we're suddenly raging misogynist 'incels'...
they'll use buzzwords like these to shame you if you dare to expect something from women besides them playing games and doing cute noises while earning a ton of money.
there's also a lot salty 2views and indies who got rejected by JP corpos from /asp/ and /wvt/, hating GFE and idolchads is how they cope.
don't be a cuck like EN oil barons, brainwashed by vshojos talking about how many guys they fucked in a single night.
t. fandead

>> No.16052328

I don't personally like GFE in vtubers but I'm sure the less mentally stable ones actually believe in it. You'll never convince me that every GFE vtuber is legit though, especially in a field that is not only filled with corpo bullcrap but also in a medium (streaming) that's already well known to prey on emotionally vulnerable guys and treat them like paypigs.

>> No.16052429
File: 206 KB, 692x1100, 27f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

utterly fucking based
saved the thread

>> No.16052459

rushia used to strip for random men

>> No.16052510

kys fancuck

>> No.16052514

Good time

>> No.16052587

That I always say JP>ENTrash

>> No.16052607

If you fandead faggots take your GFE so seriously why do you leak Rushia's membership content?

>> No.16052608

fandead schizos should be banned from this board

>> No.16052609
File: 409 KB, 900x589, 1617906669799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16052616

oh wow, I used to love Hana back in the day and now I love her even more. not a single thing she said here is wrong. kek.
oh and (You)'re a faggot.

>> No.16052686
File: 431 KB, 499x409, 1631070990336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, me.

>> No.16052745

Nice goalpost shifting fankek, why are you even falling in love with some streamer in the first place?

>> No.16052768

most of the said individuals were watching Twitch thots and are hardcore s*mps irl . Betas through and trough .
GFEchads are on the top of the food chain .
also this >>16052280

>> No.16052824 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 540x568, 16373837481884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Don't let fujos and male feminists in this board shame you for having standards, unicorn bros.
> how many whores will pander to unicornchads for our money, but the moment we expect some commitment , we're suddenly raging misogynist 'incels'...
> they'll use buzzwords like these to shame you if you dare to expect something from women besides them playing games and doing cute noises while earning a ton of money.
> there's also a lot salty 2views and indies who got rejected by JP corpos from /asp/ and /wvt/, hating GFE and idolchads is how they cope.
> don't be a cuck like EN oil barons, brainwashed by vshojos talking about how many guys they fucked in a single night.
> t. fandead

>> No.16052851


>> No.16052868

>trannie leftist schizo outs himself

>> No.16052875 [DELETED] 
File: 258 KB, 1106x1012, 163728838481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Don't let fujos and male feminists in this board shame you for having standards, unicorn bros.
> how many whores will pander to unicornchads for our money, but the moment we expect some commitment , we're suddenly raging misogynist 'incels'...
> they'll use buzzwords like these to shame you if you dare to expect something from women besides them playing games and doing cute noises while earning a ton of money.
> there's also a lot salty 2views and indies who got rejected by JP corpos from /asp/ and /wvt/, hating GFE and idolchads is how they cope.
> don't be a cuck like EN oil barons, brainwashed by vshojos talking about how many guys they fucked in a single night.
> t. fandead

>> No.16052902 [DELETED] 
File: 247 KB, 777x840, QiQ1848jf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Don't let fujos and male feminists in this board shame you for having standards, unicorn bros.
> how many whores will pander to unicornchads for our money, but the moment we expect some commitment , we're suddenly raging misogynist 'incels'...
> they'll use buzzwords like these to shame you if you dare to expect something from women besides them playing games and doing cute noises while earning a ton of money.
> there's also a lot salty 2views and indies who got rejected by JP corpos from /asp/ and /wvt/, hating GFE and idolchads is how they cope.
> don't be a cuck like EN oil barons, brainwashed by vshojos talking about how many guys they fucked in a single night.
> t. fandead

>> No.16052911

Clipwatcher find another bait. That one is just sad. Its so lazy that its just pathetic.

>> No.16052979

>spamming wojaks on /vt/
but why

>> No.16052991 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 739x415, 164672738184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> /vt/:
>"They're not your girlfriends"
>"You're my boyfriend after all, right? stay with me forever"
> /vt/:
>"They don't actually love you"
>"I don't say it much because it's embarrassing but...aishiteru. I love you so much"
> /vt/:
>"The holos are just a character and its kayfabe, no bearing on them irl"
>"lmao my character completely died so quickly haha, oh well guess I'll never be a cute bunny princess like Luna after all. also let me explicitly tell you that I won't cry on stream because I want to be happy for you"
> /vt/:
>"Once they step off-stream they barely think about you"
kanata about marine
>"all she can talk about irl is how much she loves you guys"
> /vt/:
>"They don't actually like it they're doing it for money"
>"I'll never have a partner or betray you", literally asks suisei to remove male from radio show she would appear on
> /vt/:
>"They think you're disgusting and they'll never fuck you or think of you that way"
> /vt/:
>"they'd never meet you irl and hate it when you try to get closer to them"
>pretty much everything behind her seven proxies of casual viewer gatekeeping
> /vt/:
>"they hate your incel mindset and none of them agree with you about how idols 'should' behave"
>"an idol must not have a man, an idol having a partner is literally the worst kind of person"
> /vt/:
>"It's just a job for them, even if they enjoy it. They're just entertainers providing a service."
multiple holos:
>break down multiple times a year from overwork and panic about no longer being loved, obsessively stalk their fans and ditch entire collab circles and partners despite doing very well before

> Bicorns are on the wrong side of history. Hololive culture is Unicorn culture.

>> No.16053004

cannot fathom how you ended up this retarded

>> No.16053046

hey man you fucked up your greentext btw

>> No.16053052

The proto-/vt/ population was born in the stealth vtuber threads on /v/ that invaded /jp/ en masse when holo EN debuted. Why wouldn't you expect wojak spam?

>> No.16053175

Looks like our good friends from what remains of /qa/ joined us this evening

>> No.16053228
File: 32 KB, 271x403, 1612037440621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16053318

mostly because I somehow still have faith in other people not being retarded

>> No.16053365

This board is just /v/ for anime avatar streamers. It's inherently retarded.

>> No.16053394

not really

>> No.16053417

/vt/ has not stopped being shit since summer of last year or even earlier
just accept it's a trashpile

>> No.16053446

based, if only the people at /pyon/ realizes this

>> No.16053456
File: 237 KB, 576x469, DE01DD27-E428-49B5-8A34-641EE9861A78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s weird how for all of these quotes, not a single timestamp or clip was provided as evidence, yet the incels here just believe this shit without questioning anything

>> No.16053473

cannot fathom how you ended up this cuckolded

>> No.16053479

Yes really

>> No.16053531

other anons know how to use archives, newfagchama.

>> No.16053602
File: 127 KB, 564x444, 433CFEC9-1AB0-4471-B712-F8C1A252B5BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, you think I’M gonna put in work for YOUR argument? Unlike some people browsing these threads, I don’t work for free

>> No.16053711


>> No.16053751

I don't respect newfags enough to argue with them
lurk moar

>> No.16053762

oh, so you were really openly asking to be spoonfed, no shame
you deserve to be ridiculed and to go back to your home site.

>> No.16053838

retards, good luck dying alone
fucking based

>> No.16053880
File: 28 KB, 764x401, 163628838184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16053940
File: 243 KB, 500x659, 1637458851730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't believe a faggot clipper used my IRyS ogey for his thumbnail

>> No.16054038

I like GFE, but it needs to come with the understanding that you and her will never date for real. So it is not cheating if you watch another streamer, because you aren't actually dating, and if you were that means you would be in a polyamorous relationship where she is getting dicked by hundreds of other guys.

>> No.16054039

Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

>> No.16054052

>bicorn cucks
disagree with your world view entirely, but kek.

>> No.16054068

i accept your concession

>> No.16054253


>> No.16054362

kys falseflagging faggots

>> No.16054488

i don't know what you were discussing, anon, but that redditard fucking destroyed you.

>> No.16054700

It's just more fun to watch a vtuber who does GFE. I think a lot of people are overthinking it.

>> No.16054755

you'd rather be manipulated as "entertainment" than watch someone who actually tries to entertain you by being good at humor?

>> No.16054764

>Demands to get spoonfed
>Pulls out a reddit fedora meme about burden of proof when nobody will
Haha, no.

>> No.16054816

i don't mean the tard in this thread, but the one who got you so upset you made this whole copypasta.
