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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15947017 No.15947017 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Google Doc of Assets and Resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.
Start creating, stop tweeting.

>> No.15948331
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I've been thinking about ways I could get into the vtuber sphere working in the background/managerial area. I guess I'm just posting here so you guys can tell me how dumb of an idea it is for me to make and advertise my own group.
I have some good ideas about what to do with my group to distinguish it from others as well as what kind of talent to look for. Generally speaking I feel like I could put together a competent production. I've been doing my /asp/-lurking reps trying to read things like what people expect, what not to do, etc and generally trying to absorb more of the vtubing community outside of /vt/ and outside of Hololive which is almost exclusively what I watch
I have some skill in general tech stuff and video editing (I have room to improve but it's something I like doing and one of the few skills I have that are relevant to vtubing).
Am I thinking too ambitiously? Should I instead be trying to get into a 2view corporation or at least be an indie 2view's manager to begin with and go from there?
Someone hit me with some reality

>> No.15948594

>Am I thinking too ambitiously?
Yes in some places no in others. You probably don't have any way to distinguish yourself from others the way you think you do. It's all just streaming in the end and rarely is there something that hasn't been done, and even when there is something like that it typically only worth being produced if you've already got an audience otherwise its a well-produced thing that no one will see.

Starting a Vtuber org takes money and following the most basic strategies to content creation growth. That's it. It's all you need realistically. Aside from that you basically just do the same things indies do just following some of the same "guidelines" that corpos and indie corpos do, like staying out of drama, not divulging too much private info, keeping information about significant others private, etc.

There's no functional difference between the girls in Tsunderia and indies of similar size aside from the target audience in some cases.

All your hope will ride on the skill of the talents, your skill advertising them properly and teaching them how to grow, and how you handle the basic "employee" management things. It's really not as hard as people make it out to be for anyone that's got some sort of managerial experience, the money is just the hardest part to come by.

>> No.15948753

Why would anyone trust you?
What can you actually offer initially, and what would it cost them; not even money wise?

For instance, you want editor level access? For them to stream [x, y, and z] for [time] on [day]?
They're running the risk of you either shitting up their content with editor access, or just ruining a few weeks of stream.

How long would it take them to incline based on your skills? If they need to follow your path for a month, what are you going to do if nothing happens?

I'd say you basically would have to do all backend stuff, without comp/access, for at least two weeks, for me to consider it. I'd expect you to produce 7 clips a week, that are all ready for upload to multiple sites; to organize a collab, and a special event. Along with maybe buying the game for me to follow your instruction.

Once you're "verified", then people will listen. But until you've proven your worth, they're running risks for listening to you in the slightest, even if it's just wasting their streams.

>> No.15949129

It was okay to post VODs for feedback, right?

>> No.15949216

Go for it.

>> No.15949235

Thank you for the reply,
-What would you consider to be the most important factors when it comes to distinguishing yourself as a group? Of course, like you said, the content itself is the most important, but what else should be taken into account in your opinion?

I have confidence in my ability to scout out promising people and to organize things. I could have a decent team ready and then it'd be up to me to coach them on what content they should be producing while I'm focusing on the Youtube metagame.

Like you said, money would be the biggest hurdle for me but I have a job for that.

>> No.15949258


>> No.15949321

Before I watch, have you watched this vod yourself?

>> No.15949368

I was about to

>> No.15949372

How often should a newbie chuuba be streaming? I can only stream 2 nights a week, because of irl job and loving circumstances but on the nights I do stream I can stream up to 6 hours. I'm also kinda worried that everybody else is streaming on weekends too and I'll be competing for attention with too many established chuubas

>> No.15949408

Okay, that makes sense.
If I'm understanding you, you're saying I need to offer up myself to an indie for a trial period in order for them to consider keeping me for an extended time?

>> No.15949534

What is the audience you're trying to reach with this stream? I'm skipping around and most of your VOD is just dead air or mumbling an answer to something in chat. You need to work on filling up that dead air.

>offer up myself to an indie for a trial period
I wouldn't trust you or spend time with you unless you've got something to demonstrate your worth. Even if it's for a "trial period".

>> No.15949620

Streaming without avatar nor png. Yes o no? My favourite vtubers's roommates have a lot of video without avatars just voice and the character only on the pfp. Would that work or It wouldnt count as being a vtuber?

>> No.15949668

>Would it work?
Yes. It's been done for years before Live2D vtubing was a thing.
>Does it count as being a vtuber?
No one cares. Make content. Only a schizo would waste time trying to play semantics with a definition that doesn't matter in the end.

>> No.15949753

>I wouldn't trust you or spend time with you unless you've got something to demonstrate your worth. Even if it's for a "trial period".
What is that "something" you are talking about? a portfolio to show what I can do for video editing I understand, but I'm guessing you mean something more.

I understand that you're saying that I'm not trustworthy if I have no way to show experience in managing a group or individual vtuber(s), I guess I'm asking how I should put my foot in the door and what exactly I would need to do it?

>> No.15949906

>I'm asking how I should put my foot in the door and what exactly I would need to do it?
For me, I'd need accountability. Something to show me that you're committed to the idea and willing to put your name on the line, not hiding behind anon. I don't care about your video editing portfolio because that has absolutely nothing to do with your ability to run and manage a vtuber agency. I'd need to see some experience, a resume, anything to give me confidence that you know what you're doing. From what you've been talking about, you actually sound like a minor who has been watching Hololive a bunch and lurking here reading bad "advice".

>> No.15949908

Basically, I think you need to give your early adopter/s a big benefit.
For example, pick someone who plays (IDK) Warframe (picking because it's freemium).
Offer to buy them a prime if they want; produce clips, and maybe see if you can organize a squad for a high-level challenge event (you might need to pay the other three squadmates, you might be able to buy them off with a prime each).

Until you have demonstrated worth, I personally wouldn't be able to trust you. Why should I give you creative control? I mean, you can't fuck it up much more than I've done, but still, you could maybe kill the channel off somehow?

Once you've got testimonials, such as "this guy doubled my CCV in three weeks", you're unlikely to get any bites. Even then, you'd probably be on a percentage rather than a flat fee.
I mean, I'd like a manager to help me get things sorted. But so far, I've got around $100 from twitch, and have around $50 in the pot. Earning about $35 per month (ish). So unless you can increase my earnings by more than you're charging, why would I hire you?
It can also make you look skeevy.

Like, why are you approaching me, as a 10CCV? Why not Veleck, who's on 35; or Leta, who's on 50? You'd make more money from them, as they have a wider audience. So I'd assume you're either testing something, or attempting to groom.

>> No.15950547

I get what you're saying, but that I need to show proof/resume/reputation doesn't help when I have no proof/resume/reputation and I'm trying to build it up. You're describing it a bit like it's like an entry-level position that requires experience
I'm also not a minor.

>> No.15950939

>You're describing it a bit like it's like an entry-level position that requires experience
Don't tell me how good you are at singing, make a cover song.
Don't tell me how good you are at programming, put together something.
Don't tell me what crazy story you have for a movie, write a script.
Don't tell me what ideas you have for a vtuber agency, show me something.

Show chuubas that you've done the market research. Show chuubas that you know how to manage projects, what have you managed in the past, how successful were they? What are the KPIs and why did you pick the ones you did? Do you have a way to show that you know what you're talking about? It sounds like you've just been daydreaming about managerlarping and don't have anything to back up what you're saying.

>> No.15951677

not sure if important but there's no link to previous thread?

>> No.15951858
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I keep running out of things to talk about after a few minutes

>> No.15952111

pick dozen of them and print them out on a piece of paper you can look at when you run out of ideas.

>> No.15953710

anon with the high pitched voice from previous thread, I tried reading the jermacraft blurb: https://voca.ro/1o7S3OJQ7FDb

Ignore the low quality, I recorded on my phone but I have a different setup for streaming

>> No.15953871

sounds fine, don't know what feedback you're looking for.

>> No.15954034

Wait, are you really self conscious about this voice? It's totally fine, cute even. Maybe a bit nasally, you could try raising your soft palate more when you speak and see if that helps, but that might also just be the quality of the recording adding some weird color

>> No.15954194

mostly just wondering if I sound as obnoxious to other people as I do to my own ears, and whether I need to practice enunciating or pitching my voice lower, Sometimes I look back on VODs and I sound whiny af to myself

>> No.15954420

sounds fine, that's just because you're not used to hearing yourself outside of your head. takes a few months to get used to it. outside of some prolonged voice training, you're stuck with what you've got so embrace it.

>> No.15954416

yep, I used to never speak in instagram stories or voice calls because I was self-conscious, vtubing has helped me force myself to get over it

>> No.15954745

>Show chuubas that you've done the market research. Show chuubas that you know how to manage projects, what have you managed in the past, how successful were they? What are the KPIs and why did you pick the ones you did?
This was the kind of information I was looking for, I wanted to know specifically what someone would expect out of a reach-out email or something.

>don't have anything to back up what you're saying.
I have been basically saying that all thread, I don't know why you keep making digs at me. I'm just trying to learn more about this stuff so I can try and make quality contributions because I don't have much else going for me

>> No.15954835


>> No.15955113

Wait, are you male or female?

>> No.15955206

That was gonna be my next bit of feedback, if you're actually real deal shy of how your voice sounds, it might be effecting your tone when you speak live (tight muscles create strain which you might be counteracting with bad vocal placement resulting in all sorts of weirdness) but if that's how you sound all the time then yeah, it's probably just in your head. Be mindful of any tension in your chest and neck when you speak live, I suppose, and take a deep breath if so; I find doing a little "happy sigh" or "sigh of relief" is a good instigator for loosening up.

>> No.15955469

You have no emotion in your voice, use more tones, pause, and annuciate more.

>> No.15956152

How much light do you reckon I need to have shining on my face to get good tracking? I've got a lamp on my desk already, curious if I ought to grab one of those ring light fellas and stick it behind my cam preemptively

>> No.15956385

depends on the program you're using. Vtube studio has an option to display the webcam tracking wireframe and you can test out different lighting with that. if you have an iphone it doesn't matter because it uses the infrared dot projector instead.

>> No.15956539

Oh, sweet. Yeah, I'll just be using my iphone to track, so that's good news, saves me an extra $30

>> No.15956934

what are you guys talking about for 5 minutes on your hololive auditions, seems like a long time to talk about a character when most vtuber characters backstories/profiles arent very complex from what ive seen

>> No.15956942

female. do i sound androgynous?? I sound like a little boy sometimes I guess

>> No.15957466

You don't sound like a boy at all, it's just odd for a female to be embarrassed of a high voice

>> No.15957470

You have 2.5 secs to make your pitch
shut up and start singing

>> No.15957523

No, not at all I was just wondering why you would be self-conscious about your voice unless maybe you were a man who sounded like a girl. You sound real cute.
The only thing that I notice is that you have just a little bit of vocal fry which annoys some people. I'm not a vocal expert so I don't know if that is something you can avoid through practice maybe. Then again some people probably prefer vocal fry so I guess it's up to you.

>> No.15957664

Roleplay a scene or like other anon u can sing

>> No.15959146

Thanks, the vocal fry is something I can control, so I'll keep that in mind next time

>> No.15960153

Just got done watching it myself, i didn't notice the dead air while i was live but you're right, i need to work on that. As for my target audience, i'm kinda low energy so people looking for chill streams

>> No.15960360

i cant sing so i guess i better get brainstorming

>> No.15960454

>i didn't notice the dead air
>i'm kinda low energy so people looking for chill streams
you're ngmi

>> No.15960463

try again next year
This along with voice acting is one of the few objective parameters they have

>> No.15962196

what skills do you have? if you dont have any why are you applying instead of streaming to gain those skills?

>> No.15962269

Anon's being an asswipe, but what I think they're trying to say is that managing VTubers is like managing any other business or enterprise, and you'll need to have some sort of business education before you can actually manage chuubas. Some entry-level positions still need a college degree before you can get in. Once you have that foundation, then you can apply that knowledge in this use case.

>> No.15963974

If I want a 3D model that will work with mocap, and I can manually animate in blender, and I can use as a character in a Unity game, what will it require? How do I convey these requirements to a modeler?

Before you do anything, consider that starting a corpo is an instant, permanent, and guaranteed doxing through public records in some states. Learn about how your state maintains records, and which are public. Getting around this through legal loopholes is a somewhat lengthy topic, so I won't dive into it unless needed, but tl;dr, pay a company to set up a shell corporation for you in one of the more anonymous states.

>> No.15965425

Would it be unprofessional and get me blacklisted if I auditioned for Hololive without any real intention of accepting it even if offer the position? I'm just curious to know if my musical skills would be good enough to get through an audition but I don't really want to be a chuuba.

>> No.15965689

What speech to text to speech software is available?
or speech to text stuff that function similar to close captions and show up temporarily but are accurate?

>> No.15965991

hi mori

>> No.15966071

I wish I was as talented vocally. My skill is mostly instrumental. I saw Petra got into Nijisanji and does a lot of non-vocal piano streams. So I was wondering if musical instrument talent might be enough to pass an audition.

>> No.15967078 [DELETED] 

>Anon If you don't know how to market yourself as manager why should I trust you to market amd manage myself?
Learn marketing and managing first before you try to sell yourself.

>> No.15967389

You sound robotik anon.

>> No.15967625

assuming I'm starting out and only have the barebones pngchuba rig and decent mic, what's the first thing I should look to upgrade?

I'm thinking of getting an arm for the mic so it doesn't pick up my keystrokes from my desk, then looking to find a decent free stream layout. Anything else I should probably consider?

>> No.15967903

For Hololive? Probably not. But I doubt you’d get blacklisted if you just BS a reason why you can’t accept.

>> No.15967911

Anon If you don't know how to market yourself as manager why should I trust you to market and manage myself?
Learn marketing and managing first before you try to sell yourself.

>> No.15968018

model - microphone - rigging
nothing else matters. some of the best /asp/ies don't even have a proper overlay and just use free assets with streamlabs or stream elements chat box on top.

>> No.15968346

Just do it. Be sure to shill your agency here so we can scrutinize your marketing skills and your taste in character designs that you're forcing upon the talents.

>> No.15968783

Even successful low energy vtubers have less than 5 seconds of dead air and talk nonstop.

>> No.15972404

This. There have been dozens of wannabe vtubers/manager who created their own group and disbanded it weeks later

>> No.15972475

You're an ESL right? Tell me why do you chose an english audience instead once that speaks your native language?

>> No.15972944

>Tell me why do you chose an english audience instead once that speaks your native language?
Obviously because the potential audience for English viewers is significantly larger than any for his native language.

>> No.15975463
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>used to manage interactive ad constructions installations, basically helpdesk but on roids
>up to 30 remote workers simultaneously
>up to 10 installations overnight
>all the backend stuff, hiring contractors included
>less than 15 minutes e-mail reaction time
>300 hours monthly
>can handle low to midrange level tech issues (up to scripting and automation)
would you give me a shot as a manager?

>> No.15975512

as supply chain logistics op but not as a chuuba manager

>> No.15975970

fair enough

>> No.15977826

what's a free voicemod program? echo effect, etc.
the literal voicemod software is $$$, or should i just look for a cracked version

>> No.15978114

Somebody used female pronouns to refer to me on stream the other day... I still haven't finished designing my character, but that seriously threw a wrench in my ideas. Sadly, I only realized they were referring to me after the fact, so I didn't get a chance to ask them what they meant by it. Maybe they were just trying to win PC points thinking I was trans or something...? Anyone have something like this happen before?

>> No.15978119

What are you using it for?

>> No.15978153

Which part of this gives my videos views on Youtube? The best you can manage here is helping coordinate a schedule.

>> No.15978322

When I was still a babi people would call me "she" sometimes probably assuming I was trans

>> No.15978508

for an echo effect hotkey mainly, unless you have other suggestions to throw in

>> No.15978542

>for an echo effect hotkey mainly
Just use TAL Reverb vst plugin instead.

>> No.15978842

your voice doesnt even really sound high pitched or particularly remarkable in any way. you just sound like a perfectly average female, nothing particularly off-putting or offensive about it. i would echo a couple of the other anons in saying you should try to be a bit more expressive at least

>> No.15978860

Seconding the feedback on the "robotic" voice as in it doesn't look like a human is speaking. That "let me take a sip" was almost creepy. On the good side, you could go for a skinwalker/android character. Maybe it's the low quality? But the sound of your voice itself is perfectly fine

>> No.15979131

thank you anon! exactly what i need

>> No.15979836

I'm wondering, do any of you have a rule like "no negativity" or something? Toxic streamer moments are usually popular, but I find that when I watch someone and they're being negative it's a huge turn-off. For example, if you encounter a game-breaking bug, instead of being angry at the game/developers and saying that it's bad, you're sad and saying that it's unfortunate

>> No.15979910

thanks senpai, I thought I had to comm my own stream layout n shit before I start streaming

>> No.15980369

cool blog, viewerfag.

>> No.15980526

This may blow your mind, but you're able to both watch streamers AND be a streamer. They're not mutually exclusive.

>> No.15980615

This may blow your mind but you're autistic and no one gives a fuck about "no negativity" rules.

>> No.15980991

What are you talking about? They're asking if it's a constraint streamers place on themselves, and some do. The whole "angry gamer" thing can be funny but it can also ruin the mood depending on your audience. Some streamers are jokingly toxic and some try to avoid it as much as they can, I don't really understand what you're so caught up on.

It just depends on the person, everyone streams differently.

>> No.15981361

ok. and? you didnt have to start shitting up the thread for that.

>> No.15981562

>They're asking if it's a constraint streamers place on themselves, and some do.
Some do, some don't. It's up to the streamer and doesn't matter in the end. Why do you need to ask such an obvious fucking question?

>> No.15981790

Curiosity. I never imagined that people had pre-scripted "clip worthy content" before reading it here, I'm wondering if it's the same for some other things

>> No.15985610

I guess it might be cause I've got a female character on my profile pic (long story), didn't think of that. Was worried it might've been my voice, but if people do that with a visual cue alone, then that sets my mind at ease a bit. I think I'll still post an audio clip in the morning just to get thoughts

>> No.15987523

For mocap ask if they can add 52 ARKIT blendshapes and for using it in other programs ask to export it in .fbx for example along .vrm (that's the standard format for vtubing)

>> No.15987735

i hope you consider accepting the offer if you get it, it's a great opportunity and if you're just unsure you can be a good streamer trust me it will grow on you

>> No.15988721

Do you personally believe you would get accepted if you tried?
Getting accepted into Hololive would be an amazing opportunity for you, it would really be a shame if you turned it down.

>> No.15989097

I dont know. He sounds Hispanic and the Hispanic audience literally watch everyones and there's a lot of big events with dozens of 2view streamers. There's a pretty solid comunity, even better than the english

>> No.15989733

they're poor

>> No.15993844

Could someone help me understand this statistic from twitch tracker? What is the difference between unique streamers daily and channels broadcasting? I’m trying to understand what overall the ratio of viewers to streamers is.

>> No.15993940
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>> No.15995311

How strong was the novelty buff in viewers for vtubers? Do you feel like it made a large difference? Starting without it feels discouraging

>> No.15995314

>What is the difference between unique streamers daily and channels broadcasting
one is how many different streamers streamed that day the other is how many are currently streaming

>> No.15995735

buff up to 100 viewers then it has no advantage.

>> No.15996099

Thank you!

>> No.15999129

you don't have a high pitched voice. you have an average pitched voice. it's neither remarkable nor bad. you sound fine.

>> No.15999528

When did vtubing become all about streaming? Has anyone here considered focusing more on edited videos instead?

>> No.16000385

>When did vtubing become all about streaming?
It's one of the more obvious use scenarios that is currently being popularized by major corporations like Hololive and Nijisanji?
>Has anyone here considered focusing more on edited videos instead?
Many have but the fact that few are commonly known names gives you a good idea of how popular it is.

>> No.16000731

Anon before was right about logistics/backoffice position, not gonna deny that.
Depending on your production pipeline, scale and tech involved this(my) kind of skillset can be fairly helpful. Think it through, what exactly do you want to do and where do you want some extra hands on deck.

>> No.16001077

Seems a lot like people are just cargo culting on streaming because that's what's popular and pushed by the big guys right now. I don't think a small, new creator has good chances of success with such a mindset. Gotta make something more unique.

>> No.16001434

>Gotta make something more unique.
This isn't the first time an /asp/ie has walked in and taken a position like this. Always looking for something "unique" without having grasp of the basics first. I don't care to get in an internet argument so I'll just say ok. Good luck, anon.

>> No.16001618
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Good luck to you as well.

>> No.16003321

If you want to stream, streaming is better than not streaming.

>> No.16005835

Since someone above mentioned it. Do I need a light lamp? My rooms light bulb is not enough?

>> No.16005929

Need? No.

>> No.16006073

How would i go about doing asmr as a male on twitch? Is it even a thing?

>> No.16006115

Just do ASMR? Why would your gender matter when you're cutting soap bars and crackling cardboard papers?

>> No.16006196

Several chuubas do video edits and release music videos from time to time, but the bread and butter of the business is streaming. If you don't stream you don't get superchats. Simple as.

>> No.16006228

Because most of the casual appeal is being intimate with a girl/female voice, with little audience for actual asmr, its a female dominated category on twitch for a reason

>> No.16006240

Male whisper ASMR seems decently popular on twitcast so there is an audience.

>> No.16006299

>intimate with a girl/female voice, with little audience for actual asmr
so you don't actually know what ASMR is, got it.
this. figure out what kind of ASMR you want to do first.

>> No.16006369

More like the general audience doesnt? But go off and twist my words i guess

Thanks for an actual answer

>> No.16006569

>More like the general audience doesnt?
just because you as an incel on 4chan only like a specific type of ASMR does not mean your tastes are reflective of the general audience. but "go off" i guess. why are you even asking if your mind is so set already?

>> No.16008148

NTAYRT but I'll try too. What do you think?

>> No.16008191

So do all of you just do it for the money?

>> No.16008217

What money?
You’d make more working at mcdonalds

>> No.16008267

potential money
or rather imagined money

>> No.16008345

I want to make enough per stream to order $30 worth of sushi and have some change to get maybe 1-2 drawings a month. I'm so fucking lonely that I like the idea of spending time with chat as my husband or something. now if they also feed me I'm fucking sold.

>> No.16008371

I’ll pay you a 100 million imaginary dollars to fuck of.

>> No.16008385

Is auditioning for hololive as a 30 year old overweight male a bad idea?

>> No.16008416

I'll take that as a yes.

>> No.16008479

>30 year old
should be fine. might even work in your favor.
this is only a problem if you breath too loud or are always out of breath.
good luck

>> No.16008982

Streaming two nights is better than never, an>>15949408

>> No.16009032

Doesn't flow well.

>> No.16009114

Sorry for second anon, got free (You)

>> No.16009242 [DELETED] 

I just want attention without being able to be recognized in public. Having my cake and eating it too basically

>> No.16009342

I just want attention without being able to be recognized in public. Having my cake and eating it too basically
If you have talents and are entertaining that’s all that matters. Polka is/was pretty fat and I think one of the older holos. But she’s a good entertainer

>> No.16009886

This is it.

I want to be able to pretend I have a social life, and I'm already pretty much a shut-in except for driving to work (where i then work in an enclosed, solo, office).

If I can play bideo games, get a pizza out of it, and have people say nice things about me, why would I not?

>> No.16010089

if I could make close to McDonald's money I'd still be better off than I am now but I can't work

>> No.16011579

Ok NGL I got a laugh from this lmao
I think the robotic-ness is because I was reading a script and trying to control my voice? I usually sound a lot more human when I talk normally
