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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 82 KB, 900x702, 317AFBFA-1F34-4808-90B5-FFB78C893F41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15887117 No.15887117 [Reply] [Original]

Who the fuck is even this Connor person you people keep posting about literally everywhere

>> No.15887134

The God of /vt/
Next thread

>> No.15887188
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my oshi

>> No.15887227
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Only the most based man on earth.
Look at this chad

>> No.15887316

all you have to know is he was right

>> No.15887350

Ironmouse's crush.

>> No.15887359

He's going to impregnate ironmouse and she WILL die during childbirth

>> No.15887374
File: 1004 KB, 1280x720, 1620721220058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

character from Detroit: Become Human

>> No.15887385

he is calli's booty call.

>> No.15887394

that mouse girl has terrible taste

>> No.15887461
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John Connor, savior of mankind.

>> No.15887471
File: 262 KB, 1176x1564, 1641125050595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this https://youtu.be/7BVFa8q7-ZI

>> No.15887476

They literally look nothing alike. Are you blind?

>> No.15887665


The Trash Taste podcast crew all have links to various Vtubers. Some even say they use voice changers and are the Vtubers themselves.

>> No.15887739

? his name is connor fucktard idk who that other guy is

>> No.15887752
File: 506 KB, 431x591, Screenshot 2022-01-05 134606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15887841

She won't die if he uses a hazmat suit during sex.

>> No.15888046

What did he say?

>> No.15888231

the truth

>> No.15888276

I will personally prep him for Enna.

>> No.15888418

Pointed out that once you've made it into Hololive you've got it made.

>> No.15888442

He's a podcaster that people under 25 on this board love

>> No.15888578

Anitubers, man. Can't stand them

>> No.15888919 [DELETED] 

Can't argue with that, going into Hololive almost certainly guarantees that you'll see growth faster and reach wider than you would have had yourself as an indie. But it ruins the illusion of the struggles of muh calli's roommate working hard and grinding to get her music out and muh kiara's roommate not being a more famous cosplayer than jessica nigri or gura lives in the midwest

>> No.15888948

What, wow a revolutionary thought. Truly a philosopher of our time. I feel the same sentiment when your mom philosophizes how her son could've been a lawyer or a doctor, but instead watches anitubers

>> No.15889330

He's going to be a vtuber soon and these threads will be deleted because of roommate posting.

>> No.15889702

>they hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.15889768

He wasn't the first person to ever say that nor am I the first person to call you a faggot and a loser for being a fan of someone who is Welsh

>> No.15891940
File: 145 KB, 1440x1440, ER8ez4QVAAAgzRj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a pure blooded welshman, prime descendant of the kings of old, carrying on his ancient lineage through the cross-cultural pollination of asia and fucking your oshi.
a true chad, he's kind, caring, well mannered, strong willed and most of all, entertaining. if you haven't already, support him on all his endeavours, as this man is the sole reason the vtuber community is alive and well in the modern era.

>> No.15892006

Kino playthrough. A hag desperate for love from a sexbot.

>> No.15892890

Girl loves him. Guys want to be him

>> No.15892985

Is that it?

>> No.15893252


rofl enna is peak zoom
