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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 977 KB, 1416x1212, shibuya hal numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15877827 No.15877827 [Reply] [Original]

So this autist is going all out against the recent youtube ccv culling/bug.
Can he succeed, bros? Can he save all our oshis or is too late now??

>> No.15877895

why are you breaking containment? who cares, go fap to numbers in your hugbox and stop making these retarded threads, most people don't give a single shit

>> No.15877946

I want to fuck his shota form

>> No.15877975

shota are NOT for sex!

>> No.15877988

>why do you care that your oshi's livelihood is potentially being fucked with by a megacorp?
Lick that boot harder yankee

>> No.15878023


>> No.15878029

>breaking containment
are you retarded?

>> No.15878045


>> No.15878072

The fuck? This is just bragging rights

>> No.15878077


>> No.15878099

Don't mind him, he's retarded and thinks that the number thread is a containment thread because numbers make his brain hurt

>> No.15878106

If this is """breaking containment""", then all hololive & nijisanji thread sshould stick in their respective general instead.

>> No.15878484
File: 445 KB, 601x1100, 1639938654495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15878524


>> No.15878597

I love to believe but this is YouTube. They’re incompetent and lazy as shit and only respond to changes only IF some big content creator calls them out.

>> No.15878604
File: 513 KB, 510x716, 1617941022887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa there

>> No.15878616

You need to go back

>> No.15878643


>> No.15878691

Wait since when is this dude not a shota?

>> No.15879009

since a long time ago, where have you been?

>> No.15879075

I've only seen him in screenshots

>> No.15879212

Who knew that out sourcing the india was a bad idea if you wanted quality control

>> No.15879327

He uses his adult form more often now. Almost exclusively, for like a year

>> No.15879364

thank god, another thread about numbers. i was worried i might have to start posting about streams!

>> No.15879422

Why are you posting the face of a dead man that wasnt here when /vt/ was made

>> No.15879456

Thanks for the feedback lol.

>> No.15879493

>not his adult general form
I want to make him cry!

>> No.15879560

i was voting on 100+ alt accounts just to fuck with you #numbers

>> No.15879592

>sponsorships = bragging rights
kys globalfag

>> No.15879750

>Sponsors look at CCV
They really, really don't. Dozens of people have spoken about the process. It's subscriber numbers that get monitored by bots and bots then send out invitations.
This is a complete and utter nothingburger.

>> No.15879911

the vtubers clearly care about ccv. I doubt it's for "bragging rights" only

>> No.15880171

According to OP the vtubers can see their actual ccv in analytics.

>> No.15880266

no, they can't. Just afterwards.
doing a poll is more accurate

>> No.15880351

We know very little about how sponsorships work behind the scenes but last time this happened Noel said she lost out on a bonus because her CCV wasn't high enough (when that was down to Youtube's bs not her)

>> No.15880380


>> No.15880402

you must really love your bait threads

>> No.15880437

Him, Reid and Pakael make me diamonds.

>> No.15880529

The live analytics are not those pictures. Those pics are graphs from streams, taken several days after they were done, giving YouTube time to process and verify most or all the viewers (same thing that has vod views slowly climb for days after streams are done)

>> No.15880650

moot is sharkmeido

>> No.15880866

>According to OP the vtubers can see their actual ccv in analytics.
>Noel said she lost out on a bonus because her CCV wasn't high enough
That on the other hand is fair.

>> No.15880912

Asus had a waiting room of 1m+ that was culled to 25k

>> No.15880953

Holo and Niji will be fine, The others won't.
They RELY on CCV to get them noticed or get sponsorships.
That's why VSPO and ShibuyaHAL are talking about it, Imagine the little indies who had been grinding for 100 viewers and then it gets slashed to sub 100? It would kill anyone's motivation.

>> No.15880956

msi sisters can't stop winning

>> No.15881195

India tech lead cheap salary please understand and has patience for us

>> No.15881347

>the Analytics data can be delayed up to 48 hrs + these values are constantly adjusted as our system makes sure that each video is getting quality views
if the channel owner checks his live viewers number on the moment of the live stream, he'll see the same exact thing as we see on the ccv. But if they check it again in 48hrs+ it will get updated with more viewers who were still being processed/verified.
In other words, the youtube ccv we see is always reduced from the true number, only the channel owner can check it, some days later.
The bug might be it taking much longer than recently to verify those viewers, so the majority gets counted out of the live ccv.

>> No.15881357

Does 5ch care?

>> No.15881450

>We at google are pathetic useless shit so please understand it takes 48 hours to process your data and before that we need to send them to China first for them to review and catch illegal VPN users.
Bla bla bla eat shit google

>> No.15881504


>> No.15881606

It's not a bug it's a feature

>> No.15881652

SJWtube will never admit anything. Shit like this isnt a new thing. Rotten tomatoes is now actually chock full of woke manipulations to push woke garbage on anyone and defame non woke films/dramas. The woke journos/corporate shills dont even hide it anymore. Youtube just followed suit. If anything they will escalate it.

>> No.15882127

They're going to kneecap the votes in polls next

>> No.15882304

Fuck Youtube and those fucking dumb SJW subhumans. They will never do anything.

>> No.15882367

>Noel said she lost out on a bonus because her CCV wasn't high enough
Can I have a source on that, so that I could make fun of holokeks about their favorite company being an actual sweatshop black company, enforcing their employees to numberfag instead of caring about quality of their content.

>> No.15882435

low quality bait

>> No.15882456

That's not a bait, retard

>> No.15882541

This nigger is unironically defending woke bugs. You must be an Amerimutt vshitter

>> No.15882644

>Nijiniggers and vshojocucks
>talking about things they don't have
Many such cases

>> No.15882703

>talking about things they don't have
Black company? Yes, we don't have those, unlike Holo. And that's a good thing.

>> No.15882713

What the hell does this have to do with SJW's?
Take your medications.

>> No.15882744

I assume he meant she was talking about sponsorships and that she missed out on a bonus from the sponsor because she didn't have enough viewers during that stream. Anything else would be insane

>> No.15882809

This dumb Amerimutt tranny is still trying to defend Amerimutt SJW subhumans.

>> No.15882818

Unironically will probably happen.

>> No.15883066

it's how most sponsorships work, twitch bounties are the exact same https://media.comicbook.com/2018/05/twitch-bounty-1107316.jpeg

>> No.15883178

Time to change the way poll votes are counted!

>> No.15883299

>breaking containment
You are not doing a good job of fitting in here

>> No.15883866

5ch is stealing from the /#/ thread. Or more accurately a jp anon is probably crossposting onto 5ch. susan with a gun even got posted there. They care and treat Hal as a hero. On 5ch the narrative was originally holopigs are whining about numbers and nijibabas deny the #s, and then it turned into more memes about it being real and stuff and yeah

>> No.15886285

Retard do you know what breaking containment means?

>> No.15887036


>> No.15887077

Reid needs to stay pure for Nose please don't lewd him.

>> No.15887509

Decided to make a primer because I constantly see people posting the same dumb questions all the time. If you think there's missing information reply to the post with further additions modifications.
Unfortunately, this isn't a 4chan problem so the trains and planes need to be loaded and the babies and retards need to be fed.

>What is happening?
Users are being flagged by the YouTube anti-spam view detection system and kept from being displayed on CCV. You can tell because a lot of channels are showing an abnormal drop in audience size, the likes on a video are becoming larger compared to the CCV but the VOD views after the video ends remain stable as it has been before this was happening.

>Who is affected?
Everyone that exibits "bot-like" behavior. It doesn't matter if you are a free member with or without adblock, a YouTube Premium user or a creator; as long as you start doing things that makes you look like a bot to the AI, your account will not count towards the CCV.

>How do I know if I am flagged as a bot?
Look for a stream with 0 (or very low) views in YouTube Gaming or YouTube Live (the former has a better chance because of its structure) and open the stream. If the number doesn't change after 10 minutes, you are almost certainly flagged as a bot. Make sure that the view counter is stable when doing this. You might also want to try browsing using a private borwsing tab without logging in to verify that the CCV counter works. Avoid doing both of these things at the same time on the same device.

>So my oshi doesn't get my views?
Just for CCV during livestreams. Regular VOD views and and the total watch time for all the videos that you watch will be counted as long as you watch them in a manner that doesn't make the YouTube AI thinking that you're trully a bot and bans your account.

>How can I increase the CCV to the livestreams that I watch?
You don't, because all you risk is triggering the AI if it starts searching for other parameters and could end up affecting not just you, but the streamer as well. However, if you intend on doing so anyway, you just need to open a "private browsing" (Incognito, InPrivate, etc) instance on your browser and go to YouTube manually, search for the channel/livestream and open the stream without logging in. If you want to still participate, you can open the stream using your account on a completely separate device that isn't your browser to make sure the CCV counter isn't affected.

>> No.15887633

You forgot
>source: dude just trust me
Youtube is the only one that knows for sure. Anything else is just speculation

>> No.15888028

I want to know whats going on with western e-celebs like pewdiepie. though he is anti woke and hated by youtube sjws so its not surprising if hes affected too. i mean, wanna know bout sjw/progressive streamers.

>> No.15888538

one big massive cope

>> No.15888629

they can't be culled because nobody watches their channels anyway

>> No.15888654

nta but

>> No.15888724

see >>15887633
quit enabling this cope as thinking they're facts

>> No.15888882

Do you realize that even fucking NASA and ASUS had those problems?

>> No.15888979

ccv doesn't affect AD revenue, however it affects recommendations in for your stream. the higher the viewership the more people will get to see it. so low CCV numbers will affect the long term growth of your channel.
