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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15877546 No.15877546 [Reply] [Original]


Previous thread

>> No.15877578

General numberfag sites

Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/CCfK7mVR

>> No.15880236
File: 418 KB, 1673x1165, 2022-01-05 top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here it goes
>19,797: Toya (Nijisanji)
>17,734: Gura (Hololive)
>15,872: Pekora (Hololive)
>12,091: Fubuki (Hololive)
>11,954: DebiDebi (Nijisanji)
>11,501: Nijisanji (Nijisanji)
>10,577: Ratna (Nijisanji)

Notice that, pretty much from Jan 1st forward, this is just an historical oddity because it has ZERO relation to the actual live viewership of the streams of the day.

>> No.15880295

jesas, has anyone managed to hit 80k after the new year?

>> No.15880490

who the fuck cares about tallies while this shit is still going on?

>> No.15880672
File: 115 KB, 1200x734, scale_1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sent Susan back in time to destroy (ro)bots.

Cut those who watch several streams at a time. Those who watch through third-party sites. Those who watch one stream from several devices at once.
And of course bots.
So now we see true numbers.

>> No.15880750
File: 41 KB, 600x600, rg32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

numberfags, are you OK?

>> No.15880776

There's no "waiting room bug". The waiting room is considered separate to the actual stream and it takes time to filter people in to the actual stream because some people actually need to click play to get it started. What is going on now has absolutely NOTHING to do with that and it's tiring explaining that to newfags over and over.

The CCV drop after the stream starts was accurate, some people would be left behind in the waiting room and would enter the stream within 5 minutes after it started. This is CCV being understated and not displaying how many people are watching, with it being off anywhere between 50% to 90%

We really need a copypasta to explain this

>> No.15880780
File: 624 KB, 1080x1188, 1638112912932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asus had a waiting room of 1m+ that was culled to 50k

>> No.15880804


>> No.15880836

Not even close. The sad part is we definitely would've had at least two 100k+ streams by now. Mikorone and Pekora Pokemon

>> No.15880869

Actual previous thread

>> No.15881506

There's no bug, your oshi bots her views and there's nothing more to it. Stop crying in every thread now and stay in your shithole

>> No.15881637

>I'm clueless
>I have no explanation except bots
>I'm going to shit on the thread anyway
>Because some other shithead that lurks here for bait took images here and started a new thread for Yous
>I think I'm the sane one here

>> No.15884342


>> No.15884397

I wonder how many people are actually watching Kuzuha, there's lots of mahjong pros in his chat

>> No.15886143

>numberAIDS is real

>> No.15886150

Mahjong pros?

>> No.15886167


>> No.15886212
File: 165 KB, 1265x992, enna niked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>N I K E D

>> No.15886229

Is Asus a youtube sponsor? Imagine the shitshow if they were and got angry at youtube for the cull.

>> No.15886246

Pekora got 60k

>> No.15886260


>> No.15886284


>> No.15886286

holy jesas

>> No.15886304

>5 minutes in
Too soon

>> No.15886317
File: 79 KB, 231x230, 2313213223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn it went sub 100 for a moment

>> No.15886318

probably yes anon. especially if somebody were to bring up botting allegations against asus.

>> No.15886347
File: 49 KB, 1007x574, chammers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this rate by Friday the Nike will simply become an L

>> No.15886368
File: 24 KB, 540x540, 1638829449712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do we have a long term consequence take on these culled numbers, it's bad right?


>> No.15886378


>> No.15886401

Even more funny they had like only a couple thousand responses for their poll after 2 minutes.

>> No.15886408

>104k views after 2 hours
The waiting room was a bug and the CCV was correct?

>> No.15886411
File: 292 KB, 1265x1347, mysta 3k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the funniest things is the chart NOPING out of hitting some thresholds
>Mysta Ryas, you can hit 2,999 3/4 but not 3k today

>> No.15886415
File: 126 KB, 590x417, love is over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15886451

No I think I'll make another thread about it

>> No.15886454

It's possible, but the question the becomes "how did the waiting room get so bloated"?

>> No.15886462

Youtube said they're looking into it, so either they'll do nothing and in a few weeks Pekora and Kuzuha will be 2views, or they'll revert it (probably to the post-2020 state where it's still obviously being filtered but not as much)

>> No.15886509

I will make another number thread just for you, retard.

>> No.15886530

Remember youtube does pause counting views periodically to 'verify' them, you need to wait a while longer before you can infer anything from the VOD

>> No.15886539

It’d be interesting to see pre-2020 numbers for everyone. Would show how big the vtuber scene really is.
I know it’s an impossibility but a guy can dream.

>> No.15886636

You realize how fucking stupid this whole thing would make Youtube look if they reverted more than the 2021 cull, right?
>tee hee for the past year we knee capped our strongest organic streamers haha come to youtube guys
This one they can reverse and quickly pin as a temporary bug, that one will never be undone.

>> No.15886689

>long term consequence if it's never fixed
Vtubers flee to Twitch or graduate, end of story

>> No.15886709

jwu it doesn't slip?

>> No.15886723

You're probably right, and that makes me sad

>> No.15886735

Just woke up from an 8 day long coma?

>> No.15886748

yes, the best thing they can do now is revert to the 2021 model. revert more than that and that will just be even more free advertisment for twitch.

>> No.15886790
File: 148 KB, 629x603, 5chNumbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof the Hololive thread directly reposts from /#/

Also to >>15886077 who said the Hololive thread is dead or matome bait, first of all the anti thread no longer gets any matome articles due to its board location, the matome all come from なんj not from the anti thread, second of all it's more active than /hlgg/, the anti thread has an auto-archive limit of 1000 and typically archives in 20 minutes at prime time and 30 minutes otherwise. An hour when no-one streams. Also the anti thread is the exact equivalent of /hlgg/ in case anyone is confused by it's naming being an "anti" thread.

>> No.15886832

>my tweet is getting posted on 5ch

feels weird man

Anyhow here's the Calli clip talking about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_Sju8gM08Q

>> No.15886848
File: 96 KB, 700x393, 1633090588052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their platform is down 40% since the 2020 cull. They can revert the 2021 cull immediately and 2020 cull slowly and advertise how their Twitch streamer acquisitions managed to turn the ship around. Or they can continue to slide into to irrelevance as streamers continue to flee the apparently sinking ship.

>> No.15886867
File: 15 KB, 308x326, AWUDGUAWULIDASDA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so...uuuuuuhhh...is there a decent alternative to youtube?

>> No.15886891

You just made this shit up.

>> No.15886902

There are actually 3 scenarios.
1. They revert or patch it.
2. They state it's working as intended
3. They remove public numbers for live viewers.

Scenario 2 is the most damaging to vtubers on youtube and will most likely end up with platforms swaps after a while.
Scenario 3 isn't harmful directly, but it removes youtube as a real contender for having a streaming platform. It might also be extremely memorializing due to the cull in fact remaining, but only is viewable by the creator.

Humans are bored monkies to evolved for our own good. If we see big numbers many ask "Cool, what's going on there, maybe I should watch it as well.". If they go with scenario 3 they will inevitably kill their on platform in regards to live streaming.

>> No.15886915

Any poetically gifted anons that can adapt The Bone of My Sword to current shitshow?

>> No.15886927


>> No.15886931

If they were smart, they could slowly reverse the 2020 cull by relaxing their parameters or unculling accounts over a period of several months to simulate organic growth.

>> No.15886932

nothing similar
you have twitch, facebook, twitcasting, niconico..
that's all i know

>> No.15886939
File: 1.40 MB, 1300x1272, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15886980

If they do that, they'll have to:
-revert 2021 cull asap and whoopsie poopsie it, no biggie
-SLOWLY revert 2020 cull so it looks like there's an incline
If they unleash double to triple CCV that WILL be noticed.

>> No.15886987
File: 18 KB, 365x315, 1638935525695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>organic growth.

>> No.15886993

Matomeshills troll on the fastest threads to bait or samefag, then repost it in cherry picked form on NanJ to suit their rrat.
It's incredibly blatant because they either don't have wacchoiID's (which is a paid feature only matomeshills use) or sometimes they do and they leave behind an clear trace of trolling.

>> No.15887015


>> No.15887018
File: 116 KB, 1741x727, supaNov2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the updated Monthly Superchat spreadsheet? (picrel for November)

>> No.15887030
File: 50 KB, 700x593, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if they were smart

>> No.15887080

The sky is falling bro, ain't no one care about that shit. Go to playboard and make your own if you care so much.

>> No.15887103

Only niconico is a direct alternative really. All the other have none or limited time for vods. Swapping to Twitch and uploading vods is not the same.

You also have Mildom for what it's worth. Better streaming service then niconico at least.

>> No.15887115

NGL I kind of want to see the Q1 2022 results if they don't revert this latest cull. How low can we go?

>> No.15887129
File: 227 KB, 1147x1012, scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual reason youtube has been clamping down on "fake" viewers is because its been overrun with scam streams over the last couple years and now with the removal of dislikes it's become even worse.

>> No.15887146

And to clarify, I'm not saying NicoNico is a good service. Just that they are a better comparison to youtube directly if you go by features.

>> No.15887153

Yes, crypto has ruined PC gaming and now YouTube streaming

>> No.15887157

Decided to make a primer because I constantly see people posting the same dumb questions all the time. If you think there's missing information reply to the post with further additions modifications.
Unfortunately, this isn't a 4chan problem so the trains and planes need to be loaded and the babies and retards need to be fed.

>What is happening?
Users are being flagged by the YouTube anti-spam view detection system and kept from being displayed on CCV. You can tell because a lot of channels are showing an abnormal drop in audience size, the likes on a video are becoming larger compared to the CCV but the VOD views after the video ends remain stable as it has been before this was happening.

>Who is affected?
Everyone that exibits "bot-like" behavior. It doesn't matter if you are a free member with or without adblock, a YouTube Premium user or a creator; as long as you start doing things that makes you look like a bot to the AI, your account will not count towards the CCV.

>How do I know if I am flagged as a bot?
Look for a stream with 0 (or very low) views in YouTube Gaming or YouTube Live (the former has a better chance because of its structure) and open the stream. If the number doesn't change after 10 minutes, you are almost certainly flagged as a bot. Make sure that the view counter is stable when doing this. You might also want to try browsing using a private borwsing tab without logging in to verify that the CCV counter works. Avoid doing both of these things at the same time on the same device.

>So my oshi doesn't get my views?
Just for CCV during livestreams. Regular VOD views and and the total watch time for all the videos that you watch will be counted as long as you watch them in a manner that doesn't make the YouTube AI thinking that you're trully a bot and bans your account.

>How can I increase the CCV to the livestreams that I watch?
You don't, because all you risk is triggering the AI if it starts searching for other parameters and could end up affecting not just you, but the streamer as well. However, if you intend on doing so anyway, you just need to open a "private browsing" (Incognito, InPrivate, etc) instance on your browser and go to YouTube manually, search for the channel/livestream and open the stream without logging in. If you want to still participate, you can open the stream using your account on a completely separate device that isn't your browser to make sure the CCV counter isn't affected.

>> No.15887159
File: 47 KB, 148x160, 1617719208392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if only

>> No.15887242
File: 64 KB, 857x301, matome lads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, it's a small world. Lads in here post matome and 5ch, matome post /here/stuff and 5ch, 5ch posts matome and /here/stuff.

When you are in "certain circles" you start realizing the range this humble shitposting site has. In one minute you are shitposting with your lads, next it's being shown in some parliament in some god forsaken corner of the world in an investigation

>> No.15887257

Damn, based Mori bringing it right front and center there. I think out of Myth only Ina and Gura are the only ones to not bring any attention to it

>> No.15887295
File: 301 KB, 1542x840, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijien without streamlabs

>> No.15887299

>You realize how fucking stupid this whole thing would make Youtube look if they reverted more than the 2021 cull, right?

>Susan: oh yeah we hide Gura real numbers from the beginning tee hee her 194k peak was actually 388k and here second otufit we actually divide her viewers by 4 so her really number were 448k tee hee.
Social media probably would explode

>> No.15887303

Yes. They don't come directly from the anti thread though I meant. I mean the citation isn't the anti thread. They shit up the thread but it's not the anti thread itself that's being made into the matome articles even if nanj steals rrats and shit from there. The anti thread residents hate the アフィ.

>> No.15887313

Gura would keel over and die from the stress desu.

>> No.15887338

They should just make it so only the streamer can see the live viewers numbers, it honestly only encourages botting anyway.

>> No.15887339

Issues with other numbers, what's going on with Oricon? They haven't updated their daily charts since the 2nd, do they let literally everyone on vacation? Towa... https://www.oricon.co.jp/rank/dis/d/2022-01-02/

Kanata's Agape was 4th on 27th, by the way.

>> No.15887341
File: 14 KB, 471x142, 1639893677102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15887345 [DELETED] 

Seeing as how exponential this thing is behaving I think it will plummet to unreasonable levels. It also shows how vtuber communities overlap and it is really throwing shade on the idea that holofans only watch holo and niji fans only watch niji. Recent EN start ups are getting hit too despite people saying holofans don't watch those.

You guys are retarded if you think youtube will ignore every stream watcher eventually being flagged as a bot.

>> No.15887392

Thanks! Too bad there is no good way to track streamlabs, I know some of the NijiEN girls got thousands of SL donos in December in the Top 10 alone.

>> No.15887423

lmao I posted the Nene Jun thing from a 5ch image onto here with red text attached, then the 4ch image's text gets referenced and transcribed in a matome article. what a weird world

>> No.15887429

This, she’s probably relieved about another cull

>> No.15887442
File: 53 KB, 557x200, 164138316619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EN mansanji owakon

>> No.15887469

Honestly, given the reputation 4chan has built over time both as a place of information you won't get elsewhere and a place you shouldn't post in, I wouldn't be surprised if the ratio of lurkers to posters is unusually high. Whether that's deserved or not, this seems to be what the normalfags believe. Which is why I've tried to tone down my shitposting here because retards on Reddit and Twitter take obvious jokes at face value and turn them into rrats.

>> No.15887490

>It also shows how vtuber communities overlap and it is really throwing shade on the idea that holofans only watch holo and niji fans only watch niji
That starts from the assumption it's only Holo and Niji being affected for behaviour only Holo and Niji presents.

What is happening does not invalidate that idea (which I don't believe to be true, btw), it could as well be that Holos only watch Holos, Nijis Nijis and the problem is not related to watching Holo and Niji but on the system itself

>> No.15887495

if they really admit this, Susan is kill so never.

>> No.15887516
File: 158 KB, 849x1200, 1638897020696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Not so) daily Chloe update: Sakamata Chloe now has $319,719 in total superchats and just 26 days after her monetization is the 70th most superchatted vtuber ever. Today she surpassed
>Kusunoki Sio

>> No.15887522

Nah, fake low numbers don't help Gura since she's stopped watching CCV. If her chat is fucking fast she's not getting what she wants

>> No.15887533

Why do they always do it in December? When they think people won’t notice or care?

>> No.15887545
File: 31 KB, 979x208, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15887553

Nothing new, I saw incredibly ESL threads on the catalog when Council or NijiEN debuted and the next thing you know Youtube was swarming with 4chan threads DeepL translated into nip as what gaijins think of the next hot thing.

>> No.15887557

It showed up in hololive first, from what we've seen. Maybe it was showing up elsewhere but it needed something on the order of hololive to be noticeable.

>> No.15887567

Sio... the 3D date with Towa doko...

>> No.15887571
File: 176 KB, 1232x558, top ongoing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The King is not much higher

>> No.15887590

Go Kiara Go

>> No.15887647

Fair enough.

>> No.15887658

Isn't the CCV/like ratio kinda off?

>> No.15887690

I mean, just look at how far that QAnon bullshit spread.

>> No.15887717

He probably has several times higher churn rate than the average vtuber

>> No.15887722
File: 250 KB, 1265x992, kuzuha under 8k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It showed up in hololive first, from what we've seen.
Only because you only pay attention to Hololive.

I believe this sub 10k stream by Kuzuha on the 25th is one of the first cases. It didn't take a lot of time to recover from the waiting room cull but Kuzuha never had a sub 10k stream by then (since time immemorial)

He usually had 10k right from outside the waiting room cull no matter what he would be doing

>> No.15887727

You only watch Hololive so how would you even know if it affected anyone else. For what it's worth, people on the livestreamfail post have mentioned noticing the same happening to regular streamers

>> No.15887729

Yeah, it's actually quite unbalanced. That is very very good engagement.

>> No.15887737

It's still very high for a normie streamer but way lower than vtubers, yeah.

>> No.15887761

Nah, that was offline. For all the flak this site and a certain board got those crazy boomers organized themselves on Facebook and meatspace.

>> No.15887766

I really hate these streams, "Not interested" and report but they keep showing up in my recommendations

>> No.15887825

FBK’s sub growth flatlined after she got that shiny gastly.

>> No.15887834

To be fair, it was a goddamn SHILL stream on CHRISTMAS, so it's hard to tell for sure.
What we can be certain of, is that that Hololive Karaoke really no doubt ended up causing a LOT of viewers to get flagged.

>> No.15887884

I was thinking more than Miko's numbers fell off a cliff after Chirstmas.
I will always remember that Rushia never got within 10% of her waiting room numbers for her part.

>> No.15887921
File: 235 KB, 1285x836, dr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15887934
File: 942 KB, 1187x1500, EfEU-xRU4AMaWqx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is fucking nuts to me personally because when I first started paying attention to numbers was during the rise of Sio, at that time she was seen as the rival to Coco at the top of the SC charts and even beat Coco's all-time record with an insane for the time $60k for her 3D. She might not have lasted long before the yabs caught up with her, but 6 months at the top in 2020 was outdone by one stinky orca in less than one. Goodbye Sio, I'll miss your insane earning ability for an indie, and of course your fat ass. And godspeed to that guy who is still comissioning rape porn of you even to this very day.

>> No.15887958

I think you mean 90%, but to be fair her mic settings were ATROICIOUS and I nearly bailed out listening to her. No doubt many dropped fmout from her part.

>> No.15887977

Can't stop the two time

>> No.15888021
File: 2.50 MB, 1250x7421, christmas day over 10k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

* Here is Christmas Day according to vrabi. *
54 streams (and premieres) over 10k.

>> No.15888058

I think their algorithm needs adjustment and not have this runaway twain effect. Stopping scam streams are great but you have to have a better method than flagging my 15 year old youtube account as a bot.

>> No.15888096

no bots

>> No.15888101

>yesterday's gold would have been 41st on this list

>> No.15888111
File: 24 KB, 430x365, 1638438538107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kotone hit 223% engagement 20 minutes into her stream with a 6 minute poll.
Everyone is aware of the fuckery going on now at least with all the polls flying around.

>> No.15888125


>> No.15888145
File: 2.60 MB, 2496x2480, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is susan so racist to nips bros?

>> No.15888143

The problem is that the scam streams aren't even being stopped.

>> No.15888165

Gura and Pakora must have like 70k ccv without culling from this year and last.

>> No.15888172

Their pajeets are retards

>> No.15888212

If all it takes it anonymous tabs and user agent masking to count as multiple views, of course their latest attempt isn't stopping any of the scams.

>> No.15888223

I think the culls are now even when you put both together.

>> No.15888248

isn't a little early ?
like 5 am?

>> No.15888280

yeah, by normie standards he should be hovering somewhere above 50-60k right now.

>> No.15888292

>Alright Susan
She's here

>> No.15888300
File: 457 KB, 2536x1291, bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty damning but having the time of the poll on screen is something that is noted. I mean anyone can watch the vod and confirm but no one will.

Pic related: This poll was up for 30 seconds but I missed screen shotting that part so it's useless.

>> No.15888308

what is worse is that both are culled

>> No.15888372
File: 98 KB, 354x199, 1624391758506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I caught the poll late since I was reading something else and only managed to screenshot the end result. The problem is she has her head in the way in the DVR

>> No.15888405
File: 159 KB, 1029x836, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu got Niked too.

>> No.15888408

The best alternative is to stream on Twitch and upload vods to Youtube.

>> No.15888466


>> No.15888479

it should have been easy to just exclude filtering anyone who is paying for youtube via membership or youtube premium but I have a strong feeling that the view count we see now is completely decoupled from the actual number of viewers and is now just an estimate by an algorithm.

>> No.15888499

This is quite dooming for NijiEN if it propagates through their entire roster

>> No.15888501
File: 8 KB, 669x132, 1628454944871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are spics like this?

>> No.15888548

Susan is scared. Susan can’t count and she’s afraid everyone will find out. You dumb bitch. Give my oshi back her numbers.

>> No.15888549

>If you send 1 BTC you get 2 BTC back
Do people really fall for this shit? This is 2004 Runescape tier scams

>> No.15888609

wait at least 10 minutes first. that duration of being live is literally worthless for data.

>> No.15888613

I think they don't do that because cryptofags are precisely the kind of people who'd have all their bot accounts member to the channel if that'll get them past the spam filter. Remember you can set your membership to be as low as 1 dollar and you can pay for it in Argentinian money.

>> No.15888711

same fag?

>> No.15888726

The transactions are public and just in that pic alone it shows history of ~3btc being sent in total and tons more being withdrawn out. Ofc it may be samefagging but people have fallen for way less sophisticated shit.

>> No.15888746

no I'm mirroring posts from the numbers thread to piss off that one faggot who thinks this thread should be a containment thread

>> No.15888796

Yes. Boomers are fucking dumb


>The scammers said they needed 10% from him to get his money out. He said he was ill, and collapsed while on the phone and they were still on the line when paramedics arrived.

>During his illness, he kept getting text messages asking for more funds. He was confused and agreed to hand over more money and eventually lost more than £250,000 in life savings.

>> No.15888838

Those Nigerian prince spammers aren't sending emails for fun. They get a lot of idiots

>> No.15888879

Scamming stupid people is a noble and worthwhile vocation. Godspeed Nigerian Princes

>> No.15888900

So this is a bit off topic.. But apparently the US gov is currently having a public consultation in regards to copyright online.
Always good when the government is involved in solving online problems, right?
dmca and contentid might just be the start. Better watch yourself twitch streamers.

>> No.15888920

How do I stop caring about the numbers. I can’t help but look at them. I can’t help but feel my guts wrenching when I see the vtuber never getting back to waiting room numbers.

>> No.15888946

write some CSS or a script to hide them.

>> No.15888952

Quit watching vtubers. Vtubing is dead, at least on youtube.

>> No.15888989

You're just gonna have to accept that your oshi is gonna become a 2View by the end of the year

>> No.15889031

nummberbros are we okay

>> No.15889084

There's been a good number of nips lurking here ever since the exchange thread we had with Futaba a little while after the board first got made, I'm sure there's some from 5ch too

>> No.15889121
File: 455 KB, 635x512, 1615995673393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been better but thanks for asking

>> No.15889143

Kiara talking about the cull right now.

>> No.15889188

So Kiara confirmed they're talking about it inside of Hololive, but she's not confident about it getting fixed, ever

>> No.15889198

>Youtube is killing everyone's algorithms right now
>I've talked about it with some girls who brought it up to me
>It's not that noticeable for me due to the new viewers but it does seem lower than it should
Kiara comments on the number purge

>> No.15889206
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>> No.15889215

i miss the 50k streams and events
it's all so tiresome whith he the baits and shitposting

>> No.15889235

Cover is probably getting the runaround with their private contact as well, then.

>> No.15889280

Kiara actually said, it's probably not getting fixed anytime soon. So doesn't sound like they are getting a lot of customer service here.

>> No.15889326

Lol do you really think Cover will give a shit?
They don't even help the holos when they literally get banned

>> No.15889345

Yes. Although this has been a tragedy it became a comedy, a high one at that. The race to the bottom is the most interesting part along with the spread of the decay.

Also feels good that some of the schizo rumblings from weeks ago are being realized so vindication is a bit of honey along with the bitter pill.

>> No.15889348

Not only vtubers are affected by this.
Even kpopfags are mad their live views are getting culled too. Smaller minecraft streamers are getting hit too, but certain special snowflake streamers are unaffected.
Youtube is fucking up big time.

Then again this is not the first time a company blatantly manipulate "numbers". Facebook has been doing it for a long time, not far fetched if Youtube is doing the same.

>> No.15889356

They already experienced a cull in 2020 that was never fixed, she knows there isn't much hope for this one either.

>> No.15889361
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It looks like slow and steady won the race.

>> No.15889398
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>> No.15889409

I want my numbers back goddamit.

>> No.15889420

When Kiara got deleted they managed to get her account back fairly quick. Since this goes even beyond her, I imagine they are in contact at least. Whether they are making headway. I highly doubt it.

>> No.15889429

Do you think Cover could do anything even if they gave every shit and went to war with youtube? Youtube paid Ludwig more than Cover is even worth.

>> No.15889436

All the big tech companies want their numbers to be completely opaque, so it's not obvious when they pick and choose favorites and suppress wrongthink. YT just fucked it up. If they did it well we would have no idea.

>> No.15889462

With recent growth Hololive is worth much more than Ludwig's contract. Maybe 2 years ago.

>> No.15889467

I really hate seeing Miko hovering around 10k....her 12 hour stream not even breaking 30k really pissed me off

>> No.15889476

I kneel

>> No.15889480

All this YT issue has made me check the livestreamfails and Twitch in general a bit more than i'd like, but it provided some context.

Veibae especially was seeing even more rise than the other Cshojo after the Mizkif gameshow appearance, turns out it's because she's pretty much in the "IN" crowd now and a regular collab partner for Sodapoppin. The main top group of Twitch functioning like vtubers in 2019, in how they collab and talk about eachother to prop both up.

She's regularly being featured on top of LivestreamFail, which in turn gets featured on Mizkif and other's streams, creating a feedback loop of more exposure and more memes till she becomes a household name for the Twitch community.

Also, Gura was pretty much the only popular Vtuber there before.
Due to an in-joke they call her Forsen and regularly feature her clips.
This is where part of Gura's tourists come from, they don't care about Hololive but watch her.

>> No.15889485

They could just move to Twitch and use Youtube for VODs only

>> No.15889510

>holo said [x]
>must be true

>> No.15889522
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Not really, no

>> No.15889526

>they don't care about Hololive but watch her.
That's like 90% of cumsharts

>> No.15889528

I think Ina's might be the biggest indicator. People post her charts after every stream, and barring internet / YT issues, its almost always a flat bar, with her average ccv being within 10% of her max.
Looking at this, it seems it didn't even finish registering all the viewers by the time the stream ended.

>> No.15889535

Ludwig got 30 million. Cover should be valued at 100 million at the minimum.

>> No.15889556

I know you've never used reddit but please replace "www" with "old" in the url in all your links. It infinitely improves the site layout.

>> No.15889570
File: 917 KB, 1278x1002, ars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This this stream having peaked already this will be only the second stream on Mado's record since August 2021 that Ars failed to beat 2k (with the other being a Nintendo Direct watchalong)

In her previous 7 Pokemon streams, all in December, she's got


>> No.15889576

And risk losing their oilbarons by making them re-learn a donation system?

>> No.15889591

If Cover were up for sale sure but Cover really only has $30 million in assets.
The thing is Cover is a midget in every capacity so blaming Cover for being helpless is dumb.

>> No.15889616

There's a 5 minutes cooldown for spam

>> No.15889648

Seems like the Niji females are basically where the Holos were two days ago, give it another day or two and it's going to be an absolute massacre

>> No.15889665

yeah, that's much more compact. Thanks.
Like going from mobile view to mid 00s desktop view.

>> No.15889669

Hololive paypigs already donate in different websites's formats, prime example being twitcasting.

>> No.15889691

Politicians are in favor of the big corporations

>> No.15889711

And Niji fans still don't think there is a problem...

>> No.15889712

Valuation of a company is more than just what assets they hold. Future earnings are taken into account too. Considering Cover almost certainly collected at least 50 million in revenue this year this makes 100 million a pretty conservative estimate. Wouldn't you like an investment that paid for itself within 2 years?

>> No.15889778

Didn't he get 4 million?

30 million is insane, they can never make their money back on him.

Plus, i always said, if you want to make a platform grow, you do it like a football team.
You don't get 2 big guns to retire there just for the merch sales for a couple of years.
You get 5-20 young, good and very hungry players to build a community. Who will try everything in and outside the book because they want to succeed.... you know, like the vtuber community they already had.

>> No.15889806

Cover is hard to value because a lot of their value is tied up in their brand, and their talents. It's easy to see scenarios where they lose their cache or there's a mass exodus. They came close with the China/Coco situation. Or say if YT decides to ass fuck them without explanation. But yes any valuing a company at 30M when they have some multiple of that in revenue with tons of cash on hand and meteoric growth is pretty dumb

>> No.15889811

they looked at mixer's business model and went "you know what let's just do this, what could possibly go wrong?"

>> No.15889822
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Hello numberfags. I don't usually concern myself with numbers and just watch random corpos, but I had a question about VODs that I hoped you could maybe answer. If Yashiro streams for 3 hours and 40 minutes and his VOD has 75k views and Sasaki streams for 2 hours 50 minutes and has 87k views on her VOD, does that neccessarily mean that she had more viewers or are there other things at play?
Sorry if this is kinda asking to be spoonfed

>> No.15889833

They didn’t fix it after 2020, why would they change it now. It’s not like Google gives a shit about YouTube other than data gathering. This is the new normal. Next year at this time golds will be going to 6k streams

>> No.15889848

The Mixer fiasco revealed that Ninja got a $30M+ contract while Shroud got a $10M+ contract since they were the buyout values from Microsoft when Mixer shutdown.

>> No.15889847

It also took like ~12 days to get her entire channel unshadowbanned last february/march

>> No.15889865

Remember back in the day, I think it was over 10 years ago at this point, that NND tried to create NND English? It never really gained any traction and was shut down like 2 years after it launched if my memory is correct.

Chuubas moving back to NND might be a good time to try that out again, lol.

>> No.15889875

Cover has kind of hit the absolute jackpot of low running costs for talents on top of immense brand pressure. The number of collaborations and advertisements that hololive has been part of has exploded recently.

>> No.15889891


>> No.15889896

I'm going to buy up Cover stock when they go public, put myself on the board of directors and fuck my oshi

>> No.15889905
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>Chuubas moving back to NND

>> No.15889936

>why would they change it now
It's way worse.
>Next year
Next week.

>> No.15889945

NND is an absolutely dogshit platform. To this day I have no idea why asians love the comments running across the actual video

>> No.15889954

Fat ass...

>> No.15889974

Depends on how many people go in and out of the stream, if 20k people watch the first half of a stream then leave as another 20k people come in, that's 20k CCV but 40k views, while if the same 20k people watch start to finish that's 20k CCV with 20k views

>> No.15889993

because on NND you’d be lucky to see it in 360p so they needed something to block out the terrible quality

>> No.15890026

What were the live viewer numbers?
Not like they're accurate, butt still.

It might mean that she just had a higher churn, people coming in and out of the stream for eventful moments, like how people tune in during Apex streams when the round is almost over, then leave for a few minutes before coming back to the end of the next round.

Depends on what they were doing too.

>> No.15890136

Generally, yes, it does mean that she has more viewers. Typically the longer a stream goes on for the more views it gets, so if a shorter stream gets more vods it usually means more unique viewers

>> No.15890144

"I don't think it's gonna be fixed any time soon "defeated chuckle"
So just get used to it."

Kiara's been through so much...

>> No.15890153

Highest concurrent viewership at one time could go to either, for example have a large peak and then small viewership for the rest of it. However in terms of how many people clicked and viewed in total, those views are the ones measured by the VOD.

>> No.15890164

They only care about the streamers they watch.
The nijifags on this board are mostly NijiEN fags. There's also those who pretend like they're big Mito or Touya fans because they saw some clips.

>> No.15890180

Kiara's already been through the fires of numberfaggotry. It'll probably hit some of the other girls far harder

>> No.15890229

>streaming in 360p

>> No.15890237

Oh that's interesting, I didn't know it could work like that.
>What were the live viewer numbers?
I don't recall perfectly but I think Yashiro had like 6k and Sasaki 3k. He was playing Zelda OoT and she was doing one of those coin machines

>> No.15890240

It's more about Nijifags are less caring about numberfagging. Cull or not they're beat by Holo anyway so what's the point?

>> No.15890292

>that guy who is still comissioning rape porn of you even to this very day
s-sugoi, that's some real dedication

>> No.15890304

Sentences are more compact in terms of # of characters in Japanese so reading them across the screen isn't as annoying.

>> No.15890314

With 5-minute average view times, I have to believe it's also counting focus/blur events to some extent.

>> No.15890346

She's stupid. There's no way Youtube can leave things the way they are. This isn't like the 2020 cull where CCVs just got slashed by 30% across the board. This is progressively turning popular streamers with thousands of viewers into literal 2 views. Unless Youtube want to kill off their streaming section then they need to change things back so switching over from Twitch isn't an automatic 50% decrease in viewers.

>> No.15890353

It would also explain why Apex streams have such high view/ccv ratio relative to other content. Everyone tabs out between matches.

>> No.15890355

Youtube has an advantage that Mixer didn't have. An already established community, not the best and mostly isolated around the creators but there is something to grow from there.
Mixer had nothing like that so they did what they had to do..

>> No.15890520

Yeah firstly this time is way worse. Secondly what happened in 2020 was intentional. There's no way youtube intended what's going on right now to happen, it will lose them money and wont provide any benefit.

>> No.15890588

with the information we have now, this was already slightly culled.

>> No.15890619

they're busy making bait threads from the cull differential >>15884337

>> No.15890626
File: 467 KB, 828x1109, 0DD4BCFA-D227-438D-A8A0-6249E70C3BC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no way Youtube can leave things the way they are
Hahahaha, how I wish I was 20 and naive again

>> No.15890636

oh my, did they catch the CCVid?

>> No.15890659

And what, literally admit that their numbers aren't to be trusted to billions of users? Because that's what it announces to the world if they revert the decision and numbers suddenly skyrocket. As of now even streamers like Ludwig are skeptical at best of this phenomenon, aside from the vtubing fanbase it's a tinfoil theory. They'd rather double down on the culling more than anything and keep it that way.

>> No.15890664
File: 34 KB, 403x456, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job getting rid of the spambots YT

>> No.15890705

we need a vid like the holocaust vid...


CCVid Arc

>> No.15890715

So either their stream platform dies because non-contract streamers flee to Twitch which isn't losing watch hours at -20%/quarter or they apologize for a bug. Hmmm.

>> No.15890726
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>There's no way Youtube can leave things the way they are
not only are they gonna leave the way it is right now it's probably gonna get worse

>> No.15890742

Youtube as a whole very obviously doesn't give a shit about their streaming division, and the guy leading said division is shilling NFTs and crypto on his Twitter account. Think about all the Google projects that just died unceremonious deaths. Youtube streaming is this years Google Hangouts

>> No.15890796

anon they couldn't care less about the niche live gaming section of their website, most people at the top probably don't even know you can livestream on youtube

>> No.15890826

Yes, that's why they're spending a hundred million dollars in 2021/2022 to recruit top streamers from Twitch. Because they don't give a fuck about it.

>> No.15890842

kek, that just rubs salt in the wound

>> No.15890856

The division head being a cryptofag explains a lot

>> No.15890882

Apparently this isn't affecting their non-vtubing normie streamers, which is what 99% of their streams consist of. Corpo vtubers don't have the flexibility to flee, and non-corpo vtubers that could make the move are hardly a drop in the bucket for them. So unless this hits Ludwig and he makes a gigantic fuss about it, I don't expect the to give a flying fart about it.

>> No.15890886

Their revenue in q3 alone was 7 billion dollars. For someone making 50K a year it would be the equivalent of spending around $150 bucks. It's a rounding error for their accounting department

>> No.15890901
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You're probably not far off.

>> No.15890970

Do we have a gold with 20k+ ccv since new year?

>> No.15891005

Winners of the day
#01 Chloe 39.2k
#02 Korone 48.1k
#03 Pekora 59.7k
#04 Nijisanji 14k
#05 Toya 19.7k

>> No.15891008


>> No.15891123

>#03 Pekora 59.7k
That may have been an actual massive stream. Like a 100ker.

>> No.15891211

The other day an anon posted an image of FBK archive views where one stream had half the live viewed but same total views shortly after it ended(~740k) well since then it lost about 10k views and still hasn’t gotten back to 740k.

>> No.15891248

Yes? It's better to say "Whoops there was a glitch in the system! We fixed it" than killing off your entire streaming business by permanently fucking up the numbers in a way that means you'll never be able to compete with Twitch.

>> No.15891278

More and more ENs are confirming they're not streaming the Mario Kart tournament (Kiara just did). Maybe they believe the contagion rrat?

>> No.15891282

The VOD views are roughly inline with the first PekoMari 1-block stream which got 81k CCV and was 45 min longer. Might have been close to 100k for sure, and that was with split pov as well.

>> No.15891285

Forget about Twitch, they're losing to Facebook Gaming now before this second cull.

>> No.15891294
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Now I understand what madness looks like.

>> No.15891301

That's what they said the last time this happened.

>> No.15891311
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...how do we know that video view numbers are accurate?

>> No.15891319

They're trying not to split the remaining viewers up too much so the event doesn't max out at 5k CCV

>> No.15891345

Google would rather burn YT gaming then eat the humiliation of admitting such as massive fuck up.

>> No.15891358

Nobody said that last time it happened and the 2020 cull was a simple 30% cut across the board. A complete nothingburger compared to this. If this cull was like 2020 nobody would expect it to be fixed.

>> No.15891360

YouTube removes views when it thinks they're too "low quality" like someone tabbing or refreshing too much.

>> No.15891378

Either that or they know they'll get an embarrassingly small number with all the split POVs and the cull. We'll be left with people like Gura and people that don't care about numbers like Ina and Sana.

>> No.15891381
File: 512 KB, 1272x990, enna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With this stream having likely peaked, this 8th lowest stream by Enna, with the only ones lower than that being

>2 "Cat Lady" gaming streams
>2 Superchat reading
>1 Watchalong
>1 game collab with Petra
>1 game collab with all of Ethyria

Her last 8 streams CCV were


>> No.15891395

>killing off your entire streaming business
Yeah, streamers totally make their money off of their CCV.

>> No.15891414

Whatever gives you hope. This is not a mistake, it was done intentionally.

>> No.15891448

The ultimate issue is that youtube doesn't care about ccv and does not place much importance on that. Consider this, despite them messing with ccv all over 2020 and 2021, none of their changes have affected vod counts and watch time. Why? Because youtube doesn't pay based on ccv but they do pay based off watch time and vods. Hence, they allow their engineers to mess around with ccv because in their mind, ccv is a meaningless metric that can be freely messed around with without impacting payout or anything important.

What they fail to realize is that while ccv does not have any hard effects, as in ccv cannot be directly converted into money it has an immense psychological impact both on the people who stream on youtube, and the people who watch streams on youtube. If the guy who runs youtube gaming has any sense, he'd be on the horn yelling to the backend team about fucking over his marketing strategy, but I'd half the stuff I heard about him is true I doubt that very much

>> No.15891458

The two culls are completely different situations. The first one seems like it was to give advertises a more accurate idea of how many people actually see the ads (could've done this back end but whatever). This cull I fail to understand how it would benefit them at all, besides maybe the rrat of them hating vtubers.

>> No.15891476

Kiara announced that before the cull came out in force, mostly because it starts at 5am for her

>> No.15891504

The sky is falling, nobody gives a shit

>> No.15891508

>Come to Youtube! You'll get a quarter of the audience as you do on Twitch!
Not a very appealing pitch. They're paying streamers to move over, they want people using their platform. Deliberately not fixing a bug that is directly undermining their attempts to compete with Twitch is outright stupidity.

>> No.15891527
File: 326 KB, 1265x992, hitman enna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is her prev Hitman, on last 30th. Missed 2k by 4

>> No.15891553

> Not streaming their POV
Then how does anyone know how well they are doing ? Their reaction to the race ?

>> No.15891558

>that cliff

>> No.15891565

YT might not pay attention to CCV but advertisers sure as fuck do. If you're getting paid to do a sponsored stream, and you don't hit the numbers they are expecting, you're less likely to get repeat business, or may even be paid less depending on the contract

>> No.15891577

That was her fucking up her OBS settings, I think.

>> No.15891603

>people like Gura
I hope. It's on her schedule, but she has a habit of not putting up her POV for big collabs lately.

>> No.15891605

>a simple 30% cut across the board

>> No.15891618

Yeah, go to Twitch, have 1k viewbots I mean viewers and wonder why you're still struggling to pay rent.

If anything, this filters out all the idiots. The smart streamers will stay with YouTube and make their big bucks.

>> No.15891626

its over...

>> No.15891634

>killing off your entire streaming business by permanently fucking up the numbers
You see this is where you're caught in the echo chamber of vtubing. Although vtubers put up respectable numbers, they're hardly the brunt of what Youtube live streaming has to offer as a whole. The culling isn't effecting normie streamers, apparently. Admitting their fuckery just to cater to the niche of vtubing might be even more of a detriment to their bottom line, not to mention to their pride.

>> No.15891663

Laplus' most recent karaoke got only got a 7k average CCV for 100 minutes. She ended up with 250k VOD views. That means people only watched 3 minutes of her karaoke, which is terrible retention. Think she'd keep them better on twitch?

>> No.15891700

A 1k streamer on Twitch makes more money than a 1k streamer on youtube.


>> No.15891723

Gura said if she lose the race, she will pretend she wins and keep streaming, but as a fan I'm used to not buying into her words and just wait to see things play out lol.

>> No.15891756

Yeah and because of shit like that I'm now wondering if views were ever an accurate metric

>> No.15891768

>Youtube streamers make more money than Twitch streamers
Whoa did you come from bizarro world?

>> No.15891771
File: 562 KB, 1164x1093, cocowata laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A 1k streamer on Twitch makes more money than a 1k streamer on youtube

>> No.15891797

so which is it lul

>> No.15891811
File: 7 KB, 219x230, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nigga doesn't know the elite 2views

>> No.15891882

Seeing all these normalfag streamers put the red dot with LIVE at the start of their stream name, I wonder if holos would benefit from doing that.

>> No.15891895

Twitch pays more by a large margin. Dunno what the other guy is smoking but Twitch culture is much more focused on donations, and bigger amounts AND Twitch can be negotiated with to get a bigger cut while Youtube takes 30% non-negotiable.

If Ludwig didn't get his $30 million transfer bonus from Youtube he'd be making less than half of what he did before.

>> No.15891920
File: 137 KB, 1265x992, mysta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, Mysta force reclined all the way down to 2k (then allowed to grow again, but not above 2k).

I'm curious to see his next stream

>> No.15891987

I guess it finally reach them then.

>> No.15891997

Pajeet bot must think that it should predict a limit to what a stream should peak at and cull it if it gets to close.

>> No.15892001

Twitch streamers should generally make more. Better ad revenue and if you have some whales they can gift you subs. Easier to get "sponsorships" as well since Twitch has their "bounty" system which most streamers can use.

>> No.15892002

nice numbers you got there twitchnigger

>> No.15892029

Probably just natural decline

>> No.15892074

YouTube didn't lose 30% watch time and 20% average CCV in Q1 2021 with a cull only applying to vtubers. We're only posting vtubers getting hit because our capability to observe outside of the vtuber bubble is limited by the lack of good metric tracking for anyone except the biggest normie streamers.

>> No.15892085

>better ad revenue
youre just fishing for yous

>> No.15892104

Have you been watching streams lately? Susan eats more than half the viewers sometimes. There were 9k people in the Haachamatsuri collab waiting room earlier, and it dropped to like 3.2k when stream started

>> No.15892129

Anon, plz. If you just parachuted in this thread at least lay low and lurk moar

>> No.15892142

For live streaming? Twitch ad revenue is far better, it's not even close.

>> No.15892149

theres a schizo spamming this thread with retarded bait, dont engage

>> No.15892150

Twitch runs a lot of fucking ads and have intermission ads. YouTube streams barely run any. For Twitch streamers that do 6-day 8-hr weeks like the hardcore grinders, they get a lot of impressions since they run an ad-break every few hours.

>> No.15892159

If you're top 50 on Twitch you're earning more than Rushia who is the most superchatted person on Youtube.

>> No.15892165
File: 18 KB, 739x415, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The flip british homo is surviving?

>> No.15892196

Finana passed the AIDS to him. It's over Luxiem bros.

>> No.15892207

Twitch plays a fuckton more ads and pays more for each play than Youtube does. All Twitch streamers periodically play ads during the stream, when is the last time you got an ad in the middle of a Hololive stream

>> No.15892248

Doesn't matter how many ads are run. What's Twitch's CPM? What's YouTube's?

>> No.15892416

Twitch had their entire payouts database dumped a few months ago and these retards are still arguing whether Twitch streamers make any money.
12K average MOONMOON between 8/2019 and 10/2021 made $2.25M with average $50K/mo in subs. That's almost $1M in ads over 24 months.

>> No.15892425

here it is what is going to happen
>Q4 was a FUCKING STRONG month for everyone, see FBK as or best example
>it's the same quarter their ecelebs started streaming consistently
>"Q4 saw an increment of [x]% in YT gaming thanks to acquisitions like Ludwig and the <<content creator of the year>>, Valkyrae leading the charts for female streamers"
>they will omit every single mention of vtubers, Kuzuha and Pekora MOG the shit of the poached celebs in total views
>no one will complain for the monthly numbers, so the drop of approximately 70% will not make the news
>they "expect" people to jump ships and "fix" the numbers just in time for Q1 2022
they are just retarded, pretty sure more than 50% of their gaming live numbers come from japan, everyone else in the world is watching twitch

>> No.15892465

lol twitch's #50 got a total of 1.3M total payout for 2 years, from the leaks, which includes donos, subs, prime, etc. Rushia made 1.6M in scs alone, without counting premium, ads, memberships etc

>> No.15892528

rushia's 1.6million is just 1 year anon

>> No.15892553

You'd have to remove Youtube's cut from that 1.6M but the point still stands.

>> No.15892571

That's the point, she did it with SC alone in 1 year.

>> No.15892601

Donos don't go through Twitch so they don't have the data on those. They're handled by a third party. Payouts from Twitch are for subs and ads.

>> No.15892608

The payout leak is bits, ads, and subs.

>> No.15892636
File: 82 KB, 277x316, 1613189242755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and now we have Chloe too, I really want to see how much she gets this whole year

>> No.15892646

I thought the argument was about either mid-tier streamers made more on twitch or youtube, assuming similar ccv. Rushia's literally the #1 in yt in terms of sc and obviously an anomaly.

>> No.15892678
File: 112 KB, 974x687, 1641356193499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch time cratered by 29% last time they touched CCV, because watch time calculation is tied to CCV.

>> No.15892684

Yeah, you would think that youtube would be celebrating Hololive. An organization that grew organically on their platform. Instead you never see them promoted and, in fact, they get kneecapped at every single oppurtunity just because they don't fit into some nicely organized "target demographic"

Instead of fostering what they already have, they just keep trying to copy and poach what Twitch does. Its maddening.

>> No.15892689

The point is that Twitch pays a lot more than Youtube for streamers to the point where a top 50 Twitch streamer mogs Rushia, the #1 superchatted Youtuber in the world, in yearly income

>> No.15892696

Yep... could see the discussion quickly turning to shit so I stepped out of it lmao. It was specifically about 1k streamers.

>> No.15892722

>they will omit every single mention of vtubers, Kuzuha and Pekora MOG the shit of the poached celebs in total views
Kuzushit doesn't "MOG" anything you stupid Nijinigger.

>> No.15892760

If it's about 1k streamers the point has already been proven in this video >>15891700

>> No.15892769

they're fucked lol, they should never have let stream hatchet calculate it as ccv*time, should have been one straight sue, but now people actually believe it

>> No.15892806

here's your (you) for the bait, shitposter-kun

>> No.15892809

You don't know how much Rushia earned in memberships and ads, how can you say he mogs her?

>> No.15892841

I would like to refute you but you are right

>> No.15892842

twitch top is made up of men, who naturally mog women in every relevant way and metric

>> No.15892844

Sue for what lol? StreamHatchet is just using publicly available numbers from each platform so if YouTube decides to chop itself at the knees, that's their own problem.

>> No.15892861

its gonna be hilarious when their Q1 2022 comes out and its another -30% cliff.

>> No.15892865

This doesn't carry the context of a vtuber though, who have abnormally high engagement rates and donation culture.

>> No.15892886
File: 241 KB, 1029x836, patient zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Miko patient zero and was the 24hr stream a superspreader event? It seems to have started on the 28th and I cannot find anyone with a more fucked waiting room than her during that day. It took her 13 mins to recover.

>> No.15892911

Oh right, that's another thing, they need to have DVR off for polls or leave them at least 3 minutes, chat and video de-sync A FUCK TON if they have it enabled, you see them talking about something and chat reacting either immediately or 2 minutes late

>> No.15892921

Because we know Rushia doesn't have 10k members, and she'd need at least 20k to compete. And 90% of her views come from her actual streams so her ad revenue is minimal at best because Youtube doesn't play ads during streams. This is in addition to Rushia herself saying she earns a lot less than a million dollars a year


>> No.15892926

Twitch vtubers are on the donation leak. They make plenty from ads and subs alone.

>> No.15892948

>Hi im Stream Hatchet, today we will be calculating ads revenue by only 10% of vod views times the avg CPM
you can a. let them do it or b. sue the shit out of them for being such retarded monkeys releasing wrong information about your platform

>> No.15892959

Literally spamming the same channel emotes over and over gets you flagged. Any karaoke stream is a "spreader"

>> No.15892974

That's after or before twitch's cut?

>> No.15892990

>Because we know

>> No.15892993

Subs, yes. Ads? lmao no

>> No.15893000

next time at least link a clipper that knows acutal english pls

>> No.15893001

After the cut

>> No.15893020

Good thing Nijisanji JP, HoloJP, and HoloEN haven't had massive singing events in the past 2 weeks.

>> No.15893026

And that's only money from directly Twitch stuff like ads and bits. They all likely make even due to 3rd party donations, patreons, sponsorships, merch, etc

>> No.15893027

Ok I know. You know jack shit so I have to spoonfeed you basic numberfag knowledge.

>> No.15893035

You can add the subs up over the time period and see that it comes to half of their payout.

>> No.15893044

I wonder when will you retards stop giving free replies to that needy twitchschizo

>> No.15893073

The people who singed in the relay didn't get immediately affected by it and holoX got some of the hardest hits despite not partaking in it.

>> No.15893077

Bro, I never chat, subscribe, like, follow or whatever and my account still got flagged.

>> No.15893079

Ads give pennies, to the point that many streamers decided to never put them out. And Twitch just forced them to automatically do it instead. The other half comes from bits.

>> No.15893096
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>> No.15893110

Top streamers have said before that ad revenue dwarfs sub revenue when you get large enough. XQC's revenue from subs/bits are paltry in comparison to his ad revenue.

>> No.15893111

>holoX got some of the hardest hits despite not partaking in it.
Sakamata, the bird hag, and the coyote hag did.

>> No.15893114

Miko went last in the Christmas relay and got massive viewership so possibly. She has been one of the members affected most by this cull. Her Minecraft stream the other day went from a waiting room of 11.2k all the way down to 1k and it only ever recovered to about 7.8k throughout the stream. The MiKorone 24 hour stream was massively culled as well. Freezing for hours on 25k, only hitting a peak of 28k, yet ending with a big fat 2.2M VOD.

Miko put in a ton of work for that 24 hour stream and it really makes me sad that she was kneecapped by youtube so hard. Oh well, at least she now has a fat 2.2M view VOD on her channel now.

>> No.15893117

She doesn't own the channel, she is just a employee getting a fraction of the revenue

>> No.15893141

This doesn't seem to suggest that though? I'd imagine xqc easily makes multiple amounts more than 300k/yr from subs alone

>> No.15893152

Technically Holos are contractors, not employees.

>> No.15893153

>Literally spamming the same channel emotes over and over gets you flagged.
Yeah, that's why Shibuya Hal audience got flagged, his Karaoke streams are a banger!

Fucking retards

>> No.15893154

You all really have no idea where Twitch streamers make their revenue don't you? Ads make a whole lot more when you get large enough

>> No.15893155

Iroha and Laplus are the most fucked ones by it and they didn't.

>> No.15893157

That is the top maybe 30 streamers. After you get past that ads are shit. Even the top 100-200 it does not earn nearly as much.

>> No.15893162

They pulled these numbers directly from their ass. At least social blade puts a huge confidence interval to make it clear, they have no fucking idea

>> No.15893178

I wonder how much of Kiara's relative stability is just because of a massive incline from all these new Korean viewers, jesus there's so many of them. We will never know how much of an effect they had because of CCVID at the same time.

>> No.15893201

lmao I thought that was monthly

>> No.15893202

Are you retarded?

>> No.15893206

Despite what you read about the US courts on the internet memes, the result of that is the judge throwing such a lawsuit out at the start. It's extremely difficult for a company to sue a publication in the US and prevail. Logitech has lawyers of their own and Alphabet lawyers would be fighting a vertical cliff of precedents.

>> No.15893223

I've heard a few Twitch streamers claim that their Youtube channels make more money than Twitch.
Also, this video says that VODs make a crazy amount on Youtube due to Youtube Premium.

>> No.15893240

Your argument would only work if you think a significant number of Hals viewers watch him and him alone. His usual audience watching NJU and spamming would flag them.

>> No.15893247

That isn't accurate. XQC has said himself before how subs/bits are basically worthless comparison.
The only actual info we have on Twitch revenue is the Twitch leaks.

>> No.15893255

Spamming ANYTHING gets you flagged. 草 included.

>> No.15893282

Well, you will NEVER convince a Twitch streamer to naturally leave just with VOD views because THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT VOD VIEWS, in fact, twitch deletes them after some time
Their success is measured merely by the CCV and they interpolate time streamed too.

>> No.15893296

>Using this we calculated revenue for each Twitch streamer based on average concurrent viewership over the last seven days
In other words they made it all up.

>> No.15893298

Do you retards actually think this is true?
All you need to do is look at the numbers from the twitch leaks and it shows that its literally impossible for those ad numbers to be correct. Subs/bits can't make up that much of a difference.

>> No.15893303

Streamers are about as reliable as strippers when it comes to disclosing their income.

>> No.15893310
File: 186 KB, 1018x836, rip doggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Korone was affected very hard after the 24 hr hour stream, but not immediately unlike Miko. She's a terminal case along with Iroha, Laplus, etc.

>> No.15893316

Yeah but most anons here believe that they are employees. I'm just trying to avoid a timeloop.

>> No.15893343

Yeah Youtube premium is great. Too bad they marked my account which has it as a fucking bot.

>> No.15893346

Every other streamer I've heard from says ads are shit. QXC is TOP 2. Of course spamming ads to that kind of audience earns the most.

>> No.15893351

Still more reliable than people making numbers out of their ass. And there isn't any reason for xqc to lie.

>> No.15893356

>trusting this anon instead of an actual source

>> No.15893361

>Livestream VODs are 2-3 times more profitable than normal videos
>Why aren't more people talking about this?
>Nobody streams on Youtube so long stream VODs don't exist!
>...Except for Vtubers
So how much money are Cover actually making if this limey made a bundle off a 1.6 million view stream VOD?

>> No.15893431

If someone does move to Twitch from Youtube they should definitely emphasize donations via streamlabs rather than bits.

>> No.15893440

That isn't true for the vast majority of Twitch streamers. Most Twitch streamers make way more money off Twitch than YouTube. A bunch straight up neglect their YouTube channels

>> No.15893455
File: 169 KB, 418x400, 1620514171160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Youtube are trying to hobble vtubers because they're soaking up tens of millions of dollars in Premium payouts due to stream VODs

>> No.15893484

No, it doesn't
If your account gets flagged as a spammer your comments will not appear in the stream when there's a chat replay and the viewers would easily notice it happening with them.

>> No.15893542
File: 180 KB, 1643x609, 1633284471325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the numbers thread tourists kun

>> No.15893546

>Rushia herself saying she earns a lot less than a million dollars a year
DYRBI? How many people would still be paypigs for a millionaire? I don't want to be cynical but it's literally impossible for her not to be

>> No.15893560

Gifting subs is even worst than sending bits.

>> No.15893638

She's talking about her income after taxes so it's possible. Top marginal tax rate in Japan is something like 50% so she'd be paying almost half a million a year in tax.

>> No.15893652

he has done multiple karaoke streams in the past time, they are SOVL and pretty funny
nowhere near to date of the cull though

>> No.15893659

>supposedly higher viewership
>much less actual engagement (Likes, comments, superchats, etc.)
Seems to me some pretty blatant evidence that Kuzushit is botting.

>> No.15893682

Nah, I don't agree with that. Gifting subs can make someone feel involved in the community and helps grow the community. Bits are just fucking worthless other than feeding Twitch.

>> No.15893697
File: 12 KB, 475x205, 62456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at this site https://twitchpayouts.com/
XQC made about $8.5 million in that two year span in the Twitch leaks (based on just Twitch earnings).
Suggests that XQC has something like only $300,000 yearly from ads. That would suggest something like $600,000-$800,000 assuming any changes from growth.
That would mean XQC would somehow have to be making like $7-8 million from subs/bits to make up that difference. Which would be absurd to believe even considering the amount of people stupid enough to donate to him
In other words, this source is complete dogshit and you have to be a dumbass to believe their made up numbers.

>> No.15893709

What if I told you I swapped their names and faces :)

>> No.15893770

>His usual audience watching NJU and spamming would flag them.
That would imply half his audience not only is shared with NJU watchers but with NJU watchers, commenters and "spammers or emojis".
APEX audience is very insular, I would say there is very little overlap between people that sit tight and watch APEX matches over and over and people that go ballistic with emojis on lives

>> No.15893771

LOL, what makes this funny is that Kuzuha's rabid Fujo fanbase are exactly the kind of people who would set up view farms and view bots much like the Kpop losers.

>> No.15893801

Bro just look at the explanation of how they got those numbers for ad revenue. It's complete bullshit. They don't even appear to be taking into account how many ads are run by the streamer.

>> No.15893803

Trying too hard. There's negligible difference between their likes and comments.

>> No.15893805
File: 100 KB, 720x367, 1627956450609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For one you need to understand that the new Twitch ads piss viewers off so streamers like to blame Twitch and pretend they don't make shit from it.
The CPM for affiliates is $3.5 which is a decent amount of money given how many ads can be run. Twitch partners can make even more.

>> No.15893812

replying to yourself already?

>> No.15893893

asmongold said people who uploaded clips of him on youtube made $50k/month on ads like 3 years ago

>> No.15893945

This is really arbitary and full of copium but for the giga-niked streams that strugglel to top waiting room numbers, the size of their dip + in-stream peak seems like a truer representation of their audience.
5000 dip + 5000 in stream peak = 10k seems reasonable.
7500 dip + 13800 in stream peak = 21.3k again seems reasonable.
Adding the dip would put her over 1k, which is on the lower side but not unthinkable.

>> No.15893955

Then why do people's comments show up in the chat on screen but not get counted as viewers?

>> No.15893971



>> No.15893987

It's a shadowban. Allowing the bots to verify their status by checking the chat output from a 3rd party would make the shadowban not stealthy enough.

>> No.15894008
File: 142 KB, 1920x1080, 1613736359987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Messed around with charting unique chatters over time to CCV, maybe promising?
Towa ->
Band Live: https://files.catbox.moe/jagm6j.png
Birthday Live: https://files.catbox.moe/u4vqgp.png
Anniversary Live (culled): https://files.catbox.moe/t60p9z.png
Ayame ->
Birthday Live: https://files.catbox.moe/yrtatp.png

Towa Zatsudans:
https://files.catbox.moe/dwr7rk.png (culled)

>> No.15894101

People here really seem think that ads don't make bank on Twitch?
Some streamers have literally stopped accepting donos and or limited them because the amount from ads, sponsorships, and merch is way higher.

>> No.15894106

Do you get chatting data live, or after the stream is over? a very large amount of chats go missing after youtube processes the stream... Or at least that used to be the case, not sure if it's still true.

>> No.15894138


>> No.15894149

Do this with consistent streams, Lives are extremely different, do someone like Fubuki on her latest Pokemon arc

>> No.15894180

Crazy part about those numbers is he told his viewers recently to donate/sub to other streamers because the amount he gets from them is 'not even close' anymore to what he's getting from corporate/other parties.

>> No.15894201

just straight adding the entirety of the waiting room to the peak gives more reasonable numbers

>> No.15894220

It's from archives, but usually the archive isn't missing enough messages to matter statistically. I'm sampling a 10 minute window to consider unique chatters at that point in time, so as long as they make 1 message within that window they will count.

I'll do those next then.

>> No.15894232

How is the Y axis defined here?

>> No.15894239

Cover certainly can't swing vary hard but doesn't niji have sony connections? I'm pretty sure they might be able to do something.

>> No.15894284

I see, last I tested, more than half was missing:
again this was almost a year ago, so I'm not sure if it was fixed or not, now i'm curious enough to try on gura's stream tonight.

>> No.15894285
File: 62 KB, 884x797, youtube analytics live vs archived ccv not the same.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, i put last thread`s live x archived ccv graphs on the same scale be easier to see the difference

>> No.15894291

Yeah this is fun and all but don't use it to make any actual conclusions on what the actual CCV should be.

>> No.15894301

Ratio of viewers to unique chatters, unique chatters are counted in a sliding 10 minute window.

>> No.15894303

Does that indicates Cover will consider moving to twitch if their corporate connections is threaten? Which is a bigger money maker than just pure youtube business?

>> No.15894321

Yes, Fubuki VODs streaming that remain consistent and untouched, but the CCV dropped from 30k to 10k in this past weeks
And yes, the VOD messages are pretty much complete, you only miss them when polling live, Hololyzer for example shows less messages being sent and HoloPoi checks the numbers after the stream ends

>> No.15894327
File: 848 KB, 1301x837, Screenshot 2022-01-05 174021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got to around 1.5k in first 2 minutes or so

>> No.15894368
File: 204 KB, 1005x561, 1616246201845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow there's barely anyone live right now from the corpos

>> No.15894406

>7 min
Too slow pops. 7 min will be discarded as "churn" by anyone trying to dismiss it

>> No.15894426

wow everyones copying this one block shit huh?

>> No.15894460

next time fucking screencap that 2mins then

>> No.15894477

People always copy what Hololive does.

>> No.15894484

I see, rough eyeball but towa's zatsus seem to get around 12% chat/ccv, where it goes up to 25% post-cull.

>> No.15894516

but holo isnt playing MC like crazy recently though, that's Mario kart

>> No.15894517
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>> No.15894542

yea that came from here anonchama

>> No.15894584

Doubtful, but it would be smart to at least dabble in twitch a little bit more than what they already have done so that they don't have to live on the whims of youtube. Is it possible for them to stream on both platforms at the same time?

>> No.15894601

>nooo the heckin numberinos only says 1,000 when it should be 2,000!!
Seriously why should anyone care, it's not like their audience is actually smaller.

>> No.15894604
File: 118 KB, 1032x812, rip fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu definitely has CCVid too going by this stream. She peak only a few hundreds higher than her waiting room. This time it's not as bad but it took her 7 mins to regain her waiting room, which is not normal.

>> No.15894613

kys, Susan doesn't even have a cock for you to suck

>> No.15894625

Thanks for putting this together. I was too lazy to line everything up.
This is an explanation of why hal saw a huge discrepancy between his live CCV and his archived CCV. YouTube is back annotating verified accounts into the CCV after the fact.
Maybe YouTube bot verification queue is just shitting itself extra hard due to some changes and YouTube contract streamers aren't affected as much because they're high priority for the servers and their viewers get verified quicker.

>> No.15894652

But why does it matter?

>> No.15894658

That's not his feed, that's the archived CCV analytics after YouTube has updated it. See >>15894285

>> No.15894672

>admitting being a tourist
go back

>> No.15894713

You retard, nijien unaffected

>> No.15894735


>> No.15894752
File: 81 KB, 1280x854, vtuber_shibuya_hal_and_others_point_out_that_a_problem_has_occurred_regarding_the_number_of_simultaneous_viewers_of_youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This time, YouTuber and viewers have pointed out that there may be a problem with the display of the number of simultaneous viewers ( same number ) of YouTube.
>Virtual YouTuber (VTuber) Shibuya Haru (affiliation: merise) is on January 5, 2022 (Reiwa 4), the number of maximum simultaneous viewers in the site's analytics is not displayed in real time, or the number of contacts Assuming that 2412 votes were recorded in the questionnaire conducted at the time of 718 people, it is pointed out that there may be some kind of bug in the same number display on YouTube.

>Hinano Tachibana (affiliation: Virtual eSports!) Tried a questionnaire vote within the delivery on the same day, and revealed that more than 4000 votes were recorded for 1251 people with the same number of contacts.

>Furthermore, regarding the display of the same number of contacts on YouTube, it has been confirmed that the number of viewers waiting for viewing before the start of distribution decreases significantly immediately after the start.
>It is unknown at this time whether the phenomenon suspected to be a problem with the same number display this time is due to the official specifications on the YouTube side. The future support on the YouTube side is drawing attention.

>> No.15894803

>Maybe YouTube bot verification queue is just shitting itself extra hard due to some changes and YouTube contract streamers aren't affected as much because they're high priority for the servers and their viewers get verified quicker.
To know for sure, we'd need to see the archived analytics for a heavily culled stream and compare it against a similar stream's chat numbers

>> No.15894821

I looking at this and it seems pretty normal. I have conducted interviews with leaders in the streaming industry and they have assured me that Nijisanji isn't getting culled. They are legitimately going through a natural recline.

>> No.15894846

Everytime kek

>> No.15894875

i think is just the degradation of their queues already. Streaming in youtube in japan and asia is huge compared to the west.
the question is wy the nijiEN dudes are unaffected


>> No.15894877

The nijisanji recline poster makes me smile. Just leave him post. I like his posts. Don't give him (you)s though.

>> No.15894909
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>> No.15894911

So youtube actually fucking updates the LIVE view after the stream ends?

>> No.15894922

If anonymous users are easier to verify due to lack of history and get popped out of the queue earlier, that would be hilarious.

>> No.15894961


>> No.15894973

A few days after, it seems.

>> No.15894978
File: 52 KB, 653x968, 1611593542660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I checked my January 2021 experiment after Hal pointed out the discrepancy in his dashboard and the live view chart is different form what I saw live, and the anon above lined it up for us.

>> No.15894977

I don't know

It happened with Mori's members a few months ago...
YouTube was shadowbanning viewers and people started to notice their comments not appearing in stream

>> No.15895033

They are making pools to count viewers for no reason

>> No.15895162

>the question is wy the nijiEN dudes are unaffected
Newer viewers without a bunch of flags being sent through a fast path through the verification process?

>> No.15895215
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1605149456728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But hey, here we are in a world where the top creators could just livestream once a month and watch their income go up

>> No.15895222

What's the basis for thinking they aren't being effected? Easily and quickly exceeding waiting room, polls that line up with their CCV?

>> No.15895281

anything new to help me cope bros

>> No.15895338

People are saying it, I'm just offering a plausible explanation that meshes with the observed live culling and back annotation of CCV analytics that we're seeing.
YouTube is verifying "spam viewers" as real after the fact and still updating the analytics to reflect closer to the real numbers, it just takes time... longer than what a stream will run for so the live CCV is heavily nerfed.

The problem is that everyone measuring metrics like StreamHatchet only sees the live CCV and not the private "corrected" CCV so YouTube streamers appear to be in steep decline.

>> No.15895346

Now this one is interesting. How did Rosemi end up being a terminal patient considering this started in hololive? She's the only Niji girl that can't exceed her waiting room numbers (and the only EN besides Irys too).

>> No.15895349

Not disagreeing that shadow bans could be a thing. But youtube chat is also just kind of weird. If I open up the same stream chat on different browsers some chat messages that appear on one chat that don't appear on the other.

>> No.15895360

We don't really know other than they are doing great relative to the other NijiEN members, honestly we have no clue if they are not affected or that they could have double of that they are getting, aka, over 10k consistently, which is unlikely even for NijiJP standards, that's why we assume they are not affected

>> No.15895383

now that there is a precedent it might be easier to push youtube around. If the ausus stream is anything to go by is just a matter fo time before it start becoming a problem on the site and probably starts hitting west streaemers too.

>> No.15895409

ah, smart move by YT, everyone affected (aka, not their hand picked ecelebs) will see a drastic decline, I see

>> No.15895416

Because Nijis don't use bots

>> No.15895425

man even im feeling pitty for finana
sub 300 for sc reading.

I used to make fun of her numebrs but now i just suscribed becasue tis is bullshit.

>> No.15895474
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>> No.15895510

I don't think it's a targeted thing against vtubers. Their verification process must be taking longer and longer for some reason and their hand-picked contract streamers were already on a high priority for everything so they're least affected. HAL is getting his CCV back after the stream archives after all.

>> No.15895520

I mean they had much bigger debuts than any of the other waves and now their numbers have dropped down to sane, if larger than their female peers, levels. Could well be getting culled at the same moderate level the rest of Niji EN seems to be, along with streamers like Ina that haven't taken as big of a hit.

>> No.15895590

What's the point of private CCV?

>> No.15895661

The YT analytics is meant for the creator to figure out what's working and what's not, like figuring out what part of a stream drove the most interest.
Years back, a lot of analytics were public but they've been moved to private more and more.

It's only in the last two years that we've noticed a steep sudden decline in CCV for channels and we thought more users were being flagged as spam but it looks like YouTube is still eventually verifying them since HAL saw 1.5K live public CCV and 6K corrected private CCV.

>> No.15895939

This is the absolute state of our resident Vshojo/Twitch fag


>> No.15895963

What does this mean?

>> No.15895968


>> No.15896010

One guy is having fun trolling with Twitch CCV

>> No.15896093

Holy Moly, that rivals that infamous Kiara post with sheer samefaggotry. Well, at least we won't have to worry about the Vshojofag for at least 3 days, lol.

>> No.15896138

>at least 3 days, lol
>implying he wont evade his ban

>> No.15896144
File: 321 KB, 1750x725, mysta poll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15896147

These twitch shilling posts sounds exactly the same as nijishills posts.

>> No.15896160


>> No.15896165

How long was the poll?

>> No.15896169
File: 68 KB, 1004x573, rfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh samurai my poor samurai....

>> No.15896180

at least post the timeframe, polls without those are useless

>> No.15896188

You don't say?

>> No.15896214

because it's the same shitposter

>> No.15896232

well, if the "started streaming" is correct, we can asume this poll is at least <15 minutes
post the poll duration next time, we are not "police viewing" streams just to prove something
we are just finding the discrepancies in the streams we are currently watching

>> No.15896243


It's at 40 minutes now and has 6k-ish, so sort of useless.

>> No.15896257
File: 31 KB, 411x176, 1627435624599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At 21 minutes:
That poll has been open for longer than the stream.

>> No.15896270
File: 39 KB, 449x275, poll time and numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15896299

Nice more pointless polls being posted.

>> No.15896308

anon you're being an embarrassment, at this point I think your intentions is to falseflag.

>> No.15896310

and I say this because there's a vshoujo nigger trying to push the narrative that we are boosting the streams on purpose just to catch polls

>> No.15896312

>39 mins

>> No.15896332

Obviously absurd and probably impossible levels of engagement, unfortunately proves nothing. Interesting to see so many people making polls though, this is definitely spreading

>> No.15896341

the absolute state of vshojo schizo
>implying he won't just change IP
you're optimistic

>> No.15896363

>implying it isn't the same person

>> No.15896397

>Not showing when the poll was created again

>> No.15896417

I feel like 80% of the streams I've watched recently have had some completely unnecessary poll. Not all of them are as obvious as Kiara's but they all feel like "making a poll to make a poll".

>> No.15896416
File: 20 KB, 437x145, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even dumb fish

>> No.15896424

>Interesting to see so many people making polls though, this is definitely spreading
HAL's reveal about the fixed CCV in the archived analytics is interesting though. We know now that even flagged users are eventually released into the final CCV graph, probably at the same time that their views are tallied up.

>> No.15896438

I don't think he's even banned, I don't see it in /bans yet

>> No.15896494

pretty sure bans is just a sample, not everyone

>> No.15896510

That graph was not from an archived stream

>> No.15896558

For polls, make sure to capture the
>time since the poll started
anything more than 10 minutes is pretty much worthless, 5 minutes is still ok
For wait room, don't post pictures every minute, it's enough with 3,
>before it starts
>the floor after it says "currently watching"
>10~15 minutes later to confirm the recovery
if you want to update between those intervals, just post the numbers in text

>> No.15896580
File: 30 KB, 489x345, 130100F5-7E56-4D39-B952-52AE562E4D76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her head is just too damn big! I still love her though.

>> No.15896606


>> No.15896613

Also don't bother with waitroom > stream start dips of under 50%, those were prevalent from way before the Christmas cull.

>> No.15896668


1.7K missing CCV added back into the final tally after processing and very much archived.

>> No.15896683

Looks like she's gonna fail to reach her waiting room again...

>> No.15896706

wait so steamers can see the true peak ccv number in their analytics?

>> No.15896725

Yes, YouTube adds all the verified non-spam accounts back in. Probably the same way we see views being added back in after the stream finishes.

>> No.15896734
File: 203 KB, 1080x1425, KiaraDeathloopPoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Kiara had a deathloop poll

https://youtu.be/Q9vd9ymQt68?t=2452 (from the vod) Around 40mins into the stream so enough time for people to be already present or join. It should be noted that the final amount was never reached during the live stream itself. She peaked at 4,748. Youtube basically cycled her viewers if you could call it that.

After 7mins of being active it end on 7353 votes. - https://youtu.be/Q9vd9ymQt68

>> No.15896739

This will be her 4th stream in a row that doesn't make it

>> No.15896760

Glad to see you've awakened from your cryogenic slumber.

>> No.15896786

We're really not sure right now, from the Hal thing it's definitely possible but either us or him could've mixed something up so let's try to get some more evidence before we say for sure

>> No.15896789

Some KFP should ask her to pull out the archived analytics for it tomorrow.

>> No.15896816

Tough shit for that, the majority of them are holed up in global and the ones in their split are newfags

>> No.15896817

Sorry, and here's the end of the poll. I thought I timestamped it properly.

>> No.15896834
File: 11 KB, 398x57, 1631727913653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri Twitter space
1.8k listeners right now
She had 1.3k peak on her previous Pokemon stream and has been getting a 3k average on regular streams

>> No.15896840

>true peak
I mean assuming every viewer is on desktop and mobile with an account and votes within a small window and vtubers get 100% engagement sure. In reality it’s nowhere near their true viewership. This is why I really want Myth to stream ok Twitch for a few days or even a week with proper hype so we can get some comparison numbers

>> No.15896847

With the way all the chuubas are chattering about it now, she might do it anyways.

>> No.15896853

I really hope they don't have the real numbers or at least let it be a recent thing. If they've been sitting on the real numbers this whole time they're actually retarded for not showing it publicly.

>> No.15896869

the numbers would be buffed for novelty though, just like debut

>> No.15896928

and why would there be a debut buff for a jump to twitch? if they debuted there i would get it but this is silly, if anything the attempts at raids might increase a fuck ton, specially towards gura

>> No.15896929

The huge discrepancy recently might be the new thing that got HAL to tweet about it. A few hundred difference can be chalked up the verification, but we're talking about half an order of magnitude now.

>> No.15896948

Yes but asking an audience to cross platforms is also a big ask. There is no perfect experiment but… wouldn’t you be curious?

>> No.15897024

someone should do a youtube poll then redirect the chat to twitch (pinned msg twitch link)

>> No.15897052

Yeah, it is kind of inevitable that tangent might come soon, probably after the MK tournament if things get worse

>> No.15897077

ame does a music bot for SC readings usually its like 1/3rd to almost half of her viewers on it. Last stream she was pushing it pretty hard early in the stream and i think the closest their ratio got was 1750 on her twitch bot to 2500 on YT

>> No.15897080

If that really is the case and say, Koyori as the numbers queen can come out publicly and show that Youtube says she got 75k for her outfit reveal instead of 25k then there will be the mother of all shitstorms

>> No.15897101
File: 1.05 MB, 1215x604, ohboi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A test run for tomorrow's numbers
Let's see how low everyone can get this time lol.

>> No.15897102

Cover probably has a ban on talents showing their analytics page at this point lol

>> No.15897118

>implying a cover talent will show their analytics after the taiwan shitstorm ever again

>> No.15897141

A lot of people watch on mobile though so they can't dual stream. Some also just want to listen to Ame.

>> No.15897180

unless she pinned it or say it on stream viewers wont know that she has a twitch account.

>> No.15897200


>> No.15897220

Reine vs Lui
Which one will be the lowest /#/ bros?

>> No.15897227
File: 117 KB, 1058x705, 1612065054790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those POVs

>> No.15897242

my money is on reine

>> No.15897329

i literally said she was pushing it really hard last time so it got a rather larger than usual turnout

>> No.15897396

Reine, but I've seen Lui become 3view before so, it will be close match

>> No.15897483

We're at the point that I'm relieved Iroha got 2k from a nearly 4k waiting room, this can't carry on like this

>> No.15897516

> 1,785 avg / 2,662 peak
> 1,313 avg / 1,744 peak

>> No.15897534

No, I want this to keep going until most of Hololive become mid-tier 3views or it will not get fixed.

>> No.15897545

Same. As fucked up as it is I'm actually hoping for numbers as low as possible.
