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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 100 KB, 800x800, mkufmtcaimtta_800x_691304cb-87f0-43cf-bd5b-096266c91163_800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15871146 No.15871146 [Reply] [Original]

>randomly decides to go Ayame mode AGAIN because of """depression"""
>cancels on the MK tournament
What is wrong with this menhera??

>> No.15871201

She's probably depressed due to something happening in her life to make her depressed. Why the fuck are you bashing her for it?

Oh, right, you're a heartless troll that only cares about getting a reaction out of people on 4chan because you live a sad, miserable life.

>> No.15871270

Fuck off, DYRB she coincidentally is the only one who constantly has personal tragedies happen that """force""" her to take breaks all the time?

>> No.15871352

No, I don't, but not everyone is built the same and everyone has different coping mechanisms. Everyone has different tolerances. YOU have no idea what she is going through right now so back off. If you can't be supportive, don't say anything at all.

>> No.15871391

My friend your vagina is getting blood all over the place. Might I suggest a tampon?

>> No.15871410

And people asked me once why i hate this bitch.

>> No.15871440

Ojisan dick to good anon, you can't blame her if she's starving for some cock

>> No.15871566

Sister what is wrong we are on 4chan right now

>> No.15871642
File: 30 KB, 350x351, 1640982831507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with her. She's just experiencing life, anon. Have you experienced life, anon? Anyways, I wish her all the best for recovery.

>> No.15871646

Why are you so feminine?

>> No.15871807
File: 14 KB, 363x328, 1641299514755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine seething over a kusogaki

>> No.15871833

She's kuso allright. Very shitty.

>> No.15871895

Reipu Correction

>> No.15871946

Everyone is built different until it comes to mathematical ability then it's just life experiences.
Get raped please.

>> No.15871987

is ok, all the hololive collabs are more scripted than WWE

>> No.15872071

People around here don't live at the height of social awareness and empathy... They think they're different. Some may even think they're special.. but in reality they are just an asshole.

>> No.15872187

having anonymity makes people worse than they pretend to be

>> No.15872226

Shion's pedo fans are really sensitive, who knew?

>> No.15872419

If you can take a break, why not take a break? I doubt her fans will hate for it. MK tournament will be shitshow anyway, so not being there is whatever.

>> No.15872572

what group was she in anyway? I just remember that B group is fucked

>> No.15872692

Is it surprised? She had quitted MK tournament twice.

>> No.15872749

To be fair no one really wants to play Mario Kart

>> No.15872835

Hey man depression can seriously fuck you up; it's not something to be taken lightly.

>> No.15872895

You niggers are terrible. If you were actually membered to her or even followed her on twitter, then you would know that she's been sick a lot lately

>> No.15872897

go and ask her yourself instead of the smooth brains that hang out in this shit hole. you have my blessing

>> No.15872922

Isn't she still a teenager?

That's be the reason. Teenagers are retarded and emotional wrecks.

Don't get involved with non-hags.

>> No.15872927

i seriously doubt anyone has ever asked you about your opinion on anything in your entire life

>> No.15873034

Bro you're talking like a twitter woman/redditor

>> No.15873082

And you (and many others ITT) are talking like incel psychopath from 4chan. Not something to be proud of, son.

>> No.15873725

How optimistic..

>> No.15873888
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>> No.15874444


>> No.15874575
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>> No.15874598

Found a baby

>> No.15874653

Gotta give the W to the chumpedos this time.
Shionpedos ended up being women.

>> No.15875153
File: 67 KB, 1121x430, 1640313456496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just needs rape correction

>> No.15875237

Go back

>> No.15875244

Built for sex and pleasure.

>> No.15875383


>> No.15875813

Watame doesn't count she's the most menhera holo

>> No.15875938

I don't watch her. Qrd?

>> No.15876168

Very very emotionally sensitive, doesn't seem to have any life or friends outside of hololive. She's kind of a blend of Rushia's co-dependence and Polka's being a fuckin emo, her chat is basically her only form of regular social interaction outside of colleagues from what I can gather.

>> No.15876263

Dad abandond her and her mother, told her mother he would rather throw her into an orphanage than help raise her, mother at some point told her that her life would have been better if she wasn't born, only real parental figure is her grandmother. She gets super emotional real quick over any superchat about kids. Has and probably still does use her chat as an emotional crutch/replacement family shes menhera but in a slightly more wholesome way

>> No.15876345

Depression is not something that just goes away with some pills.

>> No.15876359

You don't understand until it happens to you bro

>> No.15876465

It does if you OD.

>> No.15876528 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15876530

>Surprised why everyone is talking shit unironically or just for the laughs
Why are you so retarded?

>> No.15876573

Except it does

>> No.15876620

Shhh anon, she actually thinks she has a shot at winning. Let her have this.

>> No.15876651


>> No.15877282

post your tits or gtfo

>> No.15877344

murasaki shion

more like

murasaki SHIT

>> No.15878013

Pills aren't even necessary. Just be optimistic bruh.

>> No.15878059

meet lord jeebus

>> No.15878105

She can't be optimistic, she's a woman.
Just like some anons in this thread

>> No.15878268
File: 1.00 MB, 1725x1375, 1640896497396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Receiving a punch like this is a good way to get rid of depression.
Man the fuck up.

>> No.15878344

Hmm.... damn depressed girl...!!

>> No.15878761

oh god, don't say that. She's been trying so hard and actually getting so much better than before, but if she fails again, her little heart is going to shatter.

>> No.15878910

>can get paid hundreds of dollars just by doing a 2 hour stream
>showered with money and presents and friends and endless praise from random internet strangers because their anime avatar is cute
>still sad and depressed
Just graduate these lazy cunts

>> No.15880041

Vtubing was a mistake

>> No.15885808

Depression is not that simple

>> No.15886302

/r9k/ is strong in this thread

>> No.15886418

half the people in the tournament should cancel to be honest desu

>> No.15886523

>yfw she gets chain stomped again

>> No.15886840
File: 324 KB, 960x960, 1632966737936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all you ojisans angry about her break,

Are you angry because she takes breaks often? Or upset that she's able to take as many breaks as often as she wants and come back to collect thousands in superchats afterwards?
Think of it this way, would you be angry if an indie with no viewers and no expected revenue took breaks as often as Shion did? If the answer to that is no, then you're not mad at Shion for taking breaks, you're mad at the fact that she has the financial security to do whatever she wants and you don't.

>> No.15887560

This image always reminds me of this.

>> No.15888545

how is poop in japanese
she's a feces brat

>> No.15888637

it actually is. you can effect change from within. you have to, even. pills can help, but the onus is on you to cope with your illness. not saying she's the wrong for taking a break, just that it is possible to cope well enough with depression to not need everyone to cater to your illness.

t. diagnosed depressed person

>> No.15888895


>> No.15889016

This is the same board that hates on ayame for literally no reason, what do you think?

>> No.15889216

the hell is this slut saying

>> No.15889411

She’s going on a New Years trip with her boyfriend for a few weeks, the depression spiel is just to keep her paypigs invested.

>> No.15889466

this. don't worry I will take good care of her.

>> No.15889562
File: 54 KB, 605x454, WhenTheLandlordComesKnockion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironic mental anguish

>> No.15889880

and this is why gore should be allowed to be posted on this board. we need to filter out more normalniggers like you

>> No.15890012

Gura didn't lick her cunny.

>> No.15890452
File: 751 KB, 1920x1080, jbfd0gmt73781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's one of the most likely ones to make to to the finals. Her only real competition is Matsuri.

>> No.15891574

Just goes to show that Watame truly cares for all that she does

>> No.15891646

>all this practice
>will still lose

>> No.15891673

>Literally no reason

>> No.15891852


>> No.15891929

Not enough Nakadashi

>> No.15892028

It's not Ayame mode yet.
It's Aqua level.

>> No.15893123

>Japan during peak winter
>Your work consists on having your ass indoors through most of the day
>Average /vt/ sister who probably lacks knowledge about how seasonal affective disorder works proceeds to catch the bait.

>> No.15893197

She is unironically bipolar. One day she's just fine and the next she has to stop living, then again everything is fine and rinse and repeat.

She's actually lucky she has this kind of job because otherwise she would need to live on welfare. Not a single company/employer can employ someone as volatile as her and people can't stay off from work payless.

It's saddening someone as young as her has to deal with crippling bipolarism like this.

>> No.15893271
File: 550 KB, 623x665, 1640434329155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just paranoid because her girlfriend isn't talking to her as much.

>> No.15893335

le trolls…

>> No.15897047

now go back to twitter sperg about patriarchy

>> No.15897155

> browses 4chan
> expect everyone to act like ledditors and white knight feminists
go back to your hugbox

>> No.15897201

But Shion would rather date Ayame than Aqua

>> No.15897280
File: 25 KB, 512x512, 1641315949747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Takes a break that will end just in time for Pokemon: Legend of arceus release
This kusogaki.....

>> No.15897336
File: 187 KB, 786x575, 1647382874823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> browses 4chan
> expect everyone to act like ledditors and white knight feminists
> go back to your hugbox

>> No.15897371
File: 182 KB, 500x500, JdjWoFnqo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> now go back to twitter sperg about patriarchy

>> No.15897455

Gura will save her

>> No.15897863
File: 308 KB, 1500x1500, 163728828482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> can get paid hundreds of dollars just by doing a 2 hour stream
>showered with money and presents and friends and endless praise from random internet strangers because their anime avatar is cute
>still sad and depressed
> Just graduate these lazy cunts
