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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15814841 No.15814841 [Reply] [Original]

umm...35p bros?

>> No.15814880

Imagine wanting a romantic relationship with a fucking baby, of all things. How fucked is your life that you let yourself get to that point?

>> No.15814881

She wants the BWC

>> No.15814921

isn't he married?
Is she a homewrecker??

>> No.15814940

How does he do it? Is it the power of ultra instinct?

>> No.15814946

no she isn't anon, she is a persona, a 2d avatar, there's a person playing a character behind miko, enjoy vtubers without being such a sperg

>> No.15814965

Drummer nikki is cute though.
And married, so dont worry about it.
Actually a few months back he talked about not doing holo covers becausr his wife was giving him shit because his fans were jokingly saying he could get with a holo girl. Glad the wife calmed down and he started drumming to holo songs again

>> No.15814980

Who's the dude? I bet he got a massive confidence boost

>> No.15814992

Shut up, I’m literally crying my eyes out over this!

>> No.15814997

you're the one sperging over a joke lmao

>> No.15814999

Jerod do be kinda' cute though, no homo

>> No.15815003
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I will sex the Migo and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.15815006

I can't wait till you normalniggers get tired of vtubing and this hobby is left for the schizos only.

>> No.15815016

What's that?

>> No.15815038

Ok I don't want to do this but here are some forbidden knowledge for you guys: that guy, he is Suisei, and his so call "wife", is actually Miko. This is literally just a wife calling her husband cute.

>> No.15815040

Sperg moment

>> No.15815065

She only likes fat men in a platonic way.

>> No.15815075

Well, is she wrong?

>> No.15815085

No that’s me and I’m literally posting right now that me and miko had sex with my bwc, that’s my sekret knowledge for the day take it or leave it.

>> No.15815120

just because i understand that she is a character instead of a real person? i really don't like when people mix the character with the real person behind it, it makes no sense to me

>> No.15815133

35p getting cucked again. When will it ever end?

>> No.15815134

So the collab is getting closer

>> No.15815136

We know, Suisei, we know.

>> No.15815170

Suisei sucks at sex but damn does she give a good succ

>> No.15815173

There is no character being played and the only real person is Miko.

>> No.15815204

his wife sounds insanely insecure, but considering how charming and talented her husband is i can't really blame her if shes worried

>> No.15815207

We know, Miko, we know.

>> No.15815209

>Hololive is fake

I knew it

>> No.15815258

I also loved using both of them while licking my shitter

>> No.15815309

I don't want to be mean, but from what I've seen she's not exactly a looker either. Jerod could probably do better in that regard, but maybe they have other reasons for being together.

>> No.15815322

see, though i respect your opinion it makes no sense to me, that's like me thinking goku is real you know? i know a vtuber it's a more intimate relationship than an anime character but to me is the same, they are both characters

>> No.15815351

That's because you're a faggot.

>> No.15815367

Miko dropped her character since long time ago anon

>> No.15815379

>not exactly a looker
that bad, huh

>> No.15815402

We know, Pekora, we know

>> No.15815404

She’s white and superior that’s all that matters

>> No.15815408

It’s ancient twitch at this point, but it wouldn’t be the first time she lost a husband. Jerod is definitely the trophy in the relationship.

>> No.15815454

i guess if white girls are your thing? but to be honest i've never been attracted to white people, all of my girlfriends have been asian or black

>> No.15815467


>> No.15815492

...that's rough. having a public divorce is pretty sad. she's a twitch streamer as well, then?

>> No.15815516

That moment when 99% of vt will never date a girl as good looking as her

>> No.15815522

looks like I have a chance

>> No.15815537

This is also before she cut her hair...

>> No.15815539

Was. she stopped not long after marrying him.

>> No.15815602


>> No.15815634

Asians and blacks do not carry the superior gene

>> No.15815688
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it aint a day on /vt/ if i'm not getting a (you) from a white supremacist

>> No.15815726

Assuming "Big White Cock"


>> No.15815812

an oxymoron

>> No.15816468
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Any other males than holostars are fine.

>> No.15816530

As long as he’s white it’s fine.

>> No.15816533

don't forget the nijisharts

>> No.15816565

Miko is a lesbian.

>> No.15816609

>chubby middle aged amerimutt
>this is what miko is into

>> No.15816641

now do the samefagging that post over and over again

>> No.15816650

Based taste, better thank her old chink boyfriend

>> No.15816811
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>> No.15816927


>> No.15816983

Jerod IS cute, op

>> No.15817068

ok and?

>> No.15817199


>> No.15817365


>> No.15817499

Sauce on the vid

>> No.15817552

Chubas aren't actors, but streamers. Just because they exagerate some traits for giggles doesn't mean everything is a lie.

You behave differently according to the situation you are in and who you are with. That doesn't mean you are acting or lying.

>> No.15817562

To do the shit he dies, gotta have confidence to begin with.

>> No.15817615



>> No.15817861

Jerod is actually a nice streamer tho. He's pretty good at drums, and he also has good energy and positivity.

>> No.15818058

At least not the ones with big fat disgusting asses with a darker shade than their skin right? Right?!

>> No.15818306

I'd listen to him order a pizza for half an hour.

>> No.15818309

That is still markedly different from being acquaintances. Thei seiyuu behind Miko acts performs in front of thousands of people, acting out reactions and personality traits which do not correspond to what she behaves like in RL (or at best are greatly exaggerated versions of how she behaves as a person). Just like facecam streamers, that's playing a character.
How do you know it's a character? A real person does not try to be entertaining with what she does.
>b-but my oshi doesn't need to try
Yes she does. This is work, you are just fortunate enough that they love their work and know how to be authentic instead of self-conscious. If you want to know what the real Miko is like, you'd have to tal kto her when she isn't streaming.

>> No.15818484
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>> No.15818533

She's commented on his cosplay before. Nothing new here.

>> No.15818712
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>average hololive viewer

>> No.15819087

So when someone is working, in a meeting and thus behave professionally and diligent, that's an act? Or it's backwards and the act is coming here calling people "faggot"? Both cases are exagerating, since most people don't behave as professionally outside of a meeting and don't behave as shitty as on 4chan. In that case then everything is an act we are all actors.

Just because you exagerate some traits of yourself to be more entertaining doesn't mean you are acting, but just playing/fooling around. Acting is what Ben Affleck does in batman movies. He's not batman and he doesn't think like batman at all. That's an act.

Chubas are just regular people who use anime avatars, not actors. They only act when they script shit like the hologras and other collabs that are mildly scripted to keep the collab on rails.
