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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15774292 No.15774292 [Reply] [Original]

How did NijIEN males become so popuar even HoloENs like Mori watch them

>> No.15774351

the only reason their popular is because there is no holostars en
if cover ever releases holostars en the nijihomos will become 2view instantly

>> No.15774428
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>> No.15774471

>You actually believe this when JP Nijimales are more popular than Holostars

>> No.15774541

Cool. Vox is a pretty funny autist so I respect this.

>> No.15774564

what is she talking about

>> No.15774607

She saw Vox debut and liked that he disliked the lorax movie, OP is seething about it hard.

>> No.15774672

OP is a onceler fangirl

>> No.15774698

It was part of the tangent about Lorax movie.

>> No.15774771

Why does he hate it? I saw it a while ago and didn't think much of it. I do prefer the book though, Dr Seuss's books are treasured parts of my childhood

>> No.15774868

You absolute fools clearly Mori was speaking in code
Highfive = Blowjob
Dislike the Lorax = In the women's bathroom at McDonald's
Vox from NijisanjiEN = My dick

Sorry that you had to learn it this way...

>> No.15775002

I hope Mori & Vox collab. They have perfectly compatible autism

>> No.15775117

I hope he doesn't collab with her because it'll just attract even more shitposters against Vox and I really don't want them invading Luxiem threads. I think it would definitely be neat if they did though

>> No.15775143

Is Mori a fujoshi?

>> No.15775170

It's a meme thing, the movie (or more specifically the character of Onceler) was a big deal on tumblr years and years ago.

>> No.15775169

It seems pretty unlikely to happen any time soon anyway but it's cute how alike they are.

>> No.15775179

Don't watch males don't watch shitty en tubers only the purist small corpo or indie tubers have value

>> No.15775181

He doesn't hate it.
He was praising it even.

>> No.15775353

He hates the movie with a passion, because it brings shame to the book, which he loves.

>> No.15775403

Mori is literally obsessed with males, if there was a HomostarsEN she'd do nothing but collab with them while neglecting the girls.

>> No.15775446

t. groomer

>> No.15775553
File: 25 KB, 319x300, 1632258254717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face it, at this moment every female vtuber on the planet wants to collab with these dudes. The only reason Myth hasn't done it is because Omega's an autistic tribalist. They're a classic case of the underdogs who everybody loves to root for.

>> No.15775600

But holostars has more EOP presence than NijiJP males, that's why holostarsEN might have a shot to be more successful than their JP senpais

>> No.15775614


>> No.15775675

of course!

>> No.15775697

He basically called it a quick cashgrab.

>> No.15775766

When will her "male phase" stop? She is too old for that.

>> No.15775831

Pretty entry level one at least compared to Ame.

>> No.15775867

So she is straight?

>> No.15775891

She can't socialize with girls

>> No.15775913

Vox followed Mori first and like half of NijiEN are deadbeats, they all like and respect each other. I wouldn't mind seeing Mori collab with them if they ever allow it.

>> No.15775914

Mori is EN Ollie. Cringe wigger girl that has no place in vtubing. She is RUINING EVERYTHING!

>> No.15775953

Seems to be doing just fine in my opinion.

>> No.15775975

>hating the lorax movie
I see someone doesn't want to fuck the onceler

>> No.15776003


>> No.15776018

>that voice
Jesas no wonder fujos are creaming themselves over him.

>> No.15776081

He's got a nice voice but what got me to watch him was his sheer autism when he played Smash with his viewers and Dark Souls 2 stream

>> No.15776293

I Hate Everything became a vtuber?

>> No.15776355
File: 68 KB, 180x201, 1612457920372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EN stars will be shat on by the gachis and ignored by the girls and most of the normie fans. If Calli tried to be friendly with them, they'll have to walk on eggshells.

>> No.15776486

Nah, that's Internet Historian

>> No.15776585

like literally every holo then?

>> No.15777049

Have you heard her talk about the guys from Inuyasha?

>> No.15777300

Ah, Nijifags making bait threads again. Classic. And of course Nijifags are going to pretend they aren't a cancer.

>> No.15777447

Ah, that must be the voice I was thinking. I knew he sounded like some youtuber. yes I know its not actually him

>> No.15777561

Enna x Mori original song is the dream.

>> No.15777654

Love how she tried to act like she didn't remember who it was because some of her retard fanbase will seethe like on this thread.

How do you holofags cope knowing your oshis need to pad their words about their interests to save your egos?

>> No.15777718

Simple, once again /vt/ was wrong about something. Anyways we need less threads full of assblasted unicorns and more thread about fetishes or shitposting.

>> No.15777768

>implying Calli cares

>> No.15777919

To add, there are no bait threads targeting Nijis right now. If the board devolves again to a shitfest of bait threads, it's once again because Nijis can't stop being retarded.

>> No.15778098


>> No.15778139

Imagine if holostar EN includes a japanese ESL with shota design, Mori would literally rape him onscreen

>mori secretly edging shota-star while they collab
>shota-star clenches his tiny japanese buttom trying not to cum, knowing he'll just get more antis if he keeps making lewd noises
>mori keeps making fun of him, slowly inserting one finger inside
>deadbeats don't know anything, keeps superchatting mori while they make fun of the tiny japanese manlet who keeps stuttering

>> No.15778256

She even said the word nijisanji OHNONONONO OMEGA YOU GOOD?

>> No.15778383

I wish NijiEN would just release a proper shota already. EN Masaru in content but actually voiced by a man like Mashiro. Would literally member day one if that happened

>> No.15778480

I like when vtubers talk about other vtubers

>> No.15778583


>> No.15778657

unironically and unequivocally based

>> No.15778676

Same. I liked it when Millie mentioned a bunch of small corpos and a bunch of indies

>> No.15778718
File: 137 KB, 377x280, 1633753740184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holostars' female EOPs are starting to go to Luxiem. Can you imagine what would happen if Shu collabs with someone in Holostars or if Selen collabs with Astel after Ollie does?

Oh, and don't forget that even if ENstars happens, they will be completely isolated from the rest of the company because Cover is fucking stupid. The current Holostars are a tight knit group as well and Shien has expressed his desire to not have the group expanding just because; it's not like there are 40 of them like Hololive. And then you factor in that ENstars would most likely not have many Japanese speakers, and that management also would stop outside collabs. Plus the fact Hololive fans aren't as open to males and they wouldn't have the covid buff the way Myth did. NijiEN will be the go-to for months when they debut, and then you have the obvious brain drain because of that, and the fact Niji auditions happen more often.

By the end of the month everyone in NijiEN, girl or boy, will have over 100k subs, and it's likely a third of them will have over 200k. You're guaranteed around 100k when being in NijiEN, whereas HoloEN couldn't guarantee even 300k to Sana after all this time. And that's with all the problems I've listed, plus how much more homogenized your content is forced to be in Holo. Ask yourself, what company would you choose if you wanted to get into vtubing?

Of course, there is a possibility that ENstars could succeed. I don't want them to fail, in all honesty. Maybe a miracle will happen. But otherwise, the only way for them to be viable is for Holo management to change the way they've done things so far, instead of leaving their talents to die. Going by their usual MO though, that's not going to happen.

>> No.15778809

No self-respecting male would actually want to play a shota character. It's just weird. It only works for Tamaki because his VA is a chick, and you could easily argue he's not a shota anyway

>> No.15779043

>HoloEN couldn't guarantee even 300k to Sana after all this time.
That's entirely miss "I don't wanna draw, listen to this astrologycrap instead" Sana and her dead "boyfriend" dog's fault, even if cover gave her a shit design.
If she had streamed regulary in the debut-phase, she would have over 350k by now

>> No.15779050

Have an IRL shota play a shota

>> No.15779122

Not to doompost about this hypothetical branch, but StarsEN seems to have everything going against it.
Nobody goes to Cover for males, female talents are basically the company's bread and butter. And the female talents barely collab with the males as it is in StarsJP, it seems to be mostly Mori, Fubuki, maybe Roboco/Choco and HoloID that even think about collabing at all. Nobody else would for fear of pissing off the girl's gachikois. This wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for HoloEN heavily restricting outside collabs, so this segregation will basically result in being part of Cover with zero benefits of being part of Cover.
And while the Holostars had more EOP presence, they took too long to capitalize on it leaving Niji to claim their spot. Maybe they could claim a healthy niche, but I genuinely dont see it anymore.

>> No.15779169
File: 422 KB, 609x1921, kuzuha followers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is a Nijichad connoisseur. Not only she follows Vox on twitter but Kuzuha too.

>> No.15779225

She's a cute Unitystacey

>> No.15779403
File: 63 KB, 663x470, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure had a different tone when you were posting this earlier

>> No.15779421

Ayame lol

>> No.15779570

Not him but I hate archive posters so much, always being the faggot ass, antifun police.

>> No.15779589

because Vox is fucking based, its impossible to dislike the dude.

>> No.15779648

men are more interesting, it compensates for being uglier and smellier than women

>> No.15779909

It helps when a standout in both remix contests and close friend of a song co-writer is a member off nijien.

>> No.15779995

It's weird that it always seems to be Reimu trying to get Mori's attention by replying to tweets and stuff instead of Enna

>> No.15780458

I more or less agree. StarsEN would only work if they were allowed to collab with the girls. Council (except Sana) was saved by collabs with Myth, StarsEN could be too.

>> No.15780480

>Being smug about niji original songs views when they pay for ads

>> No.15780503


>> No.15780506

There were no ads on that song.

>> No.15780570

Mori and Vox are basically the same person, it won't happen but a collab between them would be kino

>> No.15780778

You also have Ike the fellow jump king autist and golden getting over it pot Luca. She would feel at home with at least 3 of them

>> No.15781182

Not him but they use the song AS an ad, which boosts views by a lot. I haven't actually seen ads for this song, but I did for previous waves.

>> No.15781246

Yeah that's what I meant, they didn't promote this song as an ad

>> No.15781396

Lmao, dumbass

>> No.15781769


You're surprised someone who shills the homos watches other homos?

>> No.15781895

Enna's a deadbeat. Maybe she wants to stay as a fan. It's a different dynamic

>> No.15781945

Jesas you're obsessed with Kuzuha
Why do you even keep track of his followers

>> No.15782413

Because they are the equivalent of HoloMyth IE THEY BROKE NEW GROUND (not really but yes at the same time)

>> No.15782574
File: 16 KB, 180x250, 1633566097565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Love how she tried to act like she didn't remember who it was
no, her memory is actually that shit my dude, sorry
she utters names people here seethe way harder over without a moment of hesitation

>> No.15782613

That's not her voice. Nijibeggar is desperate

>> No.15782751

Can't believe they changed Mori's voice actress

>> No.15782766

he said on strem, the bokk was a good critique on consumism and over exploitation of the resources and the movie was just a cash grab with little to no message

>> No.15783615

>holostars has more EOP presence than NijiJP males
More EOP have heard of Holostars but they aren't watching, subbing, or superchatting/buying merch. Mysta and Vox are about to reach Shien's sub count. They have been streaming for 2 weeks.

>> No.15783889

She'd be the only who cares yes

>> No.15785200

They used to have more EOP presence, their numbers have declined across the board, I'm starting to think management told them to cut it out with the EOP pandering.

I agreed with that other dude said, males in Hololive wouldn't work to well due to how Hololive has built itself, nevermind the fact that the stars that all left and kept streaming are doing far better. I have no doubt that all of the stars would do better under Niji.

>> No.15785421

>so popuar
They're about as popular as mid tier holos and earn about as much as low tier Twitch thots. Male debuff is real, and it applies to vtubers as much as every other aspect in life.

>> No.15785598

And the studio even cut the one other good song written for the movie.

>> No.15786200

HomostarsEN wouls have no choice but to collab with NijimaleEN, e-celebs like Trash Taste, or 2views.

>> No.15786545

Mori was already dead to me after the trash taste podcast

>> No.15786755


>> No.15788893

They are douchebag dudebros and cultural leeches. They are very rude to their guests, unfunny, awkward and lame.

>> No.15789785

he's cute.

>> No.15790383

I respect her so much more that her love for Hololive is so strong she was willing to endure them to get her company's name out there!

>> No.15790495

You know that is not true. But ok, I still like Calli, even if I don't like all of her Friends

>> No.15790584

I want to fuck Mori like a whore.

>> No.15792734

>copes immediately after


>> No.15793975

StarsJp had a rocky start which really screwed them over. Not to mention that most of them are too autistic to network.

>> No.15794002


>> No.15794470

Also, Calli doesn't really care. IRyS probably wouldn't mind either followed by Ame.

>> No.15794962

StarsEN having actual management and talents willing to actually network from the get-go would make it more successful than their JP counterparts already.

>> No.15795147

Was actually kind of funny that a few of the Niji EN girls were outed as deadbeats. It's nice that neither side is really that worried about mentioning each other anymore as long as it's something relevant.

>> No.15796823

>Kiara exclusively refers to Pomu in a roundabout way despite them being close friends
>Calli outright refers to Vox and Nijisanji by name
what a stacy

>> No.15798827

She isn't gay you fucking dipshits.

>> No.15799183

That's not true though, Kiara references Pomu pretty readily

>> No.15799378

It'll happen sooner or latter, it's just how this board is. The Stars threads were hell during the latter half of 2021 because of the 3Ds, Council, the live concert and collabs with Suisei. Funnily enough nothing really happened after Mori collabbed with Rikka, so you might be safe.

>> No.15800052

Only Suzaku is doing better, but his content is basically just Among Us and rarely other games. Kaoru does marginally better than the mid tier Stars on most of his streams, and sometimes he gets good numbers depending on his guests, but his content is almost all ttrpg so it's way harder to build an audience compared to Among Us spam. Kira only streams once a few months and it's also all Among Us.

>> No.15804362
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>> No.15804502

Why do you assume Shinove can manage EN vtubers the way he manages JP.

>> No.15804779

>I'm starting to think management told them to cut it out with the EOP pandering.
That seems genuinely bizarre, that helped Hololive grow. Why would they not do the same for Holostars?

>> No.15805093

I don't think a song that screams ''I'm a big corporation idc who suffers i want money'' would've sit well with the suits violating The Lorax for profit lol.

>> No.15805157

That anon is schizo. Aruran stated why, he saw that everyone who showed up to meme reviews never showed up to his other streams, and that they were demanding to stream for no return.
Meanwhile, Temma stopped because he had to stream at a time for EOPs that was early in Japan, then after having family business to do in the morning, forgot about it. Temma is basically a numberfag's worst nightmare, he doesn't give a shit about reach or sponsorships, and does EN learning on his own.
Miyabi and Temma even talked about numbers, and streams with low viewcounts, Temma basically said he doesn't care and leaves numbers to everyone else.

>> No.15805462
File: 2.82 MB, 1280x720, 1640630375436.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to turn down any collab invitations by Mori as I will be too busy studying nihongo so I can fuck Izuru when I fly to Japan for my 3D debut. Thank you Luxiem for giving me this opportunity.

>> No.15805687

Not only that but a lot of EOPs were begging Aruran to do a meme review with Coco, so that might've be another reason he stopped doing those streams.

>> No.15807637


Define popular. I haven’t seen anyone outside of Vtuber fans mention NijiEN or Holostars. Male Vtubers don’t pull the same level of popularity Female ones do. Why? Because if people want to watch men play video games, they’ll watch one of the dozens of top streamers or you tubers out there who aren’t a Vtuber.

Vtubing is a way for women to stream using their personality instead of looks. It takes away the factor of sex appeal and levels the playing field for women. Men don’t have that issue because they already rely on personality for views so Vtubing for men is irrelevant.

>> No.15807871

>VTuber fans talk about VTubers more than non-VTuber fans
What a concept.

>> No.15808173


What I mean is. Other content creators frequently reference each other. Or even make it into normie media like Mr.Beast, Mark Rober or Pewdiepie. Hololive gets a few shoutouts here and there but it’s not common.

It’ll be a cold day in hell if we see a NijiEN or Holostars toppling the likes of XQC, Pewds, Markiplier, or Ludwig. Meanwhile we are already seeing female Vtubers creeping towards overcoming girls like Pokimane

>> No.15808303 [DELETED] 

How will holonigger unicorn cope with this?

>> No.15808383

>Vtubing is a way for women to stream using their personality instead of looks. It takes away the factor of sex appeal and levels the playing field for women. Men don’t have that issue because they already rely on personality for views so Vtubing for men is irrelevant.

If you see the way the female audience treats the NijiEN vtubers they are even more horny towards them then that guys are towards the female vtubers. To say looks plays no part in it for men is definitely wrong. There are girls shamelessly asking to be stepped on and calling guys their daddy just because they like their cute boy anime avatar and voice.

>> No.15808461

I don't care what faggot greynames think.
