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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 521 KB, 1280x720, portada_kiryu-coco-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15718982 No.15718982 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15719029

But Kson is great, right?

>> No.15719106

She's worse lol

>> No.15719113
File: 288 KB, 631x418, 1640983424959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, Artia was objectively a better streamer than Coco.

>> No.15719130

Taiwan is an independent country but you will never admit it.

>> No.15719261

She was always cringe as fuck but I guess the kids like that shit.

She did a great service to Hololive by getting them out zhangland though.

>> No.15719285

You're not supposed to jump into elevator shafts but you guys will never accept it

>> No.15719291

chink judas

>> No.15719320

Agreed but you can't say that without being called Chinese bootlicker by butthurt tatsucucks

>> No.15719341
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>> No.15719357

I don't need to be a tatsunoko to identify a chink when I see one, chink

>> No.15719364

But I've always said she was mediocre from the start. Revisionist remember the one month collab before her graduation as her normal when she was just average all around, except for that one reddit meme show which was her only hit, even if the memes were always terrible.

>> No.15719376

Will you get over it already Chang? Taiwan number 1.

>> No.15719408
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I accepted it.
She was just cringe but i went along because /jp/ said it was fun. It was not.

>> No.15719409
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i agree, i miss my ice gremlin.

>> No.15719435

Move the fuck on already.

>> No.15719440

her voice is cringe, no idea how she reach the no.1 spot, maybe its just stream grinding.

>> No.15719460

Tiananmen Square Incident

>> No.15719477

Maybe she shouldn't have been born in fucking China if she was that great? Fucking Chink fucks.

>> No.15719531

you don't belong here. if they can't talk about hololive there it's not our fault and we don't have to put up with them here.

>> No.15719537

She graduated get over her already...
Both you and Tatsunokos

>> No.15720094
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not like this...

>> No.15720138
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>> No.15720144 [DELETED] 

The only good chink is a dead chink

>> No.15720409 [DELETED] 

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.15720925

Taiwan is an independent country and coco was ass and whorish, nothing else to say

>> No.15720973

the tits

the same happened with kroni and calli

>> No.15721503

I accept that Coco was a reddit meme that blew up, but also helped accelerate the trend of Japanese vtubers pandering to low IQ westoids and seagroids.

>> No.15723251

Best Coco streams for me were those comfy zatsudans. But she didnt really do a bunch fo those. Her gameplays were boring, and meme reviews were beyond cringe. So yeah, objectively a "meh" chuubah. I still check her out every once in a while. Mostly when she is doing gunpla.

>> No.15723326

she might have been a reddit dragon, but she was our reddit dragon

>> No.15723455

well that's not entirely true. she was good for like, three or four videos when she was being herself and not trying to overact as some kind of subversive figure like a 90s kid would want to watch.
but the board has been been stained forever by the bug menace attacking her for no just reason, and obsession will maintain a compulsive defense even though it's no longer needed as the bugmen have gotten bored with attacking her.

>> No.15724972

She was ultimately bad for the culture. She brought a slew of Redditors into the hobby with her meme reviews and it's impact still affects /vt/ to this day, which is why you can't have a decent discussion about her without le taiwan memes. In truth she was a mediocre chuuba that people now paint as Jesus.

>> No.15725125

Coco is a trumpian figure. At the time she was a symbol. But in retrospect we all admit she was a petty, misguided person whose mishandling of the situation caused more trouble than it was worth.

Sleeping pill stream was still kino though. Sorry to say, but drugged up women are the most enjoyable. Not advocating for anything, just stating that as a point of fact that putting a woman hopped up on drugs and exhaustion in front of a camera is how you create a true artistic masterpiece. True art is self destructive and suffering. It's a shame there aren't more such hilarious trainwrecks to watch.

And before anyone says anything, no, I don't want to listen to a woman take a shit or pull out her fingernail for attention. That's just unsettling.

>> No.15725280

Her pube shaving stream was revolutionary

>> No.15725349
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I'd probably fight you irl if you said that to my face
even if you were 6ft11 and 200 pound of muscle
I must defend her honor

>> No.15725426

she belonged in vShojo, and now she can

>> No.15726113

t. me

>> No.15726818

If she could have kept the model, she would have gone straight to Vshojo which is fine. Her sense of humor and streaming antics would do well there.

I think that what made Coco different was the culture shock element she added to her streams. Once the other girls were gone, she's an okay streamer, but not LA CREATIVIDAD.

>> No.15726893

You must be in some strong meds.

>> No.15726935


>> No.15727524

She was average for a gen 4 lol, which is still pretty bady

>> No.15727667

Tiananmen, COVID, uhgyurs.

>> No.15727735

>Le Reddit Boogeyman

>> No.15728891
File: 225 KB, 465x350, Artia's new home, COCYTVS, the Ninth Circle of Traitors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope harder, she an heroed from the Net permanently and you will never get her back.

>> No.15728983

It's pretty simple
Coco bad
Artia bad
China bad
Taiwan good

>> No.15729164

>petty, misguided person
You mean total saviorfag

>> No.15729336

>the things a person does do not make them great
coco was cringe but the things she did cwere based
if you're a tribalfagging bugman you will deny that coco's influence on hololive as a whole is what made her great, and if you're a unityfagging gosling you will ignore all her personal faults for the sake of her influence

>> No.15729875

Ew, chinks

>> No.15730210

How are your spam discord today? ANDY

>> No.15730429


>> No.15730451
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Coco was not only good, but loved by everyone in the company and respected by many other chuubas whom she can now collab with, fuck Cover and fuck chink hiveminds

>> No.15730556

You must have decent IQ for understand her joke

>> No.15731108
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So, how many oshis have achieved this?

>> No.15733123

No and is sucking Chink dick to stay alive.

>> No.15733823
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Go back Zhang

>> No.15733990

Who the fuck watches Coco/Kson?

Only Taiwanese chingchongs care about her.

>> No.15734204

SEAniggers and JP told another wise

>> No.15734231

kek this bait always works

>> No.15734333

She is legit top of the indies.

>> No.15739166
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1603495875563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artia was an extremely entertaining streamer and a great gamer
coco is a whore who was never good
taiwan is an independent country
these are all independent statements with no relation to each other

>> No.15739470
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if she was soo good and entertaining,
why she is not streaming???

>> No.15739525

I love this never-good bitch.

>> No.15739655

Artia was at best okaish as streamer. Coco was better. You may prefer Artia style for whatever reason, but the one making a mark on vtubing is Coco not Artia.

>> No.15739696

You're wrong, Taiwan is not an independent country.

>> No.15740536

If she is so good why no one follow her to Bilibili? . She is suck and boring shit

Amelia always better than Artia

>> No.15740602
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>highest SC
>topping CCV on many occasions
It doesn't matter what you or I think, the numbers have spoken.

>> No.15740708

Coco has become a symbol at this point, so all discussion about her is inherently tainted by that. She was a mediocre streamer that was actually quite creative (unlike a certain "gremlin"), but also pretty cringe. Doesn't matter though at this point. Everything is tied up in her status as anti-zhang symbol. She's basically a mythical figure at this point.

>> No.15740822

Is this a circlejerk thread?

>> No.15740901

anon, by definition every thread is a circlejerk

>> No.15740922

She was good but not great. She was a great force within Hololive but her streams were boring.

>> No.15741049

If it helps you sleep well at night, then yes.

>> No.15741885

nobody cares about that dead chink

>> No.15742114

You just want (You)s

>> No.15742670

Haachama become 1 of Coco's legacy because of Coco Haachama won't graduate. That will split on Coco sarcrified to Coco.

We Hatons will indebt to Kaichou for eternity.

>> No.15742991

I thought she was annoying basically instantly because I fucking hated her voice and dumbass dopey model that she was stuck with for a while. Her spunky attitude was amusing for a bit but she quickly got too trashy/edgy and when she talked in English you could start to tell she's just kind of a trashy girl period.

The instant mark of shit taste is liking Coco. Redditors always tried to cope with some trashy ethot being their representative, or at least they used to until they basically embraced her ethot trash attitudes and basically turned against fucking Hololive itself disliking seiso-ness/purity etc and chomping at the bit to call everyone idolfags even if they have no fucking idea what that really means or what's going on. The China situation gave infinite get out of jail free cards in defending her - which I used to not really mind people doing for a while, because indeed that bug spam was complete horseshit and she didn't deserved to be kicked while already being down. However even after graduating and reincarnating on kson if you're still bringing up China to try to excuse all of her more recent stuff that's just a cope.

>> No.15743763

Be careful there, anon, someone is gonna call you a Zhang because of that post. I agree with your post though desu.

>> No.15743821
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>words, words, words, seiso, pure, idolfags, china, cope, (you)

>> No.15743867

Hololive being seiso was a meme from the very beginning, even before Coco ever entered the company. If you think Hololive was this seiso utopia and Coco was the one responsible for everything degenerate then you really are a deluded idolfag.

>> No.15744293

They forget Erolive era

>> No.15744323

Coco was great and Zhangs will never stop seething.

>> No.15745200
File: 11 KB, 300x300, 73WqifhaWUwPVGDxSAwWQGZPIve8KBh1KF6v5r_05hY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artia was a good streamer but /vt/ will never acknowledge it. Maybe in a year or two when the bugman hysteria dies down.

>> No.15745318

Coco is one of the strongest "ideas gals" but she did struggle with execution. Some of her jokes didn't land because she's loud and takes a lot of risks, and when those jokes didn't land the cringe was STRONG, much stronger than when other Holo's jokes didn't land. She could also be a bit demeaning and overly-joking in collabs.
Other than that, she was just as perfect as the world memory-holed her to be.

>> No.15745337

I hope everyone realizes at this point that this poster is basically anti China.
All he does is try to stir shit up and falseflag as a Chinese schizo, and then he enjoys as everyone proceeds to shit on China and praises Coco in the thread.
Either that or anyone who is desperate for attention and wants (You)s can just put up a Coco op and the underage retards here will come swarming to "defend" her.

>> No.15745458

Cool waste of a thread

>> No.15745525
File: 92 KB, 1338x248, wtw3sdg33333376hhhhh5648gj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go touch grass, kys

>> No.15745590

>when the bugman hysteria dies down
Will never happen unless Xi gets assassinated

>> No.15747152

> chinks
> hysteria dies down

Pick 1 and only 1

>> No.15747401
File: 776 KB, 648x864, xinnie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bear VTuber when?

>> No.15747748

This. All Coco praise boils down to "she was creative" or "she's rich." Not any of the actual work she did as a streamer.
I remember trying to give Coco a chance with her Fallout 4 streams. I ended up just using them as sleeping aids. Unfunny banter and a dead chat. Coco was nothing without her "review" shows and the occasional pussy shaving.

>> No.15748458

You people keep forgetting the fact that behind the scenes she's a massive saviorfag who does everything to help her coworkers. Ask Watame, Aqua or even Haachama herself.

>> No.15749031

You're right, I don't accept your assertion.

>> No.15752640

Artia: Fights for her country.
Coco: Fights for Reddit.

Of course, brainwashed mutts will never recognize her as superior, since she's on the "evil side".

>> No.15753289

>Artia: Set the vicious bugmen on Hololive; destroys her own life and commits online an hero
>Coco: chose to leave Hololive to protect others from the bugs; still universally respected and loved not just by HL but by the industry as a whole
Who's the traitor in this case?

>> No.15753421

She left Hololive because she's a fucking whore that wants to show her ass on stream. You're really naive.

>> No.15753644

Didn't Haachama already fucking spill the beans and explain it? She left because of you bugbrains constantly atttacking Hololive.

>> No.15753863

Country? No no no
Artia betrayed Hololive for money and Bilibili support.

Hecatia is her's reward.

>> No.15753986 [DELETED] 

Coco fans are mentally ill and don’t deserve to be argued with

>> No.15754040

This chink never play Yakuza series huh?
This is Kiryu's destiny to died for peoples's happiness who he/she loves.

This is reason why JP so sad when she graduated because they know the hint Coco gave to them.

>> No.15754132

Universal approval rating from those whose opinion actually matters. Even Sora senpai thinks highly of her.

>> No.15754181

Still better than Artiafags who built spam discord and believe Andy that destroy Hololive will save Artia from graduation

Artia's blood dirty on all Artiafags's hand

>> No.15754296

Even fucking YAGOO didn't want Coco to go. He even offered her a chance to return.

>> No.15754403

I think her's enemy in Hololive are 3 old men in content commitee board which built after Taiwan happened.

>> No.15754970

Yea she's now part of the New Cold War and well when you've being elevated as a propaganda post the truth is lost.
Thing is IIRC she never had the "I HATE CHINA!!" sentiment that most people now attribute to her

>> No.15755049

It's retards fighting retards. Whoever wins will not change the fact that they're retards.

>> No.15757689

>China is a country
When the cows in the Great Plains finally demand independence will they get their own "country" as well?

>> No.15758026

If that were the case, it would've been permissions problems at worst, but a lot of the stuff she hinted at made it look like there were staff members involved as well or at least complicit. I am not an expert in corporate bullying though. I bet she pissed more than three people off being the abrasive, loud-mouthed american that she presented herself as.

>> No.15760104

The fiasco where Zhangs got modded into Kiryukai points to evidence of managerial sabotage.

>> No.15760241

It's not about being "good" it's about being themselves. If you can't see the value in a woman being free then you don't see the value in love.

>> No.15760521

Chinks spaming Towa live right now.
That whole country should be burned down in atomic fire.

>> No.15760762

Aren't those fuckers being instabanned?

>> No.15761348


>> No.15761531

>managerial sabotage
That's what I mean. Also the fact she apparently wasn't invited to the christmas party.

>> No.15762584

>this faggot schizo thread again

>> No.15762661

If you only did post couple examples, but ok. I will trust you anonymous!

>> No.15763068

I love Coco and hate China, simple as, you spamming anti threads about Coco will not change the fact the vast majority of this board likes her, if that makes you angry you can always go back to NGA or reddit.
Or continue to scream into the void while samefagging lol, all it proves is how influential she is that chinks are still mind broken by her.

>> No.15763274

Are you retarded?
The guy is literally doing this to make anons here hate China more.
Also, learn how to sage faggot

>> No.15763297

She wasn't bad but if she were good she would be just doing the same as everyone else in the company. She was disruptive and that forced change. Hololive wouldn't be half of what it is now without her.

>> No.15763411

I don’t need to learn how to sage because that’s exactly what i did, also i don’t care what OP wants, i’ve hated china my entire life, any excuse is good to shit on those soulless bugs.

>> No.15764382

that's a good idea anon, clearly point out who you like and dislike.
I hate china, hate coco, and love artia. but somehow, people will accept your statement on face value, but say that i'm just baiting for (you)s.

>> No.15764489

>you can always go back to NGA or reddit
in your case to judas discord

>> No.15764743

I see you guys are still bringing THAT up. It was a nice ass, though.

>> No.15765036

>love *rtia
Proving once again the only “people” who hate coco are chinks and artia discordfags.
Your oshi is dead and nobody misses her, keep seething for all eternity, you lost

>> No.15765095

Isn't Coco Chinese-American? Why are people mad that she got eaten alive by her own bug race?

>> No.15765110

Anon, Artia is a subhuman that got turned into glue, it's over.

>> No.15765146

Those bugs still have a discord? Talk about being pathetic

>> No.15765248

Tpbp. Artia > the average holos >>>>>>> literal wet shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coco
Fuck tatsunocuck cultists. Your oshi is shit and I'm glad she's gone

>> No.15765259

She is Japanese-American you dumb nigger probably from SEA

>> No.15765266

Cocock the slayer of bugs, the fans of their purged oshis doomed to seethe for all eternity.
Best part is that Coco had nothing to do with HoloCN's death, it was the chinks themselves who did it, and now Artiafags are doing what the people that caused the death of their oshi would want.

>> No.15765312

it really is weird, i can't understand why for the most part they blame Coco for Artia and her chink buddies actions.

>> No.15765375

Well imagine having an oshi that is openly hated by literally everyone on the internet, no wonder some of them became schizos, they cope by blaming someone else for all their misfortunes.
I guess they really miss writing POGGERS in those twitch streams lol.

>> No.15765379

Chinks have no sense of self-awareness. Same reason why they are shit drivers and why they keep falling into elevators

>> No.15765386

I can claim to be Japanese too, retard. The west can't differentiate between Chinks, Japs and Koreans anyway

>> No.15765392

They even have Reddit

>> No.15765403

Coco is basically the John Cena of VTubing. You either love her or you hate her. But you can't deny she was extremely influential in Hololive's growth (whether that's a good or bad thing is a whole nother story).

>> No.15765443

The only people that hate Coco are chinks though, not a fair comparison.

>> No.15765462

She is fine and has new friends but your oshi died by Andy and your hands

Tatsunokos never kill their own oshi like Artiafags did already

>> No.15765472
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>gave evidence
>n-no it doesn't count

>> No.15765473

This board is 99% newfags from the EN debuts who never saw Asacoco season 1 or even 2 so what's the point of listening to their trash opinion? Of course Coco's content got worse after Cover nerfed her, she admitted as much herself, but if you weren't around for the first half of her career your opinion is worse than useless

>> No.15765485

The difference is that Japs, Koreans and Taiwanese didn't experience Mao's Cultural Devolution, which was a civilization-scale lobotomy. They still retained their humanity.

>> No.15765541

Because they really believe Andy that spam Coco until Hololive kneels to China will make Artia survive.

They did not know Andy never care Artia and they want Artia dead for more drama before Holofes2 but fail

>> No.15765623

>just her word
Kek. I would keep my stance too if I was actually defending a chink against another chink.

Yeah, but you think the West cares about that? They just see Skin color and say "muh chink bugs"

>> No.15765624

> We live when Towa yab happened

>> No.15765642

You need to be over 18 to post here retard

>> No.15765677

Oh we care anon

> Chink is mindset not race

>> No.15765718

it's her own words against you, some random nigger on the internet.
it's pretty good evidence imho.
instead of shitflinging, present your own, and no, voices in your head doesn't count.

>> No.15765887
File: 121 KB, 592x740, 1630834763472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was never my favorite, not be a long shot, but she was entertaining and did a lot of good for the company, which deserves some respect. After Coco graduated, I watched Kson for a while, but time after time she kept trying to branch out to everything that goes against vtubing culture, for example collabs with anitubers, doxxniggers, vwhorejo and even brought on former still active colleagues on livecam. So while I don't hate her at all, she's not for me so she went on my ignore list
Have a good one cocofags and antiniggers

>> No.15765926


>> No.15765950


>> No.15766028

The amount of ESLs in this thread is astounding

>> No.15766044

Haachama become Coco's legacy. She will never graduate by her own will that will make Coco's sarcrified in vain.

Coco really save Haachama

>> No.15766052

people with desperate need of attention know that if you make a coco/kson thread with a retarded take attached to it motherfuckers are going to take the bait, you guys are the problem not the anon creating the thread

>> No.15766079

actual chink thread JESAS

>> No.15766132 [DELETED] 

A way to differentiate lobotomised bugmen from actual human beings is to ask them if Taiwan is a country and Tiananmen Square happened.

>> No.15766163

I know, I just wanna see Coco go, "U can't see me!"

>> No.15766328

This thread would have been dead yesterday if OP didn't bump it every 2 hours.

>> No.15766330

She's a 3.8/5 Not Great Not Terrible.

>> No.15766585
File: 232 KB, 543x304, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was fundamental in shaping Hololive but otherwise she wasn't a particularly good streamer.

It's kind of a shame because she definitely thrived when she was filling the wild card role in the overall group. As a solo streamer she's just meh, although, to be fair, this goes for a lot of Holos too.

>> No.15766657

So was it a tail or a dildo?

>> No.15766667

Well, you have a lot of overlapping fanbases in the first one vs just one girl doing karaoke. Ofc the one with more people is going to have more views.

>> No.15766731

>Big event vs Superchat reading
This shows that /vt/ don't watch any stream, what's the point of having this board if no one watches stream?

>> No.15766785

I mean if you believe Haachama then Coco was a moron on purpose who blew shit up and made the situation worse. Even for Haachama. That’s an embarrassing display of saviourfagging.

>> No.15766817

This assumes Haachama's being a schizo didn't result in her making shit up.

>> No.15766948

>100 credit points added to your account

>> No.15766983

>in denial
>Believe everything she says
LMAO. I bet you believe what every influencer says about themselves. Trust me, I love Coco. She's funny but you're pathetic.

A chink is still a chink, anon.

>> No.15767050

Time to get this thread to autosage so I can leave laughing at my (YOU) harvest. Ratio of (YOU)s to being called a Chink/Bug/Chinese is pretty low todsu.

>> No.15767089

This but unironically

>> No.15767115

Of course not, Fuck that chink. All chinks should graduate like her.

>> No.15767161

Nobody read this?

>> No.15767175

>She was fundamental in shaping Hololive
If you mean by appealing to EOPs beyond what any sane jp would do then I agree. That's it, that's literally all she ever did. appeal to EOPs.

>> No.15767220

EOPs hardly watched her besides the meme reviews

>> No.15767221


>> No.15767346

nta, but the one in denial is you, cause every counter argument is
>trust me bro

>> No.15767465

My point is that she could be there instead of having some shitty sub 1k viewers SC reading.

>> No.15767555

the other way around, forced myself to support her when the whole taiwan shitshow occured, even when her content was shit. but now that the whole thing has died down I have no reason to pretend she is any good.

>> No.15767586

It's a common result DESU. But of course since you're not lapping up her shit you're a Bug because her fanbase is that thin skinned

>> No.15767592

Aqua said Taiwan (specifically regarding bubble tea - "not from China, it's Taiwan")
NGA started to seethe and dislike bombed her

Choco had Tibet as one of the answers in her Trivia show (can't find any surviving links for this one, but there's a lot of anons in the archives talking about it when it happened)- nga and bilibili made a big fuss again and asked cover to apologise

Cover puts out an apology notice saying "We will educate our talents on topics to avoid" - this one too seems to only be on bilibili, so I can't find it anymore.

Cover is parallelly putting out more and more apologies -
Permissions ark
Mel harassment
It's all a mess.

Bilibili gets suisei to do a live show for them and really fucks up her 3D model - (looks up suisei Macro Link) https://twitter.com/TheBrando2/status/
Fans hate it but no complaint made to bilibili because "need to protect our Chinese investors"

Pekora mentions doing a live for bilibili, but that doesn't happen. Bilibili makes a huge fuss causing pekora to apologise TWICE and even yagoo to apologise

Bilibili now know they have cover by the balls and can get yagoo to do anything for them.

Haato says taiwan while showing her analytics.
Mass uprising on nga - they are going to completely bend cover to their will now.
Meanwhile oblivious to this Coco gets a superchat asking her about has analytics, so the next day she does the same -
She says "4.7% taiwan"

nga starts shitting and spraying blood out of their assholes. "This American woman, obviously did this to mock us!"
They spin up a story about how brave Coco is being a shield for haato. Reddit laps it up and starts praising Coco for standing up to the Chinese.

Meanwhile Coco has no fucking clue about what just happened - https://streamable.com/10ixnx
Asacoco gets privated while she was doing an unarchived karaoke and no one even told her why.

By the next day they are dislike bombing coco's videos and her comment section has some very angry Chinese gentlemen talking about how "this is the 4th time this year that cover has insulted our country"

Narratives say that she wanted to put out an apology - she wants to say she didn't know about taiwan.
But if she does that would be throwing cover under the bus! Cover specifically promised to train their talents! (in that apology I can't find)
So she continues streaming as normal while he's streams are dislike bombed, chat goes to shit and comment section becomes a mess.

After 3 days Cover suspends Coco and haato. They put up apology letters in English, Japanese and Chinese, with the Chinese version reading "we support the one China policy"

Later they again apologise for the discrepancy between the statements, and penalize yagoo

After 3 weeks Coco returns with all Xie wheelbarrows going at it full swing (they didn't expect her to come back).
She did asacoco without touching on the incident (ending with her now famous "fuck U and don't come back" end card)
But that evening she finally spoke on the situation - "I wasn't allowed to say anything about this, but I want to clarify: I was NOT intentional, I was just ignorant"

Haato might want to blame herself for what happened, but the situation was going down that track anyway. Her wanting to pin this on herself is either stupidly naive or extremely narcissistic.

Tldr - Coco said taiwan. She didn't do it to "protect haato".
nga was seething for many months before the haato-Coco thing, and were looking to extort cover anyway.
Cover was already swimming in controversy and putting out apologies frequently.
Coco returned and clarified that it was NOT intentional.
Haato still wants to take responsibility.

>> No.15767640

I'm sure she could have, but she thought her creative freedom was more important than the views or the money.

>> No.15767650
File: 145 KB, 797x259, 1616503282352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're comparing a big collab with a supechat reading.
Plus her stream had at one point 7k likes while only having 1500 viewers, youtube "new feature" or "bug" hits her hard, still irrelevant when she's the queen of superchats though.

>> No.15767664

based autism anon, too bad anons are incapable of reading such long post

>> No.15767691

tldr - haato is a desperate bitch who lies to get attention (like pretending to graduate, or making herself seen like someone edgy)
Either that or she is a retard.

>> No.15767714
File: 942 KB, 1181x1181, 1606141337159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some things never(or barely) change

>> No.15767863

Literally read again.

>> No.15767877

>Trust me
Her shitpost news parody was full of EOPs when she debuted. It was even at a time easy for EOPs to watch.

>> No.15767890

That's just showing she's got oil barons and simps. That's not a measure of content

>> No.15767949

If you think views are a measure of content you might be genuinely retarded, especially when her usual 2-4k streams are some of the best numbers indies get.

>> No.15767997

In that same vein, views aren't a measure of a quality's content either.

>> No.15768028

a measure of content quality*

>> No.15768079

So we're arguing about nothing! And just bumping a shitty bait thread

>> No.15768113

Pretty much, lol.

>> No.15768163

But OP won't let this thing die so push it for autosage with random chatter?

>> No.15769928

And you rather trust another stranger over another stranger on the internet lmao
I bet you never seen another asian in your life. Keep defending your chink american kek

>> No.15770317

Man, you are dumb as a fucking brick, reading your chain of responses made me question human intelligence.
>logic, nonexistence
>reason, what's that
>common sense, out the window
>delusions, maximum POWER!!!

>> No.15770931

Aqua said Taiwan (specifically regarding bubble tea - "not from China, it's Taiwan")
NGA started to seethe and dislike bombed her

Choco had Tibet as one of the answers in her Trivia show (can't find any surviving links for this one, but there's a lot of anons in the archives talking about it when it happened)- nga and bilibili made a big fuss again and asked cover to apologise

Cover puts out an apology notice saying "We will educate our talents on topics to avoid" - this one too seems to only be on bilibili, so I can't find it anymore.

Cover is parallelly putting out more and more apologies -
Permissions ark
Mel harassment
It's all a mess.

Bilibili gets suisei to do a live show for them and really fucks up her 3D model - (looks up suisei Macro Link) https://twitter.com/TheBrando2/status/
Fans hate it but no complaint made to bilibili because "need to protect our Chinese investors"

Pekora mentions doing a live for bilibili, but that doesn't happen. Bilibili makes a huge fuss causing pekora to apologise TWICE and even yagoo to apologise

Bilibili now know they have cover by the balls and can get yagoo to do anything for them.

Haato says taiwan while showing her analytics.
Mass uprising on nga - they are going to completely bend cover to their will now.
Meanwhile oblivious to this Coco gets a superchat asking her about has analytics, so the next day she does the same -
She says "4.7% taiwan"

nga starts shitting and spraying blood out of their assholes. "This American woman, obviously did this to mock us!"
They spin up a story about how brave Coco is being a shield for haato. Reddit laps it up and starts praising Coco for standing up to the Chinese.

Meanwhile Coco has no fucking clue about what just happened - https://streamable.com/10ixnx
Asacoco gets privated while she was doing an unarchived karaoke and no one even told her why.

By the next day they are dislike bombing coco's videos and her comment section has some very angry Chinese gentlemen talking about how "this is the 4th time this year that cover has insulted our country"

Narratives say that she wanted to put out an apology - she wants to say she didn't know about taiwan.
But if she does that would be throwing cover under the bus! Cover specifically promised to train their talents! (in that apology I can't find)
So she continues streaming as normal while he's streams are dislike bombed, chat goes to shit and comment section becomes a mess.

After 3 days Cover suspends Coco and haato. They put up apology letters in English, Japanese and Chinese, with the Chinese version reading "we support the one China policy"

Later they again apologise for the discrepancy between the statements, and penalize yagoo

After 3 weeks Coco returns with all Xie wheelbarrows going at it full swing (they didn't expect her to come back).
She did asacoco without touching on the incident (ending with her now famous "fuck U and don't come back" end card)
But that evening she finally spoke on the situation - "I wasn't allowed to say anything about this, but I want to clarify: I was NOT intentional, I was just ignorant"

Haato might want to blame herself for what happened, but the situation was going down that track anyway. Her wanting to pin this on herself is either stupidly naive or extremely narcissistic.

Tldr - Coco said taiwan. She didn't do it to "protect haato".
nga was seething for many months before the haato-Coco thing, and were looking to extort cover anyway.
Cover was already swimming in controversy and putting out apologies frequently.
Coco returned and clarified that it was NOT intentional.
Haato still wants to take responsibility.

>> No.15773158
File: 36 KB, 500x500, coco shine eyes glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i had even the ghostof an opportunity to marry Coco/Kson i'd pounce at ithe chance of ringing this based and cultured woman instantly despite all of these negative red flags and baggage that everyone seems to be so goddamned obsessed with, ad to really make the xi jin pig dicksuckers seethe to the point of mass an hero, we'll make a massive comeback to hololive and open the collab floodgates while ensuring that nary a single mod we have in our chats is 50cent, anti or otherwise a pozzed POS or glowie.
And if le omega dares to intervene, that thing will only have my big long hard middle finger in response.

>> No.15773182


>> No.15774252

By all means keep living in denial that she's Chinese-American and you're defending her from her own people lmao

>> No.15774354

Coco was novel. Now a lot of other holos have collectively picked up the slack and Kson is fucking boring. No real loss in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.15774667

Coco was a novel, chinks couldn't read.

>> No.15775516

Shitposting here won't bring your chink oshi back lol

>> No.15778484

I can't bare to even see fan art of Coco without remembering that she's a disgusting shave fag

>> No.15779001

Are you me?

>> No.15784591


>> No.15785311

Fuck off , Haachama just SAID about her' Taiwan in Bilibili site and it's not connect anything about Coco's intention.

Stop spinning Haachama's word Chink

>> No.15785695

Watch Kamiko Kana, she's speedrunni g her own suicide

>> No.15785941

95% correct.

> Pekora never promise anything
> Bilibili translation group in Bilibili site made promise from void.
> Pekora and Yagoo never know until drama happen.

about Tibet
> Not only Choco but A-chan also involved
> This question never point out Tibet as country because Tibet is wrong answer.
> NGA spinned rrat in 4chan that Choco declared Tibet as country
>Choco never return to Bilibili site ever again.
> A-chan was hated by Chink until now.

>> No.15790727


>> No.15793425

Link? Source? Timestamp?

>> No.15794887

I will however agree that she was extremely good to my BBC.

>> No.15796220

Ngl <1000 viewers is peak confort for someone like me who likes to chat, I don't watch kson tho, All her stuff feels off to me for some reason.
