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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15709596 No.15709596 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15709664
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>> No.15709704

The hag realised her half assed EN audience pandering failed and is considering graduation.

>> No.15709760

Go back

>> No.15709786

i post in every thread i see this image just to spite you anon

>> No.15709874

Comparing a cock starved zoomer who channels her sexual frustration into streaming vs a hag who wants to have a more relaxed and open schedule

>> No.15709917


>> No.15709936

only coco was successful at pander to EOP audiences and look where that got her...

>> No.15710322

yeah rich as hell

>> No.15710381

Seeth your oshi will never want your cock the way she does Roberus

>> No.15710410

>he said this when she the only one that still care about her EOP members

>> No.15710464

Yah, b8 m8. Fubuki streams more than myth and counil combined. Throw in Pekora and they've got more hours streamed in 30 days than all of holo and niji en. Fucking christ, Korone and Miko are doing a 24 hour joint stream right now, and one has dog cancer and the other is a literal baby.

>> No.15710497

Rich? Successful? No one cares about the bugmen menace for soon the day of the zapper

>> No.15710563

This thread is shit so I'll just say I would put both into a vigorous, animalistic mating press until I was absolutely certain both of them were pregnant with my child.

>> No.15710574

If she streams too much everyone will cum themselves to death then she'll have really low numbers.

>> No.15710631

No you wouldn't. You would not get your dick hard anywhere near a real woman, incel.

>> No.15710980

Prostitute is cheap, poorfag

>> No.15711124

I think the better question to ask is : Why is Rrat that fucking autistic

>> No.15711164

I know that the MK tournament is this week but goddamn

>> No.15712185

she's the least autistic one out of councill

>> No.15712271

In ESL countries where they give it up for near free

>> No.15712687

why Bae use Indonesian flag as calendar?

>> No.15712732

For the HoloX he numbers are going down and the laziness is setting in. Outfit reveal numbers were abysmal and it's not getting any better.

>> No.15712735
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That's just Lui being lazy.

>> No.15712800

Lui has almost as many streams as Bae in a quarter of the time. She deserves a good rest.

>> No.15712830

>Holox MTG
they playin Magic: The Gathering?

>> No.15712914

I'd say Haachama is successful with EOP.
The amount of English and translators in her Chat to this day has got to be the most out of all JP

>> No.15713030

Lui put out 100 videos/streams in one month her debut. She needs a break.

>> No.15713070

This brat always leaves like half her schedule as TBA. I don't know if its part of kayfabe or not, but it really gets the correction neurons firing.

>> No.15713069

Heres your (you) for the beaten horse

>> No.15713082

The only council that is passionate about streaming and drive to improve in marika so EN will not get shit on the tourney

>> No.15713318

Lui needs time off to get milked.

>> No.15713656

La+ schedule seem a lot less crazy once you realize each stream is going to be about a hour long. Not that it a bad thing but I find it funny people still try to use this as shitpost now, all the illusion is gone.

>> No.15714413

Quality > quantity
10 hours of varied content spread across the week is better than back to back days of endurance Pokemon streams no one gives a shit about.

>> No.15714480

>the first good Council schedule in 4 months

>> No.15714810

I agree! But it's ironic since everyone who post her schedule is making the complete opposite argument.

>> No.15714886

if your gonna be wrong at least be funny

>> No.15715665

Coco died like half a year ago, dudes. I don't know what other girl you're talking about.

>> No.15715735

>Quality > quantity
Agreed. Trying to make dozens of short streams will always be worse than dedicating yourself to a handful of longer streams.

>> No.15716156

EOP, learn Katakana.
No, they are not playing Magic.

>> No.15716215

>Frequent short streams
+ Entertaining
- Difficult to build loyal fanbase which pay$ off long-term
>Long streams
+ More time spent with oshi to build bond and more chance of interaction because the chat moves slower
- Boring as fuck after a while

You need both.

>> No.15716322
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>> No.15721941

Newfag. Coco actively tried to filter her EOP audience. Haato and even Korone pandered to EOPs more than her.

>> No.15722161

no you don't, long streams are a meme

>> No.15722455

Her roommate who took all the supas with her and fucked off to let hololive and eventually nijiniggers to deal with the chink bugs

>> No.15722572

Koyo sloppy kisses

>> No.15724170



We lost

Council is

Too strong

>> No.15724226

Ukraine is a great place to be.

>> No.15724326

Low numbers=low motivation. Hololive don't care about streaming, they only do it for money.

>> No.15724760
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The tambourine club disagrees.

>> No.15726503

Fuck you long streams are kino

>> No.15727091

>polka likes Donald Trump
if he doesn’t belong than graduate polka

>> No.15729843

Coco didn't pander to them at all, she primarly spoke in japanese, her EOP stuff was just reddit and she increased the pace a bit when she was graduating.
Kson is no different.

>> No.15738092

long streams are friendliest to the most timezones. you can tune in late and still have hours to enjoy.

>> No.15738896

>just reddit
ogey retard

>> No.15739876

Animal Crossing, Minecraft, and MK. Do you ratbros really watch this?

>> No.15742705

>JP: More relaxed and open schedule
>EN: Lazy asses
I see what you did there

>> No.15745079

>minecraft, mario kart, and animal crossing
wow, so much work. such creativity.

>> No.15745192

I wonder if Hololive makes them stream more often during the January advertiser famine to keep the ad revenue going.

>> No.15745664

Council's main flaw is that they seen to play it safe too much. Like when Ame thought Fauna's Jackbox answer was the bot response when you don't type anything. Fauna is nice but boring and Sana is boring but tries to hide it with lol so randum quirkiness. Her SEA blood can't help it.

>> No.15745681

Lui worked hard and streamed so much in her first month that she got a vocal chord nodule. Her doctor told her to take care of herself so she has to cut back due to a health reason.

>> No.15745796

>she got a vocal chord nodule
Just like Marine, who's too stupid and stubborn to actually take a real voice rest and thinks surgery will fix it.

>> No.15745916

>Fubuki streams more than myth and counil combined
>Streamed less than Kiara in 2021
What did anon mean by this ?

>> No.15746091

I like how you can just replace the names and the same is true of HoloX. Has Chloe played a single game that 10 other holos haven't already played?

Please don't bring your facts and logic into bait threads.

>> No.15750037

Overworking to a point having vocal cord problem is very common in Japan.
I don't like the overworking culture they have

>> No.15750112

Pls do not bulli lui she is very soft

>> No.15750192
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lazy my ass

>> No.15752085

That schedule layout and color scheme just looks awful

>> No.15753303
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none of you faggots even actually watch hololive, now do you
you watch hololive minus, the diluted trash version for braindead EOPs where they say the niggerword and stay home and fuck you because your tiny tiny minds cannot comprehend any more.
None of you fucks realize the immense potential holox brings because all you see is a cunny and four hags.

>> No.15753799

>immense potential
Immense potential is nothing but a buzzword. HoloX is dying. They blew their load way too early and the horrible outfit reveal numbers were the final nail in the coffin. Orca will keep on making money from her paypigs for a while and others will be forgotten by march.

>> No.15756466

This. holoX started great but is tumbling hard now. Council is still managing to stay steady with viewers. There's a clear winner

>> No.15756750

literal cope

>> No.15757141

She's so sexy... Why does she want to fuck Roberu

>> No.15760138
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kek even the laziest of EN is better than her

>> No.15760427

Oh, rrat is motivated, maybe she finally got ravaged by the winning son!!!

>> No.15760499

>Council is still managing to stay steady with viewers.
No shit, it's a lot harder to fall when you're already at the bottom

>> No.15760670
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>> No.15762218

I’m pretty sure most of EN won’t even stream their perspective of that. Kiara already confirmed she isn’t and I know most of myth probably won’t either

>> No.15762283

Longer streams means less viewer retention. The only thing they are good for is getting VOD views since watching a minute and watching the entire VOD count the same in teens of views.

>> No.15762383

Koyori has 15 streams this week iirc.

>> No.15762624

Work smarter, not harder

>> No.15767436

the lazy bitch

>> No.15769001
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>> No.15772255
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Post the actual schedule you raging faggot

>> No.15775542

That is the actual schedule retard

>> No.15775911

This is an inverted Polish flag.

>> No.15779871

Bae...why are you smiling at me like this? Please stop...

>> No.15780172

Average holoXtard
