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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15708399 No.15708399 [Reply] [Original]

If you wanted to sabotage holostars en which 5 guys would you hire and why?

>> No.15708464

why do you want to sabotage a non existent wave

>> No.15708469

5 /vt/ posters

>> No.15708501

Any 5 they won't make it past 200k subs anyway

>> No.15708505

It would be easier to say which 5 guys you would hire to NOT sabotage holostars en

>> No.15708507

5 Jermas

>> No.15708549

(you) (you) (you) (you) and last but not least not you

>> No.15708562

5 jerma wannabes would be actual hell

>> No.15708584

Those three faggots from trash taste, Nux and Chris chan once it gets out of jail or whatever

>> No.15708596

Hey hey people

>> No.15708604

And chumbuds
No, for real they are the most likely to get into Holostars En with a shady motive to fuck Gura's hole.

>> No.15708617

3 SEA schizos from /hlgg/

>> No.15708645

(you) and four of your discord buddies

>> No.15708651
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Coco but with a voice changer

>> No.15708659
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This guy with this model

>> No.15708708

5 Americans. No British accent buff. Statistically speaking will probably be overweight so that will be in the back of potential femgosling's mind.

>> No.15708720

Leafy, Keemstar, Cryaotic, YanDev, Tobuscus

>> No.15708750

Womble, Cyanide, Edberg, Quebec, Sai

>> No.15708770

Any five people from here

>> No.15708786

considering how en 2 went I dont think they need any help sabotaging themselves

>> No.15708806

I'm honestly surprised 5 schizos from here haven't formed a bootleg stars group

>> No.15708820

5 chinks

>> No.15708825

quite possibly the most unfunny people I've come across

>> No.15708836

Wanna form one?

>> No.15708847

your oshi will fuck bulldog and have his babies out of wedlock

>> No.15708862

Based. The three seanigs should all have terrible english and refuse to elaborate on where they live.

>> No.15708902

Connor, the guy Connor pays to post here about him, Bill Cosby, Andy dick, eddy's voice actor from Ed Edd and Eddy.

>> No.15708921

That one RPG guy from Vshojo
A chumbud

>> No.15708939

>eddy's voice actor from Ed Edd and Eddy.
But only if he doesn't do the voice

>> No.15709000

a Deadbeat
a teamate
and 2 chumbuds

>> No.15709005

Any faggots from dream SMP

>> No.15709194

Takodachi's win again

>> No.15709219


>> No.15709336
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Nux and someone from Trash Taste to piss off the 4chinners.
BungoTaiga for the twitter cancel.
Some sort of anit-loli
And a drama dude, eg. Hero Hei, FlamencoTV, or rev says desu.

>> No.15709386

I'd imagine none of the takodachi would even be motivated to apply.

>> No.15709404


>> No.15709422

Entire oneyplays crew as a holostars generation

>> No.15709431

Just grab anyone from here.

>> No.15709489

Jokes on you both its gonna be 5 takodachi for that nepotism hire part 2.

>> No.15709498

Woohoolad would be the absolute worst

>> No.15709529

>"someone to piss off the 4chinners"
>proceeds to list only people that would piss off 4chinners

>> No.15709539

Best post.
Rev alone could easily destroy the company from the inside, not to mention the amount of drama this would cause

>> No.15709672 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.45 MB, 480x270, cancercrew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maxmoefoe, Idubbbz, Anything4views, HowToBasic, and Filthy Frank

>> No.15710355

5 SEA men

>> No.15713476

I wish Metokur was a VTuber, he'd fit the bill of "broken" VTuber as he's busy dying of cancer

>> No.15713528

OP said sabotage anon, not revitalize a dying genre

>> No.15713669

Hero Hei
Nick Rekieta
Mothers Basement

>> No.15713853

5 /vt/ posters that are mega unicorns and simps, only play either fps games, mapping games or some obscure shit, only want to collab with the girls for sole purpose of fucking them, then they have a mental breakdown on stream after they refuse

>> No.15713979

Sounds like im the man for the job.

>> No.15714044

Any 5 AniTubers

>> No.15714093

realistically, are there even enough western male talents for a full gen who aren't either 2views, people that play only one game, or better off continuing their solo career?

>> No.15714147

>Hero Hei
This. All you need is this humongous faggot to sabotage Homostars EN.

>> No.15714157


>> No.15715513
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>> No.15715606

Holo En male, sounds like the worst fucking idea.
I would even want to sabotage it, its so bad it existance would kill Hololive as a whole.

>> No.15716056

that one Souls tuber who made fun of trannies and got away with it
Jerma (with a B. F. Bugleberry avatar)
Some trashy breadtuber anituber, free pick there are many to choose from
This kills the idol dream

>> No.15716077

Nikocado, John Oliver, Narcissa Wright, Xi Jinping and the corpse of Charles Manson

>> No.15716081

I'll just groom gura until they fire me.

>> No.15718473
File: 39 KB, 350x350, LTG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's doomed already.

The only way to save it is to hire him.

>> No.15718618

That spooky ghost indie faggot is all it would take to ruin the whole company

>> No.15718628

Anon you need to wake up, male Nijis are on their way to 200k as it is.

>> No.15718838

Well, I laughed ngl

>> No.15719193


Call it holostars SWE and see who says nigger 1st

>> No.15719294

Don't need to they already hired fucking loserbait lmao

>> No.15719326

Anon , average American is nasty fat

It's disgusting to add them to holostar

>> No.15719388

Anon, there is a huge difference between nijimales and holomales. For one I encourage everyone to not get into StarsEN, youwon't have Hololive fame, won't be able to interact much if at all with the females and be bound to collabs with senpais and outsiders.

>> No.15719431

Any 5 /vt/sisters

>> No.15719459

to be fair, FilthyFrank and Connor would make great Holostar EN's
no sabotage possible there

>> No.15719533

It's not 2007 anymore, boomer. Those guys are washed up.

>> No.15719691

Did he ever pull the rainbow Charizard?

>> No.15719784

Try 3. It's not happening anyway. They just opened up auditions so they don't miss talents they might otherwise have by scheduling them. No one is going to wait around for an opportunity with cover that might never come when another agency has one available right now.

>> No.15719824

Yeah after his friend gifted him two cases for christmas. Chad also pulled one in between sniffing cocaine.

>> No.15719868

All those guys are married, and at least one of them is a cuck.

>> No.15719893

DSP, LTG, Vaush, Ice Poseidon, SonicFox

>> No.15720092

An ALL-STAR lineup. With demo and ayame combined we could get THREE streams a year.

>> No.15720100

DSP is a cockroach so even if the rest of the gen crashed and burned he would survive. LTG Sonicfox and vaush wouldn't kill the gen though they would do lasting damage to cover and all of it's talents.

>> No.15720120

Frank mellowed out and now he goes by joji. It's probably be similar to calli except dealing with kpop stan remnants

>> No.15720271


>> No.15720281
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This guy, a fat ugly bastard chubba, a chubba as dark as obsidian that speaks only in ebonics, a non-native mushmouth autistic, and the most schizophrenic /vt/ poster with a mic from the early 2000's aka me.

>> No.15720810

4 babinikus endlessly teasing one awkward and bashful nerd.

Seriously though, one spunky tomgirl would be nice.

>> No.15720912

Cryaotic, Asmongold, Jameskii, Vaati, and Tyler1.

>> No.15720945

Nothing could sabotage holostars en more than the decision to create holostars en

>> No.15721013
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Don't worry. I'm going to join so I can fuck Izuru's bussy but I won't be an obvious retard about it.

>> No.15721379

>Filthy Frank
Konichichichichiwa motherfuckers!

>> No.15721596

If it's actual Jerma that would be great. Well, no, he would get censored to hell.

>> No.15721807

I'd hold a thread on this board where the first five dudes to get dubs would get the job

>> No.15723699


be advised, >>15721807 wants to hire you

>> No.15724076

he's a pngtuber

>> No.15724246

someone who plays aoe 2 in the year of our lord 2022

>> No.15724475

>totallynotmark for the shit takes and normie taste
>supereyepatchwolf for the pseudo intellectuality and even more shit takes but he will probably be successfull
>conncarnage or what he is called for the bitchy leftist attitude
>joey 'the animeman'
>stefan molyneux
there perfectly successfull but also perfectly sabotaged and ruined

>> No.15724496

i would clone kiara 5 times and just watch it burn to the ground

>> No.15728944
File: 25 KB, 474x266, bananadox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maddox. He has tons of experience in vtubing and would being a lot of charm and charisma into collabs. His comedic genius would attract all the girls and immediately bring an end to HoloEN.

>> No.15729006


>> No.15729047

And? I don't care about nijifags just holofags and their failure

>> No.15729595

superchat readings would actually be worth watching if this guy was in

>> No.15729903

Sam Hyde

>> No.15730129
File: 245 KB, 350x355, 2019_10_21_095321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey hey people, Sseth here.

>> No.15730390

The old cast of Sleepy Cabin, including crackhead Stamper.

>> No.15730790

Still don't buy it. Watch some of TBs videos just before he died jim sounds identical to how he sounded years ago.

>> No.15730927

It's supposed to be people who would ruing it. sseth is overqualified.

>> No.15731948
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It will be the easiest path to my oshi

>> No.15732733

I would start caring about holostars and holoEN if Rich Evans

>> No.15733052

Just 5 western Shindou Raitos, the creepiest fags available who clearly only want to join so they can groom their oshi. Not only who the whole gen be killed but nobody else would ever ask for EN homos ever again

>> No.15739382

For the people saying Jerma, do you think he's a bad entertainer or just that he'd be a bad Holostar/vtuber?

>> No.15739710


>> No.15739778

If you have a counter-argument just say it

>> No.15739795

DSP, Ninja, dream, DarkViperau, and Chris Chan

>> No.15739918

nah I'm just curious which it is for people, I've always thought he was pretty much liked overall

>> No.15740800

Just ask Niji who they would hire. Guaranteed to ruin HoloEN. Hiring males is a failed model anyway. They should just put their resources toward more females and keep the money rolling in.

>> No.15741428

Jerma fans are almost as bad as Forsen fans. They literally cannot shut up about their shitty streamer for more than 2 seconds. Both are absolutely talentless hacks too. "But muh creatividad jerma carnival". No.

>> No.15746726

Hiring a naturally funny guy who plays interesting games with a voice that makes everyone who hears it feel at least a little funny in the pants is not sabatoge, anon

>> No.15746768


>> No.15746809

5 connor

>> No.15746879

>If you wanted to sabotage holostars en which 5 guys would you hire
Nux with 5 voice changers

>> No.15746928

>naturally funny guy
While I do find his videos amusing I dunno if this is the case.

>> No.15747021


>> No.15749603

Connor for all 5 characters, up to him if he wants to do different accents for each one or just play the same character (himself) 5 times.

>> No.15750160

we all know that tyler1 is actually a genius content creator

>> No.15750278

name one other person that has pulled off something as creative as spending 3 days in a doll house while pretending to be a sim

>> No.15750519

>stefan molyneux
>he calls into the hag totsus to yell at them to find a husband before their eggs are all gone

>> No.15750760

5 Gura killers

>> No.15750859


Lmao, dude's the least offensive guy out there.


Lmao, dudes the most offensive guy out there.

Given these facts: This would be the worst combo in existence and I think it would do what OP wants.

>> No.15752246

>stefan molyneux
I thought you were talking about hack game developer Peter Molyneux for a second , and now I want to know how much money would be needed to make Todd Howard consider vtubing as a retirement plan.

>> No.15752328

Myself and 4 other people from here

>> No.15752353

Connor, Critikal, Forsen, AdmiralBulldog, and Lacari

>> No.15752402

Why join Holostars instead of Niji? Also, why do Holostarfags act like they are no successful male vtubers?

>> No.15752548
File: 91 KB, 1000x1244, what a shame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 of pic related

>> No.15752641

casting the VAs of the hit 2000 game Deus Ex for holostarEN will sabotage Cover how, exactly?

>> No.15753085

Anyone you could choose would sabotage not only their own branch but all the others as well.

>> No.15753235

HolostarsEN but it's just Gura with a voicefilter.

>> No.15753676

Holostars managment sucks ass anyway, doubt it will be any better for en. At this point males should just go to niji because they obviously know how to market their males better

>> No.15754076

Every holo has shit managers. It isn't limited to the homos.

>> No.15758290

That's not sabotage.

>> No.15758331

5 obvious troons

>> No.15758517

lost pause
ouro krono

>> No.15758655

just get the guys from sleepycast and watch as they ruin cover from collabing with any twitch streamers for the next hundred years ruining what mori and ollie have built up. this is actually an excellent idea

>> No.15758706

>ruining what mori and ollie have built up
They're just as good, anon.

>> No.15758751

I don't sabotage decent people and you shouldn't either.

>> No.15758921

how would that sabotage sleepycabin?

>> No.15759017

Mysta was one of the biggest male indies on the scene and he was still nearly unknown to the board. Forget two views, there're a fuckton of guys breaking 50, 100, 200 that the board doesn't follow. We might just get that Shoto guy or something.

>> No.15760668
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>> No.15761257

I would watch that

>> No.15761305

I nominate FitMC

>> No.15761586

Metokur, sseth, mandalore, dankula, corpse

>> No.15761965

Vaush, Keemstar, Hasan Abi, Asmongold, iDubbbz

>> No.15764063

only xQc

>> No.15764537

I mean, Polka jumped off a bridge...

>> No.15768790


>> No.15770403

>T90 moves to homostars instead of faceberg
It would be less of a cliff jump I suppose
