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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15549253 No.15549253 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see what the unicorn population of this board is.

>> No.15550231
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>> No.15550415

Can you define unicorn? I'm a jealous male who loves his oshi, if that's what you mean.

>> No.15550436

If you would drop your oshi and/or anti her over a male VTuber collab in the future, you're a unicorn.

>> No.15550487

Is the seething at people who pay for your free entertainment a sign of very low IQ? I think so.

>> No.15550644

Time to samefag so I can beat the unicorns.

>> No.15550648

If this isn't bait you are legitimately retarded

>> No.15550792

Baiting unicorns with FBK.

>> No.15550796

I don't care is a boy and a girl collab together. It's all in good fun and it doesn't matter if there is flirting. I do not think less of a chuuba if she collabs with males, live and let live. Except when it's my oshi. She cannot even acknowledge males or else I won't be able to handle it.

>> No.15550943

Yeah, I think I would stop watching if she interacts with males too much. It's not fun to feel jealous all the time.

>> No.15551013

If she spends her time flirting with someone every fucking steam then i might drop her, she can collab with males all she wants, tease each other and whatnot but I signed up to watch cute anime girls doing cute things, not you wetting your panties for some guy while going live.

>> No.15551087

Let's assume that we're referring to wholly platonic interactions with no flirting here. If you would drop her over that, you pick the unicorn option.

>> No.15551208

I don't think this counts as a unicorn, I'd only drop them over having a boyfriend. That's more for lying and leading us on then having a boyfriend, I mean I find her funny enough I'd watch her as a normal streamer and never have cared if she didn't keep explictily mentioning how she has no boyfriend and doing GFE so much that for her to have one would kill me. Actually, I'd probably still oshi her, I'd just cut myself, donate all my money to her, and eventually hang myself.
Male collabs are fine though I don't care about that.

>> No.15551235 [DELETED] 

Collab with males? Fine
Jokes about characters in the game being hot? Fine
Previous boyfriend? Not fine, but if she's good i'll accept it

Current boyfriend? Absolutely unacceptable I am now anti.*
*Exception applies to hags 30years + in age because at the end of the day they should be married and not lonely cat ladies.

>> No.15551269


I see. I'm not >>15551013 but I share this sentiment, and if that's what unicorn is, then I'm not.

>> No.15551413
File: 134 KB, 915x798, selensphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a unicorn, just a Gosling

>> No.15551550

No i wouldn't drop her for that, I'm here for entertainment, I don't find people flirting the whole stream as entertaining, simple as.

>> No.15551592

I'm fine with male collabs to a very limited and professional extent like what Botan did. But I don't want the Nijisanji model of constant cross-gender collabs (so you can never avoid males when you want to) while winking towards het ship dynamics; I watch Hololive to watch cute girls interacting each other.

What does that make me?

>> No.15551826


>> No.15552257

I've always been fine with males. I'm not fine with males talking to or breathing the same air as my idols. I don't want to see collabs. I don't want to see retweets. I don't give a shit about dudes. I want to watch cute girls. There are plenty of other places you and every other disgusting fujo slut in this thread can go to find male v-tubers and streamers. There is only one place I can go to watch cute girl vtubers. You and your ilk are trying to take that from me and if you succeed I will do everything I can to make sure everyone is as miserable as possible.

>> No.15552318

You will watch males and you will enjoy it.

>> No.15553169

so this is a copypasta now huh

>> No.15553648


>> No.15553763

>There is only one place I can go to watch cute girl vtubers
but this is factually wrong, HoloPro actually has males and is lenient towards collabs with them which many other VTuber groups don't and aren't

>> No.15553841

you will kys

>> No.15554435

>to a very limited and professional extent
>no true frenship allowed

>> No.15555546

I have now become aware of how many unicorns on this board are samefags.

>> No.15555840
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>> No.15555953

They are loud because this place is the only place where genuine dyed in the wool unicorns can say what they really think without getting dogpiled so naturally they'll cling onto this place like a drowning man clinging to a bit of flotsam.

>> No.15556099

I’m glad people are choosing the right answer at least. For those who aren’t, you guys seriously need to leave the internet have sex once in a while. I’m not saying this to be demeaning, it’s for your mental and physical health’s sake.

>> No.15556108

I share this sentiment but is indifferent about the fourth point. I have no problems with boyfriends if she don't talk about it on stream, unless its a marriage announcement like Norio's. People think the seethes are all about male collabs, but there's a reason people are mad about Ollie but not Suisei or Botan.

>> No.15556235

>>no true frenship allowed
Anon, theres a diffrence between interactions like Belmond/Roa and Kanda/Gunmichi.

>> No.15556248

Unicorns are the gems of this board, I love you my fellow unicorn chads

>> No.15556300

This or they are unicorns in denial

>> No.15556876

This is mostly how I see it as well. I'm just there for entertainment, if they get along together even better but leave the flirting out of the stream.
The simple trick (that many anons here have not figured out yet) is to just not get emotionally attached to them. You will almost certainly never meet them, so whats the point?

>> No.15556975

People just want SOMEONE to appreciate them after a harsh day of grinding, is that too fucking much to ask? Not everyone have a decent/easy life.

>> No.15557093

What does this have to do with vtubers

>> No.15557410

There's a bunch of different definitions of unicorn that get used on this board, so I don't think you'll get accurate results like this.

>> No.15558248


>> No.15558315

This, I voted "no" because of the actual meaning of unicorn but apparently this thread just thinks it means no bf instead of her being a virgin
Probably best to split it into like 5 options with multi-choicd voting

>I want my oshi to be a virgin
>I want my oshi to be single irl
>I want my oshi collab with males as little as possible
>I don't care about any of the above

>> No.15558407

>but there's a reason people are mad about Ollie but not Suisei or Botan.
Anon people here tried to pull the same shit about Suisei and Botan

>> No.15558417

anything that keeps a person from necking themselves is a good thing

>> No.15558480

No shit, I’m in love with suisei but I know I will always second fiddle unless I travel to japan and track her down

>> No.15560326

Yes, I dropped Suisei after she started collabing with fagstars

>> No.15560470

3/4 of the examples you gave are decidedly unicorn-ish

>> No.15560557

Only the first is a unicorn. This is what I mean. Newfags think unicorn means what /vt/ says it means while oldfags still use the actual definition because newfags have never been told that there are fans who specifically care about the woman not just having no bf but also being a virgin as well

>> No.15560908

I don't NEED to see male x female collabs, but I don't NEED to watch female vtubers either and often gravitate to the lads. Manjisanji has taken up more of my attention than holo shit because Oliver and Bonbon. Now that EN male autists arrived the entire EN branch has stolen 100% of my attention away from HoloEN. I do keep up with the stars though and enjoyed their live.
A slightly more well behaved unicorn autismo.
Don't matter non, /vt/ as a collective gets to shape and mold the meaning of these words now, and my friend, wanting a girl to be single IRL and interact as little as possible with men is 100% Unicorn. Now cope with your autistic demands for anime women you have to pay for attention.

>> No.15560977

Shitposters gonna shitpost there's nothing new about that but it's the reaction from anon here, at very least, that differentiate it. With some members who keep it professional like Botan, Suisei and Sora, none of them recieve any backlash from here no matter how much shitposters try to spin it.
Hell, even some other members like Towa and Fubuki who, when they collab with males, tease their collab partner in friendly manner also don't recieve any backlash.
It's whore like Ollie and Matsuri who blantantly lusting over their male collab patner that recieve backlash and get shit on by so many anons here without shitposters need to lift even a finger

>> No.15561035

I like my poll better OP

>> No.15561049

>Don't matter non, /vt/ as a collective gets to shape and mold the meaning of these words now
ogey, enjoy your inaccurate results I guess

>> No.15561069

Ah, so you're a unicorn; got it

>> No.15561562

> Only the first is unicorn
Actually the second is also a unicorn. Stop larping as an oldfag when you're not even in /jp/ when idolfags spammed their gosling thread (which is relatively recent)

>> No.15562897

so you want me to link a Japanese vtuber wiki page about the term then? Or are you being retarded on purpose?

>> No.15563035

Also I left /jp/ a while ago but "being romantically in love with your oshi" was considered the status quo when I did, not some sort of niche

>> No.15563139

They get dogpiled /here/ too, there is just more of them (they don't dare post anywhere else) and they can't be banned or anything like that since it's 4chins. They are still a sad minority, and with this poll revealing how incorrect they are when they claim to own this board they will continue to be mocked

>> No.15563463
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I'm a a proud unicorn and no I will not stay silent
keep seething while I watch my cute girls who actually understand their fans and are actually committed to them

>> No.15563529

if you posted the poll in one of chuuba geverals you know the results would be extremely different

>> No.15563624

Holochad votes should count twice as much as nijinigger opinions

>> No.15563719

It doesn't come naturally to us like it does to you, anon. We can only do it consciously

>> No.15563774

Holy cope

>> No.15563904
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homobeggars just because you flooded /vt/ recently doesn't mean your opinions are right and correct

>> No.15564174


>> No.15566411


>> No.15567149

NTA, but ah, that would make me a unicorn too I guess. Not like I have anything against male streamers, I'll probably go back to watching make streamers if Hololive gets into regular cross gender collabs after all, its just not what I watch Hololive for. Also why I usually avoid Ollie like the plague.

>> No.15567229

huh? why do we have to seeth over you being mentally challenged?

Your girls understand your disability?
All girls (Including yours) understand my normal and healthy state of mind.

What are you trying to prove here really?

>> No.15567291

there is only two types of viewers, unicorns and casuals

>> No.15567347

Based. /vt/ hasn't become reddit just yet.

>> No.15568101
File: 573 KB, 1872x936, 6664799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is hilarious to see a person on 4ch /vt/ convincing himself he is "normal"
also should I remind you what type of interaction with m*les policy two most successful Hololive earners practice?

>> No.15568214

>sad minority
>holos asking whether male collabs are fine on stream get swarmed with "no"

>> No.15568246

What Rushia and Lamy do is highly immoral, and only serves to reduce the birthrate further.
All vtubers should be contractually obligated to be in a relationship to reduce their psychological grip on lonely Nipponese men.

>> No.15568249

I have never seen a good post with the word reddit in it

>> No.15568280

You realize you just admitted to being actively retarded on purpose, right?

>> No.15568299

Hola me llamo Norman Casual

>> No.15568313

Beggars and bicorns never watch any stream.

>> No.15568342

Oh shit man, no. I didn't. Thanks dude

>> No.15568373

why not just lobby for them to have sex with their fans then

>> No.15568407

If you want to shitpost you can go to reddit, this is 4chan. We at least try our best to have two brain cells to rub together here.

>> No.15568435


>> No.15568455

Tell me more about this 4chan place. It sounds too good to be true

>> No.15568509

Once you niggas start being the majority of that poll then I might care, just maybe. For now I will laugh.

>> No.15568531

Call me when he can get Rushia, or maybe his sister to call.

>> No.15568570

Samefagging in poal is piss easy.

>> No.15568601

Hmm smells copey

>> No.15568636

/vt/ doesn't watch streams so this is natural

>> No.15568644

>It's the samefags I swear

>> No.15568686

Another advancement in the field of cope-ology. I love science

>> No.15568700

Go make one in googleform and let's see the result, I fucking dare you bicorns.

>> No.15568756

I almost feel bad laughing

>> No.15568759

You are both mad and angry

>> No.15568784
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The proofs are laid in front of your eyes. Most of high earners prefer unicorns over their male coworkers.

>> No.15568815

Bicorns... I prefer to be called the freaking GOAT, thank you very much

>> No.15568846

lmao seethe

>> No.15568857

Rushia is a special case, she can only pull off that level of advanced GFE because she is an asylum bound menhera, not just because she doesn't collab with males. Even as a non unicorn I can see that. What she does isn't replicable.

>> No.15568862

Unicorns are creatures who only like virgins, it doesnt refer to male collabs at all.
Fubuki is still fair unicorn ground she only has sex with Mio.

>> No.15568874

At least I don't need to samefag a poal.

>> No.15568892

Are yurifags really like this?

>> No.15568919

>she only has sex with Mio.

Not pure and a whore, may allah destroy your soul

>> No.15568955

You are both very autistic and upset friend

>> No.15569005

If samefagging is so easy you would think the unicorns would be winning the poal, since they seem to love samefagging so much

>> No.15569020

Yeah dudes an idiot holy shit

>> No.15569032

I dont think islamic law comdemn lesbianism as long as penetration isnt involved

>> No.15569045

Try touching grass anon, its new year

>> No.15569062

I don't need to, my oshi chooses me over males, holostars or your kind.

>> No.15569185

Your dedication to this bit is impressive

>> No.15569231

>I dont think islamic law comdemn lesbianism as long as penetration isnt involved

Kek not when isis-k wins

>> No.15569240

But you're a male, so your oshi is a whore.

>> No.15570481

>What she does isn't replicable.
Sure it is, we just need to find more girls like her and make sure they develop the attachment before the environment makes them jaded

>> No.15570686

>check playboard
>9/10 of the top 10 never collabed with homostars

>> No.15570777

I don't view my oshi as an e-girlfriend
she can have her boyfriend/lover/husband get an avatar and start doing couple streaming if she wants to

>> No.15570802

Eh, I dont mind watching Selen with males, she knows how to handle it but she is also not my oshi.
If my oshi collabs with a male that would be a different story

>> No.15570810

isn't this too far into the SEA hours for such a poll

>> No.15570963

Great idea

>> No.15571060

Drug dealer/producer in South America is also rich AF, are you gonna say they're normal?

>> No.15571151

Same, but apparently you can't say that out loud around here since this place became full of fujo/homo

>> No.15571212

>he would watch couple streams
Are you a woman or just gay?

>> No.15571215

A faggot. Your oshi will collab with males, see them flirt on stream and (you) will like it.

>> No.15571301

according to homobeggars and antiunicorns you're an oppressive male who like to oppress your oshi

>> No.15571313

Just like OreApo! OreApo is pretty successful all things considered

>> No.15571330

are you an incel?

>> No.15571871

Voted unicorn, but I'm a unicorn only for girls whose selling point is GFE, those need to be seiso and male-free. I also watch Hoshikawa, Mea and other extremely un-seiso chuubas, but I treat them like comedians and don't sperg out if they colllab with males or do whatever. However, I will sperg out if my oshi ever does that.

Norio basically had the right idea with dividing her agency into "idol" and "variety" units with the former having extremely strict regulations to keep them in line, and the later having free reign.

>> No.15571945

>according to homobeggars
>who like to oppress your oshi
>implying "homobeggars" oshis are female
Do you even read what you write?

>> No.15572011

Hololive should just do the same.

>> No.15572045

This is the most retarded forum I've ever read in my entire life

>> No.15572163


>> No.15572191

You're in 4Zhang. What do you expect, civil conversation? We're all about shitposting here

>> No.15572502

Take your cuck fantasies back to r/hololive

>> No.15572544

>Hell, even some other members like Towa and Fubuki who, when they collab with males, tease their collab partner in friendly manner also don't recieve any backlash.
not here but you'll always find a group on 5ch seething about it when they collab with men. They've also shed a noticable amount of viewers and superchatter.

>> No.15572575

reading comprehension reps

>> No.15572619

I'm not new to 4chan by any stretch of the imagination but this board is next level

>> No.15572687 [DELETED] 

>and they can't be banned or anything like that since it's 4chins
Yeah, definitely.

>> No.15572746

>>I want my oshi to be a virgin
Is there even a Holo for this feel?

>> No.15572850

Go back faggot

>> No.15572853

Shion and Akutan, could also be Noel unironically

>> No.15572930

get a real gf buddy

>> No.15572948
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Sorry, OP. I'm more of a Narrative man myself.

>> No.15572988

You first tranny

>> No.15573032

I'd imagine half of the ones that aren't virgins only ended up that way after the confidence they got from being part of hololive.
Okayu has a virgin vibe, maybe given a handjob before

>> No.15573038

no u

>> No.15573061

Hello I'm the 4chan ownage referee. I'm afraid you lost this exchange. You've been owned

>> No.15573082

>Shion, Noel
Lmao. I'll believe in Aqua unless she's a 200 IQ manipulative monster and the whole autistic thing is just a farce.

>> No.15575634

>fubuki / oga
>baelz / roberu
>ollie / astel
>selen / bobon
>towa / rpr
>gwelu / anyone
>that one VOMS dude / anyone
This is fine.

>Ironmouse / connor
I fucking hate this

>nijien males
Dont hate them but also honestly just find them kind of whatever.

>> No.15575699

I went to /ck/ the other day and felt the same way.

>> No.15575816


>> No.15575969
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Now THIS is my kind of thread!

>> No.15576495

My oshi periodically collabs with males and I don't mind. Don't care about her being a virgin or not either. But she absolutely has to maintain neet without bf kayfabe. If the illusion that we are lonely together were to shatter, I would have no reason to keep watching her.

>> No.15576758


>> No.15577034

I had to google the fuck that is. Never watched her. I think a lot of them are larping as neets.

>> No.15577433

The worst thing are not the males. Is the normalfags and mentally ill taking over the board with their cuck and dick sucking fantasies.

>> No.15577568


>> No.15577638

I'm going to make you watch me watch your oshi watch my oshi collab with males.

>> No.15577826

But my oshi has literally called me her boyfriend

>> No.15577906

Sounds like a you problem if you are thinking about that with vtubers who are not your girlfriend talking to coworkers. There should be more partnered/married vtuber couples to remind you of how much of a failure you are in meeting basic life milestones.

>> No.15577947

I very much agree with this.

>> No.15577963

>There should be more partnered/married vtuber couples
There are many though, I don't watch them.

>> No.15578730

I wasn't talking about streams. I was talking about you guys. I don't like how the threads devolved into sick people talking how sucking dick is normal and liking females is somehow gay.

>> No.15579007

Lolibaba oni wife...

>> No.15579084

Nobody gonna touch the fact that my oshi called me her boyfriend?

>> No.15579557

what the fuck is a unicorn then?

>> No.15579753

Where's the more specific answer that I'm only a unicorn when the Holostars are involved? Give me as much collabs with CR dudes like Selly/Mondo/CPT as possible instead.
Holostarfags being Holostarfags.

>> No.15579933

>I'm only a unicorn when the Holostars are involved
This, starsfags are fucking insufferable, all of this screeching are the consequence of their begging and shitting on the girls since /jp/.

>> No.15579951

>There should be more partnered/married vtuber couples
No. IRL, they should be married. On stream, unless you don't actually consume online content that much or that long, you should know bringing on your spouse or lover onto your content usually just makes shit worse. The only one I recall actually not only working out but improving the product was Elyse on Funhaus.
I can see that. I watch Mumei and Fauna even with their IRL boyfriends but if they collab with the Homos or worse, anitubers, thats fucking rough bruh.

>> No.15580049

As far as I know, Holostarfags on here are ok (except some Astelfags) probably because they have their own general now. But those outside of here are insufferable and act like males can't be successful as vtubers while refusing to watch/acknowledge Niji's dudes.

>> No.15583211

Holy based i fucking kneel

>> No.15583545

>160 posts
>69 ips
>598 votes

>> No.15584550

>except some Astelfags
And yet they don't make much fuss when he collab with Suisei, meanwhile regulars and their disgusting shiptrash keep trying to piss people off.

>> No.15584681

Yeah, they begged for more collab.

>> No.15584683

I'm fine with married vtubers, at least they're not playing around and is set for life. Boyfriends have a wide gap between a loyal, steady one that planned for marriage and ones that jump from one girl to another. You don't see Norio's numbers dropping hard after her announcement. Marine and Choco's fans would gladly akasupa as gifts if they announce their marriage since they have been expressing their worry many times.

>> No.15585303

All I ask is that Unicorns stay contained to Hololive for all eternity. Stay the fuck away from the small companies, Niji, and ESPECIALLY indies who dont have a management team to deal with your pants-shitting spergouts when a girl does something that breaks your delusions

>> No.15585695

Don't care if she collabs with males as long they are vtubers, a bit off-topic, but seeing collabs between irl celebrities and vtubers kinda kill the purpose of watching vtubers in the first place, for this very reason I couldn't adapt very well to the transition to kson, because her model is inspired in her real self a bit.

>> No.15585849

>let's assume
Let's not assume anything, you don't get to define what is and isn't "platonic interaction". You're pushing really hard to include males on hololive streams, why?

>> No.15586039

Are there examples of female VTubers doing that?

>> No.15586180

AIDS mouse does it

>> No.15586213

is there a difference between "idolfag" and "unicorn"? I know korone's roommate is an unironic idolfag but I don't know if she counts as a unicorn

>> No.15586235

Bump for self-interest

>> No.15586434

If you don't want to see chuubas being sexy sluts and flirting with men you're a virgin and a unicorn.

>> No.15587575

Why do people get so upset at the existence of unicorns?

>> No.15587849

Lots of cuckolds nowadays pushing their kink.

>> No.15587968

fortunately my oshi is also a unicorn idolfag so she'll never do anything to betray my trust

>> No.15588148

>stay away from all these chuubas so you don't drop them when their content stops being enjoyable for you.
How do people like you get so mind-fucked, anyway?

>> No.15588427

>Even as a non unicorn I can see that. What she does isn't replicable.
