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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1552825 No.1552825[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Cover is delegating lots of the JP girls to learn proper English as they believe it will bring broader appeal.

>> No.1552909

why would they let their talents sabotage their own chats further

>> No.1552939

dogfucker hands typed this post

>> No.1552960


>> No.1552964 [DELETED] 

I can't wait for the Hololive x BlackLivesMatter fundraiser collab they'll have to do to appease americans.

>> No.1552982 [DELETED] 

That's Kiara's job, she love them BBC

>> No.1552987

they are never going to finish it. same goes for holo en members trying to learn japanese except for maybe mori, aside from kiara.

>> No.1552988 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1552999 [DELETED] 
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Got a problem with that, white boy?

>> No.1553003

Not American so I would like to know. Is there any overlap between the type of people that support stuff like that and people who watch vtubers. What percentage of American hololive fans actually want that?

>> No.1553037

>Is there any overlap between the type of people that support stuff like that and people who watch vtubers.
Mostly trannies

>> No.1553058

On twitter yeah, i don't think the core audience would want it but twittranies are more vocal.

>> No.1553074

I'd say most of that crowd follows vshoujo but it's all election tourist nonsense anyway, must be something happening on /pol/ again

>> No.1553081

You do realize you're responding to a falseflagger right?

>> No.1553085

the only people who supported that terrorist organization are either pressured to do it or hates anything that they deemed as "objectifying women" which according to them is anything that don't support their degenerate behavior of fucking like a fucking degenerate western slut they are and murdering babies to avoid responsibility.

>> No.1553091

trannies, which is to say not many.
The real problem is that the sjws people always come from outside the hobby activity, shit on it then forget about it afterwards.

>> No.1553108

Oh no they're here!!!

>> No.1553115
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Yes but it's probably very small. Should anything like that happen, there will certainly be a backlash from the fans.
No one will bat an eye if they ignore shit like that so it really is unnecessary and way too risky from a biz standpoint.

>> No.1553143

Why would a Japanese company get into American politics?

>> No.1553146 [DELETED] 

will never happen. name a japanese company supporting it in the entertainment industry, dumb amerimutt

>> No.1553175 [DELETED] 

BLM will be forgotten about until the mid-terms.

>> No.1553177


>> No.1553181 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 292x227, 1615350406591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im seeing some indies who are trans or blm supporters and majority are American or asian American. i want the world to keep politics out of vtubing..

>> No.1553192

but you already know they are cali sjws. if anything why are you pretending.

>> No.1553207


>> No.1553210

Kiara can do this any moment. Yes, they forbid her to do it, but with her chicken brain it's still a possiblity.

>> No.1553215

Sony's gaming division is a Californian company at this point unfortunately.

>> No.1553218

Yes, but I still wanted to know

>> No.1553238

Burgers ruin everything with their mental illness politics

>> No.1553240

next OP is gonna tell us Korone is starting to speak english just now

>> No.1553250

but you already know they are noa faggots who also censor japanese games and they are always like that.

>> No.1553267 [DELETED] 

niggers are living rent free in mutts' minds. you brain is literally being fucked by bbc right now. your oshi isnt planning a collab with george floyd's holograms, just stfu already.

>frogposter replies to /pol/ cuckpost
like clockwork


>> No.1553276

Depends if you mean "support" or actually support. A lot of people will pretend to support BLM for social brownie points but the number of people who actually give a shit for real isn't that big.

>> No.1553278

Best I can say is don't watch em, we both know that the good chuubas will keep that shit out of their streams. Also it looks like my rrat got more attention than I expected kek

>> No.1553279

Im never going back to that bot infested shithole

>> No.1553308

They do. But its also a thing west europeans do when they move to Japan. Both them and Americans often publicly talk about how they want Japanese laws to be westernized and to abide by their moral compass. Even though theyre lucky to even be allowed to teach English there.

>> No.1553317

holo en would be the first woke battleground if she really openly got woke

>> No.1553325 [DELETED] 

you should

>> No.1553337

Who would have thought the modern colonizers would be commies and libs

>> No.1553342

if anything it's gonna be niji en

>> No.1553371

the california sjws literally destroyed japanse studio.

amerimutt sjws hate japan and anything japanese

>> No.1553372

Incredibly loud Vtweeters on twitter. And everyone knows these people don't have disposable income and just steal and pirate everything. It's a fucking waste of time for a Japanese company to court them. Hell, a lot of them HATE Japan because of their strict migrant/refugee policy.

>> No.1553377
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Ogey and yes you are correct.

>> No.1553398
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>> No.1553443

>cali sjw
they got nothing on chinks

>> No.1553446

You are idiot.
Girls do it because they actually see the increase of number of engish-speaking viewers and want to interact with them like with normal human beings. This is normal.

>> No.1553451

Anyone with good pattern recognition

>> No.1553472

They're doing it to collab with EN in at least a semi-functional fashion.

>> No.1553488

It’s always weird to me how despite how much Californians harp on colonialism they want to conquer each and every different culture and make them bow to their every whim.

>> No.1553510 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 203x244, (You)2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coco banned for referencing taiwan
>"Fuck the CCP, fuck chinks, go reddit dragon"
>literal rando on /vt/ posting a pro-blm/trans rights falseflag
>"Keep your politics out of vtubing, trannies"

>> No.1553526

Hating Chinese filth is not politics

>> No.1553539

It's like the OP slept though most of 2020 and just woke up.

>> No.1553555

Chinese pushed their politics onto Coco, she is in Japan and shouldnt censor herself around chink filth propaganda. It'd be a different thing if she had kept on sperging about Taiwan but she only mentioned it once.

>> No.1553565
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There's nothing political about mentioning the name of a sovereign country

>> No.1553594

They want to control everything. If they cant they try to destroy it. Japan studio was totally ruined that way. The Japanese devs and the producers in the leadership positions didnt bend the knee to the SJWs. Toyama, the director of Silent Hill 1 and 2, and Siren and GR series, and his talented colleagues left and theyve run a new independent studio called Bokeh studio now, and the Bloodborne producer also left.

>> No.1553602

Bug feelers typed this.

>> No.1553615

Mentioning Taiwan once doesn't deserve six months of harassment for Coco and her coworkers.

>> No.1553616

>politics i like isn't politics
keep coping, recognizing taiwan is a country is a political statement whether you like it or not

>> No.1553640
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There's nothing political about mentioning the name of a sovereign country

>> No.1553643

Nobody cares what you think Zhang. Go die in an escalator.

>> No.1553658

shouldn't be political, but it is, sorry bud

>> No.1553660

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.1553700

>"Hello, i am from Sweden!"

>> No.1553701

not to mention it was being shown live on bilibili

>> No.1553711

I love how you JOP faggots seethe more and more every day because you wasted all that time learning moon runes for nothing. Get bent and fucked accordingly. You will continue holding this L.

>> No.1553725

>learning japanese

>> No.1553727


>> No.1553728

Most first world countries don't even recognize Taiwan as a country right now

>> No.1553729

One day some holo is going to post a picture of a cool rainbow they see outside and kick off the first EN yab, just wait

>> No.1553736

false equivalence

taiwan is a country btw, but me saying that is political, that's just how it is, you're doing nothing but coping by suggesting this board and the hololive community at large didn't get incredibly political when coco was banned

>> No.1553738

It's just that she refused to apologize and explain things due to her big ego. Hachama and Choco did it and didn't suffer that much.

>> No.1553759

you are trying so hard. just cringe

>> No.1553763

They don't even call themselves "Taiwan". It's Republic of China. They don't want to be independent because they still claim the whole mainland.

>> No.1553779

Ching ching chong chink kill yourself chink insect

>> No.1553783 [DELETED] 

Hating chinks is not political. Hating them for being heartless bugmen is no different than hating gypsies for being cancer on society, it's called being realistic

>> No.1553785

You're either a faggot contrarian or a retarded chink, but either way no one fucking likes you.

>> No.1553792

I blame whoever rigged her model for not allowing her knees to bend.

>> No.1553809 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 1088x217, jannay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why'd the jannies delete this

>> No.1553823

Apologizing is the worst thing you can do with a mob, once you let them sink they're teeth in they just keep demanding more. Cover fucked up by not just ignoring them and putting the CN branch on a one way flight to japan

>> No.1553832

>expressing the same opinion that the government of nearly every first world country has
believe it or not, internet circlejerks like reddit and 4chan spamming the tiananmen square pasta are the contrarians because mainstream political parties refuse to acknowledge taiwan as a country to avoid pissing off the CCP. it's a political statement. sorry bro

>> No.1553850

I never suggested anything. There is of course no doubt that people DID get political, but let us all be reminded that it was never a political issue until the chinazies started their harassment campaign, because only they see it as a political statement. Literally everyone else on planet earth do not.

>> No.1553854

listen, fucking chink bug. nearly all japanese hate you chinks and support taiwan. thus your first enemy is the weeaboo cesspit in your chinkland called BiliBili. they are traitors propagating evil japan stuff everywhere in your chinky chink land

destroy them first and you yourself should also grow out of japansese modern cultures and this japanese board owned by a japanese guy whod support taiwan and hate chinks

>> No.1553865

exactly- you don't negotiate with terrorists, because that tells them that terrorism works

>> No.1553874
File: 92 KB, 800x406, FF16A130-C140-4AFE-B05B-11D1A64385DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most first world countries don't even recognize Taiwan
Literally everyone apart from some Africans, Arabs and Eastern European’s deals with Taiwan as a separate nation.

>> No.1553892

>it was never a political issue until the chinazies started their harassment campaign, because only they see it as a political statement. Literally everyone else on planet earth do not.
incorrect, most government bodies are afraid to acknowledge taiwan as a country to avoid damaging relations with the CCP because china is such a valuable country to be aligned with right now

retards itt can cope all they want by spamming pastas and calling me a chink, but this is the reality of the political landscape in 2021

>> No.1553914

Hope you know I dont disagree with the point your making, your just being a massive faggot about it here

>> No.1553933 [DELETED] 

Mutts on despise chinks for harassing Coco over a non-issue, but would gather at Covers doorstep to cancel her if she had said something negative about blm/trans rights.

>> No.1553945
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being a massive faggot is what i'm here to do, always happy to point out when retards are being retards and people who run the double standard of "no politics in vtubers, but also taiwan is a country" are retards

>> No.1553964

completely correct, now watch them seethe and cope and call you a bugman for 2 straight hours as they try to come to terms with their cognitive dissonance

>> No.1553974

Trans rights? What's that?

>> No.1553998

Yeah but Coco and Hololive aren't countries.
I'll iterate. It wouldn't have been a political issue had the chinese ignored it.

>> No.1554001

They have informal relations with it but it doesn't mean that it's a country.

>> No.1554005

Most governments don't formally recognise Taiwan. They don't see reading a list that has Taiwan in it as inherently pollical and happily accept goods marked made-in-Taiwan and allow flights whose destination states Taiwan.

>> No.1554006 [DELETED] 

>blm/trans rights.

go back to /v/, tranny.
