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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15409746 No.15409746 [Reply] [Original]

We all know ENvtubers aren't exactly well-liked, and are treated as the worst of the worst. It may be justified, given the perception that many of them are prone to drama
There are exceptions: some people trust corpos like HoloEN and NijiEN, small agencies like Tsunderia and PRISM Project, groups like VShojo and their circle of friends, and/or specific indies like Kana or fallenshadow
The question is: how would you fix the ENvtuber community?

>> No.15409781
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>> No.15409801
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I will correct Pink Cat with spankings.

>> No.15409802

>There are exceptions
>lists every EN vtuber

>> No.15409806

if Nux hanged himself the "community" would be improved tenfold

>> No.15409814

That's the same as asking how do you fix the western world?

You don't. It's too far gone.

Burn it all down and start from scratch.

>> No.15409824

Fix it by kys OP

>> No.15409845

>Burn it all down
and stop there.

>> No.15409999

>The question is: how would you fix the ENvtuber community?
I will ban all gossipniggers from talking about vtubers ever again and only allow people who enjoy cute girls doing cute things to participate.

>> No.15410077

Mass graduations preferably starting with HoloEN. The halfs like Irys can stay and get merged with the JP branch.

>> No.15410148

ENVtubers are trash because western women and society are trash. Cleanse the degeneracy from the ground up, there is no other cure

>> No.15410318

virtual twitchers are a mistake

>> No.15410389

You will never be Japanese

>> No.15410564

minority weebs still don't know that korean is surpassing your precious japan

>> No.15410629

nobody gives a fuck about gooks. kshit is purely for twatter landwhaels

>> No.15410705

>eliminating the one guy that can make all of vshojo kneel
that's the opposite of improvement

>> No.15410828


>> No.15411031

>We all know ENvtubers aren't exactly well-liked
This is only really an opinion held by /hlgg/ and its derivatives. Outside of /vt/ (and /jp/ by extension), ENVtubers are seen through the same lens as all other vtubers. That is, if they're recognized of course.

>> No.15411519
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>I have a dream
>That one day every vtuber not only en but all vtubers in this market will control their own destiny
>A market of the truly free, dammit. A market of entertainment, not catering, ruled by their own choice, not their community!
>Where the viewer changes to suit the chuuba, not the other way around
>Where streams and schedules are back where they belong: in the hands of the vtuber!
>Where every vtuber is free to think - to act - for themselves!
>Fuck all these limp-dick coomers and chickenshit incels
>Fuck this 24-hour internet spew of drama and pandering bullshit!
>Fuck keeping up with the standard! Fuck the media! FUCK ALL OF IT!
>Vtubing is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean.
>And from the ashes, a new vtubing market will be born
>Evolved, but untamed! The bores will fall into obscurity and the entertaining will thrive - free to stream as they see fit, they'll make Vtubing great again!

What the hell are you talking about....

>You still don't get it. Their using vtubing as a business to get sustainability, so they can quit vtubing as they age
>In their new market, chuubas will stream and play what they WANT! Not for money, not for publicity! Not for what they're told to stream. Every vtuber will be free to stream their own ideas!

>So... what do you think?

>> No.15411541


>> No.15411658

Seethe, round eye

>> No.15411666


>> No.15411691


>> No.15411737
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>dick hard in the butt
>titty in my hand
>kiss ya neck

>hell yeah

>> No.15411756

Teach them japanese

>> No.15411780

Cope and seethe vshitjotard
Vshitjo is full of virtuesignalling shitcunts and Nux exposed all of them

>> No.15411820


Also 10min subscriber mode for every stream, filters the adhd faggots. Remove posting restrictions on the subreddit (so all the low-tier shit gets posted there) and recruit a bunch of mods. ez

>> No.15411838

You're not a schizo...
You're batshit insane.

>> No.15412060
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>> No.15412432

Burn twitch, 95% of the issue goes away like that.

>> No.15412556

I refuse to believe anyone on this cesspool of a site is based enough to actually believe this.

>> No.15415781

That thumbnail really makes me think. Is it even worth baitposting anymore? It seems like no thing's changed even after all these years. Maybe the real shitposting was the anons we (You)'d along the way.

As for fixing the community, I don't even know what that means. To be more profitable? To be more fun? To be more in line with classical interweb lolbertarianism? The truth is, I don't even care to or believe in fixing people because that's really only ever a pretense for widesweeping censorship and demanding others kneel to your ideological zealotry. And if we're being honest, how can you even fix an entire industry built upon emotionally and financially parasitizing sad, lonely men?

The real problem is and has always been western culture's incompatibility with otaku culture, which forces vtubers to operate within a framework that will always leave them striving to be little more than a pale imitation of JP chubas.

>> No.15415893

Chumbuddies are just memeing, they're not really....you know...

>> No.15416077 [DELETED] 

Kill nyangger and western vtubing will have improved.
There I found the cure, just make sure it's done in a public mexican cartel kind of way to make sure all the other get the hint.

>> No.15416078

maybe someone less annoying could fall for an obvious scam

>> No.15418193

Doesn't change the fact that you will never be Japanese, you will never even step foot in Japan, you will always be treated as a circus animal 2nd class citizen even if you did, and you would hate Japan if you actually went there for even just a few weeks even if you had perfect fluency.
Japan is a fucking hellhole like every other country, it just has different shitty things.
This is especially true of their disgusting regressive employment sector where you are demonized for not working yourself to death. It never used to be that bad. Education as well. Holy FUCK is the education sector bad in primary and secondary education stages. Tertiary is at least decent and produced some great minds.

>> No.15418500


>> No.15421903
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>Let who is without sin cast the first stone
Just remember, cheating in Japan is more widespread and socially acceptable then most all EN speaking countries. Your JP oshi is likely in a relationship and has cheated in the past. She is just as bad as the "western whore" you hate so much. The only reason you don't feel that way is because you don't know the language. The fact the JP vtubers have JP anties who can be just as (if not more) aggressive as EN anties should be enough to make you realize these women are just as bad.

>> No.15422780

None of your argument addresses the point being made, anon. EN Vtubers are just more prone to trivial drama than JP ones. That doesn't mean that there is no drama in the east or that the audiences are better behaved.

The solution to your problem is already in your post. There is a reason why agencies that follow the JP model are much better perceived by the audiences than indies or agencies that don't: they are controversy averse. So the solution is clear. You don't have to be idol tier seiso, or even pretend to be a single woman. the most important thing that you need to do is simply understand that you shouldn't do or say things that will cause drama to surround you, your peers or the audience.

Too bad the western community is too retarded and think that everyone needs to give their opinions on subjects that aren't relevant to their circumstances.

>> No.15423452

You're not on JP Twitter, you aren't on 2channel. The only drama you are exposed to is the ones the Chinese clippers try to push.

>> No.15423548
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I can't believe someone made something worse than High Guardian Spice

>> No.15427481


>> No.15427703

where tf do you get that image

>> No.15429210

malding this hard on a japanese animation style streamer board

>> No.15432447

Not OP but some fucking drama baiting channel

>> No.15432582

Sorry, they still need permissions to play Dark Souls

>> No.15435718
File: 88 KB, 600x839, morikoxnina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't fix the community. Watch quality chuubas and indies like Nina Saotome and Batatvideogames.

>> No.15435842

based indiechad

>> No.15436356


>> No.15440230

No one cares

>> No.15441242

My wife Silvervale is good

>> No.15442902


>> No.15444268

By being a filthy shitlicking jew.
The enemy of my enemy is NOT my friend.

>> No.15444434

Retard stop being so dramatic and watch the good ones that are literally the most drama free, Nina, Eira and Tanya come to mind but there's like 20 other entubers that are chill

>> No.15447741
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>> No.15447936

>how would you fix the ENvtuber community?
demonetize all their channels

>> No.15448123

ENvtubers are disliked because there were many that are just twitch whores with a 2D avatar.
This mostly shows in the fact ENVtubers talk about IRL too easily and JPVtubers avoid talking about IRL as much as possible.

>> No.15448477

add connor and we have a deal

>> No.15448782


>> No.15451047

2views seething

>> No.15451218

>JPVtubers avoid talking about IRL as much as possible.
Clip watcher detected

>> No.15454637


>> No.15454725
File: 109 KB, 300x300, ted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And if we're being honest, how can you even fix an entire industry built upon emotionally and financially parasitizing sad, lonely men?
The only way is to fix the sad, lonely men.

>> No.15455497

We should pray that some good VTuber's come up who can spread the gospel of the LORD. In these degen times, we all have the need for more JESUS.

>> No.15455619

I came here to laugh at you.
I am still laughing.

>> No.15455656

>This mostly shows in the fact ENVtubers talk about IRL too easily and JPVtubers avoid talking about IRL as much as possible.
Don't tell him. The little weeb couldn't handle it. His poor mind would shatter.

>> No.15457675

Report all the bottom feeder and shit stirrer "gossip" channels as harassment and cyberbullying since whatever they basically are. Cleanse not just this little niche but all online communities of their low effort parasitic content. Drama disappears, world peace and happiness achieved.

>> No.15458292
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Imagine if the next metal gear have vtuber.

>> No.15461322

What Youtube thumbnail did you grab that from? That looks like some crazy clickbait.

>> No.15467465

youre just mad that he actually gets the pussy you want

>> No.15467761

Literally Abigail

>> No.15468960

normies and e-celebrities deserve the rope.
Any streamer who doesn't follow the jp tradition of vtubing is trash, that includes vshojo

>> No.15469211

He is still a kike

>> No.15472556

I'll unfollow a vtuber if they start regularly collabbing with any live action e-streamers especially any from NA.
I'll let it slide once or twice a month but if it becomes regular I do not want to watch them anymore as I watch vtubers to get away from the toxicity of that community.

>> No.15472671

Yah she's pretty good.

>> No.15472893

This the Twitch live action streamer community is generally hated in the vtuber community and for good reason.

>> No.15472901

You guys need to look at the bigger picture. If Nux hanged himself, the Vshoujo community would fall under fire since they’d be blamed for contributing to his mental state due to their witch hunt. Both Nux the parasitic hack and Vshojo the brood of whores would be done.
The only reason you’d be against this would be if you were actually Nuxfags. Surely you aren’t, right? That would be embarrassing.

>> No.15474603


>> No.15476068

Bad news... that has been huge for their growth. Hell Vae would be fucking soda right now if he wasn't gay. It is here to stay.

>> No.15477112

Do I wanna even know where this thumbnail came from?

>> No.15480286


>> No.15480301

>white dude literally moved to japan and still gets zero pusy
yeah dude i'm "mad" lol

>> No.15483350

Who are you talking to?

>> No.15485851


>> No.15486032

You know for how much connor get hates, I'm surprised that guy called the 8bitdrummer doesn't get a lot of hate considering hoe much shoutouts has gura given him

>> No.15486052

Is that one on the right pokimane? I swear to god there’s so many people who half assed try to jump on the trend now.

>> No.15486342

>Says cheating is widespread in Japan
>one of the biggest seiyuus get his life destroyed because he was caught cheating
GTFO incel chink

>> No.15486464

Even if you're clip watcher, there are tons of clip from jp girls talking about irl stuff

>> No.15487224

ITT Hololive watchers try to act like the judge and arbitrator of the whole ENtuber community.

Good vtubers in the west already exist, the ones that dont cause drama and are lovely and have great communities. All you need to do is just watch them and ignore the bad ones. That's all.

>> No.15491228

I cum

>> No.15496396

Yes it is

>> No.15502215


>> No.15505405

But anon......
you're a normie

>> No.15509995

please die already

>> No.15510298
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Holy fuck I KNEEL

>> No.15510501

>EN Vtubers are just more prone to trivial drama than JP ones.
Using your low IQ retard logic, USA is the most violent country in the world because any time there is some shooting it gets broadcasted worldwide and everyone knows about it. Meanwhile in the real world, some central and south american countries have literally 10x the murder rate per capita compared to USA.

>> No.15510750

Well what he says does kinda coincide with what your saying, Americans are drama prone not because they cause more drama but because we're conditioned that everyone must broadcast every happening and opinion to as many people as possible on both a personal and media level which tends to make even the most trivial things painfully loud

>> No.15510812

detaching the EN scene from twitter would be the best fix

>> No.15510852

Well, having the murder rate of Kenya or Angola isn't any good thing to showcase.

>> No.15510943

>jp vtubers aren't prone to drama
Strange, I don't remember any EN vtubers forced to graduate because they keep violating contracts, getting caught being blackmailed and sucking dick for money, having to call the police to deal with harassment and stalking from their own management or implications of sexual abuse between talents or getting exposed as males using a voice changer.

>> No.15511059

i dont think anyone can hate that dude though

>> No.15511815

Nah, there is a lack of Chad and non girly man male vtubers. So I don't think JP methods work well anymore. Plus cute stuff will get boring eventually

>> No.15511874

8bitdrummer does his own thing, no one can blame him if others talk about him.
