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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 298 KB, 498x498, Ironmouse_Portrait_04_2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15375139 No.15375139 [Reply] [Original]

>Literally dying
>Instead of seeking God, she uses a satanic avatar and jokes about it

>> No.15375211

Good laugh is worth more than any God that doesn't exist

>> No.15375235

she will have an offpako with vox AKUMA and fucking dies

>> No.15375263

Wait, they told me she was going to die this year.... Hmmmmmmm...

>> No.15375340

Funnily enough, her catholic parents have begged her to change her avatar

>> No.15375387

>Is literally Satan
>Is actually the purest and most angelic vtuber
Mouse is great.
I just wish she'd stop the whole connor thing, not even a unicorn but the forced shipping nonsense is extremely cringe in an un-fun manner

>> No.15375578

the voices in your head aren't real brother

>> No.15375619

God isn't only found in the church, brother

>> No.15375751

meh, nothing really wrong with it unless she explicitly worships Satan

>> No.15375828

Was there an update to that? Did they shun her? I hope not. There's a difference between entertainment and the real thing.
I think she unironically likes him.

>> No.15375946

God caused her to be bedridden in the first place, makes sense for her turn away.

>> No.15375987

> Was there an update to that? Did they shun her?
They grounded her

>> No.15376026

That's pretty tame.

>> No.15376025

Isn't she grounded by her aids in anyway?

>> No.15376061

It's a scam. It's always a scam.

>> No.15376075

we're all dying, anon

>> No.15376118

>Was there an update to that? Did they shun her? I hope not. There's a difference between entertainment and the real thing.
They keep asking her if it's too late to change it, but she toned down the Satan thing, so it's not that important anymore

>> No.15376144

who are "they"?

>> No.15376170

His schizo voices

>> No.15376177

She's proof that tsundere's are truly cringe and pure cancer.

>> No.15376249

>Go to your room!
>Bitch I live in my room.

>> No.15376273

>Spend most of your life stuck on a bed
>You only start finding happiness and money to have everything you wanted when you start RPing a satanic character
I don't blame her

>> No.15376304

I thought she said they were okay with her saying she was Satan because at least she wasn't saying she was God.

>> No.15376372

I want to give mousie a hug.

>> No.15376915

She seems to have fun with him, so why not let her have that?
With others I could see the whole business angle, but she clearly doesn't' have long.

>> No.15377086

Think about it, she would have more chance to live her depraved fantasy in hell more than heaven

>> No.15377169

She just paid off their house for Christmas.
I doubt they're doing any shunning.

>> No.15377233
File: 392 KB, 724x414, FF_rOKuXMAEJ7zT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her catholic parents have begged her to change her avatar
Her mom mostly has. I don't think her dad minds and saw it as a thing done for comedy.

>> No.15377244

hey remember when michael jackson said "Im the light of the world" and then fucking died that year? Good times

>> No.15377528
File: 82 KB, 640x636, nyanjack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15377673

god gave her that body why would she?

>> No.15377723

Why would someone in her situation seek god? Even if he's real he's obviously a piece of shit. Fuck him ironmouse is based as fuck.

>> No.15379245

They're best friends anon, they've both broke the tsundere act a couple times and said so. And he's done stuff to support her offstream like he hounded a few different immunodeficiency charities to get their shit on Tiltify so Mouse could do her charity stream for her 4 year anniversary.

>> No.15379440

>literally dying
>has been able to transition from IV fluids to solid food and water in the last few weeks
>is starting to walk instead of wheelchairing everywhere

>> No.15379563


>> No.15379624

>Literally dying
Why do you retards still believe this?

>> No.15379780

Because she's not dying. At least not anymore than anyone else is

>> No.15379966

Glad someone else pointed that out.

>> No.15380017

If I was born like that I wouldn't have a very high opinion of god either.

>> No.15380057
File: 257 KB, 1280x1280, 1613267961338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been months. And only because she really hit it big at the start of the year and was able to afford better + all the necessary medications. Also she wasn't fed intravenously before she would have nutrition drinks as her only sustenance before this. There's even a year-old piece of fanart depicting exactly that.

>> No.15380178

I'm pretty sure considering her family she's been hit with every "miracle cure" promoted by religious grifters multiple times.

>> No.15380184

She's survived true hell and has the right to call herself a demon if she wants.

>> No.15380250

She has been. She's told stories about that before and mentioned that one of the cures gave her an allergic reaction and it was what made her mom finally give up on trying to find a cure for CVID through alternative means and just doing what the doctors say.

>> No.15380278
File: 1.98 MB, 331x248, good one sir.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15380454
File: 56 KB, 903x720, mouse-pog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God should seek Mousey.

>> No.15380474 [DELETED] 
File: 993 KB, 500x400, 90FAEC4F-AE48-456B-B89D-4AB5409635DB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally sneeding
>instead of seeding and feeding she chucks

>> No.15380631

If god exists then they must be either apathetic or so ridiculously evil beyond our comprehension. the evils of this world far exceed any reasonable test to verify if someone should qualify for eternal paradise. the world is senseless cruelty, anyone with any morals would have ended the simulation long ago

>> No.15380681

Was so pleasantly surprised when I thought I heard her eating something while talking in a clip the other day. Around 2019 and early 2020 she was also hurting for cash and basically got the bare minimum of medications. So many times Mousey was just too exhausted from the medicine to stream. Now it seems like she has very few bad days.

>> No.15381480

Hope you guys learn a lil more about life once you retarded teens get over your
>cuckservatism is the new punk rock

>> No.15381565

He's the closest she'll have to a boyfriend anon.

>> No.15383475

The neanderthal were the chosen people. They got taken home 50000 years ago.
The animals got left behind. Nobody is running the simulation anymore, they just never turned it off.

>> No.15383598

Imagine breaking into her room and raping her helpless body while she tries to struggle

>> No.15383802
File: 136 KB, 459x499, 1609914764831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no vtuber who will discuss the theology of Sergius Bulgakov in comparison to Vladimir Lossky on stream

>> No.15383884

Nothings stopping you from ending your existence if it's so horrible. Seeing fat nerds who have the easiest existence in the history of humanity type on 4chan about how life is pain is funny though

>> No.15384309
File: 162 KB, 900x900, sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mousey has a crush on Connor and there's nothing you jealous faggots can do about it

>> No.15384371

You say that as if those two shitbags aren't perfect for each other. Not sure why anyone would like either of them

>> No.15384586

>Shit vtuber tanks garbage anituber for the rest of the community
Perfect outcome really. Don't give a shit about either of them.

>> No.15384892

>And only because she really hit it big at the start of the year and was able to afford better + all the necessary medications.
How much better would she be if she had been able to get the best medical care available all along?

>> No.15384962

If he makes Mouse happy then that is all I care about.

>> No.15385061

Unironically this gremlin inspires me to go outside and actually fucking do things. I think about how pissed off she would be if she saw me wasting away inside not living my life to the full when she can't and it makes me not want to disappoint her.

>> No.15385136

I'm really glad Mouse was able to find such a good friend as Connor. He doesn't give a shit about VTubers, but cares specifically about her. Pretty sure this friendship helped her a lot mentally, at least she seems to be happier now.

>> No.15385522

>God doesn't exist
>capital G
you are larping
let Jesus into your heart

>> No.15385580 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 579x553, D838BD8B-24CA-42CD-9D44-0EE37BD173B3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conner is a cuck, as are (you)

>> No.15385789 [DELETED] 

>Not being happy for her daughter, who might get a new young and wealthy father, who actually loves her and her mother

>> No.15385994

how did someone even cum in her without killing her?

>> No.15386066

It’s almost like her story doesn’t quite add up

>> No.15386124

why don't you go add up some bitches

>> No.15386277

Terminal illness is one of the most popular subjects for mentally ill women to lie about on the internet.

>> No.15387005

It's almost like making fake Twitter screenshots is really easy.

>> No.15387396 [DELETED] 

>single mom decides to make something of her life and put smiles on tens of thousands of people's hearts, as well as ensuring her children have a financially secure future in a world where if you don't have money you suffer and die

>> No.15387413

Check the archive links

>> No.15387617

Now this is an /x/ take I've never heard. Thanks.

>> No.15387710
File: 18 KB, 796x222, 1631620196882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CVID can be one of those things that doesn't affect people until they're already adults. Like in her case she successfully went to school and even briefly attended college before getting too sick to continue. https://www.cancertherapyadvisor.com/home/decision-support-in-medicine/hospital-medicine/common-variable-immunodeficiency-antibody-deficiency/

>> No.15387795

Sure, or she’s a liar. Either way she’s a whore.

>> No.15387820


Shes Puerto Rican. Despite all the posturing and avatar nonsense she couldnt be more Christian and dont you ever say some shit like this about my cousin again or ill slice you up like a thanksgiving turkey

>> No.15387877

I'm glad this onahole is still alive

>> No.15387932

Stay mad

>> No.15388292

Imagine being mad at Ironlung of all people. She is not a saint, but definitely not a bad person either.

>> No.15388901

Jannies it’s from her official vtuber twitter account

>> No.15388944

No it's not.

>> No.15389109

It’s like banning people for mentioning Nyanners got run out of /a/

>> No.15389201

She's a box girl, cringe was the only path

>> No.15389207

>doesn't believe in Jesus
This is why she's dying.

>> No.15389247

She's Catholic

>> No.15390708

>>She clearly doesn't have long

Where are people getting this? The average life expectancy for CVID is like 50 years old. It's not a fucking death sentence.

>> No.15391275

Well that would depend on how you define "long"
Most people don't like the idea of dropping off at 50 once that number is in their immediate future, and it's well below avg lifespan.
Still a lot better than huntingtons though. I knew two of those who started showing definite symptoms around 30 and never made it to 40.

>> No.15391308

She obviously is very fond of him platonically. You can see it especially when she is heavily medicated. I just wish they'd drop the tsundere shit, its like throwing chum in the water for the shippers/

>> No.15391393

We used to think they were faking it too, since they'd go out partying with us all the time in our 20's.

>> No.15391403

ganbare mousey

>> No.15391415

She was raised Catholic. I'm pretty sure her medical situation has eliminated any belief in God

>> No.15391469

She likes sentai and riders, so she's okay in my book. still dont like vshojo though
