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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 105 KB, 900x900, gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15361952 No.15361952 [Reply] [Original]

>*jukes your Hololive Karaoke Relay event*

>> No.15362010 [DELETED] 

too sick from all that dick

>> No.15362096 [DELETED] 

All mine

>> No.15362131

Should have got her booster

>> No.15362259

I've noticed that jannies started nuking threads and replies with negative remarks about Gura ever since she dogwhistled 4chan in her new outfit stream. rrats?

>> No.15362271

good, Kiara is a whore

>> No.15362305

God damn she's so fucking lazy.
I wish I picked an oshi who cared about Hololive

>> No.15362308

you are a mentally ill schizoid and should take your medication asap

>> No.15362319


>> No.15362327

acutally, Kiara left her out on purpose because she know Gura would overshadow everyone with her singing

>> No.15362361

Based sharkie. I will support her to the end.

>> No.15362385

All true but what about Gura has mods in her pocket rrat?

>> No.15362400

She what? I don't remember that

>> No.15362415


>> No.15362431

muh tummy hort, muh visiting family, muh family visiting me, muh dog/cat/dad/mom/brother died, pls undastand

>> No.15362615


>> No.15362637

It's been known for ages that Gura ghosts both her co-workers and management for days at a time. It's only a matter of time until an event goes ahead without Gura because she didn't respond in time; not everyone is going to want to wait for her, especially if it's based around a holiday or event like New Years Eve/Day that has a likely strict deadline.

Maybe she'll be able to get herself into the relay at the absolute last second, but even if she does the point still stands that there are eventually going to be events without Gura because she can't be bothered to respond in time.

>> No.15362640
File: 286 KB, 498x498, Kiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*sends invite last-minute and finalizes it before you can respond*

>> No.15362726

Yet everyone else can for some reason.... weird.

>> No.15362738
File: 83 KB, 290x290, 1626895236251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*doesn't take 5 seconds to respond to your question for 3 days*

>> No.15362781

t. Never had a gf

>> No.15362892

Na, while gura is good at singing I don’t think she would overshadow everyone else in EN especially with the likes or Calli.

>> No.15362948

Been there, depressions a bitch.
If u think it's bad for a vtuber, imagine how bad it is as a software fag. I've been fired for that shit multiple times.
Fortunately it's brain dead easy to make 6 figures even as a constantly fired software engineer

>> No.15363413

Kek thats what you get from surprise faraway family chritmas visit. Covid.

>> No.15363411

>implying it's because of depression and not lazyness+arrogance

>> No.15363442

>my conjecture is better than yours

>> No.15363530

bonebros carry holoEN as usual

>> No.15363832

Hopefully they stay resolute in excluding her instead of once again bending over backwards for this emotionally abusive sociopath bitch.

>> No.15364027

>It's only a matter of time until an event goes ahead without Gura because she didn't respond in time

It almost happened with Coco's graduation stream.

>> No.15364082

As much as I hate how fucking lazy my stupid ass shark wife is at least get your facts right.
You can hear Gura a couple times in the Coco video, her internet was just bad that day and she had to do it a different day.

>> No.15364282

autistic chumbud jannies have been a thing since the /jp/ days, their faggotry is totally separate from whatever Gura does

>> No.15364515

they are trinityfags tho, lurk more

>> No.15364516

I didn't even know they did a karaoke relay. Who all participated?

>> No.15364647 [DELETED] 

Reminder that
>sharkmeido is a biased powertripping faggot who only cares about shark and perhaps Ame among the ENs
>basically doesn't even browse /hlgg/ if she's not streaming
>criticizing the epic meme shark is a bannable offense, but making up schizo anti narratives about other girls is ok!
>refuses to give anyone but his epic meme shark a sticky, tried to damage control when people called him out >>>/jp/27786392
>erroneously deleted an on-topic post because he was an ignorant newfag, everyone called him out and he went on a coping deletion rampage, until he finally realized that he was in the wrong and proceeded to FLEE like a bitch while the thread kept laughing at him >>>/jp/27895299
>deletes gura dox in 0.001 nanoseconds but lets other girls dox stay up for hours if not indefinitely >>>/jp/28484431

>> No.15364804

sounds pretty based to me

>> No.15364902

>deletes gura dox
You havent ever been to /ggg/ have you?

>> No.15364972

She slept in and missed the interview window or else didn't even read the message about it and had to be franticly contacted by management and be given a special session.

>> No.15365153

Anon.... you can literally hear her and there are subtitles for her during the myth segment.
They just edited her out.

>> No.15365216


>> No.15365335

Nigger holy shit fucking learn to read.

>> No.15365499

what karaoke relay?

>> No.15365695

This is what I want to know. Because if there was an EN based Karaoke, I fucking missed it too and I've watching Hololive all holidays.

>> No.15365788

Sounds like something you made up.

>> No.15365794

Truly the lowest form of life

>> No.15365911

Do your reps chimken

>> No.15365957

I miss him

>> No.15366676

Stop pestering idols. Nobody has to be to all the big collabs. Kiara has already adressed this issue when she almost did not attend a collab because of a doctor appointment. Do not pressure them.
Gura is sick, ok. Her and the other's girls health is first.

>> No.15366754

MY enjoyment is first and foremost. I don't give a shit about 3dpd doing overpriced VA to my 2d wife.

>> No.15366760

>Gura is sick, ok. Her and the other's girls health is first.
She literally put up a karaoke stream for today 30 minutes ago...

>> No.15366811

Oh nyooo I thought she had COVID and Ebola and AIDS and Cancer so she was too weak to lift up her phone to respond??

>> No.15367001

Don't worry. She is probably already ironing out the details with Kiara. Or else she will celebrate the New Year with her family. Everything is fine. She loves her genmates.

>> No.15367735

She had a fever you inconsiderate bastard

>> No.15367804

he's still around, what do you mean he's gone?

>> No.15369025



>> No.15369132 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder that SEAnigs aren't human and shouldn't be treated as such

>> No.15369136

Did my reps checked the archive at least one of those posts has gura's face in it and it wasn't deleted. And if I text search those numbers I get a really gay copy pasta that's deleted everytime. What the fuck are you talking about seanig?

>> No.15369484

Because low effort bait threads should be removed on all boards. That’s just the jannies doing their job at enforcing the rules
Take your meds

>> No.15369817


>> No.15369921
File: 374 KB, 589x589, 1639621285468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15370920

>say you're going to stream "a lot" on christmas (no precedent)
>skip out of streaming on christmas because your family "surprised you" for some reason
>conveniently get sick during all this, at the EXACT moment a collab is being organized
>before getting the lordvessel backtrack all the way back to firelink
>drain new londo ruins and defeat the four kings early
>speak to kaathe and join his covenant to become a darkwraith

>> No.15372266

How do we stop her?

>> No.15372444

you're not wrong some shark meido went ham on Christmas eve when she cancelled her streams, faggot was handing out bans like they were Christmas presents.

>> No.15372660
File: 1.75 MB, 2176x975, awardofcuteawardoffunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's referring to picrel
and assuming that cunny is specific to here

>> No.15376725

Gura has been confirmed now. People screaming the 'Sky is Falling' while shit is still being sorted out and having absolutely no fucking clue as to why anything is happening the way that it is.


>> No.15377162

Sharkmeido has been a faggot since /jp/ and his ass is eternly pained for being a total joke since half the site dunked on him

>> No.15377500

Nothing compared to what mori did to the event

>> No.15385106

hahahahhaha OP

>> No.15388792

I came here to laugh at your Seanigger ass
