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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 728 KB, 1920x1080, 【新人デビュー】ついにキズナアイから新キャラ登場!?.mp4_snapshot_00.44_[2021.03.14_06.05.38].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1516066 No.1516066 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a thread about the first virtual idol, Kizuna Ai?
How do you guys feel about her recent covers?

What about her recent videos?

>Isn't she like four people
>Wasn't the original actor replaced
>Is it just me or has her voice changed?

>> No.1516241

Ki-Kizune Miku?

>> No.1516266

Who's this?

>> No.1516290

Kitsuna Ai

>> No.1516420

I like her vids. I haven't watched them in a year or so though. I remember her superhot video was pretty funny

>> No.1519065
File: 170 KB, 960x540, kizuna-ai-virtual-us-tour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halfway through March and still no news of the US tour.

>> No.1519083


>> No.1519543

She's still the same entertaining Ai-chan that everyone knew and loved. Her 2nd live got attention from old and new fans alike. Her US tour should catch some more eyes and her hitting 3 million subs should bring more attention too.

>> No.1519711

>kpop cover

>> No.1520158

>Who's this?
Kizuna Ai. The first vTuber idol that started all this in... 2016 IIRC.

>> No.1520180

Which one?

>> No.1520198

This is what she's been doing all the time

>> No.1520206

i like her in that outfit. she can stay

>> No.1521923

What I'd like to know is where is Kaguya Luna.

>> No.1522045


>> No.1522907

Can she do a collab with any of the holo members right now? I know she did one with Sora back then but now would be awesome

>> No.1523066

I think at this point we can safely say its been rescheduled?

>> No.1525011
File: 35 KB, 600x338, ufo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's still in space.


>> No.1528288

I think her sister is growing more popular than her because of a new design and new branding

>> No.1528948

Didn't she move to China and literally marry Mao' embalmed corpse?

>> No.1529202

Their last livestream prove otherwise. I'm surprised that Love-chan even reach +500 viewers.

>> No.1529438

that would actually be pewdiepie.

>> No.1531225

You would have a better chance posting in /jp/'s Virtual Youtuber thread than on this holoreddit board

>> No.1531278

Why would you recommend anyone to post in sinking ship full of rats trapped in the past?

>> No.1531291
File: 554 KB, 900x1050, 11jmd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you rate her design?

>> No.1531339

Still a good design after all these years.

>> No.1531387

Is Kizuna Ai relevant anymore? She gets my respect for being the OG but after her company fucked her over and then went full damage control, it seems like no one (in the Western sphere at least) talks about her beyond those incidents and how big she used to be.

>> No.1531414

10/10 in terms of an idol girl design

>> No.1531444

Still holds up for me even if I haven't watched her in a long time.

>> No.1531480

10/10. Iconic.

>> No.1531541

She's still relevant in Japan. Any VTuber talk in the overseas community is going to be drowned out by hololive fans though.

>> No.1531618

>Kizuna Ai fans
>not trapped in the past

>> No.1531697

Well yeah, that's why this thread is there, so it can reach people that aren't circle jerking themselves over two years old videos

>> No.1532037

I was really surprised by how good her recent cover was.She can dance really well too from what i have seen

>> No.1534219

Ai's still working as a pioneer of this industry. Hopefully she can pave a path to a worthwhile future so that this industry doesn't get stuck in a deadend pit of being just virtual streamers.

>> No.1534261

Only Pewdiepies VTuber persona would count for that, and he only used that like once in the last year. I don't think the definition is retroactive to non-VTuber past content.

>> No.1534294

>first virtual idol
Because of this, no. Come back when you realized how retarded you are and can reflect on your stupidity.

>> No.1541766


>> No.1541815

She still has the best rigging after all these years.

>> No.1541844

Shouldn't this girl be posted in the small indie thread?

>> No.1543418

She's neither small nor indie though?

>> No.1543540

Don't really know how to get back into watching ai videos. The sheer numbers of videos is intimidating. What are your favorites from her?

>> No.1543911

She's the only chuuba that Japanese normies know. It's like how pewdiepie is still who most people will think about even though there are tons more who are arguably more popular. Niji and holo are still somewhat niche but Ai knows competition when she sees it https://youtu.be/UjN7jPehRcw?t=83

>> No.1544731

If only Ai were a real AI and self-installed herself on every VTuber fan's phone and pulled this shit.

How many people would kneel?

>> No.1545027
File: 135 KB, 1920x1080, kizunaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad she's still around making content.

>> No.1545465
File: 615 KB, 1280x720, B5V6iNPKSM8OAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kizuna Ai is dead I'm not interested in imposters.
>No its still her! As proof let me post this video made by the company that murdered her and desecrated her corpse!
nice try chang

>> No.1546061

You do know that Ai left upd8 last April and formed her own company and that upd8 was shut down in December, right?

Do your research before making dumb posts.

>> No.1546103

Nobody cares about this literal who Sora clone.

>> No.1546740

She didn't leave upd8, Activ8 just made a separate branch exclusively for Ai because upd8 was 6 million USD in debt and the writing was on the wall.

>> No.1546862

No, she did leave upd8 and formed Kizuna Ai Inc which is a new subsidiary under Activ8. Her management history is pretty much this:

Activ8 (2016-2018)
upd8 (2018-2020)
Kizuna Ai Inc (2020-now)

>> No.1547002

upd8 was an activ8 subsidiary, anonchama. She did not "leave", I understand you want to have your headcanon about she doing out of her free will, but she really doesn't have that kind of freedom.

At least she's no longer under that Takeshi fucko and has more creative control of her character now, tho.

>> No.1547047

Oh, you're just being anal about word choice. Fine, Activ8 moved her from upd8 to Kizuna Ai Inc. Does that make you feel better?

>> No.1547151

It's not being anal about wording, there's a big difference between "leaving a company to make your own" and "being moved to another branch within the same company", you know?

You were making it sound like she left upd8 and went indie.

>> No.1547283

In the west she still has her fans but overall conversation about her died since the AI incident. Hololive dominates like 80%.

>> No.1547315

More like

Activ8 (2016-)
upda8 (2018-2020)
Kizuna Ai Inc (2020-)

>> No.1547477

Sora shiny

>> No.1547496

Given that she was the first one, S tier

>> No.1547976

pls undstd Aifags are trying desperately to improve her image after Upd8/Activ8 fucked her over.

How do we save Love-chan?

>> No.1548504

>How do we save Love-chan?
More translated clips of her zatsudans would be nice.

>> No.1548528

Her design is already over 4 years old and it still looks fresh. Certified SSR tier for me.

>> No.1555496
File: 841 KB, 1536x2048, EtiO0HkVoAEEh7N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1557399

What do y'all think about how her games channel content is done? Do you enjoy the mix of livestreams and LPs?

>> No.1557983

I can't say that I enjoy them or dislikes them. I just wish that she would stop playing boring kusoge.
