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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15164477 No.15164477 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread where we discuss our vtuber aspirations! Whether it's agency-based or independent, let's help each other grow and make it as entertainers. Indies are welcome to join, but shill responsibly. Share what knowledge, insights, what works/doesn't work for you. Remember to do your research before providing personally identifying information to companies online!

Do I need an expensive, fully rigged Live2D model to be a vtuber?
No! You can always start out as a pngtuber!

Where can I learn how to Live2D rig avatars?
Check out Brian Tsui's (of Iron Vertex) YouTube channel!

Where can I find artists/riggers?
Skeb.jp, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

Where can I find some good games to stream?

Twitch or Youtube?
Multistream to both.

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
List of Assets and other resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml

Stay grounded, stay hopeful. Don't kill yourself yet even if it is over and never began to begin with, and bump the thread sometimes.

Previous thread: >>15058784

>> No.15166979

What's the test stream checklist?

>> No.15169557

just do it live and see what fucks up so you can make a list.

>> No.15171366

Audio, scene transitions, boot up an intense game, to see how your computer holds up, try to talk over gunfire to make sure you can hear yourself, boot up an online game to make sure your internet can handle that. Keep checking that you aren’t dropping frames.

>> No.15175118

Need some opinions. If someone is a bird-themed Vtuber, do you prefer if they have wings or if they have none?

>> No.15175642

Drawfag considering becoming a vtuber in the future here: could it be possible that streaming myself draws enough attention to be worthwhile? My PC is too weak atm to really do some gaming outside of some select games.

(I can provide a recent drawing to show what i do)

>> No.15175917

don't really care. just don't block chat or the game.
you're competing against tens of thousands of other artists both vtuber and trad webcam. you need to market yourself very well to pull an audience.

>> No.15176312

It depends on how good you are. Vtubers flock to good artfags like moths to a light because they are desperate for free art. That can help get you out of 2view hell, but if you're not interesting you won't hold viewers unless you're really good at art.

>> No.15176422

that sounds like a challenge, and i don't consider myself to have the knowledge or the material yet to do something fancy, however what i can provide is possibly a daily stream, im lucky to have a lot of free time to do whatever i please, so that could be a good start i suppose

>> No.15176590 [SPOILER] 
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i consider myself to be well above average in terms of work, i have some glaring issues, namely anatomy and perspective being my biggest flaws, but as they say: feedback is the key, along trial and error.

i suppose being good at rambling/being bilingual helps too, i know english and spanish as well

>> No.15177199

I see what you mean. Despite some of the minor issues I think you have some great qualities to your art and people would want to see it.

>> No.15177654

Will a male vtuber who streams strategy games ever be viable? I feel like the gender is already a debuff and the genre is only going to make it worse.

>> No.15177759

nijimales already show that gender doesn't matter so long as you are entertaining. strategy games sound really fucking boring to me though but maybe if you can find a way to make it fun for viewers, they'll care. look at what the top streamers in those games are doing and emulate that.

>> No.15177945

strategy games only appeal to fans of strategy games. that audience is very small

>> No.15178473

many thanks, honestly im aiming to be something of a laid back kind of vtuber, one you can pop in, chat with, leave in the background while you do something else, if that makes sense, maybe teach a thing or two about art, hell, maybe help some anons into becoming more self-confident with themselves to try out things in life, achieve their goals, feel better with themselves. I know it may sound like a treacherous and somewhat complicated mountain to top at, but i feel that is my calling, right now.

>> No.15178581


The only reason I feel even a little positive about it is that RTGame blew up after playing City Skylines, a simulation game, and I really liked those streams. Maybe I just need to do more homework and find other streamers or even vtubers that have a decent following and play strategy or simulation games and take notes from them.

>> No.15179743

What did you put into your name? Did you prioritize what was fitting for your character, fitting for your content, something catchy/marketable, or just whatever your thought sounded cool?

>> No.15180368

your chat will take the first 2 syllables of your name and make a it a cute nickname. that's all you need to know. it really doesn't matter what you name yourself. one of the best male indies is named Kitty McPancakes.

>> No.15182999

NTA but I just can't live with something like that.

>> No.15183960

What does /asp/ think of AnubisLives?
Solid advice?

>> No.15184172

for a chuuba name? do a google search and see if it's already taken.

>> No.15184529

>for a chuuba name?
No, no. He is a guy that does videos on how to be a vtuber.

>> No.15184666

don't care. don't know him. sounds like jusagi. just another retard making "how to be successful" videos but isn't successful himself.

>> No.15184926

Probably not great advice. If you want "stream self help" you're better off checking out people like alphagaming, devin nash, or stream scheme but take everything they say with a big grain of salt.

>> No.15185209

i know this isn't the back alley but i want this woman to sit on my face also i like your art

>> No.15185857

It actually might be him, I just checked and it sounds like Jusagi with a better microphone. Overall his videos dont seem as bad as Jusagi's, but none of it is really information you can't get anywhere else from any other "how to be a streamer" guide on Youtube

>> No.15185896

wouldn't be the first time an anon casually drops a name hoping someone on 4chan gets curious and goes digging.

>> No.15185930

Jusagi is too much of a vtweeter, this guy has had his twitter up since 2017 and has barely any followers

>> No.15186276

I remember when he was going to start an org, talked about finding "investors" and nothing fucking came from it. It's interesting because it's honestly the same thing as this other dude. Decent advice (mixed in with some dogshit) from someone who's seen no success because they aren't interesting in the least.

There's been a few chuubas who used to be significantly smaller and would swear by his advice like Kabhaal or that green dog and few others and they're doing great so there might be something to it overall but advice can only get you so far if you don't have the substance, personality, or abilities to make any use of it.

>> No.15186394

>There's been a few chuubas who used to be significantly smaller and would swear by his advice like Kabhaal or that green dog and few others
they were all doing fine and only give lip service to jusagi. everyone in the vtubing world knows that jusagi is just a vtweeter and his brand of content is self help tier books from 2014 at best.

>> No.15186594

I feel like I'm starting to make a little progress getting more viewers / followers and hanging on to them. It's nice to see these new people come back for the next stream.

>> No.15186684

Are babinikus fine?

>> No.15186700


>> No.15186726

no one likes babis

>> No.15187113

So how many levels of RP and kayfabe do you employ?
Casually mentions vtubing as a hobby and that you are a human person behind a persona
Kiara level. References to 4th wall but in-character.
Luna level. 4th wall is limited only to audience interaction. Completely in-character even in real life recollections.
Kizuna Ai level. You are the character, you are real in your own little world. You dont refer to the hobby as vtubing and all as you are streaming as yourself.
Same as above, but with an extra layer of worldbuilding. You do not mention a single irl event. Everything you say sounds logical and realistic from your character's POV

>> No.15187299

None is the healthiest and allows for the best growth. Kizuna AI only worked because most of her material was scripted.

>> No.15187331

None, it's the best level.

>> No.15187433

She's a character i'm redesigning to serve as the Flagship OC of the content i make. Ideally i would like to user her as my avatar, but considering i'm a man, fat chance that is gonna backfire, i guess.

( and hey, Search Pixiv, remember the halo design, you'll be rewarded. Just, mind the content warning.)

>> No.15187561

>That final level
You need to be a special type of autist to stream in-character and worldbuild simultaneously. Unless youve been sitting on a plan for more than a year and do impromptu acting, its not something that had been done before

>> No.15189541

I like the art!
One thing I didn't see other anons touch on - speed.
A friend(ish) streamer did a "I draw your character in my style" a while back. Put up a notice on twitter, asked for mutuals to drop their png. He got ~50 responses.
I'm WfH right now, so I'm pretty much always on twitch, and was the first one in the stream. So he drew me first.

It took two and a half hours.

If you're taking that long to do art, then streaming it won't work - you'll need to be doing a zatsudan at the same time. If you can churn it out in 30 minutes, even if it's lower quality, you can throw free art everywhere, which really helps up your engagement (although everyone will only be around for the freebies)

>> No.15192088

Strategy game streams arent actually strategy game streams. It defaults to a chatting stream with the game in the background.

>> No.15192243

dot_lvl, hiiragi yuu (reverse), kuramekira, porcelainmaid all seem to be doing really well

>> No.15192425

You named 4 out of the dozens, if not hundreds.

Kuramekira spent what feels like almost a year VTweeting and networking with some pretty big chuubas and making sure his social media was engaging, also leans into the Femboy thing.

PorcelainMaid/Joel is an extremely early adopted who quickly became popular and made lots of connections with some of the biggest indies there are and is highly respected.

Reverse Babi is fine, they're playing into that Class S Takarazuka Revue type stuff because they've got a fairly andro voice.\

Not sure about Dot but he's probably the one exception here.

My point is, can you do any of that stuff? If not then what reason do you have to be a babi? Why actively hurt your growth?

>> No.15192500

Every game stream is a chatting stream in disguise unless it’s explicitly a let’s play

>> No.15192772

In the end it's
a) male model with male voice
b) female model with male voice

I think the issue is that a lot of these males dont want to be the pretty boy that girls swoon over otome games for

>> No.15192879

How about these babis?

>> No.15193067

Never take anyone Japanese into account for anything when it comes to vtubing and demographics. VTubing as a whole has a viewership that's probably well over 10 times what it is here. You aren't Japanese, you don't speak Japanese, and your audience won't be Japanese. You're trying to appeal to a western audience.

>> No.15193109

>in the end
Context matters, and the context behind their success is that they were already very skilled prior to even getting into vtubing and in Joel's case he had that on top of the buff of an extremely early adopted.

>> No.15196388

Spilt so much seed to Ito life's work.

>> No.15198647

quick bymp

>> No.15200156

Any partners here can share how they grew their twitch channel? I'm feeling so discouraged. My channel was growing steadily during my first month but this month my average viewership has been dropping.

>> No.15200610

Using just bird motives is fine imho

>> No.15200782

>My PC is too weak atm
OBS will most likely slaughter your drawing stream resolution and frame rates

>> No.15201212

For the quality of the drawing you see there, it took me about a wekk to produce, however i have been making some rounds around the rest of the board taking some requests and i can churn some sketch level works in about 30 to 45 minutes, quicker if its not full body. Ironically i started to slow down so i could focus on increasing the production quality. (I draw everyday, at least for 3-5 hours)

If it serves as a benchmark, minecraft runs at 60fps. Honestly im the type of person that prefers smoothness over graphics, but if this is true, then i guess it's better to upgrade first and set up, right? (It's a mini-PC btw)

>> No.15201382

You need a good design.

>> No.15201546

Literally who? Another no-name on how to get big, oh boy.


Listen to this man. Harris Heller, Devin Nash, Stream Scheme, and Ludwig are all great resources. Epos Vox is useful for tech stuff as well. The grain of salt IMO isn't because they're necessarily wrong, but because some of the concepts they present might be too high-level for where you are at.

Devin in particular is really great for overall direction in business building, not just 'how 2 stream'.

If you absolutely MUST listen to a vtuber, aicandii has a playlist on her channel full of resources, and fofamit has a ton of resources as well ESPECIALLY for the 3d space. These are both successful creators.

>> No.15201584

>cant refresh page because this year's christmas theme is like a brick to my eyes
i owe you my life hiroshimoot i love you

>> No.15201850

idunno, I'm still put off by good designs when the voice I was expecting doesn't come out of them.

>> No.15204269

To the people replying none to >>15187113, why do you even bother being a vtuber if you don't even want to play a character?
Ugly? Shy? Dirty house?

>> No.15204521

don't take the bait.

>> No.15204731

I sent an application. I'm getting a reply in the next two weeks. I'm not getting picked up but it's nice to think about.

>> No.15205159

i think I am getting to my limit with this.
I dunno why I even try anymore, Everyone I know is doing better, I feel like trash.

>> No.15205234

are you marketing yourself or just going live and hoping viewers magically stumble on you?

>> No.15205253

Post links<span class="fortune" style="color:#d001aa">

Your fortune: Feliz Navidad!</span>

>> No.15205311

Link your stuff! :0

>> No.15205384

NTAs but I'm scared of becoming a parasocial fuck and degraded or dehumanized daily

>> No.15205535

This is why you set boundaries with your audience. Creepy fucks get filtered by upfront chuubas.

>> No.15205683

I think that should be the case for all levels regardless but the difficulty is the differing ways of resolving them accordingly. Also would anyone know a vtuber that does unfiction preferably well?

>> No.15205777

i don't want my face connected to my streaming since i have a job that i don't want to be super easily traced to
though i would probably closer to minor than none

>> No.15206098

Well whatever, I don't know marketing, and the marketing advice here is basically just SEO. So here you go


I don't expect people to just come, I consistently been streaming almost every day for a year but at this point I don't even feel like streaming. The only reason I do is because my GF is telling me to not quit and I don't want to make her sad.

>> No.15206119

there's your problem. use twitch.

>> No.15206175

fuck off. I use twitch

>> No.15206260

your twitter bio says otherwise

>> No.15206402

I have one, I multi stream to it, but I don't like twitch in general. But it doesn't change that advice is shit. Even when I used Twitch the views were low.

>> No.15206449

alright then anon. looks like your mind is made up. good luck with this streaming every day for a year but seeing zero growth thing. sounds like it's working out for you.

>> No.15206826

>my GF
Why are you even here. Drop it already.

>> No.15206851

>not a single letter capitalized
Uh oh. He's here.

>> No.15206871


>> No.15206936

Anyone know a good place to get a 3D model?

>> No.15206951

Some tranny that will act passive aggressive, or plainly aggressive, to anyone who even questions using Twitch.
He appears whenever someone seems to be considering Youtube as a potential streaming platform.

>> No.15207058

Well, she made my second and third models.
Oh, yeah I was expecting advice, not some evangelisation

>> No.15207101

are all those /pol/ tier crap you're retweeting part of your brand?

>> No.15207279

I guess it doesn't help it.

>> No.15207307

Rent free.

>> No.15208190

I altered my existing nickname cause I'm too used to it

>> No.15208335

Moderate to major, I alter real events to fit

>> No.15208451

Vroid, make it yourself or looks for comms on Twitter idk

>> No.15210526


>> No.15215136

I've spent hours trying to will Vroid studio into submission. Been trying to do that thing where you make accessories out of hair. Here's me hoping that the beta will be more functional.

>> No.15215387

Someone clipped one of my streams for the first time and I'm over the moon about it! Definitely instilled some confidence in thinking people actually want to hear the dumb shit I have to say. Little victories.

>> No.15217040

Out of curiosity, what tutorials did you follow?

>> No.15218519

unfiction because i think it would be fun to try but will probably slip down to major because never breaking character even slightly in a livestream format is impossibly difficult, and not being able to reference irl events even "disguised" as fictional events makes for boring commentary since i would have zero personal anecdotes/stories to talk about

>> No.15218732

I mean Twitch is objectively the better site for streaming with YT as a close second. You're free to stream on these random bullshit
alternative sites but if you're actually trying to build something from it then they're essentially worthless.

If you want to just stream for fun with no hopes of growing it into anything meaningful (whether it becomes a career, side job, or just a very successful hobby) then stream wherever you want.

>> No.15218894

Weren't raids the only thing Twitch had over Youtube?
What makes it so good anyway?

>> No.15219172

Raids are one thing; lower barrier of entry for emotes was another, and a big one is channel point redeems which are just nice to play around with when the streamer sets up fun ones

>> No.15219436

Raids, community, total viewership, what >>15219172 mentions, the fact it's the main site people go to for streaming, especially for EN indies. There's a reason it's the main site almost every indie and large streamer uses. Stream on Twitch, upload highlights, clips, and other content to Youtube.

>> No.15220529

Twitch is better as you start out. Trying to explain exactly why this would take too long, so I'll sum it up as best as possible.

It doesn't matter what lies you tell yourself as a chuuba, if you don't feel like you're making progress in some way, you're going to feel defeated and it will become hard to carry that momentum. Small victories is what keeps small streamers going on Twitch until the day they pop off and go viral.
>random moderate to large raids, while don't do much for your growth, feel exciting and give you a chance to taste that large audience
>affiliate is incredibly easy to hit, emotes are cheap enough to commission and viewers love to mess around with silly channel point redeems. this would be near impossible on youtube since you need 4,000 hours viewed on your videos. good luck streaming that much to zero.
>hype system makes it very easy to turn even small series of donos into an event. gift subs monetize channel hype.
Even if these on their own don't mean you'll "make it" all of them together add up and give you that feeling of progress over time. Another anon above got excited about getting clipped. congrats, small victory. You think that's gonna happen if you stream on Trovo or Youtube?

You get feedback and growth directly from your streaming. That's the best part of Twitch. Most /asp/ies here are looking to livestream, most expect their growth to happen when they're live. That's perfectly fine when you're starting out and Twitch provides the little psychological victories that keep you going.

Once you get bigger, you'll want to expand away from just growing while live. Because there are only so many hours in a day, it'll start to become an inefficient way to grow. That's when you start to transition over to recorded content, clippers making highlights, offline content like memey voice packs and "hi honey" trends that can help your growth while you're sleeping.

Again that shit is in the future. When you're starting out, you want that growth while you're streaming for the feeling of progression. Twitch is the best place for that. No Trovo, not Youtube, not whatever else the fuck. Facebook might actually be better than Twitch because of their sheer number of viewers, but fuck Facebook.

>> No.15222273
File: 277 KB, 720x774, pls moomber [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fwz21cb.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What always struck me as Twitch's advantage over YT for new streamers is that it is naturally geared towards streaming (obviously?)
Like, when you go to YT, streams aren't fed to you unless you explicitly type in "[Game/content I want to watch] stream". And even then you're more likely to be fed peoples' VoDs. Whereas if you go to Twitch, unless you're there for a particular streamer, chances are you're looking for someone streaming a particular game or something, so you type in "Morrowind", click on the suggestion of The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind, and bam, doing that I just found 3 TESIII streams.
It just naturally lends itself far better to the freshly-starting streamer, because a person might just stumble onto your content. You don't have to hope they scroll through/ignore a billion rant and review videos about the game, some glitch compilations, an MLG montage or two, before finally coming across streams.

>> No.15224012

Oh, yeah, that.
Hopefully, youtube makes a dedicated streaming section or something in the future.

>tfw can't rember any happy day

>> No.15224867

Then give up. You dont want to do the thing that has seen many vtubers worse than you grow and gain an audience 10 times your size with less effort you put in. Nobody cares about multistreamers. Nobody cares about Trovo. Just give up now.

>> No.15225001

Multistreaming is fine, there's no real downside early on really, it's just the lack of wanting to do anything to grow because they've already given up that's the issue.

>> No.15225131

You seem to know what you're talking about, do you have any advice for a 200 CCV vtuber with twitch partner looking to grow without putting more hours into streaming?

I've started getting editors to start making clips and content for youtube for 2022 and I'm looking into doing more tiktoks as well. Is there anything else to work on with sacrificing more hours in a day since while I'm doing well, it's not good enough that I can quit my job at the moment.

>> No.15225620

Why the fuck are you on asp chibidoki

>> No.15225650

>do you have any advice for a 200 CCV vtuber with twitch partner looking to grow without putting more hours into streaming?
Figure out what brings your viewers back and find ways to "bottle" that up into a package that has "replayability" if that makes sense. Easiest example, ASMRtists can make an ASMR video that'll hit the right triggers and can be played back again at anytime for the audience. Your viewers can replay that day in day out. New viewers can find you and search up that content months down the line when they discover you. Figure out what about you, as the personality on stage, is bringing people back and find ways to extract it out from your livestreams.

>I've started getting editors to start making clips and content for youtube for 2022 and I'm looking into doing more tiktoks as well.
These are fine ways to continue your development, just keep in mind that the source of these clips and tiktoks will likely come from your livestreams, i.e. you still need to be live and creating content for these to exist. You'll have to find a way to pull yourself out of relying on you being live. That's gonna look different fro everyone.

>> No.15225832

nta but you're pretty much on the right track. Outside of the type of growth you're already planning for, the only other avenues at that size are networking (which I assume you've done, but meeting new people your size never hurts) events, and possibly creating content specifically for Youtube like Tier Lists, Wikipedia Speedruns, and collaborative content. Not necessarily "hey let's play this game" but planned collaborative content like what Porcelain Maid does where he's got someone on and creates a char with them, or semi-scripted hangouts like Takahata.

Chibi has over 1.5k viewers, not even close

>> No.15226491

>you still need to be live and creating content for these to exist.
didn't think about this but makes sense. is there some kind of upper limit to how much you can grow just relying on your livestreams?

>> No.15226741

There's not really any way to quantify it. People have succeeded just off of Live streaming but most don't. The ones that do probably were just in the right place at the right time.

>> No.15226854

What are some of your guys' favorite Vtuber outfits? Need some inspiration ^^

>> No.15226950

it's overdone but i really think techwear Arknights style is still pretty cool. i just like the way it looks futuristic.

>> No.15226984

I like dropping into these threads and to give advice to aspiring chuubas.

Thanks for the second opinions, sometimes I need to know if I'm on the right track and asking for advice is pretty hard. Having to figure out what makes people come to watch your streams seems to be something I need to think about a lot but your advice is sound.

>> No.15227568

There's a bunch on youtube and I watched a bunch on Ninja-Dee's channel. Download the beta version and the stable version. You need the beta for custom hair.

>> No.15231411

dont die bls

>> No.15232304

oh wow, I remember you posting about being pro cunny. you're good in my book.

>> No.15232685

Minor, my lore is that my character is just really chuuni and likes dressing up weird

>> No.15232706

now that you mention chibidoki.
she faked her own "funny moment" clips and blew up from it, what's stopping anyone from doing the same?

she's proof that being a hypocrite will bring you far, I remember her criticizing lewd vtubers despite making sex jokes and being anti lolis despite you know.. her model. well to be fair her model is more a toddler than a loli.

>> No.15235137

Good point, what's stopping people from scripting a fake funny moment? Nobody can tell the difference at the end of the day.

>> No.15235198

I think there's a difference between making sexual joke and being 100% unfiltered coomer bait. Not sure what she faked though, her clips got picked up by a clipper account that's all.

>> No.15235576

Nothing, plenty do it and there's nothing really wrong with it but I think most people can tell the difference between a real and fake reacton and I don't really think it's as easy to just "write funny moments" as people make it out to be, though main clips I've seen of her are just unfortunate minecraft stuff and jokes.

The difference is why would yours get picked up by a clipper account?

>> No.15235854

So... guerilla marketing
You shill yourself but under a different persona

>> No.15236154

Why would anyone care about the second persona if they don't even care about the first?

>> No.15236349

you mean /here/ or /wvt/? because that sounds retarded

>> No.15237170

>0view advertises a 2view
Great marketing strategy, I see zero flaws with this plan, everyone will surely buy into the hype

>> No.15237280
File: 853 KB, 1024x1023, 1639107976247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spending Christmas with /asp/ because you have no friends or family!
Not streaming because you're a 2view and don't wanna hurt yourself with a Christmas stream that no one will watch!
Having doubt you'll ever make it as a chuuba in any significant capacity!
Hating yourself while sitting on 4chan on Christmas Eve!

>> No.15239821

Merry Christmas bump

>> No.15240098

Wouldn't tonight be the absolute best night to stream, unironically? There's any number of other people out there who are depressed and miserable and probably are tuning.to twitch to find someone to "hang out with"

>> No.15240110

Prewriting all your funny content isn't great (it means you have these weird moments where you go on a tangent that's funny, and the rest of the time you're dull), but it gets you on the right track. Write some funny things, and start finding ways to segue them into your stream.

>> No.15243065

I will make it. This fortune supports it!<span class="fortune" style="color:#01aad0">

Your fortune: You got an extra thick slice of fruitcake.</span>

>> No.15243733

What I'm most interested in about aspiring to become a vtuber is the Initial Investment. For example, is it true that you need a high-end PC in order to stream and animate your avatar? Or would a laptop suffice?

>> No.15243854

I hope I also get a nice fortune and can make it

>> No.15243951

A laptop will suffice if it and your net handle streaming. But many games will just not work, so until I saved for better PC I mained drawing, pixel games (NOT Minecraft), karaoke and chatting. The latter two should do fine on any shitty computer.

>> No.15244073

A laptop can suffice depending on the specs, but what >>15243951 said is generally correct. You'll probably end up doing non-gaming tasks (which is perfectly fine, non-gaming content is the most popular on the site) and maybe get away with a few lower-end indie games. As for the avatar you'll either need to just PNGtube, or if you have the iPhone a majority of a Live2D's resources can be offloaded to the iPhone's tracking.

>> No.15244612

while we're talking pc stuff, a gtx 970 should be good enough for vtubing if I'm probably not playing much that's released since the card came out, right? I am literally suffering but also aware it could be much worse

fortune decides if I will have success<span class="fortune" style="color:#fc2d53">

Your fortune: Happy Hanukkah!</span>

>> No.15247092

Yes, assuming your CPU doesn't choke it.

>> No.15248161

Males, do your voice reps. It's one of the most important tools as a streamer.

>> No.15248204

m*le here. what kind of voice reps are we talking about? i see this advice a lot but don't know what it means.

>> No.15248315

Theres such a thing as an "attractive" voice. Even if you arent born with one, there are plenty of things you can do like polish up on enunciation and vocal clarity, as well as pacing. Talking for hours is like a marathon so you have to seem coherent. Its a lot different than with females in terms of dynamics where they strive for cute most of the time.
Sound confident, or like you know exactly what youre talking about? This sort of energy will also aid you, as opposed to the shrill shakiness of someone suffering stage fright.

>> No.15248366

Spacer was good at this sort of voice, admittedly.

>> No.15248632

I was able to do vseeface tracking with shitty PC, but yeah png can also help

>> No.15248978

Bump and fortune check
Will I make it this year?
I got nya in captcha should I redebut as catgorl (MNYAD)<span class="fortune" style="color:#d001aa">

Your fortune: Feliz Navidad!</span>

>> No.15251001

>polish up on enunciation and vocal clarity
this makes sense
this doesn't. got examples of what good pacing looks like? looks like a lot of made it streamers just talk really fast. i don't know if that's over acting for the camera or how their regularly pace their speech.

>> No.15253652
File: 152 KB, 377x377, 4E9F8B6E-663A-47FF-8D3C-BEE996BAB9F5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas

>> No.15254812

The fuck does that mean, redebut or no<span class="fortune" style="color:#117eec">

Your fortune: The poster above you has been very very naughty!</span>

>> No.15255388

Feliz Navidad is merry Christmas in Spanish so it's a good sign.

>> No.15256262


>> No.15257296
File: 1.93 MB, 334x363, 1625643414387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyaposter... what did you do<span class="fortune" style="color:#7f11ec">

Your fortune: You're getting a lump of coal in your stocking!</span>

>> No.15258267

I really hope I don't have to buy half a ton of foam to soundproof my room.<span class="fortune" style="color:#d001aa">

Your fortune: Feliz Navidad!</span>

>> No.15260024
File: 255 KB, 800x450, 409c77e5fae593ae7a3a66d8535d2257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone excited about the Di Gi Charat VTuber? https://twitter.com/dejiko_15th/status/1474289841475289089

>> No.15261693

Look up budget acoustic treatment if you really need to. Soundproofing is for when you don't want your neighbors to hear you being loud.<span class="fortune" style="color:#fc2d53">

Your fortune: Happy Hanukkah!</span>

>> No.15262025

slowing down your cadence when you speak, using low intonation at the end of your sentences, and pausing instead of going "um," "uh," or any other filler words.
look up "voice cadence (or swap out cadence for intonation, confidence, etc)" plenty of videos on the subject
not a chuuba but former retail anon, it really helps people listen to you
you could also look at ted talks, not for the information but the way the speakers conduct themselves

>> No.15264785

Foam doesnt soundproof, it helps absorb sound so theres little echo. For actual soundproofing youd have to install insulation in the walls.

>> No.15264858

This feels like a weird question to ask, but figured here was a decent place.
When do you do a model update? I used a png, recently updated to a vroid, and now am looking to either do another vroid update to something better, or learn it myself. But if I learn it myself, then is it okay to do iterative updates, or save it all, and do a big update every now and then?

>> No.15265330

Scenario: Someone discovers your previous identity and spreads it around, what do you do? Ignore it? Graduate? Confirm it?

>> No.15265594

ignore it. no one will care.

>> No.15265776

This. Unless you did something wrong, they you might need to address it. But in regards to just a nod to your identity, no one will care.

>> No.15266117

>previous identity
like your roommate identity or a previous chuuba identity?
if it's your roommate, no one will care like anons have said. especially in the western indie scene. outside of hololarpers, pretty much everyone understands that there's a real person behind the chuuba model. that big face reveal thing just proves that roommate identity isn't that big of an issue for westerners.

if it's a previous chuuba identity, it'll depend on what happened. if you're like TVwasTaken and outed as a legit pedo or ArbiterofWhim and went on a woman hating rant, then you'll be gatekept out of the community. people will find your past identity and warn viewers and other chuubas from interacting with you. if you just rebrand or something i don't think many will care unless you make a big fuss about it first.

>> No.15267335

speaking from a poorfag perspective, only upgrade if you have the spare cash or if you're willing and have the patience to do the upgrading yourself
plenty of chuubas do iterative upgrades so show those off as you wish, but the big upgrades imo should be saved if you have a new outfit or or something beyond a minor feature addition (color palette swaps, new expressions, maybe an animation or two etc)

>> No.15268380

I'd probably just spin it for some sympathy clicks because I don't really care, but people love a victim

>> No.15269715

Would anyone know a good place to find royalty free retro assets like old television and stuff?

>> No.15270472

I'm planning on being loud.

Damn. How hard is that?

>> No.15270621

if you're looking for soundproofing, get one of these https://whisperroom.com/ otherwise everything else will fall under sound treatment which is more for diffusing and absorbing harsh echoes and reflections in your room.

>> No.15271434

Anons who comissioned their Vtuber art, 2D and not the rigging, how did you find an artist?
Around how much does a good anime chara artist costs?
Any country with good artists and a currency cheaper than dolar I should look for online?

>> No.15271487


>> No.15271517

Thank you

>> No.15273128

nizima/pixiv DMs/twitter DMs of artists
jp artists are much cheaper than western vtuber artists , except for the big names like asanagi etc

>> No.15273236

>jp artists are much cheaper than western vtuber artists
That's suprising actually!

>> No.15273289

Thailand, indonesia and Phillipines has a thriving vtuber community and if you look around sites that focus on that region you can usually get pretty high quality stuff for way cheap.

>> No.15273487

I can't speak for all of them, but one thing I've noticed for some while looking is that they don't do a great job separating parts, and their rigging is typically sub-par. EN riggers are undoubtedly the best and while EN artists sometimes don't replicate the "anime" look as well, they typically have a much better grasp of Live2D than JPs do.

You'll find the odd "I can make the model turn all the way around!" JP rigger but for the most part it's extremely stiff and static rigging.

>> No.15273619

This is semi-related. I saw this Japanese video doing the best Vroid paint job I've ever seen on an avatar. Gave me some ideas.


>> No.15275756

latest streamer drama on social media is that having a schedule is ableist. laugh at the retards and have a schedule and stick to it, /asp/ies.

>> No.15276046

>hobby comes pre-infiltrated
Oh boy. This will be fun.

>> No.15276106

literally just ignore it

>> No.15277464

That's the plan. Hopefully it doesn't limit my networking range that much.

>> No.15278686
File: 180 KB, 500x763, hgfgdre5456yj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all of the males: Have you been practicing your voice acting?



>> No.15279066
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>having a schedule is ableist
This is a joke right? It's an ironic thing that is only a 'thing' for like 10 people, right?

>> No.15279146

the argument they're making is that "neurodivergent" people can get overwhelming and suffer anxiety attacks with deadlines so pushing streamers to have a set schedule is ableist because it discriminates against those who cannot handle the pressure of going live on a deadline

>> No.15279229
File: 447 KB, 680x665, ogey42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but who's "they"? Is it just a bunch of pre/neverdebuts, 0views and vtweeters?

>> No.15279310

trad webcam streamers on twitch who are part of the woke gang. they've been spreading the message to chuubas in the last week.

>> No.15279396

If they really cared, they would create networks of care so that both the streamer and the audience could have a maximally-enjoyable time. But, they'd rather just post rad-lib platitudes on Twitter.

>> No.15280002
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, aqua2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually doing something of consequence to solve a 'problem'

>> No.15280374

can i get a link to this it sounds funny

>> No.15280831

I will only watch you if you produce content from the "major" level or above.

>> No.15281859

Stop acting like it's some big conspiracy, it will not affect a single thing. The " woke gang" isn't some mob that's going to force you to act a certain way. Stream what and how yo uwant.

>> No.15281987

luckily youre in the extreme minority of viewers no one wants to pander to to begin with

>> No.15283257

That's because they have shit taste. Don't pander to idiots.

>> No.15283572

It wasn't til I started listening to self recordings that I realized how much I slur and clip words in normal speech. But then when I try to improve general enunciation just by slowing my diction a bit and moving my mouth a bit more, it then sounds comically exaggerated, like I'm doing the stereotype of a burger talking loudly and slowly to someone who doesn't speak English [well] as if that improves comprehension

>> No.15283634

Tldr samefagging: I can't find a balance between mushmouthing and overpronouncing everything

>> No.15283686

then overpronounce

>> No.15283971

Assuming you ever make it in any appreciable sense, better that you speak clearly so that ESLs can get into your content than speaking what I'm guessing is what you describe as conversational English. Plus it'll make you a better speaker IRL too (for professional settings and shit) if you practice your oratory voice.

>> No.15284563

Try to learn a different accent. Nobody likes American accents anyway.

>> No.15284851

if you have zero viewers, stop streaming, start networking

>> No.15285068

I had an unusual idea: how do I maintain zero viewers? Basically, I want to do a sort of "hide-and-seek". The goal is to avoid being perceived yet continue making (quality) content.

>> No.15285162

this is why you never listen to viewers. they have the dumbest fucking ideas.

>> No.15285177

Make YT/Tiktok videos and/or Stream with the intent of making videos. Networking is good but content is still better. In the end it's all necessary but you need to give people something to follow you for.

>> No.15285261

Don't stream. Nothing wrong with doing non-streamed content but the only way to not get viewers it to not stream.

>> No.15285403

I mean I guess. It just feels/sounds stilted and artificial
This sounds like terrible advice, no offense. You're not wrong re: burger accent being a debuff, but I'd rather speak natively than try to affect an accent artificially and sound fucking stupid(er than I already do)

>> No.15286258

While it is terrible advice, burger accent isn't a "debuff" and I'm not even sure what would lead you to believe that, it's just yours

>> No.15291974

bump i guess but 2 more in a row and i leave this thread for good

>> No.15293336
File: 808 KB, 1000x1000, 1639798769149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to cut out the middleman and made my own BGM since I know how to make music. Well, better to say, I made a song then adjusted it to try to make my own BGM. I don't know how good it is outside of my own biased opinion though. Here's a sample, any thoughts? Two segments of the main melody section, first with and second without hi-hats, can't decide which fits better.


It almost feels too sad or melancholy, can't decide if that's because of the key or the chord progression. Or if it even really 'fits' as BGM.
pls respond

>> No.15293460

sounds fine for bgm. you're seriously over thinking this though.

>> No.15293806

it sounds fine, BGMs are only for scenes and if you're in a zatsudan you want it low enough to barely hear it anyways. Also you can keep improving it or change it over time as you keep streaming.

>> No.15293916

I guess that's a good point I didn't think of. Kinda getting ahead of myself and making shit that's pointless considering I'm nowhere near the point of zatsus or being able to attract viewers with mindless games that basically turn into zatsus (block game, hero battle royale game, etc.)

>> No.15294245

>Kinda getting ahead of myself and making shit that's pointless considering I'm nowhere near the point of zatsus
yeah you are. you're not the first /asp/ie to make this mistake. there have been plenty who told themselves they're going to make a 3D model or learn how to draw and rig their own avatar only, create all of their own stream assets and so on only to end up at the end of this year having done zero streams. do you really want to be a chuuba or are you just dicking around using it as an excuse?

>> No.15294505

its okay, anon, ill pander to you
sounds a bit more melancholy without the hats but also comfier desu. i like it either way, its a really nice progression and melody, but i think the second version especially could fit better as your stream outro/"thanks for watching!" music and have something a little more "emotionally neutral" as your main bgm
i get the overthinking though, i make music too and this is the kind of thing i would be concerned with even if no viewer would notice and none of that shit really matters. but for me its more about just making something im happy with. im not good enough at production to make my own bgm tho i just write music as midi scraps and never do anything with them lol but good tune anon it would stand out to me if i heard it on a stream

>> No.15296080

That's opening music not bgm.

>> No.15296241

Is there anything that I should keep in mind when looking around for a pngtuber avatar commission? Just contact interesting artists with open commissions? Should I only bother anyone specifically stating they do work for pngtubers or would most modelers be ok?

>> No.15296304

doesn't matter for pngs but specify you want one with a closed and one with an open mouth if you plan to use the discord reactive images trick.

>> No.15296321

Most people should be fine, you're basically just getting one or more PNGs to stream with so anyone should be able to do that

>> No.15296319

Sadly, it’s the only option for me since I have zero money for commissions.

>> No.15296355

just use free bgm from dova syndrome and get started on your chuuba reps.

>> No.15296593

That's not me, I think he's reacting to you also mentioning learning to make a model/avatar.

>> No.15296666

Are there any live 2D tutorials with a style similar to VOMs or more cartoony rather than the more usual style? I guess it's all the same either way

>> No.15296814

Little_S made partner as a png snake with half a dozen variations. you don't need a fancy model nor do you need to learn to draw and rig everything from scratch.

>> No.15297134
File: 248 KB, 2529x1293, not me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, cool, but I'm not talking about models. The guy you replied to was. I was the person who first started this whole side conversation about making our own assets by talking about music. You should probably (you) >>15296319 if you want to give someone advice/hopium about visuals.

>> No.15297318

>I guess it's all the same either way
also nice quads

>> No.15297795

Not trying to call him a leech, but wasn't he carried pretty by another friend similar to how Aethalstan got boosted by Iron Mouse? That being said you don't NEED a model, just like you don't need a lot of things that viewers like to see, but it helps to have them. One guy making partner as a PNG snake doesn't mean it's a common thing the same was one guy going from 50 to 1.5k viewers from tiktok doesn't mean everyone's mileage will be the same there either.

>> No.15301142

That's one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard
