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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 81 KB, 850x679, ani1_new1-20210314-200936-000-resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1523225 No.1523225 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1523300

I guess I'll translate

>I hate troublesome shitty virgin otaku
>My followers and subscribers decreased a ton
>U..uu.. I don't really hate shitty virgin otaku. Sorry for saying too much.

I think it's pretty clear she's taking the piss a bit. This is who you have to pander to as a vtuber I guess

>> No.1523309

What am I looking at faggot

>> No.1523323

those are casuals. trained kimootas would totally embrace it.

>> No.1523343

Holy based. Guess I’ll watch her now.

>> No.1523350

>that decrease in likes and retweets
>in the span of 4 hours
Greatest of keks.
She's right, but she should have known better as well.

>> No.1523396
File: 110 KB, 1041x607, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy in the QRTs lmao
>This pissed me off
His description:
>I fight people with sexual experience
There's a ton of QRTs that're basically like "based. I'll subscribe now" too so the response seems mixed

>> No.1523401 [DELETED] 

>plays with fire
>gets burned

>> No.1523421

So she pulled a Hana kek Why are women like this.

>> No.1523432

I think she thought to herself that if she uses "troublesome" people would get clued in that she's talking about fans that are either bothering or harassing her. Instead the obvious happens.

>> No.1523444

this isnt a twatter board or your diary you fucking subhuman gook loser

>> No.1523449

Tell that to the OP, crybaby

>> No.1523470

go back gook monkey. your are as dumb as chinks

>> No.1523473


>> No.1523477 [DELETED] 

On the internet correct phrasing is everything. She should have thought more about what she was trying to say before she beamed it out to the entirety of planet earth.

>> No.1523513

She was right in the beginning though.

>> No.1523541

What the fuck, its fucking real

>> No.1523576

Based, isn't she?

>> No.1523617

>insult your fans
>they decide to stop watching
crazy how that works

>> No.1523723

It's twitter retard, stop being a sensitive faggot.

>> No.1523766

But she did the correct phrasing, people just ignored a qualifier.

>> No.1523774

Being a coward who talks shit and then walks it all back is based? Not even any life-ruining consequences for her statement in in the west, she just lost some fans.

>> No.1523795

*like in

>> No.1523925

whose this i wanna sub

>> No.1523942

bro the @ is in the image

>> No.1523996


>> No.1524025

She must be drunk again.

>> No.1524135

Reminder that she married herself

>> No.1524151

>ignore how someone really feels about X because it's on Twitter

>> No.1524209

>trading in your audience for one that's less pathetic but has less simpbux
holy SOVL

>> No.1524236

top kek

>> No.1524269


>> No.1524344

So her career is done right? What's she gonna do know? Compensated dating?

>> No.1524420

why did you link this?

>> No.1524458

Her stream basically has no dislikes which means you guys probably care more than twitter.

>> No.1524616

I had never even heard of her until this thread and this girl is already based as fuck in my book.

>> No.1524725

Thanks for telling me. Leaving a dislike!

>> No.1525049

Holy based, I'm checking her out now. Also, how does she have that many subscribers if her average views are extremely low? She doesn't even collab with people from what I see, so there can't be dead subs from that.

>> No.1525137

She already lost subs idiot, the Japanese aren't retarded when a vtuber is dead to them it means that, not like the Chinese, Idiots who will pay for memberships just to say "DIE" in chat get it deleted, have to pay more money to do it again, all while giving interaction to the video which YT algo favors.

>> No.1525177


>> No.1525299

She's losing it.

>> No.1525302

I assume she's drunk as fuck, still cute though

>> No.1525374

>already privated

>> No.1525394

What happened?

>> No.1525402

It was karaoke, so I assume it was going to be unarchived. She was having fun from what I saw

>> No.1525428

She seemed drunk.

>> No.1525837

She is the biggest moron if she thought she could tweet shit like this with no consequences

>> No.1526039

Kek, the people laughing about this is even funnier because you just know these are the same retards who mald everytime a jap starts speaking english.

>> No.1526114

>I fight people with sexual experience
holy based

>> No.1526132

Basada. Subscribing right now.

>> No.1526974


>> No.1527154

Um isn't that normal with how twitter works and how long it's been since the tweets? Obviously a tweet that's been around for four hours will get more likes and retweets than one that's been around for 40 minutes.

>> No.1527199

You guys are just pretending and not actually that retarded right?

>> No.1527219

well thanks for at least making a distinction anone

>> No.1527427

She used to be pretty popular but then drama happened and she was gone for a long while.

>> No.1527452

The idol industry is built on otaku delusions, it's not good practice to insult the paypigs anon.

>> No.1527474

I can't believe people here are so new they don't know Lim. She was one of the first ones with decent 3d.

>> No.1527529

This is literally /vt/, aka /v/ combined with reddit. Don't expect too much.

>> No.1527709

What the fuck would you expect. She was forced on a hiatus due to company drama from December 2019 until next summer, which was literally when Holo and the vtubing craze that followed on the west started booming.
That's got to be one of the worst "debuff seasons" I've seen.

>> No.1528129

Yeah I feel bad for her. She should just join Hololive or something.

>> No.1528606

She's actually gained 200 subscribers on her Twitter since she tweeted this. I guess people found it funny.

>> No.1528830

But are they paypigs that will sub on yt or nnd? Twitter followers are less than useless.

>> No.1528842

Retards really give ultra otaku too much credit. It's been proven time and time again that those hardcore idolfags are a super tiny minority.

>> No.1528892

>hardcore idolfags are a super tiny minority
As are paypigs. The crossover is the important part.

>> No.1529012

Remember when paypigs were supposed to leave Gura and Ame after the yabs? Wow that sure happened.

>> No.1529044
File: 294 KB, 900x900, virg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no matter what country you are in the world the only thing women can do when they don't get their way is scream virgin.

>> No.1529081

t. virgin

>> No.1529091

How many subscribes did you lose this morning?

>> No.1529124

well yea no matter where they're from they're still women so they depend on being helped by men in one way or another

>> No.1529190

She's always hated perverted otaku and even changed her model to have shoes when they started getting fixated on her feet. It was enough to turn off many of her followers myself included. Now that she's thirsting for attention she's showing her feet again. I've always found her outright boring as well, her design was the only thing she had going for her. Textbook example of yet another vtuber despising her viewers.

>> No.1529193

Nothing they did is comparable to her

>> No.1529194

Women that resort to virgin screaming know they are nothing more than a hole on a podest

>> No.1529220

hahaha I had been meaning to unsubscribe for a while might as well do it now.

>> No.1529235

t. doutei

>> No.1529247

>it's a fucking Len avatar as well
like pottery

>> No.1529250

She seems conflicted based off of her content and this tweet. Make up your damn mind woman.

>> No.1529358

They wouldn't take her she's a drama queen and evidently loses control when drunk.

>> No.1529394
File: 120 KB, 850x1202, __azuma_lim_azuma_lim_channel_drawn_by_yuuzii__sample-401a63f1e7c24f43ef99956cd0433a1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we talk about her feet and thick thighs though?

>> No.1529758

As it turns out, shitty virgin otaku have lots of spare income on account of having no family

>> No.1529845

hana... hana... hana... is that the haruhi suzumiya / konata VA that got shit on and people made it out to be that she only got shit on after it was found out she was sleeping with her band mates (except the bass guitarist or the drummer) when it was actually just the culmination of her spending her time making fun of and belittling otakus and such?

>> No.1529866

you're thinking of aya hirano

>> No.1529930

That's it. Thanks anon. So what'd hana do?

>> No.1530491

After the bullshit her company put her through she probably has nerves of steel.
Don't fuck with this cat.

>> No.1530536

Anon, she only mentioned subscribers and followers, which require no money. She got alot of superchats in the karoke steam as well

>> No.1530643

Place your bets, place your bets!

>> No.1530677

Made some twitter posts criticizing the >misogyny of vtuber enjoyers.

>> No.1530869

Why even fucking bother at that point? Christ people like that piss me off. Just fuck off and do something else.

>> No.1530911

>nerves of steel
>walks it back in two minutes

>> No.1531071

There's money to be made anon, there's money to be made. Hell, not only is there money to be made, but instead of having some overweight chainsmoker fling spittle in your face for actually sticking to your job description, you get to sit on your ass playing vidya and being "cute" for a couple hours a day while legions of random men tell you how great you are.

Hell, the industry is a lot less cynical than it ought to be.

>> No.1531429

Somebody alert Delta/Towa fags, this defenseless cutie needs saving from mean Japanese otaku

>> No.1531501

nah she deserved it, don't bite the hand that feeds you. i may be a saviorfag but i don't take kindly to being disrespected.
t. virgin otaku

>> No.1531519

>defenseless cutie
Defenseless cutie hired a lawyer to take down people saying shit about her

>> No.1531534

why are you dumb eops pretending anything even happened, basically no one cares except this thread

>> No.1531652

see >>1527529

>> No.1534313

Azulim is pretty fucking metal if you think about it, she fought for months to just keep her character model.
Our kouhai has balls of steel.

>> No.1534382

Kouhai even called out v-thots on her personal account but ofc the tweets have been deleted

>> No.1539575

I don't care who she hates. Is she a virgin tho? That's the only thing that matters in vtuber girls.

>> No.1539969

you'd think they would delete the original tweet to save face
