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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15035053 No.15035053 [Reply] [Original]

I think HoloMyth from Kiara's perspective is the best, being part of the Golden Gen which has treasure at every corner, whereas there is her continually questioning if she's really something that contributes to it, or if she really deserves to be with them.
>Lyrically Blessed
>Naturally Talented
>Diligent Resourceful
And then there's her, someone who always wanted to achieve a dream, but got it's other end

Regardless on whether or not we shit on her most the time, I think there's something sad about it, and bittersweet at the same time, one thing is for surr; SHE IS part of HoloMyth and it won't be complete without her.

>> No.15035090

>Regardless on whether or not we shit on her most the time
You know she's into that stuff, right?

>> No.15035135

What a Chad

>> No.15035486

If IRyS debuted instead of Kiara in Myth I am sure she would be above Calli.

>> No.15035733

Kiara is SOVL: The Human
She's always working hard and trying to find a way to make things work out and falling just short. Coincidentally, she's living the quintessential idol story; an average or maybe even less than average girl doing her best as her supporters cheer her on and watch her grow as a person and a performer. Because of this, ironically, Kiara is the most 'true idol' in Hololive. She may not realize it, but she's already achieved her dream.

>> No.15035901

Not realizing it is part of the tragedy

>> No.15037267

Kiara is the heart of the group, she is the one moving the conversation

>> No.15038275

unironically I think everyone here has some respect for Kiara, even throughout the rampant shitposting about her

>> No.15039286

yes, Kiara is the only one in Myth who is an actual idol in the classic sense

but vtubers are not the same thing as idols and the audience they appeal to is very different. That´s why she will never be on the same level as someone like Gura

>> No.15039473
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based chicken. I like how emotional she gets

>> No.15039657

Ich Liebe Kiara!

>> No.15040862

on what basis?

>> No.15040990

Kiara is far from average - she's relatively attractive and unironic genius when it comes to acquring language skills
Ame and Mori are both much more of a Cinderella story

>> No.15042180

>>Lyrically Blessed
Fuck off deadbeat.

>> No.15042278

Shame she's a very nasty and egocentric person. Kiara is the average, selfish, narcissistic, rude roastie with no filter. Some people like that but I deal with enough women like that every day to want to watch one in my spare time.

>> No.15042297

Yeah that's only one of the many things she's good at. Should've gone with "Musically Blessed"

>> No.15042393

Anon your Oshi is so bad at music in general that she had to take intensive lessons to become competent, she's the definition of luck.
I have no fucking clue if she's a good rapper or not, I don't do rap, but deadbeats making random ass faggot threads just to plug the idea of her being "blessed" or "genius" in them is a tale as old as time.

>> No.15042428

I mean to say bad at singing in general.

>> No.15042692
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Well, the majority of Austrians can speak English because it's taught as the second language there. She also bruteforced Japanese into her head from a young age by living there. I'm not sure you could sit her down today with some books on French and expect her to be fluent in 2 months I'll give you that she's cute, though not outstandingly so, and she doesn't really have any special talents/skills otherwise that make her stand out against the others. In both vtubing and in her personal life, she's always been a big underachiever. But in the end, I believe her experiences have caused her to want it more than anyone else, and want to try harder than anyone else. That's what makes her a true idol.
Idols are always far from perfect; that's why Suisei got turned away by every agency, even Cover. She was too good looking and too talented.

Anon I think you may be projecting your real life onto her...she may be mememememe but watch enough and you'll learn she's also a very kind hearted and sensitive person. She's not that bad, just insecure and wants to be loved.

>> No.15042742


>> No.15042748

Kiara has gotten pretty funny recently, she’s def getting better than the old rrats would make you believe. All that’s left to totally save her is killing the chicken voice once and for all…

>> No.15042776

>being part of the Golden Gen
I hate EOP

>> No.15042831

Her time to shine will come with 3d, im pretty sure of that

>> No.15043218

Stop replying to bait

>> No.15043284

Kiara is talentless and has to make up for her many, many shortcomings with sheer will, hard work, and copying other idols' affectations. I really don't like her at all, but I would hatefuck the shit out of her.

>> No.15043798

I think Kiara is proof that the Hololive business model works.
Even though she was unpopular for various reasons, she still found fans who love her by being herself, streaming a lot, and releasing songs.

>> No.15044223

She's Michael Scott. She wants nothing more than for people to like her, which causes occasional awkwardness and narcissism, but other times kindness and genuine heart.
Fundamentally, I think Kiara is a good person who would never try to hurt anyone.

>> No.15046644

Professionalism alone

>> No.15046702

>I think HoloMyth from Kiara's perspective is the best
Really? I had to unsubscribe to her, because her annoyance level crossed the line

>> No.15046845 [DELETED] 

I know about her past life so I can't buy that excuse. Nobody who openly supports BLM is fundamentally a good person.

>> No.15046908

Kiara's an attention whore, she'll say whatever she has to if it makes her feel accepted, though yes I do agree

>> No.15046931

>SHE IS part of HoloMyth and it won't be complete without her.
EN1 will survive if Kiara graduates

>> No.15046947

didn't ask

>> No.15046963

It would be better without her.

>> No.15047179

Who's the most likely to graduate?
imo from the most to least: Amelia > Calli > Ina > Gura > Kiara

>> No.15048258

Nobody in myth will ever be more SOVL than Ame.

>> No.15049209

>falling just short
I wouldn't really call her present situation as one of the <1% of vtubers who have been successful falling short (her insecurities about it aside), but yes, Kiara's passion and single-minded will are what make her so special.

>> No.15049330

another butthurt trannie mad that Kiara is the Stacy of her gen. Look at how she banters and bullies everyone else and how scared they are of her leadership

>> No.15049587

Don't be dense, liberal propaganda permeates everything. Plenty of good people fall for it, especially if they are susceptible to having their emotions manipulated.

>> No.15051403

I still remember when some fan asked her why she talked both in japanese and english as just a normal question and she had a fucking mental breakdown and pretty much doxxed the donator and sent her braindead fanbase after him. Holy shit ill never forgive her for that.

>> No.15052057

It fucking baffles me considering how mundane the question was which somehow prompted such a response.

>> No.15052183

>Lyrically Blessed
>Naturally Talented
>Diligent Resourceful
You listed these and I immediately thought of her. Who’s to say she doesn’t belong in myth

>> No.15052312


>> No.15059573

I would rub my dick on her armpits

>> No.15062356

She's great

>> No.15065398

She's not

>> No.15069774

The last image is wrong. Mori should be a bit closer to even with Gura, Ame should be higher, and Ina and Kiara should switch places.

>> No.15070000
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Anon, Kiara IS talented, she can sing well, dance & is multilingual.
>Disaster debut.
>Can't sing.
>Can't dance.
>Can't game.
>Can't speak Japanese.
>Shit immune system.
>Multiple incurable diseases.
>Two broken houses.
>Broken family.
>Three broken PCs.
>Lost her baggage before Christmas.
>25 failed rolls in a row.
And still, manages to find her place in Myth.

>> No.15070146

You will never be japanese

>> No.15070180


>> No.15070414

being average does not excuse u from being shit. Take (You) for example. Nothing special, your still ugly as shit.

>> No.15070571
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I love Ame and Kiara

>> No.15070626

>>Lyrically Blessed

>> No.15070853


>> No.15070990

for me it would be ame in second and ina and kiara together in last

>> No.15071570

So Kiara is the Yuzuko Mawatari of HoloLive?

>> No.15072966

Well... the other girls would not want to lose Kiara, because who else are they going to make present mediocre merch?
Basically Kiara is the one who takes the bullet for the other Myth girls

>> No.15074372

>EN1 will survive if Kiara graduates
You have to rip Hololive out of her cold dead hand anon, despite all the doomposting she has done she's the least likely to graduate voluntarily, definitely never going to be the first one in Myth to walk out.
Simply not just because she's clinging her only hope for relevancy in the industry, the dream she once longed before she crashed and burnt (not like she had ever taken off anyway). One of the major reasons is still honestly monetary , she's spent the most out of Myth when it comes to the money she got from Hololive, renting a brand new apartmet, all the new furnitures, all the medical bills trying to fix her fucked up health condition, not to mention all the different luxury she has purchased but never talked about on stream. A handful of gachikois sticking with her after graduation isn't gonna be enough to fuel her lifestyle, despite how much they want to be the last kfp.

>> No.15074634

Are you people all Americans? Because blame it on propaganda if you wish, but outside of the US there's literally nothing controversial about the views she held. In fact if you brought up contrary views in a classroom you'll probably get sent to counselling.

>> No.15074732

Kiara is Yagoo’s dream in application. Failed idols given a 2nd chance to do idol things.

>> No.15074766

Of course, she’s German.

>> No.15074932

Every group needs that crazy jerk to create conflict, spark unexpected adventures, and continuously drive the others out of complacency and routine. It’s the glue that holds a group of friends together. In Myth, that’s Kiara.

>> No.15075264

so she is Cartman
what does that make the other girls?

My guess:
Gura - Kenny
Mori - Stan
Ame - Kyle
Ina - Butters

>> No.15075616

>clearly never watches kiara

>> No.15075681

kiara is the dancer of myth. too bad she is getting cucked by cover and the coof

>> No.15075793

I'm sorry I'm still not over you overrating the other members with
>Lyrically Blessed
>Naturally Talented
>Diligent Resourceful
Literally the only accurate one would be "artistic"' referring to Ina

>> No.15076565

I mean, those are some strong words, but honestly there are people who, even if they practice thousands of times, cant sing, write or draw for shit.
in the end she has that spark, or whatever anons call it, and is now nurturing it.

>> No.15076654

>Broken family
Really? I thought Ame has a nice big brother.

>> No.15076705

Someone kill kfp please

>> No.15076797

Aside from the fact he's a pyromaniac that burned down the house & almost killed Ame in the process, yeah, he is a very nice, but weird person.

>> No.15076950

>Mentioning that Kiara supports BLM is a bannable offense
lmao fucking tranny jannies

>> No.15079200

Annoying voice.
Annoying personality.

She's the worst in HoloMyth for a reason.

>> No.15079796

She's a hard worker with an iron discipline. It's very obvious she's giving her all and that's something I respect.

>> No.15079874

they should have sex

>> No.15080071

Every gen needs a weak link

>> No.15081062

Kiara's the only HoloEN that I actually like

>> No.15081413

Replace Towa with Luna, and you've got it.

>> No.15081667


>> No.15081729

Towa has more yabs, had less subs in the beginning and got saviorfagged by reddit, same goes for Aki.

>> No.15082019

It's all so simple. It only she dropped her chimkin voice, stop listening to retarded kfpniggers, and just being her roomate self, she WILL incline hard
>and dammit kiara fix your schedule ffs

>> No.15082694

>You’re gonna be down here forever

>> No.15082835


Everybody always forgets 0 and Gamers in their lists

>> No.15082934


Kiara is definitely the most alpha weak link though, she rages against the dying of the light and asserts against her underdog status. The other girls seem to accept their position nicely like good Asian subs, Kiara goes white girl crazy and it’s endearing

>> No.15083014

0 is not a gen they all debuted at different times and the only thing they have in common is not belonging to a generation. Gamers is just Friend and her friends, but if you really want an answer then Mio.

Loud entitlement is not alpha, but I agree she's the most hardworking of the loser bunch.

>> No.15083588


I agree that simple loud entitlement isn’t alpha, though I view entitlement more as thinking something should be given to you for nothing. The alpha part comes from fighting for what you think you can earn and not being shy about broadcasting that. It’s a very thin line but key difference is lack of laziness

>> No.15085838

K**k* hates herself so much, being Kiara is her perfect escape and that's why she prefers to fake everything including her voice, she's more unstable than Gura
