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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14898025 No.14898025 [Reply] [Original]

Luxiem's debut song got leaked.

>> No.14898159

Pretty good. If they can produce originals on a monthly basis they will be alright

>> No.14898203

>you are tempted by my smell
What the fuck

>> No.14898232

>monthly basis
They will get the debut song and that’s it, just like the rest of the waves

>> No.14898248

i lost

>> No.14898294

Kinda BOP if i ignore the lyrics

>> No.14898308

I like it, but I've liked all of the nijien songs

>> No.14898428

Far and away the worst of the batch

>> No.14898521

cock smells good

>> No.14898648

My immediate response is that I prefer it to God Sees All and would be more likely to listen to it than Diamond City Lights (even though I think DCL is the most objectively solid song).

Lyrics are an improvement from GSA and the boys' voices compliment each other greatly. Seems either Vox can't sing or they really didn't want to force it into a swinger vibe.

>> No.14898788

whoever mixed this must not have confidence in the boy's voices because their vocals are completely buried in the instrumental

>> No.14898918

Gay lyrics/voice and fell into some weird middle ground between dubstep and electroswing, not that bad though.
JP part was godly, if that was shu then im gonna day 1 member.
All in all id give a 67%
Need to work on their vocals and actually commit to a genre, decent first song though.

>> No.14899021

why is the "you are tempted by my smell" the only clear line in the entire song

>> No.14899049

It's kino.

We get so 'tempted' by the smell that the rest of the lyrics become a hazy blur.

>> No.14899219

Better than expected.
It started pretty strong but then it got awkward a few times later on.
Vox in particular sounded like he never did any singing before.

>> No.14899227

imagine the smell

>> No.14899272

Using a New Zealand VPN to download the video from YouTube a couple hours before it's available in Japan isn't "leaking".

>> No.14899276

>Sexy voice
>Can't sing for shit
Many such cases!

>> No.14899403

This is the worst song by far

>> No.14899467

Can't understand shit captain

>> No.14899505

>monthly basi
not everyone can be like your Mori

>> No.14899564

Blackout > Hope in the dark > DCL > God sees all

>> No.14899596

Blackout > DCL > Hope in the dark > GSA

at least the mixing on DCL is good.

>> No.14899633

It's harder for deep voiced guys to be decent in singing.
That's why there are lots of tenors in the music industry.

>> No.14899869
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I can barely hear the lyrics.

>> No.14899887


>> No.14899959

Better than usual kpop shit, I'll give it that. Only good song from niji Is Blackout imo

>> No.14900284

Sorry I don't like the smell of cock

>> No.14900688

I can hear only one guy singing
Now I understand how Enna must feel having to carry God Sees All

>> No.14900762

Local time releases do not count as leaks.

>> No.14900848
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>> No.14900867

No, by their faces

>> No.14900891
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>DA DA DA BI DA DO with the boys

>> No.14900911

It sounds like shit. Especially compared to the debut songs of the female gens.

>> No.14901165

>Not even autotune/gratuitous mixing and effects can save it/10
I'm not even an ardent anti-male/anti-EN/anti-ENmalefag, I just legitimately think it sounds like mediocre shit. I know a LOT of chuubas get a significant buff in their songs from how much effort is put into post, but goddamn is this bad even by those standards.

>> No.14901208

I had high hopes for it based on the opening but it failed. Their bad singing and mics made it far worse than it should be.

>> No.14901249

>we want the kpop audience

>> No.14901272

Ok...who fucking leaked it? Was it fujo dragon or feesh?

>> No.14901282

why is this the only lyric i could understand KEK

overall me likey likey big vibe id say bo>dcl>hitd>gsa

>> No.14901309

The song is shit wtf. I suspect the people in this thread fucking homers or shills?

>> No.14901322

Didn't actually leak. People are calling timezone fuckery leaking now.

>> No.14902075

Actually shit. Why are the vocals so low? Why are there japanese lyrics in there? They could make something actually lit but settled for this?

>> No.14902397

Don't sing if you don't want to sing. Waste of time.

>> No.14902778
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You think they have a choice? Managers/staff almost certainly want their talents to be as much of a double-threat (streaming and singing) as possible. Idolshit/female or not, part of what everyone expects from their anime character streamers is singing, and the staff will by god force that onto them.

>> No.14903096

Can't believe we still let people make electroswing

They all sound like they adore cock, really are betting everything on a fujo audience cause I can't see guys watching them. I'd have at least thrown in someone kind of bro tuber who has a less flamboyant look.

>> No.14903347

I was vehemently against these guys when they were announced, still don’t give a shit about them EXCEPT for whoever sang the Japanese lyrics in the song. I’m not a fag but his voice is sexy, pronunciation is wonderful, and he sounds like he can actually sing. I don’t know which one of them it was, but I’m willing to give him a chance.

>> No.14903423

what did they mean by this?

>> No.14903465
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>> No.14904545

yep I can smell the music

>> No.14904668

Anon I don't know how to tell you this, but there might be actual women in these threads

>> No.14904952

Almost like singing is a talent and a skill that requires training and practice.

>> No.14905026

Better than God Sees All at least.

It's kind of funny the gen of 3 utaite has the worst original song by far and it's not even their fault. The lyrics and mixing are just so bad you can't tell them apaart at all.

>> No.14905226

I skipped around through the song and couldn't make out a single lyric, wtf this is mixed horribly

>> No.14905815

Guess I have to put a disclaimer that I like men and I'm interested in this wave but this sucks. I can't understand what they're saying and the beat is trash. God Sees all was awkward as fuck but at least the backing track was nice. I hope Nijisanji drops making songs for each wave or just kicks chibanyan out, he's only good for meme remixes.

>> No.14905988

>english singing
Fucking YUCK!

>> No.14906761

Pretty nice song but shit mixing.

>> No.14906969

The flow is too inconstant but there are good parts. The deep voiced guy’s lines are hilarious in a bad way

>> No.14907097

let me know when I can get the instrumental version

>> No.14907177

They sing well, but the lyrics are retarded, also the music is kind of obnoxious because they are forcing the whole "carnival party time" thing

>> No.14907217

Probably Shu since he is a big NijiJP fan

>> No.14907221

Because the mixer fucked up and the vocals are buried in 20 tones of instruments

>> No.14907255

It’s just electro swing and edm

>> No.14907257

Sounds good but also did they went with backstreet boy boyband shit?

>> No.14907291

But then why get talents that do not know how to sing and require practice first?

>> No.14907292

It’s very idol-y

>> No.14907322
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>we want the smegma audience

>> No.14907388

Electro swing is the worst genre of music that has ever existed and the drops are embarrassing

>> No.14907751

I like it. It's very different from the other debut songs. Although I don't think this is the type of song to listen on repeat on your playlist.
My only complaints are with the mixing and the inclusion of that awkward electro part. I think ChibaNyan at this kind of thing. He messed up with God Sees All and messed up again. Anycolor should hire other creators for their next debut songs.

>> No.14907937

>we want kpop but make it electro swing

>> No.14907960

It's like Chibanyan is trying to mimic kpop but failing miserably.
Mix is appalling as well. Most of the time the guys' voices are being drowned out by the instrumentals

>> No.14908145

I like the music. Most of the singing is shit. Maybe two of the guys are good, I can’t tell which ones. The lyrics are awful

>> No.14908497

>Most of the time the guys' voices are being drowned out
that might be the point

>> No.14908559

>Most of the time the guys' voices are being drowned out by the instrumentals
pretty much a method to hide shit singing

>> No.14908927

>before listening
It's gonna be some electro gaypop trash isn't it
This is actually nice
>53 seconds in
There's the electro trash I expected
Stopped listening around 1 minute in.

>> No.14909310

Okay this is a fucking banger. Lyrics are terrible, but I'd listen to it over and over again.

>> No.14909386

>Lyrics are terrible
lyrics for all of the songs are terrible but the song itself is fine. i like diamond city lights but the lyrics make no fucking sense at all.

>> No.14910094

It's a bastardization of og swing by retards who think a computer is a replacement for an actual musical instrument

>> No.14910116


>> No.14910244

Do you have reading comprehension skills? Electro swing is garbage because it is made by retards too stupid to play a real instrument and it's an insult to real swing music.

>> No.14910621

I like it.

>> No.14910679

I don’t think that’s why electro swing is a thing

>> No.14910880

It actually is 100%. Look up how many original swing songs have been butchered by it.

>> No.14910951

>all anons itt talking about the song and how bad the mixing is
>this one faggot is sperging out because IT'S AN INSULT TO REAL SWING MUSIC
i like the song even more because it makes autistic faggots seethe

>> No.14910962

So like all the other NijiEN songs.

>> No.14911217

Yeah, say what you want about Mori herself but monthly song releases is something that not even some professionals can do as consistently as she has been.

>> No.14911443

Like the debut trailer, they all sound the same with the exception of Vox.

>> No.14912249

KPOP is better

>> No.14915139

Fuck you, i want to hear the song, but i want to hear it with my nijibros on stream, i gonna pray to god to kill y'all if it end up being shit

>> No.14916504

When do they actually debut? so tired of the shitposting

and Vox's line needs to be removed from the song it is out of place

>> No.14916603

In little over an hour.

>> No.14917472

Non of them can't compare with DCL's masterful crafted Lyrics.

>> No.14917553

6/10 right now and thats due to their connection as nijiEN. Idk, maybe my opinion of the song will go higher once I get to know the guys throughout their debut. I changed my mind about about Ethyrias song the first time I listened to it too.

>> No.14919510

>no Black Out mention
Objectively the best song, by far.
