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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 96 KB, 900x900, Haha bread funny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14853873 No.14853873 [Reply] [Original]

What a disaster, who saw this and rat's streaming repertoire and said 'these people are not bland as fuck' holy shit you just know she's the most isolated holoen member. Imagine having a daughter with a voice this grating holy shit. Realistically how could Sana and by extension rat possibly manage to actually become interesting, its like they have no flow at all and end up as background refuse in any sort of collab, its honestly painful to watch.
Seriously I'd feel bad for them if they weren't already living life on tutorial mode.

>> No.14853953


>> No.14853963

Shut the bloody hell up mate

>> No.14853966
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Trying a tad bit too hard there, champ.

>> No.14853997

>he even put a special filename
actually trying too hard
go back to the trannycord trolling camp and do over

>> No.14853999

>everything I disagree with is bait

>> No.14854096
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>> No.14854148
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Yes because merely pretending to be a retard is a lot better, here's your free (You) I guess. I'll even throw in a bonus Orange Woman so you can accuse me of being KFP.

>> No.14854168

we need post ids

>> No.14854198

Honestly kiara is much better than Sana by miles. Its incredible because I used to think she was the weakest link in holomyth until en2 happened.

>> No.14854412
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>Council fags throwing a fit whenever someone has a slight critique

>> No.14854465

Kiara actually loves streaming

>> No.14854496

Her voice is cute faggot

>> No.14854571

She should never have tried to speak 2 octaves higher than her normal voice. You can hear her vocal chords struggle keeping pitch when she speaks.

>> No.14854968
File: 168 KB, 463x453, 1630055698083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, this is totally criticism and not yet another fucking shit bait thread on the catalog by yet another dopamine addicted underaged 4chan user

>> No.14855351

Says the faggot posting with a distorted pekora image. Try again.

>> No.14855543
File: 18 KB, 210x240, 1614561072483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, here have some cropped out porn then, you feel better you idiot?

>> No.14855570

Bae is at least cute as fuck, Sana is not.

>> No.14855617

It's like she was hired to make Kiara looks good holy shit, by far worst streaming voice and singing voice

>> No.14855812

you're automatically a niji to them if you do lmao

>> No.14855829

>persona 5
Proving my point yet again.

>> No.14855871

Even if someone tried their best to praise the streamer while giving a critique people will still call it bait, not saying OP isn't bait but don't fool yourself, honest critiques get this response too

>> No.14856013

Does honest critique have to involve first fellating the streamer before then deploying critique, so as to soften the blow?

>> No.14856339

Your first mistake was thinking anybody actually gives a shit about """honest critique""" in the first place.

>> No.14856458

Well that I'll give you. I hate that so many chuubas try to do it. It's been proven with girls like Suisei, Towa, Calli and Kronii that guys like sultry voiced girls. They're just so focused on the "I've gotta be an anime girl" aspect of it that they aren't even considering what makes my nuts quake

>> No.14856684

Bae is at least trying, I see her often enough in collabs so that I'm reminded "oh yeah... she exists" - as opposed to Sana who I honestly forgot was even a thing at all.
What's holding Bae back for me is that I feel she's trying to, or being asked to, play a character that doesn't really fit her, when she calms down and finds her groove in the future she can probably become a valuable member of HoloEN that doesn't feel like a wasted spot.
Sana otoh.... yeah, as I said, I didn't even realize she was gone for a month, because her impact was so nonexistent that her absence didn't make any difference. And her content isn't particularly interesting either, the only somewhat "unique" thing I remember are horoscopes, which first of all, seriously? and second, leave that esoteric to Mio who does it way better. I also don't care for endurance pokeymans or whatever, and if I did, I'd rather watch furendo. Finally, I didn't even think it was possible, but this bitch got the worst voice, beating even Kiara, which is a feat. Her garbled gooblygook (heh) speak sounds like she's choking on dicks (yeah, mine) constantly and makes her a pain to listen to, so I simply don't. Thankfully she's also so much of a non-factor in Hololive that she's easy to ignore and you don't have to suffer her often in collabs or wherever else you're reminded of her existence.

As for "who saw their streaming repertoire and thought they were good hires?" you already know the answer. Bae was at least a small vtuber with some experience before, meanwhile Sana had what? her art portfolio? And how that got her in over hundreds of other applicants with actual streaming experience and much more drive and enthusiasm for the actual profession, geez it probably has nothing to do with being a previous aquaintance of a Myth member behind the scenes, no siree, just a random harmless coincidence, instead she was totally hired on her own merits, for... uuh... her art skills! yeah right, oh what's that? she doesn't even fucking draw, she does less art streams than even some non-artist holos. Seriously, what a joke. Thanks Ina, can't wait for the next nepotism referrals you give to your buttbuddy Omegay, the "quality" of your contributions are downright corporate sabotage

>> No.14856767

And yet, here you are dedicating a whole thread to sperging out about them. If you don’t like their voices that’s fine, don’t watch. But it’s genuinely pathetic to spend your time complaining about a few random chuubas you don’t like. Why don’t you try only posting about things you like instead for a day, see if you feel better or worse for it.

>> No.14856813

Sana did stream before Hololive
It's like retards who think they're dunking on Sana and her small fanbase have no idea what they're even talking about

>> No.14856867

Anon, you were able to immediately identify the origin of the image which implies you’re very familiar with the source material

>> No.14856895

Why don't you fuck off to a website that actively coddles you if you don't like my post then you frail pussy?

>> No.14856947

I wonder why anons in this board think shitposting takes time or effort, you spend as much time responding to a shitpost as OP spends time typing his shitpost

>> No.14856959

You need help m8, this post is the exact opposite of fair dinkum. Cynicism isn’t an attractive quality in a person

>> No.14856965

This is about her streams being boring, her having streamed before hololive doesn't give her any validity as a good streamer because in the case of her time in holo, she evidently is not.

>> No.14857037

I highly doubt that but it doesn’t change my point either way
Sounds like you’re coping and seething about the fact that you’re a transparently bitter person. Misery loves company I guess

>> No.14857054

You asked what qualified her without knowing she was a streamer before
I expanded she was a streamer before
Now you're gonna strawman that the fact she does know the technicalities behind streaming it justifies you being a retard cause "i think it sucks"
In short, kys

>> No.14857119

Can't blame management on this one, NijiEN picked up literally every single good female chuuba that streams because it's their passion, the only people applying to Hololive these days are failed ecelebs looking for a second chance and a quick buck.

>> No.14857246

Don’t nijinigs ever get tired of their relentless shilling?

>> No.14857341

>failed ecelebs looking for a second chance and a quick buck.
Excuse me, sir, this is not Nijisanji.

>> No.14857345

Typing like a woman won't magically grow you a vagina, terribly sorry to say.

>> No.14857455

Holy shit nigger you think I'm reading all that?

>> No.14857512

Nta but you didn't actually think this was a clever comeback, did you?

>> No.14857524

You replied to it so in principle you still sucked his dick, faggot.

>> No.14857536

Well, she can afford to be terrible cus she's living in your head rents free.
Why do you do this to yourself faggot? Stop watching and let it die or kys.

>> No.14857541

Why is 4chan so racist against Australians?
What did they ever do to you?

>> No.14857605

Ask moot.

>> No.14857694

>if they weren't already living life on tutorial mode.
Literally what did he mean by this

>> No.14857728

You have to go back.

>> No.14857879
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>> No.14858178

at least label your fuckign graphs you sperg i dont even know what you fucks are arguing about i just came in here to look at retards and your lazy ass cant even be bothered to make your graphs look presentable how fucking embarassing youre a disgrace to society

>> No.14858288

Hours streamed, retard. What else would it be. Both Myth and Council do not stream at all compared to NijiEN. It is a fact.

>> No.14858323

Sana is literally drawing in a stream right now. Ina is nervously sweating.

>> No.14858327

how do u think i feel man, i am SURROUNDED by women who sound like this.

>> No.14858330

Niji should pick up more Ninas. At least she actually plays good games and doesn't just spam Apex or Genshin.

>> No.14858456

Holy shit sana is beating some popular ones there, didnt people say she barely streams? Wtf

>> No.14858459

That's more than the amount of Sanallites in the general...

>> No.14858548

If you're a pokemon fan then sure she streams a lot

>> No.14858578

I know a guy who only watches her because she has the lowest numbers. He has a massive savior complex but he's also a complete loser. It's pretty sad over all.

>> No.14858624

If she started talking like an aussie and calling chat cunts or something more people would tune in. It works for vwhorejo.

>> No.14858689

Jesus fuck thank god I'm not Australian

>> No.14858693

>knows what persona 5 is

>> No.14858742

Hours streamed is a useless metric. Are the steams entertaining? Are they making money? Use metrics that are actually impressive if you want to flex.

>> No.14858881

this chart actually shows that Sana is pretty passioned for a Holo, thus nullifying one of the major crits of her in this thread. this paired with her SC totals makes her metrics pretty positive overall.

and dragging Niji into the discussion also just reiterates the assumption made at the start of the thread that Sana bait threads are Niji affiliated. inevitably it always breaks down to people saying what someone "deserves" or doesn't "deserve"

>> No.14858985

I watch Luto, Sana and Sara. I’ve tried watching Bae but something throws me off. Luto is the best of the three by far. Sana is sweet and talented and Sara has soul. Aussies are the superior ENs because NONE of them are autistic.

>> No.14858991

Passioned? Because she streams fuck all?

>> No.14859058

See >>14857879

>> No.14859178

i imagine having a daughter who inherits her grating voice every day

>> No.14859227

Why would you impregnate the progenitor of that fucking voice anon holy shit are you alright

>> No.14859235

Someone passionate doesn't take one month off and disconnects completely from their "passion", she didn't even fucking make a tweet

>> No.14859268

Good replies, thread should have ended here but OP is presumably keeping it bumped for the next few days.

>> No.14859280

i think the voice is cute

>> No.14859377

stop posting your 2views

>> No.14859677

that depends on how you rank passions
it's apparent that she loves family, including her dog, enough to take time to put her focus on them when there is a death, or for the holidays.
she also loves Kirby and Pokemon enough to fill a week with 10 hour stream sessions each day.
apparently whatever she loves, she loves it very very much. that's being passionate.

I think balancing her passions is her challenge, but not lack of passion.

>> No.14859769
File: 243 KB, 943x441, 1639870904750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still WAAAAAAAAYYYYY more entertaining than NijiEN tho
>shilling game vs buff game

>> No.14859881

But sanalites told me pokemon was a debuff game

>> No.14859931

I came here to laugh at this low quality bait and now I leave surprised at how many retards actually bit. Well done OP.
OP is still a faggot.

>> No.14859953

She should try to be more entertaining instead.

>> No.14860304

Fully agree. She’s either on or off which is great when the ‘on’ is to your taste, but it’s not good in general for streaming. It’s something she can improve on as well as her communication skills; she’s not great at addressing things. If she fixes these two things and gets a hot new outfit and hairstyle, she’ll incline pretty quick. More drawing streams, properly utilising her video editing skills for short skits and more JP collabs are three things she can immediately do to climb. She has the most potential in Council.

>> No.14860307

her Evil God Korone stream was the only time I was entertained by that game, and she made Universe Sandbox fun to watch.
and I think the Celeste playthrough is still the most impressive playthrough from Council.
and she's making this gacha game pretty entertaining by making it a drawing stream instead.

>> No.14860422

>Sana image in the OP
>Pancakes guy
you monster

>> No.14860441

Something bae can't do as a pseudo leader of their gen. She just left Sana on the dirt where she belongs.

>> No.14860567

I initially tuned in because I just wanted to make sure she had every available eyeball on her for her first shill stream but you're right, this combination of game, drawing and zatsudan is kino.

>> No.14860946

She'll never incline, her voice is shit and that's the biggest filter for a vtuber, it isn't even her accent since bae's is ok at least

>> No.14861088

Well yeah, but that's because they live in prison island and can't go outside to meet each other without the cops beating them. If Corona-chan ever leaves then they'll do offline stuff together.

>> No.14861101

>bait about Sana and council

>> No.14861781

Her voice is delightful, at least for those to whom it appeals. I get filtered by Kiara's voice but the KFP would fist their own grandmas for a voice-pack. Anyone you think has a great voice I can find a thread of people who think it sounds like an earful of dicks. De gustibus non disputandum est.

>> No.14861818

Selen, two of the new Niji wave but can’t remember their names because I don’t watch, Towa, Kiara, Sora, Luna, Bae, Fauna, Flare and Coco all have/had controversial voices. They’re all thriving and in the top 0.1%. Choco has a great voice and so does Roboco…

>> No.14861911
File: 26 KB, 127x128, 1633422337433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>controversial anything

>> No.14861959

>kiara the smallest Myth
>sana the smallest Council
Objectively proven by their numbers, they have the worst voices, and no by the way, that statement is pure cope, absolutely no one would tell you that irys's voice is annoying in any way

>> No.14861995
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>> No.14862079

No one aside from Coco is comparable to Sana's voice, it's genuinely bad, and Coco herself knew her voice was shit but she hard-carried it with her personality

>> No.14862310

You can literally go to the comments thread of any of her songs and see people who don't like it. It's not the kind of thing you can numberfag, unless your only arbiter of good taste is 'the most people like it'. There's an entirely equal argument to be made that the people who enjoy it do so in the same way and just as much as the people who enjoy Korone, Miko, Luna, the angry french chick...

>> No.14862427

I still want to know what the fuck is controversial about Sora's voice.

>> No.14862625

People don't like her songs in the way that it's good but could be better, they're not commenting on her speaking voice they're commenting on her singing voice, and by the way this is the case inversed with towa where her singing voice is praised all around. As for Korone, Miko, Luna, etc, they have a funny or weird voice but I would't call it a displeasing voice, Sana is actually awful to listen to and this is too much of a common opinion for you to say that it's just subjective or taste

>> No.14862660

It's way deeper and less energetic than her first stream.

>> No.14862684

Kiara is only the smallest Myth because the others shined brighter, not because she doesn’t shine. Her genmates were just overpowered because they are all highly skilled in something marketable. She knows her skill is socialising and rightly leans on it for content. I just wish Sana would do the same. She’s better than Ina at art, equally as fluent in JP, underrated gamer (easily top 3 in EN), great video editing skills and consistent interaction with chat. She just never fucking proves her worth for some strange reason.

>> No.14862773

then label it retard this graph could be whateveer, hours streamed, superchats donated, penis length, dicks taken who the fuck knows unless you label your fucking axes son

>> No.14862780

Sana boring. BORING

>> No.14863036

Raspy, sometimes shrill and ‘bratty’. I adore her voice but it's often said that it doesn't match her image. It threw me when I first heard it because I was expecting something much softer and higher.

>> No.14863585
File: 283 KB, 600x600, 1636659989007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont use my wife to insult her cute genmate you crippled retarded faggot

>> No.14863701


>> No.14865207

she looks cute

>> No.14865826

The Rat? Her voice can be cute. I've heard her talk in a really pleasant way a few times before, but the way she uses it most of the time is annoying as fuck. I can't take it, it's so awful. She filtered me so hard with that obnoxious voice she does even though I have a boner for her artist.

>> No.14865942

>even though I have a boner for her artist.
you mean her art right
because she's eugh

>> No.14867934

Right, the art. I mean, I'm sure I can compromise if I have to.

>> No.14868009

Peopole saying that rat was the Gura killer will always make me kek

>> No.14868499

stop wasting oxygen.

>> No.14873171

Her model kills gura's, that's about it
