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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14828176 No.14828176 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everything has to be sexual for you guys? why can't you enjoy a vtuber without lusting for them? i don't get it, i'm not going to do the whole "they don't exist they are just an avatar" spiel because you can believe what you want but every general i go it always revolves on sexual comments, why can't you enjoy a streamer like a normal person without wanting to fuck them like a fucking caveman? it's disgusting and disrespectul towards the vtuber

>> No.14828329

Personally I only have romantic and sexual fantasies about my oshi and do not download even gosling images that are themed around a different chuuba.

>> No.14828395
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I can't hear you over the sound of my breeding

>> No.14828559
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Sir, this is 4chan. Its either gonna be shitposting, antiposting or that UUOGH sound. Sometimes you get objective banter in here.

>> No.14828610

>why can't you enjoy a streamer like a normal person
normal people are awful and also if you had met casual streamer viewers before you would know why they're worse

>> No.14828671

Everything need to be sexualized
Including (YOU)r Mom

>> No.14828823
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>it's disgusting and disrespectul towards the vtuber
So sexualizing anime characters is disrespectful towards the VA?
I really don't get the point of your bait thread

>> No.14829049

Please, my mom has been sexualized enough, please spare her

>> No.14829054

I can't help it. Okayu just makes me too erect.

>> No.14829137

they are not anime nor they are voice actor for me, they are real and that is why i have fantasies with them, i know my chances are less than 1% to meet her and fuck her but a man can only hope

>> No.14829632
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it's not my fauuult anonchama, i don't have control over the fact that they made her design to be pure sex

>> No.14829679
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>> No.14830085

Weirds me the fuck out to this day about this place. I'm a guy with nerdy interests and a healthy sexuality, I read hentai and have stroked it to all sorts of weird things but never in my life have I ever felt any desire to write a comment on the internet about how much I want to fuck an anime girl, or any such sexual comment at all. Much less to come back and post the same "seexxxx, raaaapppe" comments every day on a forum. It's like those guys who leave comments on pornhub.
For as racist as 4chan is against Indians, it's weird that no one points out that vts inability to stop rape posting is pretty Pajeet level internet decorum.

Seriously, How socially maladjusted does someone have to be a get on the computer every day and write about wanting to fuck the loli character, nothing to do with being a pedophile just, who does that. Imagine what such a person would look and act like in real life.

>> No.14830197

>I am not sexually attracted towards an anime girl specifically designed by a master digital artist to make the dicks of men rock hard
You are gay and are unable to tolerate people expressing their honest feelings on an anonymous Taiwanese basket-weaving forum.

>> No.14830323

t. female, get the fuck out

>> No.14830353

finally someone said put it into words

>> No.14830375

reads like copypasta

>> No.14830579

OP here im a transfaggot mtf btw forgot to mention that in my original post
I also like to rub my own shit in my axewound of a mutilated penis when I watch vshojo

>> No.14830601

tits or gtfo

>> No.14830610

Do you humorless fucks not realize SEXposting is inherently funny?

>> No.14830655

sex is the meaning of life.

>> No.14830658

If I wasn't being ironic, pretending to have sexual feelings for chubas, or twisting their every misstep into some act of supposed malice, I wouldn't even be posting on /vt/ because deep down I have no strong feelings about vtubers either way.

FYI, this is an incel larping site. If someone's not here to be or larp as an incel, they can just go back to Twitter, Reddit, Discord, or wherever they came from originally. We're all just trying to have a good time shitting on vtubers. Kindly don't try to ruin it for people.

>> No.14830856
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It's because anime characters are a thousand times hotter than real women, unironically. They are designed specifically to make men drool over them. Couple that with the fact that 90% of posters on here are legit autistic and you get rampant hornyposting all the time.

>> No.14831031

ive never seen any chuuba in a sexual light even when i was watching marine
its all just a fun ironic joke

>> No.14831224

Are you a woman? You sound like a woman. Do you secretly get off on all the guys in this thread telling you how horny they are and how agonizingly bad they want to cum? You want to know how overcome we are with pure carnal lust? You want to know how hard our cocks are and how full to the brim we are with semen? I bet you secretly go to the Ui threads and imagine all those guys wanting to pin you down and rape you instead. Is that it? Because it sounds like that's what you want to hear.

>> No.14831271

after reading this thread i'm feeling i have to find someone meaningful to do with my days other than share it with you fucking maniacs

>> No.14831327

Cry about it.

>> No.14831450

Yeah, you like it, girl? I'm gonna empty my balls so much into all your holes, you won't ever be able to get all of it out.

>> No.14831640

You are so much better than everyone else.

>> No.14831761

In actuality, when men say they want to fuck a girl, it means that girl is worthy enough to arousing them and therefore there's no need to feel disgust or anything like that. Just think of someone says you're beautiful/attractive but with different words

>> No.14831867

The three things that exists in this world are money, SEX, and SEX

and the only purpose in our life is to breed

>> No.14832318

Why is everything has to be wholesome for you guys? why can't you enjoy a vtuber without cheering for them? i don't get it, i'm not going to do the whole "they don't exist they are just an avatar" spiel because you can believe what you want but every general i go it always revolves on sugoi kawaii comments, why can't you enjoy a streamer like a normal person without wanting to compliment them like a fucking kind stranger? it's sappy and condescending towards the vtuber

>> No.14832431
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>> No.14832509

I don't know if this is supposed to be satire but unironically I agree with this too.
I hate this sycophantic attitude vtuber fans have where every little skill is exaggerated and praised as omg so talented and all content must be praised no matter how mediocre or straight up garbage it was. "Take your meds, the stream was great". It's disgusting

Yes, evidently and by most tangible metrics

>> No.14832631

youtube and retardit do that and is insufferable but that has anything to do with people being horny animals

>> No.14833371
File: 191 KB, 600x475, Shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everything has to be Watamelon for you guys? why can't you just enjoy a vtuber without Wata in the melon? i don't get it, i'm not going to do the whole "they don't exist they are just an avatar" spiel because you can believe what you want but every general i go it always revolves on Watamelon, why can't you enjoy a streamer like a normal person without wanting to Wata like a fucking melon? it's disgusting and disrespectul towards the Watamelon

>> No.14833556

Does it change anything for you if I told you I exclusively post about wanting to fuck my oshi in the context of raising children with her? I've never even used the word r*pe; I'm a real stand-up guy.

>> No.14833683
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>> No.14834301

If retard-chama said this unironically he's an insufferable faggot

>> No.14834332

>tangible metrics
>metrics that can be touched
I guess that excludes literacy, so you get a pass.

>> No.14834444

This. I love Twappi for a hell of a lot more than just simply lusting over her, but as long as Rurudo is her mama I find it hard to not also find her incredibly hot. Her voice also doesn’t help me find her any less attractive either

>> No.14834503
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>> No.14834561

posting on 4chan how better you are than everyone else.
oh im lauffing

>> No.14834617

That's why heterosexual men exclusively fuck lesbians

>> No.14835476

I post on VT because there's nowhere else u can discuss vtubers without being obnoxiously positive all the time.
That post isn't really even talking about being better than anyone, if I meet a group of people and find out they like wearing adult diapers and shitting themselves, and I think wtf that's kinda strange, clearly something must be wrong with them to be like this, that's not really me thinking I'm "better" than them. That's just me pointing out their obvious degeneracy, I take no pride in pointing it out

>> No.14836159

Don't infantilize women. They want to be sexualized. The only reason you don't hear it from them directly is because they don't want to be seen as whores.

>> No.14836183

Everyone on this website has had their brains rotted by porn

>> No.14837200

The oversexualization can get really tiring indeed, especially towards the smaller ones. It had some joke potential, but quickly became disgusting.

>> No.14837351

This is why I don't watch vshojo

>> No.14837968

>first sentence
This is a very fair point. Many people don't come here to UUUUOOOOHH, some people just want to speak bluntly about vtubers they like and dislike, and they can't do that anywhere else.

>> No.14838090

Okayu has given Onigiriya full blown consent to use her as their Okazu, so it’d be rude not to sexualise her.

>> No.14838203

That's not how human being work anon...
That's simply how the dynamic between men and women works. If you use an attractive anime girl avatar, use a cute voice and act relatable/cutesy on camera, you will attract men's lustful desires, simple as. You can hate it as much as you want, but facts are facts

>> No.14838568

but they are not real, the person behind isbut you find the animated 2d attractive

>> No.14838691
File: 208 KB, 850x1278, 24125E55-40A4-475F-BE80-9F50CCEB515E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you blame a man when they look this good?

>> No.14838770

>Imagine what such a person would look and act like in real life.

They'd probably come off as completely normal in real life. There are definitely outwardly creepy guys around for sure, but I think most of us degenerates understand that you can't go outside and act like a fucking retard and expect everything to go smoothly. How people act here has nothing to do with how they act out in society.

>a healthy sexuality
>I read hentai

No. I love hentai but don't fucking pretend it's a normal thing. You're abnormal too anon-chama, you just sound like you're in severe denial.

Anyway, it's easy to ignore talk you don't like. Just fucking ignore it. The ship-obsessed yuri fags piss me off sometimes but I don't cry about it constantly, do I.

>> No.14838986

Do you actually not understand how humans work? Doesn't matter if they're real or not, you see something cute, you hear something cute and your brain does the rest.

>> No.14839925

Most of the guys here collect like bacteria in a gas station toilet. You can’t really expect much from them other than deranged ramblings, shitposts or cringe coomerposting. Sometimes all of the above. Advice is either get used to it or leave. There isn’t any reason to visit 4chan if you’re not either a schizo, a shitposter, or at least here to laugh at them.

>> No.14839989

Weirds me the fuck out to this day about this place. I'm a guy with nerdy interests and a healthy sexuality, I read hentai and have stroked it to all sorts of weird things but never in my life have I ever felt any desire to write a comment on the internet about how much I want to fuck an anime girl, or any such sexual comment at all. Much less to come back and post the same "seexxxx, raaaapppe" comments every day on a forum. It's like those guys who leave comments on pornhub.
For as racist as 4chan is against Indians, it's weird that no one points out that vts inability to stop rape posting is pretty Pajeet level internet decorum.

Seriously, How socially maladjusted does someone have to be a get on the computer every day and write about wanting to fuck the loli character, nothing to do with being a pedophile just, who does that. Imagine what such a person would look and act like in real life.

>> No.14840113

No, thats your schizoid misanthropy talking. Just because you are an asshole does not mean everybody else is. Take your pills anon.

>> No.14840219

No, he's right. Have you ever been on Twitch? There are couple normalfag streamers I watch occasionally because their commentary is good, but their chat is routinely infested with the most self-satisfied and superior ironic weebs. For all the shit you can say about this board's insincere gossips and shitposters pretending to be schizophrenic, it's nothing on the average 'JAPAN AMIRITE KEKW' normalo who can't handle the smallest thing outside their comfort zone in media.

>> No.14840315
File: 679 KB, 1280x720, MioSex.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this doesn't drive you mad with lust then you're a massive faggot.

>> No.14840805

twitchfags aren’t normal fags. No one outside of twitch likes twitch.

>> No.14843334

You belong on >>>/reddit/ mate, fuck off

>> No.14843430

in fact, this entire fucking thread belongs on /reddit/
get the fuck out of here if you don't like it
the UOH posting is to filter out faggots like (You).

>> No.14843657

Fine, you'll be sexualised instead
Anon lust!

>> No.14843701

that's cool, i'm not the one getting raided by the fbi in the future, faggot, enjoy getting killed in prison

>> No.14843853

Not sure why the FBI would be coming to Australia to raid me for saying I want to fuck 30+ year old Japanese women, but if that is a crime then I'm guilty.

>> No.14843999

If you are not a misanthrope schizoid, you're not sentient. It isn't morally wrong to murder you, because you're not real.

>> No.14844045

>Not sure why the FBI would be coming to Australia to raid me
Oh fuck, the emus learned how to use computers.

>> No.14844175

You can't even differentiate between reality and fucking fiction you braindead primate of a being.
You think "UOOOOH"ing at some lolis is some form of "weird" and "uncomfortable"? Then learn to filter it out, or fuck off.
This is a place where the weird and uncomfortable thrive, and if you feel weirded out by certain things, just filter out what you don't like so that you won't see it, instead of this fucking moral grandstanding post.

The filters to filter out "UOOOH" and "RAAAPE" have less words than your sanctimonious word salad, but noooo, you're too fucking braindead to figure out how a website works without some "sidebar" or "FAQ" spoonfeeding it to you.

Go back to your discord server or wherever it is you child raping parasites nest at.

>> No.14844654

Unironically agree with you OP. It weirds me out how people here can do all of those sex and rape comments but the moment an actual vtuber does something remotely sexual she's called a whore.

>> No.14844858

You are complaining about smoking in the smoking section

>> No.14845294

>No. I love hentai but don't fucking pretend it's a normal thing. You're abnormal too anon-chama, you just sound like you're in severe denial.

That's exactly my point, I share all the same abnormal hobbies and sexual interests as most people here, but the idea of hopping in my computer to write comments about what I like masturbating to is entirely alien to me.
And you guys find that behavior disgusting too, just not in here. When you see a simp on ig/Twitter doing the equivalent of uuooohing at a picture of a real girl u have negative thoughts about him. When you use reddit for porn and there's a comment going "nice smile would love to bend u over the table and etc etc", you think what kind of loser sits down and writes out paragraphs of fantasy under some porn.
But that's the exact same shit you guys do here every fucking day.
You guys write about sex more often and in more explicit detail than normal guys talk about wanting real sex.

The racism and various phobia I get, but people trying to pass of the sex as an ironic filter are full of shit, people who sex post are an extra step of deviancy separated from just people who jerk off to anime or loli or whatever without posting about it. Obviously that doesn't matter but, don't act like 4chan is "supposed" to be like that.

Imagine u go to a club for your niche hobby, you expect unkempt socially awkward guys talking over enthusiastically or aggressively about their niche topic, you don't expect to walk in and here them reciting prose about how much they want to xylophone their cock across a skinny dopy child's ribs. You guys are weirdos even to the weirdos

>> No.14845331


>> No.14845356

No, it's complaining about masturbating in the smoking section. I come here to talk about vtubers in a place where I can call someone a faggot if they say something stupid, not to be jerk off buddies with a bunch of guys

>> No.14845413

yes. most people that don't fap to underaged anime girls are better than those that do.

>> No.14845420
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they do it to themselves

>> No.14845443

Almost like it's an anonymous forum and not a social club.

>> No.14845669

You know how most people don't steal just because no ones watching them?

>> No.14845715

I'm not even saying what this guys saying. I stroke my dick to lolis all the time. I just don't hop online afterwards to discuss it with the lads

>> No.14845783

OP, but it's about people who are obnoxiously positive, soft, vanilla, uwu, and all that other bullshit
there's nothing wrong with being horny or using horniness as expression, all this anti-horny shit tells me you all are actually just boring people.
deviancy is fun and leads to creativity. in a purely artistic sense, deviancy in sexuality is what drives plenty of creative endeavors that end up making entirely new waves that copycats want to mimic the success of

>> No.14845938

>all this anti-horny shit tells me you all are actually just boring people.
deviancy is fun and leads to creativity. in a purely artistic sense, deviancy in sexuality is what drives plenty of creative endeavors

Wow, repulsive cope. The rest of you sex posters cosign what this delusional loser just wrote? You sex post because you're "a more interesting person than those boring people who don't sex post"? Your sexual deviancy fuels your art?
This is some chuuni level of coming up with bullshit explanations for why ur a weird lonely social outcast

>> No.14846634

>You sex post because you're "a more interesting person than those boring people who don't sex post"
I said "anti-horny = boring," yes.
>Your sexual deviancy fuels your art?
"weird lonely social outcast" > "expressing sexuality bad", yeah. the most boring people are the ones who think that they have an edge over an anon cunnyposting because they somehow think that's what the real person does every hour of the day

>> No.14846665

False equivalence.

>> No.14846836


>> No.14847736
File: 108 KB, 850x1156, ghhgdhgd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly faggot, either get horny posting or fuck off and kill yourself.

>> No.14847986

You do realize typing out the word "rape" doesn't imbue the concept with some sort of magical power or energy, right, you faggot zoomer?

>> No.14848092

>having a normal, healthy, or maybe even an overactive, libido is the same as wanting to roll around in shit-filled diapers.

You are clearly autistic, have zero sex drive because of antidepressants, or are female. Or maybe all of the above.

>> No.14848190

Are you autistic? Genuine question.
I'll help you out. That was an ironic asterisk.

>> No.14848252
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>> No.14848624

>but they are not real, the person behind is but you find the animated 2d attractive

Huh? You realize they're avatars right? I'm attracted to the person behind the screen. The anime girl is a bonus. Everyone else here is the same except for a select few braindead underage coomers.

A very quick example will demonstrate this. Veibae's avatar is really great. It's sexy, it's cute. She was drawn by NeonBeatand, a fantastic artist, and rigged by keffiy, one of the best riggers. But her personality is shit and she's a disgusting whore so I have no attraction to her whatsoever. If I see her all I can think about is her story about her diarrhea vaginal-membrane casserole. Stop speaking for men as if you actually understand them.

>> No.14848685

You idiot, having a sex drive and feeling the need to type to a bunch of other people about what u masturbate to entirety unrelated. Having a sex drive makes you want to have sex and masturbate, you sex post because you are socially malaligned and have brainrot from only ever looking forward to your next fap

>> No.14848720

extremely based

>> No.14849293

The fact I want to rape Ui-mama REALLY bothers you doesn't it, prude-kun? I'll be sure to remember that when I stuff her panties in her mouth and use duct tape to it seal it shut, making an improvised gag. I'm sure she'll appreciate your concern while I pin her against her mattress while she's thrashing about, fighting a losing battle against my overwhelming strength and weight. I'll think about what you said while she's limp in my arms, mindbroken, cuddling with me in the afterglow of her multiple, mind-melting orgasms.

>> No.14849701

Now picture the overweight, greesy wallmart employee that this guy likely is, sitting in his underwear gleaming with pride, grin on his face, about how he's totally going to own this normie prude by writing out his rape fantasy for a 2d anime girl, giddy with himself every time he finds a new layer of detail he can add to make it "super disturbing", he'll be totally traumatized reading this I bet.


>> No.14849744

I wouldn’t be wasting my time watching female streamers if I didn’t have an incessant urge to breed them

>> No.14849911

Femoids seething about the fact that we only see them as a cunt asking to be filled with our seed

>> No.14850131

TL,DR: Men only want one thing from vtuber and it's fucking disgusting

>> No.14850167


>> No.14850362

because they're women and there's nothing enjoyable about them besides their bodies

>> No.14850786

Samefag yells at imaginary women

>> No.14850957

Luigi is just trying to keep all the princess pussy for himself. Don't listen to his lies

>> No.14851189

learn english first

>> No.14851303

It’s pure entertainment but then they do something intimate or sexual, and then all of the sudden the feelings toward the vtuber is sexual. For instance the gura asmr

>> No.14852502

I also recommend the recent rushia and kanata asmr where they suck on your earlobes. It's incredible.

>> No.14852635

its called testosterone and it makes us want to SEXXXX all the time. Its a curse

>> No.14852792

me men, me like sex uohhhhhhhhhh

>> No.14852847

GO BACK faggot

>> No.14853052

because they never get to fuck women anon. let them live in their perpetual fantasies

>> No.14860188

you're correct, but it's a losing battle.

>> No.14860549

I'm going to breed every vtuber in existence and there's nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.14860644

Not everything has to be sexual but Laplus is inherently sexual.

>> No.14860689

>How socially maladjusted does someone have to be a get on the computer every day and write about wanting to fuck the loli character


>> No.14860818

who says they do it every day?

also, maybe posting here allows them to stop thinking about it and go on with their day.

>> No.14866307

>Why is everything has to be sexual for you guys?
Because, for many, this is the closes they will have to a girlfriend.

>> No.14867210

Im tired of seeing this fucking jap face all over the board, can we make this board all en again?
