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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 667 KB, 2506x4096, __millie_parfait_and_lucie_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_nostdoro__3f93aadb588af0f0451a3ed4b73b92c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14795117 No.14795117 [Reply] [Original]

This is the writing thread, for all of your fanfiction needs and desires. Check the archives below for everything the thread has put out so far, ranging from SFW to NSFW, fluff to tragedy, small literary works and shitposts alike!

Collective works so far are available in the archive:

>Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction, eh?
Previous thread:>>14657034

>> No.14795136
File: 1.81 MB, 1300x2281, __millie_parfait_and_lucie_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_ruisha__4f6e456341f9f4efbfff6c5b82a996b9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14795166
File: 2.00 MB, 1052x911, Bounty Board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a story like you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.14797226
File: 3.01 MB, 230x498, Haachama.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A sequel to the Matsuri raping her little brother. Haachama, being the little menhera bitch that she is, tries to steal Matsuri’s little brother by trying to save him from Matsuri.

>> No.14797867


not gay or anything but holy shit he's fucking handsome

>> No.14798414
File: 368 KB, 1800x2040, FGzRzogaIAIRRX3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chloe smut please

>> No.14799060

Goddamn it, if Deaver is gonna start drawing this whore I'll have no other choice but to lust for her. Look at those soft titties goddamn.

>> No.14800568
File: 169 KB, 480x473, 1614833369953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Post the stream where this appear if you aren't full of shit.
Stream was missing earlier, is back now
Roughly 20 seconds cut compared to the screenshot
Can hear a discontinuity in the background audio
At that moment the chat replay on stream starts saying "REIMU NO" and "There goes the vod"

>> No.14802945

More futa

>> No.14804886
File: 10 KB, 236x232, 1634175239869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flare gets fed up with (You) calling her a dark elf. So the only way for her to prove she's not is by making a child with you just to show off that she is genetically 50% pure high elf and human and not a dirty scum of the underground dark elf.

These fucking prompts sometimes I swear to god... Who comes up with this shit?

>> No.14804959

Who wears the laciest lingerie?

>> No.14805059

Rushia to compensate her lack of curves.

>> No.14805079 [SPOILER] 
File: 102 KB, 702x992, E-NnGK5XMAQ32DN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof is pic related and this: https://streamable.com/u9k2ja

>> No.14805916

...Reaper ero...

>> No.14806362

That is a lovely babydoll, sasuguh Calliope.

>> No.14806700

I wrote every single one.

>> No.14807594
File: 1.32 MB, 827x1165, hold_hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori's ASMR is always great.

I'm glad my computer shits itself right when I get ideas for a sequel to To And Fro, that's nice

>> No.14807973

>a sequel to To And Fro

>> No.14809211

I would appreciate it as well. Also, this reminds me that I still have to finish the second chapter of Diary of a new life.

>> No.14809649

Ok bros, for the /wg/ collaboration fic I've come up with a prompt to follow that I think will provide some form of guideline but also allow for a lot of freedom to the writers:
(You) wake up in an unfamiliar room. Your head hurts. Last night was probably the most drunk you have ever been, and you don't remember a single that happened. It's up to you to retrace your steps across the city and find out what exactly you got up to last night by meeting the various different chuubas you apparently interacted with. What did you do with them? Will you relive some of your memories? Are some of these chuubas lying or telling the truth about what happened? And most of all, who's this person sleeping next to you?

Thoughts? If you'd like to write a chapter for this, reply to this post with a story you want to identify yourself with. If enough people want to give it a shot we'll go through with it, and if not I'll just assume nobody's really interested.

>> No.14809805
File: 463 KB, 455x600, 1633951043743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon encounters Flare

>> No.14812377

>(You) wake up with a hangover, exhausted and in a cold sweat next to a sleeping Lamy
>both of you are naked, your pelvis hurts more than your head, both your crotch and face are sticky and (You) can barely stand, let alone walk
>(You) leave the room after picking up your clothes, time to play a game of "What did I do last night ?"
>(You) stumble across Roberu on the way out, he says the last thing he remembers is being jumped by Bae but doesn't remember why
>when (You) tell him where you woke up, he puts a hand on your shoulder and says "Dude..." with a proud but concerned look on his face
Anyone want to help me continue from there ?

>> No.14812680


>> No.14812839

Anon, please. I've been waiting for ages. Steal a computer if you need to.

>> No.14812955

I think the Anon is thinking more along the lines of everyone writes a long chapter in a Google doc

>> No.14813091

Your first thought was to go through your phone for any clues. Messages, calls, photos, anything would do. You see that you have one new photo from the night before, it's a picture of you and Lamy making out at the bar, and Polka was on the side, laughing. You wonder who took the picture, but that would come later. Polka should know a few things.

You go back inside very quietly as to not wake up Lamy who was still sound asleep on the bed, naked. You take a shower, get dressed up and leave without making even a single peep. Polka's house was just a short drive away.

>> No.14814454

First Summer Memories but this time it's actually Disco Elysium.

>> No.14814605

Oh, that makes sense. Oh well, at least we have a starting point now lol

>> No.14814637

So a bad game?

>> No.14814771

That guy is retarded don't listen to him. The whole point of this would be for anons to do an easy in easy out style thing with their different ideas and writing styles. Making it a doc effectively cuts out 90% of writers, including me, who would not go through the effort of doing all that shit.

>> No.14816357

Yeah, that makes a lot more sense.

>> No.14817558

I thought it's all just supposed to get chained together by authors passing the baton in the thread?

>> No.14818487

Yeah that’s what I had planned as said last thread with >>14667661 because it would give it proper structure and prevent a single guy from writing multiple chapters, but hey with the amount of people who seem interested in writing this it’s probably not gonna take off, so do as you like.

>> No.14818926

That's... exactly what I said. Which part of my post contradicts that?

>> No.14819552

The part where you're a massive fucking faggot.

>> No.14820386
File: 268 KB, 523x524, 1639054304286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14820775

>Shion judging your three sentence story

>> No.14821120
File: 1.38 MB, 1734x2167, __nanashi_mumei_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_xave_art__c4e467c35390f9338aeb81565061b546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The last chuuba on earth starts up her stream. Someone says hi on voice chat.

>> No.14821395
File: 516 KB, 601x503, 1634555781980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Your oshi is finally naked in front of you. You pull down your pants, fully erect, and she says: "is it hard?"

>> No.14821444

That's just two sentences.

>> No.14822599

So it's 'smaller than expected', is what you're saying.

>> No.14826067
File: 75 KB, 850x478, CocoBaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby Bump

Thank fuck I got my computer working again

>> No.14827063

>HF Ending

>> No.14829447

Thanks for reminding me to do my bi-weekly fapping to the Coco sex-ed chapter from HoloFantasy. Almost forgot

>> No.14831086

Is HF the gold standard for series fic here? I finished the five main chapters and thought they were alright. I don't get why everyone likes it so much. I think all the fight scenes are too dragged out and Anon literally never losing gets pretty boring near the end. I also don't understand the dice roll and his equipment stuff, are his gear references to other games? Because they just feel like macguffins that doesn't change anything except help him win when his plot armour already won't let him lose.

>> No.14831746

The dice rolls are actual rolls for the encounters, so Anon's "plot armor" is literally just being lucky. I do agree that encounters can kinda drag on as a result of rolling for them though, even if I do like the ttrpg vibe they bring.

And yes his accessories just make him Vergil, its fun.

>> No.14831782

The entire point of the dice rolls is the possibility to loss. Every fight is a coin flip. Stuff is supposedly drafted out in the event of a loss - bad ends and other stuff - but encounters are all decided by luck.
>Gold standard
That's probably HP or CH.

>> No.14832696

So Anon's character trait is that he's lucky? NGL that's actually a terrible plot point. You can't convince me it's okay for him to have plot armour this thick because he rolls big lucky numbers, because that just makes it worse. Unless the author is actually rolling dices as he writes IRL, the 'luck' is just an easy excuse for why he wins, there's no actual luck involved because it isn't real. If the author does actually rolls dices but scraps the part where he rolls low and loses, then isn't he disregarding his own rule of developing the outcome via dice rolls by redoing the rolls until it lands high? Thereby writing a protagonist who can't lose? Just a literal Mary Sue then.
Tell me if I'm misunderstanding this. But the explanations actually makes my view of the story worse. I'd rather believe he's wins all his fights because he's naturally stronger and more determined than because he's 'lucky'. That's some Yu-Gi-Oh hearts of the card bullshit with no place in a well thought out story. I think Anon's personality is alright as a shonen protagonist, he's mostly shallow and dense except when he's fucking bitches, (which is when he's most interesting and should be canon) I'm not expecting GRRM or Steven King here, but I his plot armour is easily the worst aspect of his character.
I'm not interested in CH because I don't care for Pekora, and HP is pretty alright. Although the HP Anon is literally Yuuji from Grisaia, now that someone mentioned that, I can't unsee the similarity
>captcha: kmswg. No fucking way...

>> No.14832788

>Unless the author is actually rolling dices as he writes IRL
He does this. That's part of what makes it so impressive.

>> No.14833038

If you scroll down the the bottom of each chapter it’ll tell you what rolls he did in real life to determine the outcomes in the story. It’s not a trait, it’s actual luck like in a TTRPG

>> No.14833053

>Unless the author is actually rolling dices as he writes IRL
Yes, that's the entire point. It isn't plot armor or anything like that; the fights are actually drafted out in situations where he's favored to lose. More often then not the rolls are set where he has around a 40% chance to avoid getting hit due to there being separate dodge/parry checks. He's come incredibly close to losing because of bad rolls more than once, and in the HF/HP crossover losing his rolls was what resulted in draws.

>> No.14833188

The entire point of the dice sheet at the bottom is because those are the actual rolls used to determine how fights go, every fight is an actual dice versus dice scenario. The entire reason shit went south with Fubuki was because Anon's first loss wasn't in a fight, it was a fucking game

>> No.14833472

I see, in that case, I'll say I respect the author for sticking to his method. Although I can't see any merit to writing like this other than the unique factor. Unless it's explicitly stated somewhere that the rolls are IRL and real, I feel many people will miss it and just ignore it, leading them to feel the plot armour even if it's actual luck. (I just checked and saw the note at the end of chapter 1 before he shows the rolls, but I thought that was flavour text and not actual rolls.) I think the author should clearly state at the start of a chapter in bold text that all conflicts in the story are actually roll-based, and he adapts his writing to the numbers, otherwise most people will probably skim over it like I did and not realize.
And I don't want to call him a liar, but there's no guarantee that he hasn't ignored a bad roll during a critical moment or altered his writing in such a way an unfavourable roll's impact is reduced and a favourable roll's impact is increased. It's why I feel this way of writing is pretty pointless and only limits creative freedom. If he wants a fight, and by extension the story to go a certain direction, then just write that way. Having dice rolls only restricts how a fight scene can turn out and causes confusion with the readers, like me.
I don't wanna be the guy who criticizes a Vtuber fanfic on fucking 4chan, but I guess the story is intriguing enough for me to think about it this much. I wanna hear what the author has to say on why he's chosen this method of writing.

>> No.14833497

Anon...the series directory entry for HF ends with the phrase
>Featuring actual dice rolls for every combat encounter that directly affects the story and outcome!

>> No.14833590

he frequently asks people to make dice rolls in the thread whenever he's busy writing

>> No.14833594

Not to sound condenscing but are you new to this thread?

>> No.14833595

>there's no guarantee that he hasn't ignored a bad roll during a critical moment or altered his writing in such a way an unfavourable roll's impact is reduced and a favourable roll's impact is increased
My memory might simply be failing me, but I think this has only happened once. I believe that canonically, Anon lost the fight with Polka, but the author didn't want to end the series there, so he continued writing the story as the what-if where Anon won. The story canonically ended with Polka kidnapping, brainwashing, and smuggling HF shotanon across the continent with her fennec magic.
Or maybe I'm simply delusional and have completely forgotten what was actually said 6 months ago.

>> No.14833819

>I feel many people will miss it and just ignore it, leading them to feel the plot armour even if it's actual luck.
You are the only person to have aired this complaint and from the multitude of responses you've gotten, other people don't have this problem.

>> No.14833883

It was super close, Anon won by a margin of beating Polka by 1. The Bad End was made because by the time it had gotten so bad the idea was already there, but Anon won, just by the skin of his teeth, like with Marine.

>> No.14833919

I started reading before the subdirectory thing was added, I probably thought of that as flavour text as well when I skimmed over it after the subdirectory was added. That's mostly my fault, I just didn't think someone would write like that.
If so I haven't seen him in a while, not like I'd know who he is instantly by a username or something. I don't follow these threads at every post, I mostly hop in once a thread to check out the new stories and scroll through to see posts with many (you)s
I'm not an OG. I came here when the original google doc archive linked to the current archive to see what's up, HF hasn't updated after I came here. I guess the author was more active before.
Anyway, not shitposting or anything. I genuinely want to know why he writes that way, I assume it's probably an idea when the thread first started and he end up putting that to a work. But now I know how it is, I feel I can appreciate the story better, even if I still think the gimmick of the rolls takes away from the potential of a well-structured plot.

>> No.14834187

I wasn't here for that. And I'll admit I started skimming through the author's endnotes because of my preconception that they aren't real.
If that's the case, then I'm glad I'm the only brainlet here. But I'm guessing the most frequent posters here are all OGs from when the thread started, so maybe newerfags and lurkers missed the memo too, although with the description in the subdirectory that should be unlikely.
I also don't really care for blow-by-blow narration of fights in books, that's just very boring to me. This is a personal take though, I'm always more interested in dialogue and character development

>> No.14834395

I thought Holocalypse was abbreviated to HC and not HP or am I just missing something?

>> No.14834442

Autocorrect got me

>> No.14834977

Gotta be honest I also thought the rolls were random bullshit until now

>> No.14835120

The Ina and Risu JOIs are incredibly hot, is there more like those? I like JOI and the added visuals.

>> No.14835301

I mean it's worse off if you view it like a traditional narrative since in that case it's kind of filled with 'non-narrative luck' but as like a quest where the dice have effectively changed the supposed tone it does work in its favor since you can see the dice rolls and internally speculate on 'what if?'
Honestly still hoping that anon is still thinking of making that OC hololive vtuber quest; I realize he's probably not making it dice based but my autism in this regard keep making me think about making a fucking dice and mechanics based chuuba quest with that same premise. The only problem being that I've kind of internally thought about how that would go in terms of 'turns'... and realize that it would be shit if it was like a day based 'persona style' since making that shit get to the 'interesting bits' would take fucking forever even if I wrote fast. Especially since the 'action' would be rolling for how good your streams turn out to be

>> No.14836262

Wasn't HF written by AA and thus the gold standard of the series? Also, wasn't HoloApocalypse called messy and inferior on multiple instances?

>> No.14836902

Very few sadly. Shame for how nice they can be. Particularly enjoyed the Risu one but I ended up getting off to both.

>> No.14837140

Not making any more JOI's, no. That whole thing is just "how good is the writer at writing down a personality" and would, without a shadow of doubt, flop hard if it doesn't feel like the chuuba. I don't trust myself to write a JOI about any other chuuba, especially JP, and even Risu who I watched a bunch most people in here can agree I butchered her personality halfway into the fic. There is a fic with a similar style about a Pekora cheering you on to jerk off tho, so you might want to check that one out.

>> No.14837643

>>Gold standard
I’m glad you feel that way man, really, but IMO Holofantasy is way better than Holocalypse. HC is just a train wreck that I’m using as practice to improve my writing, so there’s probably a lot of other series’ that could fit the bill better.
Decided to search it up since I was curious and yeah, this Yuuji character is pretty damn similar, if a little more snarky. No clue how that happened, HC Anon was just a depressed Raiden that’s always annoyed in my eyes.
Don’t think it’s ever been called ‘inferior’, but it’s had its fair share of criticism. Rightfully so...

>> No.14838247

So what are you working on writebros?

>> No.14838389

A Risu futa fic that is dangerously close to 6K words without any smut

>> No.14838508

Trying to finish that Matsuri fic.

>> No.14838537

Working one out to Ride right now.

Oh, you meant fics? Secret.

>> No.14838552

Requesting some greentexts or full on stories about Gen 3 trying to deal with an anon with a cock over 3 feet long.

Pekora trying her best to bunny hop on it but fails and she is upset with herself.I

Flare reluctantly jacking it off in disgust.

Rushia screaming in fear that this monster is going to destroy her.

Noel actually excited as she puts her giant tits to good use and paizuries that monster.

Marine actually begging to be destroyed as you fuck her like a too small condom with your magnum dong.

>> No.14838589

This, but it's actually 3 and a half inches, and they're just all laughing at you

>> No.14838621

Kusatori request. Mori is tired of chimkin's whiny shit and finally agrees to fuck her. Mori's flaccid cock is bigger than a telephone pole stretching her like a living condom, and after she finally crams it in chimkin, her cock grows fully hard, bigger than a skyscraper inside her, and she busts a few octillion nuts and cumflates her before chimkin bursts with Mori's cum across the far reaches of the universe. She revives, of course, but knows her place afterwards

>> No.14838646

Requesting a fic about Gen One shortly after their debuts, before the whole covid thing, taking a trip to Las Vegas to bury Hitomi Chris' corpse in the Nevada desert and never speak of it ever again before having a fun romp through a casino and getting into wacky trouble!

>> No.14838684

Requesting Hime Hajime death by paizuri. Hime decides to give some unlucky huge-cocked anon the titjob of his life. But even after he cums, she keeps titfucking him. He cums again and again regardless of what annoying or stupid or screechy shit she says. Eventually anon goes from cumming buckets to cumming oceans, and dies from cumming too hard.

>> No.14838711

So, the fetish is "juice that makes you cum super hard". One casual sip and you can't stop cumming.

Fuck it, let's make this a Holodeath request, that's a new thing, right?

So Mori is super excited for an off collab with Rushia and Ollie, who flew in from Indonesia just for this. But while she is alone setting up the tech, she sips this "juice that makes you cum super hard", immediately gets the most gigantic erection of her life and starts cumming nonstop. She's still cumming endlessly when Rushia and Ollie arrive, end up taking sips, and now all three have massive erections and can't stop cumming for hours on end.

Then they somehow have to stream like this.

Optional ending: hours later, all still cumming, someone (probably Ollie) is just like, fuck it, let's all chug a few gallons of this stuff and see what happens.

>> No.14838751

Before you request the Gen 0 gets buff story again, the anon who did the Uruka one said he's working on it.

>> No.14838811

I feel bad for that one guy now :(

>> No.14838848

Didn't the reposter of these used to still keep the images attached to them? I know at least the bottom two had some decent fanart attached.

>> No.14839094
File: 237 KB, 1000x1000, hololive polka sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro.

>> No.14839219

This but the size is completely average; they'll still treat it like it's completely miniscule. This will be done entirely to piss off the most people.

>> No.14839384

working on? probably nothing. I want to work on plenty of ideas, especially re-writing some parts of Holorealm and creating the next chapter, but too much irl stress and lack of inspiration has really ripped whatever motivation to write that I have. The last thing I wrote was the Astel-Suisei fic, and now I'm just coasting by without any ideas.

>> No.14839747

I want to write some rrat Ayame but keep getting distracted by Shion being a bully and Towa being a dumb devil. I can't seem to stick to one story for more than a thousand words.

>> No.14840306

i want to fuck flare

>> No.14840562

i want to press flare against me, feeling her skin and bountiful chest pillow against my own, massaging her shapely thighs and groping her ample buttocks as i lock tongues with her and nibble on her bottom lip. i want to hear her cute gasps as she desperately tries to hold back wild moans of pleasure as i repeatedly bottom out inside her, molding her insides around my shaft and carving the impression of my cock into her body and mind.
i want her to lock her legs fiercely around my waist and claim my lips for herself as she tightens like a vice and a tidal wave of spunk floods her nubile elven womb, guaranteeing at LEAST a family of eight. i want to lay on top of her, cock still fully sheathed inside and the essence of that wild sex mixing together and seeping out around it, staring into her eyes as she does mine, before rolling over so she can ride me

>> No.14841634

Mori, Kiara, Kronii, and Ame playing a game with (You)r dick where they have to jerk you off in turns, can tug as many times as they like, but they have to tug at least once, and the one who makes you nut loses

>> No.14843727

There has to be a reward system for jerking you off but a way to circumvent sabotage by simply jerking you off just until you're about to blow then let the next person go.

>> No.14844564

the sabotage IS the reward.

>> No.14844738
File: 40 KB, 540x540, 4DED3F9C-8672-4318-8075-CB5CCAD4CDC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, looking forward to it anon
Risu’s nut milk!

>> No.14845038

that's the point, the more she jerks it, the more likely the next person is to bust it
also the other girls are free to play with your body in other ways away from the crotch to sabotage the current person

>> No.14845281

Probably a time limit or put a gag and blindfold on the jerkee

>> No.14847145

I'm trying to write wholesome Mio smut but I can't find any motivation to continue

>> No.14847531

(You) are a personal trainer hired by cover to help their talents after they have gained a slight bit of weight from having more sedentary lifestyles. Will you be able to succeed easily in your job? Or will being constantly surrounded by thick women lead to your downfall?

>> No.14847900

>(you) neglect to mention your bachelor's in architecture

>> No.14848710

You get hired by Cover for an anbiguous job. Yagoo keeps giving you ambiguous information about what you're supposed to do in the company. He wants you to meet the hag talents. You meet them and they tell you what's your real job. You're Hololive's official fuckbody. Your job is to satisfy all holomembers so they dont go around fucking with strangers and ruining their career. The Hags are pretty focused on you. Since the only way to "Graduate" from Hololive is if they get pregnant by you.
TLTR: You're hired to fuck and impregnate all holomembers, then you will be married to all of them.

>> No.14849340

There have been so many of this exact premise and they have been already done, tired, done again and forgotten. I bet you can find at least 100 stories with that premise in the archive. "You hired by cover except *insert twist here*".

>> No.14849355

So basically just Menhera Wrangler but this time it's everyone.
Got it.

>> No.14849444

Just like how any story set in a school is cover high, or how any story in a fantasy setting is Holofantasy, or how any post-apocalyptic setting is Holocalypse.

>> No.14849822

MWanon here. I appreciate that my story is still remembered until today, but I do have to say that the "you are hired by Cover to do X" is a trope that is inevitable thanks to our shared knowledge of how corpo chuubas work. I would say to put your expectations on how they will execute the story rather than the basis of the prompt itself. Who knows, we might get something exceptional.

Also, checked.

>> No.14850881

I want to read this, so what can I do to get you motivated, anon?

>> No.14850982

Millie eating (you)

>> No.14851486

>I wanna hear what the author has to say on why he's chosen this method of writing.
Put simply I play a lot of TTRPGs with friends and was in love with how bad dice rolls could completely fuck you over. A great example was the big bad summoning some sort of aberration from the warp which he immediately lost control of, which then turned around and ate him and completely changed the course of the fight. I wanted to take that concept of "dice are bullshit" and apply it to a story. Every story has a basic plot with plot lines, but there's a few optional ones that could be brought up based on what rolls are made. If Anon loses, what happens to him and the story is entirely dependant on the context of where they are right now, who they're fighting, etc. I want to keep things flexible, because dice are fickle fuckers.

>> No.14852989

Yep, still working on it. I'll probably have to release it in parts seeing how long it's taken so far, but I am still working on it.

>> No.14854472

Chloe getting spanked by a genmate and trying (and failing) to conceal how much she joins it.

>> No.14857903

How the fuck do you stretch out a futa fic to over 6k words before reaching the smut?

>> No.14858060

What software do you guys use for writing?

>> No.14858179

Word but only because it lets me have 20 docs open without my computer shitting the bed.

>> No.14858247

Googly Dox

>> No.14858748

By giving it actual plot

>> No.14858852


>> No.14859191

I'm assuming you guys are running pirated copies? The day I pay 100 shekels a year for Office is the day I fucking die.

>> No.14859695

If you work for an enterprise with a VL agreement you might be able to get it for $10 or so under their Home Use Program. Schools have the same deal sometimes.

I use Google Docs, I don't feel the need to use anything else for what I do, although for "business" on the personal side of things I have OpenOffice. And for short in-thread stories I just use Notepad++ because of its easy character counter.

>> No.14860462

Most of HoloEN getting hooked on FFXIV by Ina and IRyS and growing incredibly obese and slobby

>> No.14861822

Didn't we already get this fic with Kiara?

>> No.14862044

How stinky is Chloe's bush?

>> No.14862163

Smells like fish

>> No.14862187

She's shaved. All newer gens are just that, newer gens. So they are zoomers. And zoomers shave. All gens since gen 2 are clean shaven because they aren't old, barbaric fucking faggots who like to eat dirty fucking sweaty hair when enjoying sex, masturbation or otherwise

>> No.14862205

Been working on it on-and-off since well before that dude ever made mention of it. Hold myself to a higher and more erotic standard

>> No.14863437

I now have clinical depression.

>> No.14864065

You don't honestly think the woman who bathes twice a month shaves, do you?

>> No.14864151

>Bathes twice a month

>> No.14864214

Anyone who doesn't shower at least every other day is a disgusting degenerate so it doesn't really matter. We are discussing actual women, and those do shave. You have no reason to think of an animal who can't even bathe.

>> No.14864580

>bathes twice a month
Citation fucking needed, cap'n.

>> No.14864967

NTA but I'm guessing he's extrapolating from this?


"Took my last bath a week ago". I'm not sure if there's a distinction being made here, for example last time I took a bath was like 13 years ago but I shower once a day, every other day at most.
If she really doesn't wash herself for over a week at a time that's definitely kinda stinky.

When it comes to Chloe though I can't tell what's real and what's not real about her. Not to go into drama, rrats or whatever, but my impression of her is that she's calculating and has essentially built her persona around a checklist of what will get her the most simps as fast as possible. Between her content and personality, I get very little genuineness out of her - on top of Oga's warning. So maybe she is a dirty hikkineet, maybe she's just playing it up for pity or "she just like me" points. Can't tell.

>> No.14866990
File: 19 KB, 536x479, 1632656190135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's another fictional universe you'd want to see a chuuba in? I finished Mad Men a while ago and the thought Ame going back in time anf trying to sell someone in the 50s on chuubas gave me a chuckle

>> No.14867360

I want to see some chuubas in goblin slayer as farm women next to a goblin den

>> No.14869772

I feel like Oga's warning was more in jest, seeing that her personality type is the exact kind that draws in people, rather than some declaration that she's fake.

>> No.14872977
File: 300 KB, 850x1415, SuiseiDinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovely In-Home dinner date with Suisei

>> No.14873265

It was clearly a joke but that didn't stop the geniuses of /vt/ from making conclusions.

>> No.14874029

Google Docs since I find just keeping the tab open and there in case I want to go back and write much more helpful than having the story somewhere I can forget about it.

>> No.14876168

Matsuri time. The reason this fic took so long to write was because I wrote myself into a corner lol but at the same time I think the finished product is pretty good.

Tags: Matsuri, Shota, Abuse


>> No.14876280

NSFW as well.

>> No.14878314

Your grammar could use some work, the first paragraph in particular being kind of rough; a lot of your bigger paragraphs also suffer from it. With the general flow being kind of fucked due to those troubles in tenses and grammar.
The smut itself is pretty good, popped a boner to it; the character stuff beside it... could be better. You need to get better at the emotional and 'feeling' side; even if the physical descriptions are pretty good. Dialogue is a bit bad as well.
You have potential at writing smut. Keep practicing and writing new stuff and you'll surely get better.

>> No.14880939

I knew something felt 'off' while writing thanks for pointing it out.

>> No.14882523

>>has essentially built her persona around a checklist of what will get her the most simps as fast as possible

>have a date with Chloe
>she has to pretend she's her gachikoi-milking persona no matter what
>deliberately doesn't bathe before going to a cafe with you
>eats food she doesn't really like
>throws trash around her previously immaculate apartment
>has to pretend she actually has fetishes that she lied about

there's a writing prompt in this

>> No.14883176

I wanna see chuubas except they’re all muscular men and rip their shirts off like in Yakuza.

>> No.14884833

Okay that has potential, from both a Chloe PoV and an Anon PoV.
The Potential from having the fic be from Chloe's side being the tension from her having to maintain her facade and the internal conflict within her when she fall in love of whether she has to break this persona or embrace it completely.
Meanwhile the Anon PoV sounds like it would be a good fucking bait switch that makes you think it'll be an NTR thing.... but then turn out to be a mystery twist hidden by the fact that the audience thought it would be like an NTR thing.

>> No.14885474

I've actually been working on this prompt since the last time you posted. I just forgot to say something.

It's almost done, sorry for the delay.

>> No.14887618

I just want to see them fighting like they're in a Yakuza game and ripping off their shirts but instead of being big, tall muscular men, they're just themselves but with elaborate tattoos on their backs.
Right before a fight they just rip off their shirts and let their boobies dangle in all their glory and then proceed to have huge catfights.

>> No.14889422

Ayame getting viciously penised by US soldiers on her way to the convenience store to pick up medicine for her sick grandmother.

>> No.14892205

I am deeply excited to see Anon fuck his horny sister Calliope while Kiara goads them on and warms him up.

>> No.14893120

God yes same

>> No.14894866

every time i whack off to fubuki my mind returns to 'remembering how to love her'

ninth nut to the tally

>> No.14895051

You fucking degenerate. That's the most disgusting prompt in months Have a sequel prompt eventually

>> No.14896051

Hot, sticky semen inside Luna's tight, eager pussy.

>> No.14896698

sounds like a fun time

>> No.14896886

Next time try to read the entire post and not only the first row. The only story that's similar to this is the FBK one and that's more about overcoming abuse and not a Harem.

>> No.14896987

nta but your prompt had me fall asleep by the end of the first sentence

at the very least you helped me catch some much-needed zeds, so cheers, my dude

>> No.14897319

Does Luna climax in character?

>> No.14897452

A half-strangled, incredibly passionate "んんんあああああああああ~! " escapes as a torrent of thick baby batter coats every inch of her fertile womb.

>> No.14897564

But the question is now.
Will Luna shape up to become a good mother?

>> No.14902600

do you guys only write lewd fiction?

>> No.14902832

No, there's a decent chunk of SFW stuff too, but the majority of the writers and the Anons here in general are just horny.

>> No.14904910

Like >>14902832 said.

>> No.14905376

I generally require a degree of separation from the author for that sort of thing, so I don't engage with nsfw. It doesn't bother me, though.

>> No.14906252

Alright, well...
I wrote something meme-ish for the /#/ thread, but maybe you guys might enjoy it too.
Here you go -

Part 1 : >>14905563
Part 2 : >>14897911
Part 3 : >>14906163

>> No.14910635

I type it out in notion, but end up using docs to post it here and do any last edits.

>> No.14911202

What is the story behind this, who the fuck is Toya

>> No.14912490

The baby will take after her mother. Expect to do a lot of the work but also see several tender moments of Luna being a genuinely sweet, kind, and caring mother who dotes on her baby like nothing else. Also expect Auntie Pekora to come by a lot and help take care of it.

>> No.14912836

What makes you think Pekora of all people would be the close friend to take care of the baby? She can't even take care of herself, plus she's not that close to Luna.

>> No.14913126

Pekora's love of small children puts either her or Watame at the front lines of "people I work with who could help me with a baby".

>> No.14913237

Pekora likes children, not babies, much less infants. There's a WORLD of difference, but I don't expect you to know that, guessing you probably never made either one laugh. There are much better fits for Holos that would take care of infants and you know very well who they are.

>> No.14914306

Keep your rrats, I'll keep mine, infant
"expert"chama. Protip: you know babies grow INTO kids, right? Calming babies down isn't all that difficult unless you're actively being retarded. More than that,
>Will Luna shape up to become a good mother?
You realize being a mother is a lifelong thing, right? It doesn't just stop magically once the kid hits four.

>> No.14914950

Your words tell me all I need to know. You have no experience on the subject but you're trying to lecture someone who does. Pathetic. I'm sure your fic will do well with all the other NEETs here who were never allowed near an infant though, so don't worry. Write on.

>> No.14915002

Hey writers how does it make you feel that other anons have gotten hard and maybe jerked off to one of your stories?

>> No.14915140

Calm down, PF. Working with children isn't some Herculean task, let alone babies. Granted, it's case by case due to temperament and who knows what else, but if someone could rear you into the easily identifiable dumbass you are nowadays, then I'm sure anyone can. I'm sure you were a 3:30AM attention crier, on top of it.

>> No.14915210

You don't have to keep talking. You should just write.

>> No.14916523

he still is, lol
the medium has just changed, is all

>> No.14916582

someone has said they've jerked off to my stuff several times now
it's flattering i guess, glad it helped that much

>> No.14917033

probably some chuubas too

>> No.14918421

Anon a majority of the smut here is 2nd person anon insert targeted for a male audience. I would be genuinely surprised if there are any chuubas here specifically for that given that the pipeline to getting here involves trying to find chuuba fic not on AO3 due to being dissatisfied with the fics there.

>> No.14921884

Free dopamine.

>> No.14922785

i didn't write that shit for nobody to jerk off to, famalamadingdong

>> No.14924218

>Nene fingerbanged herself to her corruption fic

>> No.14926903


>> No.14927928

I mostly write smut so being told anons have blown their loads to my stories fills me with pride. That's the entire point; if I wanted to tell sad stories with lots of drama or action stories with plenty of fighting and adventure I would do that instead. But I want to tell the reader in vivid detail what Rushia's butthole feels like when you spread it open or describe in detail the taste and texture of Mio's breast milk and countless other degenerate fabrications of my imagination.

I spend a good chunk of time on each story, and being told it's good masturbatory aid makes it feel worth the effort.

>> No.14928091

>Nene starts thinking about how good killing Botan will be.

>> No.14929071

It makes me horny because I imagine myself as the story and I picture a bunch of guys jerking off their hard sweaty cocks standing around me with their bodies glistening with lotion telling me I'm a good slut.

>> No.14929642
File: 2.37 MB, 1849x2500, __oozora_subaru_hololive_drawn_by_narita_tamezou__9f9923d1a4a6f4cc1bba0ef728d73a9a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting on a new story, /wg/, and I'm gonna let you decide: Which Holo gets to lick Subaru's sweaty asshole?

>> No.14929692


>> No.14930328

I want Choco to teach Luna how to do it all the while Subaru is just totally flustered about it. Shame it's sodomy though, I'd read it if wasn't.

>> No.14930469

One of the other Holobirds

>> No.14931796

Gura makes a big display of putting on a cowboy hat in front of (You) and the other girls in EN before attacking you, holding you down, and riding your cock until your pelvis breaks. The entire time she says cowboy phrases and makes horse noises.

>> No.14932743

So Luna, Choco, and at least one other Holo taking turns making out with Subaru's brown kisser?

>> No.14933436

Don't cram it. No need to introduce another Holo into the mix, use the established Choco and Luna only. Too many chuubas and you'll be sacrificing one to make the other.

>> No.14933577

Choco and Luna only is fine. I'm erect already.

>> No.14933832

Makes me think of the time she watched a guy getting his dick cut off.


>> No.14938091 [DELETED] 

Glad you feel that way, because I busted a fat one to A Mouthful of Fox twenty minutes earlier and was debating whether or not to say so.

>> No.14941638 [DELETED] 

Kenmochi Toya from Nijisanji.
He recently announced a company wide Mario Kart collab which had 89k peak viewers.
Today was the penultimate day of the tournament, and the rest of the context you can get from looking at the top 5 rankings.

>> No.14945975 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 850x565, MoonaReineBoob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID double paizuri

>> No.14946902 [DELETED] 
File: 311 KB, 1424x1668, 1629257039401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck's sake. I wanted to write something but I came out blank on ideas so I checked the prompt board and it's all shit. Where do I direct this desire to write short smut into? I've already jerked off and it didn't change...

>> No.14947125 [DELETED] 

Maybe think of your own ideas... or maybe just write out the fantasy you were concocting while jacking off.

>> No.14947249 [DELETED] 

Stop thinking so hard about it, relax a little and something is bound to come to you; you can draw inspiration from almost anything.

>> No.14947588 [DELETED] 

Maybe write about Oga buttfucking you.

>> No.14950155 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 466x659, images (54).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry AA, you'll take over this one for me. Can't publish documents from a phone for some reason so it's thread posting.

After a long day of work, you come home to your "loving" girlfriend. Her name was Aqua and while she wasn't the best, she sure did try.

"Aqua? I'm home." You yell out as you undo your tie, disappointed. You expected her to be at the door to greet you.

"Maybe she is in the kitchen making dinner?" You think, so you go there, only to find the dishes unwashed, a bunch of food outside the fridge and the kitchen floor covered in crumbs. You sigh as you remove your suit and begin to clean up the place. She didn't even take out the trash though you specifically told her to because there was food inside, now it's all full of maggots. "Disgusting... ".

A good 30 minutes go by. Just as you were about done with the cleanup, Aqua walks into the kitchen, wearing headphones and staring at her phone. She looks up, then down, then does a double take and takes off her headphones.

"A-Anon?! I-I didn't know y-you were home... " She trails off, her words barely audible. She was an absolute mess, you could almost smell her from here.

"Just got done doing YOUR chores." You berate her. She just approaches you timidly and tries to hug you.

"You stink! Don't touch me." You push her away.

"S-sorry... " She looks down, sad.

"Did you not take your bath today either? You SAID you would. Aqua, it's been a FUCKING week. How can you even stand being this dirty?"

She was uncomfortable, unsure where to look. She said something but it was so quiet you couldn't even hear it.

"Speak up, I can't hear you. You KNOW i can't hear you when you speak like that, why do you keep doing it?"

"I-... I'm sorry...p-please don't scream at me.." She begins to sniffle quietly. You sigh with a hand on your face holding your temples.

"... Alright, alright. I'm sorry for yelling at you. It's just that... I come home from working like a dog every day and it's always the same thing. I get a bit annoyed, you know I work hard for us, right? I say these things because I love you. Come here." You beckon her over, that she does. You then wrap your hands around her as she continues to sniffle. She was so small her head rested just below your chest.

"You don't have to cry. Let's go take a shower together, I'll help you clean up." She nods into your stomach and walks off to the bathroom. You finish up the kitchen and follow behind her.

Now in the bathroom, you start the hot water to fill up the tub and begin unbuttoning your shirt. Aqua looks away shily. You look at her, just standing there doing nothing.

"You gotta get undressed too, you know?" She just stays there, not really doing anything. You sigh and walk up to her to help her undress. You take off her shirt, then her skirt. She was wearing pink underwear, very bland ones, but her body was seducing enough on its own. You then unhook her bra and tell her to get her underwear off herself as you resume undressing yourself. She lets her bra fall down to the ground, then pulls down her panties to the floor. You don't really pay attention as you unbuckle your belt. Aqua looked like she wanted to say something.

"... What is it, Aqua?" So you ask her.

"Uhm... I-It's... Uhm..." She does this for several seconds.

"Any day now." Instead of words, she just chooses to point at your belt. It takes you a while to guess what she wanted to say, but you got it.

"You want to help me too, huh? Alright. Go ahead." She looked visibly happy as you said that. She walked towards you with a big smile on her face as she began to fumble with your belt.

And she fumbled, and fumbled... and fumbled... You were starting to get inpatient. She couldn't even get your belt off. You push her hands away and just remove it yourself. She looked sad.

"Continue." Now with the belt off, you told her to go on. She nodded, and enthusiastically pulled down your pants all in one go. You heard a rip on the fabric from her forceful tug, both of you did. Aqua looked up to you with the face of someone who knows they messed up. You decided to avoid this headache and not mention it now.

"Don't mind that. Go on." She stared at you, confused.

"What? What is it?"

"Uhm... I-It's just that... all that's left is y-your... " She points at your underwear. She could clearly see the bulge on it.

"What of it? It's nothing you haven't seen before. Come on now, I'm getting cold. You said you wanted to help me, then here it is."

She wanted to say something, but instead she just nodded and grabbed your underwear nervously. Almost as if to prep herself up, she took deep overtly exaggerated breaths before finally pulling it down with her eyes closed.

After a couple seconds, she slowly began to open them only to see your massive raging erection right in her face. She gulped, her eyes fixed on it. This prompted you to pick her tiny body off the floor and enter the bathtub with her in your arms.

>> No.14950914 [DELETED] 

And then they fugged, bigly

>> No.14952341 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 465x659, images (56).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lower yourself into the hot water, letting Aqua down into it as well. You put her on your lap, your member clearly pressing at her butt from behind. Aqua was flustered, she didn't know what to say or do. You simply began to clean her up, running little scoops of water over her head, then applying shampoo and massaging her hair until it foamed up. You scrubbed around her body with soap, making sure to clean her well. Eventually, you sank your hand between her thighs. She clumped them shut on instinct, but as she looked back at your annoyed face, she opened them up again. You scrubbed her inner thighs, then began to run your hand over her slit. You could feel all the muscles of her body tensing up, she was completely stiff, so you stopped.

"If I'm bothering you then you can do it yourself." You lift her up a bit and put her off your lap, opposite from where you were sitting. You start scrubbing yourself with the soap.

Aqua begins rubbing her thighs together as she fumbled in place. She looked like she wanted to say something again but this time you don't indulge her. If she wants to talk, she should just do it.

But she didn't. For the whole 10 minutes of bathing she stayed as quiet as a stone. You finished cleaning yourself so you got out of the tub.

"Ah-... " Aqua raised her hand as if she wanted to grab your hand, but she stopped herself. You gave her a glance and just walked out of the bathroom to go dress up, leaving her behind.

Now in your bed, you sigh. Hungry and tired, now pent up as well. Aqua never initiated the sex, and whenever you did, she was terrible at going along with it. It's not like she hated the sex, she enjoyed it quite a lot in fact, she just did all this for no reason at all and that really annoyed you. Just as you were about to go to the kitchen to fetch some food, Aqua steps out of the bathroom only wearing a towel. She was dripping wet, completely soaking the floor, clearly she rushed out of the bathtub to catch up with you for some reason.

"You're getting the floor wet. What are you doing?"

"Ah..." She turned around and began walking towards the bathroom, but then paused and turned back to you again. She had a nervous but confident look on her face as she dropped the wet towel to the ground with a splat, revealing her naked body. Her large breasts catch your attention, and though you were tired, you became erect again. Aqua could see the bulge on your pants and that made her happy.

"Uhm... I-... I want to..." She mumbled out some inaudible words as she twirled her fingers around.

"I'm not getting off this bed. I'm tired. Do whatever you want to do, I'm not lifting a finger." You rest your hands behind your head and close your eyes for a few moments. You could hear Aqua struggling to decide on what to do next. She was awful at initiating, on the very rare occasions that she did do it. Eventually, she decided to get on the bed between your legs and pulled down your underwear. You opened your eyes once more to see the tiny girl lying naked on the bed with her face just inches away fron your cock. She stood there for a while, just looking. Her hot breath was tickling you, but that was all there was to it. You started to go soft again from her lack of action which made her panic.

Aqua started poking at it with her fingers, flopping it around, trying to get it hard again. She gave it some half assed licks that you could barely feel and to no surprise, it did nothing. You got tired of waiting.

"Fuck this." You got up and pinned her down, holding her by the wrists and staring directly at her face. Aqua looked away for a moment, but then met your gaze once more. You began to kiss her with tongue ,which she returned. She was pretty bad at it but it did not matter, you were erect once more.

"Aqua, hold your breasts together with your arms." You position your cock under them and waits for her to follow your instructions.

Aqua hesitates for a moment but eventually complies. She pushes her large mounds against each other with a deep blush on her face.

"I-is this good?" She looks up at you for confirmation.

"We'll see." And so you stick your cock between them. Her wet skin allowed you to slip in quite easily. Aqua could feel your hot, throbbing member resting between her breasts, the shaft poked out from the other side, staring her right in the face.

"A little tighter... yes, that's good. Perfect. Now hold still." You then pull back, and thrust forward once more. Aqua struggles to keep pressing them together amidst the movement, but as you continued thrusting, she eventually learned how to do it. Your cock slipped in and out of her big tits, loud smacking sounds could be heard whenever you thrusted into them from her still being wet from the shower. Aqua stood there in awe, watching your cock appear and disappear right in front of her face. It wasn't quite enough. The water made it feel too slippery to be enjoyable. It was time for a change of plans.

>> No.14953357 [DELETED] 

"Alright. Suck it." You stopped and pointed at your cock. It took a bit for Aqua to realize what she had to do. She leaned her forward, almost the tip of your cock. Her pink lips opened up slightly, revealing the inside of her mouth.

"That'll do." You knew her blowjobs were terrible as all things she did were, so you decided to take charge by thrusting your cock inside. The feeling of your member against her warm tongue was pretty nice, but she didn't even wrap her lips around it so it didn't really feel like anything more than that.

"If you aren't going to suck it, then I'm doing things my way." You grabbed her head as she gave you a confused look and thrusted all in one go, deep inside her throat. Her muscles clamped up around as she began to choke which only enhanced the experience. You thrusted back and forth, in and out of her sloppy, drooling mouth as she protested by making weird noises and trying to hold your hips. You sigh and stop, pulling out your cock. Aqua started to cough and catch her breath, then she looked at you, a bit startled as she cleaned off she drool from her mouth with her wrists.

"If you don't want to do it then just say, but just so you know, I'm not giving you a third chance." Those words caught her off guard. She began to think on what to do and reluctantly, she opened her mouth with teary eyes and invited you in.

"Good girl." You slammed your cock against her throat once more, impatient from all the times you had to pause. Though not strong enough to hurt her, you pounded away at her face with enough force to make her quite uncomfortable. Tears streaked down her face from how deep your cock went inside, but she began to rub herself awkwardly to it as you fucked her face silly. Her throat was tight and warm, and as you made use of it like your own personal toy, it didn't take long for you to blow your load. With one final thrust, you pulled out your cock and started to stroke it on her face as your hot ropes of cum landed on her face shot after shot. She looked away on reflex, then closed her eyes and just took it in silence. Her face was covered in your thick, sticky sperm, it dripped down her chin and onto her breasts.

"Open your mouth." You told her, and so she did. Some cum drizzled inside into her mouth as she did so, but that was not the point. You inserted your cock back inside and started to rub it on her tongue, wiping off the semen off your shaft and into her mouth.

"There, now it's clean. Good girl." You patted her head.

"Now I'm gonna go get something to eat, so clean up." You threw her the wet towel and got off the bed, leaving her behind.

"B-but... " She opened her eyes to try and talk to you but there was cum on her eyelids and they started to hurt her eyes. She grabbed the towel and frantically started cleaning her face up. You just chuckled and walked away. You didn't plan on leaving her unfucked, but so long as she thought you did, it was enough. Just a little quick break before it, that's all.

>> No.14955216 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 458x670, images (57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a refreshing cup of OJ, you felt a little less tired. You walked into the room only to find Aqua clumsily schlicking her slit whilst she took big whiffs of your shirt you took off before the bath. The imagery was erotic, to say the least. You stood there, watching her do the deed cluelessly. When you began to hear her moans intensifying, you stepped in, making your presence known.


She looked back and immediately got up, trying to hide the shirt behind her back.

"I-I-I... T-that was just..." She had no reason to be embarrassed, really, but for some reason she did.

"Oh don't mind me, keep going. I'm just enjoying the show."

She considered it for a moment, but then shook her head violently to say no.

"Alright then, perhaps you prefer the real deal?" She looks at you shily.


"I... Uhmm..."

"Say it. What do you want?"

"I... I want..." She looked away flustered.

"... Y-you..." Then she pointed at you.

"Yeah? What do you want from me?" You teased. She froze up. You knew she wouldn't say it. In all your 6 months together she never really said anything naughty directly. But...

"... cock..."


"Uhmm... y-your.. c-c-cock. P-please...?"

"Huh.. Would you look at that. Since when did you become such a slut?" You chuckled, she looked a bit hurt.

"That's good. Good girl. You want it, right? So I'll give it to you." You dropped your pants to the ground and walked up to her on the bed. Her gaze shifted towards you as you grabbed her wrists and pinned her down once more. She plopped on the bed with a "pomf" as you leaned into her ear and began to whisper.

"Good girls get their rewards."

You ran your finger across her slit, already wet from her playing with herself. Then, acknowledging that foreplay wasn't needed, you inserted yourself into her cunt. Her warm walls embraced your shaft quite well. Aqua made a little noise as you moved in deeper inside her. Her breathing got heavier, you could feel her heartbeat pumping rapidly through her wrists.

Aqua clamped her hands shut as you slowly inserted yourself even deeper inside her, it didn't take long for you to reach the end. Her tiny body was so small you could only fit in a bit over half your cock inside before having to stop to avoid hurting her. You pulled out, the shaft of your cock scooping out her insides pleasurably.

"You ready?" She made a loud slurp before nodding to confirm. With all in order, you thrusted inside, Aqua let out an odd noise from the sudden movement that which you ignored.

"Here we go." You started swinging your hip back and forth, making sure to be slow as to not hurt her. It wasn't great for you but she always seemed to enjoy it. You wish she did more than just sit still and do nothing but that was just how things were with her. You were used to it. You ran your hands along her soft skin, massaging her plump breasts and caressing her cheeks as you thrusted slowly time after time again. Aqua was making some weird noises akin to moans coupled by some loud slurps from time to time. It was hard getting used to them at first but now you just accepted it. Her pussy wasn't too bad, it was tight enough to feel good, at least but everything else wad unfortunate. Before you knew it, Aqua began to spasm as she screamed out "I-I'm cumming!". She squirted her love juices all over your hips. You paused for a moment, confused. You weren't even close to being done. " Oh well", you continued thrusting forward. Suddenly, Aqua began to laugh out uncontrollably while telling you to stop.

"What is it? Does it hurt?" You were even more confused.

"U-uhmm.. it's just that.. I'm s-sensitive and... I don't think I can do it anymore for now..."

"Really?" You asked, she nodded. Usually, the two of you finished together, so this was an unexpected twist of events.

"You sure I can't go slow? I didn't cum yet. " Aqua ponders it for a moment, you thrust forward a bit which caused her abdomen to contract as she starts laughing and saying "stop" again. She then looks at you and shakes her head. You were visibly disappointed.

"Uhmm... I can... use my mouth again? If you would like?" You sigh.

"No, it's fine. I'm... I'm good."

"A-alright then... I'm gonna go back to playing Apex if that's fine."

"Yeah, go ahead. I'm gonna hit the sack now, I'm pretty tired. Good night, Aqua."

"Night." She strutted out of the bed, a bit concerned and saddened about you. As she left the room and closed the door, you let out a deep sigh. Your erection was starting to hurt, but you weren't in the mood for jerking off.

Before heading to sleep, you check your phone. There was a new message from Shion. You wonder what she wanted this late at night.

As you opened the message, you were greeted by a picture of her standing in front of a mirror fully nude, her private bits covered by heart emojis as well as a message saying "like what you see?".

... You hesitate for a moment.

" Yes"

"Come over tomorrow to see more"


>> No.14955383
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It's not done but I'm not writing part 2 today. Not exactly what I wanted to do, ended up fooling around with Aqua too much and not giving enough annoyance to (You) with Aqua to justify the stuff that's to come. But well, it's good enough. Again, sorry for thread posting but there's no publish function on mobile for some reason so I'm kinda in a bad spot, being away from my PC and all.

Title "Cucking Aqua", tags: NSFW, Aqua, Shion, NTR

>> No.14955511

Oh right, unfinished tag too.

>> No.14957752

Well this starts off strong with some pretty good smut.
I take it this is going to be either a 2 or 3 parter; with the second and third/final part being the shion sex and aqua despairing/shlicking as Anon is stolen away. I take it, given the fact that Aqua has her own pretty large section here, that her despairing like the PoV of a normal NTR doujin is going to be a key part... or am I reading into it too much and you just wanted to make Aqua smut before writing Shion.

>> No.14959696

The smut felt a little rushed oddly enough, but it shows potential.

>> No.14959828
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Sorry for such a long drift. My inspiration has been absolutely shot lately. I may have some other works coming out soon though. I'm almost ready to release the Fallout fic and I'm working on some feelsy stories for Nene and a story with Reine and Moona. So here's hoping I get those out in a reasonable time.

In the meantime, another episode of Building Block Doll:


>> No.14961182

While I really like this story, this chapter fell a bit flat. This chapter starts and ends really quickly, and not much really happens to warrant a complete chapter. Previously, chapters form a session within the nursery, occasionally with a bit of action before or after. However, this time the chapter ends before Suisei has left, and without any real progression to the overall story. It's more like a single scene than a complete chapter, and so it leaves me expecting the story to continue where it doesn't.
TL;DR The chapter ends too early, and it ruins the flow of the story.

>> No.14961304

Damn, I was afraid you'd say that. Alright. I'll work on it then.

>> No.14961822

What kind of situation would result in two guys being naked in a room together with no access to any clothes, completely platonically?
>captcha ADH4D

>> No.14961843

Being two gigantic homos.

>> No.14961935

Being in a sauna.

>> No.14962222

Oga paying a visit to Pekofaggot's slum.

>> No.14962230

Spitroasting your oshi and using her back as a beer table while they talk shit. All platonic of course.

>> No.14962255

that wouldn't be platonic

>> No.14962484

Sports bros finishing up after a game. They took too long to leave the showers, so they get locked in.

>> No.14962657

hittin the gym showers with your bro after smashing out a couple of pb's

>> No.14962735

Nudist beach

>> No.14962885
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My bad, it was 4AM and I kept hitting the character limit. I also didn't really want to write Aqua smut I ended up doing it anyway.

I'm going to be giving this story a complete overall when I pick it back up again, focusing on Aqua being a bad girlfriend and more on the other stuff to come. That would be released as a doc, but this will only happen in January most likely. Phone posting is killing my power level.

>> No.14963271

>Phone posting
I admire your determination but holy shit I have no clue how you can write something like this on a phone.
Also in regards to the 'aqua being a bad girlfriend' part, I think I agree that it does actually need more of that if you want the Shion NTR to feel 'deserved'... aswell as perhaps building on the 'cheating' aspect as well. I think that also needs to get built up before the cheating sex hits in order to provide contrast.

>> No.14965872
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Christmas Sex with Polka

>> No.14965909

I write almost exclusively on my phone. I'm much faster and make fewer mistakes. The only thing that suffers is formatting, since I can't see the desktop version.

>> No.14966552

This, but instead of Christmas it's the anniversary of your break-up and despite the fundamental differences that lead to your separation, neither of you can forget your physical compatability and you end up having angry sex together.

>> No.14966646

There is no fucking way you can write faster on a phone unless your goddamn keyboard is a piano.

>> No.14966723
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Stay motivated. Ganbatte

>> No.14966729

this but instead of angry sex you just angrily beat her up whilst blaming all your problems in life on her leaving

>> No.14966853


>> No.14966875

This but halfway though you start crying about lost time and she stays. Polka's hand patting your head as the pain is aired out.

>> No.14967270

Maybe equivalent or slower, but my overall output is much faster because I mistype less and can type for longer.

>> No.14970984

this but then you have rough, baby-making sex afterwards

>> No.14971367

Writeanon is a women
Will it end with Aqua joining Anon and Shion in a threesome as the cuckqueen she is?

>> No.14971414

this but after the rough baby-making sex you both get together again

>> No.14971564

Rushia tries in vain to bring back her stillborn baby while (you) can only look on in pity and sadness.

>> No.14971612

Write about a Hag raping you.

>> No.14971752

this but she gets pregnant and 8 months later when polkas water breaks and youre going to the hospital, your car gets hit by a truck and she miscarries

>> No.14971883

but then you wake up, it was a nightmare and Polka conforts you telling everything is gonna be allright.
And you live happily ever after.

>> No.14973421

I don't think Aqua will be joining them directly but... she will participate in one form or another.

>> No.14974378

So /wg/, what do you read aside from vtuber smut?

>> No.14974554

vtuber fluff

>> No.14974968

Unironically nothing

>> No.14975684

manga and classical literature

>> No.14976330 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.14976512

I'll show you who's boss of this gym

>> No.14976781

Vtuber fluff
Fanfiction of franchises I've enjoyed
Classical literature evry now and again

>> No.14977740
File: 181 KB, 315x333, migo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Investment newsletters, cybersecurity news articles and other boring oldfag shit. Haven't read for fun in a while, outside of smut when it's time to fap.

>> No.14980234

A few horror/science fiction novels every so often.

>> No.14981386
File: 116 KB, 1206x676, FFXONw2UUA4tvDw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chloe fanfic, fairly short, not particularly lewd, hope you enjoy it.


Haven't written anything in a while, and I think it shows.

>> No.14981563

worth noting however that the character "Sakamata Chloe" portrayed in this fanfic does not necessarily reflect my actual opinion of the employee of Cover corp. "Sakamata Chloe", and "literally her entire persona is fake and now she has to deal with the consequences" is just the prompt

>> No.14984557

A bizarre mix of the classics and genre fiction.

>> No.14985498

Currently juggling between sci-fi (Iain M. Banks), fantasy (Malazan book of fallen) and classic detective fiction (currently Chandler and Hammett)

>> No.14987382

A bit of Mishima recently. Nationalist side of things may actually be seeping into what I'm writing now.

Interesting concept and ending sounds like it could lead to something exciting. There's a few times you slip into present when you're writing in past though like "She's gotten accustomed to...". A few sentences could also use breaks to not lose the idea, such as "She politely refused...prices much." The exposition parts were bit stiff to read, maybe mix in more of the figurative stuff ( I quite liked "A rich and sweet lover she could harpoon could be a safe harbor"). Given this is third person, something like "Yes, I want you to immediately stop." not being written as thought sounds a bit odd, but the meaning wasn't lost. The twist I felt could have been better set up with the man maybe dropping hints he knew Chloe's game during their meeting to get a reaction from her. That said, idea itself was pretty interesting and once it got there was written quite nicely. There's few sentences that you might wanna check over "She drunk her under the table" doesn't seem to make sense, and "She didn't really like the taste" sounds a bit disjointed since it'd been a while since you mentioned any food or drinks.

All that said, I'm glad the orca's getting some fic, especially at this angle. Writing itself had its moments, and any rust would probably go away with just doing it more. Premise and idea were nice as well.

>> No.14990717

This was a really interesting take on the Fake!Chloe rrat. How the fuck have rrats inspired some the most interesting fics here.
Honestly I'd love to see more of your take on Chloe's fake persona, the first part of this fic was the most interesting, and I'd fucking love to see more 'build up' to her house of cards collapsing.

>> No.14991162

It's probably that people here can't actually write the chuubas right but when they adapt the rrat, which is totally OC character, they can go pedal to the metal, all limiters off, and just write.

>> No.14991918

Good Point, I think it may also have something to do with the rrat providing a more solid 'base' to make shit off of since it narrows and condenses the characterization into something easier to write.

>> No.14993261

more vtuber smut

>> No.14994242
File: 501 KB, 735x626, mio1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just read both of the Mio/Ayame unbirthing fics in the archive. One was fap-worthy and one was quite horrifying. I'll leave it up to you as to which was which.

>> No.14995939

Honestly I'm thinking of actually giving the cursed ayame unbirthing fic an actual ending. it's kind of been stuck in my head that seeing this makes me want to give a try in writing out the ending properly without a time limit like I set last time.

>> No.14996256

NTA, but please do! I really want to read how it all ends, and the ending outline you gave sounded absolutely incredible.

>> No.14997335
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>> No.14998797
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Even when it's just random OCs I've never seen before or ever will again I've always found that kind of thing to be kind of distasteful at best and existentially terrifying at worst, selfishly ending another person's life (or warping them unrecognizably, same difference) for your own fleeting sexual pleasure without their consent. Couple that with having them be established characters, especially chuubas played by real people, and lemme tell you that's a fast track to feeling a vague sense of dread and unease for the rest of the night

>> No.15002075

Isn't that the point?

>> No.15003662

Do it.

>> No.15004697

No. YOU do it.

>> No.15005522

I dunno man, I assume there’s people out there that think it’s unironically hot. I just like seeing things go into holes they’re not supposed to and would prefer they come out in one piece once everyone’s had their fill.

>> No.15006540

Ah, an anal enjoyer.

>> No.15006741

>seeing things go into holes they’re not supposed to
The asshole exists as a penis receptacle first and foremost, with waste removal being a secondary concern.

>> No.15006796
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>> No.15007580

Beyond based

>> No.15009658

>"She drunk her under the table" doesn't seem to make sense
Should have been "she drunk him", ez fix.

>"She didn't really like the taste" sounds a bit disjointed since it'd been a while since you mentioned any food or drinks.

I think this is just an issue of me being too subtle. The idea is that she was about to give him a blowjob, the taste of which she abhors. The general implication is that when she was younger, she had to prostitute herself for a living.

>> No.15011773

Vtuber abuse fic.

>> No.15011791
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I didn't realize people this based still hung around /wg/

>> No.15013017
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I love these subtle impactful details that makes your stomach feel weird when you read it and it makes you stop and think for a second about the deeper implications. There's a moment in this visual novel called Kill or Love (free on steam btw) in which your girlfriend who you've been separated by due to a yandere is said to be sucking an old man's cock to be able to live in his apartment rent free because she didn't manage to find a job while trying to save you as well. It was just one or two lines, but it's what cemented the visual novel into my mind as special, though the rest of the game wasn't anything amazing.

In some of my fics, I tried doing something akin to that but I probably failed, or perhaps readers don't care, or maybe they never even read it. Either way I'm still very in love with the concept, even if it's some sort of cheap shock value.

>> No.15013825

Good to know to avoid that one

>> No.15014065

Ok thanks for telling me

>> No.15014547

I want to write a fic where you and a chuuba are on the way back from work but it starts to rain that you both had to take cover at the nearest building, which turns out to be a love hotel. It starts with you being adamant that things won't end up like those unrealistic pornos, but of course it does eventually end up with the two of you fucking like animals. Is this a cliche setting for such stories? Yes. But I want to ask which chuuba do I use in this story this time, so suggestions are welcome.

>> No.15014790


>> No.15015254

This but it turns out she was planning it out the entire time because she wanted it to end up like an unrealistic porno.

>> No.15016540
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silly question

>> No.15016777

Subaru, mainly because I'm reminded of this pic


>> No.15016859


>> No.15016988


>> No.15017159
File: 1.11 MB, 1821x1290, 1640073259589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion and Aqua

>> No.15017350
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This has the socially autistic onion written all over it.

>> No.15020265


>> No.15020284
File: 292 KB, 850x1194, 5489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koyori accidentally gives you an aphrodisiac and resolves to fuck yoh until it leaves your system before anybody finds out about her mistake

>> No.15020425


>> No.15021223

>Insists you uses a condom
>Lubricated with the aphrodisiac

>> No.15022677

I need a fictional single shot grenade launcher from any media, right now I'm writing in the HX25 from killing floor 2, but it's not really iconic so it feels like it lacks the impact. Something compact and handy that fits Ame is what I'm looking for

>> No.15023417

Maybe ask /k/? Except leave the Ame part of it

>> No.15023495

She takes an aphrodisiac too in solidarity.

>> No.15023711

just use the m79 like every game in existence

>> No.15023723

That's the one that gets loaded from the back right?

>> No.15023742

it's break-action, yes

>> No.15023923

Yeah, this problem is probably too technical for here.
This has been my second option, but the scene is Ame receiving iconic weapons from anime and vidya she knows, or should know. So M79 is a bit too generic for that purpose, although I can totally she her opening it up and ejecting the shell like in T2
Anyway, any other suggestions for smallish firearms that's iconic in fiction and possible in a modern setting? So far I have Thompson Contender from Fate/Zero, what else really fits Ame?

>> No.15025262

Her grandfather's Mauser C96.

>> No.15026308

The thing about the M79 is that while it IS generic, it is by far the most iconic single shot grenade launcher in existence and has cemented itself in pop culture as the go to grenade launcher due to it's distinct appearance. It might lack the impact you're looking for but if you're going for iconic then there really is no other option

Also, you can't go wrong with a Desert Eagle if you're looking for a smallish iconic firearm. Loud, brash, and with an imposing profile that's hard to forget, the Desert Eagle is a perfect firearm for someone who wants to give a message of power and authority and look stylish while doing so. It might not be very practical, but who cares when you're shooting someone with 50 AE

>> No.15026361
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Need I even say anything?

>> No.15026434

Isn’t holofan Anon more like Nero though? The grappler beams being his buster arm, summoned swords and his overall attitude?

>> No.15026454

In terms of thematics? I think maybe like something like a Colt Single Action Army or a Winchester Rifle as like something emblematic of "Conquering the Frontier" like her stated motivation from the Ollie miniarc; since it represents the whole conquering the west.
I guess there is also the possibility of grabbing some pseudo future gun to represent her future facing thing.
If you want a link to the foundation SCP-50-AE-J from SCP sounds like it might a fun meme gun... but like it's a bit too much for the story. Even if the desert eagle does kind of work in theme

>> No.15027983

Thump-Thump from Fallout New Vegas is relatively iconic

>> No.15027995

thump-thump is an m79

>> No.15028123

I don't know about any of that but it has a name and shoots only once and you didn't say it so i said it. He wants iconic not some random gun name

>> No.15028159


>> No.15028620

Honestly I think the problem might be whether you want something iconic or just 'named' so it's distinguished.
Though Beside that point I think the gun from Dirty Harry, the S&W Model 29 might be in theme for being 'iconic' and also fitting for the not!detective.

>> No.15028857

Actually, now that I think about it, it would be pretty funny if when Ame gets the M79 she spends a couple moments debating where she first saw it from. Like she first thinks it's the thump-thump from New Vegas, then switches to the grenade launcher from LFD2, then the one from RE8, then the double barrel one from TF2, then the one from T2 and goes on for a while not knowing that it's based on the same gun. It gives it it's impact by showing how far reaching the gun is in pop culture while also alleviating the issue of it's generic status by showcasing how iconic the gun is.

Can't go wrong with the .44 magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world (at the time). A signal of authority, with a streak of rebellion.

>> No.15029030

You could argue that the thump thump is more “random” than the M79, considering the fact that not everyone has played FNV.

>> No.15029156

Fallout NV is one of the most iconic and well loved RPGs of all time. You can't ask for popular names and say "oh someone might have never met a John Smith", obviously that is true but he isn't looking for something everyone knows. I didn't know what an M79 was, does that factor into his choice? Fuck no. You really just want him to use that term because you're a gunfag aren't you?

>> No.15029205

...Did you just quote Ahoy?

>> No.15029336

Damn calm the fuck down, I don’t even know that much about guns, I just never found the thump thump in my playthrough so didn’t know about it. You gotta look at it from other people’s perspectives too, some people might know a lot about guns but not much about games, your opinion isn’t the absolute. Learn to not get so heated so easily.

>> No.15029701

New thread

>> No.15029836

The M79 is arguably the most famous single-shot grenade launcher of all time. So much so that it's pretty much found anywhere a grenade launcher is needed for a game or story. You might not know the name of the gun, but the moment you see it you go "yeah that's a grenade launcher" and go on your way. The Thump-Thump from New Vegas, the GM79 from RE8, the Loch-n-Load from TF2, it doesn't matter what the name is or where you find it, the gun is everywhere the moment you realize its existence.

Yes, Ahoy is incredible and I am unashamed to quote him in his videos of iconic video game guns.

>> No.15029929

I’m not gay but I wanna jerk off to his hot accent

>> No.15030014


>> No.15030049

I don't know what story you're writing but a Derringer fits Ame's theme of a detective or any iconic gun from the 20s for that matter. I think her using a thumper is a little ridiculous but then again I don't know the setting.

>> No.15030211

Pretty sure the iconic grenade launcher and the iconic smallish firearm are two different things he's asking for. Though I gotta agree that a Derringer would suit her perfectly now that I think about it, less of a main gun but perfect for a backup weapon.
Also, pretty sure he's GB Anon

>> No.15030449
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>> No.15030866
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I'm no writer but that prompt inspired me something fierce so here's this, I suppose.

>> No.15030897

fuck, meant to link >>15030806 stupid number codes

>> No.15031307

I haven't watched a single clip of any of the new talents. I only ever heard Laplus's voice. It didn't even register in my mind that people actually watched them so I kept thinking "how the fuck is someone gonna write about her?". I have honestly no clue what personality any of them have (also the lewds are shit)

>> No.15033785

