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1479405 No.1479405 [Reply] [Original]

Pekora is deeply a introvert and most conversations she has with people are basic and simple, her not getting along with Kiara has nothing to do with Kiara, but more with Pekora being so introverted she can only get along with a few people. It's not her being rude and dismissive. She just isn't a people magnet, not a extrovert either.

>> No.1479550

Her and Miko get along fine. She just has her guard up around most people, especially an extroverted gaijin like Kiara.

>> No.1479628

Hence the few people I said. She can get along with Miko and Moona but everyone else is a once in a lifetime chance of getting along

>> No.1479645 [DELETED] 

So as usual, Kiara is being pushing and annoying others?

>> No.1479658

kiaras personality just doesnt mesh well with introverts at all in general
Peko being a MASSIVE introvert that struggles to even send back messages to people that are close to her (i do this shit all the time) makes them just fundamentally incompatible unfortunately

>> No.1479666

No, Pekora only gets along well with Miko and Moona. Has nothing to do with Kiara

>> No.1479697

I guess you missed the part at the end of the Pekora collab where she literally tells Kiara, "Even though this is the first time we've talked, we get along really well"

>> No.1479725

Change the part about her "not getting along with Kiara" to "not getting close with Kiara", and I would agree.

>> No.1479763

Look up her collabs with Marine, they're usually a hoot


>> No.1479774

again with the introvert rrat. There's no way pekora is an introvert.
>but she used to never interact with others in MC
that's because she was stuckup. She has had no problems interacting after realizing how others can be useful stepping stones.

>> No.1479807

Yeah im sure if she felt it didnt go well she would have just said "huh guess we didnt get along" on stream, right, retard?

>> No.1479809
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QRD on the breakup of PekoMiko?

>> No.1479810

Marine did it just fine and even manage to get close someone worse than her like Aqua

The thing is It took years of interaction for Miko and months for Moona and Marine to just gain Pekora's trust and yet kiara hope to achieve that with a short collab??

Kiara is a fake nousagi for failing to understand the most basic fact about Usada Pekora , even pathetic clipwatcher knows that pekora cannot open herself to everyone without long term relationship

>> No.1479831

Miko molested Pekora over Christmas. Being taller of the 2, pekora couldn't fight back.

Simple as.

>> No.1480029

Marine has talked about Pekora so many times and has repeatedly said that she is incredibly shy and lacking in social skills. She relies on Marine/Miko in group settings to stay calm. Otherwise, she uses a standoffish act to avoid interacting more than necessary.

>> No.1480057

Makes sense. Pekora hates being touched and Miko is a very friendly girl. Pekora being a spastic autist caused them to divide.

>> No.1481060

Pekora betrayed Miko when they fought Haachama

>> No.1481087

Pekora hates Aqua, explain why. If she was true introvert she wouldn't hate the person she can relate to

>> No.1481662

She was asking for it

>> No.1481706

Introverts hate each other it's common knowledge.

>> No.1481766

was that not a lie? I recall Kiara mentioning talking shortly with Pekora before back when she was rejected twice when she tried to join Hololive JP.

>> No.1485717

uh yes, we know this...

>> No.1485744


>> No.1487385

Is that why they never collabed again, while Moona got a second one literally less than a month after?

>> No.1487413

Do your NND lore reps. Peko has every right to dislike Aqua to this day

>> No.1487456

One of the best Pekora collabs was her first one with Kanata. She can talk just fine, it's just that Kiara is that unlikeable.

>> No.1488229

Pekora played with Moona dozens of time just with text in minecraft. That helped a lot.

>> No.1488615

This is true.
I hate everyone here.

>> No.1488683

eop faggotry. can you kill yourself right now?

>> No.1488749

No. Either speak up or fuck off.

>> No.1488796

add Marine to that as well

>> No.1489146

Marine gets along with pretty much everyone, I wouldn’t count her as an exception

>> No.1494830

Wait something happened? I thought it was strange that Pekora didn't show up to Miko birthday stream, specially after appearing on Moona's, and probably spending a fuck ton of time rehearsing for Bloom together.

>> No.1500406

I wouldn't even know where to start with that and I don't have the time. Just spill the beans.

>> No.1514884

miko started hitting on pekora's mom and things haven't been the same since. Miko didn't think anything of it at the time but Pekora is very sensitive about these things. Miko apologized but it was too late, it already drove a rift between them

>> No.1515261

Simple as kys

>> No.1515326

>Newfag EOP finally watches enough clips to figure out Pekora is an introvert

>> No.1516046


>> No.1516856

Marine has training dealing with introverts because her sister was so hypersperg she makes the other introverted/autistic holos seem normal in comparison

>> No.1517322

Miko still won and Moona being there doing absolutely nothing is even better.

>> No.1518851

This must be why so many people here hate Kiara.

>> No.1525019

yet she messages the moon for a Collab

>> No.1525932

Anon your rrat is so far removed from reality that it makes you look like a schizo just by saying it. It also shows you have never watched so much as a clip of Pekora or even read a YouTube comment section it is VERY well known even amongst EOP clip niggers.
