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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14739735 No.14739735 [Reply] [Original]

i dont think most the people here even watch vtubers
anyway, nabi appreciation thread

>> No.14739770

you will never be japanese or korean.

>> No.14739817

So what you want is for /vt/ to be deleted and vtubers to be placed back into /jp/?

>> No.14739846

>Kanji Captcha
I remember people requesting this all the way back in 2008 and outside of a one-off joke it never happened.

>> No.14739890

How does that solve the problem of whether anons watch streams?

>> No.14739897

>kanji captcha
Ok anon that's the funniest thing I've read this week

>> No.14739973

Let's start with a legible sentence in english, that would cut the post volume by half and the low quality posts by 90%

>> No.14739991

Legally speaking if you become a citizen of Japan and take Japanese nationality you would legally "be japanese". This is also why Japan is "98% Japanese" because people of non-Yamato racial origins are still able to become Japanese, quite literally, giving the impression of a society which is more homogenous than it actually is (though china, with its large Han speaking minorities who are classified as Han without ever actually being Han, is probably worse about this).

>> No.14740050

People on /a/ don't watch anime, people on /v/ don't play vidya and nobody on /sp/ plays a sport. Why should this board be different?

>> No.14740191


>> No.14740229

Weeb pls... Just stay in your country.

>> No.14740389

Kill yourself and go back to r*ddit.

>> No.14740434

The process of becoming a Japanese citizen without connections, japanese heritage or money is so difficult those 2% might as well all fall into one of those three categories. And even if you do become one, you’ll never be accepted as such as the coypasta says. It’s hard enough to pull it off in a western country.

>> No.14740535

>It’s hard enough to pull it off in a western country.
Shouldn't happen in west either. That kind of larping is always pathetic.

>> No.14740694

>even if you do become one, you’ll never be accepted as such
That happens literally everywhere. Here we don't think of niggers as fellow citizens but as foreigners, even if they've spent 20 years living in this country. Can't accept someone whose ethnicity doesn't match the expected one unless the country is a melting pot.

>> No.14741922

your N5 friends are caliing >>>/jp/

>> No.14742309

>Kanji captcha
Even Japan doesn't use kanji for captcha, you dumb wap.

>> No.14742960

It would be for the best. This is single-handedly the worst decision in the history of 4chan - making a gossip board with zero proactive moderation, and entirely localized moderation at that.
I told them it would end up this way and he never listened. I've been on this site longer than you, you IRC RPing fuck(s).

>> No.14743042


>> No.14743075

Only if you can kill all the doxxfags and the shithead mods over at /jp/ first that still wants the place to be their 2hu jerkoff rug. /vt/ wasn’t created for vtubers, it was created so all of them will fuck off from /jp/ so the lazy assholes over there don’t have to do any work.

>> No.14743110

>just don't even try bro

>> No.14743159

>I've been on this site longer than you
Doesn't change the fact that you are still a faggot

>> No.14743181

This but unironically

>> No.14743702

Yeah but you're the grandmaster faggot, so I win at being the lesser peasant faggot.

>> No.14747229

nabi sex

>> No.14747272

that's a pointless fucking measure but also yes, this board has gotten unbelievably shit. the golden age of vtubers is not coming back, but it was very nice while it lasted.

>> No.14747293

Your thread is this way, fag.

>> No.14747370
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>> No.14747379

Fuck off. Don’t send the schizo to our general.

>> No.14747451
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God damn, weebs are more delusional than GFE schizos.

>> No.14747599

Y'all are schizos anyway. Go fucking kill yourself and take him with you.

>> No.14747646


>> No.14747676

Case in point

>> No.14747688

not even the japanese can read kanji
only 10% of japanese know what is considered basic level kanji

>> No.14747744
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>> No.14747755

>source: my ass

>> No.14747771

>dragging a random general thread that has no part in the discussion into this
Whose the real schizo, I wonder? Don’t use my oshi to shitpost.

>> No.14747797

How the fuck do they read literally anything written in Japanese you fucking troglodyte?

>> No.14747832

for some reason i think you're british

>> No.14747834

Like clockwork. You faggots are so easily baited and all I had to say was "Y'all"

>> No.14747875

>i-it was a joke! i was only pretending!

>> No.14747888

Mori is part of the 2%...

>> No.14747889

Russian (ESL) actually. I'll take that as a compliment, I guess

>> No.14747959
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>I...I was just PRETENDING to be retarded!
Like clockwork.
Katakana, duh

>> No.14747961

It was never a joke. Even /pol/ is harder to bait than this. Y'ALL are schizos and automatically saying reddit proves my point.

>> No.14747971
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Don't worry anon, I still care about (you). Now please kindly kys ;)

>> No.14747988

Dumbass, there's more than just anime in Japan, there are genuine reasons why it's good to go live there, and yes I'm well aware the hell that can be the lifestyle that Japan has that created the whole hikimori in the first place, but that is pain people are wiling to face and deal for living in Japan

>> No.14748034

Not even >
Stop being a newfag

>> No.14748068

You first, fag.

>> No.14748212

Reminder, most JP vtubers are fans of normie content and they share and laugh at normie content, not to mention they most likely hate people like us here in 4chan considering jp has other forums similar to this that garnered toxicity towards them
So yeah your oshi probably hates you and would likely go to reddit and laugh at the simplest things
>inb4 keep coping

>> No.14748216

See >>14747961

>> No.14748283

Ever since the tattoo happened... I became unable of Gosling her anymore...
I'm a anti of Nabi now because of it, and it's entirely her fault.

>> No.14748326

You've lost your mind

>> No.14748376

Don't you FUCKING dare

>> No.14748394

Your ass don’t even know about a quarter about Japanese culture so don’t go talking like you can fit in just because you learned your shit from chinese may may. For example, do you know how many prefectures there are? The type of environments outside of Japan, the main exports and imports as well as agriculture based on different regions? Do you know why people from Kansai is so different from Kanto and that while every stupid millennial might love Tokyo, every other person outside of the metropolis areas hate that place since its such a main focus for all you stupid tourist that its draining money away from all the other towns whose been there for hundreds and hundreds of years, their traditions being destroyed by asshole weebs like you. You don’t jackshit about how its like to live there so fuck off with this shit. You don’t want to live in Japan, you just want to live in Tokyo and you could careless about the other parts of the country no matter how important they are. Otherwise you would put specifically where you want to live in said Japan.
Come to Hokkaido where its snowing 7/12 months and everything is cold as balls and there are fucking wildbears and wolves roaming around outside of towns, where we still use firepits as heaters and our roads freeze so bad cars are discourage despite the closest city area being a 3 hour drive.

>> No.14748610

you will never be american unless your skin is red
now KNEEL to natives and niggers

>> No.14748624

That's my point, my ass may not know everything about japan, but a. The topic wasn't solely about me going there, it's about the people that know more about me and are willing to sacrifice stuff they know will leave or "erase" just to go live there and work there and b. Even if I don't know everything doesn't mean I'll keep not knowing a lot
I'm willing to learn and so are other people who want to live there and become genuine people of the world of Japan
Also yes, I've faced worst winters in the USA I'll gladly do it again in Japan and take up a notch if necessary, and again so are other people who has lived in even colder regions that want to live in Japan

>> No.14748953

I hope you know that many of the “places to live” in said region and towns are houses made years and years ago. In otherwords, wooden homes. Many places in other prefecture haven’t gone through a restoration solely because cultural importance is a play a very large part in these towns and why more modern technology don’t exist the further away you get from the bigger cities. Also most Japanese people, especially the old foogies, hate nuclear energy with a passion so electricity is limited in a lot of these places. Living outside of Tokyo and the general more populace Honsu area is basically living in the boonies by most standard of the kids and it sucks so much ass since even connivence stores and vending machines become something of a special commodity.

>> No.14749003

Poor japs don't deserve all these weeaboos trying to live there.

>> No.14749123

>he thinks those problems are unique to the nips

>> No.14749436

How dare people not consume anime and manga raw is what you're essentially arguing. It doesn't even solve the problem of whether people watch chuubas or not.

>> No.14751451

This is very true. Retards on here think this shithole is the majority of the fanbase for western vtubers, and the retards that even know about 5ch think the same.
These looney-bins aren't even close to the majority of the fanbases for vtubers.
Despite me saying that they should go back to /jp/, they are unironically not even close to otaku interests at all, most of them are normalfag as fuck.

>> No.14751738

If only we managed to nuke the entirety of South East Asia, this place may be more manageable.

>> No.14751878

Show proof. Too many anons allude to living there.

>> No.14752146


>> No.14752311

Yep it would fix this board overnight.
Fuck do it for the whole site and it might be usable again for it's intended purpose, yeah but Hiro will NEVER do it cus muh ads.
Think of the advertisers anon Hiro needs muhney who will watch the ads if 90% of all the cancer and reddit that's here to shitpost about american politics is gone?

This whole site is as dead as the Simpsons.
And it died precisely when Moot left.

>> No.14752322

Cool, I’ll stay in Tokyo’s walled garden then and dump some more money there. Those living standards that you described are unacceptable for a first world country in 2021.

>> No.14754853

That's actually a very good idea and also funny to imagine EOP's struggling to fill the correct captcha.

>> No.14755427

>I've been on this site longer than you
Imagine being proud about being in Indonesian pagpag website longer then most people. I almost feel bad for you

>> No.14756176


>> No.14757570

Was commented by a lovely person in a stream I was watching recently. If you look into it even a little bit you'd know that even if you were a citizen if you have an accent and no slant eyes, a natural hair colour other than black you will NEVER be accepted by the Japanese. You may make friends but there is this racist undercurrent in Japanese culture that makes them believe that anyone who isn't Japanese has special needs and should be treated like a retarded child. They're also tremendously ignorant about countries outside of Japan. One time when I recommended to a Japanese person that a hot water bottle helps with stomach cramps/period pain they responded with shock! They were flabbergasted that such a complicated and amazing technology such as the fucking HOT WATER BOTTLE existed outside of Japan.

Basically, there are nice Japanese people but Japanese people are not nice. Do your reps, watch the streams, don't move in Japan, you're not wanted.

>> No.14757635

only zhangs are gonna be able to post after that..

>> No.14757715

Nabi is the worst Korean illustrator out there, her art sucks. Should have hired Kim Jung Gi to design Ame instead.

>> No.14758058

when is her next daughter rolling out?

>> No.14758106

n5 only please

>> No.14758165
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kanji captcha? No thanks, who would i post.

>> No.14758220

Most Japanese people, especially the older ones, can tell you are a non-japanese from a mile away too, no matter how closely asian you look to them and how much you try to blend in with accent. This is because a lot of places in Japan people live in such close and small proximity that the community becomes something of a private group. Forget being look down on if you’re not Japanese, if you’re not part of the prefecture or said community they will shit on you hard. People don’t know that Japanese tribalism is one pf the strongest and oldest in the history of Asia since back then, Japan was separated for hundreds and hundreds of years before finally being unified by force. I speak of this from experience as someone who lived in varies parts of the country for years now. If you want to live in Japan, just stop expecting any acceptance from the said Japanese because its a fools errand.

>> No.14758397

Yeah, you should probably do your reps EOP.

>> No.14758435

If you want people to accept you, you have to accept them first. I seen people like you before, you always complain and doesn't want to put effort in building a relationship, you always expect others to bow to you and treat you like god. Fuck you dude.

>> No.14759714 [SPOILER] 
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> you always expect others to bow to you and treat you like god.
Not really. Yeah when I was younger there was feelings of just wanting to treated the same as everyone else but it never worked out since there's always someone who can tell that you're a fake. It hurts the most when you say hello and they turn and look at you at complete confusion, or when the people are being "nice" and try to praise you for doing so well like a toddler learning to finally not crap his pant. But you do learn to get over it eventually. Just stop chancing for complete acceptance and live as you like and be happy.
For proof, I'll add something here from my time. Of course, whether people believe or not is whatever since no way am I going expose myself. It should probably be easy to guess where this place is for you burgerlanders even with all the edits.
