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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14729792 No.14729792 [Reply] [Original]

Why are most vtubers bisexual or lesbian? It's not even yuri eigyou shit. Most of them are unironically attracted to females. Don't normal girls exist in Japan?

>> No.14729870 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14729894

Girls are better than abusive boys, most boys are abusive.
It's not rocket science anon desu.

>> No.14729925

So does this mean Millie is micro or the only fem

>> No.14729971

girls are hot anon.
also whats normal is already a cultural thing so add on to the fact that japan is already a different culture and what you call normal isnt the same normal for japan.
i dont know anon woman are pretty abusive too, they just get away with it more.

>> No.14729974

They're sexually starved hags

>> No.14730013

Its more of a case that a lot of vtubers are millennials or younger and a lot of millennials and gen z are bi sexual and open about it. Theres good reason to believe just as many bisexual people were born in previous generations but it's become less of a social stigma so more people are open about it

>> No.14730037

Being gay is a mental disorder
You would need to have a mental disorder to want to become a vtuber

Ita only natural

>> No.14730052

think before you post, anon

>> No.14730055

I really didn't expect NijiEN to get their own penis chart.

>> No.14730060

Overrepresented among otaku is all. It's like how every 3rd speedrunner is trans. If a Japanese viewer were to watch AGDQ he would come to the conclusion that America is full of trannies rather than the like .1% of the population they actually are.

>> No.14730075

A fist to the face and manipulation is harder to forgive than manipulation alone

>> No.14730283

are you saying abusive women dont pull hair out and scratch with their nails?
a fist to the face is bad but so is the shit random jane throws out in a fight.
plus mental damage is a lot harder to heal then physical damage.
of course my point isnt to say woman are worse then men when it comes to abuse, both genders are capable of being equally abusive

>> No.14730360

My best buddy was fucked up for years from an abusive relationship. Guy was 6'2 and could have easily suplexed this bitch but she had a weird power over him through physical abuse. Shit's weird. Never had a woman I loved hit me and I don't know how I'd react. Probably best to just leave immediately.

>> No.14730526

1. A lot of them just pretend or heavily exaggerate because it's part of the job to yuribait
2. Niche otaku hobbies attract weird people, lesbians are weird. Not exactly a 1:1 comparison, but look at how 99% of furries are faggots.
3. The vast majority of women are a little bit. Even has actual hets, it seems extremely common for them to find their own gender sexy (potentially, anyway).

>> No.14730529

>both genders are capable of being equally abusive
Yeah but it's often men who channel their abusive tendencies because how culture promotes toxic masculinity

>> No.14730533

Because most people are some kind of bisexual probably and's more socially acceptable for girls to admit it.

It also lets them show off their slutty and lusty sides that otaku really want to see, but without the fear and dread an actual man brings. The moment they think they're going to beck cuckolded by their fake anime girl waifu, they lose their shit and start mailing dead squirrels to their houses.

>> No.14730596

As far as 3. goes, I read a kinsey study that claimed the opposite. Women were more likely to be hard hetero or gay and men were more likely to occupy the middle of the spectrum. Not a lot of research in this area though.

>> No.14730652

Because they're afraid of losing gachikoi if they collab with males

>> No.14730653

Makes no sense considering women can freely sexualize, compliment, and touch each other and be het, meanwhile men do not.

>> No.14730666

A weeb co-worker of mine has a boyfriend but she also ranted to me about how hot Lilithmon was.

>> No.14730688

Historically, men did. But we've become more insecure about that in modernity. Christianity played a big role. In pre-christian societies homo behavior seems to be extremely common with men. With women? Maybe it happened but it's barely attested.

>> No.14730712

When veibae starts talking about her love for dick the weebs have a breakdown. The reality is that weebs can't handle female sexuality.
So many vtubers pretend to be lesbian. Only a few (kiara) really are.

>> No.14730725

Everyone loves boobs, simple as that

>> No.14730726

This is their way of coping over the fact that only my oshi gets to enjoy my dick.

>> No.14730734


>> No.14730797

You mistake my words, women can seem homo from the outside but still be very much heterosexual. Men do not, even in history acting a "little homo" = fucking the town lad with your cavalry men.

>> No.14730806

t. virgin

>> No.14730808

Why am I turned on?

>> No.14730825

My big brained take is that women often do that to attract men. This one of a couple factors behind "college lesbians" who later go on to never experiment with women again. And the famous stereotype of the "bisexual" woman who's dating history is nearly entirely men and who will usually go on to marry a man and have a standard hetero family.

We have at least one hobby where we know this works, vtubing.

>> No.14730846
File: 494 KB, 630x1003, 55439618-6FB7-4645-AF08-334D5EE83E88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the one hand I don’t watch nijis, but on the other I’m a massive futafag….

>> No.14730855

>he only watch H*ololive.
Serve you right for watching trash.

>> No.14731234

They're not. What they actually are is more or less normally healthy women with sex drives to match who aren't allowed to interact sexually with men, either contractually or from the knowledge that 90% of their target audience will disappear at the first whiff of cuckoldry. Flirting with and/or fucking their fellow chuubas is their only safe recourse.

>> No.14731378


>> No.14731400

Straight women are simply much less likely to develop the hobbies and interests that lead to vtubing. Hard to vtube when you're raising kids

>> No.14731425

Maybe hololivers are all deviant lolicon menheras but streamers in nijisanji aren't like that.

>> No.14731434

The OP image literally comes from a stream of Niji shotacons UOOOHing

>> No.14731449

Same reason most male ballet dancers are gay. If your job involves enjoying a certain type of (self) presentation you're likely to be biased towards the same sex.
Why would you be playing an anime girl on the internet if you're not into anime girls to some degree?

>> No.14731464

because what? sorry i don't speak retard

>> No.14731468

it's just their character anon, other idols do that too.
there were a lot of lesbian pairings in AKB back then but now they're pregnant..

>> No.14731504

Rindou in the OP image has talked about having casual sex with men. Gundou has talked about sex with men but who knows with her. Utako legitimately talks about using a dating app to find a husband because she's reaching desperation age. Ange is ange...

>> No.14731513

>he doesn't know

>> No.14731529

Because, deep down, you want to see it, you degenerate. Also, they want simp-money.

>> No.14731587

>most boys are abusive.
Tell me you're a midwit without actually telling me you're a midwit.

>> No.14731613

Women are usually more beautiful, and humans find beauty to be attractive. Imagine posting a bait thread over such a simple concept. Your testosterone level must be that of a frail necromancer.

>> No.14731623

Okay abuser

>> No.14731632

Try not to get turned on, because I won't sleep with you.

>> No.14731667

Rindou and gundou are bi

>> No.14731744

They weren't born that way, brains are flexible and can learn tons of fetishes.

>> No.14731827

Both men and women are more likely to be abused if their partner is a woman. Relationships between two men have the lowest rate of abuse while lesbian couples have the highest
That said, in heterosexual couples women are more likely to suffer abuse than men, but men in a hetero relationship are more likely to be abused than gay men and women in a hetero relationship are less likely to be abused than lesbians

>> No.14731871


>> No.14731878
File: 132 KB, 269x357, Screencap27001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Utako the type of person who wouldn't mind fooling around with women but refuses to go further than that? Based on the small bits and pieces of information I've heard about her, she seems strictly into men (in more ways than one) only.

>> No.14731900

>That said, in heterosexual couples women are more likely to suffer abuse than men...
You mean men are more likely to be punished for it. Women still overwhelmingly initiate violence in a relationship.

>> No.14731963
File: 320 KB, 420x420, 0989786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit when i told some retarded schizo to go make a bait thread about gay (not really gay) Vtubers. In a marine post today i did not think the retarded /lgbt/ schizo would really do it. Omega kek !

>> No.14731964

She is mostly into shotas.
In that OP Pic related stream gundou and mitoko were the only ones actively molesting other girls and they are openly bisexual.

>> No.14731978

i mean your argument can also applies to straights since sexuality is a human concept applied to how things decide who to fuck each other with their reproductive organs.
bonobo's social structure is based on fucking each other.

>> No.14732055

She's honestly the most normal one in skb-bu.

>> No.14732102

She is the most het in SKB-bu. Gundou has kissed women, meanwhile Utako would only ever kiss a shota or a man who is sad enough to marry her.

>> No.14732117

>or a man who is sad enough to marry her.

>> No.14732172

Stop yelling at me and get on those JP dating apps with a VPN, she loves EOPs. She is the ONLY JP liver to post her own subbed video skits for EOP friends, regularly.

>> No.14732219


>> No.14732315

I just want to fuck rindou. She got some moves and a really flexible body.

>> No.14732349

Are you prepared to surrender your asshole to her?

>> No.14732367

Looking more into it, it seems like you're right anon
It's worse than I thought then

>> No.14732379

Which one? My mouth asshole? My asshole asshole? My penile asshole?

>> No.14732493

Is she a tranny?

>> No.14732589

She would probably fuck anything that complimented her in real life
She lives alone, far from friends, and used to struggle to take care of herself to the point of fainting at home, all alone, and the doctor told her if she fainted again she could have been unable to get up. It was a wake-up call.

>> No.14732697

Gundou/Rindou are noisy normalfags
Ange/Utako feel like introverts

>> No.14732789

>toxic masculinity
Literally no such thing

>> No.14732827

>kinsey study
The Kinsey scale is a bunch of pseudo-science though, to /x/ with that shit

>> No.14732867

Only Gundou is

>> No.14732898

I'm damn sure rindou said she likes girls too. Her fetishes are like that too.

>> No.14732951

toxic masculinity exist and so does toxic femininity but yeah anons use of it here isnt great.
but it does exist, "be a man" type of thought that requires guys to repress their emotion or else theyre lesser is toxic.

>> No.14733045

No, it doesn't exist. It's a made up pseudo-term created in the last few years, in an attempt to copy "original sin" from religion. It's a meaningless term.

>> No.14733050

>but it does exist
It literally doesn't. There are toxic people and toxic behaviors.
>be a man" type of thought that requires guys to repress their emotion
Never in my life I've met anyone who genuinely thinks like that, and I live in a fairly conservative country.
That being said, there has to be a middle ground between "repressing" your emotions and emotional incontinence that runs rampart these days.

>> No.14733359

No one likes emotional men. They just want men who are talented and witty.

>> No.14733404

a bunch of 'straight' men unable to understand someone liking women. fucking faggots

>> No.14733694

I don't understand why I like women. But it's obvious why straight women like men because men are more interesting, smart and successful. Men have more empathy. Men are more caring and selfless. Cocks are beautiful.

>> No.14733785

A man's body is aesthetic as fuck

>> No.14733810

Why would men be interested in UFC (half naked men touching each other) if they’re not all closet faggots?

>> No.14733830

>Why are most vtubers bisexual or lesbian?
At least pretend to be. They need to deflect the annoying attention of males.

>> No.14733924

>girl has a low-pitched voice
>anons assume she must be a tranny
Every single time, like a clockwork

Gundou literally talked about her experience with going to lesbian bars.

>> No.14733979

She also walks like a man. Man tier fetishes.

>> No.14734011
File: 423 KB, 1920x1080, 1628020347454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't know what kinda EOPs she's hoping to attract with those videos
but I'm thinking based

>> No.14734057

Is there an archived version of this infamous 3D stream?

>> No.14734091

On nyaa just search skb部

>> No.14734161

Thanks anon

>> No.14734272

Literally nobody in the history of the world has ever cared about a woman being bi.
If anything, it's historically made women more attractive since it increases the possibilities of the number one male "fetish", threesome.

>> No.14734331

>since it increases the possibilities of the number one male "fetish"
Any actual data to back up this statement? Because I'm fairly sure the reality is extremely different from porn doujins

>> No.14734377

Oh boy this shit is almost porn

>> No.14734598

True. If I get to pick between staying in a room with a cute girl or a man. I'd pick the cute girl. I'm not even woman.

>> No.14735133

Adding to anon’s information, her stated goal as an alchemist is creating a boyfriend homunculus.

>> No.14735183

Pretty sure for the vast majority of people out there, a threesome (or foursome, or fivesome, etc) would be an extremely awkward experience. Some things really do work best as a fantasy

>> No.14735217

there is no toxic masculinity because there is no non-toxic masculinity

>> No.14735238

dilate tranny

>> No.14735687

Get off Twitter and learn how to live in the real world
